Watergate 2.0! Attorney General Lynch Signed Off on ALL FISA Applications to Wiretap Trump

RELATED: >>>/realnews/1873

The FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance) Court is in the news this weekend after President Trump tweeted that former President Obama had petitioned a court twice in order to wire tap current President Trump when he was running for office.

The FISA Court was put in place in 1978 when Congress enacted the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA):

The Court sits in Washington D.C., and is composed of eleven federal district court judges who are designated by the Chief Justice of the United States. Each judge serves for a maximum of seven years and their terms are staggered to ensure continuity on the Court. By statute, the judges must be drawn from at least seven of the United States judicial circuits, and three of the judges must reside within 20 miles of the District of Columbia. Judges typically sit for one week at a time, on a rotating basis.

Pursuant to FISA, the Court entertains applications submitted by the United States Government for approval of electronic surveillance, physical search, and other investigative actions for foreign intelligence purposes. Most of the Court’s work is conducted ex parte as required by statute, and due to the need to protect classified national security information.

Every single judge on the FISA Court as of today was appointed during Obama’s Presidency!

Five of the current eleven judges on the court are scheduled to be on the court for President Trump’s entire first term with six of the judges’ terms expiring before January 2021. Seven of the judges are scheduled into the year 2020.

Current Chief Justice John Roberts has been in his role since 2005 and therefore he has appointed all the judges to the FISA court. Judge Roberts is famous for supporting Obamacare in two radical positions, one of which Justice Antonin Scalia, in his withering dissent, refered to as “applesauce”. Knowing this, it is concerning that Judge Roberts also is responsible for the makeup of the current FISA court.

Only two in over 10,000 applications were turned down by the FISA Court.

According to ABC News:

More than a thousand applications for electronic surveillance, all signed by the attorney general, are submitted each year, and the vast majority are approved. From 2009 to 2015, for example, more than 10,700 applications for electronic surveillance were submitted, and only one was denied in its entirety, according to annual reports sent to Congress. Another one was denied in part, and 17 were withdrawn by the government.

According to ABC, all applications to the FISA Court were signed off on by the Attorney General and therefore if any applications were processed in the past year, they were signed off on by Loretta Lynch. This means that Lynch signed off on any requests for wire tapping President Donald Trump during the Presidential race. This is disheartening knowing that she released a video over the weekend calling for the need for more marching, blood and death on the streets. This also means that she chose not to investigate the Clinton Foundation for illegal activities but rather signed an application to wire tap President Trump.

Finally, another very disturbing fact about the wire tapping request of President Trump is that the FISA Court turned down President Obama’s Administration’s first request to wire tap President Trump that was evidently signed off on by Attorney General Lynch. With only two applications denied out of 10,700 from 2009 through 2015, the fact that the Obama Administration’s application was denied by the FISA Court is very disturbing. The odds of this happening were 0.02%.

The Obama Presidency is now arguably the most corrupt in US history.



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Niggers, not even once.

No wonder she made that video calling for violence in the streets.




I guess now she'll have to change her name to Loretta Lynched.

Arrests when?

yea, I figured she was going to fall on her sword, hence her pre-martyrdom video about "the struggle"

False flag to make it look like white supremacists took her out instead of Obama when?

her cankles point to soon, before the beetus or CAD takes her.

oh fug. my sides


archive of NYTimes article: archive.is/1Zie5


fug, clinton meeting on tarmac was this?




It's official

I can imagine so.
Lynch the niggers

Obama is demonstrably the most corrupt pres, and that's saying something considering we've had two dynasties that are essentially cartels shitting up the office before him (George H.W. "Arranged the JFK Assassination" Bush and his dumbfuck degenerate son as well as Bill "Cigars in intern pussies" Clinton).

Obama was probably not born in the US, Michelle probably isn't a woman, and Biden is probably a pedophile. That alone is enough to be far ahead of the rest in terms of corruption. I wish that was all, but there is so so so so much more.

My sides

Make #watermelongate trending

Whatever you do, don't let that shit blackpill you. Don't drink heavily, don't do any drugs, reduce any smoking habit and make sure you get out and hike. Write poetry, clean your weapons, make time to practice with them. Appreciate the little things you have now before they are gone, before what is to come takes from us all that we thought we needed.

