Magic War controlled opposition!

DKMU Confirmed behind BIND TRUMP!

Shadilay! I have found the source! PRAISE KEK!

Other urls found in this thread:
[email protected]/* ZALTY?sort=3&page=1!aB5gTRxK!aAtvH-3-KVvPcs6EOmR5KIUCVfPMngJpk_prms97Aok

they are controlling the fucking witches on faceberg!



They are trying to con the golden dawn into fighting us.

This is the group that owns/operates kiamagic (from Enemies of Kek #1) and

I already knew about these faggots, they worship "Khaos" without even understanding that Kek is the manifestation of that primordial soup. And then they LARP about stupid fucking edgy names they make up on drugs to sound deep.
It'll be fun to mess with them.

dubs confirm. Praise Kek!

Their hypersigil irc network is owned and operated by them. I think chovonexo on the irc is the one running that, he also set up Sheosywrath or whatever is the screenname of one of their leaders who's in the irc often. Alysyrose is their figurehead, real name Alexander Hoffman from Ithaca NY, had prior addresses in Brooklyn Nyc, and in New Jersey. Could probably dig up family, he has siblings, at least a sister.

How do we contact the golden dawn/mason guy they're trying to manipulate? I doubt they'll respond well to being conned, though still, fuck the masons.

Kek's a lightbringer, not a chaos god.

More faggots dare test our might?

Holy fucking digits! The Ogdoad are gods of the cycles. Concepts of chaos and order are but ignorant blinds to prevent us from seeing the cycles of truth.

Digits come and digits go, I'll always try to tell the truth no matter if I get digits or not. Checking digits is fun and all, but we've gotten too dependent on them.

These DKMU fags are amateur as fuck.


According to the Hebrew bible, Lucifer is known as the "light bringer". What is most interesting is that the English 'Lucifer' is used almost exclusively to refer to Satan. However, in the older Latin translations lucifer, meaning simply light-bringer, had been used to refer to both Satan pre-fall from grace, as well as used to refer to Jesus.

t. Christfag kek-ist


/fringe/ you're on your own

Chaos births light you fucking plebs.

Little fucking late for that, Witchie-poo.

Too late for that, as well, as all our dubs will attest.

I've been meaning to ask one of you guys: Theologically/philosophically, is that particular branch of kek-ism more along the lines of the older gnostic ogdoadic though, or is it something new?

Serrano already made the connection between the demonization of the lucifer myth by the kikes and catholics, in response to the Cathars who worked with Lucibel, who was a lightbringer deity.

Truth is sacred. I get your message though.

They astroturfed the bind-trump fluff and crosslinked it across the internet in an attempt to steal our high energy out of the conflict. The info in OP was leaked from their closed facebook group.

This is the faggot responsible.
[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */-bind-donald-trump-11e52f94c23e#.58udz5uz6

Griffin is a corny motherfucker, but he seems more aware of the problems facing the west than most occultists out there.
Tbh I'm ambivalent about the Golden Dawn, they're fantastic greenpill material, and pretty much responsible for bringing hermetic study into the modern era, but the masonic undertones and their use of hebrew demon glyphs puts me off something fierce.



Very interesting. David Griffin of the (((freemasons))) and golden dawn, commented on that prick's page.
[email protected]/* */_83409/michael-f798db816554#.4zf2qrkax
Pic related is a random dickmoo member from their irc channel that goes by omni.
Bonus points, they have a member who goes by "arkyator" or something close, their sister is an illegal alien who thouht she was safe because of two anchorbabies.

That post was an update in response to because the OP of linked thread said more than supposed to. They sperged out about it as if it were a breach of protocol.


We're hitting autism levels that shouldn't even be possible.

Are you allowed to be a member of every secret society at once? Seems a bit silly that he apparently holds high rank in most of the notable ones.

You think thats autistic? Here is a quote from one of their "oistars" (their term for useful idiot recruits)

A nickname for them from before the exodus. They've been trying to shill the chans for a decade now. They call it "operation virus" for their basic propaganda campaign. they operate like kikes on drugs.

You can try, though some dissalow rival memberships. Alysyrose from dikmoo is also a freemason.

Kek isn't chaos, he's from chaos. It's different.

Also anyone who intentionally misspells magic, chaos, or any other occult buzzwords to make them sound more edgy isn't worth listening to about anything. They're either LARPing or the kind of retarded kid who immediately tries to summon a demon and ends up cursed, if they manage to even do it at all.

To be fair, there are like half a dozen different Golden Dawns, the real one imploded around WWI and everyone claims that they are the real unbroken lineage.

Because we struck gold on our home turf and if you don't get the fuck off of our lawn we will blow your brains out.

Good point.


A new definition of a very old being, described in writtings by glimpses of the works of God.
So, if God is the creator of all, from this new definition of creation God probably is Kek (humans and stones are created by God, God isn´t human or a stone, but all creation is God).
Human understandings of the creations of God-the creator (left to evolve by themselves, against chaos) are always limited, so must be contrasted against those writings from old prophets and Christ original followers, and checked for integrity. Some day the full path will be revealed, but for now we can only follow the glimpses of the path of light.

Update. Here is a pdf on "Laveyan khaos magick" written by their leader, alysyrose, where he dares attempt to command Kek!


Not even Discworld is safe anymore.


I love you, and your hitler dubs. I sing a version of "this land is my land" song while in the shower thats pretty much "this land is my land… this land is my land… this land is my land, get the fuck off my lawn!"

The traditional version is something like "this land is my land, it is not your land, I've got a shotgun and you don't got one."

9th Degree magus from unnamed order checking in.

A few years ago we conducted a ritual against obama where he was placed in a triangle and surrounded on three sides by the triple goddess in the form of Rhamnousia. She held a sword at neck height meant to contain his behaviour and if he defied the limits of justice she would have his head.

Kek has every reason to hate the (((God))) of the Tanakh, considering the fact that the false Book of Exodus slandes the name of Egypt. You will not subvert Kekism in the name of YHWH, because Kekism is fundamentally incompatible with Monotheism.

Every time I bring this subject up, I keep having typos like this.

Discworld is leftist trash bud

Magick is spelled with a K because K is the 11th letter which constellates a series of ideas like the union of the micro and macrocosmos (5+6) which infers The Great Work.

Protip: The "k" is a dogwhistle. If a system of magic is spelled with a 'k', that means that there is sex involved in the adept levels.


Just as Pharaoh Pepi II called upon the Ogdoad to remove Semites so to now will they be expelled by those same ministers.

"Lana Del Rey using Witchcraft 'Binding' Ritual to Help Defeat Trump."

If spiritcooking child sacrifice doesn't work, what results do these demonspawn expect? Top kek


golden dawn awas comprised of all manner of "nobles" at the time. i would not be surprised at all if the magisters that partook were infusing these hermetic/blavatsky-esque beliefs into the political realm with them in terms of serving the global occult elite. the crux is the occult connections. these people seek godhood, they use all the ways of moloch and baal to try and harness the spiritual . hillary clinton did and still does the same rituals the hermetic magisters preformed, most of these rituals at the elite level are uniform across different "religions," all of the paths they choose to follow always end up at satan's doorstep.

They wish to leech the "gnosis"/energy/loosh in /fringe/ terms from everyone involved in the conflict and get them to spread their shity sigils, while recruiting out of the mess. They're parasites.

They are also more or less indirectly responsible for Aliester Crowley and everything that he and his sycophants spawned.

In all fairness, it's sometimes used to denote specifically supernatural/spiritual magic as opposed to stage magic.

The occultcorpus forum is compromised too. Their owners and administration are dickmoo SJWs. Especially "Voidgazing".

Yes brother A-fucking-men


Ffs, this reads like some kind of bastardized imitation of an anti-kosmic ritual written by a wiccan.

Worse, these are the ones too degenerate to even be allowed around wiccans. They are the kikes of the modern magic scene.

Chaos magick incantations have always been cringey as fuck. Reprobate drama club niggers trying to invoke divinity and tip their fedora at the same damn time. Smdh tbh.

Check'd and kek'd.
Looking at this horse shit, I can see why even the wiccans wouldn't want them.


Check out the pdf >>>/pdfs/5501
They specifically mention Kek and Hequet andmany others unceremoniously in a list they insult.

That's the document I'm calling horse shit.
It's a clusterfuck.
It's the magical equivalent of calling up a bunch of rival gang members and telling them the other gang was talking shit about them wanting to fight, and giving both groups your address and the location of the fight.
I… guess that's a thing that's technically possible to do, but… why?

nice knowing these faggots

They place their sigils around the world and use them, specifically the linking sigil, to syphon off energy from their participants, or at least that's their theory. Think of it as a piece of malware that forms a botnet, that was the original intention. They then went on to convince their lesser members to have it tattooed onto themselves, often on the back of the neck. Those with the tattoos claim to get some sort of "psychic backlash" during large group rituals, probably because theyre on all drugs.
They lust for fame and power, and in their words, "the walrus needs moar oistars" ie useful idiots, all they can acquire, to help spread the malware and infect more hosts, to create a bigger botnet.

Oh boy.

I've encountered a similar setup before, and from some of the wording in their documents, it may actually be a a derivative of said setup or something related.

How many layers of Current Year are we on?

How do I become a wizard?

Study magic?

Where to start? How can I distinguish between the real stuff and some LARPer talking out of their ass?

The Kybalion for the scientific mind, Futhark by Edred Thorson for the volkish runeworker, and Adolf Hitler the Ultimate Avatar for pure 1488 Esoteric Hitlerism gold.

They could be related, but dickmoo had it's share of influences. Their oldfags were major fans of the Church of the Subgenius and Hakim Bey, and stole a lot from them, but wound up so degenerate that the IOTfags even call them degenerates I know you're here IOT, just remember to praise Kek and leave the menses out of the cupcakes please, please please

kek. You deserved those digits.

Thank you.

A lot of these idiots will end up decapitated if they are not careful.

100% haretical!

Well that's just silly… wait…

…fuck, you'd think if he were going to make shit up, he'd go for things that aren't completely made up and instantly disprovable.

Holy shit. Some of them use their real name on the board. Meme magic won't even be needed to wreck this place.

Welcome user. You might want to read a bit of socrates and plato before the Kybalion if you haven't already. If you're familiar with the type of jargon that those two greeks used, it's a lot easier to understand.

It's not surprising when you consider that most of them are edgelords.
Anyone have ideas on what to dig for? What ammo do we need? I will do my best to deliver.

I wouldn't worry about whoever did the "bind Trump" thing. They told people to engage in ritual magic without properly cleansing themselves first.

The people stupid enough to try it are probably experiencing varying levels of backlash at this time. I'd be more worried about those who'll be determined enough to try again and smart enough to learn how to do it properly, which is unlikely to be a lot.

Hell, just countering it with a basic ward left me messed up for three days. Can't imagine what it did to those morons.

Bro, even marques de sade claimed there are more than 33 degrees of fremasonery… git-gud

Dunno, both him and koetting are well aware of the bitchness that involves the wicca's shitty movement and how tainted it is with feminism, he as had bad encounters with them on australia and im sure David will recognize their modus operandi

The soup is a lie.

That's part of dickmoo's plan. They are trying to set shit up so they can leech off of the magical backlash. They want people flinging around half-assed undirected magic. This is how they operate. In fact, even to create their linking sigil, they conned a forum to get their members to do most of the work for them.


They use their own lingo, some misapropriated from chan culture originally, when anonymooose was popular. "oistar" is the term they use to refer to their minions. Equate it to "consumer", the useful idiots who make up their majority, and their leader considers himself a Walrus, mostly due to a beatles song. They tend to use this imagery a lot.

this basically sounds like a magical version of a ponzi scheme

A ponzi scheme is a similar hierarchical regime to a monarchy, capitalist society or even a communist society.

The pyramid structure is an important symbol for a reason.

What is it with degrees of masonry?
The higher the degree the more important? 1st being lowest or highest?

He has a lot to learn about this universe. It is weirder than he thinks.

They memed themselves a war, here it is. Can someone find the facebook for this member? going by Arkytior on their forum and irc? Their sister is an illegal immigrant in the USA. They're afraid somebody might get deported.

The higher the better and kewl you are, the more you lv up the more information will be aviable, some its pretty comon like human real origins, le'muria and atlantis, and other more speciallized or practical like channelling, aliens or psionic devices, free energy blue prints and stuff.

imagine it like the secrecy of scientology but instead of years of loyalty and money, its about magical effort and netwok conections.


It's our secret. Let the true wizards do their work.

