List of various shill agencies, groups and tactics

List of various shill agencies, groups and tactics
I'd like everyone to do an in-depth review of the following as well as the Intelligence Primer in the sticky. The shills are getting more and more desperate, and the Shareblue funding surge has paid for quite a resurgence of professional shills. They're working a lot harder at blending in, so all Holla Forumsacks should be on their toes. My gut says this is the last big push by them before they all get arrested for treason, so they're going all out. We're making waves as evidenced by a panicked sweating ADL kike name-dropping us publicly a month or two ago. There are obviously overlaps among these different groups, and any anons with enough autism to work on org charts or contribute meaningful info to The List are welcome to do so.

Aggregate list so far:
Applied Memetics run by Dan Gabriel
CTR/CREW/Blue Nation Review/Shareblue run by David Brock
CIAniggers (thank you wikileaks)
Chinese shills
Goons/SJWs, /int*/, reddit, cuckchan, Holla Forums

Applied Memetics seems to have kept a low profile since Yeb and el rato were taken out of the running, but I wouldn't put it past them to still be working for various cuckservative or (((neocon))) groups. They're currently hiring which leads me to believe that they're still quite active. Considering they threatened to meme Holla Forumsacks into committing suicide, their continued existence should be a personal affront to us all.

CTR/CREW/Shareblue has stepped up their game as you guys have undoubtedly noticed. I imagine the $40 million has bought them a fresh crop of "nerd virgins" as well as some professional outside help. Now that they're fully doxed, all anons should obtain a copy of said dox for their records.

CIAniggers have been outed as largely pony-posting redditors (again, thank you wikileaks) so their main danger is through infecting our tech and spying on us. Any anons who would like to direct us to secure distros, vpn/encryption solutions and other Holla Forums or /g/ related information are welcome to do so within this thread. Gentoo is supposedly just a meme but I have heard good things about Arch.

Chinese shills have been busy trying to keep up appearances of the paper tiger, and interestingly have been implicated as working with Shareblue. Currently there are massive chinese currency outflows into bitcoin as their economy teeters on the brink of collapse due to massive malinvestment. They also talk up their military but you can always remind them that their force projection is almost zero. Their biggest real danger is the soft power they have acquired through colonizing western countries then buying politicians and real estate, especially the USA and Canada. They are similar to Saudi Arabia in that they are purchasing large amounts of farmland throughout North America.

JIDF is shilling as usual. Anons should take note that the possible upcoming "single state solution" is a very nice d&c fracture point to be used against the jews/israelis. Most of their activity is still in the realms of "not the jews," which includes constantly posting ragebait to distract from the jewish problem.

The internet trash (goons, sjws, reddit, Holla Forums, cuckchan fags) are more or less in complete disarray. The current Holla Forums dox thread is hilarious, and most of these cucks are busy eating each other or themselves, or eating junk food and reading Harry Potter as they thrash about in a continual state of being triggered because we're president nao. Good job on that front, Anons. Tillerson's house cleaning of the State Department most likely included a fair number of goons getting shitcanned, so here's hoping that they're now homeless in addition to being wastes of skin. Most of the e-celeb factions have self-destructed (lol, TRS) and as far as I can tell most of the controlled opposition websites have either had funding pulled or have merely faded into irrelevance.

We have them on the back foot, so let's make the most of this opportunity.

Other urls found in this thread: Departure PR-Apr07.pdf

The thread on shills I was going to reply to got deleted. I'll post it here anyway.

That's interesting. How long have you been seeing this "soft shilling"?

I ask because the shilling I was familiar with, from the CTR days and before, was more focussed on outright disruption and disagreement. Look at Rach, for instance. If their true MO was subtle steering of political views, it hasn't worked so far; I've only been drawn further to the right in my time here. I think I might know why, and it implies that "soft shilling" on Holla Forums is fundamentally pointless.

Many other posters have brought up this concept, but the core of right- and left-wing beliefs resemble K- and r-selection instincts, respectively. Right-wing ideals are geared to individuality and nuclear families - quality - predator - while left-wing ideals are geared to herd instinct and quick, rapid reproduction - quantity - prey.

I, for instance, am not swayed by emotional arguments. I consider it a shame and a moral failing when I feel the urge to. If someone disagrees with me, it is a consequence of the differing evidence and analysis each of us has encountered in our lives. I may seek the reasoning behind his claims, and try to figure out why we disagree. If his argument is well-founded and rational, I may reconsider my views _on my own time_. But I'm not going to immediately alter my convictions there and then. Further, I do this for both left- and right-wing views (indeed, trying to understand what or who had caused leftists to believe what they do - what the evidence was - went a long way towards redpilling me).

Leftists, on the other hand, cannot live without the company and approval of others. I suspect herd-instinct motivates them to seek quick reconciliation with anyone who agrees with them mostly, but not entirely. They will readily shift their viewpoint all over the map, if it means that they are aligned with their peers. Conversely, anyone far enough "outside the herd" is dangerous, and is to be ignored and rejected outright. This may explain how the Democrats have failed to comprehend the right so deeply in the 21st century. Trying to understand our views, like nationalism and traditional gender roles, is fundamentally against their instincts, as it is a threat to the herd. It rouses a kind of primal anxiety in them (sound familiar?), like a rabbit gazing upon a wolf.

The fundamental takeaway from the previous two paragraphs is that "soft shilling", as you describe it, _should_ work on leftists. They are inclined to switch beliefs with little or no thought, for the sake of agreeing with the herd, so all a crafty shepherd has to do is slowly nudge the herd in whatever direction he pleases. But it won't work on the right, because we take any nudge against our views - big or small - and consider it with time, thought, and a healthy dose of suspicion. The shills fundamentally fail to understand this, and, Kek willing, will continue to try to use leftist tactics on us until the sun burns out.

But again, that's just a hunch.

What are you talking about, Kampy still runs this board?

there are no shills on Holla Forums

the belief that there are government agents being dispatched to thwart your shitposting is just a way for roleplaying faggots to insert themselves as a main character into their own paranoid delusions

nobody outside of 8/pol/ cares about the nonsense that gets discussed on 8/pol, because it is all laughably wrong

but hey, don't take my word for it, pick up a gun and go "self-investigate" Comet Ping Pong. You tards are always good for a laugh when you leave the basement and do something crazy in real life(>being this bad at your job)

Shortly after we btfo applied memetics there was another guy that came into the spotlight. He ran some pac's posing as pro 2nd amendment anti trump, he was involved in some church things and was part of 2 or 3 different "church organizations" that went to africa and did some wierd shit. He was based in florida. I want to say his name was Peter __. There were a couple of huge dig threads regarding him and there wasnt a lot of shit readily available about him but we were able to trace together a very fucking interesting history and evidence that he was using the church organizations as a CIA front for doing some kind of subversion in africa.

Anyone remember who Im talking about? I could have sworn I had all the dig information on one of my hard drives but i havent been able to find the folder.

