I live in Texas and go to a college filled with spics. My liberal teacher in cultural anthropology (I have to take the class) gave us a project to complete. The project is to interview an illegal who snuck over here. She mentioned that anything said in the class stays in the class. Her exact quote was "In this class we aren't Americans, we are anthropologists." She is telling her students to not tell anyone about the obvious illegal activities they hear.
Is there a law against this? I really want to get my teacher arrested.
Lawfags needed
Is it in writing?
there is an ICE tip line. like anything with some uncertainty, it could be fun to see what happens if you fill them in.
Harboring or assisting illegals?
Should contact ICE about this.
Whoa if you're not full of shit that's most definitely illegal or grey as fuck legal. First off is any of this written or recorded anywhere? Otherwise It'll probably fall under hearsay which doesn't hold water in court. That said I'm not sure if it crosses any lines but those of national pride.
We got any lawyers on tonight that can say if a teacher demanding her students go find an illegal to interview but NOT report is covered under something?
That sounds like sociology work. Anthropology should mean you are learning actual interesting things like more ancient and primitive cultures.
No, I could try to make her write it down
She is telling her students to not report illegals.
Gah I am way too fucking tired tonight how the FUCK did I not clue into that? Is she for fucking real OP?
You would have a solid case if you had a rubric or syllabus on the project.
Your best bet, OP, right now, is to write down all the information your classmates shit out in presentations and then send the info to ICE.
She can say whatever she damn well pleases, she can advocate to break the law but "conspiracy" laws don't cover this branch of crime.
It's a massive gray area similar to telling your friends that they should stick up the 7/11, the law won't give a shit.
I know some illegals, it's a secret they keep very close to their chests, the kind of shit they only tell people that they are extremely close to. Kind of retarded for your teacher to intentionally put illegals both you and illegals in a precarious legal position.
hey OP get it on video
I'm sure you know her name, why has it not been said yet?
Actually, in the State of Texas it is not a crime to tell someone else to commit a crime unless they're a minor. It's why I can tell you to go kill niggers and I won't be charged with it - even if you actually go kill niggers.
My teacher is as fucking liberal as it comes. No lie, today she mentioned how blacks should be allowed to speak Ebonics
Here is the document I took a picture of. 2.B mentions an "immigrant experience"
is not illegal as a private individual, so
is also not illegal.
It's different if they "shield" or "shelter" them with force, rather than merely asking.
No no and no that'll tip the bitch off if any of her little shitlings lurks around here and they've been known to. Opsec best sec and all that.
I still say that OP should let this happen and then record the information given out during the presentations.
He could so some low-level dox tactics to get addresses and "anonymously" submit it.
When it comes back around to the class learning that the illegals got ICE'd then you can take a video of the outrage and post it here for our amusement.
what's wrong with recording her saying these things?
This is pretty much the best solution. The teacher is not committing a crime and it is not required by Texas law to report a crime, so the students are not required to report illegals. But the salt from tipping off ICE to the illegals would be glorious.
Not that the part about giving up her name. Too early, might spoil things or get him shitcanned grade wise. He can record all he wants though. Just call it "research notes" for future use.
You're retarded.
OP, this doesn't mean illegals, dipshit.
All OP needs to do is bring a laptop with a built in webcam, turn on the camera and record away
then add it to a compilation of evidence against her.
I understand, now why OP should name her
Not gonna name her but she is the bitch to the right
She told her students to change specific names and places. She said this is allowed because of the "political climate" now.
She specifically mentioned illegals.
you fucked up. Now she can be identified.
You blew your load to soon
I have a mexishit in one of my online classes and you should see her online posts, competely broken English, and I gaurantee the teacher doesn't grade her on her grammar even though she should be able to spell and type in formal English IN FUCKING COLLEGE!
Can I do anything about this? Like send the information to a higher up?
I say nothing in the class like a good goy. And if she does find out, then we won't have to complete this shit project
She can mention whatever the fuck she wants.
In Texas, she's allowed to tell you to break the law.
There is no good footing to put her feet to the flames.
The actual documentation doesn't pertain to your claims.
A he said/she said scenario doesn't fly in court for these matters.
I hate to break it to you, but you basically gotta swallow, not spit right now.
This is what happens when you fall for the college meme.
You should use this opportunity to be a little shit and write a paper about the illegal Syrian woman, Fatima Gassem, who gets beat by her husband every day or Tyrone Whiteywacker from nigera who regularly steals from exclusively white people.
but you want her to continue the project. It will make her guilty, she will lose her job, and therefore there will be one less libshit poisoning people's minds
I could also observe a business and see who goes in and out is another option for the project. I'm probably gonna do a welfare assistance place and mention about how many niggers go in and out.