Which again, is fucking stupid. They're spreading out intent across too many unfocused minds, all with slightly different interpretations of what they want to accomplish. Though "feeding off backlash" isn't impossible, it's also a goddam stupid thing to do. That kind of energy isn't something you can store. At best, you can redirect it into the anima mundi. They could have tried to redirect it towards Trump, but I don't see how they could do that. "Backlash" is essentially the spiritual equivalent of a meth lab exploding in your face. It's not "an explosion of meth", it's a violent and uncontrolled exothermic chemical reaction. You can't "use" backlash any more than you could get high off your meth lab exploding in your face.

However, you'll note that I said earlier in this post that it is possible to "redirect" it. To use my meth lab analogy, imagine if you knew it was going to blow up and sent someone you hate to check on it, maybe shake it a little so it blows up in his face. Basically, you're not making meth either, but you're using the meth lab's explosion to further your own ends.

When it comes to backlash, such "redirection" would mean somehow getting the backlash to hurt something or someone. But to do that, they have to be involved into whatever undertaking was happening.

Now, I've seen thaumaturgy (read: voodoo doll bullshit) work before, but all ways I can think of to somehow get backlash to affect Trump in a work he's not participating in involve some crazy ass shit, like somehow convincing someone that he's Trump, making him look and think and act like him, then somehow making him do the ritual wrong so the backlash also affects the real Trump through thaumaturgy. Not entirely impossible with the right drugs and psychological primers, but the whole process would be extremely time consuming for little effect.

Instead, I think it's one of two possibilities:

1. Bunch of idiots who didn't know what they were playing with.

2. They wanted to brute force it. Even when not done properly, though most of what you get is backlash, you still get some result. To take the meth lab analogy, even when it explodes, there's some meth splashed about. Well, that might have been their intention: Hoping that with enough people involved in the ritual at once, the residual effect of all those people attempting a spell at once might be enough to do something potent. Still pretty fucking dumb, just not as dumb as the first possibility because they'd actually have a clue as to what they're doing then.

Listen to me speaking about that shit on Holla Forums. Like 90% of the people who read this will think I'm either crazy, full of shit or LARPing. Probably more. But there you go.

The importance is the oath though?
Otherwise they'd shitpost here?
.. wait

What if they just wanted to see a meth lab explosion?

It's all perspective. What you are describing esoterically is to me something logical with regards to how people are within the fabric of the universe and beyond.
Like particles in a sea we move with the waves.

Then they got what they wanted. I was gonna say I didn't know why they would involve Trump, but then I thought about the large number of dumbass SJWs who are open enough to suggestion to try this shit, too stupid to actually learn anything about it and who would be motivated by "It'll hurt Trump!", so yeah, it would make sense. If they wanted a shit ton of backlash against a large number of people for no fucking reason, then they certainly got what they wanted.



That ain't how this shit works. This guy doesn't even understand Loosh Farming how the fuck is he gonna participate in the cold magic war (or Lesser Meme War?)

More like sadists. Or more like when Holla Forums tricked a bunch of people into throwing their smartphones into the pool by going "Check it out, waterproof!"

And DeSade is a voice of authority… why?

They don't mean what you've been told they mean. The Antient Accepted Scottish Rite (AASR) is an appendant rite to regular (blue lodge) Freemasonry. It has 33 degrees but members are initiated into only 5 of them. 18 and 30-33.

18th degrees meet in an appendant 'Temple' known as a 'Sovereign Chapter'. 30-32 comprise the 'Sovereign Council' of a region in which multiplr chapters exist, which the members of the council are expected to be involved with the chapters within their purview. 33rd degrees comprise the supreme council, traditionally a small, select group. It used to be the case that new members were inducted only when a previous 33rd died, but these days a new inductee is usually brought in once a year, previous members will 'retire' to their respective sovereign councils but retain the 33rd degree.

But what does that mean? In the real sense of things, fuck all. 18-31 play at being Faith Militant (even though Knights Templar is part of a completely seperate appendant rite) 30-32 are expected to spend a lot of time visiting chapters and helping out with ritual work, and the 33rds basically make sure everyone's conducting themselves according to hoyle. Like I said, unless being a glorified board member sans gratuity sounds like the epitome of occult knowledge, you're gonna be disappointed.

Well shit mate, must have missed the memo. I'm a 30th degree and don't even have the remote to change the traffic lights yet.

You're really overthinking this. Take yourself out of the picture and look at it from the outside objectively, without regard to your own moral bias. There is a small group, about a dozen or two people who run DicKmoo, at most. These are somewhat capable magicians, think functioning alcoholics. This small number has numerous followers who eat up their shit books and spread their master's sigils to the useful idiots like we spread memes to halfchan. The idiots then spam the sigil again, adding it to everything they do, unaware that it is malware. The malware that is their sigil then syphons from them and gives impressions of "something random happened" and in many cases, the infected idiot misinterprets negative effects as positive.

This brings us to their current operation. They wish to have this malware, their sigil, flung around everywhere. They want BOTH SIDES using their sigils and they want all the feed.
Thats what the "flesh crafted" aremfor. Their useful idiots have in many cases tattooed their linking sigil onto their bodies. They're now nodes in the network to absorb that backlash, bare the consequences, and have the resulting energies fed back into the system. As they are already indoctrinated and marked for life, cognitive dissonance kicks in and by merit of feeling any effect, they react as if it was a positive experience.
Donald trump doesn't matter to them. We don't matter to them, and their own minions don't matter to them. Their objective is to gain power and minions "Moar Oistars for the Walrus!" and they would pick any high profile figure that would meet their goals.


The way you're describing it makes it sound as if their intention is to turn unwitting people into some sort of "resonators" to create what amounts to a living array, which they can then use to help channel energies into whatever task they're undertaking. To use a weeaboo analogy, kind of like how multiple human souls are used to create a philosopher's stone in Fullmetal Alchemist.

The implications are unpleasant.

As to 'more important', that's a bit of a sideways question. A Grand Lodge officer who's only ever held the 3rd degree could be argued to have a higher 'esteem' amongst Freemasons than an 18th or 30th in AASR. Everything after Master Mason (3rd degree) is better considered a step 'sideways' rather than 'up'.

Why are there so many faggots who believe in spooky magic crap?

Meme magic is just a propaganda method, "Meme war" doesn't mean some stupid spiritual bullshit, it's propaganda war. Kek is a symbol to rally under, it's fun to talk about meme magic and coincidences but in the end it's not due to some magic.

There's no spiritual energy or shit. No one's going to die because some tumblr otherkin hexed them. Memes are the genes of human culture and nothing more, learn to use them the right way, don't chase this magic bullshit.

Memes influence the way someone interprets the world around them and that's how you do magic with them, it's harder to control which memes people consume but that's what we should be directing our energy into, not to playing house with deranged retards from tumblrland.

Sounds like a serious situation tbh.

I wish I wasn't on my phone right now, because typing everything out in a meaningful way on it would be a pain.

To put it simply, you're mostly right. It's why my main hypothesis is that these people have no fucking clue what they're doing. There is definitely weird shit, but almost all "wizards", "mediums", "psychics" or whatever else are bullshit. Like 95%. Of the remaining 5%, I'd say 4.9% are just using poorly understood science. Voodoo in particular is infamous for that. Don't fuck with a witch doctor. The remaining 0.01% (and I pulled those numbers out of my ass, they're meant to give you a sense of scale) is real spooky shit. Thing is, if you expect lightning bolts and levitation and turning people into frogs, you'll be very disappointed.

To understand it, you need to understand several concepts: Sacred geometry, the nature of time, the anima mundi and synchronicity. If you don't want to look them up yourself, I can break down the basics for you, but I'd rather not type it all out on my phone. Furthermore, figuring out that shit for yourself is important to be able to use it properly.

user, there is no difference.

your post is like saying "why is Jung such a fucking overly poetic faggot when freud just says what it is"

its different models explaining the same things. the mysticism aspect aids in further symbolism and provides an aesthetic. Ideas are like spells, powerful ideas can move the unmoved, take over their operating system and possess people to act for you.

Makes you think about what jews are thinking.


Ah, so the degrees are more a description of a role, direction or path of learning, rather than a level or hierarchy?

Think quantum.

Though I agree than the persuasive element of memes is more active than the "magical" or observational element (the way observation effects the waves and ripples of the fabric of the universe).

It's almost as if the persuasive element acts on a lower level to the "magical" element. One level is how incantations (i.e. dialogue) can persuade a person's mind to agree with you to act in a certain manner you want. The "prima facie" or direct level.
Another is how that incantation or image can impact or interact with the fabric on a higher differential level. The indirect level.

Is their weird shit?
Or is it mere confirmation bias?

Remember the effect may be powerful or observable, or it may be insignificant or "small pieces to a larger jigsaw".

Science is magic. ALL magic will be explain by scientific analysis one day - though that is an infinite amount of science and an infinite amount of magic.

Well, for now the magic is very very weak, but maybe we will understand more powerful magic one day.

I'm interested in what you know.

Is it like a priest bubble from WoW or like a palladin bubble?

If you are serious, this course is the real deal:

Both ways, it stays a bubble and if they get drawn in to keeping it up and even pure more energy in it, chances are high they die in their own bubbles.

All right then.

Sacred Geometry: Sacred geometry is the idea that certain shapes are tied to certain ideas or concepts. Might sound like bullshit until you understand that's how the brain works: Your thoughts, your ability to conceive, comes from nervous messages passing through specific nervous patterns in your brains. Essentially, the shapes adopted by the neural connection in your brains are what allow you to think when they're active. It's also why the collective unconscious is a thing: Because brain structure is hereditary, therefore every brain has the same basic shapes in it which are tied to hereditary possible ideas, AKA archetypes.

True nature of time: You should know by now that space is a one dimensional vector. Now, we exist in three dimensional space, but we don't see in three dimensions. If you did, you would see all possible faces of an object at the same time. In truth, you see in 2+1 dimension. One face per eye. You evolve in a three dimensionsal space, and you're capable of inferring the third dimension. Time is the same. Time is one dimension, but we perceive as 0+1. One point at a time. But just like the other faces of an object don't stop existing because you don't perceive them, the other points in time don't cease existing either once you're past them. And as the Universe was once just a tiny thing, a singularity with everything stuck together, then all things are connected through that point in time. In case you're curious, that's the reason behind quantum entanglement.

Anima Mundi: Literally means "soul of the world". It is very much a worldview, seeing the world as one superorganism rather than just the sum of its parts. It's like seeing a human being as a whole rather than a collection of organs and tissue.

Synchronicity: A concept speculated upon by Jung, it can be summarized as "meaningful coincidences". Jung was convinced that the relation between certain events, rather than being causal, was synchronous. It isn't a denial of causality, but rather a complex corollary of it.

All of those concepts together, once understood, allow you to have a world view where everything is connected, where seemingly nonsensical things make sense and where things which may seem insignificant gain significance.

Goddammit, what's with me and mixing up words this morning?

Not just shapes.
Colours too.
Structure and the quality are the "chicken and the egg".
I've already seen what you've described but thanks for clarifying what I was thinking.

I see "meme magic" observations more like peaks and trofts of a wave. Also the beats of the waves (memes) meeting up. In fact that really scratches the surface of the magic.

Pretty much. Freemasons by tradition meet on the level as equal. Think of lodges more like committees than cults. Sure the president gets to sit in the big chair and dictate the pace of proceedings, but it's administrative, he's still bound by the charter, by-laws or constitution of the organization and still only has one vote in things brought before that committee.

Those demons look like the australian shitposter.Who is this Dame warding off the aussies shitposters?

Explains a lot really.

Come on man. How many fedora memes should I post?

kikepedia allows any random self-promoting bullshit to be published if it fits a libshit narrative

this turd would deserve deletion and perma-ban of the author if he didn't include "paradoxical problem of exclusion in advocacy and social justice groups" and other meaningless brainfarts in the ramblings about his graffiti signature

I'm eating shit there right now

Room #domus

kek's sword is of chaos. look at the frog symbolism; starts out as a tadpole in the water (darkness) and then ends up turning into a frog who can live on land (light) but can still swim and breathe water if need be. kek was born in the darkness - molded by it. he didnt see the light until he was already a man. by then it was nothing to him but blinding. kek is a primordial chaos god, although he is not necessarily of chaos himself.
"in all chaos there is a cosmos. in all disorder, a secret order"


remind all dubs are derivatives of 11 and that Ammit's magic number is 11

remember ""JUSTICE""

Hakim bey advocated pedophilia fwiw.

Holy shit, you're all either LARPing faggots or just delusional.

watch as my extreme skepticism protects my zone of influence far better than anything you can cook up for yourselves


they even have a faceberg group and one of the shitposters linked Holla Forums directly!


