Debate Thread

Let's get nice and /comfy/ leftypol for the first Presidential General Election Debate: Perfect Shitstorm Edition

Other urls found in this thread:

Drugs are a spook.

Here's CNN livestream:

Bloomberg TV is apparently the only channel running live fact-checking and I have a feeling there will be some memes to come out of that so have them too:

I highly recommend ad-block for both sites.



Don't worry, our children's children will be able to carry out the true red revolution.



Heh, thanks. That's the expensive ass SpaceX rocket btw. Mark Zuckerberg got mad as hell too because his Facebook satellite was on it, I believe.




Stay stuck in a traditionalist mindset, m8



this webm made my day

People who want children should be prevented from having children.
The human race needs the people who don't want children to have children.

This tbh.

Third worlders.
White people.

This is true.

>>>Holla Forums

Holla Forums doesn't advocate for these forms of population control like we do

Reported fam, hopefully the mods do their job.

Relax, is just for shits and giggles.

Just because your particular brand of idiocy isnt common yet there doesnt mean it doesnt belong there.

I read something today by Trostky that basically endorsed eugenics, although he said the Nazis version of Eugenics was spooky and unscientific. But hey, that's the 30's for you.

This is a thread for the presidential debate, if you want to derail threads with your autism, head on over to Holla Forums or reddit. Kys.


Hey, I wasn't the one who started talking about babies.

I started this thread faggot. i'm just killing time until the show starts.
It's near the end

No, you kys

Once the debate hits proper, and Holla Forums starts to flood in, this sentiment will do little to weather the storm.
Giving you a heads up: don't expect much.

BLM stage rush when

ISIS suicide bombing the stage when

And yet, you felt the need to defend him and help spread your autism.

Mouth breathers.


Permanent dialectical eugenics when?!

Defend him? I'm defending myself, and still, I'm not the first person to talk about babies No. 944370 was.

Has Hillary arrived? I haven't seen her on the stream yet.

God, how many fucking rockets has space x destroyed so far?

Live stream with chat: is the leftypol chat with stream


I am ready for pain



we're already off to a good start

No, unless you're trying to accelerate reactionism.

Washington post stream seems the best.

stream is down!
Better blame the russians!


Least delayed stream.

Yes, and has no annoying commentary.

Fuck man, I don't want Trump to win.

Save us, Hillary.

Is Hillary the slickest entryist?



I hope you worke' I mean guys enjoy this debate.

Trump is so fucking funny. Clinton spent most of her 2 minutes on pleasantries and he goes straight into his stump speech without even acknowledging the occasion.

I'll give the spider queen some credit, at least she knows how to use a thesaurus. Trump repeats the same 3 or 4 phrases every debate so his retard cult can understand him.

shills in full force today

both options are equally shit. Entryism is a shitty meme perpetuated by porky




CTR leave

he did it! he did the meme!

is trump doing the zizek sniff?

trump is zizek


Palmer shill leave

Yes the 2008 financial crisis was the worst in decades.
But I'm sure your husband had nothing to do with it Shills.

I wish there was a third-party candidate to be allowed in this debate, seeing as both Trump and Hillary are the most hated candidates.

what's the matter, don't you like the choices we've given you?

Wow, what a complete fucking liar.

The Clinton campaign is Ogre now

Hilary seems so phony.

Trump doing well, no?

This is hard to watch.


He is doing well sticking to his script. Focus on trade.

Shillary shilling her book, typical.

Trade is an excellent topic for him.

Buy my book that no one has heard of before!





my gott

jesus, all this "I want the S█████ audience" shit from Hillary is pathetic

God, how desperate is this retard? Enough of the propaganda please.

lmao what

Is Trump on coke? Never seen him this pumped.

Clinton can't even pretend to be B████ properly.
By the next debate she'll probably go full neocon

But will the people buy it? That's what I'm scare of.

Imagine what will be thier answers if the guy in the middle of the debate asked them what will you do about capitalism fucking up ?

He lives for this shit, you can tell

Welcome to "The First American Debate," the show where everything's made up and the points don't matter!


