CIA Vault 7 Continuation III

The Wikileaks Finfisher Hack Dump.
.Exe programs for weaponized malware were dumped.

Other urls found in this thread:"international womens day"|"international women's day"&exact_phrase=&any_of=&exclude_words=&document_date_start=&document_date_end=&released_date_start=&released_date_end=&publication_type[]=6&publication_type[]=2&publication_type[]=46&publication_type[]=28&new_search=False&order_by=most_relevant#results

Previous thread reached limit.

I am trying to discover how to determine if a system has been compromised by hive.
If you are running a Linux system, please run the following command and report suspicious results:

The real question is can /baphomet/ use these tools to enhance our own capabilities?

We really need to dox the 4chan mods who keep shutting down our operations.

With these tools you could probably aim higher than some 4chan mods. Who knows, maybe, if you were smart enough, you could use them to track people and discover true secrets. I wonder if the people who follow the pizza stuff will use any of it. After all, the purpose of this software is to find/increminate someone/hijack their stuff. Just the things needed to find evidence of a crime.
Also, this thread is better than the other because it's numbered. Also, in numbered threads, make sure to archive the previous threads.

Glad you have a sense of humor.

It was your job. You did your duty. Be proud of this.

Anyway, there is an important thing to know about any security program patented in the US or the big 14.
That is that the alphabet soup can lay claim to patents and keep them government only until another state actor breaks them. Only then are they sold to the public.

Fuck it will post here too. Gotta love the bureaucracy surrounding the exact definition of REALLY SHOULD NOT

Do you feel in charge CIAniggers?

meh. Mixxed feelings on that shit. Some of it was fun…

But in hindsight, it feels like we were beta testing alot of the shit in this latest dump. Attaching RF retro transmitters to jihadi networks was fun though.

why not jut spin up a VM you lazy faggot

"CIA malware targets Windows, OSx, Linux, routers"


basically the gubbiment want's to have the only unbreakable shit. As soon as its broken, they let the creator sell it to corps and people to make bank. But they are selling a broken product at that point.

Were you like the Bedouin cable cutters?

Are more leaks scheduled? These are good but they kinda already confirm what Holla Forums has always harped.

What is the meaning of this? Is this the same kind of "metadata" limitation that the NSA was allegedly bound by?

nah. and the following info is from a prievious leak and I will speak about it only in reference to what is out there.

An RF retro receiver is an un-powered bug you attach to a computer cable. You then have a drone bombard the bug with radar waves. the bug modulates the signal and the drone receives all the data that goes over the cable. Works on VGA, USB, and CAT5/6

That appears to be their methods of filing info to ensure that whatever search methods they use pulls all the right data associated with a case file

i'm still kinda mad we never really resolve the pedoring shit with hillary that we're already thrown into another rabbit hole. downloading the file for diggin now.

https ://

you can make your own.

You know what I'm talking about though, right?

The sticky will be left up until arrests happen. It's back burner but it'll always be there.

this seems like it would have a hard time to infect a Linux system where the user only uses VMs that are erased on shutdown and host only talks to official update servers, which Qubes offers. Assuming of course the connection between the host and the update servers don't get MiTM'd.

yep. those were SpecOps types and are wayyyy more hooah that I was ever.

that of course they know how to get into. that's nice.

The worst I see is that if the base machine is owned, you could pivot to the VMs while they are fictional and snoop /var/log

I also think the target for this attack is hosting / cloud services.

I figure I've been spilling my spaghetti from one end of the internet to the other since 1996… for me to get super security conscious now would only make me look suspicious. Better to just get lost in the noise…

Kill yourself

pretty sure being silent is better than being noisy, but ok i guess. We need the cannon fodder.

aaand filtered

that's mostly my approch.

However, if I ever did nefarious shit, it would be with a laptop i bought with cash at a pawn shop and only ever use for nefarious shit. I would also host my mail on a VPS from SDF. org which allows nameless cash transactions for hosting services.

I'm not overly worried about my normie web use. I've been doxxed before, it ain't too bad.

From last thread

https ://

All soldiers fight for (((the USA))), which means they fight for kikes, yes.

Speaking of spilled spaghetti - that is a lot of personal information, dude. For a second I almost had a suspicion I knew who you were, having known a computer expert living near Deltona…

I'll give the yewden some credit, they are OP at MOUT.

I have already ran my test on the dozens of Linux machines that I have access to. None seem to be compromised (that is, they do not have a file named hived, which means Hive Daemon.)
So, I am asking for anybody else with access to Linux machines to run this test to see if they have been compromised.

Every time I think I can't possibly get more paranoid you fuckers prove me wrong

I'm hopelessly lost when it comes to computers. Come fuck my shit up US government. My real backdoor is open too if you want to come probe me in my sleep or some fucked up shit like that.


That's their trademark hubris, they really can't conceive of their data ever being leaked as they consider themselves the master's of the internet.

What I wanna know is can /baph/ help us use all these exploits to doxx a few halfchan mods so we can clean that shithole out?


As previously stated, the target for the linux attacks is most likely hosting companies that use pre-fabricated and non-complex configs.

Buttmad CIA agent? I don't even know who is trolling whom anymore.


I never understood this so much, this can only be good for corporate espionage. How many state-level threats use that shit?

o i c, i digress

so, spin up a quick droplet and make noise?


I work for a telecommunications company, btw.

What a fucking asshole. Exactly like those that took three years of French in high school.



Sounds about right. Also I would assume that front companies would have to use a public hosting company in order not to stand out.

Plus sand niggers use such hosting services to plan their trip to Allah.

I do VoIP

Fucking this

We need to reclaim Halfchan, our operational ability would skyrocket if we could stop the censorship over there.

No but I have a feeling this is only part one

now that Vault 7 is out, people who cucked and have backdoors HAVE to be in patch mode. Otherwise investors would shit bricks.

If you have a tonne of servers, have a browse on your file systems for suspicious files that match the tools mentioned in the user guides:

Those online sites always seem hony-pot-ish.
I think that devolves to this
but instead of trolls trolling trolls it's feds fedding feds.

This is from the 1982 Shaw Bros movie Buddah's Palm

yeah cuckchan is in rough shape. they are being botted really hard from both the (((controlled opposition))) 'right' and from the usual nerd virgins. theres so many bots on cuckchan right now that i cant even tell the difference between a newfag redditor and a bot anymore.

Do you fellas think we can use this to discredit muh Russians narrative? CIA specifically make their attacks look like Russians and the DNC is lying saying Russians and not Seth Rich/Guccifer haxxored them.

Goal is to push for an official investigation to prove if it was Russia or CIA. Which either makes the DNC not care about national security and fighting muh Russia if they don't want to investigate it or forces it to be proven that there is no evidence Russia hacked the election if they let an investigation happen.

Halfchanner here. You have our full support. We're all ready to go to war with the mods and Hiro. If Troid got doxed so can the other mods.

Look at this bullshit after we nearly caused an implosion there with the Shareblue stuff last week.

They're trying to keep newfags perpetually circlejerked on degeneracy. This is going to kill us in the long run. We have to clean it up immediately

I shall, hopefully I don't find shit.

It would be nice to know they are being somewhat selective on their targeting.

they'll say it's patched until "security experts" trying to make a name for themselves prove otherwise.

Yes. Yes we can.

One of the leaks is a method the CIA can use to make an attack come from the country of THEIR choice. Meaning that saying the IP is Russian now means FUCKING NOTHING.

honestly I would just love to crack open that pandora's box just to see what the fuck it's filled with. It could probably explain that past 10 years of shit I've seen/read.


Look at the shareblue thread on here. We're attempting to dox them based on what /meta/ gathered and are relooking into the IRC logs

Torrent just finished. Anything I can do?

It's a good thought, but any normalfag who believes MUH RUSSIA is by default mentally defective. It's not a question of arguments - it's whether Trump can cuck them so hard they don't dare get all Commie uprising on us. And I think he's a smooth political operator, but sooner or later the student loan bubble is going to pop and the financial markets are going to shit the bed, and the velvet glove is going to have to give way to the iron first. And we are that fist. It's most specifically us. The government can't do the real dirty work, or at least can't be seen doing it. Partisans can do whatever they need to do.

and so we went to war

I'm already in there, I was just trolling around to see if anyone not already aware of it could help out.

Holla Forums is leading the charge. They have tasks.

Yeah but it's possible that we could do a lot more with these tools.

Better act quick.

I give Red Hat a week tops before systemd is "fixxed"


accidental sage

Does anyone have ideas on how we could do this without having to own the servers and give the party bus a reason to crack down?

Apparently this happened.

Oh I know, nobody aside from twitterbots and boomers I've spoken to IRL belive muh russia.

It forces the democrats to re-adjust their narrative and gives them heat, that's all its for. Either they're disingenuous about national security or there is no evidence. Either way it discredits the meme that Trump is a Putin puppet, and defangs the NEUTRAL BIPARTISAN SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO RUSSIANS STEALING THE ELECTION that they're trying to use to soft coup him.

>he's a central intelligence agent
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it as a career
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is closest he will ever get to real field work in his pathetic life
>he ruins threads everyone else likes because he does not know how to win a meme war
>he wastes the time of everyone at the CIA because he gets in the way of the backlog of real intelligence data that real agents must go through
>he will never be a real CIA spy
>he will never be promoted to doing real intelligence work
>he will never be able to say he proudly served his country
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a microwave pizza
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends

There's a lot of stuff I found in the IRC logs that were never posted, specifically about Holla Forums. I have a list of mods now that need to be taken out immediately



Yea, dox the mods and force them to resign, making it necessary for gookmoot to hire new ones. This will buy us enough time to locate shareblue's HQ and place them in checkmate.

Lot of people watching that would love to have those coordinates


Get out newfaggot

I've been doing digging as well. There's a bunch of shit people missed, specifically about how they feel about Holla Forums.

The time is now. We can not only force the mods out, but maybe even get Hiro arrested if he's colluding with the CIA in anyway.

dude, they're getting shilled at a cuckchan speeds.
being able to filter user ID's fucking spoiled me here.


I could see that, plus i have not doxxed since /hwndu/ got shot up. I do have the itch. Is there a pastebin or something with base facts?

CIAniggers 0
Weebs ∞

Perfect gameplan. Troid wasn't harassed enough even with his dox out in the open. We really need to push the mods over the edge if they're gonna quit. They think that just because if they change their passwords and IDs they'll be ok.

Vault 7:
Hive Users' Guide
Hive Developers' Guide

Trips! Kek confirms it!


CIA is peddling child abuse and human trafficking websites online and have been for years. The FBI was behind these leaks primarily because, unlike the CIA, they don't hire bronies and other faggot groups who meet minimum requirements.


Christ Holla Forums is that bad right now?

See and join the war. All the help you can give will be greatly appreciated.

A CIA agent insulting themselves isn't very shill-like.


fucking agree.

Anytime my BCT raided a place where human trafficking was going on, we got a fucking CIA minder tagging along and were not allowed to bring our own terps…

Is that the duke nukem 2 themesong ? I'm sad I know this.

have anyone found this yet?

I was on the fence about shareblue until ZeroHedge bought in. Now I am interested, if my weekend is free I will poke around it.

they're fucking drowning. looks like spooks are going full assault on our buys over at Holla Forums

Just need to know one thing: How many mods are still on the staff?

Yep. Seems to tied towards TGTs in China. But only one HL reference 2/10

Holla Forums went to shit ever since Jimbo ran the old guard off.

Drop by the Shareblue thread, we've been trying to figure that out

meant boys. seeing all that kike posting infected my brain

I never asked for this.

7-Zip Logos
7-Zip Logos. This page contains some 7-Zip logos created by our users. Robert Martinez: Alexey Maximov: Adam Iredale: David Wilcox: Profman: Jan T. Sott: Alejandro …

How to ensure your good goy agency if filled with left wing cucks for your globalist / zionist mission ?

This is what I wonder. In theory yes because we know the CIA can replicate attacks to blame any country or cyberwarfare group, including Russia. However, the questions is why would the CIA hack the DNC and try to harm Hillary's campaign.