The pedophile rings had been just as bad as I thought, but deep inside I had hoped it was what the normies told me "you just need some conspiracy to make you feel comfortable with an out of control world." Turns out I was right, and I didn't want to be right, and our guys are winning now and getting these people rescued by the thousands. I couldn't even gloat about it, because the people I told simply didn't care. They didn't care when Snowden proved me right either. Now they are no longer my friends.

Reality has this way of being bittersweet. You are not alone.

What I find most infuriating is the people that tell you you're crazy for thinking shit like this, then when its actually exposed through Snowden or other leaks like today they act like everyone already knew about it. No you damn well didn't mother fuckers, you kept calling the few of us trying to sound the alarm crazy and then afterwards you don't even have the good grace to admit your mistake.


Holy shit this. I can't help myself and I let people know about what I said. The election in particular with my mother. She didn't vote for Hillary, but was convinced she was going to win from the MSM fake news stations. I kept telling her no, Trump is surging and that you can tell if you look deeper into real stories. Well shit, I was right. When eventually more information is uncovered about 9/11, that is when a LOT of people are going to be vindicated. We'll have to declare a national "Apologize to Conspiracy Theorists Day" when that happens.


Nothing new in the article. Waiting for the signed FISA applications.

Checked. More than that, she is hoping to make herself look like a victim when she gets arrested. The media, being as dishonest as they are, will try and spin her arrest as a reaction to that video instead of actual wrongdoing.

If Nixon had the USA Patriot Act, then bugging the DNC HQ would have been legal. Poor slob was President too early.

That was a reference to Unix epoch year zero.


Put the timeline of Spirit Cooking and Pizzagate explodong on the internet, along with the dates of the wiretapping and Anthony Weiner getting raided by the NYPD.



He's a coke dealer from Chicago, what was anyone expecting? Like we knew this was the case back in ought, fucking, nine.


Hopefully President Trump will ensure that this kind of porch monkeyshines never happens again.

10/10. My sides are in fucking orbit. Take this classic as my thanks.

yeah, "Watergate 2.0" is like saying "Holocaust 2.0"

Nixon dindu nuffin, or at least not very much

When did 1.0 happen?

I spontaneously became illiterate. Disregard that, I suck cocks.


A truth that surpasses singles.


Face to bloodshed**
It's even in the lower right hand corner of your screen, user.


The meaning of the sentence is lost to me that way, but I will correct it in future shitposting.

Watermelongate will blow the minds of the normies. Its too funny to get mad at.



Oh wow this is too plausible to not be the case

war soon

user is onto something here….

…also fuck that shit was funny


Check these sick digits

Digits only count at the end of the number, but those are some fine dubs.

And these?


Among other reasons. Don't forget the infamous meeting between (then) AG lynch and Willy on the tarmac that now seems to have been memory-holed. It was a useful way to glean whatever info they could out of him in order to ensure shillary would win. Clearly that failed.


This will probably be an unpopular opinion here, but I think the meme needs to be corrected.

"Face to bloodshed" was an obvious typo and distracts from the point of the message, which is that jews have subverted our society so much they we have to abandon the principles and dignity of white men and fight at their level. I think "Dehumanize yourself and face the bloodshed" could become a sort of rallying cry for us, but again, the obvious typo takes away from this message and makes it look juvenile.

Same thing with the "Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh fights aliens and doesn't afraid of anything". Should've been "He fights aliens" but whatever.

internet phrases have a history of poor grammar even going back to the old days of all your base are belong to us or I accidentally the X or even I can haz [sic] cheeseburgers

Given that in the source video that the meme comes from "FACE TO BLOODSHED" is repeated multiple times, I don't think it's a typo, and I think you're an idiot.

The line's from a PC-88 post-apocalyptic cyberpunk JRPG from 1985.

With the shit NYPD put up with with niggers and BLM, Trumps retoric on law and order and his charity work with The Trump Foundation which helps families of dead and injured police officers. NYPD loves him.

It wouldnt be impossible for someone to leak info to Trump about Weiner or about child trafficking since Trump helped blow open Epistein's bullshit by reporting him to police when he was beating a loli.

wtfug are you checking user….



You think "he doesn't afraid of anything" or "John is kill" would have been memorable in any way had they been properly spelled by a native English speaker?

Who was phone?

The indoctrination is very, very strong for a lot of people. Once you've broken out and seen the world outside of the Matrix you forget what it's like to be blind, because you can never be blind again, even if you want to be. But because you are seeing clearly every single day, because you have trained yourself to slice through false narratives as a matter of reflex, you forget how it is for those still trapped. It can be hard not to hate them, sometimes, because it feels like they're intentionally burying their heads in the sand, but they're not.