Why does he keep Interrupting?

Guys, just put on Spanish Flea or the Seinfeld theme in the background, it'll make the debates a whole lot more bearable

It appeals to his audience

Because he can't allow her to actually make any a point.

Jesus Christ she's actually running with this.



So people can't follow her thoughts.

And it worked. I have no idea what hillary has been saying the last few min.


He's desperate as fuck.

I guarantee pundits will call her clever for saying this too


She's acting way too smug.

I don't think that much interruption will work well for him, it's not well-placed at least.

It's subtle for my fellow Amerilards

Clinton on suicide watch

this shit's crazy man

Trump is wasting time rambling here. No one gives a shit about his lawyers.

Just kill me now fam


There is no hope, comrades.

What the fuck is he going on about?

This won't sit well with the nationalists.

If you vote for any of them you should kill yourself tbh


Hillary trying to pander to trade employees.


WEW. I'm 10 seconds in but I don't think Trump can win this.

this will not end well for him



Is this surprising?

sickening porky

I just got here, what did I miss

behold the third-worldization of the planet!
Let's pray to the aliens to save us

It is sometimes valid to not pay contractors.

"it's all words"




Meh, Hillary is saying decent things I thought she wouldn't. I guess I'll vote for her now.

Hillary's middle-class dad is the star player in this debate, lmao.


ctr get out

Muh entrepreneurship!
why won't you trust muh entrepeuneurship!

Choose between an honest reactionary and a dishonest liberal!

thank you for correcting the record


But Trump's honest tho, remember!

Hello Benito


No, but he's incompetent, and that's a good thing.

Take away all the guns from black people and violence will just go away


They are both liberals, but Trump symbolizes anti-establishment even though he's establishment. It's a fuck-you vote.


Yes, an incompetent in charge of a highly reactionary God Emperor cult is great!

no one is allowed to spew the accelerationism meme anymore

Are you happy with this talk show you call presidential debate ?
Down with democracy


Damn trump has the worst views on the police, i didn't know he was such a copcuck

baaaaaad people



kill yourself

Trump missed an opportunity to sympathize with the victims there.




you laugh, but these people are bad, they're bad people, alright? very bad

Sure it is, because every single one of his political opponents is going to eat his lunch. His little cult has no power.



halfchan /k/ chimping out now lmfao.

Calling it a democracy is dishonest. Expecting any honesty beyond that is stupid.

Trump for gun control holy shit.

How can you say so much in 2 minutes but not say anything at all?


The ideal relationship between the community and the police is when members of the community kill the police

Why aren't these pigs talking about black poverty.

trump's a mess but he still looks better than shittary.
ffs can we start again with bunny saunders

anarkiddies kindly end yourselves

Is 8/pol/ turning against Trump yet?


not surprising.

How does Trump look better? He hasn't talked policy at all?

sure statist


Hello fellow leftists



There goes that plan. Saves me time at least, can't believe I was dumb enough to think about participating in this insanity.

Reminder to vote for Jill Stein

Jill isn't on the ballot in my state

Statist dicksucker confirmed.

"The worker who becomes a policeman in the service of the capitalist state, is a bourgeois cop, not a worker."

Vote Stein if you aren't completely full of this broken system

So both candidates are endorsing the government surveillance state but remember that America has a democracy where people can choose their leaders

No they aren't. You don't know shit about history, the police were literally created in America and Britain to surprise working class movements using non-fatal violence to avoid creatin martyrs.

he just looks more genuine, composed and presidential.
that sounds ridiculous but it's just how he comes across.
all he had to do was play gentle and he's doing it.

I wish, bunch of middle class college teens


Where is DemSocs now ?

Trump is far higher energy

not six feet under yet.

fuck off CTR

I ain't no anarkiddie fuckwit

this. lefty is just Holla Forums with lower test levels

You're a retard.

I'm a Marxist I'm just not autistic enough to be a tankie.


Why does no politician ever support arming domestic terrorists and disarming the right-wingers? That would finally be a "progressive" gun policy.

leftypol actually reads.

fuck off.

