(((Ezra Levant)))'s media company "Rebel.Media" just released a video bashing white nationalism

(((Ezra Levant)))'s media company "Rebel.Media" just released a video bashing white nationalism.

Votes and comments are overwhelmingly negative:


Other urls found in this thread:



Those kikes are desperate, they're floundering. Levant saw the reaction all his "shekels for Israel" videos received and is looking for a way out. So now they publish this shitskin explicitly attacking white interests to further cement the backlash and Levant can say "See? I'm under attack from nazis too leftists and cuckservatives! we're on the same side, unite against hate!". Ethnically aware whites leave the channel en masse, Levant gets some positive press from the kiked Canuck media and (((Rebel))) have their kosher konservative safe space back.

Unfortunately for them, the tide has turned.

White normies are waking up? We started the fire?

Stay true to yourself. There's no reason why you should need to seek validation from these jewish led media companies that might agree with some things you think, but ultimately don't offer longstanding solutions. All we have ultimately is eachother on this pakistani basket weaving forum

Look how they copied Molyneux's style for their thumbnails. therebel.media is obviously an attempt to ride the rising tide of the so called "alt-right" while promoting neocon values.


Die for these poor, brave IDF soldiers g-goyim!

As usual


Those comments are ANGRY, and those down votes are great. Much better than the video of Gavin McCuck shilling for his Israel trip. I think (((Rebel Media))) decided to double-down since since the Gavin video had high positive ratings. They basically just pissed in the mouths of the christcucks who were stroking it to Israel and shitting on "le ebil natzeees". It's the only way some people learn.

Checked for Truth

Visit their channel and search for "Israel". There are hundreds of results. lulz


Excellent. It means that the subject is becoming so normalised that they need to address it rather than relegating it as a fringe topic. Yet the act of discussing it gives it increased presence and will wake others up.

Rabbi Media sends its pet nigger to tell White folks to not fight for their identity. What a fucking surprise.


Don't forget the thumbs up on the good comments guys


don't forget to unsub yourself if you were subbed to (((theRebel))) in the first place


I fucking knew that game was allegory for the JQ.

color me surprised they are fucking pozzed to the core

Behind the times, just like Gavin.
Daily reminder Mcinnes shoved a buttplug up his ass in solidarity with gays.

Yep, that's how it works. Our goal is an open discussion on White genocide



They're learning. Slowly, but they're learning.

The comments reaffirm my faith in everyone's intelligence. We have good people out there

A) it is entirely possible to mix races such that they are obliterated. such conditions can be met. it is happening. you can blame others for decline in birthrate because there are a wide variety of mechanisms to control reproduction rates. it can be some combination of natural or artificial(subversive) causes.
the capital city of england is not english. let that sink in.
B) what does intelligence have to do with white genocide?

you have been.

we don't rape and kill blacks at epidemic levels and we put our hands on the wheel when cops pull us over.

whites being browbeaten into oblivion may have something to do with racial dysfunction. being raped, murdered, and assaulted may have something to do with it. there being racial tensions at all for whatever reason is reason for it. there being any race related law is a sign of it not being beneficial.

homogeneity is more peaceful. face it. people need to be parsed properly in general.

whoa buddy.

Now would be a great time to start dropping redpill links lads…



The UN definition of genocide makes it crystal clear that any measures to limit births of, or otherwise destroy a group is genocide, whether those actions are physical, political, psychological etc is irrelevant.
So a government or group which encourages Whites to race mix or forego having children (muh female career womyn) is guilty of genocide.

Thank you, Frog God.
I forgot to include

Lol this faggot is trying so hard to be relevant in a world where the entire media machine is careening towards a cliff. Even the leaf media barely gives him a nod and when even those nobodies ignore you, that's serious apathy.

What's that? Have I missed out on a good propaganda video?

Just to iterate fully, here is the official definition of genocide.
Legal definition of genocide
Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
(1948) as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical,
racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to
members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its
physical destruction in whole or in part1; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and]
forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

A lot of those people are just Opie and Anthony fans too. They're everyday average folk.
The fire rises.