I think it's obvious whether you believe it was Russians or an American patriot leaker that the goal was to ruin HRC's chances. Why would one of these employees at CIA pretend to be Russian?

Like, if they wanted to hurt Hillary, wouldn't masking it as a Russian hack actually give her some ammo to work with as well as Trump's opponents who also don't like Hillary?

Or is what is being alleged that there were leaks and then a CIA cover-up job to make it look like a Russian attack? I mean, at this point I can't tell, objectively, what happened.

Not sure if I'm being clear with my post. But my point is that if the hacker/leaker wanted to hurt Hillary (and potentially help Trump) why would they make it look like Russia, thus giving HRC and Trump opponents more ammo against Trump?

Something's not adding up here. And I think it's going to explode soon. There's many possibilities. Russia may have hacked or tried to hack the DNC and harm Hillary, this may have been done to help Trump or to simply undermine Hillary's presidency and prevent public support for war in Syria and/or against Russia, maybe they never thought Trump would actually win.

Or it was an inside job, made to look like Russia so that people would never suspect it was a rogue CIA operative acting politically. If that's the case, if that's really true, then we've got to think that those at the CIA with this info would have already suspected that.

What's scarier, a rogue CIA agent acting politically, a rogue CIA itself acting against the will of the people and blaming a foreign entity for the usurpation, or Russia actually hacking the US to influence the election?

At the end of the day I kind of don't care because I think the information was valuable and worth being seen by the public before making a decision on who should be president. In addition as time has gone on I can see a US-Russia alliance being magnificent, and see that Russia is not some evil boogeyman, they are just ruled by an autocrat who is trying to improve Russia for Russians. That doesn't make Putin evil, if anything that makes him a good, strong leader. I don't want to take up more of the thread with my rambling, but wanted to get this out there.

Why mask the attack as Russia if the hacker was a patriot? Why not mask it as something that looks like an independent hack job and non state actor?

Wew, they mad. And using the same tactics that never, ever, ever worked any time before ever.

Thank Kek that the CIA has in-fighting between factions.

they're just flooding the thread, and with no way to filter there's literally no communication happening. fucking mods there must be dense.

truecrypt password when?

They could have just planted the evidence later that it was supposedly from Russia , when they really didn't know who it was

Ring ring ring. It's for you. It's 1953 calling, they want to talk to you about Iran.

I kinda feel bad for pushing the info about the CIA's key to the patent office if THAT's what they are using it for.

https: //

Which is annoying. Because now we can't use source layer 3 information for anything cause it can be spoofed expertly.

Yeah I was looking through the catalog, you're not kidding

My personal take is the following:

is /poltech/ still a thing?

Would love to get my hands on that bot the CIA is using to shill all the time.

His name was Seth Rich.

Just sitting here wondering if the cash for clunkers "stimulus" was partially to reduce the number of cars available without accessible electronics.

Fuck you and your good ass points.

Stopped reading at
No, no, no, it's not the point to actually discover if CIA or Russia hacked Trump, it's the put the left in a compromising position and force a narrative re-adjustment.
It might have genuinely been Russia. It might have been somebody using these reportedly widely-circulated CIA tools to do it and blaming Russia. It might be CIA who wanted Trump for some reason - Manufacturing a coup for some reason to bypass electing a president.
It doesn't matter right now, our goal until we find information to prove otherwise is to keep Trump from getting coup'd.

The CIA has been more rogue than loyal since the late 50s. They've operated entirely off-the-books since the 70s.

Who are the CIA's #1 competitor for a monopoly on the information trade? GSB/KGB.

Your tax dollars at work. Scrapping perfectly usable non-hackable cars. Driverless cars by 2020, goy. :^^^)

the thing is some ppl actually want to get away from politics and just go full autism on Holla Forums as a mental vacation from the horrors of the ZOG machine. We just need mods that know what the fuck they are doing.


That was Obama right? Fucking nigger.

I'm already there. Dropping some new shit no one's ever posted from the leaks.

That wasn't a hack, that was a leak, and it was not CIA, it was DNC insiders pissed off at Shillary. Podesta emails were basic bitch phishing also which doesn't seem to be CIAniggers style. Neither DNC leaks or Podesta were CIA niggers IMO.

Holla Forums has been that bad for at least a year. It's constantly spammed by goons and Holla Forums, on top of the usual "buy brand x lol brand y is stupid" shills.

This better be some kind of joke.

Holla Forums's moderation is retarded. Ignore everything, but ban & delete all posts by IP for a minute if that person is in a debate with someone else and says the same thing to reinforce a point "too many" times.

Same here, imagine the redpill we could spread with that. Every singe facebook post, youtube comment, twittwer tweet, coming together with a link to TGSNT and anecdotes on how the CIA and US gov are fucking everyone over

yea. But I am not nearly unemployed enough to mod. All the good tech channers have 9-5's. Only posers and scrubs have the time to mod. Fucking Catch 22.

There were two DNC files. Guccifer released a DNC rip from one of their servers and Seth Rich released a separate rip. It's entirely possible Guccifer is in posession of these tools.

I realized this myself sadly. Unless we work from home or have fuck-you money it's impossible to compete with NEETS

we need another Tay.

People have said that Periscope is ripe for subversion to the cause.

we need Holla Forumslacks at retirement age already, so the can do the mod work Jesus requires.

I think this is more likely, the DNC was dumb enough to get pwned from more than one angle.

Sooner we get on it the better. The bot is sadly very good at its job

They probably finally fucking realized that we have IDs here and are making a few generic meme posts for le ebin upboats before they push their shill talking points in a futile attempt to blend in.

Have you read the CIA report on the idiot who managed HRC's server. They consider him to be fucking stupid and that a child could have hacked that box.

FBI…not CIA. my bad.

Yeah, and the server was active and unsecured for like 7 months IIRC, every single intelligence agency in the world has the undeleted shillary emails as do hopefully a few independent blackhats who might release them.

I like this theory and think it could be the truth as well. Anyone listening to Hillary (or Obama or any mainstream politician speak) knows that so much of their career is a public persona. I'm not saying they are stupid necessarily, but I'm of the opinion that no President has had control of the direction of the nation in decades, likely since JFK assassination. Nixon tried to do good, as did Reagan, but Nixon was taken down and Reagan went along with rebirthing modern "conservatism". I mean, try to imagine what being Republican would be like without Reagan.

It would make sense to me that Hillary is controlled by these deep state interests as much as Obama or any other president was. And for me this is always a catch-22 kind of situation. On the one hand you can say any President who does not stop this is spineless, on the other hand as a Christian there is an amount of compassion I have for people who are so corrupted and degenerate to allow this to happen or simply just be blackmailed into allowing it to happen.

And I think the deep state pre-emptively harming Hillary could have been part of that…but was she not already firmly selected as the leader?

Again given the bronie-dom that we now know populates the CIA, it's entirely possible that an internal leak for DNCleaks and Podesta emails came from a Bernie supporter working at an intelligence agency. I hate to speculate but for me that's what's so damn fun about this.

You couldn't make a movie or write a spy novel even 1/10th as interesting as modern events are turning out to be. I just try to hold the faith that truth will be revealed and we will be free as a people to make our decisions regarding our future based on that truth regarding the current nature of our government and society.

I am looking forward to the next DEFCON.

Get out.


All the more reason why we need to seize the initiative.


Very neat.

The fuck is this?


Looks lik stuff targeted at the People's Liberation Army.

But those names…. I hate to see my generation using my childhood as shitty code names

is wikileaks is a limited hangout? why is there a US state dept declassification case number on this email, let alone AFTER the date it was "leaked"?

full email:

I honestly spent the two hours after reading this making autistically fucking annoying noises into my mics.

It's like reading my twitter feed, all these references for the sake of it.

There were two. There was DNCleaks which was Guccifer and then there was the HRC campaign Podesta emails leaked by Wikileaks.

Guccifer was behind DNCleaks, whereas Wikileaks released Podesta's emails after those emails were leaked to them from whoever did the phishing attack on Podesta's account.

I'm not even sure what the MSM is alleging anymore, whether they are alleging Russia is only behind Guccifer or both.


Holla Forums is trying to D&C Holla Forums against Holla Forums as well.

Well, i'm off for the night. Keep at it fellas. You guy's make this insanity make sense.

I don't know why, but some part of me is proud of you, user.

Unfortunately everything we say/do is converted to text before being stored. Nobody has to sit there and listen to you, unfortunately.

Have a TV on in the background and feed it junk code all day.

Well, the CIA can translate my autistic hums and closed-mouth "talking" until the end of time I guess.

That must be a lot of fun to parse.

I hope they enjoyed it.


His name was Seth Rich

Have you ever noticed that CIAnigger and CIAnigger affiliates have a massive false machoness and a god complex? During the entire election Rick Wilson acted like he was the hottest shit and the ultimate insider and ended up getting fooled by some random shitposter.

I swear to god intelligence agents are the most arrogant, embellishing, cunts that iv'e ever seen on the internet.

fuck off CIAnigger


What do we do if it turns out it actually was Russia at some level? I'm all for Trump but I'll admit that I would be upset if there was international interference in our election. Not so upset I would want Trump gone, but there would need to be a massive nationwide redpilling for people to accept that as a potential good thing.

I don't mean to be rude and cross-post, but the timing of this may have something to do with the wiretapping accusations and the Loretta Lynch thing.

If a prosecutor could prove that the software used to "hack" Trump Tower that led to the FISA warrant was the same kind used by the CIA to imitate Russian hackers…then they could prove the government deliberately faked evidence and lied to a court.

Can Holla Forums cross post the leaks about Russian malware?



yeah I didn't make this meme nor did I get it from here or a chan. Someone showed it to me and I thought it was funny…I don't follow litmemes or those kind of pages…

lol just thought of something. wasnt it being pushed in tv and movies to not "miss a moment" of the football game and put a smart tv in your bathroom…


Holy fuck.

You have to go back.

Jesus fucking christ you're right.

pretty sure it was kind of a meme. the "le lol mancave. my bathroom has awesome toilet and tv"

Yeah I remember exactly what you mean. My family always said it was fucking weird and never wanted to do it.

Look up the 1996 election finance scandal.

The 'foreign influence' thing is pulled from the Clinton playbook because it was something they themselves were guilty of back in 1996 with the Chinese government and again in the past election with foreign oil money through the Clinton foundation.

It may be that Russia got involved, I sincerely don't know. But I don't think we've genuinely had free elections free of foreign influence in quite some time.

yeah that's definitely part of it.

In 1984 Winston Smith only had a small corner of his flat where he had privacy from the Telescreen

I've been looking at finfisher's exploit, its an easy exploit for any antivirus to find so I doubt it'd be of any use to us.

What's more interesting to me is this finspy network, if we could hook up to it we could see all the computers they've been spying on. Though if this is big guy CIA they've got procedures to have the spyware delete itself when the program is over, similar to Stuxnet.

What's amazing to me is how much finspy uses STL, you'd think big guys would use Boost or something in house. And hey since its an ELF image you get all the names in verbose. Unlike the Windows EXE which is just an exploit bag.

Which user wants to connect to the monitoring center?

I have a suspicion 4chan is the CIA's playground to test memes and AI's

If it was Russia, we make it very clear that we only tolerate it because it was Trump, and we officially owe Russia one favor.

As for the national position, Trump would have to be aggro as fuck towards Russia, unfortunately.

This leak has to be toxic for morale at the CIA Center for Cyber Intelligence. The higher-ups are paranoid and suspicious of every faggot brony because they're faggot bronies, and the faggot bronies are all weepy and butthurt because they're being treated badly. Hopefully the CI/Security division puts the screws to the bronies, put them all on the box and interrogate them, hell waterboard them. At the very least treat them all like criminals in a work camp. Maybe one or two suspects can even have a single-car accident driving home.

It hurts my brain thinking these guys like video games, many of which deal with tyrannical governments, and they build tools which help to destroy democracy.

Yeah but if it was Russia wouldn't it have leaked before the election?

fuck off cianigger

There are FISA cases that were presented before a court with "evidence" of Russians hacking Trump.
Lynch signed off on them.


I'm sorry for CAPS posting, but I'm losing my shit here.