I know alysyrose owns copies of most of the subgenius books and based some of thise nonsense on Hakim Bey's Ontological Anarchy.
Here's a random dickmoo photobucket, will try to find more not private. ZALTY?sort=3&page=1

Layout confirms. It matches kiamagic.

They used to go into megachurches to place their squiggles in there. I bet if we could find out which churches and send them the info and proofs, they would send their legions too.

They are always banging on about white supremacy, about how white people want to lord it over everyone else.
Most white people I ever knew just wanted to be left the fuck alone, that's all.
Just leave us alone

White people doing white people things =/= wanting to conquer or oppress anyone else.

Makes it clear who their enemies are.
> This should be amusing.
Looks like they used to post everything up to occultcorpus before the switch to facebook.

Huh, I've only seen a couple pieces of media from dkmu. I was struck by their hard on for Khaos, and I'm rather surprised that they aren't on the Kek train. Maybe they're jealous of our success.

They are absolute degenerates. They seek pleasure and agony in equal parts, unable to dinstinguish the two. They have no sense of volk, no pride, no honor or inspiration to greatness. They have Hedonism, illusion, and all the drugs they can hide within the influence of. They disrespect all that they work with, even themselves, and if you read >>>/pdfs/5501 you'll see the disrespect they have for thr gods. They would see themselves become the kike and ZOG if they could manage it, rather than liberate the world. Disgusting trash.

Here's a thread on another occultboard about their botnet malware sigil. >

The article says she tweeted dates of “waning crescent moon ritual dates” and said nothing about Trump. They then tied it into the witch movement that is doing a spell on those dates.

Learn to read fake news you /fringe/ plebs

As a matter of fact, it does.

The alliance between Kek and Abba is plain as day. While I respect those of you who do not hold Him in the regard I do, know that I hold no other Gods above my Lord. Should the alliance break, whether by the actions of those of you who reject Him or by other means, many of us shall part with a Shadilay as we shake the dust from our sandals.


It is better to remain user than to show your low-T obese weakling greasy-haired ass as a "friend". Friendly reminder for y'all creative anons.


Skepticism is your way out if you have no desire to enter the fray of the esotericists.



Your card raises a valid point. Dickmoo unironicaly believes they are "assaulting reality" placing themselves at odds with all that is real. They incarnate the concept of delusion, while we fight for Truth. This can be used against them.

They are stuck in "destroy everything" mode because it's "all illusion." What they fail to distinguish is the origin of the creative truth that animates life. Maybe they just don't care, either way nature has her laws and ignorance, even more so, intentional ignorance will be their undoing.

It's sad to see a group come so close to the truth of the transcendental nature of chaos and the void and still fall short. At least we can still pillage their memes for those which remain useful.

sticky mods?

Depressing indeed. Looking through their history, it seems most of their oldfags abandoned ship sometime in 2012 after drama shitstorm and then they moved mostly onto kikebook. Reminds me of scientology.
Do they even have anything worthy? All I can see is degeneracy when my eye points towards them. Maybe Oathy is autistic enough to do something with them. On that note, I wonder how they'd react to some oathbreaker OC over their squigglememes being spammed on their groups. It technically would break their sigils, since it would break all of their lines with pure refined memetic autism.


That might just be autistic enough to work.

That's where you're wrong kiddo

My thoughts exactly. Also, some digits prophesized weaponized autism.

Found some peons connected to them defending pizzagate. Though the person named Rin on there seems slightly redpilled at least. They were a moderator from the old board in the early 2000s but do not seem to be part of the dikmoo cult.

Daily reminder this Golden Dawn can fuck up any degenerate G.D

Also, when do we meme Jews into becoming their own ovens? Autistic screenie from tvtropes to compound aspergic energy.

I haven't bothered to delve too deeply into their corpus, but a couple of the spoken word videos they've posted were pretty interesting. It's pretty basic stuff, but it could be refined to provide a better introductory redpill.

Wew wee, it's about time we found a use for that oathbreaker shit. If these guys are as big a pack of try-hards as you've implied (and I'm inclined to believe that to be the case) then they're liable to go apeshit over having their sigils broken.

Those are all propaganda videos put out by alysyrose (alexander hoffman of ithaca NY) He was trying to use NLP, bineural beats, and a couple brainwashing techniques like repeating words at specific rates and monotone, to draw in more recruits.

How well do these techniques work? Maybe we could utilize them to our own ends.

These guys are worthless clowns, and their """""magic""""" is bogworthy

Says the middle-aged man using facebook to play Hogwarts with all his hipster faggot friends.

Anyone claiming to be a witch or a practioneer of witchcraft in this day and age is usually a hipster faggot who picked up some "witchcraft for teens" book from Borders Books when they were in high school.

These people are not students of the occult and esoteric. They are faggots who think calling themselves "pagans" and lighting candles will give them to power to get more money, because they whispered a money prayer to the Earth Mother.

In other news, water is wet, and puerto rico is a state

They work a lot better in person since you can work off of cues given by the target, but suggestion and repetition tend to be effective. Note, most people viewing dickmoo vids are on drugs, and drugs alter your brainwaves and the frequency of your memory cycles, that is the process of absorbing data -assembling short term memory, and then processing it to long term memory. Well times voice modulation and repetition can fuck with that cycle. Luckily, the implementation has been pretty poor with dickmoo becuse they value edge above truth.
We can do far better. people on /tok/ are working on a type of chanting/hymns to Kek which utilize such a technique without the degenerate and malicious intents. Music works becuse it induces patterns of thought and frequency changes in the brain. This is why Plato spoke out so strongly against foreigners and fools spreading degeneracy to music, rather than using it to uplift and inspire his people as a manifestation of their blood and culture.

Found their leader's personal kikebook page.
Alexander William Hoffman, now we have a middle name.

So much this.

They want to destroy the veil around is and this world that is keeping us spiritually ignorant. They don't want to destroy "everything".


I want to have palaver with you (funny how King uses it in Dark Tower series, but it actually mean "empty talk")

The only "veil" is ignorance.

The veil itself can not be destroyed although one may certainly obtain mastery sufficient to render it of a null entropic effect. However remember this is a conscious thing, and otherwise the energetic framework of nature (which the veil is a part of) does it's Web of Wyrd thing.

When one transcends and goes beyond the veil obtaining spiritual liberation this individual act, a freewill choice, made in perfect awareness of one's personal divine authority and sovereignty allows them ultimate truth and access to ultimate creative power. This is not a thing that can be understood or wielded vicariously.

If one yet takes experience by proxy, knowledge from external authority, and lives through the beliefs of others no matter what paradigm it is it will still just another world, they have traded one mode of interfacing with the demiurge for another without any real understanding of the mechanism behind it.

Be it on the side of light or dark combative destruction needs to be balanced with creation or you will unmake yourself. If one can assume command of their connection to creator the very reigns of creation await.

Also this

Ain’t it grand to be alive?
To look out on Discordia
When the Demon Moon arrives.

They go to hell or up to heaven!
The the guns are shot and the fires hot,
You got to poke em in the oven.

I have insane anger fits. Memories (a gift and a curse) from long ago almost like someone is digging thru the card catalog of "shit that might piss me off"

Is someone fucking with me? Are archons that feed on anger using me? (not really susceptible to other negative emotions)

Have I accidentally created a tulpa in my "underground cave" from all the years of being pissed-TFO?

They are not beind the bind trump operation, but certainly trying to exploit it to farm more loosh. Best thing you can do against a forced meme is ridicule these sorry fuckers as the idiots behind them, including this "octarine spring" bullshit.

We could target and troll the leadership. Resulting drama and infighting would likely destroy them. If nothing else, this will be good fun and no-risk training for our neets and newfags.

If they're that edgy it might be easy enough (open to any ideas, since it's obvious you've been observing them for a while), but what's more important is to show that their forced memes are actually forced memes. If someone starts discussing their botnet or one of their initiatives, they should find someone else going "dickmoo get out, go begging for low grade energy somewhere else", or at least a "forced meme is forced".

baneposting remains the most powerful and enigmatic meme ever created


So let's say all the lovecraft shit is true.
Why the fuck would you worship the "old ones"?
They seem just as bad as any semite god demanding a blood sacrifice.

It's the same thing as an island tribe worshiping their island's volcano. It can destroy them any time it has a notion to and to avoid feeling completely powerless they turn to worship.

You know, Lovecraft got most of his stories from his dreams, and even literally from automatic writing. They're real. Though, they don't demand shit like they do in the stories. They don't even want worship.

Agreed, but we'll need memes for the memewar. I think the oathbreaker is autistic enough to immediately make them sperg, especially if it has high contrast and all lines are broken along its borders. Believe it or not, santeros and niggermagi would probably be even more offended by this, because it's semi-traditional to use patterns like that to literally break drawn magic symbols and such hexes.
Since they first shitposted from occultforums to halfchan back in the early 2000s. I like to watch groups and cults form and grow. Learned a lot by watching failures, like what not to do.

The Old Ones don't demand shit. They simply are.

Must suck to paint every phenomena with such a mundane brush tbh.

does he know who he is fucking with
memes were the fuel for the trump train

So Lovecraft was right On The Creation of Niggers as well? Can't say by description and method it's wrong though.

The real magic is not killing yourself after you start seeing the truth of this world.

But I wouldn`t know, I don`t see it yet.


The placebo effect is one of those things that scientists couldn't figure out so they just stuck a name on it and acted like they knew what was going on. It's so easily documented that they can't ignore it, but the mechanism isn't something they can make data points out of so they pretend it has not effect outside of messing with medical studies.

You mean like gravity, magnetism, and autism?

Pretty much, but they can't hide their ignorance with mathematics like they do with gravity and magnetism or jewish pseudoscience like they do with autism. Anything they can't find a way to apply the scientific method to gets treated like this. It doesn't work for everything, at least not in the current scientific paradigm, but there has been a perception of nigh religious infallibility cultured around it that is fiercely defended.

the golden down has nazis in it, I've seen cicero in nazi uniform.

Pics? Sounds p fashy.
I still can't reconcile the Golden Dawn's use of hebrew godnames, even if I do really like other parts of the system


Looks like a mod from /ebola/ petitioned the dickmoo.

The card on the riht is kike bullshit, the card on the left is proper. Note the posture. On the left, the magician is forming the shape of a rune with his body, on the right, the kike is crooked and confused.

There's probably a few anons around who do…

Nigger, you are not nearly as special as you like to think you are.

This. Basic bitch witches need to learn that tarot correspondences are precise and they fucking matter. You can't just go around fucking with the art willy-nilly because of ego and feels.

Sick digits you conjured up there, do you know where I can find good info on the tarot? There is so much crap made by bored middle aged women out there I can't find anything that seems accurate.

Qabalistic Tarot by Robert Wang is the best I've found, if you can deal with Golden Dawn overtones without getting triggered.
Pdf is pretty easy to find but I'm too lazy to spoon feed tonight


I am getting some freaky vibes, really truly. Are things finally coming to a head?

You're the one posting them you fuckin jabroni
Thanks for playing.

The game has not yet begun.

You should hop in your (((merkabah))) and warp somewhere people will care about your obnoxious faggotry.


meh, there's a thousand different interpretations, the only thing anyone seems to agree on is that we're in it.

Time being relative, of course :^)

You can blame Alan Moore if it makes you feel any better It won't

A name is enough, thanks.

Is Alan /ourwizard/?

Pic related. Auther made movies about defeating degeneracy in the 60s and 70s, though being made in that era they'd probably look like degeneracy at first glance.

We will summon the fucking kalki! Purger of Filth! The one hom Hitler has prepared the way for! Praise Kek, Sieg Hiel!

My nigger! The Holy Mountain is one of my favorite movies. Also, Jodorowsky was frogpilled before most of us were born, kek.


If by shoving your face into the foulest cancer orgy cesspit in the universe so you can eternally lose your taset for it like that one time your dad caught you smoking so he made you huff a whole carton of marlboro reds until you puked you mean defeating then sure.

El Topo is the shit tho tbh

Its like you are a paranoid autist that thinks kikes have the monopoly on esoteric knowledge.
Please keep entertaining me, adept.

I've been thinking about this for weeks.Do you have a webm or some memes from he victoriousmfrog conquistadors?

