This is possibly the only good recently game I've played in the last five years

This is possibly the only good recently game I've played in the last five years

Go to bed OP you're drunk. Also Alien isolation doesn't have enough game to justify its length. There have been decent things that have come out in the past 5 years, but there haven't been a lot.

Too much padding.

that may be the case if you're a pcuck, but on other platforms there's been many great games.

i am very drunk, what's wrong with that?

There is no point have a discussion with someone who can't even form proper sentences. Go to bed.

We have far more good games than any console though. Sorry you're too dumb and/or poor to build a PC and/or have complete shit taste in games.

the game

The point of the thread was "recent" games. The only PC games that get any attention on Holla Forums are tumblr bait bullshit and console ports. Stop being so fucking salty about your poor life choices.

Rouge System and Deserts of Kharak

Is there any discussion you wanted to have about it or did you just want to blog about your opinion?

I want to talk about how amazing the aesthetics are, the sound design is very superb as well especially when you have surround sound like me. Helps with stealth gameplay. I enjoyed every section of it, as well as the 70s retro futurism

what exactly?
xbone doesn't have exclusives anymore, ps4 has bloodborne, wii u has splatoon, xenoblade and bayonetta 2. thats it as far as i know

all the good pc games can be played with a 10 year old pc, building your own is just a cost saving measure. I've been building my own PCs since 2003, and PC gaming has been in the shitter since 2010.

then you must've not played that many good games then

i said in the last five years dumbshit

I didn't like how they made the alien look like a shiny silver pipe. I preferred the brown half-burnt organic alien queen aesthetic from aliens or from Alien 3.

The story made no sense and should have been about Newt surviving 30 days on Hadley's Hope.
Plus the game shouldn't have been a walking simulator with an oversized character. I always found it funny how the alien couldn't see me under the table despite how huge my main character was. I never felt like I was being stealthy and hiding properly like I did in Thief 1 and 2.

The level design was decent the first section before you even met the alien and had to babysit that annoying npc who shoved his gun down your back. Before he died impalee by the alien. I think it would have added a good element to be afraid of the npc's life, like in Resident Evil with Leon and Rebbeca whats her name.

I'm going to admit I liked Shadows of Mordor. In today's "pump out a new sequel every year until the franchise is milked dry" market, I can't believe that neither are we already up to Mordor 3, nor has anyone ripped of the nemesis system for their own game.

Is the game worth a buy? It's been a long while since I played any horror games, Evil Within's "horror" nonwithstanding.

I think it only had a few good parts like when you're climbing that broken elevator shaft or when you're going to the fusion core generator and killing 10 androids in a row.

I still wish they'd make a LoTR game solely focused on the Mines of Moria where you dig way below the chasms and battle even nastier shit than the balrog.

I liked this game.

However it was massively hurt by its casualisation in the details that modern devs seem to think doesn't matter.

The HUD was a mess designed for gamepads and the tutorial messages stayed until the very end.

Everytime you look at something it gives you the key command. Too many QTEs, too. On the hardest mode I could not complete the mashing QTEs without using a macro for spam E because it was just impossible.

Every door you open guides you through how to do it, cluttering up the HUD and completely breaking the immersion. There was no way to turn these tutorials off… so fucking annoying.

You couldn't pick up objects like cups, pens or anything else to distract humans or the alien. What a total fucking waste since that would be a very good use of all the props they literred the levels with as well as be a great clutch tactic to use!

You couldn't even pick up enemies' weapons or ammo.

I think overall it's a good game because it was not terribly designed and was most importantly true to the movie. But stand-alone it suffered from being made for casuals. Too big to fail attitude from its publishers.

Nowdays, I just use an AutoHotkey script for button mashing. Fuck that noise, I value my keyboard more than muh genuine experience of pressing the same button as quickly as possible.

The movement felt fake as all hell and my player character felt like a fatty who can't even jump a few feet off the ground.

But that's become the norm in video games nowadays.

Same thing. I used my keyboard's inbuilt hotkey/macro creation. But I'm not interested in windows only tech anymore. I can play AI on linux, anyway.

Yep. I'm a fan of always playing on the hardest difficulty and never using any cheats to bypass elements I don't like unless i've cleared the game before.

But I make an exception for this fuckery. Any game that has QTEs with mashing I look up if there's any way to make them auto-win. It's just shit. Not fun, not immersive, not smart and just makes a whole lot of noise. I feel like a fucking idiot mashing keys. Another bullshit invention thanks to gamepad design.

This is true the movement was way too slow. You're meant to be a young, relatively fit and slender woman. Never felt liek it until she spoke during gameplay. I couldn't even look down to see her body to remind me I was playing as a woman because any FOV beyond console-keyhole vision makes her body dissapear.