They have no defence for videos like this, it's why they are doing it underhanded because if they posted this video on lauren southern or other kosher whores twitters they'd get torn apart.

They way the jew over reacts about ANY criticism is going to be their downfall. (((Rebel))) media bash swedes, germans and every other fucking race or ethnic group on the plant, but say something harmless like 'jews are acting like marxist cucks, in the media and in politicsl' they get gas chamber panic attacks.

The average person is wise to it and even cucks on the right will be far more easy to convince of the hypocrisy than it ever is for the brain dead left.

That ending…

Some of these normies and alt-right scum are ready.

They've just been slapped in the face by one they trusted.
We must show them the way they fear to look to, that part of themselves they fear to face.

You forgot the part were he starts bragging about all the kike pussy he's had and won't stop. Very cringy and made me want to vomit. This is what happens when you get red pilled but you are a selfish narcissistic prick. Much like Alex Jones he knows but gets paid by kikes.
That's all the altright has ever been. A trojan horse to turn normie T_D's away from the true path. It's designed to store up good credit in the hope that short attention span whites will forget the past 2000 years when the war begins.

Wow, real command of the English language they got going there.


Gavin is such fucking cuck homo.
Does anybody have a video of the gavin cuck song? Apparently videos no longer on jewtube.

Checking my own hitler dubs.


Do you mean the one by (((Shiksa Goddess)))? That's still up. Too bad she's so batshit, she makes some good parody songs.

A white woman (or man) with dyed blonde hair has become a warning sign for me.

dude what the fuck man

Her dad is a kike.

You won't be so smug after I kill a couple of your girlfriends.

Can I just say we see this type of comment tone shift all across YouTube? GO look up 'templar chants'. I'm pretty autisitc so listen to a lot of Deus Vult music, and only over the past eyar I've noticed EVERY COMMENT is now

and so and so on. It's insane. It's beautiful.

Is the nigger one of those kike half breeds?

Wow what surprise.

Get in here, need reinforcements.


You might have killed three of mine, but I killed four.

There are no good Jews

This is a great summary of it. Don't forget that just a few days ago a mod here on Holla Forums stickied a civic nationalist thread. We need to wipe every kike, shitskin, and non-white out from all Western Nations. Accept no substitutes.

Non-whites have no place in the west!


Gavin Mcinness is obviously one of those intolerably arrogant hipsters who probably eats at cereal cafes.
I mean, he put a dildo in his ass on live video. How does anyone take him seriously?


You need to come up with some new lines, it's far from the first time I've heard that one.
And it still hurts just as much

Way too many upvotes here

The minute they hired the token negro they immediately started tanking. Second video they've done on white identity and both times it was him. Of course you'll never see (((Ezra Levants))) top goys, Gavin and Lauren, take this topic into their own hands despite it having their own interests in mind to do so. Both are virtue signaling nomads walking blind as they're lead by the very people that are crushing them.


LOL controlled opposition throwing everything out because they're through.

One guy posted "Open Borders for Israel", make his comment the top comment.




Nice is that OC? Pretty good merchants.

Ch-ch-checked… Kek confirmed for flat earth.

They are patrolling the comments here

Mass downvoting everything against the video. The guys saying "I stand by Israel" and "lol anti-Jew haters" are mostly Jews though. You'll see if you check outt heir other comments.

You're wrong Kyle, Sinead is never right.

Holy shit, how have I managed to not hear of this singer?

The thing with Sinead and her flock is that even a broken clock is right once a day. She has literally shit on every single person including people within Renegade. If you run around screaming conspiracy or shill nonstop at everyone, then don't be surprised when one day your right for once.

Go on to Street view and do little comparison. Also Thatcher was a globalist kike puppet.


Coincidence the videos link to one another?

Name one time she's been wrong. She made Hellstorm and a documentary about South African whites, next thing we know we're going to have confirmation that the CIA is anti-vegan and meat poisons your mind.

I think we both know this is no coincidence user

She narrated it, retard

Earth is flat.
Mountains are dead giant crystal trees.
Veganism is healthy.
Coalburners should be forgiven.

It's Sinead so people don't like to post them, but they really are great.

