Valve getting sued because she got triggered
Valve getting sued because she got triggered
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That's not even wrong grammatically, 'it' is a singular gender neutral pronoun.
good. they let the cancer in willingly now they should pay the consequences.
Trannies suing Valve is pretty good honestly. It gives me a prejudice against these people, making it harder for them to become complete SJWs.
If Valve went full social justice I doubt there would be any hope left for the industry.
*It gives them
Trannies area ruining the western video game industry almost as badly as they did to America comics and western animations
So wast it a dude before changing into woman, or the vice versa?
Also post cool armor.
Either two things are going to happen
Valve will clear out the bullshit, become redpilled
Crumple under SocJus law.
I really hope its the first. Steam, despite the repeated horrible business practices, is rather convenient, and I'd hate for games to start being removed from the market for being 'problematic.'
That can't be real.
Most likely the former, FTM trannies are rather rare.
The only images of armour I have on my computer are porn, so no. I won't.
And it will have no audio recordings or witnesses to testify with.
And will probably get nothing because Volvo has enough money to turn it's case into a war of attrition. And after it gets defeated in court Volvo will make it their slave until it can pay back the $20 mil in lawyer fees it owes them
It's real, user, this is the future we're now living in.
sounds kinda familiar
why aren't we putting all trannies into a insane asylum.
leave him alone you guys :(
Valve brought this to themselves for the kind of people they're hiring: Millenials.
Are you actually talking about porn of the armor it self or women in armor? Now you gotta post some of it.
either way i'm intrigued as well.
That sounds like /clang/ and /furry/ had a baby
Post yfw you might be lucky enough to live to see the day Valve goes bankrupt.
underage get out
user, if valve ever enters into serious financial straights, you'll likely have a hell of a lot more pressing things to worry about.
I hate Mark so much for inviting reddit here.
Holy shit contrarian, how will Valve, a denuvo-ridden company, go bankrupt while holding a monopoly on normalfags and their PC gaming?
You might be an attention whorimg faggot, but I love you user.
Bannerlord when?
You can't tease that shit and not post it.
Say goodbye to your Steam games, fuckos
Taleworld deserves every penny for releasing off their own website without DRM cancer.
There's nothing wrong with admiring perfection, user
Jesus Christ this place went to shit
Get back to work Gabe.
Why is it that every fucking mentally ill retard thinks the world is required to treat them with kid gloves the second they decide to chop off their dick and put on a dress?
that was hotwheels, blessed be his name, you fucking faggot.
Useful idiot if they can hurt Valve in some way.
OP here, those guys were obviously shitposting and don't actually hold those opinions
user, I don't care for steam, but suggesting that a company that has cornered the digital publishing market is going to sink because of a lawsuit like this is beyond wishful thinking.
I'm also excited for bannerlord. It's time to change the course of history, user. We can end the butterlord's terrible reign long before it ever begins.
i hope that user was bullied
December of 2014
Lurk moar, faget
odd that it took 2 years for the cancer to start spreading
but okay then
Holla Forums has been fucking shit for two years though
well wait if its been shit for two straight years,
why the fuck are any of you still here?
because everywhere is even more shit, user
Do you want to go to cuckchan or reddit then? Tell us your alternative.
How many lawsuits does Valve have at the moment?
One in Aussie for terrible customer service
One in Europe for the leak
and this
i know.
i just.
i just wanted some closure
Damn F2P games sure make money
Free to play, pay to win
Know that story, user.
Half Life 3 never
Why do you think Valve doesn't actually DO anything anymore?
They hired on an economist and lost their only real writer, that should tell you everything you need to know.
So is it porn of the armor it self
Plz show
oh the one thing i believe in at this rate is half life 3. the constant "leaks" and shit happening for the past 3 years has convinced me naturaly.
3 million is a little bit.
If I was a mind burned tranny, I would crank it up to 15 MILLION.
It would make me big money, THAT I promise you!
It's quite amazing how entitled these trannies are. It's like some race supremacist demanding that he's called by a higher title because he believes himself to be superior. It's delusional.