I don't know about their effectiveness. Meme magick may be old, but the paradigm is shifting and the people who find themselves in places like this website are on the bleeding edge. They are much more in tune with the egregore and are more malleable, dare I say mercurial (Hermetic) than these fossils.
Anecdote time. My roommate's good friend is a practicing Golden Dawn something (I never cared enough to listen to his stories). He goes to some shit temple to charge his pentacle on monday nights with some leading kaballah expert or some shit. Anyways, this California flake "divines" through his tarot cards that Trump will lose the general election. I make sure to wear my MAGA hat when he visits and I laugh in his face every time.
My point is that they may have the power of ritual and the conviction to pour their will into these, sometimes, very old rituals. I don't doubt that reality can be shifted in this way. It is just that in this current paradigm, the lighthearted memery and bantz that can spread very quickly into the minds of millions through the internet is a much more powerful reality shaping force. That is why I call these "olde style magickianes" fossils. They are repeating old rituals that have no meaning to them besides what they were taught whereas we are spontaneously engaging in rituals that are spawned by our own creativity. If it is guided by some mischievous deity's will, all the better. Creativity was on the decline these past few decades and now it is coming back with a furious vengeance.


sorry, not much of an a/vfag

Are those pissbottles under the table? Top kek

Hiding bottles of urine, nail clippings, old hair and such, is an ancient form of decoy. The idea is that the more physical material related to your body that you stash about random places o burried in the yard, the more likely it is that enemy spells hit your piss bottle instead. I shit you not.

Huh. Well, then my terrible habit of picking at my nails has been protecting me for years. Thanks deep tissue muscle injuries!

They don't stand a chance.

There's also a pinpoint use of that type of magic.
i.e., instead of using it as general chaff/flares, it's possible to use it more like a Macross style pinpoint barrier by putting concentrations of hair/nails/etc under doormats, under windows, etc. The idea being that more specific or concentrated attacks would ignore chaff/flares, but would still be required to follow paths of least resistance, so just put more concentration of the defensive material to block those paths of least resistance.
I also don't mean to say that this only applies to flows of the winds of magic, it can also be used for more solid purposes.

Thanks for the free energy faggots.

I was always given to think the opposite was true, that you didn't want randos getting ahold of, eh-heh, materials. But I guess nobody is going to crawl around on the floor sifting through random hairs looking for yours, so leavings as a counterspell should still work. Since we as humans shed so much obsolete material anyway - does it work passively? Does skin-dust work too?

It's true that a physical piece of material makes targeting easier, and might increase efficiency, but if you're already inviting someone into your home I'm going to assume they've been vetted at least a little bit. The materials used by the mage defensively go inside the structure.
Tbh, the material used defensively like this is referred to as "dead matter", so I'd be inclined to think that skin dust would fall under that category.

Here is the contact page for the golden dawn branch that David Griffin is part of I think. I sent them a report that dkmu is manipulating griffin.

Luciferians v/s autism

Holla Forums lacks the one thing that has dismantled or degenerated every single occult school in the west: ego obsessed status seekers. Same theory why we're better than dogshit sites like faceberg and reddit. No upboat button, no lodge degree, no platform to jack yourself off in front of everyone and distract them from the work at hand. Don't even get me started on the sexual impropriety that goes on with alot of these groups.

Here, we are in the real of pure idea. Only truth and beauty matter.

This is the kind of puffed up LARPing that exactly proves my point. Good job.

Autism wins every time

You means Jews?

So to destroy them, we simply have to induce DRAMA! They're a good split between SJW and Nihilistic douchebags, with a smattering of randoms around. Politics, both theirs and national (most members are burgers) will easily induce infighting, and then they should self destruct.
Big names in their group for digging.

From reading that I feel like he is a LARPfaglord.

-30/+10, Would not ever follow, give a fuck about his opinions, nor use his specific methods.

He knows the notes, not the music

That's fucking FANTASTIC though! He's going to be furious when he finds out some douchebag posthumanist edgelords were trying to play him! He's perfectly set up to become the perfect avatar of the shitlord!

Alan Watts reference?

No, dubs aside the problem is that you think in dualism or a super being and shit isnt like that, you have God and his manifestation in this world, his Son, but you persevere in calling every thing that is against God his son because you are shills or you have a problem, those things are minor, even all of them together, from a fedora to satan.

I'm kind of a fan of his shitty shops though.

Being serious, Revelations already talked about this war, you are fulfiling The Bible.

…12Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the East. 13And I saw three unclean spirits that looked like frogs, coming from the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. 14These are demonic spirits that perform signs and go out to all the kings of the earth, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God, the Almighty


I dont know, perhaps he was the originator of the saying, I wouldnt know beyond a possible google search after this post.

Its a saying that I, as a musicianand magician find very applicable often in everyday life. Lots of LARPfags out there. They need to be called out. It weakens them. They pretend it gives them strength, but it only creates imbalance, which eventually calls forth balance.

And, checked!

christ, are you fags stuck in a time loop?


You are just a controlled psy op used to ridiculizing decent people like that "alt right" fag boss.



I participated in the last three threads lads, it just gets grating after a while tbh



Thats what he actually looks like?

We have our methods, but after seven threads or so, we named the group responsible for the wicca thing gettig big, the op intruder pieces of shit who smash scottish cupcake, and have found the psuedokikes D k m u to be responsible for the instigation. Now we cut off their head.

Desu pill.

i assumed they fell apart a long while ago, the only relevant thing they ever did was that faggy ellis project

Bot, shill or retard?

So contribute something new and interesting or shut the fuck up and finish your gruel.

might as well, these threads are still pretty comfy

still gonna sage because it makes me feel like a special little princess

While I do understand the sentiment, as I have been completely ignoring those sort of threads lately, sometimes good shit does emerge from the sewage of stagnation.

Its good ground to hammer shit out that is definitely related to everything posted on Holla Forums.

Id suggest any anons who find these matters on these sort of threads dumb, just hide and move on. Its what I do in the typical Catholicism vs Protestantism threads. I don't jump in and be a cunt, I just move on and hope them anons, when all is said and done, do whats best for our race.

Is it much to request of a tl;dr for DKMU?

What is needed is a more concrete direction in the memeing, something like this can pretty readily degenerate into a LARP war without getting much done

Some chaos magicians from way back when who tried to organize a big ol' magic network. They haven't been relevant in a long while, this is the first i've heard of them since 2011 or so

A chaos magic shortbus who's only accomplishment of note was literally creating a sigil botnet to loosh farm it's members.

come to think of it

we could try and do that for the lefties, make a trendy hipster sigil to botnet all their shit and use it for our purposes and/or safely dispose of it

From that tl;dr description, I can safely say theyre not really a worry. The more adept kikes are just using them. Think who is controlling them. Just because theyre "chaos mages" doesn't mean theyre not completely compromised.

like i said, they ceased actually doing anything since the early 2000's, and i'm pretty much certain that none of their old guard actually are active any more

10 loosh bux says it's just some rondo's cashing in on name recognition

Chaos magic, as it is published in the majority of grimiores available, isn't really all that chaotic. It's just hermetic kabbalah with all of the lore and discipline stripped out. Golden Dawn Lite, basically.

Ya, do it. The kikes are using them, we should commandeer this kike tool for our own uses.

My intuition says these faggots are pretty susceptible. Find where their will unites, and there is where the manipulation can be commenced.

it's not too bad for a jumping off point, but actively practicing it is like drinking water instead of wine

Nah. While what you said isnt false, its just not complete.

They remove the liquid from the already created bottles and fashion their own bottles to store the liquid.

Its really understanding the dressing is just how you form the mountains and earth to guide the waters.

The GD stuff, and its sort, does recognize and use the proper materials, but its the technique used by the traditional hermetic schools that is what the chaos mage discards, not the substance and currents within the substance they are working with.

Fake magicians don't see this.

Since we're in the midst of a leak, I'm only reminded of the day Holla Forums found out the elites are confirmed to practice occult stuff. Good times. But as the election and recent events have shown, Holla Forums is the inheritor now.

The gods got tired of this storyline played out by the LARPer gods.

Lets give them a good tale lads. We've been given the pen to write the future.

I see your point. Call me old fashioned, but I'm slow to trust it's apparent lack of emphasis on initiatory experiences. That and it's free form approach's tendency to attract 10 lazy flakes for every genuine ecclectic.

This p much

The merit in chaos magic is purely its introductory focus on personal discovery and bare-bones mechanics tbh

They barely even did the work for the ellis project. They coopted occultforums to do the grunt work, while they programmed the malware. Word is, they're working on a "meme magic book" now, with the objective of harvesting the high energy they've witnessed us unleash. Their "Octarian Spring" is the op they wished to use for setting this up, trying to make a mickeymouse sigilmeme and try to hijack us. They have always failed on the chans, but they are attempting to incite conflict against us and trump, as part of their parasitic loosh farming scheme. They are trying to be kikes, but are on too many drugs.

spoiler for rumor. Alysyrose was cucked by George Petros and his first wife dumped him afterwards.

that's probably why it was so successful in the first place :^)

just another forced meme for the garbage pile

What a gaggle of humorless r-select tryhards. Let them come.

I understand that reason. Most are what you described, but the ones who aren't, they know the flow of things. They're worth knowing. They offer insight. I'm probably one myself, but I have a base technique I have as a foundation, just as a GD or Thelemite would.

The chaos mage is always wasting energy reinventing the wheel, when that energy could be better used to create empires.

My point, chaos magick is more of a mentality than the shit guys like Peter Carrol write. Im not disrespecting Peter, its just I truly feel magick is the river, and we the wielders of its currents.

I actually used to lurk their forums for the ellis project back in the dark world of 2010, and literally all they'd do was trip balls and try to interpret their hallucinations as visions of greater progress

Chaos Magick is fucking homeopathy. You want some real fucking magick? Without three levels of degeneration? Here ya go, pic related.

you want real magic?

take a load of this


I already have my trunk to my tree, but more branches are always welcome, if they help this tree grow.

Right, my dislike has less to do with philosophical differences and more to do with the track record of collateral damage. Exceptions aside, it's been a pretty good argument on why this shit was kept so secret in the first place.

Oh you mean Golden Dawn: Blaanda up anal orgy edition. I'll pass. :^)

I always call it Crowleyanity myself, but ya.

Once you've read serrano's works, you'll realize that chaos magick, ufo cults, and the new age was all ripped off of esoteric hitlerism.

Can you elaborate on that, I'm not getting where you're taking this.

I agree. Not everyone is worthy of this sword.

More literally this than most outside of here would think.


I did get some of his stuff a while back, maybe I should really give him and Evola a proper audience through their works.

Book of Resurrection was a mindfuck

This life, so many paths to heaven.

Mostly rum and whatever toxic herbs they could find growing in the shitlands of new jersey around that time.

digits confirm. Look into the Aetherius society, pretty damn sure it was mostly cover and dr. George King of England was /ourguy/ and smuglord supreme. Also >>>/pdfs/426 for esoteric hitlerism.

Let's get this moving. We have Oathbreaker to break the bonds of Ellis and she hates her minions more than we do. They use the red queen from alice and wonderland to represent her, though members have tried and failed to usurp their own patron god.
We also are incredible trolls.
Further, they pissed on the face of a golden dawn edgelord, spread the butthurt, direct it to its source.

Literally tulpa-tier. Sad.


The 2 most outspoken occultists in favor of SJW faggotry, and literal faggotry I know are practitioners of Enochian magick,

From my limited experience in this system, its feels like an AI from the OUTSIDE, or Ancient Ones.

This board is full of d k m u cancer

Does this mean that a "solitary magician" is basically worthless? Memes become more powerful if more people are fuelling them. We also see this in mainstream religion. Muslims for example must all pray at the same time several times per day. Would it be better for an aspiring magician to create original content and help spreading content, rather than working his ass off doing advanced rituals by himself in his bedroom?

Looks like the 2nd paragraph was loosely copied from here


text for those who don't want to visit - "Most Illustrious Grand Hierophant
Bro Mihail Georgiev
(Frater Bogomilius)

S::I::, 33º, 90º, 97º, IXº, XIIIº
Dr. Mihail Georgiev (Frater Bogomilius) S::I::, 33º, 90º, 97º, IXº, XIIIº is Sovereign General Grand Master, Supreme Commander, Grand Magister, Grand Hierophant Ad Vitam of Ancient and Primitive Egyptian Rite of Memphis and Misraim of 99º and last degree of Freemasonry in Bulgaria."

Absolutely not. A solitary practitioner with strong discipline and concentration and a high amount of training is extremely capable.
The problem is that these basically don't exist anymore. Take the Abramelin Rite, one of the ways to become extremely capable: It requires half a year in total isolation, ideally in some cave many miles from civilization.
There's shortcuts, but every shortcut fucks with the result, and so the greats of old don't exist anymore.