There will probably be some faggot bronies having accidental falls from their apartment balconies at 5:30am. Not because that particular faggot bronie leaked anything but because everyone knows one of his faggot bronie friends did , and how close faggot bronies are to each other

The Obama "shadow government" is going down hard aren't they?

god damn just think about all the flagged keywords that get thrown out in these threads daily. 8ch isn't even on the radar of most normies, but I'm sure it's lighting up the threat matrix boards like the light of 1,000 suns.

We know they have the capability to do that, but we don't know for sure. Unless the FISA applications are declassified or released, we don't know what evidence was presented to the court. According to Louise Mensch, who wrote the Heat Street article, the only FISA warrant approved was the one in October, which was only approved because of the information it redacted (i.e. it didn't mention Trump et al).

I also hate to give this kind of plausible deniability, but it also has to be asked what if CIA did this, then presented it to Obama/AG and thus forced their hand. I'm not trying to hold up Obama or Lynch as good people necessarily, but what I'm saying is that the deep state CIA power structure is much longer lasting and more powerful than Obama and his appointees were.

Obama and Lynch could have honestly believed evidence for Russian hacking when presented by the CIA. They aren't computer scientists, they won't be able to tell if the CIA is lying to them or not.

They never, ever expected hillary to lose. Now they actually have to worry about consequences for all the shit they've been getting away with for years.

the consequences will never be the same, im just worried how fucking desperate they're going to get

This shadow government is way bigger than Obama and Hillary. That's what needs to be understood here. This isn't merely a vast left wing conspiracy created during the Obama presidency. This is the culmination of an intelligence culture that got it's start after World War II.

Assuming CIA killed Kennedy (big assumption, could be disinfo) it's likely that these rogue deep state elements have been in control for decades, exercising their power when they wanted and how they wanted. Different things at different times in history. Sometimes "good" sometimes "bad" but almost always secret.

Theoretically politicians and presidents are happy to play along as long as they can receive public adulation and accomplish some of their pet projects. This would the Bill Hicks version of the world so to speak. Of course Hicks had more of a left-libertarian perspective but that doesn't mean his overall idea is wrong about gov't secrecy/conspiracy.

it was thought up by kikes who get paid lots a money. fuck coincidence

It's time to bring back lulzsec, Anomalous, and all the other hacking groups.

Normies need to see the hellish damage that can be done with computers before they can understand why this shit is damaging. I've already started; any anons who can't into l33t c0d3s and script kiddie shit we need you to boost all hacks to front page of the news.


Here's some random chick's stuff I hacked/defaced. Retweet her, make it go viral that the CIA's toolkit is being used by darknet hackers/anarchists/cyberterrorists.

fucking bullshit. here's an imagebin for pic related

Embrace the chaos anons, and above all, have lulz.

Fucking pizza…..

wish these weren't redacted

it's almost as if they were hired for being easy to program or something :^)

You're being defeatist. You don't even need the FISA case records. You need the evidence the AG / prosecutor presented in that case. That shit is not required to be destroyed. In fact since this was just a warrant, retaining that evidence should be SOP. That shit is 100% discoverable.

This would be the ground level work for a huge case, and who knows what discovery requests could turn up. But now you have probable cause and a place to start.



Here you go famalam.

I'd help out but I don't have a twitter. and I can't hack for shit

God I love this man.

ha ha…yea

Go have lunch with the NJ DA if you ever have spare time. Evidence gets black-holed for two-bit crooked cops shooting competing street niggers, just imagine something as big as this.

luzsec we miss u

Also, it doesn't matter if the warrant was for Trump or not. All that matters was that the evidence presented to the court was faked. That's it. This would be a criminal case, not civil. Trump doesn't need to have standing.

I tried rationalizing it. I can't. Their minds are fucked.

It's real, kek.
How do you even hack a twitter account?

How do I actually get into Tor? I know and hidden wiki, but it seems like there is multiple hidden wikis which link to near exact copies of other sites with different urls. I've no idea how to verify if a site is legit or a scam copy of another. When I use and look for websites like other chans 1/10 of the time I end up with a

what is imagebin? why not just upload files here? Or use a well known image hosting site so people won't be wary of clicking your link. Also where did wikileaks release files with which to hack people? I thought they kept all that code for themselves.

Tor can't upload due to pedos.

But in this case you have past evidence already presented (in the FISA case). This isn't like some missing gun in a locker room somewhere that's never seen the light of day or an evidence list. This is already established as existing evidence. If it goes missing at this point, you have a very good case for obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence. And this is a hacking tool, not a bullet casing.

Anyway the criminal in this case wouldn't necessarily be Lynch or Obama, but the CIA itself.

Either way they are beyond screwed. A prosecutor would have a fucking bonanza with this information.


If you want to be of use dox the Halfchan mods.

Regaining our lost territory needs to be our #1 priority.


I copied it over for him.

Are we getting lulzsec back?


I thought the Cisco thing was well known , wasn't it in a prior leak?

Or the NSA also targeted Cisco …

and it's assumed Cisco cooperates with the agencies, like Microsoft etc

oh shit accidently hit submit. Let me continue.

When I use and look for websites like other chans 1/10 of the time I end up with some sort of vanish cache 503 error. I close all other tabs connected to the internet (I think, there is probably hidden stuff connected still). Start up tor, and then I'm stuck I can find sites using but that's it, I have no idea who to trust.

For example two hidden wikis with different urls:
http:// zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/Main_Page

Yeah, here it was.


For NSA, not for CIA from what I recall.


I'll never stop being mad at their then-SVP of supply chain management for killing Flip, then doing a 180 and shilling for GoPro. Utter trash routers, even their own top employees bought Netgear shit.

Cisco "Upgrade" Factories

>…"Here’s how it works: shipments of computer network devices (servers, routers, etc,) being delivered to our targets throughout the world are intercepted. >Next, they are redirected to a secret location where Tailored Access Operations/Access Operations (AO-S326) employees, with the support of the Remote Operations Center (S321), enable the installation of beacon implants directly into our targets’ electronic devices. These devices are then re-packaged and placed back into transit to the original destination. All of this happens with the support of Intelligence Community partners and the technical wizards in TAO.

god damn fam, proof read that shit

anyway, maybe the CIAniggers were really the ones behind this fucking mess?

Probably because he was trying to project a stereotype onto us intending to inflict hurt feelings because this is all he feels after being assigned to watch us and slowly realizing he made some dumb life choices and is in fact not a patriot, but a soldier for old white rich pedos.

Do you have any more WebM's?

Speaking of an IoT botnet, I can imagine them constructing it to treat every consumer object as nodes for global-sized neural networks. With a complexity of trillions of objects (which in themselves have many nodes), you can see the true power of such a botnet design. Wouldn't be surprised this was their next step after infecting everything for spying. After all why waste money on building many more server farms if you can exploit your existing botnet for such massive parallel processing?

Thanks mod. I never thought I'd say that tbh


I was thinking about it from a dumb burger angel wanting to watch his game on the shitter and dropping a mudbaby for 30 minutes and playing candy crush. Didnt even think about pizza. Jesus christ…. Imagine if someone was dumb enough to actually put a TV in there bathroom and it was spying on children getting undressed, or taking a bath. That's fucking sick.


I don't think so. A specific employee at Cisco had to constantly fly to China with a team of guys to snoop out who we selling counterfeit garbage back to the US. These chinks would GLUE circuit boards together, buy officially-looking packaging, then sell it back, or sell it in China. Nothing stopped them outside of top Cisco goons going and shutting them down.


Operation REDCONQUISTA indeed

Holy goddamn Christ, I can't type.


i just don't like coincidences. It's not far-fetched that they used chinc minions to cover their tracks.

Ya know, I've never once considered going back since 2014, but we did come up over there, and it is ours. Even if I never see pink yotsuba again, I'd still like it if we took it back on general principle, should such a thing even prove possible.

Here you go faggot:

Ubuntu system.


I don't imagine a massive internet of things would be very good at parallel processing, everything is so far away that making everything run at the same time would be a nightmare. Also, you have to keep their computing secret so you can't have them taking up too much processing power or just straight up power which could be fairly easily detected. Having them all do relatively small tasks like ddos a site would be extremely effective though, as has been proven.



We soon will reconquer halfchan again, user, soon we will

GE is currently consolidating everything production-based onto their cloud via a project called Predix. First with factories, energy, then it goes for transportation later on. From what I've heard from employees, it's their best attempt at Skynet because of potential to let it all learn and optimize functions.

Okay, so a bit different than secretly taking over bits of the IOT and using them for nefarious purposes. Still interesting though.

I worked in regular sigint in the army, and had to deal with civvie humint guys (non-american, but equivalent of american cia). They are the worst arrogant jackoffs I've ever dealt with. Flagrantly ignored sign-in protocols to classified areas. Brought their fucking mobiles into our static ops area, which was a major breach of security. They had the arrogance of the the bearded doorkicker specops guys, but lacked the competence of them. You got the impression the only thing they were good at was being con men, which is pretty much their bread and butter task.

Oh I'm fully expecting it to be nefarious, even if it looks fine on paper. Unrelated, but if you watched Nvidia's presentation at the recent CES, what they want is basically an autonomous car that can track your face. The PROPOSED plan is for it to be able to tell if you're falling asleep, talking to the passengers, or doing something that would be distracting. It can also hear/record your voice. Considering some cars now also have "user profiles" you can link to certain drivers, it can all be connected.

Merge that with their new partner, Here's, "let's map the world, and let the maps guide you!" plan, it starts to look stupidly invasive. Maybe in the long-run it's faster, but I don't like that level of something watching me drive.

Got you a github of that; see if the files match.

It's a nestDFU attack for 'google thermostats'

You have no fucking clue user….I was paid to pour sand into engines and rev them until they seized when they were traded in at the dealership I was working at….worst "program" ever. I hope trump metaphorically curb stomps this nigga.

Are you implying that beehive file is part of some kind of attack? If so, I think you're incorrect. It's a common file on *nix systems and you happened to find a copy of it on that github page. That page includes all the files needed to compile a kernel in order to perform the DFU attack on a NEST thermostat. NESTs run *nix (probably based on Android - I'm not that familiar with them) and a DFU attack is where you compile your own kernel and attempt to load it in to a device via a firmware update mode.

agreed. Makes me want a car without electronics that can be accessed without physically touching the car.

… match those provided in that repository. Assuming those are dependencies for the exploit though and not malicious in and of themselves (my computer is not a thermostat).

Centralization is happening in just about every avenue of life. Especially with electronics and cloud environments. It increases efficiency, allows for consolidation of power, is cheaper, and it is convenient.

These were the initial reasons for an ever increasing centralized gov, and look what happened to it… All it will take is a few evil kikes and it becomes a single point of failure.

I'm sitting here thinking about my 2017 car in light of all of this and there are two things I realized I still command. ECU commands cannot control my clutch or my steering input. It's no victory.

Can somebody please give me an update on the last 7 or so hours? We're not all in the same time zone and this stuff should really be summarised in the OP.

Did wikileaks get their livestream? When did Vault 7 unlock? Any significant finds so far?

Most cars nowadays have electric assisted power steering rather than hydraulic.

All modern computers (that have UEFI) are compromised at the hardware level. Is and programs, including encryption, are useless. Same for phones, routers, smart TVs, etc.

Dat ID

CIA confirmed Bronies with the ability to hack your car and murder you.

Kill yourself newfag

Holy fuck I was making reference to the "founding fathers" of the CIA you dumb fucking nigger. I hope to god you're a shill and not an actual user because if you are your stupidity actually just triggered me. Papa bush is still alive as far as I've heard after being hospitalized recently….and that fucker is ancient….definitely white….and quite rich. How man pull ups did you do today faggot?? I bet that I'll kill 10x the commies you ever will in the coming days.

It means he's using Tor to connect

That white girl is my future waifu. Dibbs.


Not on trisquel

Not surprising since they allow non-free shit

Dito has

Most of the exploit on Gnu/linux are because of blobs and non-gplv3 software.
Each fucking time it's something that we CANNOT look at or correct it.

Stop using cloudflare protected websites.
How do you think this company suddenly appeared with enormous resources ?