It looks fun, and it's nice to see an Alien game that's based on horror after so many games based on the shitty sequels that are just space marines gunning down xeno scum.

Wait, WHAT. That makes no sense. Increasing the FOV should show you more of the player model, not less.

Her model was designed around 50ish FOV. Any more and it would cause problems with the model like her seeming like she had a giant neck or something. I know… it's dumb. But that's what happens when you design shit for consoles.

I like it but it's just so long and the developers broke pretty much every unspoken rule about fairness in games and freaking people out so that it wears you down like crazy

Fuck off shillbot. Its bad enough retards are buying your shitty broken Warhammer game Creative Assembly.

Holla Forums must be getting invaded by Marketing bots from Reddit again.

Try Underrail and Battlefleet Gothic. I found both games excellent and they're both recent releases

Its shit

Play Dragon's Dogma - one of the best games of all time, not just the last 5 years.

As for Alien Isolation; it's okay. Great atmosphere, but the alien was more annoying than scary or dangerous. The game would have been best with only android enemies, and just a lot more of them, or xenomorph AI that isn't hilariously broken and predictable.

If you have an HMD and runtime 0.6 installed (+revive if you have a vive), then Alien Isolation does become one of the most interesting games of the last 5 years. I wouldn't say it's any better as a game just because you strap a HMD on, but god damn does it feel amazing wandering around that space station when it all looks believably real.
Also, even when you're expecting it, the xenomorph screaming while charging at your face will make you poo a little, so that part's enhanced somewhat. Game itself is still disappointingly shallow and there are still way too many QTE turn-lever-push-button actions making up the majority of the non-walking "gameplay".

Here's my dream stealth game, but not necesarilly a horror game.

A fast, hide and seek + tag game, about speedrunning and being a stealthy smart spy.

A very agile player who can parkour and crawl through the narrowest openings at a quick speed.(Mirror's Edge)
Different types of jumping and walking in order to surpass even the most insane scenarios.(broken glass everywhere, having to jump 10 meters and catching a moving elevator with your fingers)
Insanely quick hands and legs.

The ability of going inside walls and moving through them. A very important and defining feature, as important as Minecraft allowing you to remove and add terrain blocks.

Your body playing a very important role.
Heart beating(affects adrenaline) too much action and it can wear off on your mental state(affects your character's reaction time), sweating(leaves off body odor and may cause a flu and weakened strength).

Multi-functional baton(contains grappling hook, handgun, neuralyzer, infra-red laser for hacking technology from afar, cameras, throwable mini bombs, toxic chemicals).
Used for specific assassinations (bosses), used for crippling enemies unconscious and memory wiping them, only used for making noise, opening doors, breaking door terminals, devising plans, make the bullets explode, make 1 enemy do 1 action enough to create a diversion, place a bomb on an enemy, etc.
That's spy stuff, but it could make for a very great game even if it would make you too OP.

I believe action horror games should focus on getting your heat beating via rapid multi-processing.
For example dodge combat. You may kung-fu your opponents and dodge their every blow, but you need to be as good as a combo-mashing BlazBlue player. Plus you can't even kill them.

You may outrun the Dahaka via wall climbing and near misses, and throwing obstacles and bombs in its way.

You can make a nice atmospheric exploration horror game, but not in the manner these faggots have been going at it with that Slenderman shit.

You should be able to hide+ move while hiding.
You should be able to run, dodge, parry, jump and modify the environment in your advantage.

"Helpless crippled baby against eldritch abomination" is a flawed concept, mostly because of the first element.
The best stealth game concepts were: spies, thieves, agile secret agents, escaped prisoners, competent zombie killers. Where the enemy wasn't undefeatable, but neither easy to kill. (fuck you Assassins Creed)

I only ever saw Prince of Persia and a few other games doing the wall of death properly.

I'd have to say that Undertale is the best game of the decade.

People will think im crazy if you fags keep making me laugh this loud

This level of ambition feels familiar somehow.

Confirmed for never having played it. You need to jump off the bandwagon once in a while, or you'll forget how to walk on your own.

I don't think it's one of the best of all time but what are you smoking?

How agile is agile, though? Do you want The Prince/Death/Styx type of agility where they can parkour and scale almost anything or Garrett/Fisher type of agility where at most they can pull themselves up on ledges and ropes and in fisher's case, jumping off walls once?

Also this is way too ambitious for any AAA game to pull off. For the love of god Stealth in AAA games most of the time usually means "binary light and sound" and playing as an unstoppable god who is only slightly nuanced by getting caught while sneaking

the denial with this game is delicious

Once again, confirmed for never having played it.
It's really easy when others make up your mind for you, isn't it user-kun?

