Hey Arnold: The Jungle Movie is out now
Hey Arnold: The Jungle Movie is out now
Fuck, I almost entirely forgot about this shit. Thanks for the post user, I barely even remember the base show so this'll be interesting.
What? Was it leaked, I heard nothing about it since August.
torrent please
It came out yesterday.
Where was the thread?
I'm surprised they got away with that.
here are my thoughts as I was watching it. spoilers obviously.
>Arnold’s last name is Shortman
not the best thing I’ve ever seen, but the closure was nice. hopefully this will be it and they wont try to use this to jump-start a new series.
It already happened, in the movie, and in the very few episodes placed afterwards they're shown in very friendly terms.
Again, in the original movie right at the middle of it Arnold and Gerard are recruited by super spies just to get the gadgets they need to progress the plot, then never mentioned again.
I thought it was common knowledge
I kinda knew that "The Jungle Movie" will be something like this, but I wanted something more like the slice of life episodes, some of those were very good. Like when they recovered the Asian guy's lost daughter, or when they taught the other guy to read. When Helga went to the psychologist or when Arnold had to spend a whole episode with her.
The thing is, a new series to actually give closure to some of the relationships, love or family, in the show would be nice but after seeing how they handled this I'm not so sure.
It looks that they just took the script made in the 00's from wherever it was buried and presented it, and since modern Nick is dumb as shit they accepted it without further revisions.
I'd give it about a 7/10, probably less if you didn't care much about the original series.
Nah, no thanks. They can keep their shitty "last movie".
If it makes you feel better, he ends up being a criminal and she gets her father to beat the shit out of him.
Well this is a surprise. We're now in the timeline where we can see Arnold's parents return home and look up Jack returning to the past.
What a crazy funky time.
Great, now because of characters I'm expecting for Helga to fuck a nigger in rebellion and her parents not giving two fucks.
Not to say it isn't noticeable but you have an entire hour long movie here, there's more to it than fawning over the niggers within it Unless that's your fetish. If you have size issues you can honestly consult that with your doctor.
Fuck off anytownfag.
and the sagefag is back. guess everyone has to stop having fun now because this one user has sand in his vagina 24/7 about everything. Christ, it's like fucking clockwork around here.
I'll watch this thing tomorrow, I don't have high expectations for this movie but I'll give it a fair shot.
fuck off anytownfag
Nobody cares what you think Holla Forums, don't you have some tranny dick to suck?
So, that thing around Arnolds neck he uses to look at the map and to open the heart container, that's just straight up magic right?
I don't remember the tv series having any of that. Or am I misremembering?
I remember the show being really down to earth, but in this you got magic and Eugene turning into a balloon.
I still want Arnold's room.
Now you're just being obvious.
It was down to earth, but it's not like there wasn't precedent for this. Remember the haunted train episode?
Who doesn't?
I still want Arnold
Ok, I'm going to do the same.
I missed that from the series actually.
After a quick search at the… wiki… yes, is still the 5th grade. Holy Shit, what do they put in the water?
So far quite good.
So we just retconned the movie and last episodes?
What the fuck?
I knew Eduardo was the antagonist, the reveal was kinda funny still, I guess they guessed it was very obvious.
>Phoebe got BLACKED
I'm not even mad, Gerard was written when TV still had black people trying to improve the culture by merging the best of the two worlds and erasing the bad ooga booga stuff, like in Fresh Prince, Gerard's a fine nigga.
and the rest off-screen.
Somehow I'm sure this is going to be called out for racist stereotypes for daring to show Latinos as villains alone, not to mention some of the character design choices. *Pics related.
Oh shut up, the pozzed stuff has been greatly exaggerated, it really feels like "Hey Arnold!". Is a blast.
I like La Sombra, he's a fun villain and he just got thrown a knife at the shoulder…
Is obviously a joke faggot, stealing owned property isn't part of capitalism so he just was an apologist for his crimes.
Okay, I'm getting kind of pissed that the subtitles keep calling it the "Corazyn".
Man, that was a smooth karmic death right there… and he's still alive, goddamnit, it was such a good death.
Okay, that was one of the best build-ups to that delivery ever.
That's actually sadder than having them just died.
It was a nice movie, filled with early 00's cheesiness and the feel is definitely Hey Arnold, for once I want a new series since they clearly still have it, but with the parents around now it would ruin the whole dynamic.
Eugene getting fat seems too cartoony for Hey Arnold
I once knew a fifth-grader who had C cups. it happens.
Hey Arnold went downhill when they made the show less about a weird kid named Arnold walking around a weird town and more about some messiah figure fixing everybody else's issues while talking about their issues.
I think you misunderstood my comment
Does Arnold's grandmother suffer from Alzheimer? Her final line in the movie:
"Who is that blonde boy?"
Was actually sort of worrisome. Yes I know that she's more of a crazy lady in that she even calls Arnold via different names in the series, but in that ending sequence to the whole series she didn't call him by his name or her crazy names for him, she just plain didn't know who Arnold was. And the line was creepily delivered in a happy tone like this is a optimistic ending.
Does this happen to any White females flirting with shitskins?
Not really, Blacks represent 13% of the population and commit 52% of the crimes, but not the entire 13% of the blacks commit the crimes, around 1% of the population commits 52% of the crimes if you want to be sure.
So, 1 in every 15 niggers will be a criminal.
It doesn't need to be murderer. Rape, HIV or some other disease spreading, etc. all happen to sluts who fuck Niggers.
Again, I just said "criminal", that's really only 7% of niggers. As for the Faggothronic Deathcoaster, just kill the 7% that drags and kills the rest and then you educate. They still think a lot like tribes so they'll spread hygiene trough the community pretty fast.