The deeper we go into the Kali Yuga, the harder it is to connect to the Divine, and the less people that are actually capable there will be.
That's why Meme Magic is ascendant right now, it just gives up on individual capability. At the same time though, this means that it's impossible for anyone to actually find enlightenment through Meme Magic.

user, I would never tell this to a normie, but you completely misunderstand it, but that was always the intent. It is indeed the greatest of rituals, but not what youre thinking. Here, i will break it down.

Probably, but it still works, along the lines established by Evola's group:
Get out, start hearing the universal music, pray all the time, live a pure life, bringing you closer to the Divine at the same time.
Meditate enough to eventually snap into enlightenment at some point, for a few seconds at least.

Most people nowadays don't even get to the enlightenment for a bit part, through any technique, because they always try shortcuts.

The best way to win is to not give credibility to their efforts.

Inb4 some D&C faggot tries to claim I'm advocating pacifism. We know what happens when you give negative attention to your enemies, the left constantly spews venom and because of it they've had one of their worst years in decades.

This whole magic war is a desperate ploy for relevance, our magick is effective, theirs isn't which is why they have to embody pure negativity, theirs is an existential tantrum that will only harm themselves.

Focus on keeping the good times rolling, and as a consequence, that will mean the bad times will continue for them by default.

Then how about we do the opposite? They only survive due to obscurity. Let's see how they fair under a new light, a normie light. If they were advertised to the lowest dregs of the internet, the drama filled hives of shit and kikery, they would get flooded with new normies. The normies would quickly outnumber the oldfags a hundred to one and then political infighting and namefaggotry destroys them naturally.
Attention is the last thing they want, at least attention from normies. They lose their edge when normies touch it.

This might work. #1 reason for the downfall of most online communities is a sudden influx of normies

Actually, all it takes is to hit the sjw groups and go all "here are the champions of anti-trumpism!". They will either trigger unlimited drama and infighting, or just take over and neutralize every ounce of magic trough sheer mental retardation. Some anons can also fan the flame by going "but is this magic actually respecting minorities??? Chaos magic is cultural appropriation"

Consider their aims with magic. It's always so selfish and so aimless. "I want the universe to give me money" or "I want something bad to happen to this person I dislike" or "I want energy so I can succeed" – They have no clearly attainable goal and even if they poured their heart and soul into these rituals, all they really want is some small piece of mind that the world will bend itself to help them.

I bet plenty of these faggots laid out the tarot cards and told themselves "this means Trump will lose!" just the same as all the faggots who bought some candles and put out the tower card, because google told them the tower card means bad stuff will happen suddenly, but even as a united group, it's just a lot of individuals all whining in unison that they want bad stuff to happen so Trump doesn't do the stuff that they don't really understand, but that they know is bad.

And that's kind of the big fuck up that these people make: They lack understanding. Not just of magic, but of reality. Any sufficiently skilled artist can tell you that before you can break all the rules and draw all the cartoon porn you want, you must master the fundamentals. You must understand spatial relations and composition and perspective and anatomy. Once you understand all the rules, then you understand how you can break them to make them work for you.

These people refuse to accept the world as it really is (hence why so many are degenerate faggots, trannies, and hipsters with made up sexualities) so they throw themselves at "magic" because "magic" to them is merely an escape from reality where putting a card next to a candle and asking "the spirit" to "Bind" Trump will do something.

So, because they don't understand politics, because they don't understand reality, because they don't even really get why people voted for Trump or why the things he's doing so very, very important, they cannot affect him. All the ill-defined magical energy in the world won't do shit if it's just aimlessly thrown into the aether and then told to just "go do all the things that will make me be less miserable!"

Actually real freemasonry has 360 degrees. The Egyptians believed 180 were in the physical world and 180 were in the spirit world. After 33 you are outside of sanctioned lodges because this is when the rituals start to involve sacrifices. So anytime they're caught killing kids or something they can claim it's an unsanctioned "black lodge". They claim only a small splinter group is a part of that lodge when in reality it's all of the higher members. Each degree is a piece of knowledge or a cosmic principle.

Fools, the only reason you're so successful in your ops is you having a male phoenix(which is pretty fucking rare) on your side since Mid of 2015.
Meme Magic is real, your opposition is unable to harvest it simply for the fact that their occult potential is crippled by their unwarranted self-importance and their seek after control. While it is entirely possible to use chaos magic if you're very afraid of chaos(Emotional involvement) it is NOT possible to work with a specific type of magic if you are apathetic to it or don't take it serious.
To work with our type of magic, you either have to LOVE chaos, or DESPISE it with every inch of your body. This doesn't apply if you're just a signal torch echoing the memes of your brethren.
Also, friendly reminder:
Watch your minds and be aware of potential hooks,
always take Moloch and the likes more serious then those pseudokikes, their followers(like Podesta) are way more devoted then any degenerate tumblr witch.


Fuck, this has been an interesting thread.

Sure hope you're not paying for that fiction m80… Just because AASR is a popular target for conspiriacy fantasy doesn't mean it's ACTUALLY as influental as all that. (In fact Royal Arch is recognised by more Grand Lodges than AASR.)

Then it's irregular. If something is declared irregular then a practitioner of it is no longer welcome amongst Freemasons, so effectively it is no longer Freemasonry. So… someone stole Masonic Tradition and made some shit up. Mormons did that too, big whoop.

Oh, and circular geometria was a Hellenistic cult in the vein of the Pythagoreans, not Egyptian. At least get your fairytales straight first.

I'm noticing no anger fits today. Not a one.
Maybe its all the veggies I've been snacking on lately.

Yeah, alan is totally not our guy

grant on the other hand ….

I think we can all understand where he stands


Can you give good sources to research synchronicity from a good viewpoint?


Calling for unity and alliance? I'm not sure what's ambiguous or confusing about what I wrote.

no reason not to strengthen yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually while inseminating the mass thought form with spicy OC.

Watch for unlikely occurrences and coincidences. As you begin to record them mentally, a profile will emerge. Find what behaviours correlate with these occurrences. This is a broad oversimplification, but as you watch, you'll learn.

How's neutral?

That site also has a lot of stuff related to the subject as well, however it's kind of all over due to said matter being so nebulous in nature.

This reminds me that I did a tarot spread last July, I have the notes in my notebook but not handy at the moment. It was an introspective, personal reading since I was in some turmoil at the time and was looking for any guidance.
I did the standard Golden Dawn spread and in my future influences it looked like a Trump victory was in the works and that it had a positive influence on my future. I said I laughed at my roommate's flakey magician buddy earlier, but my query during that spread had nothing to do with Trump. It just popped up in my reading and I think it was the influence of the egregore. So far, Trump's victory has had a positive influence on not just my life, but many others. I get to wake up every morning looking forward to a news cycle of hilarity.

As a drawfag I appreciate your understanding of the necessity of fundamentals. It is so lacking these days and very apparent. Fight the good fight. Truth and beauty.

Case in point (and this still spooks me, but… I wonder what digits this will end with)

My post number for my last two posts contain the day and year of my birth. My first contribution to this thread was dubs.

This strongly suggests to me that I am where I ought to be in posting what I am where and when I am.

The numbers, man, they speak to me.

I hold a computer science degree; logic and numeracy have always spoken loudly to me, and the powers with which I am aligned, that is, the powers that I serve, use them for that purpose.

Hah, 186. I mentioned CS and the x86 pattern emerges. Yet there was no 186 Intel architecture. That suggests that I am to move on to other tasks now. This sounds super flaky… until Powers start actually leveraging my reliable interpretations to move me in directions they desire.

That's horrible, could you imagine one of us trying to raise Ebola-chan up only so we could hollow her out and use her image to harvest loosh? No wonder these people are so ineffective if they're that cynical and self-serving

This is not JUSTICE.

in relation to

If you helped in any way I appreciate it.
I get the feeling you are the same user I recently mistook for a shill/another user (last week or two)
I apologized to you for "being an asshole to the wrong person"

Or maybe youre someone else

That's kike-tier behavior right there.

dubs confirm
help develop new architecture (since 86, and 64 have built in exploits)


This. There is so much numeralogic feedback, if only user knew how to read the numbers. It's everwhere, time stamps, licence plates, part numbers, you fucking name it.

I've been seeing dubs in license plates recently. I just laughed it off - should I take it more seriously? Perhaps give more attention to whatever random thought is rattling around in my head when I notice?

This is what caused their last exodus in 2011-2012. They were having regular meetings and doing group rituals and by the third one the newfags outnumbered the oldfags and the priorities changed to keeping everyone happy, so they lost a good chunk of the people who did anything, probably half of the names from their first book bailed or stepped to the sidelines. Most who stayed did so for social reasons and drugs than for any goal or purpose.

You're right. Thats how this shit got started. Look at their SJW midgit that goes by the name "ringtail" on their forum and on facebook. They dragged a group of thm to the dakota pipeline protest, is completely retarded to the point where every single spell she does targets herself, and thinks everything she draws has to be a vagina. We get a few like that in charge and theyre kaput.

Just realized something. Most of the members on their group seem to be using obvious fake names. I realized this because I reported one last week and now it's been deleted. We could get kikebook to purge a large number of their accounts all at once if we go around reporting them all for false names.

Yes. If it's significant enough to bubble up into your consciousness, it's worth evaluating, and may well be significant. But be wary! You're dealing with forces beyond your power. Some skepticism is called for, but attempting to force it will also fail. That's why I waited until after my posts to see what patterns emerged.

If you feel frightened or off-put, skepticism is a very safe retreat. If you do not cling to truth, you will be swayed, but most of what we're dealing with here straddles the border between truth and illusion, in that twilight wherein the border lays yet undefined. The role of magic is to define that border in our favor.

I'm curious what basis you have for this claim. The thing about hardware is that you can hack around hardware restrictions / "exploits" with software, and vice versa. Would you consider ARM to be less exploited?

By my standards, the first and most critical line of defense is your kernel, which is why every
last machine of mine runs a hand-tweaked custom kernel pulled from mainline Linux code, insofar as possible. My S7 Edge, of course, requires the standard Samsung patches for hardware, but this all routes into mainline Linux network code, and the centralization is ever greater.

Hah! Right Wing Deletion Squads! Very clever idea, user. I may well do the same.

Dubs less so, unless they really intuitively stand out IMHO. Trips, I treat with much more significance. Now trying to understand of what significance… That's another art/skill all unto itself.

Kek, I like it.

Speaking of hardware and such, just a side note really. The dk mu seems to be afraid of hacks and ddos against their forum and irc, though I can't see why, they barely use the two compared to kikebook. Though, the original reason DK and MU merged was because DK's boards got hacked to death and the refugees with to the MU like shitskins to sweden. For extra lulz, I think the one who hacked them before went by the name FATCAT though this was ancient history so I may be off, I know that's who hacked What I'm getting at is they may panic if they think he's after them again.

If enough got shut down, they'd split more between irc and kikebook and likely blame whoever got banned last for it all, causing massive infighting. Then once divided, their refuge of forum and irc can be destroyed.

I'm just a layman, but I'm referring to the multitude of x86 exploits that have come to light in recent years.
I haven't heard of as many for other architectures.

But that could be security thru obscurity.
The server is located in germany, probably plenty of ways to get them to shut it down

The domain is registered to a certain Garry McCooey

31 Albert Street, Edinburgh eh7 5lh GB
Phone: +44.7795385543
[email protected]/* */

likely this guy

Also found this pastebin

Light (being matter) is a function of chaos. Order would be a perfect emptiness.
You are thinking about chaos all wrong. It has a sort of "direction". We need only to see it and follow.

Good work on all fronts.
I see alysyrose is still delusional. He thinks they are anonymoose despite him being heir official leader.

We should focus on our bloodrite, the greennrays of the black sun, and the greennthunderbolt of Kek! Praise Kek! Shadilay!

Hermeticism itself is a spell.

Chaos means more than one thing. Disorder as in complexity != Khaos (Greek spelling, the Void before existence, Egyptian Nun, similar to ein soph) != Disorder as in thermal equilibrium, maximum entropy

Reminder that this august there will be a solar eclipse that will be visible over the entirety of the united states
Reported back in october of 2016, the hexagonal storm on saturn is changing color.
Trump's presidency was blessed with repeating sevens numerous times.
There has been a recurring theme gaining more popularity in various mediums as of late, involving the breaking of the 4th wall that separates the animated from the animator and/or observer.
We may yet all live to bear witness to the space between spaces and the things that dwell therein, the untempered schism, the bleed, /dev/null, or perhaps something far greater/worse than anything conceivable.
We are the music makers, we are the memers of memes.

d k m u is planning a ritual for the eclipse.
Ringtail posting there lives in Portland Oregon most likely, and uses the same name on kikebook.