You hear it all the time, how people have busy lives and complex relationships and stress at work and a million things pulling their attention in a million directions all at once. There is only so much a brain can consciously hold onto at once, only so many ideas that can be actively running through one's mind. The rest gets relegated to the brain's back-burner autopilot, and the autopilot works based on habit. Your blue pilled friends and family won't admit when they were wrong and you were right because they don't have any conscious memory of the events that occurred in the argument between you two. Topics like what you were trying to discuss default to the autopilot portion of their brain. They have a vague, fuzzy recollection that "you were being a little racist" or something but have no idea what you actually said, what they actually said, or what the discussion was even about.

The best way to break this conditioning (though by no means foolproof) is to just forget about trying to redpill them on topics they don't (yet) care about. It won't work, they'll think you're crazy and be less receptive in the future, because they don't have the biological RAM available in their brains to hear the actual words you're saying and analyze them for truth or evidence of claims. It'll all go to autopilot. What you need to do is figure out what is important to them, as an individual. Where their interests lie, what topics occupy the active, conscious part of their brain on a daily basis, and then *you* have to go do the legwork and try to find the right redpills to slip past their defenses. I know the gamergate thing is babby's first conspiracy and a joke on Holla Forums, but it's a good example because it proves the point. A lot of shiftless youth with little but vidya occupying the active parts of their brain, so they followed the news and happenings on the topic. They were intimately familiar with the players and the ideas and the true sequence of events and, most importantly, because of this familiarity they were acutely aware every single time a "trusted media source" lied, which was constantly. They saw the constant stream of lies coming from places they had previously assumed to be disinterested third parties, and the pieces clicked together in a lot of young people's minds.

I really wish this would produce something. Is someone going to get lynched? Or is nothing going to happen?


nothing is going to happen.


Wow, it's like I'm a real CTR shill inventing le ebin… pardon, I mean, the epic memes. Surely Trump would have carried Minnesota as well if only we had first run our expressions of love for Hitler through a spellchecker.

Hey, I warned you guys it wouldn't be a popular opinion.

Was that even the implication? It's been so long

Just because you announce your retardation in advance, that doesn't make you any less of a retard.

Either you're a turbo autist or you're a normalfag, cause you're missing out on obvious humor.

Quality post. It really is incredibly frustrating, but I've tried to be far more subtle and back off from redpilling others.

Even with these new CIA leaks, nobody seems to care. "Spies will be spies" they say, as the world as they know it closes in around them. We need a mass redpilling event to save this country. If this FISA stuff comes out, and we can somehow show the normies the bullshit they've been fed about "le russians", maybe we could see a mass wake up. Otherwise they seem too far gone.

People's attention spans are so fucking short that I can't even fathom what it would take to actually mass redpill everyone. Someone could show concrete proof that San Bernadino was a joint CIA/Mossad op to further the gun control agenda, and real Americans died for it, and people would just say, "Well, that was like, last year man."

Even if the FISA stuff comes out, if someone spills all the beans, that it was all coordinated to be blamed on Russia to help Clinton win, that the entire MSM is lying about it since the election to cover for Obama and his attempt to overthrow the U.S. Government, people still aren't going to fully buy it. The reality of what's going on right now is really just mind blowing if you think too much about it.

I'm just doing everything I can to prepare to ensure my wife and son survive the happening.

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
Hitler did nothing wrong

These are the things that would work, some small catchphrase with an image. Meme magic.

Truth and humor have and will always be the most effective way to get ideas through to people. Goebbels was right, propaganda need not lie, truth is always the best.

To this day, these two sentences still make me chuckle.

Really this, bruh. Something short, snappy, memorable. It doesn't matter if anybody agrees with it or believes you, the first step is to get a sticky phrase or idea stuck in their mind. Something that just swirls around in there forever. Doesn't matter if they agree or not, doesn't matter if they're even willing to listen to the rest of what you have to say. Just the fact that the simple phrase is there, germinating, in the heads of millions is the most important thing. Let it sit there and ferment, and some time in the future, some news story will come out about some topic and millions of people will hear it and say, "oh yeah, I know about this thing, there was that meme like a year ago. Wow, this has been going on a while, there must be something to it."

