==MAJORITY OF LOCALS ARE UNEMPLOYED==Ohio Suburban Park is Occupied by Indians with Various Green Card (H1-B L-1 H-4 ) Visas. $60,000 Porsche >SUV and massive BMWs sighted at Cricket Match.
Shocking Video: Ohio park loaded with immigrants
whats so terrible about legal pajeet immigrants? They're usually pretty well educated, speak english and actually poo in loo.(PAJEET WAS SENT BACK FOR THIS POOST)
fuck off back to india
first post every time
What pisses me off is that for so long the middle class shit on the lower class in the 60's and 70's and they did fuck all when the inner cities got taken over. It wasn't until their jobs started getting shipped overseas or they got replaced at home that they started to give a flying fuck.
I'm pissed because this whole process could have started decades ago, and should have. We're so far behind where we need to be because our people have become so lazy, greedy, and complacent. Growing up mostly middle class I sympathize with them, but I also know how they think.
Don't mistake me for some sadistic ethnomasochist or something when I say they deserve it and so much more. The economic bubble will finish off whats left of the middle class and that's a good thing at this stage. Since they're supposedly the class that leads revolutions I want them in a revolutionary nothing left to lose mentality. Until they lose everything we'll be stuck in these goddamn half-measures types that only slow down the inevitable, which time is NOT on our side to deal with.
Because you fucking kike, every single job they take could go to a White American. That would give them financial stability to start a White family.
IT guy here. I have to deal with these assholes every single fucking day. They don't know jack, their english is terrible, and I'd be surprised if any of them could tell a loo from a CPU socket. Gas yourself and don't come back.
Judging from your paragraph structure and your perfect english you're WHITE. This is also taking something from you. I don't give a damn how "diverseity" minded you are but the point is that people like you are in the wrong.
How many slaves did you own? When was the last time you witnessed real racism? when did you ever own a business to know what pattern of theft risk you were dealing with?
You make your assessment about how bad this country is because you want to feel like you're doing something good.
without whites EVERYONE STARVES. Whites feed the world, we maintain peace in the world, Whites created the UN, we created constitutional laws, we created courts, we created everything that everyone wants.
Once whites are gone, these indians will starve to death.
Protect them by protecting whites. because YOU are going to kill everyone you care about this way.
yeah m8. Comfort is merely the field that is sowed with the seeds of liberalism. We will never have anything changed until we endure an economic hardship
They got degrees from paper mills. They are incompetents. Only the top castes are actually human beings.
Ever worked in programming, design, web development? If so, you will know that Pajeets are shit coders and designers with poor taste and awful communication skills. They need to fuck off. I'll gladly take their unsatisfied, frustrated clients from them due to their poor communication skills and shitty taste.
I'm not sure what you're going on about to be honest.
Crush the suburbanite. It's the only way we'll see change. I don't want to see it happen, but it has to happen. Two things they depend on is space (distance from minorities) and security (job). When those two are thrown into disarray they'll act.
Missed your post… I agree though.
I Graduated from Osu in columbus a few years ago. Shit skins everywhere. The university has been expanding and keeps pushing the blacks and the ghetto further back. Blacks retaliate by beating, robbing, and raping white women in the alleys around campus. i got a "safety" alert text from the school one day that
cannot make this shit up.
Columbus as a whole is a shit show. Fucking niggers everywhere, always trying to hit on white girls half their age(girls always hate it, although some do coal burn, just not 40yr old nogs, just the ones that go to "school"). I've seen a massive influx of asians in columbus too. Indians galore more in the surround parts of the city. And now samali refugees are pouring in like fucking crazy. They just had the OSU terrorist attack. And last year i remember some samali's chimping out because some housing firm was offering lower rent places for refugees, and like 400 of them showed up and they only had 20 units available. so they chimped out. Even in cincinnati, the pajeets are flowing in like crazy. Ohio is going to get a heavy dose of enrichment.
Try living in Detroit. RWDS soon? Please?