So I've wasted my time breaking links just to placate a handful of autistics delusions of grandeur?
that actually makes a lot of sense now that I think about it

Hasn't worked on me. Banning people you disagree with is a different tactic altogether, and falls outside the realm of shilling. I don't think imkampfy and CTR/CREW are working together, or this place would have been honeypotted six months ago.

You are here.

Like your agent did, you mean?

You think its not? there is a reason the "leaky forums" threads are always locked. This board is a massive antifa honey pot with Kampfy at the helm.

Reminds me of that time when the site was sold to a mason…

Anyone browsing for more than a month have seen them with their own eyes, and I'm seeing another one right now. Reported and filtered.

goons are furries. Never 4get Stonetear.

Oh and don't forget to mail or contact Sessions and have him throw Lowtax in prison for eleventybillionyears.

But then aren't you willingly participating in the honeypot, as per ? Who are the handful of autistics that you mention, if not targets for this honeypot? Where does that place you?

Yes I'm well aware I'm also using a VPN and really don't participate in too much wrongthink, I'm mainly here just for fun.

If you honestly, in your heart of hearts, believe that I'm a "shill" (i.e. I get paid to post on Holla Forums) then you are wrong. The things that you believe about the world are wrong.

Smart people believe things that are true. You don't believe things that are true, because you are not a smart person.

You believe in things that are not true, because you are as dumb as a bag of niggers.


Who are quoting, I've posted multiple times ITT that the most active mod on this board is a shill?(KIKE WAS SENT BACK TO HIS PONY BOARD FOR THIS POST)

You replied to that obvious shill as if he wasnt a shill.

And I stand by what I said, its pretty pointless to care about things like shilling or linking when this entire board is a obvious honeypot.

I'm not trying to argue there aren't shills, I just wrote a tldr on them. I just don't think the board is a honeypot, because I don't think we'd see either much more coordinated and centralized shilling, or no detectable shilling at all, instead of the clusterfuck of little groups we see now around CREW and AM.

In other words, 's argument applies to the adversary as well.

Good argument

Chinese shills are fun. Shame that they dont come here anymore since they found out the hard way that they cant indoctrinate us into thinking they already own the world.

CTR and ShareBlue dox here:


ok, show me evidence that I'm a shill, or even that shills exist in anywhere near the numbers that you faggots believe they do (several in every thread)

there was once a room full of nerd virgins employed by CTR, but you vastly overestimate the size and scope of their operation if you think you ever personally encountered one of them

those fags effortposted on reddit about specific candidates, they didn't wander imageboards making short posts about how national socialism a shit


ok, so where do I pick up my paycheck?

Because either I'm literally getting paid to post this or you're wrong and stupid, and as dumb as a nigger

I remember what you're talking about but I never kept that information. He was linked to CIA and evangelicals iirc. I wouldn't be surprised if we dug and found pedo ties.


That one retard doing it for free

At this point they're just throwing themselves onto their swords.

what benefit does a shill get from starting a military thread?

It's a dead dogs thread, idiot.

Posting images of dead doggos isn't very nice but how is that meant to ingratiate their opinion with us? These people must be pant shitting retards. Is it the same group of retards that were mocked by the Campaign team working for Hillary?

They're doing disruptive shilling, not soft shilling. It's probably one of the smaller groups just doing it out of butthurt


I don't see in this list the mudshits (turkroaches, pershits and saracens). When there are discussions about the Proxy War between Iran and Saudi Arabia, they always try to force "le based muslims" and "if u don't support islam u r a kike".
Many of these crypotokikes shill on the threads accusing everybody who expose their barbaric culture as kikes.

saved both threads for posterity so anons can look through them.
Dead dogs
Trump zionist

Reputation management groups, EU anti-racist shills, Ukraine anti-Russia shills.

Sandy Hook was pretty blatant, must be an alphabet group.

Daily reminder that wikileaks has never published fake documents ever.

also daily reminder that a lot of the DNC/Podesta emails are DKIM verified.

not that this matters to loonie lefties. apparently, that's totally insecure, according to people who don't work with computers, yet alone security.

And wikileaks up until the DNC leaks was almost a holy entity to the leftists. Have even old flash wikileak games in leftist websites before the Hacked emails of DNC in 2016 going to wikileaks who show this for everyone

Julian Assange and Edward Snowden used to be patron saints liberals swore by. Now what's the narrative on mainstream forums? "Wikileaks is all paid Russian propaganda, dismiss anything because they're foreign actors opposed to America".

The turnaround has been that drastic and it only began when they started exposing the DNC.

The mistake they made was not realizing they were worshipping true idealists, rather than fellow liberals. Then they're surprised when the idealist doesn't get on board for political expediency

That drastic turn around is insane.

I'm screaming inside whenever they do shit like say that they'll watch 1984 in protest of Trump because Trump is a meanie like Big Brother.

It's all that I can do to restrain my power level and avoid screaming in their face about how they're the baddies. Liberals are litterally Ingsoc in the 1984 comparison. Their celebrity gods lead their two minutes of hate against outsiders. They're the ones pushing for more censorship. To rewrite history and shove dissenting opinion down the memory hole in favor of safe spaces and combating an ever changing definition of "hate speech. " They're the ones that flip flop on command. They exalted wiki leaks, Snowden and assange when it fucked with Republicans, but now everything must be Russian agents spreading Russian lies. The leaks can't be real. Hillary can do no wrong. They hacked the election. We've always been at war with Eastasia.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

they hear all about the deep state, about the leaks, about thge collusion, about obama refusing to step aside, and about the CIA collecting every bit of information on everything they do.

and in spite of this, their "logical" conclusion is that "the orange drumpfffffffffffffffkis is putin's puppet".

i'm actually amazed to the extent the MSM lies still work over that group of people.

What the hell is a "CIAnigger" supposed to be? You kids and your fancypants neologisms make me sick in the bloody noggin

They even had anti-Rand shills years ago.

These people are living in an alternate reality

Russia, Russia, Russia

Apprantely Wikileaks takes orders From Trump, too

If these people are real non-paid non-left non-dnc dumb braindead brainwashed idiots instead of shills trying to create this narrative, they are the most dumb idiots.



I'll be honest, I do 45 a lot when I just don't feel like engaging my own brain for a while. TV mode posting essentially. Usually reserve it for blatant liberals or newfags asking stupid shit since I'm really just looking for a laugh.

100% Correct. Except for major television and radio news stations, globalist "non-profits" and NGOs, kike run law cabals, hundreds of blogs and clickbait sites with several million collective viewers, investigative committees and NSA operatives and …..

Second one is from the UK, the dead dogs guy is British, apparently.


Also these groups get paid by their handlers regardless of the actual efficacy of their posts.


Oh that's the dog guy.

You probably mean a DED DOOOOORGZ GUIZEEEEEEEEE thread.
This cancerous autistic faggot needs to die a slow painful death.
He was spamming this gore shit every day last week, i am not kidding.