Oh good, Holla Forums's finally here to shill.

Remember to ignore bait, folks

Neither has the porkie queen he's debating with. It's all soundbite and pandering shit on both sides.

just keep licking boots nigger

Yeah, I'm sure some of us are still in high school.

trumps got the zizek sniff going

just attack Clinton for starting the rumor and move on, this is the easiest win you can get in the debate

Fuck off. I work for a living.

That's true.

Kys, right wingers are statically more likely to be bourgeoisie.

She didn't start it, it was a random in her campaign.

Fuck, Trump is cracking

he can't resist boasting

…Did Trump just implicate Hillary's campaign in the birther conspiracy theories? Wow, I am genuinely impressed. Kudos to him. he's still shit though

her campaign literally started the rumors to smear Obama

Remember to go out and practice your constitutional right to vote in November

Goddam this birther shit

Now she's attacking him

No, they didn't. Please use google, the only website that still purport that are Breitbart.

Thank you for correcting the record.



The laugh she got when she sneered at him will go down badly.

Record: Corrected


Then why are all the trustfundies in college and university all left wing?

liberals pls go

Shitpost delivered
Meme magic performed

daily reminder to go to the election general thread for CTR free discussion

No, they love brainwashed voters that vote mainstream parties. Non-voters pose a threat to the illusion of legitimacy, which is why you some countries punish non-voters.

Yeah Breitbart is untrustworthy.

Trump is lying.

I guess this really is lefty/pol/. I'm voting Stein and I encourage you to do so.

Just joining now, what have I missed?

This feels like an 80s movie

Moron, I was pointing out that google is equally shit. Fuck off already, no one's buying what you're selling.


Hillary coughed and shit herself, they had to pause the debate for 10 minutes while they hosed her off and changed her pants suit.

He had a good response though

Pretty much.

wew lad

Trump looks weak.

You're right, google is way worse.


I would literally rather have the Russians take over America than let the Clintons hold power

Which search engine is the best then? Are you a bing faggot? Her campaign didn't start it. Are you seriously comparing Breitbart, who thinks Obama posing in front of a Che Guaevra statue is news worthy to a search engine?
Please kill yourself.

Most sophist do.

Wait trump did what?


How so?


no shit

hillary being boring, trump keeping it easily digested and content free

He's onto me

top kek


Fucking bs right there

Are we watching the same debate?


He's falling to pieces on this security thing



Are you gonna keep being a retard then? Stop pointing out semantics about which search engine I told you to use. Clinton didn't start it, please show me one reputable source that still proclaims that. If you do I'll admit you're right. Fucking mong.


Then actually support the kurds you bitch

No, it isn't. Fuck you, America hater. Freedom ain't free.

Dude, Al Gore invented the internet.


Didn't we bomb those cunts?

most newspapers in 2008 when it first happened.

stop falling for his shit bait pls


So pull one up? Are newspapers neutral too retard?

just because the media now is rewriting history doesn't mean Clinton is innocent

You're right! How could I be so naive…


It's all he fucking says.

You guys won that, handily. I had to turn it off.

my only comfort is that my side is more heavily armed

gas yourselves

Fact check bucko


Longest standing



Yeah canada and the US had an alliance longer than that

how is trump not a zionist again?

Both of them look uncomfortable

Lol, but I'm actively training them in small unit tactics, fam. Holla Forumsfags have had /k/ threads and they are all ignorant faggots with mall ninja lore. At least leftists are nice blank slates. It's just like teaching fresh privates.

Still, I think Trump is going to, and should, win.

There are much longer military alliances in world history

Who are you talking about? We've got mostly trumptards here.

Not surprised

All she has are prerehearsed scripts. It's hard to listen to.

ngl, but if Trump does become president and accidentally destroys nato I'll be happy

Trump is looking better than I thought he would. Hillary is looking as expected. The Reps will pick up steam.



He's the king of fuck-ups. One can dream.

most americans are zionists, so it's good for electability

he mad

Are you implying Holla Forums supports Shillary? lol

They're another paper tiger on the verge of collapse. The west needs a new boogeyman.



the west is the boogeyman


trump has no idea what the fuck he's talking about

Didn't live up the to hype, fuck this I'm going to play Killer Is Dead.