Being murdered, abused, diseased, or a single mother are the lead options for White females who flirt with shitskins. That should happen in that Hey Arnold movie.
Oh my stars and garters!!
Phoebe has gotten cute!
She didn't "hit" puberty so much as she fell gently into puberty's arms and let out the cutest little giggle as it held her tightly. **Then the bleeding strated.*
Nicely worded, user.
why? It's literally a greenhouse oven in the middle of a city, even in winter it's a heatbox deathtrap because all the heating from the whole building ends up in there.
I didn't remember the haunted train, but I just watched it again, and the episode reveals that the haunted train was just an old train used to transport workers to and from a steel mill. Then, just before the credits it reveals an actual ghost train that only Brainey is witness to, complete with singing ghost with an accordion. As far as precedent, it feels more like a gag than anything (characters think ghost train is real, it isn't, but oh wait it is!), but taken at face value I suppose it could be considered 'canon'. But even so, that's a one very small example of 'supernatural/magic' in the world of Hey Arnold.
Even in that episode where the boarding house residents think there's a ghost in the basement it just turns out to be Grandpa in his secret bathroom.
Unless you have any other examples, because I can't think of any. It's been years since I watched most of the episodes.
The magic and balloon Eugene in the movie still feel out of place to me.
I think there was at least one other one where the kids were taking a carriage ride in the park while telling scary stories and someone ends up being a ghost. That might've been a gag, too, though.
The only one that I know for a fact that was both Supernatural and real, was four-eyed Jack. That guy who accidentally killed himself after a science experiment.
Already happened and Arnold knew, so even despit that both choose to ignore it her "new" confession was way overacted considering nothing surprsing happened.
Also Helga going full Tsun again in the End is kinda bullshit, they are in the 6th grade and literally everybody knows, so no reason for her to act that way as t was only for the cover.
Helga and Arnold holding hands would have been a way better ending.
Her going back to tsun was alright for me, but the hand holding would have been nice too.
I actually liked it that way, I don't think Helga would be all over Arnold once revealed, she's the cautious type who pretends to be aggressive and definitely would be worried to screw-up the status quo over something she has yearned for so long, besides living in a shell due to her home life.
Besides, if you rewatch some of the series, now, she is a very light Tsun which is more akin to the last episodes of the series after the first reveal, being harsh to him but helping him publicly compared to the early series where she would actively bully Arnold,
Do they or is it suggested they'll fuck in this movie?
I thought it was pretty good, but it was pretty horrible that nick would allow and show arnold and his parents to eating abnor, but it's understandable. They were lost, and it was nobel that he gave his life so his family could live.
Are you fucking with me right now?
What I don't get is the delivery.
I guess it would have been pretty gruesome to actually show it, so cutting away directly after the feast was better, but it kinda reduced the "character" Abner was, my only great complaint about this movie.
Nah if you consider the seres its more likely that he, just like Brainy, gets cucked, in his case by the fat Kike.
Hey Holla Forums
Sorry lad I usually hang on Holla Forums but gonna check out Holla Forums.
Okay that got me a giggle
Just remembered this was suppose to come out this month last night and watched it. Eh I thought it was ok. It came off as very fan fictiony in a lot of parts. It seemed kind of rushed too. They honestly couldn't have added another ten minutes to make it to ninety? A lot of it also just didn't really make a whole lot of sense if you thought about it for more then five second. Think the whole thing was kinda a lost opportunity to be honest. Or it could just a fucking movie for kids and I expected too much. Would love to see what the original script from 2002 was like. Because I have a feeling it was better then this.
But there are literally no kids left who'd remember watching it. The show's original target audience was 8-10 year olds and that was over a decade ago. Why did they make a movie "for kids" when now days they probably wouldn't have any idea what the show even is.
New thread 8ch.net
New thread 8ch.net
Wasn't this girl molested or abused?
Hopefully both, that's the only way you can justify her being a massive cunt.
Nah, her mom died and her dad was really poor.
Did you fuck?
oh well in that case you should go back to where you came from over at reddit.com
So she had to bring money in somehow?
How was she a massive cunt?
It got revealed back around 2009 when they thought the Jungle Movie wasn't happening. They planned on revealing it in the film from the start.
Is there any porn of Rhonda, Olga and Jungle Loli yet?
How did you like the movie guys
What the hell is that shit?
Some Autist comes around every once in a while and spams his shitty youtube cartoon, even though he gets perma-banned daily. Just report and ignore.
I thought it was a raunchy parody from Collegehumor.
How new are you?
Your art is bad and everyone hates you because you're an annoying faggot.
The Jungle Movie sucked
Is the Rocko's Modern Life movie out yet? Never cared about Hey Arnold since it seemed preachy and lame.
If she did it wasn't enough to support her family.
Enough to tell a fagolescent to go fuck himself with his autistic+ version of Pooh Adventures.
Damn I totally forgot he was Jewish.
He's also a dumb fuck that got held back similar to Torvalds.
Mean bully kike
This pleases me.
So fucking creepy.
Fucking shameless cucks
>He saved this child. I just can't stop thinking about how brave and strong he' is; it really turns me on. Our' sex life is better than ever
I appreciate how every pronoun after mentioning the """""child""""" clearly refers to the """""""""child""""""""", not the """"""""""""""""""husband"""""""""""""""""""""".
What he fuck, did his niggerfriend fuck her too?
Why are sluts so obsessed with getting fucked by EVERYONE but then complain when everyone actually fucks them.
Or… just friggin horny for black kids.