Barry Lyndon has a new print for the Criterion collection, here it is

Barry Lyndon has a new print for the Criterion collection, here it is.

this was one boring ass movie

Films are only boring if you are boring and you can't actually use your brain to think about what you are seeing, so your brain either shuts off and goes to sleep or you check your phone bc ADD

nah it was boring as fuck. even the duels were boring and there was not a single character in the film that was likeable or even fucked up enough to make me care about them. it was just unlikable petty people being unlikable and petty.

I'm still convinced you are a stone cold plebbor

good for you but it doesn't change how I feel about this flick.

Why should anyone care what a pleb thinks?


It's like they didn't even care about what they were filming.

This is so boring. I wish someone would do a remake. Better lighting, some lens flares, dutch angle, quick cuts and zooms.

Sounds great!

I don't have After Effects, otherwise I would've made the entire sequence directed by JJ

Holy shit its not boring anymore!

back to Holla Forums


This thread alone has me convinced that most of Holla Forums is under 15.

is nobody going to mention the chromatic aberration?

Your OP kinda reads like a headline tbh.

This movie was too long and too victorianesque.
Like reading one of those victorian novels.

But knowing Kubrick that was probably the intention.
And he seemed sorta bored.

