List of various shill agencies, groups and tactics
I'd like everyone to do an in-depth review of the following as well as the Intelligence Primer in the sticky. The shills are getting more and more desperate, and the Shareblue funding surge has paid for quite a resurgence of professional shills. They're working a lot harder at blending in, so all Holla Forumsacks should be on their toes. My gut says this is the last big push by them before they all get arrested for treason, so they're going all out. We're making waves as evidenced by a panicked sweating ADL kike name-dropping us publicly a month or two ago. There are obviously overlaps among these different groups, and any anons with enough autism to work on org charts or contribute meaningful info to The List are welcome to do so.
Aggregate list so far:
Applied Memetics run by Dan Gabriel
CTR/CREW/Blue Nation Review/Shareblue run by David Brock
CIAniggers (thank you wikileaks)
Chinese shills
Goons/SJWs, /int*/, reddit, cuckchan, Holla Forums
Applied Memetics seems to have kept a low profile since Yeb and el rato were taken out of the running, but I wouldn't put it past them to still be working for various cuckservative or (((neocon))) groups. They're currently hiring which leads me to believe that they're still quite active. Considering they threatened to meme Holla Forumsacks into committing suicide, their continued existence should be a personal affront to us all.
CTR/CREW/Shareblue has stepped up their game as you guys have undoubtedly noticed. I imagine the $40 million has bought them a fresh crop of "nerd virgins" as well as some professional outside help. Now that they're fully doxed, all anons should obtain a copy of said dox for their records.
CIAniggers have been outed as largely pony-posting redditors (again, thank you wikileaks) so their main danger is through infecting our tech and spying on us. Any anons who would like to direct us to secure distros, vpn/encryption solutions and other Holla Forums or /g/ related information are welcome to do so within this thread. Gentoo is supposedly just a meme but I have heard good things about Arch.
Chinese shills have been busy trying to keep up appearances of the paper tiger, and interestingly have been implicated as working with Shareblue. Currently there are massive chinese currency outflows into bitcoin as their economy teeters on the brink of collapse due to massive malinvestment.
JIDF is shilling as usual. Anons should take note that the possible upcoming "single state solution" is a very nice d&c fracture point to be used against the jews/israelis. Most of their activity is still in the realms of "not the jews," which includes constantly posting ragebait to distract from the jewish problem.
The internet trash (goons, sjws, reddit, Holla Forums, cuckchan fags) are more or less in complete disarray. The current Holla Forums dox thread is hilarious, and most of these cucks are busy eating each other or themselves, or eating junk food and reading Harry Potter as they thrash about in a continual state of being triggered because we're president nao. Good job on that front, Anons. Tillerson's house cleaning of the State Department most likely included a fair number of goons getting shitcanned, so here's hoping that they're now homeless in addition to being wastes of skin. Most of the e-celeb factions have self-destructed (lol, TRS) and as far as I can tell most of the controlled opposition websites have either had funding pulled or have merely faded into irrelevance.
We have them on the back foot, so let's make the most of this opportunity.