Don't try and high jack the thread faggot.

Awesome thanksk




Sinead never burned coal, these autists think that because she was in a picture with a black guy that she fucked him.


It goes without saying.

Especially with that ultra bleached hair.

There was a coffee shop I occasionally went to that started airing Saturday morning cartoons and serving cereal on Saturday morning.

Breakfast cereal doesn't need to be prepared for you. I didn't remember a single one of the cartoons nostalgically either. The only cartoon I watched as a kid was Gargoyles. Even so, I wouldn't think to transform my lingering fondness for the show into an embarrassing, infantalizing semi-public spectacle. Needless to say, I don't go back these days.

Christ, when is the rain going to come and wash these freaks away?

I have just finished leaving thumbs up on good comments and I thumbed down the vid.

Please take the time to put thumbs up on the good comments and thumb down the videos


Reddit, cuckchan.


Daily reminder that Dicky Spencer got McCuck his job at Taki's Mag.

Their getting btfo pretty hard.


here's a response video

/ourguy/ or is he jewish? huge snoz

This guy is just debating in bad faith to people that don't know the arguments.
These arguments have been repeatedly talked about here and on ever racist forum and debunked.
Even dicky explains what means in other videos.

They're, you meant to write they're or they are.

Is this you?

Are you shilling your own video ?

We're getting close lads

Pretty good, fam. You should improve your stuff with a better background and a dedicated space to post images in the corner so the video remains aesthetically pleasing.


Explain yourself?

nah was posted in the halfchan thread

He's a kike, just like Jonestein's new whore wife.

Yes I fucked up badly. I should of proof read my post

Breddy gud


Never forget how powerful comment sections are.

I remember on Reddit It's a medium normies use a random guy was flustered and confused about why there were so many racist comments.

A cuck moderator came on and said

I piped in and said

That random redditer obviously looked at my post history and sent me a PM if I was serious and why would I visit Coontown. I told him that I grew up with Eddie Murphy, Archie Bunker, Richard Pryor and George Carlin and that NOTHING is off limits. I then told him what it was like being around ALL whites as a child, what it was like when I was introduced to diversity, my travels around the world and my military service.

Sure enough I turned a 20 year old white onto /Coontown and he might be shit-posting with us today.


Shift that fucking Overton WIndow into orbit

That's one comfy image.

So this Kaiden Wulf autistic fucking name is young and making videos, not bad, unless he's a Jew. We should find out quickly. He's got an Evalion nose for sure.

It's like the size of a fucking eggplant, user.

should have

Or maybe we ignore him?

Well this was at the end of the vid

Off to commit suicide now

Yes, just stick to comment sections and dislike/like ratio. Ecelebs are cancer.

I watched about a minute, and i think i get the gist. What's funny, is that about ten minutes before i saw this thread, I decided to quit watching Gavin McInnes. Yes, I know, he is an opportunist piggybacking on the "alt-right" thing, who works for a jew, but as I'm sure you know, it's hard to find entertainment that isn't overtly marxist, so cut me some slack. I knew he was a fag, but at least he was funny sometimes.

It did strike me as curious that he works for a particularly jewy jew, and that I have to pay A MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION to watch his show. At least Molyneux does it for free. (I know, eceleb faggotry. Don't worry, I'll sage.)

First of all, remember that Rebel Media is Canadian. They are our little brothers tagging along behind us. The fact that they even are interested in Rebel Media is heartening. Don't blame the viewers, blame the "alternative" media outlet (owned by a jew) that just wants to throw them under the bus.

last time I stand up for you, Canadia. Get your shit together.

What's crazy is that's the best looking jewish woman they could find to get the goyim on their side. Christ, they're an ugly race.

Forgot my sage, but in my defence, fuck you.

Next you'll tell me they like to flood our countries with shitskins.

Do they have another website or are those all the views they are getting?

Is anyone else not seeing this comment that was previously the top one?

It's gone for me too.

This one mentions pizzagate stuff.

Dirty kike bastards.

