High Res Titty Ninjas Soon


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Sounds okay, I don't think I would spend $30 on it though.

Oooh, I hope this one is good. I do like me some titty ninjas.

fuck off, nobody wants your garbage game

dubs confirm
mods when?

Well I might pirate it
Is the first game of the series?
I just can't play this kind of action games on a handheld, I'm a big guy

It's the first game of the Versus series. Technically, there's like two games before on the ___3DS.

Can I play this one without the 3DS games?

I tried one of the 3ds ones but I just can't stand the controls, same in the vita

I haven't played the Vita version, but I would assume so.
But this is a port of the Vita version, so if it was just the feel of the handheld you don't like there should be no problem, but if the game itself had weird controls you might wanna skip the PC version.

Yes, pretty much, I can't play this kind of games withput a proper controller

Looks like it have all the dlcs and the producer is based as fuck, I will pirate and consider buying

I've been looking forward to this.

But is the game good ?



cant wait for the mods

honestly just wait for estival
but if nobody buys shinovi there will be no estival for pc

wat do

The anime does a good enough job of telling the backstory if the first DS game if you care and I'd probably recommend it if you want to get into this shit.

you know what to do, goy!

Did OPs image get changed? Could've sworn I saw this same thread a little earlier with a different image.

I'm okay with titty ninjas at $27, so long as they also bring Estival Versus for $30.

I'm hoping for at least some decent texture editting. Like blonde Homura.

It got already released it's called 3D CUSTOM GIRL.

This is important. Is the eyepatch loli in this one?

Son of a bitch!
Sorry, i love this series but not bending over for steam. Pirating.

Someone made another thread on the same topic.


kek. GameFags pissed that it's not on PS4.

i think they are going to release in gog.

And a couple posts in and it already devolved into a streamwhore and a "m'lady". Fucking cancer

This is exactly why the phrase "tits or GTFO" exists.

Welcome to three and a half years ago, PC people. Maybe you'll get Valkyrie Drive by 2020.

that post is 7 months old so hardly relevant now

And then you realize how many pc only games will NEVER EVER get a console release


But according to you, you can't have a console if you have a PC.

I wouldn't be so optimistic about it.

Could've been effectively $17 had you decided to shitpost here first.

I notice the Steam Page says the interface is available in moon, but subtitles aren't. Wonder what that means.

I know the subtitles were added in the English release, the moon versions had no subtitle option period. Wonder if interface means the between level dialog, which always had text, can be set to moon.


This board is all but dedicated to shitting on anyone who owns consoles. It's no stretch of the imagination to think people like you don't own any.


Eyepatch loli is in every single game, she's one of the original cast of the first game.

Shitting on 8th gen consoles =/= shitting on all consoles, pic related

GOGs been confirmed by Xseed themselves, so you can fund Cyberpunk 2077 directly.
It will be shit

What the hell is so good about it then? It looks like generic anime fanservice fodder packaged as a shitty action game.


no matter where you buy it, the jews always win.

Question: is it actually a good game?
NG pls stop shilling yourself on this site, we already know your writers come here.

I dont know what I hate more, GOG for not letting any games in or Steam for letting everything in.


Well maybe it's not all that bad

There will be nude mods for sure, but don't expect nipples to be anything more than a texture.


If it this one sells well, and I know it will because Neptunia fans, it should be ported 6 months later.


I already have the game on Vita. I probably won't be picking it up unless some really awesome mods are made for it.

And that's why Japanese devs don't like Steam. PC gamers are cheap.

Not a lot of Japanese PC exclusive games though.
And those that are can be played on a cheap laptop.

They have more reasonable expectations for pricing than any other demographic, even if there is a lot of Steamfaggotry.
Nip devs have a lot more reasons to not like Steam anyway.

The same could be said about all 8th gen home consoles

I'm just old. I don't think demanding a port for 15 dollars is reasonable. I know I'm completely out of touch with modern PC gaming though.

It's all about buying games for a pittance and throwing them into your backlog never to be played.

True. There have barely been any Japanese games for the PS4 so far. I still have my PS3 hooked up.

I understand Humble Bundles, but single purchases?
Come on now

That's Steamfags for you. No impulse control, they talk about sales for days but never take advantage of them to truly enjoy the things the like.
Hell I'm also guilty of this, I've been trying to grind through my library of games and don't even want to play half of them when it's shit like Bioshock and Far Cry 3.