Uses the word "botty" which is a british colloquialism used as a childish word for "butt" or "ass".
Read his words with a British accent. It all makes sense.

Shilling is very real and pervasive. As an oldfag it is obvious to me and I can spot a shill almost immediately, but more inexperienced Anons fall for it too often. The way I see it all older and experienced users have a DUTY to gently point out shilling on a case-by-case basis to the younger Anons.

Likewise, the shills themselves use this tactic. They'll accuse someone posting something legit as a "shill" in order to turn away Anons from discussing the post or topic. I think this tactic fails as shit however because Holla Forums is unconcerned with holy cows and groupthink approval. It seems designed to appeal to liberals because they always come in herds.

What I don't get is China shills. I personally haven't met them. I don't understand what could China possibly gain by shilling us. It's on the margin of things for us in a peculiar way - we despise its lack of ecological concerns and are repulsed by a lot of things they do internally, but this doesn't exactly translate into fully blown anti-chinese sentiment or policy. Though the more you think of it the more obvious it is China has shot itself in the foot big time, but shilling only makes her position WORSE because it's outing itself as a antagonistic force.

Is China worried about our enduring support of Japan? I'll agree - be worried about that and leave them alone. But they're playing a game they cannot win because the game wasn't about them in the first place. Even the Americans are distinctly pro-US rather than anti-China. Big difference. As a balkanfag I have no ill feelings towards China on fundamental levels but as mentioned above - ecology. They're poisoning the planet for all of us. Yet even that can be fixed and remedied, it's not a condemnation to the bonfire. I don't like them but I don't hate them either.

Is this in the end why I haven't noticed chinese shilling? Are they actually neutral on our important issues? By that I mean pro-white policies we endorse and anti-nigger sentiments. What if China is looking for implicit approval/greenlight from US, US here as opposed to goverments and crap? Maybe they want to genocide the Uyghur muslims and so on.

This entire post is speculation on the margins. i'm interested in China shills because I fail to see the purpose of them existing, unless the purpose is mere presence and hands on experience. Protip: hands on experience is worthless because you will either become like us or remain an outsider to whom we are incomprehensible.

tl;dr what do chinese shills hope to accomplish?

COINTELPRO specifically refers to the FBI program. Don't misuse the term.

Theres also that time someone honeypotted a shill in some government ran italian news beureau or something, when he was shilling against Pizzagate and Assange IIRC. Dont have the caps on it.

Same post, different threads..

Shilling the idea that trump give orders to wikileaks
Apprantely Wikileaks takes orders From Trump, too


Read this

kampfy, my old friend

Come on goys- I mean 'guys'!
Move along, there's nothing to see here.

Next you'll be telling me you actually take the "holocaust wasn't real" meme seriously!
Oy ve- I mean "okie dokie"!

China is a paper tiger and keeping up appearances (face, reputation etc) is a major portion of their foreign policy. They have to appear as a bigger threat than they are in order to get smaller countries to submit to their rule. If East and South East Asian countries actually decided to launch separate insurgencies against China at the same time, low level warfare etc, they'd be able to collapse China utterly. The Chinese are dependent upon the shows of force more than actual force because they don't have the ability to really back their threats up. They have trouble with force projection and logistics. They'd just throw manpower at every issue like they always have, but the losses would most likely be fatal to the country, especially now. If I was a leader of a south east asian country I'd be working on getting my intelligence operatives to covertly scuttle chinese ships. There's a lot you can do with a paid-off dock worker or two. Most empires are highly dependent on soft power and the threat of force anyway but China is an extreme example of this. China just can't really back it up so they are continually trying to create a larger-than-life image in order to avoid the conflict that would crash their country in the first place. You can contrast this with the USA, where we haven't won wars because of jewish-caused defects in our political system. All the actual wars we've fought in, we've won, but we've lost all police actions because you need proper imperial policy to have stable control over a foreign province and we completely lack that, because stability is against jewish interests in MENA. If you want a comparison, you should remember all the shilling in the 90's and early 2000's where the USG was represented as the most powerful force in the world and to go against it was utter suicide. Many Americans fully believed in this illusion, and instead of trying to confront it directly they simply submitted. That illusion has since been shattered in certain American subcultures, but there is still a prevalence of that opinion because the perceived monopoly on force is the grounds for the legitimacy of any government which depends upon coercion of its citizens to operate. If it's threatened then so is the government. If we move towards a government system that doesn't rely on coercion, then we will be free to assess its actual merits, strengths and weaknesses in a more realistic manner. China, as you all well know, is founded almost entirely upon coercion, so that monopoly on force and maintenance of image is critical to the survival of the government and therefore the ruling elite.
tl;dr - they shill because they need to appear strong or the country collapses overnight

That doesn't refute the point. Don't misuse the term COINTELPRO. You're poisoning the well if you do that.

That was my thread. I never got to see all of it. Make sure the shill tactic of tined dubs posts is mentioned

I've noticed that there has been a surge of kikery on all boards

I'm confused, is china supposed to be shilling for or against their paper-tiger perception. On one hand they want to appear strong on the world stage, on the other they might want to lure the US into complacency somehow… by convincing Holla Forums?

Wish I'd saved the thread, but a few days ago on Holla Forums, I came across yet another anti-Holla Forums shitposter peddling the same old shit I've become so accustomed to hearing from these shills. That everyone hates Holla Forums for derailing threads. That everyone is sick of Holla Forums acting like they own the place. That Holla Forums is the worst board. That Holla Forums is always starting trouble and then blaming it on imaginary boogeymen.. This shit is as tired today as it was a year ago.

But it gets better. This faggot hung around in the thread for hours peddling this shit. Insisting that Holla Forums has nothing to do with 8ch's userbase or that most people wanted nothing to do with Holla Forums and joined the exodus for completely different reasons. They argued at length with someone over how many exoduses there were and how GG and Holla Forums's reasons were non-issues…

And then, after hours of this shit, someone mentions CP, and what does this faggot do? Takes the time to chime in about how deepweb CP isn't that good and how he's disappointed that 8ch purged the pedos because he can't find any good kiddy porn.

More recently, Holla Forums has been hit with these faggots again. It seems like the anti-Holla Forums shitposting and derailing has kicked up again after a quiet period. As an example: >>>Holla Forums804190 A thread that never mentioned Holla Forums suddenly derailed by faggots bitching about Holla Forums ruining threads.

Add in the khaos fags D K M U. One of their members named Alex Barnhart, aka
"King Dago" fucked up and leaked their new operation early on halfchan. Their userbase is now freaking out, expecting "evil frog raids".

learn to archive dude, some one can dig through the archives later

Checked, well said user.

Most of what you said rings true to me and I'm aware of their fragility.

Perhaps we lack a crucial piece of information - chinese shills in other Asian countries.