Spook located


not that guy, but what would you suggest besides

Sorry to ask you again, but I've been trying for three days to get into Tor and im just treading in the water. Don't mean to distract the thread either but I don't know where to ask this.

How do I actually get into Tor? I know and hidden wiki, but it seems like there is multiple hidden wikis which link to near exact copies of other sites with different urls. I've no idea how to verify if a site is legit or a scam copy of another. When I use and look for websites like other chans 1/10 of the time I end up with some sort of vanish cache 503 error.

I close all other tabs connected to the internet (I think, there is probably hidden stuff connected still). Start up tor, and then I'm stuck. I can find sites using but that's it, I have no idea who to trust.

For example two hidden wikis with different urls:
http:// zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/Main_Page

>Central Asia

Tor will just put you on a watchlist. I don't recommend it.

I imagine I'm already on watchlists for being on Holla Forums and reading dabiq magazine, unabomber, brevik, rodger, roof manifestos. As well as actively listen to dprk and chinese radio online.

I would do it right if I actually ever do anything. Not that I plan to, I just want to read.

How about my WiiU? Is that also Compromised?

I wouldn't put it past these sick fucks to target children's products.

Heh. Hi, spook.


Someone needs to post CIAtan already. I heard it was a sparklehorse.

If this is only the beginning, what's coming next? I know more than a few normalfags who are apopleptic about this. Especially ones who bought smart TVs or jewboxes with kikenects. God I hope there's lynchings in the streets.

Camera on gamepad with no obvious use. Think about it.

Yeah other than the feature to take a picture of yourself in real time, and the wii u takes the picture and makes a Mii out of it. I've owned a wii u now for a long time and literately never used the camera.

Wew lad once people start thinking about cia-kuns
Here its all over.

Fucking hell. Even skiddies could use some of this shit.

Is Assange Bane now?
then back it up with this tool so that it can be uploaded elsewhere if needed

He's 6'2

If it has a camera, light-based imaging, microphone, or speakers, it can be used to spy on you in the physical world. And is.

pretty big guy

For you

ty. I'll do that from now on.

Archlinux here… the last 2 results are from the 2nd hard drive where my sis has windows 10, kek.

In theory, user, the electric power steering is probably controlled by a CANBUS module hooked in to the CAN wiring of your car. That means it's communicating with the ECU and the other modules connected to the CAN ring. Theoretical attacks against the CAN network could allow the EPS module to do the exact opposite of power assisted steering - power resisted steering. I'm not sure whether it would be strong enough to turn the wheel on its own, but it could be made to work against your steering inputs, making it extremely hard to turn the wheel.

Also, you're forgetting ABS and TCS subsystems. If those are tampered with, your car could be made to differentially brake any one of the four wheels, including the use of high frequency brake modulation to cause drag on a given corner without applying constant full braking pressure, which would effectively steer the car without any steering inputs. It could certainly provide the exact opposite of stability control and make the car spin or hit something. I am not 100% sure your brake pedal would work if this was being interfered with, because the ABS/TCS pump may be able to lock out pedal provided hydraulic pressure in favor of its own pressure. ABS is the repeated un-application of the brakes when lockup is detected by the wheel speed sensors so that you can still steer, while TCS systems can add hydraulic pressure to individual corners even when you're not using the brake pedal.

Some modern cars have their external lighting systems controlled by CAN modules as well, so in theory you could hack those and turn all the lights off in the middle of the night and while the car is at speed. You could also disable the brake lights to cause the vehicles behind to potentially collide, particularly if used in conjunction with an ABS/TCS attack.

t. CIA

Sorry dude I am new to the linux system, it just says permission denied after I type in the sudo command and my password. Does this mean Im fugged?


These are just regular, harmless terminfo files, at least on my system.



Do you think recalls implant shit

Nothing suspicious there.

No, some parts of the file system, even if you are root, will give permission denied. You probably shouldn't be executing commands as root if you don't know what you are doing, by the way.

if the cia can control planes does that mean they may have done 9/11?

Do you think the CANBUS protocol is designed to have any built in security or message authentication from one module to another?

It's possible recalls or ECU updates are implanting shit. The point of my post is that you could easily vampire tap a little box to the low or high speed CAN rings, and it can freely inject message traffic or imitate other modules. It's manufacturer specific for the most part, but most of that information would be detectable by watching the message traffic of the car's own modules.

it's easier to just control the shitskins

CIA, Mossad and maybe Saudi Arabia did 9/11

Well I have an old car so at least I don't have to worry about shit

goodnight, Holla Forums
You keep me up until 3AM way too damn often
you're bad for me but I love you

Most of tor address that I have are shared with people I know via email with PGP encryption.
The tor network is pretty much like the beginning of the web.
It's a constant clusterfuck if you don't know the people behind the websites.
That's how it was before internet 2.0.
Before wave of retarded people trying to spew constant memes and cats.
Some websites disappear from existence to reappear elsewhere.
And that's because they become to popular.
A .onion website isn't anonymous if there is too much traffic on it.
Plus the needs for more hardware thus money.
So it needs to be re-implemented elsewhere with a bit more users that are loyal to it and that can help.
That's how real social networks are created.
Real people with real bonds who will share physical resources.
Not the clusterfuck that is facebook or other retarded inventions.

It might not suite you user.
Tor is still a good browser/mesh network for the web 2.0 to not be tracked buy standard shit like google or other.
Tor is not suite for permanent web like we actually have.
It's good for browsing anonymously that's all.
The real thing will come when Gnunet will be implemented at a larger scale.
It's basically another internet but built for censor resistance and constant anonymity.
This is what is going to effectively replace the web 2.0

This search engine might help:

Good luck user.

Hello, East coast user probably residing either in Jew York or PA.

Goodnight, faggot.

South Carolina

After the fiasco of 2012 most linux distros bowed to keep some files out of reach from the user, even if there is only 1 and its root, due to they constant hacking each other for giggles and shit.

There are easy ways to bypass this protection and go fulltime root but unless you are a distro develop and want to mess with a server or your kerner its mostly wasted time.

like wanting to keep a phone Bluetooth ON even if there are no known contacts to share files with, you are asking to be spy on.

i doubt candicrush levels can do anything to my lap but thanks for the confirmation user.

I would imagine this is pretty bad for Elon's potential customers. Couldn't this affect his sales. Being a murder for hire tool?

Tell me about assange why does he hack the agency

we bringing sexy back

We are currently living in a post-Alex-Jones-is-insane world


you are on a list and so am i. moat humans are, they call it a threat matrix and rank you based off of stuff like being itt for instance

good theories on them using a rone as second plane. most people in the videos when 2nd plane hit called it a black plane, not because of shadow, they saw the plane painted black. so they could have used a drone to make the look of the controlled demo as if the planes were the cause.

dox and kill the mods

Saudi Arabia definitely financed it. CIA/Mossad orchestrated.
Thats my guess, at least.

Saudis are crypto kikes anyway so "jews did 9/11" is entirely correct

Who could be behind this CIA?

Whatcha doing with those trojans and malwares rabbi?

They also give the threat levels to local law enforcement, though this is from a Holla Forums post I can neither remember the topic of or provide a source of.
If it's true it's still quite funny that you could look like an ordinary as fuck citizen and when a cop pulls you over for a newly burnt out taillight he sees the "threat level/100:
==95== "

Show up and slightly be unnerved just by that alone. Rural and white cops are good guys, however, by and large, without including the shitheads in every department.

If you have windows on the same motherboard as your other hard drive with Linux, I would not at all be surprised if there are ways the shadow gov long arm can turn on parts of your computer and compromise you based off of windows 10 there alone. You may want to give your sis her own computer.

The one thing I don't get is how did user find out that ponychan was the original source of that pic?
I tried reverse image searching on both google and tineye, hundreds of results but none of them were to ponychan.
Someone kindly explain to me how user did it?

wasn't there some shit about pam anderson being a cia asset and going to julian?

Intel management engine and EFI bios persistence is all you need to say

Other people seem to think so.
ht tps://
ht tp://

it literally comes up when you type

"Sassy-Cat-Pic-640x607.jpg chan"

We tried to warn you, we told you it would only lead to tyranny. But you wouldn't listen, you just said we were autistic and crazy, that we didn't know what we were talking about. Look what you've done.

the fucking CIA niggers got their nigger cattle good this time.

Where can I obtain the folder that contains the sassy cat image?

I give KikeIA a week tops before trump completely dismantles it, interrogates the entire fucking agency, finds out (literally) that they are in direct contact with Israel who orchestrate it all, and then - even if we didn't mean for trump to be hitler - he goes full hitler. I give it a 65% chance based off of how slippery the KikeIA can be.

That's the potential seriousness of how much of a happening this could be. And you know what a dog does with its back to the wall about to be struck in the eyes. Right?

Not to black pill because I really hate that shit, but I have yet to think of a way for even Trump to be able to fuck over the CIA. You could cut their government budget to $0 and they would still operate just fine because of all their black market bullshit. That's how they can afford to have better than NSA hacking tools in the first place, I suspect. Seems like the only way would be to legislate it out of existence, and that would be very hard to get the GOP cuckservatives in congress to authorize.

Kikes are already beefing up their security, them running scared does say something.

Got it. Thank you.
inb4 we invade ponychan


Friendly reminder it could easily be a literal fed, CTR, CREW, JIDF etc

Sounds like some alphabet nigger doing damage control.

Don't quote laws to men who have swords

In the leak they make shitty memes of Obama to celebrate the fact he is "making it rain" by giving them $100 billion for their covert spying program. Their budget including the drug, organ, and weapons trade is impressive but still pretty finite and the fact they relied on Obama's budget expansion for this program means that their resources are more limited than you think, if congress ever starts fucking with them or drastically cutting their official budget they will have to start burning through their black budget funds and scale back their nefarious operations bigly, they aren't the big guys you think they are, and they definitely aren't in charge.

Actually this looks like somebody older - from the Hillary campaign.


Get admin access and see what shit you can dig into in the server. I'm curious if there's anything shady being done with hiro in charge.

So Alex Jones was right again.

But he's still a kook, right folks?


user does shine some light on some truth though. Problem I see is that if they do get congressionally defunded, that just leaves a vulnerability for some billionaire cabals to bribe their way in and use them as their personal cyber army. Honestly I do believe it may already happened. Trump is going to have to figure out a plausible replacement to get them reined in.
Today is International Women's Day #IWD2017 212 documents from our archives detail its use in geopolitics"international womens day"|"international women's day"&exact_phrase=&any_of=&exclude_words=&document_date_start=&document_date_end=&released_date_start=&released_date_end=&publication_type[]=6&publication_type[]=2&publication_type[]=46&publication_type[]=28&new_search=False&order_by=most_relevant#results

I will forever believe all liberals suffer from dunning-kruger effect. If we could only force these idiots to recognize how stupid they are things would go a lot smoother.

These are the same kinds of people who were shocked by the NSA revelations and made a big deal out of it

Suddenly they're downplaying and defending this shit. wtf
View of giant covert CIA hacker base in Europe–the US "Consulate" in Frankfurt

NSA is small fries in its operational capability/variability compared to the CIA

Liberals flop to whatever is the promoted viewpoint. He was anti-shillary in 2008 and pro-shillary in 2016

With all this going on its also important to note that the CIA have been hacking French elections in the past. Everything they accuse the Russians of, they do. The audacity of these niggers. Thanks for exposing them Julian, we already knew it was lies but now there's definite proof to shove in the normies faces.

CIA espionage orders for the 2012 French presidential election

Jonestein is a fucking moron who repeats every conspiracy theory out there(except the one against jews because kikes own him) so of course he'll have some right.

Shows a bit of reality, if ex-kang nigger can beat shillary in a election campaign anyone could. Still wondering how stupid the dnc think we really are.

Reads like an obvious shill wrote that.

Besides the whole "nothing to worry about" argument falls apart when you consider how much industrial espionage and insider trading is enabled by such mass surveillance. This essentially allows the CIA to manipulate social, financial, technological and political trends based on predictive power of their spy networks. So even if you're some nobody law abiding citizen, if you work for an industry they're interested in manipulating you could become a target.