There's plenty of Japanese games for the PS4. The problem is that it shares them with the PC, Vita, or both. PSO2, God Eater 2, and the new Atelier are good examples of this.

Stop being a consumerist goy


Is this game good or is it just a shitty H-game?

Its like dynasty warriors but with ninja girls as characters. If you like that kind of game you might like this.

No but seriously, mods.

Nude mods are a given since the Estival Versus game pretty much shown that there's a blank chalk board underneath the censors when it first launched.

Only thing I'd want is shit like this so I can give a little nudge to Mirai and Yagyuus buns.

Should have put was, I hardly ever buy anything, on anything anymore.

You are a faggot and cockteasing is shit.

Finally, some good news.

I'll just fuckin' buy it to support non-censorship of Nip-vidya.

Wonder how long until the porn industry jumps on rapefugees and SJWtards really get asshurt.

That's cool and all but when's EDF?
inb4 it's a port of 2025 and not 4.1


Considering 30 bucks is the max most games these days are worth, 15 dollars for a port is very much reasonable.

I still don't quite get the appeal of Senran.
Is it supposed to be a comedic/parody thing that doesn't take itself remotely seriously? If so then it'll make sense. I didn't get that vibe playing a little of the 3DS game however. which was shit

A 90 hour jrpg is worth 60 to me.

I want to support Japanese gaming because it's all I play these days. When jrpgs go I'll quit gaming forever.

As for Steam: a game that costs full price on console should logically be full price on PC. Otherwise you'll only get late ports of dubious quality.

But I know most PC gamers are impulse buyers who don't even play games.

It is supposed to be silly, but isn't an outright farce. Maybe action comedy fits the bill better.

The price of the port should depend on how long it has been since original release


That is if it doesn't get terribly repetitious

If the game being ported is old then it makes now sense to sell it full price.
The game should be the same price as it is currently worth elsewhere.

I may try giving it another shot with this game if it's better than the one I played. Or maybe try the animu

You have to go back.

The anime is best described as an alternate take on Burst's story. It's a viable alternative to playing that game.

I may be cheap, but I'm just as cheap with console games as PC games. I don't spend more if more is the only option, rather I just don't buy the game at all. If console games want my business they gotta meet the same price point PC games do.

If it helps though, I don't pirate games. So while I may be cheap, every game I play means somebody got some money.

Depends on how much content they have. You know, unique character models and areas and such. Often, it seems like they just use grind and other techniques to stretch the content of a 15 hour action game out into muuuuuuch more time. In which case, I'd say they're worth the same as a 15 hour action game. It's not about the length of the game, it's about how much content is there.

If it releases on PC simultaneously, I'd say you have a fair point. If it comes out on PC much later as an afterthought, then at that point all you're really paying for is the port, and a port is much cheaper than making the entire game in the first place. It's sorta like the price difference between buying an original hand-made painting and a mass-produced print of the same painting. One took much more effort to produce than the other, and the price should reflect that.

That's true.

It is the chicken or the eg story.

Are there enough buyers on steam for a simultaneous release at full price?

The 3DS games are more serious, the Vita/PS4 games are the ones with the goofy shit.

and they're jewish but yeah, people normally go full "LOOK AD DIS GRAF" showing how PC moves much more money than console but they forget that console is full of good goyim who pay almost 200 dollars for the complete edition of a game

Son of a Bitch!!! Again! God, why you hate me so?

It could get on GoG later after the issues are resolved, Neptunia RB;1 came out on GoG months after the steam release.

Reminder than Steamcucks have no standards.

what are you grinning for, estival is better

Kinda like they shouldn't have released dangitronpaul 1 because 2 was better ?

True, but they never released the sequels on it.

Probably the usual lower sales + easy piracy as an excuse to not bother.

Oh shit I can taste the salt from here, why care that some other platform is getting a port?

Ok, lets say I'm a consumer.
I haven't owned a PS console since the PS2, I wouldn't know which is better and don't care since I can't play Estival anyway.

You should be happy that more games are being supported on PC and expanding the ever large library it holds.

imagine if danganronpa 2 had the same stages and investigations as d1 but a bit improved and new things sparkled here and there

Sounds like a sequel dude.

will there be mirai with huge tits?