Regarding soft power you are correct, but China has failed in that regard. Notice that Japan has a lot of soft power but their soft power is based on things that aren't there to intimidate us, degrade us or are antagonistic to us. To cut it short with a meme anime is pro-white, let's leave it at that.

China didn't offer us anything except vague displays of power, but these displays only make us think that they're hiding an inherent weakness (just like you said). They could've done it differently, they could've sought allies instead of enemies. But even that sounds too "real" given that we're neutral towards them, mostly. There's no inherent reason for us to be anti-China in the same way we're against racemixing, the Jews, niggers and various hidden hands in the world goverments. By shilling they're making their position worse. Someone in their agencies made a bad call.

Dan Gabriel joined the Trump train after Cruz was defeated, at least going by last time I checked his twitter.

That's just typical internet melodrama. But you are correct, manufactured consensus shilling is extremely effective against the spinless run of the mill cuck that makes up the majority of the population. If we stay in the zeitgeist long enough, 90% of the commies will come to us because we're the new herd, and it doesn't work here by definition because the only people who end up here to begin with are those who can go against the flow.


Somehow, I don't think they're going to like what happens.

Losing the presidency seems to have made quite a dent in their budget.


The shills have been smugposting, stealing dubs and trying to subvert Kek for at least the past year. They were actually scripting at one point iirc but stopped when they were called out. They'll most likely start making more concerted efforts for GETs as well, considering how well GETs have gone for us. They'll do whatever they can to try to subvert Holla Forums, disguise themselves as Holla Forumsacks and harm board morale. They're just ramping up right now and Holla Forumsacks need to be aware of this.

China is a paper tiger, which means appearance of deadliness without actually having it. They want to enhance their image as much as possible as necessitated by their foreign and domestic policy. In the meantime they are working at having a larger navy to have real force projection, but the effectiveness of their efforts and their numbers can never be trusted because the Chinese have a low-trust society which is dependent upon systemic fraud for advancement. They're absolutely shit-tier at everything, but even the most shit-tier thing can be dangerous in large numbers. A lot of jewish publications try to enhance this image (reuters is an egregious example) because not only does it make China (and jewish investments in china) more stable, but it also creates arms-race conditions with western countries (especially the USA) which is also profitable for the kikes. They have always sold weapons to both sides. A China-USA conflict is desirable for them, provided they can profit off both sides and then be in positions of power in the victorious country. China's imperial ambitions are almost out of their control, because the second they give up those ambitions then their demographic, environmental and economic disasters will all begin to impact in full. China's government is trapped in this behaviour, which is why we are seeing capital flight and massive numbers of middle/upper-middle/upper class Chinese moving to western countries. They are trying to get out before the country collapses into either massive depression/starvation, war, civil war, revolution or all three. The Chinese jewed themselves more than most of them probably know, and the past two decades of malinvestment has only made the resultant problems of Communist policies that much worse. China is a festering wound, and it's really not discussed often enough.

He threatened to meme Holla Forumsacks into suicide, and there were enough blackpill threads following that threat to show that he meant it.


Dubs confirm, they will be destroyed.

Same. That's what 11 years of religiously browsing 4chan will do to you.

I found an archive of the thread, but it's incomplete because either Mark or his retarded mods decided to delete a bunch of posts, but leave one of the faggots around. ID be504c
Pedo talk starts here

He starts off talking about the game, and then derails into whinging about Holla Forums.

Or you do it for free, probably cause you're scum.

Everyone, please remember, the ultimate key to everything:


its getting deep

China is a low trust society that runs on coercion and greed. Japan is authoritarian so there's quite a bit of coercion throughout society but it has much higher trust levels. Most of the differences in soft power techniques can be chalked up to that. It absolutely is a bad call to shill us, but they have no choice but to do so which I explain in this follow-up.

It's been one hell of a ride and the ride never ends.

china actually has some very potent soft power. dont underestimate them. they have one thing the west does not. they can say they never colonized other countries. every country in the world has been colonized by the west at some point in history and they are butthurt about it. especially the chinese. thats why china can win influence so easily in third world shitholes and the middle east. and they do. hell even the south koreans like the chinese nearly as much as us and they are our allies. and they do a ton of business with china as well. and they are against THAAD. because they are a huge market and they have no bad blood.

Forgot to mention, d k m u also runs as a recruitment tool.


Fuck someone answer this guy

There's been an odd increase of call to arms against China and Iran. Both of which are strongly allied with Russia. So any decisive military action is out of the question.

Are there neocohen shills pushing for WW3 on Holla Forums?

They've been pushing for it everywhere else so I don't see why they wouldn't here as well.

They're pushing WW3 with Russia, Iran or China.
They're also pushing for USA civil war and/or balkanization.

His memes suck anyway. He still appears to be supporting Trump on Twitter, even retweeting vault 7 stuff. He's a cuckservative but not so far gone to be nevertrump.

The real threat of china comes from their collapse. Ten years ago we coulda laughed it off. Today a huge portion of most everything comes from them. While our and the worlds dependence on them seems to be slowing down heavily the current requirement for their goods can be very troubling if they collapse in any way shape or form.

The bright side, is their loss on that front isn't fatal in and over itself to just about anyone else other than them. But it could end up being the catalyst that launches huge (good and bad) changes throughout the world both culturally, socially and economically. The most prominent being the collapse of vast amounts of paper wealth dependent upon trade with that nation and the spreading contagion of fiat collapse which can be the straw that breaks most of the wests domestic authoritarian system and launches nations and peoples fed up with all of their own nations shit into open civil war because they refuse to accept any more pain from their own leaders.

kampfy i dont really get you, sometimes the most centered user with very good long posts, other times the mos autistic and autodestructive idiot user ever.

i can bet my ass that you share your acount with different people or that you have a personality disorder, i will go with the first one, given the incoherences in your moderation behavior.

perfidious albion always strikes at the right time

the alternative is getting run over by that very same train.
wise choice if you ask me.

Would shill sites like Freech fall under /int*/ category?

Freech is /int/, lurk more

The weeb's who love Japs and advocate for having mixed hapa children are even worse than shills, and they are completely tolerated on Holla Forums. It's even kosher to say Jap's are (((honorary Aryans))) but Greeks, Italians, Spanish etc. aren't white. Ban the weebs before you ban the shills, because the shills are more obvious.

Doctorate students writing white papers for government institutions. Did my fellow Holla Forumsacks write this deep undercover to continue the ruse?
Did a presidential candidate mention, "nazi frogs'?
Is the ADL in on the ruse too?

The only thing I will admit is that not everyone is ShariaBlue, Apllied Memetics and JIDF. But they do visit. It's mostly autistic lefties and non-whites that get so buttblasted they come here to attempt to stir shit.

Hasn't that issue been settled, goon?

That is unavoidable, because this is all public. (((They))) are counting of d&c efforts because (((they))) believe we are just posing in our determination. (((They))) opened too many fronts while being centralized thin. We are modular and have better motives.