What a coincidinklestein

looks like a mix of eastern european, jew, and perhaps that mousey kind of white.
don't really care. seems rational and well intentioned.

the reason why MGTOW formed was because women became insufferable as a group. i probably found out about MGTOW from it appearing when watching a karen straughan video.
the principle is to do your own thing and naturally, at some point, you may find some good girl somewhere when you're out somewhere. it was about not throwing all your eggs in a basket and that basket being a lady as well as having no life that a lady would want to be a part of anyways. naturally, your personal successes would likely attract a lady.

the reception to it, though, was a fuck normies-more-than-usual group thing.

They have a website, but it just links their youtube videos, so that's all the views they are getting.

She made a pizzagate documentary


Pretty low energy, not even all that clickbait can save them.

They're trying to get the alt-right people to stop following them, with the bulk of pro-Israel videos and now this.

That's probably 80% of their audience. The rest are sargonites.

Why would pro-Israel videos make Aut-Righters stop following them? They love their BASED nationalist jews.

You seem to have strayed a bit too far, friend. You are looking for 4chan.org/pol/catalog. We don't like your kind around here.

The tide is turning, everyone is getting fed up with kikes.

They want to purge the movement of all wrong think, here

Now those are some serious digits of truth.

They seemed pretty livid in the comments section. Maybe they're learning. It takes time.


Because the alt-right's always hated jews. Just pull up any pro-Israel video of theirs and check the dislikes.

Yeah, they sure hate jews and Israel.

Now they are purging the comment section. This one just got the hammer.


Ezra's nose is showing. I don't care if claims to be a Christian. Only one type of nose is dominant over African genes. The Kike nose.

That fucker is talking and acting exactly like a yid.

Not true. Jew mentioned the need for Alternative to mainstream Right, Spencer coined the term.

Only insofar as it's a good tactic for spreading the message about double standard of Jews. Literally no one single mainstream person will support funding and dieing for Israel.

No confirmation he's a Jew. Pejnović is last name found in Croatia and Serbia and he claims to be Serbian. You could've ran with his wife, there is literally no need to make situation worse.

Love Life and Anarchy is AnCap channel, not Alt-Right

Never heard of him.

Like the Brother Nathanial types. Same shit in Spain. A jew can convert or call himself whatever he wants, but he'll always be a jew because that's what he is.

If you ask them about Israel, you'll mostly get negative opinions. What their founder thinks doesn't really matter since they're not an organized group.

He's probably referring to Milo.

On which point? I must be missing something if that's the case.

No, I'm referring to Nadav Salomon. This kike.

Wow. Ezra is laughing his ass off.

I been noticing this shit a lot lately. From what I have gathered from testing it's a shadowban from a youtube hero. Seems like it goes into some sort of "waiting for a approval" box or something, where the comment is either deleted or re-enabled.

I had one the other day where me and a friend where shitposting and some guys comments got removed. I could see them under the "bell/notifications" but they where invisible in the thread. So my friend couldn't see them at all. When I asked the" deleted" guy, he said he hadn't removed his comments and could see them just fine. So he was shadowbanned.

I haven't notice anyone pointing this out anywhere yet, but it seems like jewtube went ahead with the jewtube (((user))) moderated soft censorship idea.

Dislike ratio is slowly increasing.

That's debatable. Regardless, the jew mentored Spencer.

No, Spencer genuinely supports the existence of Israel and constantly defends jews, like when he clarified that it "wasn't all jews" when David Duke interviewed him. He also said he was open to Israeli funding
Which he republished on Radix

He admitted to being a jew a multiple occasions.

He claims calls himself Alt-Right in that video, and AnCaps are absolutely Alt-Right.

See: his interview is what started the chain of events that led to the death of TRS. I'm sure you've heard of him.

I thought it was already old news that they had, but even if not, you know they are owned by google, right? If you post any inconvenient truths on any google platform (or even any that are mainstream, for that matter) you should know what will happen.

No mike having a kike wife is what killed TRS and this kike just highlighted how far they had already sunk. You need to lurkmoar.

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

Oh, no clue who that is.