All these kikes and niggers in the comments deserve to be slaughtered, and they will be.
left/right (supposed to be economic) politics can degrade into non-white/white politics.
because the relationships can degrade towards war in your neighborhood.
it's happened.
it happens.
it will happen.
it has nothing to do with hatred for pajeets.
i have perfectly good relationships with people of various races.
it's just a policy that replaces national war with civil war.
it's dangerous and increases oppressive rule (hate speech laws, surveillance, etc..) in order to avoid civil war.
i don't mind giving actual refugees a pocket somewhere in the western world/anglosphere, but immigration has to stop.
if the definition of refugee is compromised, then i would accept none.
Because America isn't a country for shitskins.
I live in little Detroit, RWDS soon brother.
MIanon here, we all know how bad Detroit is and only a RWDS will fix the problem. Enough is enough.
What are you waiting for? You think Trump is going to get on the roof of Trump Tower and light up the race war bat signal?
I know a family and did some financial consulting for them. One was in a bind financially, he had claimed he owned a shipping company to Bank of America and had received a loan for a 156k Maseratti, he was trying to unload it less than a year later for 109k but it's not a vehicle that will find a sellers marketplace, motherfucker doubled down on stupid and bought a 55k bmw and all of his financials were fictitious. Having dealt with them I experienced their outright arrogance, ungratefulness, and seriously felt like they were involved in an ongoing criminal fraud.
He looked like the dead poo in the loo on the left, not the haggard washed out unemployed US Navy veteran on the right.
yes - they are idiots. I can confirm this.
One of the worst things white people do is that they eagerly fuck over other whites. I've never seen any other race do it with such relish. Maybe things were different in past decades but holy shit are the current crop of whites (those who are not on Holla Forums, all ages) the most vicious scum I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with on a daily basis. Entitled, smug, arrogant and they fucking hate other whites with this weird burning passion. They are almost as bad as the fucking jews. It's really quite hard to find decent whites. The ones that are good are worth their weight in gold, easily, but there are so many shitty whites out there and we never really address it, it's sort of a hidden shame that there are so many traitors and shabbos goyim. The country is filled with them, especially the metropolitan areas.
Maybe meme that suburbs are easy pickings for criminals? Start sending the snackbars, pajeets, niggers and spics into their smug fucking neighborhoods so they can experience the "cultural enrichment" first hand?
It's called an H-1B visa. Thats why large IT corps are laying off entire departments only to hire these stinkey, arrogant, impatient Hindus to take their place. United Corporations of Amerika
He'll tweet it, but yes, that's exactly what we're waiting for.
Oh, yeah? Is he going to refund Shally Kumar for the millions he pumped into his campaign first?
Trump is THANKFULLY putting an end to H1B's but based on how much the (((establishment))) is stalling I'm wondering if we're not better off saying "fuck it" to the peaceful solution and just get our hands dirty and get it over with. There are white people who are still in bad shape right now. Trump's president but even the president can only do so much, and the kikes are trying to tie his hands on purpose. Honestly I don't know how much longer the average american is going to be able to hold out. The navy veteran who shot the poos knew that Trump was President and was trying to fix things, but things are so fucking bad and he was so far at the end of his rope that he couldn't wait any longer. It's a fucking tragedy.
Watch your local park become a designated shitting area.
That was always the only way. There is no reason to give anyone a peaceful way out of this. No one gets to stay, no one gets to walk away or cross lines to keep what they've stolen.
Again, don't mistake what I'm saying as relishing or eager to fuck over other whites. It's not what I, nor anyone else whose red pilled wants in a perfect world. The sad reality is that we're stuck in a shit sandwich and lack any significant power to alter the course. The next best thing is to see how we can capitalize on the failures of the road that's been paved ahead of us long ago. Civilization is a mighty ship that cannot be easily steered from its course and the course means they are going to suffer and the psychology of not only whites, but humans in general, tend to be reactionary only when the chips are down. Whites are not the only group that are willing to fuck each other over. Every other group does this the same. The difference is that our in-group preference has been shattered that we lack unity when it counts. Every other group quickly falls in line when they see an attack. We used to, but at the same time white people are psychologically different from others with our individualism complicating matters worse and jewish subversion for decades adding yet another layer.