To ease some of your fears of Holla Forums being gutted-out and 'controlled' just focus on the effects of the objectives per mission.
You'll recognize them by their fruit.

If you keep doing your duties of building the relational maps of evidence and somehow forecast the effect of certain campaign done here by some threads which aim to help certain objectives that will work towards (((their))) white genocide plan, you can warn the swarm. We, by ourselves, each node, can verify the claims and spot the shill.

This is a fine example of shilling and D&C.

only Terry is safe, super holy opsec is the way to go.

What's your point?
I see multiple shills on Holla Forums Holla Forums saying Greeks and Italians aren't white and nobody corrects them.
You being a butthurt weeb that wants hapa Supreme Gentleman children with a Jap doesn't make me a goon. I don't hate anime, but I'm not addicted to it like you worthless weebs are.

Hhmmm, I wonder who could be behind such a post?

They're attempting to destabalize the United States so it is no longer a rival to them. Their ideal is Balkanization and their cultural values emphasizing patience mean that they're willing to wait a very long time for it to happen. Recall the Soviet infiltration of our culture, which a certain defector brought into light in the 1980s.

You don't hate anime so much you came to this thread to specifically start complaining about people who like anime?

One reason why I am glad to see this stickied as I was trying to bring attention to this earlier. It doesn't seem like theyve been doing all of these tactics for a year now though.

It seems like they either think Kek isn't real at all, or that it's a constructed egregore that can be influenced. They really don't understand what they're dealing with at all.

/int/ and /int*/ are not the same thing

They fail to understand that Kek is a God of Chaos.

It's brilliant how the CIA finally managed to neutralize Wikileaks. They tried to get feminists and numales against him with the fake rape charges, but when that didn't stick, they didn't know what to do. Now this Russian shit has finally discredited them. A decade ago, libs loved wikileaks for exposing war crimes in Iraq, etc. now they have turned against them. Just look at the comments on the NY Times to judge sentiment among middle class liberals, they've all fallen in love with the CIA since Trump won the election, and hate Wikileaks. It only took the CIA ten years or so, but they finally did it, the got the liberals to embrace the CIA and NSA. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. Sad!

Not wanting to go to war with Palestine for the kikes profit is not being a mudshit.

Reminder to not tell shills how they were caught.

Anti-anime is anti-white, shill. You should know that we know by now.

Notice how the shill connects two unrelated things - anime and the old cuckchan tier "X isn't white" or "are X white?" trolling. This is in order to link the two in the mind of user. By doing this he seeks to divorce you from the only healthy form of entertainment with traditional and even pro-white values, while simultanously sowing actual D&C among the various white ethnicities.

Furthermore he accuses you of being what he is - a shill. A few Jew pics here and there, a bit of stolen memes and he thinks he's set. He is in fact wholly transparent as a subversive element, and he still cannot fit in or have authentic posts because he isn't authentic. Anonymity is most precious to honest people, and dishonest individuals be they shills or just trash cannot operate in such an environment.

Be wise. Be clever. Never fall for the anti-anime spiel or the D&C of various sorts.

At the bottom, Anons who watch anime also have an interest in cultural and metaphysical nuances most of the times. Anons who don't are either shills or simply oriented towards tangible stuff. We need both the soul and the body, culture and cracked antifa skulls. The perpetual effort to demonize anime is because the Jews want to remove a possibility of an authentic culture springing from our ranks.

Anime is the wagnerian opera of our times. Whites thrive on it, and we who thrive on it are fiercely involved with Holla Forums. We are Holla Forums and Holla Forums is us. Anime and anime related topics are a wonderful way to keep outsiders at bay, because they don't have the time to actually watch anime and understand it as we do. In a manner of speaking being an anime watcher is the initiatory rite into right wing.

Even if you reading this are uninterested in anime ask yourself this - would our enemies tolerate us having something of our own? They would not. This is why they destroyed western media. The notion that some of us (most of us!) broke away from the electric Jew and (((Hollywood))) is unbearable to them. It means they lost control. Anime watching is us having control over what we consume, what we approve of and desire, and it speaks to us about our own ideals. This frightens the Jew, this horrifies the globalist. Because anime is also a cultural product, a distinctly japanese thing. Authentic culture is anathema to the globalist. Watching anime is like watching the ideals of aestheticism and culture reflected in a mirror, and it is a good and honest mirror.

We need to discuss Alex Jones, he has a lot of viewers and hinders those who want to swallow the red pill, he feeds them half truths, lies, and is a fear monger.

If there's one subversive person that needs to be discussed, it's the clown Alex Jones.

Anime is degenerate.

I was heavily targeted by this shit and then it all subsided for awhile and they left me alone.

I don't trust anyone who shills colloidal silver. Have the idiots that buy that shit never heard of Argyria?

I could maybe see using it on an open wound in a survival situation when that's literally all you have, but to just take internally?
What. The. Fuck.

Oh, you

I think it happened and continues to happen to me as well. More importantly despite me being just another user I'm fairly certain every single thing I do on the Net is followed and analyzed.

Except Alex Jones is an agitator and this is known

Don't believe his lies

Spamming the chat of his live shows with
went pretty well for some time.

We have run out of time.
NK is going to preempt the happening @ the behest of China.
China knows they cannot win the long game against us now as RUS and USA will be against them in 2 more years.
NK will escalate a limited event. The shock waves will blow the economy.
Chinese army and PLA are in full military ground war build up mode. They expect a land push through Mongolia and a full scale attack from India and Vietnam. SK will evaporate.
On the Grand scale Wikileaks releases will hurt the USA more than help in this. We have run out of time. Turkey is going to full scale invade Syria.
The only way for China to hurt the USA is to cause a major shit storm NOW. They will …WILL hit the US Pwr Grid. The US is to reliant on computing logic control for their national infrastructure.
Pots and terminals have been in phase out for 15+ years. Prepare for a depop in the chaos to soon happen.

If the CIA JIDF and china is lurking here it is very likely that European intelligence agencies are lurking in this thread waiting to arrest anyone using hate speech.

You can't say one way or the other, whose on here. No one can.

The belief that you aren't a failed, broken person is why you posted here, because in real life you're unable to demonstrate as much.

Nobody outside cares? In that case, how do you explain all the articles in establishment publications the past year?

The guy who went to Comet Ping Pong wasn't from here. He was an actor and the son of an ATF agent who specializes in undercover operations, as you know. I'll come to your house with a gun though.

Hello again, retarded Jewish homosexual.

Great! then you can enlighten us on what those are. More posts equal more shekels for you, right Jew boy?

So profound! In gay the Jewish gimps mind.

hahaha. Jewish and autistic!

Here he is again.

Evidence like… the IRS data showing how got paid by CTR? Yeah I think that would do.

We didn't estimate anything asshole, the DNC told everyone what they were spending on it. Later they increased by another 4m.