I'll be sure to record the presentations and any other times she goes crazy about Trump.
So you can essentially make anything up and ace the project with an A+ It's not like she requires real names or places. This is what I would do at a bare minimum.
Make the story believable too like he had to leave Ecuador because he was accused of rape so he snuck over here and is now collecting welfare yet barely making it by. But of course he has money to go to his favorite bar and just bought an iphone with the cash he gets from an under the table job in construction. He also works washing dishes has 4 children from 3 different women and sometimes when he is piss drunk alone in his government subsidized apartment he thinks about how his 4yr old daughter that he never sees is going to grow up to be a real pretty muchacha. He misses his kids sometimes but at the end of the day he has got to look out for numero uno.
There I just did your project for you.
Tbh I was hoping this was all a ruse on the teachers part and she was a secret nationalist. This entire project was just the students doing the leg work so she could submit the tips to ICE herself.
My dad is a Private Investigator and I will use one of his small audio recorders to record every time I'm in her class.
Thanks man. I was also thinking about making up a story of a white South African who got ran out by the Dindus.
Pamela Maack, Ph.D., Honors Program Coordinator, Central Campus
281-476-1501, ext. 1778
[email protected]/* */
Seabrook TX 77586, El Lago TX 77586
56 years old
What a bitch.
I recommend you video record your entire time spent in that class room.
I highly doubt she is hiding her power level. Just a few retarded things I remember her saying
Noice m8
Sure, if you want to fail the class. Rule of thumb is that if you are writing what the professor wants to hear you don't need any legit sources. Or you can just include it and cite a random fucking page. But if you rub them the wrong way you had better fucking have your facts in order.
And this is her current residence
705 Byrne St, Houston, TX 77009
Working on personal home phone now.
Have you done your duty and reported them yet?
Why don't you ask her how to find an illegal, and share the method with ICE?
Good luck in prison when the feds charge you with hate speech
Good. You've got to accrue evidence. Wait for the best time to finally strike
If you can, can you send her some shit to her house or flood her phone number
She mentioned how the white students (me and another girl) will have difficulty finding illegals to interview.
git gud
Invite ICE to your interview.
I love you meme detectives
Pretty good idea
I can't get good, I haven't lurked for 2 years on baph nor is my OpSec good enough to cover my ass when actually retrieving records.
I'm the amateur hour guy who can get a name, phone number, and address at best.
Either way I don't see any new information there other than property values (which is useless for having a smidgen of fun anyways).
I "work for" FEMA.
So mexicans?
Anthropology has all sorts of gay shit like this.
CSI Holla Forums is always on the case.
Except when you find out the exact room in Mar-a-Lago that Trump lives from his office images, satellite footage, and blueprints of the building (just for fun because someone asked during a campaign livestream thread from tht location), then everyone bitches at you calling you a massive autismo for being able to figure it out.
I'm still mad about that sometimes.
Sociology and anthropology are just the church of leftism now, with extra government funding.
History has it's own fair share of leftist nonsense, but they also do real study and primary sources as well.
This is one email account for OP's professor:
[email protected]/* */
Have fun.
That doesn't say shit about illegals you fucking retard.
Are your lectures/classes not recorded in the first place?
This bitch sounds like a gigantic cunt tbh
Record everything
Checked sadly. Our education system may be Jewed beyond repair…..
Heh, law student here. Question is, is there any protection she should expect to enjoy? Doubtful. Tip off ice, and retain an attorney yourself. Should be fun.
Sovereign Citizen faggotry, wew
Get recordings, evidence, ICE on the line, fuck this bitch and her pet tacos up.
Write up an email entailing the details of what she said in class then email her through the school email system asking 'just want to verify I've got my notes correct for the project, thanks!
This is an incredibly stupid idea on her part.
Write the best project possible, get 100 on it, really do some in-depth research.
Then turn all the useful information over to ICE.
"Pussy Maack?" That's a strange name.
Film the presentations, or at least mic record them.
God damn, I should be an Anthro teacher, imagine sending out a bunch of liberal lackey's to get information, then having all their contacts deported.
Fucking glorious.
Oh the opportunities for keks.
Obviously make up a story.
1: no time tracking down beaners
2: don't have to smell them
3: redpill keks for the class
Hector Garcia came here when he was 6 years old. He remembers "El Ratton" the coyote who smuggled them across the border. It was a hot summer in El Paso when they finally arrived after being in the back of a box truck for 9 hours.
Hector shared a bed with his little sister Rosa up until their teenage years. He vividly remembers their first coupling. They shared a room with Abuela and had to keep as quiet as possible.