That game is shit though, Sudo 51 is overrated.

yeah but he can waffle and deflect well enough that it doesn't matter

Shit taste.


She has no shame.

Shillary's going full Neocon


Thank you for sharing, I mirror your feelings completely.

Top kek

goddamnit TRUMP is trashing this cunt


I never implied that, but their wealthy own a fuck ton of private property in foreign nations :^)

you want to start a war with Russia you cunt


I just tuned in now

Did I miss anything good?

pls respond

Nothing earth shattering.

Trump's hair tried scurrying away so he had to squash it and go get a replacement.


Here is a live fact check and transcript of the whole thing

forgot link

Trump sperging out and ducking questions.

top kek

Hillary stumbled a few times, paramedic teams are standing by off camera.



It's not bad, it's been more like a series of wrestling promos than an actual debate. I prefer this style.

A liar would say that.


Reading the "corrections" a lot of these are thicker propaganda than even the candidates can shit out.

Oh wow


It's a good line though. Trump's biggest weakness is that he seems injudicious.


Any examples?

Just fuck off

Sorry, already closed the tab.

I'm in the middle of working, so I can't keep track of things all that well right now.

When was that brought up

Anyone noticing that the moderator does not quiet down the crowd when they cheer against Trump?

how many words have you heard hillary say lmao

Yeah, just now. He said
And apparently das sexist.

Just got in. Who would you say is winning?

muh first wimmin presidential candidate

fuck off


Trump is the better sophist.


Ffs the moderator is a huge pussy.

the bourgeoisie



blank pic?

What is the consensus in Holla Forums regarding the two different strategies. The first one being

the second being

Berta Caceres is still dead you bourgie cunt


Trump should win because he will be a disaster and create infighting with the elites.



That sucked tbh lads.




Anyone have a link to the entire debate? Hopefully one that isn't shit quality?

It'll be on youtube shortly I assume.

Who do you think won Holla Forums?

Sanders will be the chairman of the budget commitee under clinton and she would be more likely to pass his legislation. So I guess hillary.


Trump should lose because fascists can't be allowed to gain ground

And Clinton might adopt some S█████ policies

Hilary trump got btfo'd tbh

She wont, and you know that

If Trump wins the momentum we have from B████ can help us build a real leftist movement. But there's more negative than positives for the left with a Trump victory.

Keep in mind guys: The gerrymandering laws the Republicans put in will be renewed in 2020. So I'm not saying to vote Clinton, but when people say "Trump could be the end of the democracy", it isn't as big an exaggeration as you would think. So Trump winning could very much be a disaster for getting leftist in congress.

Clinton. Trump barely made any points.

fuck off with your lies faggot

a man can dream

Who won?

Trump absolutely rekt Hillary in the beginning, and he finished strongly too. He wasn't great in the middle but people won't remember that.

Also we can't allow a conservative into the supreme court

I think Trump will benefit from this debate more because of the Free Trade stuff at the beginning.

So why would you support either one of them then?


…if clinton wins it will almost certainly mean the dems have the senate. And since S█████ is the ranking member of the budget committee with the democratic caucus, he'd be the chairman.


Neither are fascist. Fascist are closer to B████ economically than Clinton. Neoliberalism is opposed to fascism.

I'm talking about their followers, dumbass.

Even though he's no longer a part of the democratic party?

I only caught the last 10 mins, though it seemed like Hillary is using the same tactic that she always uses–to look completely calm and to brush off everything with a laugh in order to give off a certain demeanor.

Trump seemed quite stuttery and not very sharp. I was hoping to catch him say something outlandish, but he didn't meet expectations. Then again, I only caught the last ten minutes, so I don't know if he was sharper earlier



She is literally liberal. It doesn't mean what you think it means in America.

Did either candidates bring up Benry Sunders?

Doesn't matter, everyone gets committee appointments, the only reason B████ cooperated with the dems in the first place was to get appointments

Trump did when talking about the DNC leaks.