How would you know if anyone here encountered one unless you're a shill? You have great difficulty with logic, Jew boy. You obviously aren't a very smart person. In fact, the more you shitpost, the more you sound like you could be the product of some kike inbreeding.

Again, how do you know, Jew?

The synagogue.

That was all from our, gay Jewish friend. He'll be back though and still saying, NOTHING. Poor stupid Jew.

You can actually see them in action in >>>/pinoy/, where they essentially bully the Flips into doubting their own leaders.

The reassuring part of this is that no matter how hard the shills try to manipulate, D&C, distract, and spread misinformation on this board, they are slowly getting red-pilled and seeing the truth of things. Soon they will see what we see.


In Russia there's a joke: "Crime was defeated long time ago. Now all gangs consist solely of undercover KGB agents."

Well then you can fuck right off my dude

You forgot /fringe/

They're goymasons who ruin all our philosophic and magic threads and have recently taken over Holla Forums.

Fuck Hermes

Fuck Thoth

Praise KeK

Now Fuck off!

check my oc

"x isn't white" d&c gets banned on sight, retard.

Jews aren't white.

If you're not a shill, you're a shilled sheep.

Learn psychological warfare. What you are doing is called conditioning.
Of course, you probably already know this.

If you've forgotten all the leaks proving that they are shilling here, you are either a newfag or a shill pretending to be a newfag.
Lurk moar.

I think you need to think this one through.

Those have been here since day one.
The only ones that disagree with that are jews. We need all knowledge for the truth.
Fuck me this thread got hit hard by shills. They are nervous.

I fear the chinese psyops have been here for a long time but ignored until shareblue emerged.


I think china has been active since the 90s actually.

Hey guise, heil hitler, amirite? Check out this dank amphibian.

Looks like Holla Forums


That explains a lot.

Just shitposting out of boredom. Also miss EFG. :(


Daily reminder to contribute to >>>/polarchive/
























What was this posters IP mods?


Lurk more, newfag




MSM memes are lame




You're probably newer than me fag.


The mods can't see IPs, you fucking retard, they are given a character string instead. On top of that the fag's post history had already been posted not too long afterwards.

And now I know. I've never been a mod of anything on 8ch, but clearly that makes me retarded :^)


It very clearly means that you are either an autist from halfchan desperately trying to fit in or a complete and utter newfag desperately trying to fit in. Every single fucking screencap from mods shows it to be the case, and pretty much every board from Holla Forums to /a/ has made screencaps of post history. And then there's the added bonus of the screencaps being posted in every single infodump about shills.




how the fuck do i become a mod on this piece of shit website?

You dont shill.

i want to clean up the shilling tbh, im fucking tired of the god damn jidf running free around here, i'll probably be fired (^: in a week but it'll be worth it

Too newfag.
Go back to whatever hellhole ye crawled from.

What's the specific agency that's been promoting every jewish neo-con kosher nationalist political party or zionist terrorist crypto-kikes like Anders (((Behring)))-Breivik* on these boards?
*Like in the promotional gif currently at the top of my page now as I write this.

I just put all the astroturfing down to the organised teams of jewish hasbara however the CIA also has had a hand in deactivating the resistance to international jewry and having everyone calling for wars for isreal too, perhaps there's many alphabetti agencies involved in disrupting and misdirecting the movement.

He like dorner the uncornerable is a patron saint of Holla Forums. Tread carefully and speak your next words carefully outsider, or they may be the last ye post!

I agree with much of your post, but calling breivik a jew is just as bad as calling Trump one.

Did you know he had plastic surgery as a child with the intent "to appear more Aryan looking" according to his schoolfriends.

All of his associates and contacts prior to the event were jewish counter-jihadist organisations with the only parties supporting him were the jewish Defence League, EDL, Pam Geller etc

Norwegian killer had plastic surgery to look more Aryan, claims intelligence chief

You dont get it. In this particular instance he is a hero. Dorner was a fuckign nigger.
We worship who we worship shill bitch.

Did you know, not even the verminous kikes would have the brass neck to claim Breivik was anything but a zionist patsy until recently where the global effort to rehabilitate the zionist terrorist coward and ethnic jew/freemason

Anders Breivik Hidden Truth
Zionist Terrorism in Norway

Right you are Moishe

You wont hang leftists and gays because they are white huh?
you wont hang jewish children on the day of the rope will you?
Moralfag scum.
I charge you with cowardice before the enemy and treason to the white race.Commisar! Shoot this man for HERESY!

You wont hang leftists and gays because they are white huh?
you wont hang jewish children on the day of the rope will you?
Moralfag scum.
I charge you with cowardice before the enemy and treason to the white race. Commisar! Shoot this man for HERESY!

All evidence points to his jewish terrorist links.

The leftists against isreal are part of the way on the route to enlightenment
Certainly more jew-wise than any of the zionist neo-con cheerleaders you see astroturfing these boards for greater isreal

How many of his victims were jewish?

None, is the answer btw

If he killed jews we could honour him, as it stands he simply killed white kids for isreal
That makes him a zionist terrorist like every neo-con zionist being championed here

Only jews would try and romanticise about a pro-isreali, pro-queer, pro-multiculturalism but counter jihadist crypto kike, as you are doing right now.

also doing ANYTHING AT ALL that could divide Holla Forums is against the rules.

i´ve seen this same shill in /monster/, Holla Forums, /tg/, and even in taco form in /argentina/

You are jewish
Breivik was a zionist terrorist, a crypto-jew (plastic surgery, see above) with links to jewish terrorist organisations, not one contact was pro-white but pro-jew

Only you are trying to create divide by pretending that your boy, the crypto (((Behring)))-Breivik is anything but a zog/freemason kike

Killing white kids that are against isreal is a big no no in all spheres of pro-white movements.
Everyone on Holla Forums is against isreal
Everyone on Holla Forums is against zionist terrorism

You are promoting jewish zionist/freemason kikes, that should get you banned for life, however your not the only kike here astroturfing these boards, hence my initial post.

also this is some shit here.


Anyone remember that one guy on Holla Forums who taught people how professional shilling worked?


You do realise that nobody on Holla Forums ever supported the zionist terrorist and Mossad assisted Breivik until very recently.

This is a thread about various agencies and jewish organisations shilling here.
And yet here you are shilling for kikes and jewish championed terrorists, displaying the usual chutzpah and brass necked kikery that got you removed 109 times in the past.



I was on cuckchan when it all went down, its always been a split issue

gtfo newfag.

And now comes the straight up lies.
Ive been here too long for that to work.

Let no one here claim shilling doesn't happen. Anyone who does is an idiot or a shill himself.

All of his associates and contacts prior to the event were jewish counter-jihadist organisations with the only parties supporting him were the jewish Defence League, EDL, Pam Geller etc


I'm enjoying this demonstration of jewish astroturfing that you're conducting kike on this thread discussing the various shills on here




0.10 shekels have been placed into your foodstamp card with this post semite-kun




Keep it up Moishe, this thread is about exposing you jewish shills and there are even others here pretending that no jews or the CIA shill on this board.

