Is climate change real? Pic related.
Climate Change
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No. Climate change is a load of bourgeois, tree hugging bullshit. Environmentalist cunts will be the first against the wall.
No. It's capitalist fearmongering to lower productivity. The USSR got around just fine without fucking themselves over trying to chase after elusive "green politics" and blue sky solutions
Yes, of course. There open questions, mainly what the consequences will be, but that comes with the territory of chaotic systems.
Look at his flag
Pollution if definitely real.
This wouldn't be a problem if we privatized and sold bottled air.
yes, once china got on board it was beyond doubt.
If it weren't for climate change/resource depletion it wouldn't matter as much if we had to wait for the revolution.
keeeekk the ancap posts are always good for a laf
Literally the space balls villain
Studies also show IQ is not an accurate way to measure intelligence. And even if it was, people just use as a justification to dehumanize people to further their own bullshit.
The difference is that A) global warming is supported by a wide variety of studies from a large amount of sources, whereas racialist theories are supported only by a handful of articles funded by white nationalist foundations
B) Race is not a biologically valid concept and IQs can vary significantly between ethnicities that racialists all lump together as 'black' or 'negroid.' Secondly, IQ is also hugely affected by environmental variables including prenatal health, diet and yes, socioeconomic conditions and is not a precise measure of actual genetic potential for intelligence.
studies show that IQ varies if the material conditions varies
hopefully youll get banned again
If IQ was an effective way of measuring overall mental capability I'd be fuckin set
sadly it's not
it's like pottery, it rhymes
Yes. It's fall and it was hot as shit today
I agree. Let's murder all the lower class white males in Britain.
Help will always be given on Earth, user, to those who ask for it. …But I would, in this case, amend my original statement to this: "Help would always be given on Earth, to those who deserve it." Do not pity the dead, user. Pity the living. And above all, those who live without love.