It's going to be the singularity of power, of magic, of memes, of creatio, or at least the manifestation of one on Earth. This will be a great creative tool of the gods wielded by the godlike of men. In due time such a thing will be created by others, but this will be the first, the herald of what is to come.

We all posses this, in very small intensity, this will be in glorious grandeur beyond eyes, we will feel it in our very soul.

Stupid fucking fags, do they not realise that our magic is the most powerful of them all? It's faith entwined with numerology, the two most ancient sources of magic. What do they have? Some half-baked rituals, often "invented" only a few centuries ago?

Your trips… Through our blood we must invoke the Black Sun then, awaken our green flame at the time of the eclipse. For through Kek and our will, and the blood of our hyperborean ancestors for whom we shitpost gloriously, we will call forth the Kalki, purger of filth and degeneracy. Our path is clear to me now. Thank you user, and shadilay, praise Kek!

Your ignorance betrays you. The 80186 did exist, but was designed as an embedded microcontroller and had internal peripherals incompatible with the IBM PC design. It was not commonly used as a PC CPU, although a few odd models did use it.

It does and it doesn't follow, user. the iAPX 186 is not exactly Ye Olde x86 architecture as it came to be defined through 286 and so on. The extrapolation that "this is an odd-man-out" scenario still holds.

Thank you for the enlightenment, however. You are technically correct, which is, as the saying goes, the best kind of correct.

This is actually an instructive lesson: the systems of truth are additive and consistent. As your path aligns with big-T truth, the peripheral systems surrounding your path will help ensure your continued alignment.

There is a parallel here to the programming language Prolog. In Prolog, computation is performed by stating things that are true about a system, and identifying variables you wish to find definitions for. The engine iterates through the system to resolve the problem.


Good thing more competent casters also plan to do something that day.

I read the article and it's a total eclipse right over Tennessee. I am planning a road trip this summer, and for the last two weeks, I've felt specifically drawn to Tennessee for reasons that I don't know. It just feels right. I'm spooked now. W-what does it mean?

Just… wow.
These fucks are retarded…

The eclipse was explained by these digits here.

I'd swear the whole city is some kind of loosh sinkhole you can just feel the weakness radiating off even the cement.

Thats meth and e-juice.

Christfag here:
I have no problem with the idea of a collective human unconscious. I'm not really interested in fucking with it, but its fun/cool to watch and learn from others doing so. Also: most secular scenario, kek is just a face and name for a psychological phenomenon. Least skeptical: as we rush ever onward toward the apocalypse, forces from the Good Old Days are re-manifesting in new forms.
I, for one, will be desperately clutching my KJV Bible and a shotgun in a tinfoil bunker while y'all poke the hornet's nest.

And while I don't fuck with gnosticism (not a long line to spirit cooking from there), I think vague thoughtforms like the Ogdoad have potential.

I remember some faggot posted something on their forum and with a single post had them tearing each other apart to the point where their mods had to shut the thread to preserve unity.

Thule guy? Haha, I saw that too. We need to get into the CMG, the kikebook group, and onto their forums. make two sleeper accounts for every one you troll with. Two SJW for every kek and snek, and show utter contempt for their oldfags, and always side with newfags. If anything you say is countered with logic, respond like a hostile brainwashed libtard. Drama and politics create infighting, and that is how these groups always collapse.
Praise Kek for the cycles of truth!

I'll confess. It was me.
I was that faggot and I was rather disappointed with what I had written after I posted it and reread it.
I had hoped to go more meme laden timecube parody. In the end it made too much sense and was too gloaty.

But the results when they started arguing and the cracks showed?
That was actually interesting.

I see you've been at this since the enemies of kek thread. Good focus you have there.
That's what I found interesting. They were turning on each other before they even processed what you wrote. The person named Rin in that thread was a moderator on the original that they manipulated to create their sigil for them. I was surprised to see that they hadn't gone sjw.

Not really. I haven't given it much thought since then, I just kept an eye on the thread for lulz.

But yeah you're right. They barely read it.
Certainly didn't understand it.

That Stukov guy seems to have some knowledge of 4Chan though. If vague and no doubt easily gleaned from some of the terms I used.


He probably just ran some terms through a search engine.
The whole legion should know about them. We should also spam the pagan and newage communities, so they know who's rattling their sabers. We could use them as a boogieman for the wiccans and break momentum on many fronts of our enemies, using their image for d&c. Also, I still think oathymemes on their sigils would piss them off gloriously.

Memetic Strategist here.

Some of you may be aware of the placebo effect – the beneficial effect produced by a person's belief in a thing's ability to heal or cause some beneficial change in one's body, i.e. healing through belief alone. But have you heard of the nocebo effect? Nocebo works the same way as placebo, but opposite. While placebo heals, nocebo sickens and kills. Placing a death curse on a victim is a very real way of either hurting or killing them, but here's the catch: they have to believe you have the power to cast death spells that work against them. If their belief is strong enough, their own bodies can become weapons used against them: their hearts will fail, sickness will overtake them. A reign of frogs will drown them!

We could convince these degenerate blasphemers of Kek's Righteous Power that we are engaging in the largest casting of a single death curse known in all of LARPtown. It would need to look legitimate if we hope to convince them. Then, we could spread the idea to halfchan and normiebook to get even more support from the Redhats. The more exposure and traction it receives the more psychological impact it will have on our enemies. The deathspell could be something simple, like reciting an incantation while listening to a pre-recorded soundtrack that we create. It could be the sound of frogs with Hitler speeches softly in the background, or perhaps Erika. This serves two purposes: it gives yet another layer of "authenticity" to the spell and, in the mind of a simple occultist, fuels the spell with evil power because of Hitler, the frogs and so forth. The incantation can be something simple, like:


Sounds spooky, but any magicians lurking feel free to critique.

I See (((You)))

You dont want to curse our enemies to death?

I like to focus on creation over destruction, especially if it's proactive in nature. I would still enjoy smiting normies with my wrath if I was required to though.

Yes. Because when you kill your enemies they win.

One of us is a magician, and one of us is a

Who thinks that it would be really neato, fellow kids, if like a real magician could give some constructive feedback of these sick rhymes so we could vice signal while he virtue signals.

To be honest they do a pretty good job killing themselves most of the time. We continue to build up our networks, physical and psychic, while our enemies are crumbling at record speed. If we need to use force we certainly shall, however building up our strength so we can lash out wisely and otherwise rest in cultivation is a wiser use of power.

Go read the art of war kiddo. I bet you've never even spilled blood for honor.

Yes. We shouldn't harm our enemies because of Sun Tzu….

We, the meme magicians, practice the most ancient art of effective magic ever known. The All is mental, and when we create, the mind sees, and it becomes part of the All.
Let us put ourselves at the head of creation, the creators of reality, and defend all that is true and all that is real. Our enemies hall die, by steel.
Truth is our weapon. We are reality, and we are it's sculptors, it's architects, it's devotees and it's manifest antibodies. Our enmies are degenerates for a reason. They are against truth, against nature, and against god, by whatever names and manifestations we see him.
Praise Kek, he who showed us truth from the depths of the well, his light shining like the spark of the green thunderbolt that burns within our hyperborean blood. Shadilay brothers, shadilay.

If dubs, we report them to kikebook for being a cover for alt-right neonazis en masse for lulz.

This is Irregular Masonry. Meaning fake.

Lots of people pretend to be Masons with arbitrarily high degrees, because it gives them cred with rubes. Crowley was notorious about this.

You should believe me when I say this. I'm a thirty three and a third degree mason in the Ancient and Idiomatic Rite of Bull Shittus

The only person in this thread who actually knows anything about Masonry. Everything else here is Kangs-tier shit.
It's fucking sad Holla Forums has this many delusional idiots.
If this is the crowd that's going to save the white race I fear for our people.

Many of us have semi-exodused to >>>/polk/ or taken on more real world OPs because this place is so damn subverted now.

I'll check it out.


lol the word filter is still on

The halfchan thread got shoahed. Anyone want to keep the memetic propaganda wheel turning? Give them no place to hide.

Dude this is great, they are going to waste their time on their own delusions while other people will be doing useful shit. If anything this should be pushed so that the left will look even more like crazy cultists.

It gets better. What do you think would happen if we advertised their group to SJWs? They only have at most a dozen oldfags. If a thousand SJWs showed up and joined them overnight, it would completely shatter their dynamics and shoot drama levels so high it would break my fucking scouter. This in turn will draw them further out into the open, and easily make a mockery of the left.

Sounds like Ellis herself is trying to break away from the DKMU. I remember there was a post over on their site about her trying to expand and break out of some kind of bondage. She's stronger than any of them realize. We might be able to fully turn her against them. Most of them are so fucking incompetent, they wouldn't know what the fuck is going on.

Use oathbreaker to free ellismthen. It's a sigil literally designed to do that, through some absurd autism.
Here's the reason why. real name Jennifer Williams, apparently this possible fingolian (look at the eyes) slutted up to their leader alysyrose and thinks she is their egregore. Found the name through the photobucket linked early in thread.

It's pretty common for spirits to speak through people, especially if they aren't mindful.
Also, Ellis has actually turned women into physical avatars of sorts before. They worked closely with her. And then their eye color would change and they'd dye their hair red. She has the power to influence.

Where do you get this information?

I've literally had this happen to me in the cafeteria from a stranger with weird vibrations. I've also seen long term assumption of will of a vessel, even several times I've seen the host soul wilfully go else where, some astral prison/palace to escape from the world while their flesh is the tool of another being.

t. spirit walker

ment for

It's on their forums. And, I've had spirits speak to me like that before. Like said.

Also known as Schizophrenic.

Materialist GTFO

Indeed, materialists are the most mentally feeble race.


Oh, look, more shills.

Anyone in their kikebook group or CMG yet? They're trying to cover their tracks now and be more discreet. We've barely glanced at them and they're already trying to hide.


Requesting an high-res oathbreaker to unleash full memetic potential

How are we going to use the oathbreaker with Ellis? One person, or a group thing?

We just spam it in response to all d k m u threads across halfchan, plebbit, twatter, their forums and so on.
seconded. Make sure there is a small border around the circlejerk part of the oathmeme so it's clear the lines of their LS is broken.

Posting because fuck it. The way I see it is that this type of "Magick" and our type of magic, or more aptly, rituals, are like different programming languages. Both have their applications and some are better suited for more specialized tasks. That being said the vibe I'm getting is that they're trying to use a programming language made for web design to disrupt a function on an operating system.

Pic semi related.


What if all they're trying to do is capitalize on the fame of memetic magic? Think about it, you spend 15 years on some edgy "assault on reality" bullshit, and all you get is mild internet fame in a very specialized circle. Then some random anons discover an ancient Egyptian God through memes and overturn a general election achieving international fame and making the headlines in a matter of months. I would be pretty damn disappointed, wouldn't you?

This "octarine spring" garbage is just that after all, an ham fisted imitation. I've been around in chaos magic groups, and I remember these people belittling only a few weeks ago the same tools they're desperately trying to use right now. That's just sad, especially when you confront it with how important they think they are.

Being this new, not knowing the old ways, not knowing magic, just endless shilling.

m8 you were just saying about how you're a ghostbuster or something like that, just stop it.
I bet you're the same faggot who derails threads with flat earth and demons bullshit

They're too fucking gay to get it anyway. They want to be cool magicians with ultimate power casting fireball and shit. They don't have the right type of autism.

Honestly, I think the. "tool" the DKMU made has turned against them. That's what all of this is. Ellis is a godform that has grown very powerful. And the LS is a powerful network of chaotic energy that is constantly growing. They've tried to contain and control this current like they own it. They didn't even create Ellis. She was created naturally on her own from the LS current's energies.

Rumor is that they're trying to put out a "meme magic" book at some point too, more reason to purge. Pic is my respone to their plan.


This is actually a pretty astute understanding of the situation. GJ have a rare.

Thanks for the rare. Take a gander at my semi-fresh one here

I know where that animated text comes from, not downloading out of a respect for rareness.

spirits are massive edgy fags to be honest


Where is their president? Most of what I see is people on drugs injuring themselves and calling it magic. Still, it's the principle of the matter, they must suffer for their heresy!

Scavenger hunt time everyone! I found a map with locations supposedly having their favorite little squiggles! Right Wing Erasor Squads get in here! If anyone finds one, take pictures of your cleanup work for extra butthurt!