Not everyone has to cave in to your delusions. Believing yourself to be of the opposite sex (still) is even recognised in the psychology manuals used for a diagnosis to be a mental illness.
The only reason why they'd used your "proper pronoun" is because
1. you genuinely look like a woman, so they believe you are (unlikely)
2. to be polite and not upset you (most likely)
3. they believe in "trans rights" and think believing yourself to be of the opposite sex truly makes you that
Really, getting called by your "proper pronoun" is a privilege, not a right. If you look like some freak like pic related I can't blame anyone for not calling you a "she". It'd pretty much be an insult to women everywhere.
Is it qt knight grils? Living armour? I'm on the edge of my seat.
It's burly men made of metal pounding each others anuses.
Just as good.
You hit the problem right in the prostate!
Ok seriously I don't care how insecure you are, you gotta come back and post this now.
Oh, sorry. I went off to do something.
Here's an example of some of it. It's nothing that strange.
well that was underwhelming
Hopefully that nigger is gone now.
Holla Forums has been shit since then
If you haven't seen that it's for 2 reasons:
You are a newfag
You are cancer
I fucking knew there would be some Roly in there.
well i guess i can't see it because im not an autistic spastic who sits on shit threads and gets angry at all the other autists engaging in said shit thread then continues to complain about how shitty the entire board is because of one shitty thread said person cannot just ignore
..yeah i don't know.
I don't know what you were expecting, mate.
post more.
might as well spank the dank tank.
because a 90s social movement forced reclassification of known mental disorders to normal behavior
I see more good than bad, and I'm not a mental defect, so I compartmentalize and enjoy myself. place is still fun.
Well I didn't quite know what to expect.
Oh well.
Is she down for getting SHREKED?
Mate, I'll get b& for porn dumping if I do that.
A lot of that craziness comes from their operations, those hormones seriously fuck with your head.
I'm more curious about the 3.1 million dollar figure.
I mean, let's assume absolute worst case and that they are justified in their law suit and they were fired for their complaint. Now, why does that entitle you to 3 million dollars exactly?
I'll honestly never understand American law
Because they go big or go home.
You obviously want to go to as high value as possible, but cranking it up reduces your chances at winning exponentially. It's reasonably easy to win low valued suit, if the tranny asked for like $50000 settlement the Valve would have probably just agreed and it will never have to deal with the sicko again. But of course the fucker is greedy, and consulted a lawyer to establish what's the biggest number that still holds good chances to win in court. Not that I believe for a second that they win, if they start this bullshit it only means war, and going on a principle is more important than any other considerations.
Lawyers get more if they win more.
don't lawyers also win if they get advertised by televised media?
I really hope its not the first. Redpill normally is just other different kind of bullshit. With that said this type of stuff is why companies wont hire transsexuals, why risk a lawsuit because someones feeling got hurt when there are other plenty of people.
Lawyers win no matter what
Tranny should eat a bowl of faggot shit, I bet it came out with the fucking idea of adding hats to tf2.
And this is why you should never hire the mentaly ill
Thats another whole different issue. The laws are weird when it comes to suing.
that was actually Robin's idea
Well, fuck him and Batman too.
case keys
>be degenerate tranny
>can usually get away with it because tranny privilege and often cite my reasoning as "who cares lol it's a fucking word"
I wish I was black though I'd love to be immune to accusations of racism
whoever thought of the TF2 shit was a fucking genius, I think of them more as Oppenheimer rather than some retard. Sure they have singlehandedly done an absurd amount of damage to the industry, but if their goal was making money they succeeded. The only retards here are the consumers.
all of the Polygon comments are cheering it on because "being called 'it' is sexual harassment"
just imagine if everyone not political hot-button special snowflakes sued for millions every time they're called something they object to.
and let's be real, it probably never happened.
Wouldn't that be samurai pizza cats? I think that might be Samurai Pizza Cats. Or those two robot cats from Swat Cats.
The /clang/ part I can see, but where does furshit come into this?
>someone is using my shitty edit
should have made it better
← also related
Next time they won't hire people that are mentally ill.