Hector loves government cheese. His mother used to trade it for tequila, much to Hectors displeasure. His father would beat him whenever he complained that they traded the cheese for tequila.
I dunno.. you can write a better story.
Act like you're really into the project. Sign up for as many interviews as possible. Get the info for as many illegals as you can. Report them all to ICE. Imagine getting a medal from Trump one day.
x1000 this
make the project your own ICE honeypot.
godspeed user.
There's nothing illegal about what your professor is doing.
There is also nothing illegal about you reporting all the interview subjects to ICE.
If it's in writing, report it to the ICE. Do your assignment anyway, so as to not draw suspicion to yourself. The ICE will wait until all assignments are done then sweep in to grab everyone, maybe jail that teacher too.
They should be allowed to speak whatever the fuck they want. The issue is when they want to pretend "ebonics" is anything else than a bastardization of english.
Niggers have a lot of trouble with language, especially the more subtle aspects such as verb tense and articles, which is why every time whitey left a colony, within two generations the niggers were speaking a degenerate version of the language referred to as a "creole".
Found the problem.
The fuck is with people confusing gender roles for genders? Making dinner and being able to tie a bow string doesn't make you a tranny.
Forget reporting the teacher, dumbfuck OP, she's irrelevant.
Get your interviews, ask for their residence, report them and write in the paper the tragic story of every one of your illegals and how they ALL got deported due to the faschist marxist racist Trump administration.
Totally not your fault BTW and you'll get a good grade for the sob story.
Get it in writing, and then bring it to the police, but make sure you copy it. Getting an email from her would be very good to. You may also try to get her to say it in class, now is the time to get a recording device if you have not already. It's totally legitimate to record what a teacher says during lectures.
This bitch needs to burn.
Shit on this whores desk and defend your religious right to do so.
Ask her via her official campus email that you don't really know how and where to find an "undocumented immigrant" (partly because of your social anxiety) and if she has any good tips about how to approach the matter.
holy shit lol
Stopped there.
This is why college is putting people in the poor house. Students shouldn't have to take any coarse that doesn't benefit their career choice.
Utter bullshit.
sorry to hear about your shitty anthropology experience OP
I heard that three genders crap was a bullshit myth. Some white liberals made it up or read into something too much. A few posts on the net say Harry Hays invented the term Two Spirit in the 1970s but all other sources are politically corrected to reflect modern SJW views.
Fact or fiction its a waste of time to study this shit.
OP report
I want to see this cunt and her spic army locked up
Sounds like a dangerous assignment. You don't just go up to criminals and ask them about their crimes. That's just bait.
creole is nigger french
Mein fucking sides, I love you niggers.
No, Jose is GAY. He's escaping prosecution for his love of cock. Rape could trigger her. Guatemala. Yes, washing dishes.. by night. During the day he works in a slaughterhouse, where he sells a little meth on the side. It's ok though because it's just so that he can work the long hard hours.
Quote the law. I'd love to see that. Anyway if the law isn't an option to him, he needs to expose her. I suggest he press. The school will hate that and be forced to act. Media attention and bad pr is why they do all this faggotry.
Bad idea, especially with the class you're in. Drop out while you still can.
This could be a lot of crimes actually. The cunt faces conspiracy charges, aiding and abetting, and possibly even organized crime charges if it's a group effort as a teacher union thing. Record fucking everything next time.
you should video it.
get a hidden camera and talk to her or something
project veritas style.
Shit he could just open up his laptop and livestream the class.
get her to write it down or record her verbally explaining it. you can start a YUGE media frenzy if you send it over to FOX. that will likely get her fired.
Forget lawfags.
Does La Raza know she's advocating hunting down illegals and ENDANGERING them in CY? She should have her privilege explained to her.
Don't do shit with the doxxed info on OP's teacher until you have proof that OP is telling the truth and that the teacher is actually doing something illegal. Anyone and their mother can type some shit up, call it a "syllabus" or "assignment" to fuck someone over.
Maybe user can make a presentation about what happens when races collide. Historically one either crushed the other or they attempted to merge and collapsed from that.
Contact the county jail or nearby federal prison. Set up an interview with an illegal immigrant through the county. Ask the C.O. if you can specifically interview an illegal immigrant rapist. Go interview the illegal immigrant in jail. Go back to class and give the presentation. Watch libtards conveniently overlook how you interviewed an illegal spic rapist. Throw some shit about "Paco's struggle with the unjust justice system." Pepper presentation with "… Even though Paco raped 12 women, he is oppressed by the system… White privilege… Capitalist inequity…"
Add some shit about "United Fruit Company" and his grandparents, muh oppression, Monroe doctrine, World Bank and use contorted logic that "even though he's in jail for rape, he never stood a chance against muh oppression."