You're doing a great job demonstrating how brazen and unconscionable you kikes are.


This is the last of my shilling folder

the funny part is you are already ours. Notice how you spread our memes.
You have to slander your employers with every words just to fight us.

We have already won.
Its only a matter of time before you become a Holla Forumsack.

I proved it with plenty of evidence, his own words, deeds and associates.

Yet you've replied dozens of times to my clearly laid out evidence without one demonstrable fact to backup your jewish lies.

"The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again.

But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them."

Oh wow you can copy past text from a book.

It has been determined time and time again that Brevik was never really redpilled, but served as a useful tool. Its not something worth derailing the thread over. Derailing is a common shilling tactic, used to get people to stop talking about the main topic of a thread. Now gtfo.

Hes like dorner. He might not have been one of us, but he was useful and lulzworthy. You are a either a shill or just a

Yeah, it's called presenting evidence to support my assertions and claims.

Instead you've merely fired off dozens of replies pretending that kikes don't shill here on Holla Forums, on a thread talking about kikes shilling here on Holla Forums.

" We have to influence cultural conservatives to take up our anti-racist, pro-homosexual, pro-Israeli direction. "
—Anders Behring Breivik, posting on website, 2009

Irony was never your strong suit.

Posting incontrovertible proof and facts as supportive evidence to my claims is an ancient Aryan custom of which you're clearly unfamiliar.
Whereas every reply you've made so far, of which there are dozens by (((you))), haven't yet once addressed a single point made directly now offered a solitary jot of proof for your lying jewish claims, yet you claim offering clear indisputable evidence is a jewish tactic…

PS - Here's an old Metapedia article written about the zionist terrorist several years before you jews had the brass necked cheek to try and rehabilitate him, which is a recent thing and only those new to Holla Forums wouldn't remember this.

Now fuck off you low rent kike

That is the most pathetic shit imaginable. Sure, if you don't want to engage a shill then report him, but if you wish to be productive then you should try to provoke him into exposing himself so that you may archive his faggotry for all to see.

It was a leftist-run camp intended to recruit them and possibly eventually put them into important positions in the party. A leftist that is against Israel is just as useless as a Muslim that is against Israel, they most certainly hate it but for all of the wrong reasons. Although I still think Breivik was wrong, you are unbelievably retarded.

Jesus Christ this is what we actially came to.

Your sacrifice would not be forgotten.

Cartoons literally written in rice runes = white?

So far it's jews, zionist uber kikes like frank Gaffney, jewish terrorist groups like jewish defence league and a number of jewish shills here praising the zionist terrorist freemason and crypto-kike Breivik for killing white children protesting against the Satanic kike-HQ Is-Ra-El

Yep Hezbollah resist international zionist jewry and they do a damn fine job of killing kikes.
Whereas jewish hero Breivik killed white children because they opposed counterfeit fake state isreal.
So far he has harmed zero kikes and killed whites protesting against the enemy of all mankind isreal.

Anyone that opposes international jewry in any of its guises is part of the resistance to international jewry.

Reminder, here is a collection of jewish shills' clipnotes contained in the original jewish Defence leagues defence webpages of their friend and associate Anders (((Behring)))-Breivik

I'm the primary banter man in that Holla Forums thread who called for anons to stop invoking the name of other boards like Holla Forums and Holla Forums and instead call a fag a fag
Holla Forums and Holla Forums have definitely been dealing with this shit for days, the Holla Forums mods are shitters that can't tell a foreign fag from an user but Holla Forums is fairly well defended

here is another thread where a foreign fag claims to be alt-right
was feeling tired and lazy so I most jsut fucked with him with weak bants becasue that was sufficient >>>Holla Forums799360

Have a depiction of Muhammed.

Just because Hezbollah is doing a great job doesn't mean that they are representative of most Muslims, who are cancer beyond belief. The same goes to leftists, some may be based enough to compensate for the cancer they bring, but the overwhelming majority do not. Being anti-Israel is nowhere near enough to carry leftism, especially since they protest Israel predominantly because "whites are oppressing brown people again" and not for any other reason


No. Do you possess reading comprehension? user specifically noted that the reason anime is such a vibrant art form and so despised by the left is that it is uniquely Japanese. In other words, it is an art form that is specific to them, their culture, and their nation, and that is why it is so beautiful to us, and disgusting to the leftists.

I think traditionalism, nationalism, always produces beauty and aesthetically appealing forms of art, culture, and vice versa for those who reject traditionalism. Look at the art Western cultures used to produce, it is magnificent, and look at what we're doing now. We've been so overrun by the Jews that a small island nation produces superior art with the technology of the day, while we produce Johnny Test or Steven Universe, which lack any artistic quality at all. We have lost touch with our culture and our people, and in so doing we have lost the spark that produces great works of art.

Look at Communist countries and how grey, drab, and lifeless they become, and then examine modern "art" in Western countries. It is a sea of filth and ugly, drab, utterly uninspiring dreck.

It still amazes me how visceral the reaction to aesthetically appealing art is from our foes. It is as if it causes them physical pain. The left can't abide anything beautiful because they are creatures who, when they see it, rather than admire it, resent it as it reminds them of their own deep seated feelings of inferiority. That's why they seek to make everything "equal", everything "fair", by dragging everything down to the lowest possible denominator.

Just anecdotal but I've noticed on boards that have lower shilldar or places like twitter they can usually be baited into mentioning that they work for the government or a government agency. Just seems like a workable point of hubris from a couple of experiences Ive had. This is usually followed by an account deletion or downtime. This works for my strategy of getting them to shed accoutns quickly and never build up a repuatation or workable matrix of sock accounts.

China is a ticking time bomb. As you mention, they must continue to expand and tightly control their populace, or they will explode in sectarian violence. People don't realize how much of a powder keg that country really is, and how viciously the populace would turn on its leaders given half a chance. The Han have brutalized every other part of the populace so completely that if their control cracks even a little bit you will watch seas of blood spill out from China.

I think it's more likely that the leaders of China will unleash the golden horde they have brewing in their country on one of their neighbors first. There's a lot of aggression and hate there under rhe surface, and I don't think the leaders of china are stupid enough to not know that they need to direct it at something other than China before it explodes.

I like it

But realistically, who can they even direct their forces at? China has more or less expanded as far as it can against countries without nuclear deterrents.

Look at this fucking shill trying to get e-celeb points for being "an oldfag".

look at this fucking jew trying to discredit valid points

Glad i'm not the only one who has noticed this. I've been browsing Holla Forums lately after a long hiatus and the board is indistinguishable from a year ago, i've never seen so much anti-Holla Forums sentiment there before. Everyone should go check out the GDC thread there if it's still up, it's crawling with shills.
Another common shill tactic i've seen a lot on Holla Forums lately is this blatantly bullshit false equivalence nonsense.
The shilling on it's own isn't new the difference now is HWNDU caused a massive influx of cuckchan newfags across all boards who don't know the board culture here and fall for the shilling.