This is what happens when you tolerate cultists in your midst. Sooner or later, they'll try to burn you at the stake for not believing hard enough.
this is the price you pay for muh diversity
She/He/it or S/H/It for short is now the universal pronoun to be used for everyone.
Welcome to the current year, where you either are on the right side of history or on the wrong hill to die on.
Is Roly the artist's name or is it shorthand for something else?
But diversity is your greatest strength goy.
Not the way they're going on about it.
The FFXI warrior armor was pretty stupid.
but none of those games offer absolutely any in-game advantage whatsoever for cash, it's just skins and soundpacks.
Roly is the artist's name, but you don't wanna look him up. He draws a lot of gross overweight furry porn.
So since >she was working from home in California despite Valve being in Washington, does that fall under CA's or WA's jurisdiction? I assume that, since Microsoft is in WA, their laws are slanted pro-corporation, ignoring federal laws, which the tranny's lawyers will probably try to focus on, but California's laws are also fucking retarded. Also, pic related.
Did they release any names? One of the people still working on TF2 is a tranny ponyfag, they've been the main person for communication between the competitive community and Valve itself
Mean words and/or hurt feelings are not worth 3.1 million dollars. Ever. Even if it were anything at all I don't know why Valve should pay and not the people who made the comments?
Suing seems like such weird of a process at times. It's not really a thing in my country, certainly not at American levels.
Jack is absolutely magical.
balls too
You're a gigantic faggot. Go away.
Any sensible judge would laugh "her" out of the courtroom
What else did they expect when they hired someone with a mental illness.
They should have dropped him right then and there.
Did it make a new one or is that just an old victim video ?
Are those clips in there really related or is the creature just retarded ?
Did Polygon not report the part where she tattled about there being unpaid young translators working there, and Valve didn't like that?
please use
Go archive it yourselves.
user I know your don't view trannies as people but you're confusing me when you trying to avoid using 'her/she' the way that you've done. At least use 'him/he' so you can speak normally.
Truthfully it's a man, but are we really going to argue about fucking pronouns ?
And thats what happens when you hire mentally ill people with a victim complex. They're not there to work, they're there to find a reason to sue the company.
If the creature wants to win, "using wrong pronouns" makes for a very weak case. Have to be heftier than that, clear violations of the law.
I'm not arguing about pronouns. I can't fucking understand what you're saying because you're so desperately trying to avoid them all together. Spake anglish plose.
Also a redditor apparently so there's like a 50/50 chance they're some Holla Forums wannabe here because it's election season (the kind that shat up the entire site around 2012 on 4chan) or they're just fishing for replies by listing off any buzzword for "outsider" they can think of
You complain about Valve using free workforce as translators, while being one of them. It is not like you are absolutely replaceable.
If there wouldn't be other people willing to do it for free, they wouldn't own entire translation team working for free. If there is one who suddenly wants to get money, why the fuck just replace him with new free one.
It really doesn't surprise me that tranny doesn't understand how work market functions.
kill yourself nigger
You guys are too easy to read, you think like a child with a stick up his ass.
Kiwifarms has the deets /threads/tranny-v-gaben.21020/
I just wanted to answer what you asked and only asked you to be clearer with what you said because you've muddled it up trying to avoid referring to trannies as people.
Why are you so mad? Are you an edgy redditor or something?
Actually, I don't care. Filter me because I won't reply past this point.
I just get the feeling pretty soon it's going to get so bad that anyone who isn't fucking normal will be able to get whoever they want fired by abusing this shit.
Shit trannies say? I dunno man.
You ain't doing anything to make it better, cunt.
Stupid tranny shits.
The ones who say Holla Forums is shit are the ones who shitpost the most.
Policing pronouns is the reddit thing you retarded faggot.
If I wanna call mentally ill retards "it", I will.
I personally like xhir/xir/xit
It's hilariously over the top and makes them sound as insane as they are.
It also implies they're still not whatever gender they want to be.
well, for that to happen gaben would have to be a libtard or a jew.
"thon" is best.
