i agree with the sentiment.
i must disagree with the stupid.
need i remind you, of your own damn memory, of how we got here in the first place? those, who stay cucked, especially if they choose to remain loyal dogs "because it's easier, and lower energy, and feels better than the truth, and doesn't upset their pussy bribes stolen from themselves and sold back at interest no less", will absolutely hand over any wealth you give right straight back into niggerdom ten times faster than your head can spin.
i will not budge on this position. fuck that user over there, fuck this user over here, fuck that fuck this, fuck everything – DO NOT DO WHAT DOES NOT WORK. period. you already know this. you already know it. let me just remind you of what happened, what happens, what will happen, and what has not changed: the mathematical reality that brought us here is still math and still here.
it is a fine line. but you will make it worse. and you will make dependents. and those dependents will do the only thing they know how to do: consumption. that their consumption is more efficient and less needy changes nothing of its poz. they walked a path that brought them their castles, and then commit every last action against that very path, and refuse to acknowledge.
if there's no answer, then there's no answer. not likely anyone home, if they don't keep their own light lit. that part – THAT part – can only be re-lit by victorious white sons. and that part will be betrayed, and you must minimize that betrayal.
yes, commit assistance, commit community. but for the love of god and all things holy, do not expect not to lose iterative repetitive disloyal loss. and you will minimize the loss by giving little, and at that, giving only yours.
no cucks.
they must choose. all most choose. we will not repeat the failures of the 'chosen', nor their fucktard mentalities, just because the 'chosen' are good at lying when every one else is required to tell the truth. truth, that the entropy-ridden do not have the ableness to even connect-the-dots, that they misconstrue as skill, when all others, who are able enough to attain truth's expenses, willingly choose not to frame their existence in the poverty of liars.
i may not be doing the best here at explaining all this, but please accept these words as assurance. there are reasons why we are here, one subset of which this touches close enough to, and none of which any one here will allow to be forgotten.