That shit wont work kid, i played this garbage on hardcore mode without any pawns. Its as bad as Skyrim.

Not even surprised consoleshits hyped it, you fags just will cling to any exclusive garbage, its hilarious.

And there's your problem, it doesn't cater to your taste. Go back to hardcore games made for hardcore gamers such as yourself.

What does that even mean? Granted, he's being edgy, but the game was distinctly barebones because the dev cycle got cut short, and it sucks that the expansion is more fun than the base game when it's just repeating rooms.

2011 is 5 years ago, right???

Lol, this place really was overrun by casual faggots, jesus christ

It's obliviously 2011 years ago dumbass.

I liked the game but something about the driving felt floaty

Are you serious? The suspension looks floaty, but the wheels just stick right into the ground and they never went off, like, at all, even when you ram other cars. If you think this is floaty, you've obviously never played Driver 1 and 3.

I played Driver 1.

Benig the casul I was at the time I never finished the tutorial

That game was fun

I was being confrontational for the sake of being confrontational. Dragon's Dogma is a divisive game and you sort of have to love it to overlook its obvious shortcomings, like most of the open world just not being interesting or very open at all, the fucked up difficulty curve, no enemy variety at all and other general symptoms of a rushed game.
But if you're saying there's nothing to love about it you're wrong, it's a great fantasy adventure simulator with a healthy dose of stylish combat and a strong atmosphere. I don't think it's wrong to enjoy a game for reasons like this, but there's so many examples of bad games that put style over substance that people have grown very sour, and DD's gameplay is at least decent enough to make it work.

Angband is kinda like that

A problem with most recent games with first person view

So you didn't play the game at all

You're saying that it's a flawed gem - I'm putting emphasis on the 'flawed' part, and the game just doesn't click for a lot of people. Combat is held back because you only have 3 skill slots/weapon and have to rely on NPCs to do anything really interesting. It's a butchered version of MonHun in the end, and the rest of the game just is too unremarkable to care eg the story in the base game didn't come into play until 90% of the game was already over - and the story in the expansion was utterly disconnected from the game itself, and was given only in loredump tablets or shit cutscenes.

It was shit.

Lmao, you delusional fags are starting to sound just like the jrpgfags that expected everone to play their shit games for 100 hours to see if they were the same shit as any other jrpg.
Oh wait


I tried to play it but all I did was walk for the full two hours I played. I get that the alien AI is super cool and stuff, but I didn't even reach that yet, in two whole hours. Is it worth trying it again considering how I really hate 'horror' games that are just walking, like Amnesia?

I just finished The Evil Within and I had more fun with that game than this.

Were you banned from NeoFag or something?

Alien Isolation wasn't even good, though. The only part of the game which matters, which is the enemy AI, is stupidly easy to predict. Once you know it's pattern the game stops having any tension and it's just another boring corridor after another.

The one good thing about it is whoever designed the environments/sets did an amazing job of capturing the "feeling" of the series. Top notch design work, shame about the actual gameplay.

No, this game already got shilled insanely much here.

Reddit-tier occupation.

Seriously nigger?

Yeah I'll make it clear you're a faggot shill until summer/winter sale.. then its possible you're just a faggot with bad taste.

this was the first game that was ever shilled on this board, and every shill used that exact image. its actually bringing back flashbacks of how much this place was going to shit immediately after gg began to die down and the normalfags invaded. who the fuck do i have to blame for bumping this thread and giving me these feels?

i hate you with a passion ive never felt before on an imageboard. you're worse than the shills. learn how to fucking sage.

why the fuck would you click on this knowing full well there was going to be no good fucking sage, its a creative assembly game. I'll make it worth your while and turn it into a porn thread if you're still salty. But wow dude harden the fuck up or get the fuck back to Tumblr so you can cry about it to your Sonic fan fict community.

You want some preparation H for you butt? It's ok to admit that the "PC mustard rice" meme died at the beginning of 2008.

Grow up and realize what the market have become

No that would be watchdog, to open the bridge, to lock the bars, to drop the lights

if you have a PS-QUAD, Get Shadow of the Beast. You won't be disappointed.

Seriously, if you have a ps4, get this fucking game.

Wow holyshit I've never seen a shill come right out and basically start openly shilling. Even using official playstation MP4s and shit with sony branding.

Also fuck you for even comparing it to Oddworld faggot.

But I mean still its not even relevant to shit we're even talking about.

Perhaps not the only good game, but certainly one of few in an industry littered with SJW trash. Playing in first-person is fun when most FPS's these days are trash.

I'm kinda surprised they got Elijah Wood for the title art.

Somebody post the webms