You're right though. The attack on whites has been monumental. They've lost their history thanks to the failed education system. They've had their culture, and what little history they know, filled in by Hollywood. They're under non-stop propaganda that they should hate themselves, they're privileged, everyone else has a better culture to celebrate and we have none, and worst of all that the world how it is has always been like this completely unaware its just a 50 year experiment. They despise each other because they've been turned into soul-less, rootless, cosmopolitans. Sound familiar? The jew has remade us into himself. Whites are living jewish lives, not the lives of a European. We're trapped in their psychotic living standards and it should be no surprise when we've gone as psychotic as them.
This is why I say the middle class needs to be broken. They need to reach the point where they humble themselves on hands and knees screaming at the world around them with their hand out begging for answers. At that moment we can drop our relentlessly cruel hatred for the moderates and do the only decent thing left. Take their hand. Only when they're broken can we build them back up.
I envy those who still aren't fully invested in this war. It's a mindfuck of deception and contradictions at times, but in the end we'll win because there is no choice.
You want to see a shitskin sea check out fucking australia
imagine what it must feel like to be at a family fair and ~70 black people all of a sudden rob people.
…or just some flash mob appear anywhere.
those youths, man.
Shitskins are fucking horrible at IT. All liars and cheats. All they do is steal and cookie cutter, copy and paste, step by step shit. Just enough to get by. The Jews who hired them, do so because, they don't care about quality and they can pay them significantly less. Also fewer benefits. So yeah, these fuckers are making lots but are still being underpaid. We need to ATTACK the employers and in all forms.
trips bro trips
the answer is to always carry a concealed handgun, always
Can confirm, my neighborhood and the surrounding areas are being ethnically replaced by pajeets or spics and arabs (spics in the poorer areas, pajeets in the middle-class areas), there's even a Hindu temple nearby, and there's a mosque another 10 miles away.
t. bong and (native) minority in my own town.
that this is*
Seriously, Indians in IT is the fucking worst, and I'm not talking about the one still in the designated shitter of orign, I'm talking about the H1-B visa holders.
They suck ass at what they do, because over in poo land, they churn out "educated" poos like they pass blacks through school here in the US.
So the poos have some top level CCIE certification but they probably should only have an CCNA, but the dumb feminists sluts in HR don't know jack shit, so they hire the poo for 20k less a year and then management wonders why the whole IT department falls apart.
Can confirm. Buddy of mine works in IT and he fucking LOATHES pajeets.
This is what Trump is trying to fix among other things, any normal citizen should be 100% behind Trump, he's the only person standing up for the average American and saying they shouldn't be replaced in a open-borders free-market. So many fucking brainwashed proles though
weak bait. street-shitters are notoriously bad at high-level work, they just do it for much less because its better than living in literal garbage in India.
Why the fuck are Somalians flooding into the US as well? 500K of the useless fucks flooded the UK years back because of muh Colonialism - it's like a destroy civilisation shitskin sampler.
they vote democrat
The worst is when they flood your country(in my case the US) and then begin to take on the "native" blacks attitudes like "reparations en shiiiiit"
They already have been so think very carefully about what exactly we should 100% be behind. It's not enough to slow the tide. They have to leave and the only way that's happening is through nation-wide violence that targets them at home, at school, at their place of work. That targets the people who employ them and physically destroys the literal property they own.
So if someone is telling you this late in the game that they'll "reevaluate" or "slow down" these various entry mechanisms, you're being steam valved. A few good speeches, a few token mandates, and then they just wait you out. There's nothing left but active removal and total rebellion and assault against anyone who isn't 100% on board.
Good work, mod. I smiled.
I work in a very gentrified part of Texas and my work collegaues and I have noticed a huge uptick in these guys moving in and finding work.
Luckily my boss is based as fuck and has a dimestore milf Trump supporter working HR at our company, can't say the same for the other companies around here though.
Right-wing does not denote ethnicity or race. We need racial death squads, not Right-wing ones.
i wouldn't say full stop, but this is ridiculous.
Quality post.
mods r cancer but this was a great call
india is rich as fuck. we should engineer a virus to wipe them off that continent and settle it with whites. the worst thing about pajeets is that they are friends by opportunity.
with niggers at least i know where they stand. pajeets are smarter, they will always deceive. they dont have bad intentions as chinks, or at least outright but they are never your friends.
purge soon stalker