Nigger, TRSodomites coming here to defend Red Ice after the Reactionary Jew interview is what took everything to the next level. It's why Jesse Dunstan and Van Bryant II were doxed, and why we dug so hard into Mike's wife after antifa doxed him.



Who's to say his support isn't genuine, not just some "tactic"


webm related

A fag hag kike, yes, he should have brought her up too. His mistake.

TRS faggots are lolbergs themselves. Also, who are you to say who is and isn't alt-right, the alt-right is a big tent, stop punching right.



A jew who in his words "would vote for Richard Spencer"

Why were people searching through his/his wife's background? Due to the frenzy that had started because of TRShills trying to astroturf acceptance of that very jew on this board.

Don't think you can wash away history and claim it was smaller than it was.

I was here dumbass. We already had /trs/ by that time and their forums were spamming us with "base Jew" memes.

criminally underappreciated Hitler dubs

Criminally underarrated.

Gavin was a soft bitch anyways bit I never gave him much attention in the first place. Fuck him.

Holy kek why is Holla Forums always right

We didn't look through anything. We were handed it by antifa who tried to down play it because they realised shoot themselves in the foot.


So is Cumia controlled opposition as well?


He's worked with New York jews most of his life, I wouldn't trust him until he personally beheads a kike on his stream.

Everyone should appreciate these digits

It doesn't matter who gave us the info, the point was his wife is a Jewess. Look up an archive.
Am i the only one here from January?

He's never hated the jews. He's just a republican that hates niggers. Funny guy, though.
I've heard people say Pat Dixon is somewhat redpilled though.

No, it's a fact.
Yeah, he went to college and worked with more mainstream stuff related to politics. Find me a guy in that situation that wasn't mentored by a kike at one point or another.

He's using them as a shield for his talking points. Vid related. If you want to hold that against him, fine. I don't agree either, but then again I'm not talking in public trying to be persuasive. I didn't come to this point by hating Jews. First one wants end to double standards and other logical bullshit. Then you recognize them as enemy when you see that they can never agree to it. But I couldn't into latter without the former. That's my bias based on my personal experience.

Do you think it's "all Jews"? I don't. They still all need to go because they will either side with their own, or be traitors. Neither is acceptable.

Just so we're clear, you're talking about Israel funding his movement, not vice versa, right? If that's the case I still have issues with it.

The first part of webm doesn't mean much, care to provide the source on the second one? I'm surprised I didn't hear this before.

AnCaps as a position can't be Alt-Right. I don't doubt that there are people that join the movement from that position but the two are bound to enter into logical conflict. It's like entering NatSoc from conservatism. I think he just wants to be butt-buddies with the movement.

Yeah, didn't watch the interview at the time. Doesn't seem to be well accepted in case it's Alt-Right that watches Red Ice Radio?
I find their discussions boring, I only like to hear Sunić talk from time to time

As much as Holla Forums is my home, it's a relief sometimes to know we aren't alone outside of our Myangadian grass-weaving temple

Your arguing pointless semantics "N-no the Jew said Alternative Right it was Spencer who coined Alt Right". Regardless Gottfried is Spencer's good friend and political mentor that isn't debatable.
Spencer's own words and actions completely contradict this. It's one thing to point out Jewish hypocrisy when it comes to Israels borders and laws it's another thing entirely to shill for the work of "based nationalist rabbi's" while simultaneously stating your support for the Jewish state unequivocally. Even if you try to explain away Spencer's actions with "muh PR" it still makes no sense when his base of support hates kikes and are well aware of Israels crimes and their role in Jewish power/schemes, the correct "PR" move in this case is to try and avoid talking about Israel as much as you possibly can and skate around the issue when asked.
Except for his own words. How many "slip of the tongues" does kike Enoch need to have before you guys believe him?
Oh his 1/4 Jew wife? Or his 1/2 Jew wife? Or have you guys finally admitted to yourselves that she's a marxist turbokike now ? Which is it?
Worse for whom faggot? What happens to a lying mongrel kike and his subversive podcast is no skin off my back, believe me.
As long as they come to the conclusion that niggers can't into Ancapistan they are alt-right.
Most of the alt-right is composed of "fashy" lolbergs after all.

