@Sargon_of_Akkad's Twitter Hacked, DMs With @PewDiePie Imminent

Some wigger at username @FuckTyrone has been black twitter posting on Sargon's Twitter. More importantly though he's going to share his DMs with @PewDiePie if he gets 1,500 followers. It could be interesting seeing as the last message is Sargon calling PewDiePie a "nazi cunt". I and others have double archived his twitter page.


Hacker's Face & Username:

Maybe this is just a ruse to gain more followers but then again I'm pretty sure he'd lose a ton when they find out he let everyone on.

Other urls found in this thread:



private instant messages in Twitter's chat function. Imagine like Facebook messenger essentially between Sargon and PewDiePie

analogy is fail, I've never had a jewbook account either.

DM = Direct Message

It isn't hard to work out, lad.

imagine texting on your phone or MSN/AOL instant messenger back in the day. Or even Skype messenger

if you want some background on this hacker
he hacked youtube channel joel vinesauce and hacked yms, lylemcdouchebag twitters.


im surprised hes still hacking

I doubt it will be anything too juicy since sargon is a cuck faggot and pewdiepie wouldn't be revealing his power level to him.


Wait, thought they said would share Felix's number, is that in the DMs?

He's tweeting out nigger porn. I just reported this so we can get his account banned for being against nazis & loving the Muslim invasion of Europe. I encourage all to do the same.


Are you legit retarded? Look at the fucking timestamp, it's from when Sargon was hacked. There is no other DM's between them. They only talk over skype.

oh you're right. I was too excited to notice.

Why? It's clearly the kid thats posting that.

Anyways: twitter will sort it out, the kid(s) in charge of the "hack" will goto court (their info is all over the net, fucking dumb gamers)

Oh, fuck this kid then.

I think you give Twitter too much credit. They would love to see even a cuck like Sargon gone

Pewdiepie is actually reasonably intelligent if you see him in anything unrelated to his youtube content, I highly doubt he'd be dumb enough to expose himself on twitter

it was hard to forget since it was kinda a big deal, he deleted all his videos and fucked with his emails
vinny pretty much shutdown any talk about the hacker to not give him any attention.
same goes for lyle and yms.

If they ban him because of what someone else did, it's the end for twitter.

Keep in mind that Sargon said Nazis are the same as Communists (horseshoe theory) and rapefugee invasion of Europe. I got 4 people already to report his porn tweet so we can get him shoah'd. All centrist cucks must be destroyed

even better. We want Twitter to ruin the experience for their users since it's a hostile enemy platform

Come on, you can't be serious for that shit. Twitter locked Jim's account because he made a comment about sovereign citizens getting angry over his sovereign citizen video.

it will be for the best to be honest


Lets jam

thank you

It was the hacker framing it for a screenshot.

Also everybody point and laugh at Sargon for not using 2 factor authentication.

No thanks.

Enjoy your b& for eceleb bullshit.

I agree fuck the jews and also fuck all these centrist political commentators who shit on the far right. You can help us take Sargon of Mossad's twitter account by reporting his porn tweet:

Humorless cunts deserve rope tbh


I've watched every video Jim has made. That was the only one I've struggled to get through because of the cringe factor. Somehow sovereign citizens manage to be more abrasive and distasteful than baby raping diaper furries.

Don't even need 2FA with a decent password manager. For a gamer he's a fucking noob.

they always whine about them yet they praise their hardwork and pretend to be part of it

I hope pic related is the case

looks like he got his account back

Nope. Come on user, how naive are you?

Uh no.


Man, I fucking hate attention whoring skiddies like this.
They usually either get doxed like Teridax or v& like Weev. Good fucking riddance, you should just release shit and fuck off instead of waving a big flag around saying "LOOK AT ME I DID THIS".

Speaking of Weev, whatever happened to the anti-Weev that picked a fight with him? See archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/82760753/#82774270

Good. I hope Gab accepts more people

gab is shit

Good. I know I'm not getting any Holla Forums cred by admitting to having been a longtime fan, but he's finally jumped his own shark by intentionally (and not believably) playing dumb in regards to the Candid app fiasco. He's truly become everything Holla Forums always warned me he would become, stuck in his clique and defending censorship and crooked, undisclosed insider dealings for shekels because the people doing so are his buds.