Not really.

Burst is serious.
Shinovi Versus is serious.
Senran Kagura 2 is goofy as shit.
Estival Versus is quarter serious, mostly goofy.

But the investigations were what made D2 so much better than the first, aside from chapter 3.

I do agree about the stages part though, the island stuff and wacky tobaccy story were the main parts that were worse.

Well now that's just factually incorrect. Burst had a freakin' lot of silly side shapters, Deep Crimson is almost all business, with breaks in the very serious main quest that can be counted on one hand.

I've never played Senran Kagura before, but I bought the first 3DS game and pirated Deep Crimson.

What am I in for when I play it? I've never been too into these games besides the art, but I did buy it to support XSeed.


No one's really told me why this game is worth a damn.

Only if the models are very easily changed.

Story and fun gameplay (depending on your mind will either be filled with breaks or played constantly), but very little in the way of content.

All I know for sure is content out the ass, breast expansion DLC, and I think customizable enemies.

how big we talkin
also we getting rid of the balloon physics or what

From what ive seen in OPs link its a generic mussou/moussou? Whatever the fuck the genre is called with semen demons

You can turn the flat girl into

I think the highest size option was called "Zeppelin"

Bigger than any of the characters currently have by default, to completely flat.

Funnily enough SK2 is the only game yet to have proper physics for them. I'm not sure why they tossed them back out the window for Estival.

The 3DS games aren't that good imo though I only played the first one, I hear the gameplay is similar in SK2, but the Vita/PS4/PC ones are pretty good.

PC moves money for Intel and jewVidia not game devs.

Oh and Valve of course.

What's different about them? The 3DS games look like straight lines to the end with breaks to fight enemies, but other anons ITT say its like a Warriors game on Vita/PS4.

Is there a specific gameplay video for the PC one coming out to judge?

Senran Kagura 2 is really good, I prefer its gameplay style to the Playstation titles. Burst is pretty ass though.

The 3DS games are sidescrolling, while the other games are more open ended. And obviously the graphics are much worse on the 3DS, which is a big negative imo when much of the game is based on fanservice.

The first one was a pain for me to play.
Second one is much better.


breddy gud

Most people like one side and hate the other when it comes to gameplay

That looks fucking fantastic, and I'm not even a weeb.

Where do I begin the transformation?

i wanna hinden her burgs


Keep seeing that gif and it keeps bringing up childhood feels.

I watched that episode recently. I split my ribs laughing at the fact that the Not-Flash called the Nig Lantern a credit to his people

My personal opinions:

Burst: Boring as a result of repetition and special moves being overpowered. Could have been a good beatemup if the performance didn't tank and special moves weren't nearly as powerful.

Deep Crimson: Fucking great gameplay that's very unique. Plays like a mix of a beat em up in 3D and the Versus games. Held back by mission design being a little lacking as well as boss pacing being fucked even though they had the content made (there's like 6 bosses in a row at the end after a huge barren spot where you do a lot of repetitive missions, it's bizarre considering the first 2 chapters have great mission design and pacing).

Shinovi Versus: Musou where everyone plays sanic as fuck and it's a blast to control, but mission design outside of the Hanzo campaign is almost entirely the same shit copypasted repeatedly. Fight a bunch of mobs and then an enemy ninja. For every single mission. Sometimes they don't even bother including the mob part. Characters sort of blend together due to all being really fast and having generally the same sort of moves. I like it but would not replay it as I'm fucking sick of the repetition you end up going through if you do the side missions as well, which are even more of the same only you have to sit through dialogue in the middle of battle too.

Estival Versus: Musou again. Everyone plays a lot differently now but the game in general has been slowed down, which makes it a bit less fun to control. Difficulty is up and mission design is a whole bunch better with diversity to it. Lot more tactical play thanks to the changes than in Shinovi which was fairly mindless. Some of the characters are infuriating to play as though due to either being TOO slow or not being able to stun enemies at all upon hitting them, thus leaving you helpless. An improvement in many ways over Shinovi but with the speed down the responsiveness isn't as tight for the controls which can be frustrating. Thank fucking god they fixed the dialogue shit in the Girls Heart missions.

In which game is Mirai the flattest? I hear she becomes flatter with every game.

Plank pls go

She had a small chest in Burst but then it imploded in SK2.



we're going to build a 壁, and weebs are going to pay for it

So fap material? I'll pirate.