Who, What, When, Where and How.

We know they hate some anons/anti-establishment fags a lot. I think it could contain notes and plans to take a few out.

Think not only people like Assange and David Seaman, but only anons whom you and I never heard of but were fucking their meme divisions and pizza practices over.

That wasn't the CIA, those were DNC insiders dissatisfied with how Hillary ran the whole thing. Remember Seth Rich? And so many others who ended up suicide'd? And to top it off, you're forgetting how Podesta, Weiner and the rest of the people in charge are so uneducated on web-security that they left "password" as their password. The CIA had nothing to do with that, it's just DNC being stupid and tearing itself apart from the inside.

They didn't.

Two things. One, they planned the war with Russia for years. Back in 99, when Kosovo was still under NATO occupation (still is, but nevermind that) they wanted to attack Russian troops stationed on some airport, fully aware that it'll start WW3. The troops refused, and the generals threw a hissy fit. Don't think for a moment that anything changed since then. War with Russia is (((their))) end game, has been for years. And CIA was (((their))) tool for years.

Two', when Hillary started losing, they started shilling "muh Russia" everywhere because it would help them delegetimize Trump. And I'm willing to bet that the whole narrative about "muh Russia" is just a retooled version of the narrative they'd been pushing if Hillary won.

The entire CIA is a rogue organization. It's not just one operative. Blaming it on Russians (you know, the people they're already blaming for rigging the election) is just them scapegoating. They're perfectly aware that if the US citizens knew that the CIA's fucking with them, they'd all hang.

Because they have an image to maintain. They're supposed to be the badasses fighting foreign powers, and not bronies jerking each other off. Any attack on that image is a direct attack on the authoritative figure normalfags have in their head, and the CIA can't have that. And to top it off, in their heads, they're the patriots.

from antergos
beehive belongs to the NCURSES library
permission denied at GVFS due to it being a VFS
that has me a little bit curious since GNOME uses that file system for FTP
most likely nothing

It's not hubris. It seems like these poor fuckers were not trained enough in security to realize that information may be compromised, someone may be watching, and they should absolutely avoid compromising themselves. Just because they aren't DO doesn't mean that they should risk announcing to the world they work for a spy agency. It's hubris on management for letting this poor fucker slide.

Looks like they were fine when Obammy and the communist-liberal-LGBT-anti white -alliance had this tech, but now that the Trump admin has access to it, I guess they felt it was time to expose it.

Trump admin doesn't have access to it though, I mean they should but that's not how its working. Instead its still actively being used against him.

Then again, they do have bronies and redditors working for them.

Fuck off CIA nigger. Nobody likes you. I'm actually serious here, you're almost unanimously hated.

Anyway, if anything this HELPED Trump.

This gives Trump the reason he needs to Splinter It Into A Thousand Pieces And Scatter It Into The Winds.

What? I haven't been following this stuff much, the CIA has bronies on board?

Not really, it's just a funny meme

there wasnt any planes used.. they were all project blue beam

Holla Forums is international, and we got Trump elected.

They can't for the good of it imagine that the rebellion that got Trump elected, wasn't started and aided by Russian expertise.

It's because they're "in". They figure they're not cattle like us, that they're top of the pyramid.


ill leave them here as well. came up with the idea as there were more clinton mails on the server than there were links to it. so i tried a crawl.

please julian

there is probably much more:

Fuck guys I'm worried, the last time Mongolia was up to some shit, it didn't end well for the half of the known world.


get fucked we are fighting back on all fronts

You have to go back.

notice how this wasnt censored on reddit and nothing about jews ever gets leaked
really makes you think… if the teenage retards here could think for themselves

CIAnigger get out

Trump is going to fire you if you spooks keep your bullshit up.

Do you think they have a meme division for the lulz?


Daily reminder that if you have jerked off whilst using a smart phone the deep state could probably pull up a video of your wanking.

thats rich

Nah I only use a laptop and I put a nontransparent ductape on a camera. Everyone should do it.

I wonder if there are deep state employers who go through private data to search for the biggest cock to hire as bull for their wifes.

If you googled the filename all you got was ponychan. In the past 24 hours that has changed, however.

It's in the root folder of the new Wikileaks dump.


go here
go here
go here
go here
go here
go here

That'd be great because the fear of the gubmint watching them masturbate might actually clue normies into how not actually normal this shit is.

MSM is running this story with more emphasis on "catching the leaker" than how horrific the invasion of privacy is, simply covering it matter of fact.


Watch out for shills using exaggeration to make the practical aspects of the leaks seem absurd or fantastical, to spread disbelief and distrust of the actuvalidity.
Similar to the effect of:

*actual validity
Fucking giant send button.


Please spy on us more make us safe!


Basically, a normie will only think about themselves until someone else influences/tricks them into thinking about the bigger picture. "I don't have anything to hide, so why should I care?" You're never going to explain why that's a shitty way to think without using some Jewish tricks.

What you need to do is make it about the minorities. Tell them that Trump could use these tools to create a registry of Muslims or homosexuals and use it to persecute them.

By establishing the moral high ground this way, you can make them mad about surveillance programs. This has worked for everyone I tried it on. Someone even changed their mind on getting a Smart TV because of this.

Underrated post

What do you do if your normalfag friends hate niggers but don't care about the CIA spying?

Yes it was like the other day when I found myself in the house of some pro-EU harpy. I told her that Brexit and Trump stopped TTIP and TPP
I told her that TTIP would give multinational corporations the power to take small African countries to court over arbitrary shit.
Her response
These people are so strong in their beliefs even though theyve barely researched them and just react to everything on face value.


Those were NOT the reasons for centralized government. Centralized government was based off the same reasons we heard after 9/11: you need to give up some freedom for security.

bump for this practice in subsequent threads

Time to autism a little about anonymity with Linux.
The most secure way to be anonymous is to not let those prying eyes know you're trying to become anonymous. This is nigh impossible through data tracking unless you manage to have a friend obtain all necessary files required for decent anonymity in a flash drive that installs with your distro without connecting to the internet.
So, since we have no friends and thus this is not an option, we must recursively apply anonymity.
Step 1: install a distro of your choice with a USB or CD iso image.
Step 2: encrypt all volumes with LVM if applicable, and have a separate root folder.
Step 3: after the distro is done booting into your user environment, half the work is done.
Step 4: load up the web browser of your choice. I use Firefox only because pale moon has outdated addons that do not always retain compatability with current versions. There is essentially no browser that isn't massively cucked off the bat.
Step 5: this is the important part -
Step 6: visit the VPN section of the wiki and install one that does not log - this is not bulletproof, but is a good idea. has a decent list of VPNs you can use. I recommend highly using one that let's you pay with gift cards, which means you don't have to go through the tedium of mailing fucking cash to someone while also allowing you to pay for them pseudoanonymously with cash.
Use this to register and pay for your VPN. under Linux, depending on your distro, you may have a VPN management package already installed by default (Ubuntu variants for sure). It's recommended to use OpenVPN for something similar to ease of use.
Step 7: connect to your VPN with openvpn.
Step 8: connect an empty flash drive to your computer, and download all addons, a copy of your VPN program, and other files related to this process to this flash drive.
Step 9: on a separate flash drive, install DBAN. this is a program that will not only format your harddrive but write over it multiple times (if requested) with 'blank' info, which is required to actually 'erase data'. Otherwise it can be pulled up off of leftover bits from a format..

.. Part 2
Step 1: ensure your computer cannot reconnect to the internet and reinstall your distro of choice.
Step 2: use your first flash drive to install all appropriate addons with your accompanying web browser along with your VPN package. Connect to it after this is completed.
Step 3: use a software program (synaptic, aptitude, AUR, etc or build from source) to install VirtualBox, a virtual machine program used to emulate a computer inside your computer. I'm not going to go into autistic detail about how to set this up, this I'd prefer you to read the manual concerning setting up your VM and, again, installing another distro of your choice within the VM. DO NOT CONNECT TO THE INTERNET WITHIN YOUR VM DISTRO YET.
Step 4: once you can successfully log into your distro inside your VM, install Tor and the Firefox-based Onion Browser inside your VM distro. Use's instructions to harden this browser.
Step 5: Install (using the previous flash drive) your VPN package. Connect to Tor and send your traffic through it, and tunnel to your VPN through Tor. Then, either you are done concerning proxies or you can connect to another set of Tor nodes. I'll let you read documentation on how to do thid yourself, but it isn't too difficult.

Past this, I recommend using good opsec and probably buying a second VPN to chain after hitting your last VPN in case it fails, or a third. What this all does is ensure even if big gubmint CIA sees your traffic, they'll see your VPN IP which goes back to your (second VPN IP or) Tor relays which in turn jumps outside your sandboxed machine into your actual computer which is in turn connected through your first VPN. That's a lot of IPs. Think behind 7 proxies only more secure. You may use free internet proxies at the end point of all this but I wouldn't recommend it.

You now probably have fairly slow internet unless you're using some high quality providers and services, but you essentially can view leaked files, browse Holla Forums and such in safety. Don't use this to do illegal shit that isn't what is right. Ensure you MAINTAIN GOOD OPSEC. don't do all this and then log into your fucking Facebook, keep ALL activity related to your political endeavors and all activity outside it seperate. Ideally purchase a separate computer and connect to your real IP through it to ensure your ISP doesn't think you're being /too/ fucky.

Want to be more autismic? Purchase your first computer using bitcoin or mailed money to a private seller - using gloves for the cash and envelope - then have it sent to a PO box, which is picked up by a trusted friend (wearing gloves) who then sends this to another PO box, which is then picked up by another friend (wearing gloves) who then places your package deep in a forest or other secure location for you to pick up. Install a self-DBAN button and two-time password failure auto-suicide button in your distro to prevent le hackers.

Desert Strike you fuck.

Not only is Kali meant to be used as LiveDVD/USB distro, not a baremetal install, you still use Windows?
I'm not clicking that shit, Mr. Shillingstein.
Use Parrotsec or even BlackArch for security tools, although it looks like you probably can't use them correctly anyways.

the time is chaos

If the next leaks include any real evidence to falseflags or election interference shit will hit the fan.

Got to love (((MSM))) defending CIA and blaming Russia for this, that warhawk fag Bolton whining on Fox that "Russia is undermining our intelligence community" by exposing what they truly are. Do they not understand that blaming everything on Russia made people numb to it?


are you fucking retarded. If you can't goto a link then you opsec if shit.
Its a fucking guide to show you how to dual boot you noob.

Reading all this listening to Oranssi Pazuzu is spooky as fuck.

What is this?


I live in a quasi-failed state. Is this really necessary for me?


The 2 perks of living in the failed third world, no fear of nuclear warfare and the police are too busy extorting criminals to give a fuck about "muh fellings" laws

Sweet. So I guess it's time to get my hands dirty. Will look into it when I get home.

funny Wired article, they're running defense for the CIA:

WikiLeaks CIA Dump Gives Russian Hacking Deniers the Perfect Ammo

" Days after President Trump baselessly tweeted that the Obama administration had wiretapped Trump Tower, a theory that first emerged on conservative talk radio, Wikileaks released its latest treasure trove revealing just how extensive the Obama administration’s surveillance capacity was. One nugget of particular interest to Trump supporters: a section titled “Umbrage” that details the CIA’s ability to impersonate cyber-attack techniques used by Russia and other nation states. In theory, that means the agency could have faked digital forensic fingerprints to make the Russians look guilty of hacking the Democratic National Committee.

Nothing in the documents connects the CIA to any Trump Tower wiretaps, which may or may not have ever existed at all anyway. Nor does the leak provide any evidence of a CIA scheme to pin the DNC hack on the Russians. But in the internet age, it doesn’t need to. "

the hacking of the DNC by big bad russian hackers may or may not have happened but don't expect Wired magazine to tell you the truth or even the basic facts. I'm surprised Wired still allows comments:

" These leaks don't do anything to prove the US government hacked the DNC. What they do prove is that the CIA, no matter how dumb about the subject they pretend to be, know for a fact that any evidence that Russia was behind the hacks can be completely fabricated given a hacker with the right tools. They had been hiding behind a public image of incompetence on the subject. Now we know that they've always known the evidence they presented was dubious. Even they were capable of creating similar fake evidence. They may not have done the hack, but they have been misleading the public about it for political ends. "


yep, that's my point. I just don't give a damn anymore. Last night i taped a web cam to the underside of my toilet seat, then had a laxitive sandwich.