Sorry, can't find the webm
Don't engage him. I just asked him to speak less convoluted and more clearer so I could understand him and he edgelord'd it up.
He's a reddit posting ponyfag so he's half way there.
It's obvious, this is all an ARG.
Really, it's so obviously an ARG where they will reveal that Gemma Freemyn is now the strong Transgender protagonist who don't need no G-man. the lady who put up the lawsuit is an actor, and more importantly Gemma Freemyn's voice actor.
Also has a monopoly on the pc game market and is worth 1.5 million, so that's the jews half.
Oh god they were right
It was very clear. You understood what it was, yet still bitched about it.
That's all nice and good but where are their games?
I said "Holla Forums wannabe", you fucking knuckledragger, if I meant Holla Forums I would have just said Holla Forums. I mean the children that can only post about how great or revolutionary Hitler is, the kind of shitters that serve as a false-flag for people too stupid to know the difference between a real skinhead and somebody trying very desperately to fit in as a skinhead.
Sage for off-topic
Half jew
+Half libtard
SJW's don't make games, they just leech off others. As seen with Steam and the fact more than half their IPs where bought out (tf2, dota 2, counter strike)
As funny as this is, using "they" as a neutral singular pronoun is grammatically correct. You use it instead of "he/she", when the gender of the person you're talking about isn't known.
still want Half-life 3?
they're getting sued for triggering a tranny, that's good
On the other hand, they hired some guy who then got sex reassignment and got a vacation for it and after that asked for more vacations because he was feeling depressed.
So he pretty much was "working" as a translator without doing any work and sued when they fired his ass.
Thing is, not only did they pretty much burn away the best opportunity they will ever have in their life, but they also will probably not get a job after this shit.
You don't say.
You may be retarded then.
It's more of both those games being industry game changers, and ripped off 1000x to the point where they look/feel pretty generic.
He didn't seem all that intent on working at all if
is true.
The legal system is so fucked you can sue someone millions over hurt feelings.
And it didn't show any evidence, just saying they hurt my feelings is enough to take it to court.
Trannies need to be purged like the abominations they are.
From the ashes, new companies spring up which only hire cis heterosexual males of any race as long as they don't bring identity politics to the workplace. These defend themselves from massive legal and social pressure through misdirection, subterfuge and expert legal maneuvering.
The companies that don't engage in identity politics bullshit are so productive and profitable that they form their own nation state where SJW horseshit is a crime.
Surprise, the
user, user did you just get sent to the FEMA camps for SJW wrongthink?
His quality of life is going to get significantly worse, probably will commit suicide considering all the hormones and shit he's taking + tranny suicide rate.
The thing is once they get big enough to the point where they can be bought out or stockholders take over, that's usually when the cancer wriggles its way in.
get a load of this guy cam.bmp
Kill yourself.
That's not my cup of tea right there, they need to be mostly covered in armor for tastes. The helmets are the most important part. If the face is visible then it's a no-go.
Think it's this guy?
shame its not easy to find, since nobody has tags for this shit
there's not even porn of haunted armour yet
armor +rating:e
As a translator
I thought valve didn't have supervisors?
I sincerely doubt that.
We can't even know if he actually plays vidya from that.
If they're a tranny I guess they are mentally ill, so their actions do make some sense in that regard.
Anyone remember that time someone did volunteer translation work for Minecraft and it said 'hello, you are a NIGGER' in the South African version?
God I love Tsukasa Jun's stuff.
what country out of curiosity? ameriga is not the most litigious place, believe it or not.
dios mio ai ai ai
A few things:
One] Valve Software is a multi-billion dollar company, $3 million is fuck all to them.
Two] The only way your job was worth $3.1 million is if your job would generate that much income over a period of 5 years. Which I seriously doubt a translator would get paid even anywhere close to 1 million in a 5 year span.
Three] If your employer doesn't accept an offer to keep you on at a different location, it means that someone far better at the job and more qualified is waiting in the wings, it's not necessarily "discrimination."
Four] It's also not discrimination to let go of an employee for reasons of insubordination if that is why they did. You can't prove that's why they did either. It also just might be possible that the translator was shit at their job.