Make anime and Nip games great again!

Fucking bullshit.


I really hope thisis the webm I was looking for.

All the girls that aren't in the 3DS games are SHIT.

I don't care what you think about the other teams but fuck you, Asukas cousins are look fun.

You mean grandma?

The Crimson Squad is the best, but Asuka, Ikaruga, and Hibari are complete shit. A whole lot of the Versus series cast outshines them easily.

I don't have any video of all three in one webm.


advice for Shinovi steam newcomers:

don't start Gessen campaign before beating Hanzo campaign, the game will lose any semblance of seriousness

Sorry man, but it seems that a lot of fans are probably going to draw her as the elder dragon highlander of titty monsters.

But I feel you. It feels like down is up, cats and dogs are living together, and it turns out my uncle is a monkey.

Ah, I saw what ya did there.

Nope, as far as expansion goes, only real thing is pregnancy; last I checked.
Oppai Mirai is only ever done by one artist.

Flat Mirai is lovely and I hate that oppai loli has become a meme. It's clear that it's not just a few faggots that like that shit that are posting it.


Yeah, Mirai is at her best when she's normal. Busty Mirai is funny and all but not something I'd ever want permanently.

Then you know the pain of people of good taste regarding the popularity of any form of Mirai. She's a foil, you silly willies.

I like my Senrans fleshy but I enjoy Mirai suffering, plus that mean more light for her booty.


Why does Mirai wear a bra? She doesn't need the support

Though that is technically correct.


Oh jesus

How much time and effort would it take for a dev to turn console/handheld ports to PC into something that can be as modded as Bethesda games?

but will they add the kissing mechanic?

The what?

Im pretty sure thats only on Estival Versus

So how big of a hit is this game? I see it everywhere and people seem to enjoy it a lot here.

I do

Estival Versus is the only way to participate in something that sickens NoA kicked up to 10.

Niche game money from what I've heard.

thats too bad, hope they get by with the cash they get

jesus christ how lewd

Yar har fiddle-dee-dee!

I think they recently passed 1mil from all the games combined sales.
They're still bringing them over so likely is gaining more than the cost.


For the series right? or all of Marvelous games?

If it was all of Marvelous; they'd be deader than Ryoki.


still, 1 mil for, i think 6 games, isn't a whole lot

they must do with tight budgets

hello fellow incest lover

You have no idea do you?
EDF in its entirety has barely sold 2Mil nigger, American and AAA devs are whiny bitches, just as much as their fans.

Look at shit like Men at War, Graviteam, Ghotic and E.Y.E/Streum On.

AAA development wastes a lot of money on pointless shit/resources and marketing, most of it doesnt really go to the game.

If the Japanese numbers take care of the cost of making the game and the American; the price of localizing it, especially when half of them are on the Vita, why wouldn't that be a lot for its situation?

God damn it, I turned that shit off.

You have to go back

i like sk1 mirai better than completely flat mirai

After my slaving over a hot computer; you decide to spit in my face?

Fucking hate summer.


Also, can anyone explain why spoiler keeps getting turned back on after I turn it off?



I really need to start labeling my stuff with no volume though.

Is there a way to watch Webms on your computer without needing to post them up someplace on the web?

VLC Media player can play webms, it's free too

Just use Media Player Classic, brah. It's pretty good at playing media.

Doesn't your browser support reading webms ? I know opera (and thus probably chrome) does.


Firefox is a piece of crude I should have ditched ages ago.

Here mpc-hc.org/

Here palemoon.org/

Wait hold on I use this

Gotta update madvr manually.

Thanks, hope it keeps all the privacy extensions work with it.

That too, it aint a big deal.

I'm using noscript, encrypted web, uBlock origin, self-destructing cookies and Disconnect(some anons claim it aint good though).

Anyways, that all works. Using the 64-bit version too. Also go to about:config then search canvas.poisondata and set it to true. Also handy.

Thanks; what's the difference between "Black" and the other two?

HTTPS Everywhere
Random Agent Spoofer
UBlock Origin

EX Hentai Easy 2

Shit that got put up behind my back:
Avast Online Security

Anyone got any hopes for changes and/or additions to future installments?

A Samurai Warriors/Senran crossover would be the absolute silliest shit in existence, but I want to see it.