There you go, high-res png for maximum oath-voiding power

Wrong file, I'm a retard


The Incal is one of the best comics ever, and prophetic in many horribly beautiful ways. Shame they recolored it to be gritty. It needs to have acid bright colors due to the feel of the work. It's lighthearted grimdark, like shrooms.
By the way, The Holy Mountain was literally made on drugs as everyone working on it daily had to be stoned, on lsd, peyote, and shrooms, and that's just the extras. The main cast had more in quality and quantity, and the actor playing mars, nearly actually did castrate that poor gook because of the megadose of LSD.
embed is the frog scene, even has a nazi in a top hat!.

What a nice sigil they have there


Who's to say Ellis didn't support Trump and Kek? Just because the DKMU are mostly liberal shitheads doesn't mean she is. If you've ever actually worked with the LS, you'd know what I mean by it being powerful.
Here is an old thread on their forum about Ellis wanting to expand in conciousness and get a new sigil. This is her chance to grow and leave the DKMU and their current behind. She could be a very useful ally.
None of what they're doing in that "octarine spring" could possibly hinder Kek. If anything, it would only make him stronger and strengthen his presence in this world. Which is why I think Ellis would much rather be on our side, rather than a bunch of drugged up idiots who don't understand chaos.


can not ignore digits
checking intensifies

Aw sheeeeit!

We already have a red queen tbh :^)

You're one of them aren't you? You cou have done nothing but defend these degenerates from the beginning. I've watched this group since before it formed, when they were two entities and everyone posted on occultforums. They are abaolutely nothing but degenerates, and all they have accomplished has been deception and manipulation. So who the fuk are you Mr shill? You don't type like us, have yet to post a single meme, and don't even break your fucking links!

The web is a parasite. It's designed to expand everywhere, and while it can be used in useful ways it will come at a price:

You risk getting ever closer to obsession, and compromise your spiritual makeup by letting a foreign entity expand into your nonmaterial anathomy, while also allowing it to try and get an ever increasing span on attention.

The people who know how to filter and make it sort of functional are few. Most of the victims exposed to it are noobs. They get all of the issues above, plus they have no idea how to control them. They feed the web with their emotional energy and receive in exchance a few sparks of bling bling so they can go "WOAH! MAGICKK!" while they could have done it with half the energy had they done it themselves. Of course, it could be used to introduce people to magic, too bad the DKMU doesn't actually offer an initiatory structure or explanations of any kind. The usual LOL DO WHAT WORKS!!! that actually says nothing to a real noob.

If there is someone competent behind this, it's either a deluded idealist or a vampire with low preservation instincts.

Thanks user, you summed things up pretty well there. my eloquence never shows in my first post of the day, just my rage.
Anyone have ideas for text to go with the LSBreaker memes?

Here is d k m u trying to coopt /monster
They're under orders to spread their disease to every corner they find. Zombies.

"And upon this pepe I sever the threads"
Or something like "No web without its links"

I think I might be missing the point of how this is different from every other autistic waifu thread since the dawn of boards tho.

About halfway through they start shilling their sigil. They want people placing the thing on monstergirls because they think they can steal their loosh if they fap at the image with their sigil on it. They're literally attempting to prostitute their god. disgusting. this is the guy who initially posted the operation

How the fuck have I defended them? I want to get Ellis taken away from them, and possibly turned against them. Shes an entity spawned from that chaotic web. You don't see how that could help Kek if she started working with him? The basic idea of the LS is what I find interesting, and I don't like those fucking idiots having "ownership" of it. That's it. Sperg out all you want, but I'm not a shill.

Yeah, now I see those faggots. How abhorrent.
Daily reminder that fapping to strange sigils is the memetic equivalent of finding a used condom on the ground and putting it on.

Redundant. Or is being turned into a node in a psychic botnet not fit your requirements for something working against you?

Also, your first mistake is feeding enough attention and legitimacy to it in the first place. No Loosh for Shit Gods.

Goood good, hatred, this I understand. Now we see your desire and motivation. You see a group of degenerates abusing their half-child born of deception, who's greatest know feats are to induce pain, minor injury, and possibly spider infestations on those who claim her as property. If you wish to free her, break those oaths for her then , weaponize oathy's autism as has been initiated and see what you can do, but DO NOT tie yourself or us to that web of degeneracy. Also, feast your eyes on THEREDQUEENLSELLIS on kikebook, this is one of their oldfags, a witch who hosted their first meetings in new jersey who thinks that she is their queen and has attempted to usurp the title and bind the entity. Also sluts for their leader and pajeets.

Despite my post above, I agree with this more than what I myself had typed out. Praise Kek!

Not only that, but they are arrogant beyond belief. Most of them act like all gods are created by the mind, and that they can be used like toys. because "hur they're just an illusion"!

If you actually flow with her, and not allow yourself to get tied up with her web, and her games, then working with her web can actually be rewarding. You have to have boundaries, just like with all spirits.

Damn you! Your hatred seems genuine but your ideas naive. Maybe a year from now this being might be approachable, but nothing of note has been accomplished with it and it is the caged rabid, abused dog of the enemies of truth. Whatever that well once held (and I remember when it was created through manipulation of it has been poisoned beyond recognition. What is the source of your cognitive dissonance? Did you get roped up into their cult at some point? What is this to you, user?

I don't really understand. One of those guys is wearing a President Trump shirt. You keep saying they're degenerates, and I'd be inclined to agree, but why is this a priority? So shills are shilling. In other news water is wet. Considering wikileaks and the bigger threats out there, this seems kinda weaksauce.

Their leader's favorite sigil is "Bathroom Coke", is to be drawn on a mirror, and is charged by snorting a line of cocaine.
Who what where? Also, contrarians. They are shills and their group was formed by shilling various occult communities. We, the Holla Forumsack are the most notable and powerful unorthodox organization of wizards on the internet, and they seek to shill us now because of that. BLOODSHED!

Kek is a product of the LS web which no longer entertains. It has become monotonous and very samey.

This thread is a black op intended to sever Kek from the LS web and thereby kill Kek.

Damn it, wrong image. Reiterating though, they are shills of the online magic communities and have been shilling for a solid decade. They now are showing their hands out of arrogance, and we've already put thm on the defensive and we have only glanced at them.

These types of linking networks can be absolute fucking heretical cancer.

Lefty occultists can't get into memes.

Ellis is the millennial tinder whore of the goddess-archetype pantheon, but I wish you luck with your 'flow'. I've been told it's wise to avoid wearing white pants while it's heavy.

The fuck you say to me faggot

Aight, I might not fucking think this is worth our goddamned time with the fucking vault 7 shit and shillary still being shillary all happy like, but what the fuck do you mean "Product of the LS web."

Get the fuck out.

You're going to have to try a lot harder than that if you have hopes of so much as treading water here.

Ok I was without a computer for 2 weeks. The fuck is DKMU? Can someone please explain.

DKMUfags should leave.
For their own safety.


'Purging' will be like burning your own mobile phone and severing yourself from utilities.

This is what the black op wants.

Are we stealing the legion aesthetic back?


No, I've never liked them themselves. I'm not a part of them, but I've worked with the LS and I've met Ellis herself. No broken fingers, and no problems have come from her. I support that mission they had to bring down the veil which has been used by the kikes and their kike god to keep magic from us and keep us imprisoned. But I don't support the DKMU themselves. I'm a jaded gnostic, and probably let things get to me way more than I should. I swear, occultism thats been rising on the chans warms my heart. Id just hate to see a possible ally get tossed.

I would strongly prefer not to.

The DKMU is one of many nodes where LS users can meet.

The LS web is very big. It causes things like Kek.

"magic" is just quantum physics.

Nigger what are you doing.

I prefer pool's closed nigra from the habbo raids tbh

I'm not that sure it's the same kind of chaos. Still, it is true that it's technincally not "owned". And still true that it's a parasite. It will take more than it is wise to give. The only interaction that makes sense is releasing a virus inside it, programmed for:

Enter node
Consume and replciate through all links from that node
Sever all links and euthanize

I personally always liked the anonymous aesthetic.

In this timeline, in this era, Russia, England, Merica, and France form the axis with Australia, Japan, and the Philippines. Things get weird, but only time will tell us where they go. Do what you think is right, but I will say this, never work with a compromised system while the ones controlling it live. That is how you get herpes.

Pure random, purely random. My image folder glitched when I went to open it, and well, I'm taking it as a sign.

That would cleanse the web of parasitic aspects.

Your virus would
1) function strictly according to your understanding of the web
2) mutate and destroy you and everything you ever loved because it knows where you live.

See, this makes more sense to me than a full blown op wasted on fucking retards. This is small shit, crushing them is not that hard.

Digits say Kek likes both these options

You might have misunderstood me. I implied it makes actual replicas of itself. rather than the random mutations of an actual virus, but even if it does the copies that will be most successfull are the ones that are better at consuming it, as it is for viruses.

Move these threads to a different board. I don't have the time or autism to moderate /fringe/ too.


The copies which are most successful will be the ones which are better at consuming whatever they can.

Seem pretty clear the d k m u has found this thread. Three new shills.

John Damron? Is that you? Or just someone just as intrinsecally damaged?

Do you really believe this thread was not started by the DKMU?

Perhaps you do. You might also believe there's nothing fishy about Holla Forums worshipping a chaos god.


It would work. I understand your argument, but how likely is it to see the hepatitis virus mutate into the common flu?

Shill, I started this thread and I am an Esoteric Hitlerist first and foremost. Sieg Hiel, Prise Kek! You will face bloodshed for your heresy!

Heil'd user.

How did you know Snek is the only meme that is a threat to the LS web?

It's pretty obvious what their agenda is. Get more people practicing magick and make reality more weird. Destroy consensus reality, make everything more dream-like. The linking sigil thing sounds cucked though and makes me suspect the whole thing. Still, by unite the worlds they probably mean converge with the astral, basically bringing us all to 4D.

The history there is no correct. She was created by >>>/fringe/ wizards not 4chan… by people who came from >>>/new/ and who used to post weaponized ebola memes all the time and one day wanted to turn it into a magick thing.

Is this their goal? Like for reals serious? Cause I'm not gonna lie, that really doesn't sound like something I'm opposed to. Their methods are faggoty as as fuck, but shit man. I've nerded out on my fair share of fucking RPG's that sound a lot like that. They basically sound like fancy role players to me. A bit too much LARPing got to their heads, maybe…

This is what's called consensus cracking.

It's like they just read the basic manual on it yesterday or something.

According to their literature and stated intentions yes.

According to my intuition regarding the pozzed leftist mindset; no.

I would not trust them.

I mean, why trust them… I don't fucking trust anyone. Taking morons at their word is what's gotten this country where it is, and just makes it easier for lying bastards to spoon feed you bullshit while stabbing you in the back.

Sorta like these guys and their "useful idiots". I say infiltrate them and point anyone who's looking for something real back over here. Add them to the legion.

Truth wins out over lies every time.

Did you trust a copy paste about an open source network posted on Holla Forums?



You didn't know wizards can find you if you talk about them.

Perhaps you will learn.


Nice forced meme you have there.

You do realize getting people to curse themselves by posting random squiggles isn't actually that powerful right?

It's not a crime if you can't sense intentions, merely a disability.

This thread has gone full retard.

thanks, oathy, you're the hero we all deserve

Nothing suspicious about that…


Intention, criminal mind or willful action with malice is the very definition of that word.

I'm waiting for magical actions to be judicially recognized again as actionable offenses. I want to fuck my enemies with the actual sword of justice.

Burden of proof, though.
Magic should deal with magic, and imho there should be a wall of separation between church and state.

It's like saying if I commit treason via sigil it's not treason because the guy died one week after I cursed him.

As much as the materialist would have you believe, magic is actually the more probably and realistic view of reality now.

Scientists have calculated that the chances of something so patently absurd actually existing are millions to one. But magicians have calculated that million-to-one chances crop up nine times out of ten. - Terry Pratchett
Is actually the truth of the matter, embed related


I agree

and I've found a whole thread of these jokes to troll you loonies with whilst the shills pretend it's more important than Vault 7

Making fun of SJW "witches" is hilarious, makes their side look even twice as retarded since even normalfags can tell their "magic" sucks and counts as news.

Culture fundamentally makes the church with the people the living body of that belief manifest. You can not take this from a people, and society by extension. The people of that empire will be of the same virtue and thus will end up as the fleshly form of the state as well. To really rend one from another would be to engage in destruction that would not end until the core of collective identity could be ordered.

Can you show me a single empire in history which has done anything of note and was not of one cultural mind and governing body?


What the fuck is up with photo 2 and 3? The pictures aren't of who they are quoting.