I'm sorry Holla Forums. I keep hoping upon hope that once, just once, you'll end up being wrong. But you never are.

Gab really has no purpose. The only reason that twitter was ever worth using is that you could fuck with celebrities and journalists and various faggots. Now that they have cracked down on it and banned anyone who isn't sucking black dick, twitter too serves no purpose.

gab is run by kikes and you should use a different password for it

watch this video
jim left goobergate for a reason

The owner of Gab is hardcore devout Christian. Unless you mean some (((investors))) in the background?

You can't trust moderate liberals. Only radical white supremacist extremists can be trusted today.


And twitter hasn't immediately shut it down like it does for even smaller e-celebs? Ahuh.

of course

Judeo-Christian you mean

The funny thing is that, in hindsight, GG won in a way it didn't even intend.
The original goal was to sweep the scum out of vidya news sites, but what it ended up achieving was proving to everybody how fucking corrupt the vidya industry was, how absolutely insane SJWs were and how the media can coordinate and misrepresent to a shocking degree.
I didn't know what an SJW really was until GG hit.
GG is also what showed everybody how untrustworthy 4chan was.

Don't forget, without GG nobody would be here right now.

Jew worshipping Christians

Lizard squad went full SJW?

This was the biggest achievement. A large chunk of the nerd population redpilled on the lugenpresse.


I don't know if this dude is LS but he just seems to be targeting him for shits and giggles, I don't see an SJW vibe so far.

You know that "gab" is slang for "chat" or "talk" right? As far as the "artificial intelligence" thing does, that's just marketing bullshit.

They were a bunch of skids who attacked Holla Forums, what do you think?
Also, they stored all passwords and usernames on their site in plain text. Skiddie is giving them too much credit, at least a skid knows how to script, LS were kids with a botnet.

All Sargon cares about is his YouTube shekels and his "brand" while the world burns. Fuck this cuck and he deserves to have his life turned upside down for fighting us while we fight for our survival

Ignore him, he's a hardcore autist.

LS are probably SJWs. You don't see them hacking tumblr or Steven universe related accounts.


Some of us enabled GG by not giving up threadmaking and pushed people into it, then pushed people here by abusing proxy bans to make 8pol threads.
I was never a part of any of the digs, but I've rounded up a dozen or so people who did, by pushing all the content into the normiesphere for as long as I did.

GG was what made me switch on into that role, which I continue nowadays with pizzagate.

Would that even be entertaining though? Someone like Sargon has got to be an entertaining target (and easier to get at since no 2FA of course).

a mere coincidence. and what does an ai have to do with a twatter clone

Actually, yes. Since SJWs and leftists outnumber rightists on the internet, and there would likely be further ramifications for lulz, e.g. media coverage in "normie" press (aka leftist press).

i see lizard squad trying to be the old school anonymous
all they do is hack game servers and ecelebs but nothing political



Dungeon Master

GG caused me to think critically for the first time. Before only cared about muh games. The most I could get from politics was blaming rightwingers and the GOP for everything like talmudvision and the majority (((media))) told me to. Only years later do I find out that it was Democrats/libshits trying to ruin video games all along. I found out that Jack Thompson was actually a democrat and Hillary Clinton herself wanted to ban certain video games and not just them. Numerous others almost all entirely Democrats and lefty cunts. They were planning this for decades and used the shitty GOP who couldn't give two shits about vidya as a scapegoat. Now I know who the real enemy is and I'm not letting up forever.

And how common is .ai domain hmmm?

You'd have to attack his youtube or patreon to do any damage to him, twitter is meaningless to pretty much everyone.

as appose to good goy's on here who go by a jewish surnameā€¦ :'^)

GG is why I'm far right and now I have a developed sense of culture and love for white people. It was a snowball effect.

The more I listen to you dickwads talk about GG "enlightening" you the more I fucking want to gouge my eyes out ; not to mention the more I understand those old Holla Forums posters that bitched about video games as a waste whenever it was brought up as a subject.