Get an A, libtard support all while openly mentioning Paco is a convicted rapist.
Thus, you followed the law by interviewing an illegal under the purview of law enforcement. Tell class how you "stuck it to 'The Man' by not disclosing the class project's two intentions."
Conveniently tip off ICE on everyone else.
Make up your own immigrant and redpill the fuck out of them
Sounds like you can just make shit up and say it came straight from José.
She mentioned interviewing an illegal as if they're lying all about town. So, are you ACC, TAMUK, TAMUCC, UT Pan American, or UHV?
Record her saying it with your phone easy
Let this be a lesson to all anons. Don't blow your load too soon.
You can't even say "primitive" in anthropology anymore
It's not illegal like it's not illegal to go talk to a drugdealer, but it is illegal to hide that information from the police, bring a cop to your class after the assignment and the teacher would be forced to fully disclose all knowledge and names of the illegals without a warrant, she's not a journalist so sh e has no legal protection, if she doesn't talk she will be retained in prison until she does
Email clarification – ask if there's a preference for hispanic over middle eastern, and if relatives are qualify for interviewees. Easy.
Then seek the relevant school administration guidelines on professors advocating innapropriate/illegal shit
That fucker's probably eaten human flesh, lmao
That would be hilarious, doubly so if the burritoman explicitly details how cucked people like the professor are.
School administrators are always subversive communists.
The best thing to do is get as much dirt as possible and report directly to ICE.
How the fuck do you do that?
Reminder that being illegally in the country is a civil violation, not criminal.
There is no such thing as aiding and abetting a civil violation. Not in the US anyway.
They are de facto committing a litany of crimes by just being here from the simple fact that you cannot survive here without money. They are doing SOMETHING criminal to sustain themselves here whether it be using someone else's SS card, working under the table breaking labor laws or stealing someones ID to collect gibs. Those are the "illegal activities" she is likely speaking of.
Do you guys just pretend to be Walton Simons all day?
it might be convenient for OP to bring an undercover ICE agent to class who has a very dark artificial tan when the project is due
Checked. A great day to dox. Now let's get her some pizzas.
First things first: record the audio of the class. Can't prove anything wo evidence
what kind of anthro interviews just walks out and interviews a person of a certain type and then pretends ??? what like you know somehting now?
It's study of man not study of that dood you found and make the rest up fuck me. Embed yourself into a tribe or some shit of fuck off.
But what she said about not being American, but anthropologists isn't that off. Participant observation. Relate your experiences to the culture you're in not your own self. *sees something* "Well in America we do it this way:" is doing it wrong. But then again doing it wrong is also just telling some stupid students, YOU'RE NOT AMERICANS YOU"RE PERFECT OBSERVER BEINGS NO BIASES BECAUSE I TOLD YOU NOT TO HAVE ANY. But that's like get fucked, you're still an American pretending to be a participant in someone elses game so you can maybe gain some understanding of what they're playing, how do you know? how can it be otherwise etc. All that understanding you gain would just float around in the aether unless you focus yourself back to the point of existence which is yourself as an American or whatever.
Have you seen the science dickheads talking like 'Don't be biased it's bad" and then expecting that that's enough? Get fucked, at least have the decency to keep me awake for 3 nights straight before you expect me to take that at face value.
Your teacher is breeding ideologues. Probably one herself so knows nothing else. I rekon no matter your profession, you have to be able to put it on and take it off. You learn cultural and moral relativity so that you can be better in the field, never, ever, let anyone convince you to adopt it as a permanent feature.
tldr In the field, you are an anthropologist, be professional, out of the field you are an American (or whoever you are), report away, as long as it doesn't break your word as a professional and bring disrepute to the profession. Advertise this and if brought to task question whether anthropology is an ideology or a tool/perspective to gain understanding. Anthropos-logos not The Way/Lifestyle of Not Judging.
I mean they should be allowed to speak it as long as I am allowed to fire/decline to hire someone for not speaking the language required to conduct business in.
holy shit. The illegal immigrant that you interview could coincidentally be some kind of goddam natsi. You thought you were going to talk about life across the border and hardships and all that but the goddam natzi just kept wanting to talk about Hitler and doing nothing wrong etc. Through the hours talking, it was very difficult to continue remaining non-American since you are of course against Fascism. But you remember teachers training and listened and tried to understand. Over a few days, you started to get the hang of it because what the illegal was saying made a lot of sense. Lose border controls was fucking over Mexico just as bad as America, for every Mexican that makes it out they leave everyone else without the strength to fight back. Hitler was a war hero etc etc.
Its ok user, I think that is rather cool and wish that I had the attention span to be such a internet detective.
woops forgot to remove sage from the sage field