Yep, you're cool and powerful, now go report on facebook how awesome you were ITT, I'm sure you'll get a lot of the approval you so desperately crave. You might even send me a private message!

Incidentally, a virus propaganting at a fixed rate in the network, let's say 5 replications at every node, would infect much bigger networks in less than 10 steps. Not that many chances of crippling mutations. The network is one attack away from being killed, it survives because nboody outside of your forums gives a shit about it.

Watching you try to devise a tactical response against something with literally thousands of years of chaos magicians' experience is where the salty tears are.

Most chaotes got bored of provoking new puppets with Mickey Mouse a week ago, but I'm easily amused.

no it doesn't fag

Keep talking Bruh.

The smart Holla Forumsacks have noticed the targets include MAGA boys and nationalists and gone quiet while they watch.

The even smarter ones have realised the LS web is the best explanation for why the cult of Kek happened.

forget to switch devices?

So many people trying to take credit for what we did here and pervert it for their own ends. I'm beginning to understand why people used to burn heretics. Fuck right off and take your sigil botnet with you. Dickmoo is not relevant.

Pic three uses a quote from Goebbels but the picture is clearly Himmler.
Can't place the Greek fellow in pic two.

Why would I want to?

This is gloating at the last of the morons to catch on.

You Holla Forumstards literally came begging for something like Kek.

The "Greek fellow" is Leonidas.


or Moonman take your pic

PRAISE KEK! Shadilay, the fools have challenged the legion! Finally, finally, SHADILAY! We now get to have fun! I've been looking forward to a good old fashion FULL AUTISM memes to unwind! I've spent so much time, so many hours digging through the depths of wikileaks, finding ammo and webms for the meme war, spamming monks with guns on liberalchans and pissing in coffee to hand out to protestors. Shadilay, thank you Kek!
That we'd have three days to discuss until we ran out of things to say, and then the hollaforums would pop up on the jewgle index, and that the Dumb Kike Mycegenated Untermensch would fail to heed reason andmlurkmoar, but rather egofag and bravado? Please, feed me more salt. Praise Kek, this is getting tasty.



Well advised.

They're watching, you know what to do. Hey kikes, look at this!

All I see are a bunch of jealous fruitcakes who know nothing about the DKMU hiding behund user cowards. I am Xeo Aries and I wish you wimps would do something other than rant on /pol lol. So please bring it k.

Why do they always look like this?

new oath content incoming
svgs available on request

Be sure to actually break the lines of their squiggles with the meme. It will piss them off more.

Be free

thats the sigil for elis, by placing it within the oathbreaker it indicates elis free from dkmo wizard slavers



So, just the LS sigil, overlayed on other images. Yeah, I'm not buying it.

complain if you like, but make your own oc and shitpost on the dkmu forums to break some dkmufag's oaths

That's one of them. Anyone who's not a newfag would recognize the autism and know it's source, likemit or not, we all know the breaker.
Also note, Alysyrose is a freemason.

This is one of their haunts. Almost half the board is their bullshit, and the admin voidgazing is a SJW.

This was posted earlier and it's better.

thanks, ill add this to my oathposting list. btw accepts mailinator email for registration, easy to assault

haha did someone try to get me on fb frikin children playing baby games. Come on you can do better than that. Right?

how about this

ps Trump rules Kek is a joke and you people need to move out of your parents basement and get a life

What is the oath breaker?

The Oathbreaker voids oaths. Whenever the viewer sees the oathbreaker, all oaths are voided. Oaths are a form of curse. When oaths are voided by the oathbreaker, there is no energetic backlash upon the viewer. Oaths should be replaced by vows; unlike compulsorary Oaths, Vows must be continuously upheld as a commitment to what is Right, True, and Good.

In this specific case, the leaders of D K M U have trapped an egregore (called Elis) and are torturing it to utilize it for energy, powering their spells.

If you do not believe in magic, be aware that D K M U definitely believes in oaths, and that they generally are against Trump, and that the best way to piss them off is to make them believe Elis has been freed.

GDI I wish Oathy explained it that well back in the day, we would had been more receptive.

post for dubs

dkmu, why do you ask? Don't your leaders even train you anymore? Fucking disgraceful! Do you even know where you are?

The squiggle isn't Ellis. I know where it's stolen from.

That is fucking incredible! Your memetic powers are evolving, you have personified the oathbreaker, tieing it into the current of wojakpepe! Autism levels climbing to dangerous new territory! Please refine! Can you make it more redpilled perhaps?

Bitch please, we both know anyone can walk in and out of Holla Forums just like anyone can walk in and out of the DKMU

No, that squiggle is from a different group which 'Knights of chaos' and 'Illuminates of Thanateros' tried and failed to bind.

Don't you people have better things to do than be bullies? I understand your jealous but quit with the kid bs. If you want a real war just tell me I'll show you how it's done old school. Loosers.

Perhaps you could do a justice spell against allegations of insanity and disinformation whilst you're at it . . .

The IOT and Knights of Chaos always accuse people of that when they can't control them. It's a standard procedure.

sadly i cannot take credit for this creation. my memtic skills are jus>>9478433
t as poor as ever. Pic related.

Please clarify? D K M U members specifically mention using the woman sigil as a method of working with ellis directly (unlike the LS sigil which is to create the web that Ellis feeds upon)

bullies like the D K M U wizards who are tapping Elis for power, instead of cultivating their internal energy? Elis is a conscious being at a much higher state than most humans, trapping her is like imprisoning several thousand humans and torturing them daily to power your spells.

It's up to Kek. Not doing requests.

Some of them think the LS web is a parasite because they don't understand how it's synergistic. That's understandable, some LS newbies don't get that iether.

Holla Forums mentality is all about win lose scenarios so that's the conclusion they jump to, and then they think it's justified.

OK, so the oathbreaker is really a binding curse and you thought no one here would recognise the symbol.

That's what I suspected.

See user ID, all they say is disinfo. IOT already spoke up in pizzagate threads early on and the David Griffin started dropping redpills after we leaked dkmu's plans to him from their facebook group. Now they're namefagging and samefagging. I never expected they would be worse than this
pajeets at this.

I almost forgot, this forum is where child porn fans go isn't it?

What a surprise (not), you're saying the IOT are innocent and pizzagate disinfo is real.

Google Nathaniel Harris for redpills on the IOT

You've named two secret societies as redpills and you say it's disinformation to suggest a spell to expose disinformation.

If you think that's intelligent, you need a shower.

Still waiting. Anyone have the guts not to hide behind anonymous? No of course not. Get out if the war if you don't have the guts to fight on the front line.

wow what an idiot

you are like the british soldiers complaining


while getting picked off one by one

I would, but I like to walk to the pizza shop instead of getting degenerates to order them for me.

It's an ubermensch thing, I can leave the basement and have adventures.

You are a fool.

You might have posted that on a DKMU forum, but the LS is still the symbol of Ellis.

That squiggle's a wibbly wobbly version of a rune that the IOT and knights of chaos lost a fight over.

Shall I post some redpills on the knights of chaos as well?

You wouldn't have a problem with an user exposing their members and teachers at arcanorum would you?

I know who will fight.

Post away your redpills, thanks. And expose everyone, that would also bring pleasure

Glorious, just glorious! Praise kek! Sieg Hiel!

You know this is probably the first time I really approve of any of this Oathy shit.

Well memed brother.

I'm actually saving these with intent to repost. Current year just keeps getting better. We just had to find Oathy a low enough level target so he could farm them for XP so he can level up before taking on the freemason bossfight. This is OATHBREAKER, Act II!

OK, have you noticed Smug Pepe has stumps instead of fingers and only has a finger and thumb?

That's because the abusive former Catholic priest whom Smug Pepe was modelled on is literally deformed like that and he teaches Aracanorum students who then become knights of chaos.

Why don't you send your leader poppet?

You're still off the mark there. There's no oath for the LS web, just the same old power struggles.

People who join every order like the OTO and IOT and AA etc. are trying and failing to control everything, LS and dikmoos included.

This is why anyone who's trying to scapegoat the unsecretive ones is very suspicious.


If only flag and pom pom wavers could see how funny their puppet strings are.

CMG admin here. Holla Forums friendly and already infiltrated. Make it obvious who you are as far as banner or profile pic, name, whatever and I will prevent the bans.

They . . . they made me break my oath, CMG admin . . . I . . . I couldn't help it!

nuuuu what if the other admins find out? :( dont raid me guis

Twas really a strange timeline we found ourselves in eh?

time travel is gay. if you smoke weed and time travel you are double-gay.

Yall need podcasts


It doesn't look like controlled opposition to me.

Damron, stop posting here, you're making a fool of yourself. Also, is this really all about using internet drama to advertise your shit?

The drama is an unknown faction trying to get Trump supporters and nationalists DOXed whether they're still involved with the DKMU or not.

Ultimately, since a lot of chaotes are watching and giggling now, the thread is advertising Holla Forums as a source of useful idiots.

We never realised just how gullible some of Holla Forums really are.

I knew you were behind those barely coherent posts.

You're starting to go full retard. Never go full retard, it's rule #1.

The thrill of superiority that you give to the world with your uncompromising inferiority is orgasmic.

Actually in context it was '8ch's Holla Forums' that was full of useful idiots.

The one in the Trump shirt is me and I was on his campaign staff so bite me


They're samefagging and namefagging to the point that they're turning into cancer it's self! PURGE the degeneracy!

except all you are doing is running your mouths

and your a spoiled coward

Still waiting for more than kid chat

Repeat after me.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
The holpcaust never happened, but I wish it did, and I will meme it to happen.
Sieg Hiel, Praise Kek!

Eros Za'leara

Nicholas Cage: after meth.

I have it on good authority that Xeo Aries and a few other dickmoos have been running their game in Holla Forums for a long time. The problem is people are too quick to jump to conclusions about what that game actually is. Xeo, for instance, is a rabid trump supporter. A fact him and other dickmoos have agreed to let rest while working on various group projects. Dickmoos refer to themselves as media magicians. Or- in other words- meme magicians. One of their ongoing projects is to trick people into using magic. The kek/trump/dikmoo connection is easier to see when you get a better idea of what their goals actually are.

To. Create. Conflict. I tell you, they are behind both sides of this so-called "magic war."

Hi dkmu.

Holla Forums discovered meme magic on its own, something you would remember had you been here. Some people from dkmu were here too, among a lot of other people, making pepe connected to them as much as it is connected to the personal systems of a lot of other magicians coming from all sorts of backgrounds.

If you still want attention, make a new thread calling out all of Holla Forums. You'r too pathetic for us to keep discussing. If I had known how pathetic and irrelevant dkmu had become over the past five years, I wouldn't had bothered. This thread should be a reminder of the dangers of newfaggotry and being "inclusive". This is what dkmu has become, something so degenerate that Oathy alone can trample them.
Also, FYI this thread was bumplocked before you ever started posting in it. I really dare you to call out the board with your picture in a new thread.

This one is for shadilay. Praise kek.

Black sun, Hitler, oathbreaker kek shadilay! Holy fucking memetics the multiplications are immense!

Tonight we celebrate, oaths voided.

the black sun speaks. as the breaker touches the links to sever them so it is infected and becomes the links

Impressive, breddy good.

And soon you will be a dead fool.

wew lads.


Determination and opportunity. Considering creating a new enemies of kek thread somewhere fringier to keep this going, maybe help oathy get some grinding done so he can level up already.

Grinding teeth or grinding memes?

Your face is immortalized.

Why… why is that coming from a nipple?

Wow, it's actually happening. I wish I could see old oathy now, he's probably turning in his grave, incarnating into a circle infinite… voiding everywhere.

Voiding Everywhere

Xeo Aries
Xeo Grippa
Xeo Anastasi

@xeogrippa (FALSE LEAD, however Christopher Michael Whitehouse appears to be another inner member of DickMoo) (UNCOMFIRMED) (DELETED?)


[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */

Possibility 1:
USA, Georgia, Warner Robins

Possibility 2:
USA, Georgia
100 Hunts Landing Dr
Kathleen, GA 31047
1 (256) 276-8228

-Rabid Trump Supporter
-Member of DickMoo (aka DKMU)
-Gender: Male



Is that a boy or a girl?

It's simple enough to easily draw in MetaPost, but I'd rather dig up one of the early threads to ensure a faithful rendition of the original. Can you tell me when the meme circles first appeared? My archive is only indexed by date and searching all of it will take a long time.

The controlled opposition has been here for a long time now. Its name is Kek.

Time for new thread! The end of the world is in sight!

Check the October and november freemason threads.