Trump did. He mentioned how Shrillary screwed him with DWS.

Trump mentioned how he was screwed in the primaries

Go read the Doctrine of Fascism and get back to me. Fascist are confused social democrats. When they say fascism has "leftist roots" they're not lying, Mussolini was a socialist before going full autist and betraying the working class.

Trump did but I don't remember the context, he also brought up Wasserman Schultz and said "look where that got her" something along those lines

Best part was when Hillary mentioned "black vibrancy" and Trump openly went "ugh"

clearly she was told getting into a war of attrition with trump would be a bad move, so she pretty much pretended he wasn't there.
it was a good move

He was on fire in the first half hour. Agree that he was slow on his feet later on.

the best part was all the sniffing

Oh man you came in about 10 minutes short of where Trump when on a 5 minute rant about he never supported the war in Iraq and he didn't care what the sources said.

Yeah. The Sandman was all about union busting, wage suppression, and privatisation of national industry.

Poll time

Hillary's gonna start more wars, that's for certain. With Trump it's still a guess.


Trump pulled a Xerox

Hillary would start *non-nuclear wars

what about the tax thing?
"that makes me smart"

Mussolini literally calls social democrats a bunch of faggots and spends most of the time arguing against them

Fuck off

Mussolini disliked unions, but he was in favour of a guild system to encourage class collaboration. He replaced the unions but he didn't get rid of worker/employer bargaining. All I said was that fascist are closer to B████ economically than Trump which is true. Hitler had a nationalized banking system, heavy industry regulation, free healthcare and university.

That's why I said "confused". Have you read the Doctrine of Fascism?

embrace clintonism-posadism

That's how you know they're fucked. They'll use them up then betray them, like they did with everybody else they opportunistically supported.

What is Holla Forums thinking about Trump's performance?

Yes I have

And abandoned it completely later on

Throw some bunkers in, and you've got the greatest ideology of all time.

He had the opportunity to go for the throat several times, but cucked out. Still did better than her on most points

There's nothing more porky than sending jobs overseas because letting your own citizens make your swill merchandise just costs too much and those brown people will do it for 11 cents a day.

Hillary helped fucking write the TPP. Don't listen for a second when she tries to disavow it now. That only happened after the backlash to it. Now she's supposed to be our savior from it?

Has there ever been a more concise example of creating a problem and then selling the solution?

Anyone who doesn't support it hasn't read theory tbh

Trump is closer to posadism.
Hillary is closer to hoxhaism.

Yeah, but it still maintained aspects of leftism with the guild system and the idea of class collaboration. Mussolini was a shittier fascist than Hilter, he didn't stick to his own doctrine.

I agree, Trump's a liar and a hypocrite.

Yes idiot, she supported it when it looked good and denounced it when the results showed different.

Your birth.

I hope that doesn't happen, but it probably will.

Yeah, Hoxha was a proto-posadist.

You do realize that Mussolini sought to create a corporate state, right?

4 pol/ is fuckign falling to pieces

8 pol is in denial

Working class liberation is impossible as long as we still cling to nationalism. Either we go neoliberalism and ship all the jobs out or we go fascism and crush the workers here at home. The only solutions are revolution or collaboration to improve labor rights in third world countries.

That's why Trump has gaining massive support from libertarians, non-whites, etc.

Only childish liberals and Holla Forums retarded commies that say someone like Trump that is against American wars, illegal immigrant exploitation by American businessman and Mexican mafia, and the unemployment of poor people in America is shit because he didn't took the memes of production.

But supported fucks like B████ that only promoted gibs and other liberal issues that only would empower the government owned by oligarchs.

Hitler privatised the major banks. Commerz und Privatbank, Deutsche Bank und Disconto-Gesellschaft, Golddiskontbank and Dresdner Bank all were publicly owned prior to Nazi control. He also privatised the railways.

State controlled guilds without the ability to strike are fucking worthless.