We could just bot him followers, 1,500 might take a few days tho


I DM'ed sargon of Cuckold.

Gave him a complimentary subscription to a porn website.

He never used it. (I own the site and would see if he logged in)

sargon confirmed faggot.

Why do you care how people arrived?

how many Holla Forumsacks watch vinesauce?

I have been since 2011.

You do realise that this board was created out of GG?
Lurk the fuck moar, faggot.

It was created before that, but got the majority of its members from the first GG exodus

What does Artificial Intelligence have to do with a twatter clone, why is almost all of his other websites related to ads, and why do you need to go all the way into the settings page to even log out of Gabai?

Oh shut the fuck up, it was created the day after the exodus happened.

Dude it's hard as fuck to make money online, I don't fault Torba for doing some adbucks.

Because if a product is free, you are the product.
Gab is just an targeted demographic research op for the undesirables of twitter.

Nice disinfo, faggot.
Unluckily for you, boards show when they've been created. If I remember correctly, the first GamerGate board is slightly older than Holla Forums is, by about four or so hours.

Could be. They'll find out what we already know. Unless you're running ads for tendies and waifu pillows, you aren't getting any money from us.

Newfag detected

Nice one, now lurk moar, because you clearly don't know the history of this site.

That's rich coming from a guy who thinks Holla Forums existed on Holla Forums before GG.
GG is the reason anybody came to Holla Forums in the first place, ask Hotwheels on Twitter if you don't believe me.
A lot of the first threads on Holla Forums were GG related.

Without getting into another several hours long argument about whether or not GG accomplished shit and whatnot ; where I'll vehemently say it was a waste in the end and where a lot of people will defend it ; I'm just going to say you people give me fucking cancer and I would be a happier man if I stopped hearing people romanticize the failure that it became.

No fucking shit nigger, GG was also worth something back then but this is a moot argument we've threaded hundreds of times already.

Mfw he notices us.


I'm no expert, but I think that may be bait.

I didn't check halfchan I just assumed he meant us.

Do you have brain problems?

The real question is why do we care that a namefag faux 'white nationalist' who shills for gab.ai and isn't even white and class the 'alt-right' was hacked on normalfag Twitter?!? Am I fucking missing something? Like the fuck I don't give?

Apparently it was a lot more popular there than here.

Because we're not degenerate race mixing kike supporting nigger faggots

didn't he just get his twitter back or something?

did he get it back out of the blue?

I know next to nothing about anything but allow me to speculate.

What if this is the main objective: Insider at twitter unblocks the account but leaks the new password to a 3rd party who uses the 'hack' cred to gain entry into frperg ryvgr unkbef groups. Seems like there're more and more commi freaks wasting my time with their bait and switch lectures at the relevant conventions, what if the reason there aren't any feminist hax0r groups is that they're going with the ol' replace and redirect. Overt action would galvanize opposition after all. How annoying.

It's obvious when they pretend technical knowledge but they've fukken wormed their way into all the soft spots. Before, in between actually learning to master electronics or whatever, you'd get some 30 year veteran talking about how to master electronics and keep your sanity or the time they worked 60 hours straight and thought they were a bumblebee or some shit but now it's some 20 year old bluehaired director of HR wannabe never been good at a single thing other than being a cunt piece of shit talking down about inclusion while mocking fat guys banning alcohol and taking up space on the organizing committee. That's the goddamn cultural segment. The old ways cannot spread and will whither and die as the weeds take over.

Wrong again. I've never even seen a computer before and thus have no clue what these fandangled DMs are of which you speak. If you need me, Chief Trapahoe, I'll be surfing the wild webs courtesy of a landline that I tap on really, really fast and then press to my tongue for a response.

The account stated twice that the new password was emailed to Sargon, account now claims to have access again (but that happened earlier) so really I'd expect his YouTube channel will confirm or deny it sooner or later.

This is news to me, source?

Never understood social media. Just seemed to be, perving other people's girlfriends & lying about how awesome your mundane life is.

Checking for the 4 trips