I read 3/4 of your post, roughly, and you don't know enough to be posting here. Anytime a jew is involved, you should be deeply skeptical, and you seem to be giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Like with Trump?

We're thinking on completely different levels. I remember by which processes I came to my conclusions. The positions you are describing have no persuasive qualities. I well understand every single thing you are talking about.

we have the numbers nigger

not yet

except every TV show has mixed race couples

I honestly think Spencer is a smart guy, but he goes out of his way to be autistic as fuck. There's being intellectually honest and there's arguing with yourself on twitter.

It wasn't "at one point or another". Spencer had him right the foreword for a book he published a year or so ago, and he was at the very least involved with the creation of the retarded "alt-right" label.

Bullshit. If that was the only context he did it, then maybe, but he defends Israel all the time.

All jews are part of the problem, yes, and none can be our allies - not even the "good" ones who speak at NPI events or have their books published through Spencer's Washington Summit Publishers.

Here's the quote:


So "Fash the Nation" wasn't really Alt-Right?

Remember that time he spoke at a jewish community center at an event organized by "BASED nationalist jew" Luke Ford?

I highly admire the digits that KEK granted you, so I will reply. My statement was that when a jew is involved, one should be highly skeptical. I was not excluding the Trump administration from my statement, but the fact that you immediately used that specific argument against me is very telling.

I think that all anons here are very critical and skeptical of Trump. The problem for people like you is that he continues to hold up to our skepticism.

You're giving the cuckchanners and redditfags way too much credit.

No, I was likening their arguments to yours, and you made no atrempt at refuting that, but that's okay, because I wasn't looking to get into an argument with you on that topic anyway. I don't want to derail the thread. So, sage.

The concept of "white genocide" doesn't exclusively refer to miscegenation, nor would miscegenation be much of an issue if it weren't for replacement level immigration levels.

He also states that Spencer wants to base immigration laws around "skin color". The entire video is nothing but strawman arguments.

Learn what IDs are.


It is also very correct.

They are not. They should be. And then they should shut their mouths and defend him regardless. Because it is useful for us to do so, for now. He won't get much help elsewhere.

No, he doesn't. Unless the archetype to which you apply the skepticism is pretty low. He's just useful. and lovable

In similar fashion, Spencer continues to hold up to my skepticism. He will fail, sooner or later. As will Trump, because none of them are ideal but it is good that they are where they are right now.

In all honesty, I do emotionally have issues with case of Enoch being a kike. But it is not on level of liking him. I would find it troubling for the fact that, if that was the case, then non-jews are incapable of making such a popular and quality show for themselves. And if that is the case, maybe we deserve to be dumb goddamn cattle. If Jew can organize movements against himself better than we can, then we might as well put a gun in our mouth and be done with it. If on the other hand Enoch was sincere, for whatever reason, then we got fucked by a kike again by destroying them.

He's reading this off of a teleprompter. He shows no sign of comprehending the words he's saying.

Why is anybody surprised by this? Did you really expect Ezra's neo-Cohen propaganda channel would champion white nationalism?

Just. About. There.

Jesus fucking Chris, are you faggots STILL trying to shill that alt-right shit here? I stopped reading at that line. Did you not get the picture the first time you tried it and we btfo'd you into no tomorrow?


fucking kikes, man. They never learn.

Holla Forums has always been altright.

Holla Forums has always been Nazis, you fucking kike.

I never said anything about accepting a label you dumb faggot.

We are not Alt-Right because we don't have to compromise for publicity and present our case. I know, that's some really complex shit to wrap your head around.

lol well, the evidence is clearly against you. As always.

Oh please

Can you say something that tells me that at least I am talking to a fellow user? This thread obviously has shills in it, no offense.

That's exactly what that Austrian Identitarian Martin (((Sellner))) does. I hate that fucking guy so much. I believe he appeared one in a Rebel Media interview with that blonde slut.

Oy vey

I sware, I know all the memes fellow channer. Mashugana! I'm off anyway, it's night in Tel Aviv and I have a book to finish so no need to respond.

By extension he's saying he doesn't care if whites are wiped out.
What a rebel.