Someone got paid to watch my toilet fill up. :)

You do know that probably your video will be quickly buried by the constant flush of files they get every second, right? Your pooping video will be forever there, unseen, until the end of times. Just let that sink in.

Does make me wonder if theres a way to just overload them with useless data. Drown them in their own power.

If user ever becomes a person of interest some mook is going to have to watch his shitting video though.

In case they have an authomatic words recognition you may want to say some words loudly that may trigger the system, something about terrorism or isis or russia, that kind of thing.
That would increase the chances of them enjoying your poop camera view.

I bet they already have this problem sorted out, tbh. Just said that to have some humour around here.

People need to use their social security numbers to buy stuff in US, right? Smartphones, PCs, consoles, TVs. All link to their numbers. And the buyers info is stored somewhere (using SSNs) because credit card companies check your "score" somewhere to judge if you're a good goy or not to have a goy card.

They have access to that information and organize the files according to the individuals' SSN. All they have to do is to link the part number to the products you bought with the SSNs and ta-da, all info that these wiretapped electronics generate are being stored somewhere in the world, within a folder with your name, your SSN, your address, etc etc.

It's totally possible to do it.

No you definitely do not need to use an SSN to buy things.


Oh, ok then. I thought this was standard, because here in bananaland works like that.

So, is there some personal info that MUST be given to the store if you're buying new shit?

Nope, not if you use cash. Obviously if you're using a credit or debit card you're totally fug'd, and if you're really paranoid you should leave your phone in your microwave before you leave for the store on your bicycle.

sweet jesus does this mean Java? what faggot installs java on linux anyway - could also be c++

In about a decade, such methods would be useless as increased processing power would eventually allow for real-time analysis of everything. Beyond that point it would be impossible to overwhelm it.

ISIS == CIAnigger/Kike proxy army, c'mon.

Well they still may want to keep things is check

Question: Why does my ID change after a day or so although my IP stayed the same, after deleting my browser history? The "You" on my posts is not visible any longer.

Sage for OT.


Probably just a minor glitch in the mechanism that decides what ID to give people. I've noticed it too, but it seems to be intermittent, not constant.

what did they mean by this

The rabbit hole goes a whole lot deeper

Go back to cuckchan you underage.

Fuck, are we in the AC timeline? See if anyone can find anything mentioning an APPLE or PoE

holy fuck the CIA is using fucking grown up meme-spouting script-kiddies for surveillance
This shit reads like a fucking encyclopedia dramatica article

I have LinuxMint, nothing found except for :

Maybe Assange is giving CIA the chance to turn over their 0-day exploits info over to the OEMs so they can patch things up.

have you seen these kikes over there who think they're so wonderful >>>/polk/

Purity of Essence or Peace on Earth?

the ip range continues to be suspicious, then - there the is also the home of (somecityabbr& sniffing blends perfectly into the shitload of google traffic everyone has to suffer anyways , from etc.
in paranoiamode i expected they already have a secret wwan/ hidden wlan meshnet, that it's already implented in intel and qualcomm devices, but seems it is still in early deveploment.

aka watches anime


Holla Forums is crawling, guess the bronies are ddos'ing as hard as they can.

lmfao. they are now known simply as "the bronies"

can someone explain this

they are basically a govt version of used car salesmen. False bravado, huge egos, false sense of self worth, etc. Car salesmen are the biggest pieces of shit I have ever had to deal with. I see it as a character flaw (which means perfect spook material) if you are one, right up there with people who don't like dogs.

Pillars of Eternity.

they also got a implant named frog prince, default password is probably pepe

I'll let you on in a little secret.
baph wont do a fucking thing because all of the actually hackers left when the board got filled with skids
Which is a shame really, but all of the stories that you hear from baph are just people reposting shit from other sites, and the few times that benji and his friends weren't lying or being massive faggots. Fuck, even halfchans /g/ is better than the entirety of baph because atleast some of those autists can code.

Imagine those two in their furry/pony gear and it all makes sense.




It all makes sense …

to poop on.


Your ID in a thread is probably tied to a random value in an 8ch cookie as well as your IP address - I'm not 100% sure on that one. It's one way to prevent two anons with the same IP address (VPN service, etc) from having the same post ID in the same thread.

I know for a fact the (You) marks on your own posts are stored locally in your browser's local storage area, the server doesn't track that. The (You) decoration is added by javascript code after the page loads. If you're curious, open your browser's development tools console (in Firefox it's Ctrl+Shift+I), go to the "Console" tab while looking at an 8ch thread, and type in
JSON.parse(localStorage.own_posts).pol.forEach(function(f) { console.log(f); });
This will take a moment but will print every one of your (You) post IDs to the browser console.

inb4 "I just realized how much I post on here… fuck"

none of us did.
anybody find anything relating to DAARPA? or killer robots?



it is ours.


anybody have the proof they're bronies on hand?

Sure, read the thread.

there is a better one, don't have it at work tho



Samefagging, but I wanted to add that if you do this, never share your prior post IDs with anybody. Don't even think about posting them on here or screencapping or anything. Just don't.


Stumbled upon this one just now.

How do we countermeme against this? I

I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that.

How they manage to catch up with the data/bandwith to archive all the traffic?

Annual global IP traffic will surpass the zettabyte (ZB; 1000 exabytes [EB]) threshold in 2016, and will reach 2.3 ZB by 2020. Global IP traffic will reach 1.1 ZB per year or 88.7 EB (one billion gigabytes [GB]) per month in 2016. By 2020, global IP traffic will reach 2.3 ZB per year, or 194 EB per month.

Global IP traffic will increase nearly threefold over the next 5 years, and will have increased nearly 100-fold from 2005 to 2020. Overall, IP traffic will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22 percent from 2015 to 2020.


Okay, but if there is a hitpiece on Bannon this weekend it will be confirmed and we have to counter it, until then I am assuming it is bullshit. Also, CIA formulating hitpieces and fake news may not necessarily be top secret info, especially since there is a treasonous faction within the CIA that does not follow typical protocols and is compartmentalized. Administrative support for a mockingbird operation is exactly the type of work an intern might do so it is not that implausible IMO.

These intel weenies are the total opposite of the spec ops guys. The highspeed mil dudes are calm, quiet, understated but give off a vibe that they could kill everyone in the room in under three seconds without breaking a sweat. It's almost eerie, but I'd trust any one of them far more than I'd trust any random person living within 100 miles of Washington DC.

Honestly it still feels good that Bolton has been given the finger like 5 times now by Trump.

Just look at the guy, man's a goddamn pedophile.

yea seriously where the fuck do they think they are….

How would an intern know what does and does not go into the President's daily briefing?

Not sure I'm following you, user

Are we going to ridicule the CIAniggers for being Bronies for eternity now?


I have linux mint and i don't have this files



Your taxes are wasted

And donald trump will do nothing

Obama and the atheist CIA wake each day and ask, "How can we fuck God, today? I
know! We'll make nuns perform abortions. We make homos dance naked in Russian
churches in front of old church ladies. Isn't that hilarious? We'll make a
complete mockery of marriage because, after all, niggers don't have fathers and
that's not fair. My wife, Michelle, wants there to be no cupcakes for school
birthdays because of single moms. We'll make God hated… just for pedophiles
and crazy loser sand-niggers. We'll drink fetus soup with the Queen and
celebrate the end of births. We'll make having children pedophillic. We used
extortion on the old Pope and picked an atheist Marxist nigger Pope! We'll make
every five year old African girl learn how to put on a condom. We'll make
churchs no longer tax exempt. We'll make all the conservative sons
into liberal atheist homos. Will bring in Mexicans to ensure
democratic votes. We made whites have no children because they covet money.

CIA started a war with God and must surrender to the IRA.

The CIA clusterfucked TRIACs. The CIA clusterfucked USB, NVMemory, PCI,
everything in computers. We should all have 6Ghz computers. Because the CIA
will not abandon aircraft carriers, we cannot have nice things. If our cars
could only go 40mph, instead of 60mph, we'd say fuck you military pusses, oh
hell no!

God said to restore His level of respect to what it was. Start by changing
CE/BCE back to AD/BC. God said we are the Roman Empire and Muslims are

The CIA has caused me financial damage, since I rightfully made God's third

You need a weather control device for that.


It isn't a leak. It's from the 3/3 state department release of Hillary emails uploaded by wikileaks on 3/4. Email id 31575.

Where did you think it came from?

until the day I'm shoa'd

that,s scary

Goddamn arrogant retards

What the fuck nigger? You already should be upset at AIPAC and the rest of the juden who routinely meddle in our government.


PoE is Power over Ethernet. Jesus christ Holla Forums is filled with children now




What the fuck, nigger?




Fucking cianiggers.

i know why: because you are kikes who think you're better than Holla Forums but you're just kikes

I was fucking, you dip

So you've got a trip because you're a newfag? I can definitely see that. Was getting caught part of your plan?

you're insane
i use my trip to identify myself

He is CIA, ignore him.
I am CIA agent, trust me

The facial expression is all wrong, you need a squint like in that episode where pink horse goes insane and she's trying to get Applejack to spill the bea-
You fucking nigger.

Giggles, laughs, gurgling, and flatulence, that's what they've saved. I kinda feel sorry for them, but not too much.

Was getting caught part of your plan?

As a newfag. Well, you got yourself caught. What's the next step of your MASTER PLAN?

..but muh pony wanking basement dwelling 400 pound hacker that lies in bed all day.

what's cat's cradle?

You'd best respect Three Angle Blue's contribution to our shitposting heritage, user.

No my master plan consisted on shitposting and sliding your threads, fuck you

Why is no one talking about this?

get rekt cuck

God damn, it's so obvious, as if it was just pulled right from pic related.

The irony.

Here's your (((you))). Now back to >>>Holla Forums for you.

>Here's your (((you))). Now back to >>>Holla Forums for you
you don't know because you're a filthy newfag kike

Hey so how about we stop this retarded shit and get back to digging?

I see the newfag can't into IDs.

How many parts will have this leak?

i dont know how to dig, i am sorry, i just caught on to what is going on

that's per-thread i am cross-thread, cross-board and cross-chan


I'm curious also, was Year Zero the first of many?

Guys we need to start memeing more responsibly.
I have a confession to make. I used to be into horsefaggotry. When it all started, that is. I bailed out at the second season. Now I have a PHD in banemancy and a bachelor's degree in general memetic wizardry.
I might have memed CIA being into horsefaggotry by being a former horsefag virulently baneposting.
Be safe guys, my life is full of dubs and "coincidences" recently. It's all over the place.
I lose a pen? I find one. I get a small autistic wish that it would be nice to be in a certain welding cubicle? I arrive to my welding class that morning and all the others are occupied already. I think I lost a tungsten electrode? I find one that wasn't there before, now I have another.
90% of the time when I glance down at my odometer, I get double dubs. Something like
Constantly. These coincidences happen constantly. Now this literal CIA horsefaggotry. I dream of things, they happen. Been like that my entire life, but it has become extreme recently. I wonder what powers we may have stumbled upon.
Be careful. Meme responsibly.
Or fuck it and shitpost relentlessly, letting chaos guide your fingers. Like I do.

good now piss off back to jerusalem

According to the Wikileaks twitter, they've released less than 1% of what they got.

mooooods theres a tripfag here get him out get him out hes gross

How is Ponychan these days, anyway?


sup bronies


Aw shit nigga, is manjaro now a cia infested kike fest? What a shame i actually enjoyed their system. Recommendations for moving from manjaro?

Thanks user, although I should've already known this.

Those are in your termcap.
Beehive was a terminal brand.

I verify the files for sure but its not something to be alarmed about.

I've had this with 33 and 333 for over eight years now. It has a reason though. One I won't explain on a mongolian goat herding forum though… but I know exactly what you feel. Ride the wave user, ride the wave.