Five] I don't care about a mentally ill snowflake, kek.
You don't know what monopoly is.
Do you have a screenshot of that?
Very nice.
Hope she wins.
Just looked at the article. They aren't going to.
Once you become an independent contractor, YOU ARE NO LONGER AN EMPLOYEE OF THE COMPANY. And contractors can be hired at ANY TIME for ANY REASON or even NO REASON. They are going to get thrown out.
The only way this lawsuit could succeed is if they were still an employee.
Meant to say "be fired" or another word is "terminated" as in "terminated your contract."
Valve lawyers saw it coming. They know trannies are fucked in the head and do nothing but cause issues and drama. There's documented cases of this happening everywhere. It'll be to the point where trannies can't find work and they'll cry discrimination and corporate lawyers have to find loopholes like this to keep them at bay.
Holy shit, she is literally suing valve because she was losing her job fir steam community.
I don't know who should I be sheering on, I want the freak tranny to lose, but I also want valve to get fucked in the ass…
I don't know anyone who can think that 4 years is "appropriate" recovery time. They should have returned to Seattle 3 years ago. This person obviously thought they were important enough to break all the rules of the company and not return to work as they said they would.
Exploiting sick leave to relocate your job to a place where the company doesn't have a location (i.e. working form home) and then not returning to the site, yeah, even as a full paid employee, they should have shut the fuck up.
The mentally deranged have this thing where they feel that they're entitled to everything they desire and refusal to give them what they want is bigotry. They deserve it because they're special and you're evil.
also, all tranny psychos need to get killed for the sake of mankind.
An hero when?
When the judge tells it to fuck off because they have been an independent contractor for 4 years.
this disgusting tranny is going to kill itself soon anyway. they have ultra high suicide rates after surgery. he probably thinks he might as well take a long shot at getting rich with the liberal scam going on in this country now before he kills himself anyway.
Welcome to life, laquisha.
Woah. That's a big thing to ask of your employer.
Holy shit that's generous of Valve!
Oh so you're feeling guilty that they were nice to you so now you're going to shit on them. Must be due to the depression. She will probably commit suicide soon if stats are on our side.
Valve wants money. Thats it. It knows people will always use it, at this point in time it practically isn't possible to develop a competing service that has a chance in hell against steam. As well as everybody already knowing and liking steam, what people don't often consider is how intimidating valve is with their
Anyway, the point is that all valve cares about is money, it will look at two possible options and choose the one that results in more profit, or less loss of profit. When they can get some easy PR by saying SJW shit? They'll say it. When they're being sued 3m for SJW shit? They'll tell it to fuck off, what are they gonna do, compete? Give them bad press? Valve knows the only people it can reach are
It's already like that in a lot of places IMO.
This will set a precedent if this mentally ill faggot wins.
Or if valve caves.
As in settles it out of court.
that's literally the reason why people chop off their dicks, so they can join sides and become the gendered half that has to be treated with kid gloves.
What if they decide to make Pyro a tranny?
Apparently a guy who my mate works with was suspended from his job because some chick made claims of sexual harassment.
As it turns out the the chick had come onto him several times and he'd told her to fuck off, apparently her revenge was to try to get him sacked.
Don't give them male or female pronouns. They're all "it" at best, but usually degenerate works too.
Either he gets sacked or he gets sacked.
Horrible compromise.
and you don't know gabe has it
FTM trannies are rare mainly because nobody really wants to be a man
Jill's a tranny?
Christ, would explain why everything's gone to shit in the last year (well, worse than before at least).
Maybe if this is Jill leaving it means that the game can start being developed by someone more competent.
No. Monopoly is an exclusive right or singular ownership of something. Which Valve does not have. Exclusivity is monopolistic. Valve not only doesn't require exclusivity, they actively tell people NOT to only release things on Steam.