Regarding Trump, Holla Forums is now shifting into post-election phase. It's hard to transition, especially given the amount of shilling we were subjected to during campaign season, but now we're making good on our perception of Trump as a means to an end, not and end in and of himself.

You skipped his funny ending comment.

>Calling @GetOutMovie anti-white is right wing political correctness. youtu.be/qXncHhTkCDw
We should be thumbing that down too.

Gone for me too. Oy vey shut it down.

So this thread about Rebel Media was very briefly shilled by people who want to label us "alt right," and when they met resistance, they went to bed.

So, we can get back on topic now, right? Is it just me, or does the guy in OP's vid look like a black fucked a jewish girl?

The voice is what gave it away for me

This perception I can agree with. Sage for off topic, but would you say that so far, for the most part, he has held up to our skepticism?

Well, at least the video isn't aimed at us. Also, I find it funny that even know this is scripted this nigger is fucking struggling to sound like he possesses an ounce intellect.


You're better off just listening to RWDS Entertainment.

They were hoping these videos would get more traction with the "alt-right" crowd, but they're pulling the plug a little early, which means either they don't think Rebel Media would get any bigger or that people are waking up and they need to start making moves. Either way this will alienate far more people than it'll indoctrinate so it's a win for us.
Right now their subs have barely taken a hit, which either means this hasn't spread far enough, or that most of their subs are cucks/bots. Hopefully some more edgy right wing youtubers will do some videos and take this faggot down once and for all, but since he's on Cumia's channel he'll still probably have a lot of angry truck drivers who don't really watch youtube.

He's definitely some kind of mystery meat.

she is Spanish and Norwegian .. she did a dna test

its hurts the movement when you lie about who is a kike

66 > 55

What movement?

They didn't tell you what kind of meat grinder they were throwing you into, did they? That is because they themselves don't know. We will spot you instantly. You are getting paid to fail.

>watch Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress
You're fucking retarded Joey.

She's batshit insaine though.



Sinead you've sucked off blacks and think the Earth is flat.

Tell me one person that you don't think is a Jewish shill. I'll wait.

You're a jewish shill for sure.

Who isn't?


I look passed Trumps cuckery because he's the best we can get for now but get your shit together Holla Forums. You worship a guy that's drenched in Jewry while screaming "KIKE SHILL" at anyone that's actually close to sharing our ideals.

He's dead you RPing faggot.

Nice capitalization by the way, kike.

This. I don't know how they think we don't see their attepts at hooliganry and shennanigans. Remember, when the post shit like that, they actually expect us to buy it. It boggles the mind.

Who isn't a Jewish shill? I wanna know.

The rest of us.

So everyone but except some of the anons on this board?

Seems reasonable. Good luck.


Kill yourself kike.