Hello, fellow leftists.


kek, i'm definitely saving this one for Holla Forums bait

How the fuck is that socialist in the Marxist or even B████ sense and not just what he's talking about in the Doctrine of Fascism: one cohesive unit built around national and spiritual unity?

Go back to your neo-con facebook meme pages


the nazis stole and sold everything they could, they were basically gangsters

You're a dumbass if you think neoliberalism helps at all. It just fucks over two sets of workers instead of just one.

Oh man, ordering the posts from new is hilarious. They're just posting about how every negative thing being said is CTR. This is going great with my popcorn

this just makes her look like a cunt though. I don't think this tactic works at all.

Corporatism and corporate state are too different things. They use maintain the root word to mean "body". There are leftist versions of corporatism.

It's still closer to B████ than Trump, I wouldn't call Trump a fascist is what I'm saying.

I didn't say it was socialist. I don't think social democrats are socialist. They killed Rosa Luxembourg. Socdems have a long history of betraying the working class

I'm saying the only cure for neoliberalism is international solidarity because high labor standards in one country causes capital flight like we're seeing now.

HOW is B████ a fascist?

And I don't reckon they are fascists either.
When did B████ ever support class collaboration?

Look at this dumb blonde whore defending her orange pig.

What I learned from tonight's debate is

Tbh reformism is tacit class collaboration

I never said he was a fasicst. I said fascist are closer economically to him than Trump(at least on paper, going off the doctrine of fascism).

Nah, see when you implement reforms porky responds with doubling down and provocation, and then you can appear blameless when you retaliate.

Hi. I'm visiting Holla Forums from abroad for the event.

There's one thing I never understand about wanting globalism. How do you (or globalist theorists) intend to overcome irreconcilable differences in culture? I don't think Arab states are going to be as keen or susceptible to the idea as Westernized states. Brits like to give Americans shit over having no culture, but really a lot of our problems come from drowning in cultures that don't mesh because we have such a massive geographical expanse and so many conflicting value systems.

Basically, globalism and most forms of communism require everyone to be on the same page by default. Both philosophically and culturally. I don't think that's even possible, because cultural memes are generated everywhere there are people, simultaneously, and without any regard for any other meme past, present, or future.

What's the plan?

4/pol/ actually seems a lot more sane than 8/pol/ these days. That's really a testament to how fucking badly 8/pol/ has gone off the rails recently.

neoliberal globalism =/= socialist internationalism

Any cultures that oppose human rights will be crushed.


Yes, but we can't have international solidarity by just shipping jobs overseas. That's not how shit works.

Hill-Dawg has been pretending to be a neoliberal all along. In reality, she is a believer in the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism. She has been playing this game for a long time, comrades. Get ready for her her presidency. The moment she steps into the White House, she's going to issue an executive order to change the faces of Mount Rushmore to Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin. LONG LIVE MARXISM-LENINISM-CLINTONISM! LONG LIVE COMMISAR CLINTON!

We're internationalists not globalists. We help other people that agree with us basically.

"globalism" is bourgeois internationalism, where the rich band together and create international monopolies and cartels so they can outsmart workers who are trapped geographically.

ACTUAL INTERNATIONALISM is workers banding together across borders so they can overthrow the rich wherever the rich live. In the end, it means less immigration and emigration because people will have good jobs and living standards in their own country, and won't need to go abroad to seek it.

No faggot I'm saying organize and protect foreign labor so it's no longer profitable to ship jobs off.

fuck off CTR, you can't meme this cunt like we did to B████

By encouraging secular, proletarian values.

Basically, globalism and most forms of communism require everyone to be on the same page by default. Both philosophically and culturally. I don't think that's even possible, because cultural memes are generated everywhere there are people, simultaneously, and without any regard for any other meme past, present, or future.

You can have socialism without being globalist. Market socialist are the only rational choice before service jobs are completely automated in the economy.

Neoliberal globalism isn't the same as socialist globalism.

No fun allowed.

She's Luxembourg 2.0 don't you know :^)

It does make her look like a cunt, I agree. However, I think it's actually extremely effective, as the average politically uninformed person will tune in and see one person as calm and sharp, the other as nervous and blunderous.