WL said that it was less than 1%, but I'm assuming the actual toolkits account for the bulk of it which we probably won't see. We'll probably see documentation and chats which I hope point to them using the tools in domestic ops and manufacturers colluding with them to provide backdoors since that would cause one hell of a shitstorm. RSA/AES toolkits would be the worst case scenario for everyone, so I hope we see some documentation about them trying to crack them but failing.


It would be the best case scenario. It would be a total fucking meltdown of global kikery where literally everyone can fuck with the top kikes as though they were a CIA agent. Shit, if they broke AES and we had that we could unleash the fucking hellstorm awaiting in the insurance files, too. It would suck for Julian, and I would regret his suffering because of it, but it'd be a massive fuck-you to ZOG that might just help put those kikes to bed.

The hammer always falls hardest on the working man in a situation like that. It would be bad. Really bad.


I'm convinced. Let's make sure no serious happening ever happens so we can slowly slide into hopelessness and stagnation, am I right or am I right, Mr. CIA?



Did search for AES? 256 is broken and they explain how they did it.

Also search for SHA256 and OpenSSL

What document is this from. Always provide sources.

Then where are the WL insurance dumps that would immediately follow AES being broken?

It's possible to cause a big enough shake-up to change the status quo without the complete implosion of society. I don't like the idea of free for all to determine the future of our society. That's how we ended up with Jacobins and Bolsheviks.

AES 256 has an exploit that makes it a little less secure than AES 128, but that does not mean it's cracked.

You don't even need to crack AES to unlock the insurance files, just OpenSSL's shitty encryption. People have been talking about it for months but it gets buried or the threads get flooded with "it's nothing" posters. AES is dead too. No one cares. The people that understand it try to speak out but it never gets through. You can even google AES in google scholar and download code to get AES keys.

Goddamn you and your dubs good sir. Fine. I had a brother who was born in March '03 at 03:33AM, and died on Obama's first election day, at 03:33PM. At first I thought I was looking for the numbers, but when I kept seeing 33 or 333 multiple times everyday I got suspicious. It's no coincidence, I can assure you, I still have it everyday.

I don't buy that the CIA have a cohesive strategy here. They don't seem to have any super-assassins either.

They do have a shit load of tech-power though.

Those photo's are old and well known. Was from the snowden leaks.

Tons of stories where written in 2014

thread of someone trying to explain it

no shit..
Sorry for your loss bro

Oi vey why are you faggots interested in what Langley is doing? Just watch your ponies and animu and let big gubmint take care of you. Nothing t-to worry about goys.

Fuck me, you guys realize they probably have an entire database with info on every citizen in the United States right? Combined with their ability to get realtime, actionable intel on a device within feet of the location they could be stopping most, if not all crime and terrorism.

Think about that for a second.


also, what is WIKILEAKS is the PSYOP?
What if..
The nsa can't watch - but wants you to believe it can
Show the fucking scripts or BS :D

also buy bitcoin: BUY THE FUCKING DIP

CIA saying the same things here
wikileaks. org/ciav7p1/cms/files/NOD%20Cryptographic%20Requirements%20v1.1%20TOP%20SECRET.pdf


Ya blew it, Uncle Sam.

Why are you bitching about OpenSSL's shitty RNG when AES doesn't use it?

Halfchan is lost by virtue of its power structure. It cannot be saved. Rather, it has been saved–the parts that matter. Those parts became Holla Forums. Now, I like cucked halfchan the way it is because it acts as a good proxy for us. Everything we do gets blamed on 4chan and none of it comes back to us. Newfags and redditfags who are trying to be edgy and deep go to 4chan because they think it is the ultimate redpill. 4chan is popular. I don't want to be popular because popularity comes with posers. I want fanatics, not fanbois. Halfchan insulates us from most blue faggotry. Only people who deserve us make it here. Oh, and shills.

the insurance files use openssl to do aes. also see


Are you sure about that? It's well known that using the kernal is easier and more effective.

Said like someone trying to be edgy and deep himself.

Only result on my Mint 17.1 computer (yes, it ran as root)
find: ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: Permission denied



Thanks user. He was very, very sick, so it was better this way. This numeric shit though keeps him with me everyday.

Not really. Have you noticed that summers here are nothing like summers on 4chan? Really, think about it. I went to 4chan from 2005 until the second migration to Holla Forums, when I gave it up for good. This place doesn't experience massive surges in normie "shitposting" the way 4chan does.

4chan has a moderation issue. If gamergate proved anything, it's that you cannot change 4chan with a large volume of good content and redpilled posters. The heart of their problems come from power centralized in a bunch of jew mods and an admin that controls which boards exist.


That database is called Facebook

$ strings wlinsurance-20130815-A.aes256 | head -c 8
$ strings wlinsurance-20130815-B.aes256 | head -c 8
$ strings wlinsurance-20130815-C.aes256 | head -c 8
$ strings insurance.aes256 | head -c 8

Get the fuck out.




No one here will believe this, so I feel comfortable posting it…

What if the CIA has similar interests as /pol? What if they think and talk like us? What if they wanted Trump to win? What if the reason is to save the country from the anti-american, anti-nationalism left? What if they were just looking at current trends and seen trouble, and want to change direction? What if they wanted the nationalistic side to win?

Maybe it's better no one believes the even if true?


I said no one would believe, and thats fine. The forest through the trees.

Pretty sure that's a no.

Holy dubs confirm.

Maybe if CIA stopped putting the knife in Trump's back on days that end in Y.

It seems reasonable that there's probably friendly factions in the CIA, but there's definitely unfriendly factions either there, or somewhere else entirely.

Exploiting people is not just limited to the "good guys", if they have these tools and powers then someone within or without can use these against whoever they deem to be "bad".

Such a fury has been sown,
the harvest will be dear.

CIA statement on WikiLeaks publication of CIA docs. But note that WikiLeaks "Vault7-Year Zero" does not contain references to extremism.
US @SenFeinstein says that the CIA has little oversight of its hacking operations #Vault7

I don't like that jews are this retarded. How retarded does that fucking make the rest (for following (((them))))?

I've never actually downloaded their insurance and assumed they released encrypted containers. Directory level encryption is generally shit by default.

You have to then ask yourself why that is so, to better understand their motives. Like I said, no one here is likely to believe, but it doesn't depend on it either. The train is moving and it won't stop.

Imagine Holla Forums organizing in a community invite only. And we would start coding..

This has nothing to do with belief. The CIA is fucking retarded, we are not.

Sure, some operations guys and low-level analysts are going to find what the agency is doing repugnant. But CIA is joined at the hip to the State department, at the policy making and implementing level they are 100% on the globalist/rothschild/one world government bandwagon. And the middle management positions are stuffed full of progressive SJW idiots who wear pussy hats and vote for hillary. I'll believe CIA is on the side of the angels when those types start getting kicked out (or jailed), not before.

Good job protecting US persons' data from foreign entities using known security holes. Oh, wait…

If I'm right, they're smarter than you think. I'm also suggesting that they're putting their own interest first, and that /pol and Trump align with it for now.

If I thought everyone would believe me, I would not have posted it. Believe me on one thing though, Russia has considered this already.

I think I see where you're going with this.

What the CIA does with its hacking capacity. Hacks Senators to remove reports on CIA torture (2014) #Vault7

Former CIA+NSA director Michael Hayden blames "millenials" for CIA leak #Vault7

Where to obtain such a list?

They can smell factions inside the military and law enforcement rearing up against them, they're already all on a list, this is all they can do to avoid losing their jobs when they should be actually thinking about disappearing completely.

Who knows how many agents have defected within the last few months? Not you.

The "friendlies" are still going to get jailtime for joining, how does that sit with you?

fucking liars

It's funny because it's not even boomers vs. millenials on ease of indoctrination to what they want, really. It's just people with nothing but old media vs. people with free speech and the internet as dissemination of ideas. Still, props to the old faggot for being mad as shit that globalism is on its deathbed.

Any word on what their disposition is to the current situation and/or to the… unusual assets involved?

Could you point to the thing that made you so sure of that? I know where you're coming from, and it's not that I really think the CIA is this retarded, it's just that I think they think we are this stupid. Which makes them retarded.

live prostitute
VLC: rtsp://guest:[email protected]/* *//11


honestly i think both the (((CIA))) and (((masons))) are both in turmoil and internal power struggles. the kikes probably bit off more than they could chew with operation paperclip. it also seems to me like on some higher up level the kikes have been encouraged as a form of accelerationism.

The whole Putin and Trump love affair isn't real; the media is playing it up. Putin is clearly uncertain as to America's direction, and he doesn't trust Trump a all.

All I'm saying is that things may not be as bad as it seems. You will see Trump continue to distance himself from Russia, and notice a change in the CIA from your perspective, though the change is only as you see them, and not a real change within.


I got:

AI is a bit of a misnomer. They've been botting on 4chan for close to a decade now though, if not longer.

someone find that ad then kill the son of a bitch who made it.

hello cia

You mean furry and bronies genocide?
Are cia /ourguys/?

I really hope this shit is the beginning of the end for these fuckers.


Also, this thread is full of fail. Just do computer science and make your own shit, holy shit.

Nothing personal kids, but stop wasting everyone's time with your spilled spagetti threads

he's mad as fuck they probably got fucked by an intern that didn't like what he saw down the rabbit hole and decided to ring the pale man.

Not surprising, Putin is probably more paranoid than the average Holla Forumsack.
What about the Israelis? Any word on their disposition?

They are planning on fucking someone out of $$$.

lel, that's a given.
I mean besides that.


Class Action lawsuits against corporations that intentionally leave these exploits in their OS's, and hardware.

How do we get normies to do this enmasse?

You'd imagine a lawyer would hop on this himself. Easy target?

I'd think there'd have to be some way to make the normies connect the 'aetheric' 'unreal' mysterious things that go on in the digital realm with real world consequences in their minds.
They didn't really even care much about MUH DICK PICS NSA shit, so maybe some way to make them understand that digital shit has real financial effects?


get shit on

Honest question: How is Wikileaks (the twitter page, at least) still up? Isn't Twitter closely tied to the CIA and/or data collecting agencies? How has Wikileaks been able to keep their Facebook/Twitter up this whole time?

Hitler dubby dubs confirms, this should be an easy target.

We can make a case for potential of financial harm, corporate espionage, reckless endangerment of motorists, etc….

Or maybe we go at it by contacting their shareholders and tell them they should dump the stocks of any corporation that leaves these exploits in their products and services?


Wait until Lloyds starts cancelling policies and denying claims because of known exploits (to cianiggers) that went unpatched.


How rife is Holla Forums full of ponyfaggots?

Wikileaks is a limited hangout operation by cianiggers also honeypot.

It was likely a patriot sick of CIA & Deep State's pedoshit, corruption, etc… and thought if the leak was traced back to the CIA he knew they would find him, then he decided to throw of investigators with the Russia ruse, and instead the investigators went full retard chasing that end.


I guess I'm getting my answers from KEK.


/pol will not like what I say on this either (might not believe as well), but they like Trump. From their perspective he is aligned with the Christian right, which is aligned with Israel. Their interest is in line with America and Saudi Arabia. Israel is used by America as well; It goes both ways. There is a give and take.

The importance of Israel is not something /pol will understand.

They don't break the terms of service.

This is the kind of hubris that loses elections.

Just oven yourself, you kike lover.

What of China?

oy vey goyim what would you do without (((us))) eating your children

are the horse fuckers still cucked? I thought they freed themselves from illuminati/satanic jew control?

They treat them like projected simulators for their ideal future of control.

CIA pony boy returns

CIA pony boy


China loves certainty, and Trump scares them with uncertainty. They wanted Hillary for stability.

As for people mad that I said Israel is useful to American interests? Well, that's just a fact. A hard red pill to swallow. Anyone who thinks Trump is anti-Israel is just in denial.

this is why bane has a no (((survivor))) policy. little guys never learn.

You don't have to believe. I didn't expect much from the start. The assumption that America doesn't get anything from Israel is rather dumb. The assumption that Trump is anti-Israel is also dumb. I can tell a juicy lie, but that is pointless to me.