US warning to Israel signals new backpedaling by Trump
The Trump administration has explicitly warned Israel against annexing parts of the occupied West Bank, saying it would trigger an "immediate crisis" between the two close allies, Israel's defense minister said Monday.
It was the latest indication that President Donald Trump is returning to more traditional U.S. policy and will not give Israel free rein to expand its control over the West Bank and sideline the Palestinians, as Israeli nationalists had hoped.
Speaking in parliament, Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said U.S. officials had been clear in their opposition to Israeli annexation of West Bank land — a notion that has gained steam in far-right Israeli circles since Trump's election.
"We received a direct message — not an indirect message and not a hint — from the United States. Imposing Israeli sovereignty on Judea and Samaria would mean an immediate crisis with the new administration," Lieberman said, shortly before departing for a working visit to the U.S.
Judea and Samaria is the biblical term for the West Bank, which Israel captured in the 1967 Mideast war. The Palestinians seek the West Bank as the heartland of a future state, a position that has wide international backing.
The angry U.S. reaction was sparked by comments by Miki Zohar, a junior lawmaker in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's nationalist Likud Party. Zohar is among a growing number of coalition members who reject the internationally backed idea of a Palestinian state and instead suggested that Israel annex the West Bank.
Under this version of a "one-state" scenario, the West Bank's more than 2 million Palestinians would receive expanded autonomy, but not hold full Israeli citizenship or be allowed to vote for the Knesset, or parliament. Although Netanyahu has not endorsed the one-state vision, many in his coalition do.
"The two-state solution is dead," Zohar told i24NEWS, an Israeli TV channel. "What is left is a one-state solution with the Arabs here as, not as full citizenship, because full citizenship can let them to vote to the Knesset."
"They will be able to vote and be elected in their city under administrative autonomy and under Israeli sovereignty and with complete security control," Zohar added. Israeli doves believe such a scenario would be both immoral and suicidal by threatening Israel's Jewish and democratic character.
"One state at this moment means apartheid," Ayman Odeh, leader of the Joint List of Arab parties in parliament, told foreign reporters Monday. "I think there needs to be great pressure for a Palestinian state to be established on the 1967 borders."
Lieberman said he received phone calls "from the entire world" about whether Zohar's proposal reflected the government's position. He called on the coalition to "clarify very clearly that there is no intention to impose Israeli sovereignty."
Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, who supports a partial annexation of the West Bank, said she was unaware of any controversy with the Trump administration and that Israel in any case is free to do as it sees fit.
"We are not a banana republic. We are an independent and sovereign state," she told Israel's Army Radio station. "There is a supportive administration in the United States. That administration needs to back up the state of Israel and the government's policy."
For the past two decades, the international community has said the two-state solution is the only way to preserve Israel's Jewish and democratic character. Supporters of Israel's moderate opposition strongly agree. Likewise, the world has almost universally condemned Israeli settlements built on occupied land as obstacles to peace.

So, I am an American, can a canuckanon tell me roughly how much impact Rebel Media has on the average Canadian? Or even how many Canadians are conservative? I would imagine more of the rural ones. I know Alberta is like Canadian cowboy country, but other than that, I know jack shit about Canada, eh.

Yeah man, he'll gas his daughters husband and all of his Jewish friends any day now. Also he's secretly a white nationalist.

All known white nationalists are actually kikes though. Trust the civic nationalist that surrounds himself with Jews and shit on white nationalists.

We should probably join antifa and attack alt-righters at their conferences. That'd be pretty based.

That's the tell-tale sign of a SJW. Nobody except them gives a shit about some dudes on Jewtube.

Nigger, your shit does not work here.

Have you seen her dad's face ? He's not Spanish and absolutely not Norwegian.





I want to seed her womb every 9 months.

Jew or not she's desperate for aryan seed. You probably have a shot.

Why is this bumplocked mods? Its important to be aware of current Jewish propaganda.

Kill yourselves

Gross. Dropped.

Oh god it really _is_ Sinead, isn't it?

that won't stop me

Doom guard just crushed the rebelcuckold. Its so funny they thought a decent percentage of their audience would cuckout with them. Absolutely shameful.


It's ok fam it's pretty funny. Subbed.

Doom Guard is the only "Jewtube" Personality I can stomach besides Varg.

why is this thread bumplocked?

Surely, a girl who shills for kikes and dated a paki would never lie about anything right ? :^)

Mike said if you barred jews from their forums he wouldn't be there. He also mentioned in a old podcast "amongst other jews".

Her lyrics suck. Also, no sense for rhymes and syllables. Her voice is her only redeeming quality.

Yes, and we have been doing great work these last years.
It's starting to feel that we're really turning a corner lads, don't let up the pressure one bit.
There will be plenty of time to relax and enjoy our victory once we're dead.

Probably learningcode aka imcuckfy at it again. Despite there being genuinely shit and slide threads, imcuckfy likes to use those as a smokescreen to bumplock threads of varying degrees of usefulness and interest. Benefit of the doubt but it could also be him and other idiots responding to bumplock requests by shills. Either way, we deserve better mods and that's never going to happen.

here's an idea: buy the site from pig fucker and run shit yourself

She also made this doc about it as well, unless it's the same one: https:// archive.org/details/PizzagateAndBeyondTheBigPicturesmall

Make sound arguments in the comments. This guy's argument is weak and his reasoning is circular. Gavin is weak. Rebel Media is weak.