And before you even think about pointing out that Source games have a licensing requirement that they must be on steam, I'll counter you by saying YOU ONLY HAVE TO RELEASE THE GAME ON STEAM, you can still release it on any other platform, and if you don't like it, don't use Source technology. There's plenty of other engines, there's Unreal Engine, there's Unity, you can do it manually. Source is their proprietary engine that is now LITERALLY FUCKING OPEN SOURCE, and the only requirement they have is if you want to commercially exploit your game, you get a proper Source license and you have to put a version up on Steam. NOT ONLY Steam. But you must have one on Steam.
That is NOT monopoly. Monopoly is the North American medical community where you can't be an independent practitioner and instead must be licensed and reviewed by a board of peer reviewers. That was done by a jew who infiltrated unions and turned the benefits of unions into non-existent benefits.
Monopoly is a company who owns the patents to truffles, a natural plant, who then only sells a little bit at a time to drive up value artificially. Monopoly is the DeBeers company who has exclusive right to almost every diamond mine in the world, and so they take worthless carbon and drive up the value by saying that said carbon is somehow rare. It's one of the most common substances inside our planet.
Then they wouldn't be a good fucking friend if you don't know what gender they are, huh?
Kill all faggots.
Kill all trannies.
Kill all childfuckers.
Kill all horsefuckers.
i just hope this case serves as an example for people who thought about letting faggots in
A private company should always have right to kick out anyone, for any reason. If their management makes the right choices, they'll thrive, if don't, they'll fall.
Yeah but Jewish civil case lawyers don't make money off of an unregulated free market
oy vey
there should be some regulation but you're right, with the way things work today it's all fucked
It doesn't matter how good that lawyer is, independent contractors don't have the kind of rights that labor laws stipulate. They are literally INDEPENDENT OF THE COMPANY. That's what's great about a free market, is that if you agree to go contractor, you need to shut the fuck up and do your job or you will be canned and labor can do absolutely nothing about it.
Looks like he hacked his dick off with a crowbar.
Looks like his dick got ult'd by Axe.
Looks like he made two portals, stuck his dick in one and turned the portals off.
Looks like a Smoker pulled his dick off.
people have been casually using "they" as a neutral pronoun since long before all this tumblr shit began
words change homo, and they change when the majority of people use them in a way that is inconsistent with the standard definition. You can certainly say that's the case with they.
Recipe for disaster, they cant do either thing right. Im pretty sure this abomination was trying to change "problematic" lines and add memes.
ayy lmao
I fucking hate steam, Valve's management incompetent and the software itself sucks ass too. I want this shit to die, why can't I buy my software directly from the publisher anymore? Why does every fucking game need Steam?
Because the jews always find a way to force a middle man into things. Getting paid for doing almost nothing is a pretty sweet gig
But seriously this is the only issue I can agree with millenials about, this show looks like complete garbage objectively.
trannies fucking disgust me
Valve are hella flawed but shitposting that condemns them is as shit as shitposting that praises them.
This probably is why she was fired. It's not at all discrimination and bitching about the way your employer does business, especially in a way that's trying to cost them money, is a great way to get shit canned. It's 100% fair this entitled fuck just thinks feels are all important.
Are you fucking kidding me? The job was in Washington and she insisted on moving to fucking LA citing fucking depression as a disability?
Valve bent over fucking backwards to accommodate this self centered prick and now they're being sued for it. This type of asshole is part of the reason businesses are such pricks to their employees.
inb4 "she"
I hope valves lawyers tear this shit apart, a settlement might not be so likely after the media attention.
on the bright side, self publishing boosted AA games.
on the down side self publishing made a sump of indeshit.
yes for sure Polygon didn't "stumble on" this story, they were told by the plantif
Why would a man chop his own penis, put on fake breasts and want to be called Johnette?
Because they don't love themselves.
Tra**ies are mentally ill. Anyway I hope Valve will get somewhat fucked by this, bad hiring decisions can be a good learning experience
Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: ‘Transgendered Men Don’t Become Women,’ They Become ‘Feminized Men,’ ‘Impersonators’
I'm honestly amazed nobody's broken them up.