Brecisely :DDD


Post fucked up

[Citation needed]

[Citation needed]

I was quoting someone else, scroll up.

I hate shillary so much but she won.

First, tell me why should I care about such a spooky thing?

Yes, these are problems, though nationalism only makes these problems worse. You're essentially trying to slow something down that is inevitable, and by slowing this down you are just going to end up with larger clashes and more violence. Yes, if we progress this merging process at a faster rate, in the short term the clashes will be more frequent, but it is far better for humanity in the long run.

I'm quite green on this, and I'm aware this board has a predilection to argue over what is or is not "real" [ideology]. Could you explain the difference?

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic. Isn't the ability to live in a community of your peers with a collectively agreed upon value system the most basic right there is? "Agree with us or die" being a solution to disagreement seems circular. Effective, but circular.

Again, I'm not very sure what the distinction is. I have seen posts around shitting on the idea of borders overall, so it seems at least some would disagree with you, assuming I have my assumptions correct about their finer points.

I'm still not sure why the left has a problem with people being rich to begin with. Assuming it's not gotten through skullduggery, corruption, and exploitation, why is it seen as an objective wrong for an individual to excel beyond his peers? Also, if workers can move freely across countries, what's the incentive to countries existing at all? A worker today is a soldier tomorrow. You'll either get loyal local groups, or wandering economic mercenaries. And once the latter happens, then a country has every reason to protect its interests by closing up again. I just don't see how it's workable.

To what end? That just sets the problem back one stage. People will still need something to believe in, even if it's just philosophy. Today's Christians vs Muslims could just as easily be Kantians vs Descartians tomorrow, if they had nothing else to stand up for. Rather than attack the problem of value solidarity by cutting down an entire range of beliefs, it seems more productive to unite an entire population under one coherent and carefully moderated ideology/religion.

I can see that, but then you're going to have to explain to me how that's different from being Nat Soc, which is this board's antithesis.

Because when anything goes wrong, and something always will because the universe loves entropy, someone will always find someone else to blame. The fewer weak links in your common chain, the further out they will have to look, and the less likely you will end up with internal dissent and unrest.

C'mon, user. You can't go one chan, maybe not even one sub-board, over without finding a whole different lingo that petri-dished up in its semi-insulated environment. All ideas are like that, not just slang. There will be new ideas that come up, and no population is immune to dissuasion, especially if that idea appears to address any given grievance.

10 years ago a frog named Pepe was a silly image drawn by a handicapped kid that halfchan/b/ liked because the writing was surreal. Now here we are.

How? I'd rather have inter-cultural conflicts moderated by trained diplomats than whoever's angry enough to join a riot. All our current wars are intentional and due to corruption and greed, not due to a failure of diplomacy.

Except North Korea. What the fuck.

What world do you live in is that a refutation or even a sensible statement?

lol where?

Where somebody just implied that culture is artificial or otherwise a non-actor? Maybe I don't fully understand your use of the term "spook", but that's memes for you.

Nowhere in specific right now. I lurk here occasionally when something interesting is going on, and it's something I've seen once in a while. I'm not sure if they're considered shitposters or if it's a commonly held belief, but it seems to not be nothing.

Because the core ways someone gets rich is either exploiting the labor of workers as a manager or executive or they are paid significantly more than would otherwise be viable because an executive that has made a lot of money off said exploitation is willing to give that person that kind of money. It is safe to say that nobody truly rich has their hands clean in capitalism.

No it doesn't. The divide between philosophical schools will never be as heavy as the the divide between theology. Socialism internationalism as stated above, does not mean no borders. It just means we help out proles against their oppressors. The idea is that as most people adopt a socialist attitude, the other values will fall in place.

The MOP weren't controlled by the workers. Hitler imprisoned labour union leaders and banned striking.

protip: to gain extreme wealth, you pretty much need to engage in exploitation of workers for surplus value.

thank you for correcting the record

And thank you for that detailed argument.

Now go back to Holla Forums, mouth breather.


They are. Fascism carries on with the private property nonsense.

trump btfo'd
how will he recover?