who the fuck is running his shit
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White women are so gross
asian women are the whitest of all wtf
That's why I went black.
stfu weab
Brown girls and Japanese girls = best girls tbqh
asian women are so gross
tbh i do prefer cuban qts
k, that's also good taste. You get the ultra deluxe gulag vacation
I know Trump losing the debate must have been upsetting for you but there's better ways to work out your frustration than shitposting on a Kenyan Phantasmagoria forum.
I can almost guarantee you that I get laid more often than you and have had better relationships than you. kys manchild
you're all plebs
No you're absolutely right, I'm shitposting.
Who is this qt?
Delete this you fucking degenerate.
You gay or something?
I ain't a faggot.
Delete this fun stuff.
I don't even browse halfchan's Holla Forums because it's fucking flooded with it.
1- sage
2- take it easy
3- your interest in this prove your faggotery
Here, have some stuff especially for you then.
Neither am I, but there's nothing gay about wanting to fuck attractive boys. You should honestly just give it a try, you might end up liking it. What do you have to lose, anyway?
This makes me feel nausea.
Don't worry, I have some even gayer and more depraved porn for you right here.
Not even you believes this bullshit.
Just imagine if your mom was reading all the bullshit you spew into the internet.
Stop b8ing anons into giving you fap material
She'd agree with me. One time I told her mom I want to fuck boys does this mean I'm gay and she was like no, son, everyone is bisexual to some degree and men throughout the ages in a variety of cultures have felt attracted to boys and practiced pederasty, and that set me straight. Now I understand that I am predominantly attracted to women but also interested in certain men with boyish and effeminate qualities because I don't attempt to delineate my sexuality into rigid bourgeois categories.
Turblr get out.
Forgot to SAGE.
Precisely what makes you so afraid of the idea that people are capable of being attracted to different sorts of peoples at different points in time? The concepts of homosexuality and heterosexuality are extremely recent inventions, and could even be called spooks to a degree. If we look at cultures that have not been exposed to these memes, we will see that they tend to have a far more nuanced understanding of human sexuality than 'you either like dudes or you like girls.' Do you even have an argument as to why we should not think in this way, beyond your precious feelings?
considering that even the first human cultures knew about the concept of homosexuality, and that animals show said tendencies, it is safe to assume that there was homosexualityt even before we evolved into sapiens
Your mom sounds incredible.
Yes, I'm not denying this. I'm just saying that the modern concepts and especially this idea that everyone can fit neatly into these two categories are recent inventions. You see generally non-homosexual men having sex with other men in a variety situations, in other cultures, Hellenic Greece and Japan being two examples. There's certainly people who lean strongly one way or another, but you'd be surprised at how much play there is.
I think user means that the idea of either one sexuality or the other is a recent phenomenon.
I know I'm going to get a tremendous amount of shit for this but.
1 It's goes against nature.
2 It has severe health risks.
No I don't do what ever the fuck you want, but keep it clean in SFW boards, I find those pictures nauseating and annoying.
Yeah there is a record of that among other species but guess what?
they are only misfits that wont pass their genes to the next generation and will fail at their life cycles.
I see
I am retarded
but most homo homo sapiens won't pass their genes either
Wow those are some danks spooks you've got there.
I've already described to you the nature of those health risks and how they can be mitigated entirely by preaching and practicing safe sex. If you need a reminder, it is because men are by nature promiscuous and when they are attracted to other men rather than less promiscuous women, they end up having a shitload of sex. As education about STIs was poor, use of condoms was not very widespread in the past as men can't get pregnant. Thus, gay men were more susceptible to STIs.
Gay animals, like gay humans, often play a role in child-rearing, providing and doing other shit that helps the species survive as they can provide more care to less offspring without having to devote resources on keeping their own offspring alive as they themselves don't reproduce, as you keenly observed.
It gets even weirder with certain species like giraffes, where something like 95% of males engage in gay sex with each other. How does this help? Who fucking knows! There's still giraffes, though, and they don't seem to be going anywhere, thus gay sex doesn't seem to be threatening their species.
Anyway, I think I've addressed both points.
And you don't have to click on those pictures, you know. Just close them and scroll past, like I do with gore and scat.
She's pretty great and I love her very much although I am kind of tsundere in our relationship because I'm not good at all at showing it.
this tho tbqh
Why do you sound so upset?
Amy Brooke did some pretty hot gangbang and prolapse scenes.
What the fuck
get out normie
wtf i'm in love what's her name?
I'm just playin' fam
'Ladyboy Sofie' ;^)
Casual pls
M8 those pictures were spoilered no one made you look at them.
Not quite long mint tier, but pretty cute.
Would sexually bully/10
Please spoiler your pornography. Children browse these boards. What if a Holla Forumsyp saw this? They might turn gay.
Oh shit I forgot
So what?
But that's a man. My willy doesn't get hard looking at men. Unless it's Zizek.
ah glad to see i'm not the only one who likes twin peaks here.
i always liked sheryl lee better but sherilynn is great too.
Do people actually believe this shit? :DDD
How the fuck some people's scam detector doesn't instantly go off? :DD:DD
Kek, human sexuality itself goes against nature.
praise nature, btw, if you don't the sun might not come up tomorrow
Try harder.