If someone were un-greedy enough to just separate all the technical parts (accounts, leaderboards, achievements, in-game chat, P2P/centralized multiplayer server browsing/listing, anti-cheat, launching, browsing, package/install/update management, "cloud" storage, payment, authentication/security/DRM, etc…) into an API completely abstracted from any one "store", without charging any royalties or fees themselves, this wouldn't even be an issue.
Wow, what a classcuck. Next you're going to say that censorship is only censorship if the government enforces it, right?
Looks like he wanted Valve to pay for his mods
Fine. We’ll just make fun of you.
I'm not really if you look at it.
>Japan is almost the majority of the AAA industry. PC gaming is non-existent in Japan.or so I've heard
Basically steam is as big as it is because it's the only large company (besides a few rare examples… riot, mojang) to focus on the PC.
bringing the bants
Stop talking out your ass dude.
Yeah, Japan is dominated by mobileshit and socialshit, with consoles/handhelds dwarfed by PC. But to be fair, AAA probably makes up a tiny sliver of this chart.
wew lad
That's shit I heard on here. Guess I should have double checked.
Want to know how I know you live in California?
Not as long as that sandnigger Ali is working there.
Those are some nice looking vaginas you got there.
Fucking saved.
Having taken a tour of Valve in late 2015, there are definitely some SJW types there. There's a concept artist with a big drawing of Anita Sarkeesian on his desk. The snack bar had a notice to wash your hands before taking from the unpackaged snacks and underneath it was an 'actually it's about ethics in snack requisitions' quip.
Employees at Valve have tried to go full SJW and it was only Gaben who shut them down. I fear that once Gaben dies (and it's inevitable given his weight to happen within the next few years) there will no longer be anyone left to reign in Valve to stick to their values, and whoever is left running the show will go full hail corporate / full SJW PC, and that will be when it will be crushed under its own weight.
A majority of Steam users only use it for Dota2 or CS:GO. If either of those games gets disrupted, to the point of their userbases going elsewhere fully, which is completely possible and in truth also inevitable, it will be a huge blow to Valve's power within the industry as these games are anchors.
At least the free market will always ensure the best quality that is possible within the constraints of reality. If Valve goes to shit there will be room for others to take over. My guess is when it happens it will be a Chinese company which becomes the new leader.
I believe it.
Why? It's just a company selling games.
Shitty quality, no customer service, crazy delays?
There won't be a new supreme market leader like Steam, now there's competition.
The idea behind it, not sure if it's applicable here, is punitive damages.
It's so that if someone does something terribly wrong for their own gain, and knows it, it isn't advantageous to continue doing that thing (or for others to continue doing that thing) which otherwise could be a possibility if it was only limited to the exact damages against the injured party, since you could do it to 10 people and only 2 sue and then you still come out ahead anyway.
can someone explain this to me?
Go to cover a sneeze with your arm.
That's a dab.
smh tbh fam
It is ironic use of nigger culture that begets serious adoption of nigger culture.
These fucking trannies are everywhere !!! us "Old Fags" we're sick of it!1 Shut up Bruce Jenner!!!
They ban me all day on #twistedtwitter for tlaking about it!
sorry i only checked here cuz my students like the Dark Souls, but Gabe is a fat fuck!!! HL2 was terrible i want my money back!
They think they belong here.
They think they shouldn't go back.
Lewd armor stuff is great. Too bad a lot of it is usually rape (at least in doujins).
Gets me every time.
trips confirm the tranny of truth
it will be a sweet day.
steamcucks are cancer, videogames are for the anti social, not for normalfag pieces of shit with friends who WANT to socialize.
Most of the armour porn out there that has the partners totally covered from head-to-toe in armour is usually homosex, though. That may or may not be a problem for everybody.
what the fuck I never noticed that
That's also a shame.
Have you people forgotten the Hatred debacle already?
Hey guys, thought I'd check up you to see how you all were doing. I used to help GamerGate back in 2014 by sending emails and tubes, but got seriously burnt out after 6 months. I just want you to know I still have hope for GG and what it stands for. Keep fighting the good fight bros. Also, do you guys still do the benis and "Go home, Gamer Gays!" posts? I always thought those were funny.
It mostly comes down to whether you're into that sort of thing or not.