I hope you are not really surprised on the amount of lefties on Holla Forums, Holla Forums is like the 3rd biggest board here after all.

I try to call them out when I can. It's easy to spot a commie pretending to be from Holla Forums

Or so you think.
Commies make good spies.

They're good at subverting, not spying

Well by spying I ment browsing here pretending to be right-wingers.
And I wouldn't say they are really good at subversion, if you go look at Holla Forums it's an unorganised mess and all the organised subversions usually take a meme character rather than a serious informational assault by people who are paid to do this shit.
Though unorganised singular subversions definetly may take place, but in what quantity I have no idea.


200+ replies to a shill awareness thread and not one mention of "shillgate" yet? Dumping my folder for newfags and lurkers.





Do you have some background on picture 1, the vaccine shilling for Bill Gates? Ive never seen that or heard about it b4.

Where do I find the shareblue dox records? no bully pls

don't use online password managers
1password and lastpass are backdoored

The Intelligence Primer now has a new addition.

Polarization Shill

Remember to brush up on your Memetic Compendium for basic meme theory.

Soft shilling has always been a thing. You're just noticing it now. Forum dilution techniques are as old as the internet. Consensus cracking, forum sliding, astroturfing, etc

excuse me?


Already dumped shit on it, fam. Although I didn't post everything you did, I posted the shit that came out when it was still about Plugmarketing in specific.

Alt-right image board idiots fell for the biggest "shill" operation in history:

The 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign.

Now all the conspiritards, patriotards, and white trashionalists are good little Republicans again.

Donald Trump's presidential campaign was the single most successful U.S. intelligence psy-op of the past 50+ years.

Absolutely this!

However during this psyop to have the newly awakening goys cheering on zionist neo-con politics, anyone that pointed out Trump's absolute historical duplicity and ownership by jewish banks and as we see today, his entirely uber-kike zionist cabinet, they were called "conspiratards" or "black-pilled" for presenting all the evidence of his jewish connections.

This was done in line with embedded agents' (like CIA-kike Anglin) insistence that all WN/jew-wise orgs must shed all these crazy conspiracy theorists from the 'movement' and go full kosher conservative to defeat the jews…

Now to be red-pilled is to champion and dedicate yourself to being unpaid marketeers for the jewish neo-con zionist caliphate.

It's weird because people claiming to be 100% woken up and "Red-pilled" have (thanks to non-stop CIA/alphabetti agency astroturfing) effectively gone back into the deepest slumber they've ever been in at any point in their lives prior, and are now (in the misguided misapprehension of having now 'won') are doing absolutely nothing to contest the JWO but just sitting back and passively waiting for Trump and his entirely jewish cabinet to somehow materialise into Hitler.

They are now the unpaid attack dogs of the jewish zionist neo-conservative establishment's right, fighting against the jewish liberal Marxist establishment's left.

Nothing has been done whatsoever to undo or address the total jewish control of the American nation its government and its industries.

There was an attempt

I cringed actually


How red-pilled must one be to do precisely what the CIA and all other jewish agencies have spent years and millions of dollars in shaping your broken minds into doing for them?

You really think this retarded rethoric will work here?

Could you explain what's retarded about this 'rhetoric'?
The fact that all online 'jew-wise' movements in the Anglo-American speaking world have now coalesced into the same hive-minded kosher conservative campaigning teams like Amren/Breibart and all other jewish controlled counter-jihad movements.

That's something to be concerned about, especially on a thread about various jewish agencies astroturfing the movement into ineffectual insignificance WRT resisting the jew world order..

You really genuinely think trump is on your side?
This is the literal "left foot right foot" Hope & Change 2.0 BS he is the same as every other puppet president, he has no real power and he is more of a tv character than a real person.

Holla Forums is not one person
Fuck off

Based info. I never could get a straight answer on this fucker. Thanks, user.

Why would we worship anyone?

Yeah, sure, shill. Whatever floats your boat. Not that I expected you to demonstrate any form of higher, more abstract thought.

Has anyone tried linking shillgate information on twitter or other places to alert normalfags to the shill menace? Are people aware of the amount of manipulation on the internet?

Nice try shlomo but Trump is anything but a business as usual conservative. Thats why the GOP itself fought him tooth and nail all the way to the finish line.

i don't get it. we call this shit out and the shills never fucking learn.
are our opponent's really this dense?

They assume only the few who call them out notice it or care. They're retarded.


I wonder why this isn't stickied

It was for a while.

Shilling is getting more and more severe on halfchan. So much so that the cucked mods have finally taken notice of it. Shareblue/CIA's Bots are wrecking havoc and we need to find a way to deal with it.

Maybe Hiroyuki has been shitcanning the SJWs?


shill doesn't specifically mean paid to post.
it's assumed you knew that because you read the op.

One would hope.

I think I found a group of shills we've previously overlooked.
They have links to one of the dead shill boards >>>/politics/ in their board ring, and the dead shill chan

The board seems to be run by one tripfag "milo!CFJsAXJGfk" who in addition to being extremely anti-trump is also fond of posting on trap boards and leftypol.

Bumping for this faggot's self description in the search results:


holy lol

China has a massive shill operation but they're mostly shilling Chinese topics to Chinese people, trying to influence their domestic opinion. We might run into them on occasion on topics like missile deployment to Korea or Japan.

Didn't see anyone post this one yet, It's the creator of the (((grass roots))) march called #FireTheFool planned in Arpil. He works for some social advocacy PR firm. It was covered in an earlier thread but I'll repost:

Craig Bowman
Craig Bowman
1936 1st Street, NW
Washington, dc 20001
Telephone: 12027442567
[email protected]/* */

some stuff he's involved with:

Found some PDFs where was was on some commission panels, involved with USAID programs, and other stuff. This parasite is literality fucking everywhere. The rabbit hole just got so deep I lost steam.

He was also Executive Director of the National Youth Advocacy Coalition, here's a pdf discussing how he suddenly voluntarily resigned. Banking he's a fucking pedo as well. Departure PR-Apr07.pdf

I think the Anons in this thread attracted some particularly special shills, they're carefully using well applied psychological methods to kill the thread. FBI Tesla suppressors/MIB? What is this?

I can't fucking wait until leftists are lined up and shot. These retarded meemees they make are reason enough to do it.

saving from the slide

I would keep a huge focus on the subreddit r/esist

agreed. bump

I was wondering if pic related is a shill tactic. I can see it both ways. Shill tactic because it shits up a thread with no content replies, making signal get lost in the noise.
But it could be legitimate, having multiple anons state their will could make Kek more likely to grant the wish. Also increases the likelihood of trips/dubs/gets.
What do you guys think?

Sometimes used to derail, other times it's just a cuckchanner being a cuckchanner.