Sorry guys I will sage this incase its already been covered and commented on, remember not that long ago the FBI begged apple for a "back door" on a phone of some "terry wrist" and I remember Mr. (((Mcafee))) came out all shocked and dropping the mic on the stupidity of the FBI. And now it comes out that the CIA have been all over this shit like white on rice. Anyway, just my opinion! As you were fronds.


Fucking faggot I forgot to sage, gah im out bois, time to kill my self for reals.

So China would be the most scared by the prospect of a Trump presidency and all it entails? Even more scared than rogue factions in the USA?

Wikishits are once again being cunts. NO code and the docs are 1%!!! of what they have.

And dont pull an OP no. 2 and forget to labell threads chronological order!


don't use cuckcuckno either, is the way to go


You think other search engines don´t save your IP??? Every website does this. Windows is the problem, not google.

Maybe we need to do an updated infosec thread, with all this shit coming out the newly redpilled will need how to's and what not! Well I know I do anyway.

You could've at least hidden your IP.

Yes, they are very scared. Even with how he might deal with North Korea. Trump to China is a force of pure chaos.


Do we spook him?

Alert Arabs in Germany to take care of him?

please do

Scared enough to act highly irrationally? Dangerously even?

Ok, im just sayin. But like, fucking seriously try harder. Google isnt the problem you lament? My god I want to slap you.
I am not implying windows isnt the problem, I would hedge my bets and simply state the issue is tech itself. nothin wrong with snail mail and smoke signals.
Also this is just like "fear the sky" except the aliens were here the whole time

Either way he is right. Trying to change cuckchan for some misplaced sense of power or revenge or whatever it is, is not smart.
Not a tactically sound move, it won't gain the posters here anything of value.

Id love to but I need at least another year here lurking and shitposting before I attempt thread construction, maybe a well versed user with a bit more experience could help out here!


wew Torfag be knowin the underwriters of the whole shit

I can make a few phone calls :D

Hell no. China seeks to beat the America through time + stability. They don't want to rock the boat. They want to follow current trends to when they become the next super power. My point is that the CIA wanted Trump for a reason… Now you may begin to understand?

Never use tor from your home/office, that's like fucking a chick with aids using only birth control.
YOU > VPN > TOR > ?

You can call me user. That said, google will probably save your shit but what gives, if CIA and NSA have it, even if you don´t use google?
That is a honeypot. And i really don´t trust these "safe" search engines. They are probably just methods to filter the suspects who don´t want to be tracked and to classify them as a higher risk.

We just need to kill the motherfuckers, CIA niggers, subhuman kike lovers and generally all traitors to humanity.
Make them suffer great inhumanities and so on, someone should have the pasta.

What are we in for next? Assasination documents? Obama's "65k in hotdogs". Gay frogs?

Hello there Jeff, coffee at my place after work?

Look, very very fair rebuttal, retracting the slap … But still google is a yuge dildo fucking the masses but yes if you dont even need to touch it and they can still monitor you then its merely the lesser of two evils

Two pieces of sugar, black. Just how i like my women. You know the drill.

Yea, I get what you're saying.
Thanks for answering my autistic questions.

Ben will be over as well, he needs to clean the blood off his new SUV. Something about a man from the moon and Tyrone.

The responsible thing to do would be to send the code to the effected vendors and give them a reasonable amount of time to come up and push a patch. Then after that time as passed release the code.

Just dumping the 0day shit out to scriptkiddies and real bad dudes doesn't do anything to help their cause. The resulting damage would be all blamed on wikileaks.

Did he try to store the body at your house again? After all, there is no sign at the front of your house that says "dead nigger storage".

Not to bad unless your on windows.
If your on linux running security patches is easy.

Worst case scenario unplug your PC for 72 hours. On the phone front we are all fucked.

google often push zero days to ie and ms.
I they have to just push it, becouse this is only the sane way. They have the weapon and only making it public will distroy it.
Wortst zerodays were, and often making them private is the worst thing

Heartbleed was VERY bad, but it had to be made public. Google did the right thing on that front.

IU92 - JKW1 - IUDF - 4401 - KG
OQ9E - IOS0 - YUUW - 2815 - KG

No problem, you have a very open-mind. Most would not even want to hear what doesn't align with /pol group think. The truth isn't always entertainment either.

Geopolitics has a lot of grey areas, uncertainties, and messiness. Binary thinking doesn't work well for such a subject.

Well in a way he is completely right, the reasons however why he is right are a bit more complex.

Your consequences shit is cancer, insert some nerdy shit inot the alpha chads minds and you have something really effective. In a way it is like just like some fashion doesnt really make sense but it spreads like a virus.
A fashy pair of trousers doesnt have any consequences even if it has some holes that do not make sense but other people will think this shit is cool, so people wear those pants.

But, what if I'm a bad dude? :(

Could you maybe reword that?
I'm not sure what argument you're making.

not all heroes wear capes

It's both a confirmation and elaboration. Also keep in mind that this is but 1% of the Vault 7 leaks. So either get that sand out your vagina or contribute.

See. No one cares.

Will you fucking niggers chill the fuck out.
Spam all you want about "FUCK THE CIA/FBI" or "I'M GOING TO X THEM" but we know you won't.

Let "Daddy" handle it. =)

Milo pls.

Nigger, he's our child.

82 64 AP 23 31 0H PK RT 73 98 HU M7 00 K2 32 U4 99 L1 15 T6 78 R4 10 A2

The argument is that if you want people to use linux clenched butt stuff you need people to make it popular, and the people that make it popular are the preceived alphas. I noticed that people from 20-40 wear wrecked jeans with some big holes in them, in a way those holes are useless but people wear them anyway because it is cool, and i think the time has come to make your OPSEC shit cool, just like the big bang theory minus the sheldons (because they look really punchable).

those faggots delete shit on a whim, tried cashing in on anti-Trump FUD, and also cannot into robots.txt. Fuck those fags.

Heartbleed was put in there by CES and was a TAO just like Cloudbleed. Google did a limited hangout. Snowden had the information in 2013.

Also, only one of TAOs in OpenSSL was made public

Operation breath mint initiated
See you in Florida.

And how the fuck did he reach that conclusion? You can't really just "assume" that.

Changing sides because destruction is coming doesn't make make anyone "heroes", either.
Or as the FBI says, once a cocksucker always a cocksucker.

Don´t forget to bring the whisk broom.

So in a social group the alpha determines what is cool and what is not, and other people copy it without even knowing, and then the alpha women will copy it as well and so will other women and the betas naturally will want a piece of it too.

THat is why the military targets high value targets because by influencing them they influence others big a much bigger margin, just like a meme CEO. If the meme CEO says we need more more ironic thinker memes then there will be more ironic thinker memes, if the alpha says that linux is cool shit then there will be more linux, and all the richard stallmans get more virtual shrines, worshipped by chads, and that would be really ironic.

Even if you believe that Israel helps America, it's a heavily one-sided relationship, and we can't just ignore the shit they've pulled with China in regards to military technology.

Will do.

chew shit CIAnigger

Nice dubs, but what it's going on in this image?

That is not how it works. Group confirmation always needs to apply. This isn´t communism, where the great leader decides what everyone eats and drives.

Really makes me think they don't actually think. Then again they thought Trump giving golden showers was a real thing despite Holla Forums making it up for keks.

I didnt say that, i just said that there will be a great drive to imitate and it is also a matter of perception, the group will confirm that something is cool if something is cool, you just need the right social circumstances and a little push.
And i dont give a shit about the great leader, if a decent percent of alpha chads love to talk about how they rebel against the system or how they value privacy instead of the anemic fucking idiots (nothing to hide, nothing to fuck)then more of the other friends will want to do that too, not all of them but a lot of them.
It is like a variable that makes the social group, if people think you are a fucking idiot for saying "nothing to hide" then people will most likely agree that you are a fucking idiot, and usually the people that say that neither have the intellectual nor charismatic ability to defend their point of view they just rely that it is an ok point of view to verbalize.

Move out of your moms basement

And then there are two ways of exploiting that, so either you defend on a psychological level saying "i dont give a fuck if the nsa nerds look at my dick" or you defend on saying "well i m a good human being and i do not like that the nsa friends feel inferior looking at my dick and that is why install gentoo".

That was so last year user.

That's not exactly how it works since the group think is not that strong but he is right that high-status alpha males are major drivers of social change and culture and are prime targets of CIA niggers hoping to derail or co-opt movements.

sudo -rm -R /usr/share/beehive

sudo rm -R /usr/share/beehive*

checked; CIAniggers trying to chimpout society's alphas

sudo = superuser
rm = remove
-R = remove directories and their contents recursively
/usr/share/beehive = path to file
* Everything in that path

Well they dont, they just try to influence society as a hole and human psychology is really exploitable, that is why you see all that insanity. I mean if you would have told someone 50years ago that today there are meme engineers and sophisticated systems of developing frogs and cats that people share on a device that has more calulating power than their whole government at that time, you would get a straightjacket.

Oh, I see what you're saying, and I agree.
I just thought the discussion was about the operational feasibility of the class action thing.

Next dump when ?

are you the guy who made TempleOS? Or what are you talking about?

Hopefully tomorrow.

Well, sometimes i sit there and i wonder why some fucking idiots demonstrate for more "liberaters" in their own country whereas their own youth has to live with mommy and daddy because they are mostly unemplyoed.
Really makes me think you know, and i wonder what makes those bots do those things you know?

Thinking about it, a lot of shit now would get you the straightjacket back then, but almost entirely on the left. I can't believe how far we've come or the audacity of the left to call or whine about extremists when they've completely embraced the most lunatic fringe idiocy like how they believe there are more genders than there are stars now. Enforcing boarders and laws and shit? Can't do that either. That's wrong because feelings. But it really speaks how quickly eras change, like it is now. No matter what the CIA does, they can't stop it. They tried before and they weren't pozzed before either. Remember, the CIAniggers weren't always CIAniggers. In fact, they literally hated niggers. Same with J. Edgar Hoover. But they eventually both got pozzed themselves and now are in the process of being unpozzed again. But looking at the trends in the past and what's going on now, I can't help that we are on track of the fate of empires. That we're the new Rome and all those others. That it's all over and all the warnings of our forefathers were for nothing.

I love you Terry
I wish it was really you who posted this


it's not 2015 anymore user. I routinely hear and see 8ch mentioned anytime 4chan is mentioned on the radio or in an article. They say them together now, ironically I think they are fueling their own demise by making this more well known.

I wish you got trips

been annoying me too tbh

Check my geert wilders song bref

Ohh indeed.

They are important, but there is no singular authority, that decides the perspective of the hivemind.
Also, what do you define as an "alpha male"?
Celebrities are of course "artificial alphas" since they get pushed immensely and there is an agenda, be it a consumerist or a polticial one, behind their appearances and creations.
But there are groups that simply don´t care about these people and rather "worship" underdogs as their "alphas".
That applies for politics too. Trump was an underdog in the beginning, no media authority and no celebrity really pushed him. His viewpoints simply resonated with a lot of people.
CIA niggers will not achieve anything if the public opinion hasn´t been subverted entirely concerning a topic. This is why group think is extremely important. The failure to achieve this is also why Trump won.
The alpha / beta divide is a meme, since people behave differently in different circles and situations. This behavior is influenced by group thinking, but if you know how to interpret clues, you can also influence the group thinking with your behavior.
All that it takes is the right communication of certain information (or the alteration of information / downright lying [MSM])

cialeaks say their streams were being attacked, but they advertised the torrent and password release in advance and nothing happened, was it fake drama by cialeaks, and this is limited disclosure?

The bronies are being whipped for breaking security.
ht tp://

We dont drink your kool aid shit, and i influence a group by telling them that shit is shit and tits are tits.

That is what i am saying, don´t drink the Kool-Aid. A whole group can be subverted. Kike puppets in big companies, the MSM, and Hollywood are easy to identify, but the group mentality is were the real caution is necessary.
Normies still doubt that these puppets, that are accepted as authorities, could be doing them any harm, because no one else seems to agree in their social circle. Small agenda driven narratives can be imbedded even in groups that appear to be more redpilled. That´s what you call controlled op.

new thread time

no more necrobumping

no more necrobumping!