Look at "Hitler did nothing wrong." I wasn't born redpilled. There was a time in my life I would have heard that and immediately discounted it as wrong. Of course he did things wrong, he needlessly killed millions of innocents! I even learned about that in school! I did a report and got an A+! But the very audacity of those four words would stick in the brain, like somebody telling you, with complete confidence, that the sky was purple and gravity didn't exist. And months or years down the line, you hear a lecture about world war 2 that, while still bluepilled, takes at least a little time to explain some of the other reasons for the war, other than "evil nazis started the war against literally everybody so that they could kill all jews on the planet." And bits and pieces of that stick onto the sticky meme in your mind, and over time more bits and pieces of information stick to it as well. Info that would be chaff floating away on the breeze sticks in the brain and slowly adds up and congeals because once, on the internet, someone heard those four words and couldn't erase them from their memory.

nah, he accidentally some rar files.


The Vault 7 dump proves that the CIA could deliberately imitate Russian hackers.

Those two are great. A year ago I was fairly liberal and active duty military. Now I'm here with the rest of you fags, and questioning everything I did for a decade of my life. It's blowing my mind I can agree with those, especially the second. The fact that I heard those all over the internet for years I think helped a little bit subconsciously with all of these red pills and made them easier to take.

Here's some more

9/11 is an inside job.
I ain't dindu nuffin.
Never forget the 6 millions.
We wuz kingz n sheit.

they wouldn't be that fucking stupid to pull shit like that, r-right?


People shit on T_D here but it's an extremely useful stepping stone to end up here. Without T_D I never would have even considered looking into some of the truths I have seen here. While it might be fucking with the board culture for those of you who have been here forever, it's changed a bunch of degenerate or degenerate sympathizers into people open to your ideas.

Is there a particular reason you posted that image, unspoiled no less?

My main problem with these places it's that once they get semi famous they think they can come here and start making the rules, then we usualy have to purge them.

They moved on from dead dogs.

Perfectly understandable. I don't actually post very often but I've spent months reading everything post here now. My eyes are open now, and I never knew they were shut.

Most likely. The first request was denied in June and they met on the tarmac June 26th


If you had the FISA case evidence, you could possibly prove it. Line up the "Russian" exploit with one found in the leaks and -BLAM- in a criminal case you have your "method" evidence covered.

Deliberate falsification of evidence. Perjury. I don't even know how many laws they could've broken by doing this, but I imagine it's a lot. I'm not a criminal attorney, but even I can see that this is big. I need to go back an brush up on my evidence law.

The revelation of child sex abuse in Hollywood and the government is the only thing that could possibly do it.

Pedophilia will never be accepted by anyone except the farthest fringe of the far left. They tried pushing it in the '70s with NAMBLA and it didn't work, it just made people sick.

If, as Wikileaks claims, these CIA tools have already been circulating around the deepweb, what are the chances that some intrepid user with tech skills will or already has attempted to access the proof of this activity?

Could this all come out in the next few months?

This is most likely considering the story behind their finding of the pings from the russian server that got them the warrant


That's not how it works you fucking faggot, especially not with the 2nd most holy of keks blessings, the 8888888 get.

"Biological RAM"
I'm stealing that one from you user, wonderful post


There is a rumour going around that Valerie Jarrett was actually behind it but the buck is being passed to Loretta Lynch to give it an air of legitimacy.

Jarrett has often been referred to as the 'real president' during Obama's Presidency.





(0) i agree with this icon.

on correction:

(1) would not have become icon, if icon was not unique enough and not yet claimed by prior definitions. thus the 'the' to 'to' was required. as this is one of the critical components that made success, asking for it not to be would retard success. it itself is it's image; pepe wouldn't be pepe without frog. see: cuck gives up wealth, slut gets bulled by jamar. see: one step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

the rest of your post is filled with formlessness, which will feel like insanity as i address it. this is correct; anyone who asks insane to not be paired with insane is in fact the problem, and what the icon actually seeks to redress.

on terms and worry and distractions:

(2) an invalid action, done by a valid source, is valid. likewise, a valid action, by an invalid source, is invalid. it is source that determines validity firstly. that i can reorganize sentences to place action first and source second, changes nothing of sources' effect on predetermination.

(3) any contention of 'dehumanize' does not apply to source:human. likewise, any contention of 'humanize' does not apply to source:animal. this itself is fact. and this fact is actually irrelevant. we are here because the invalid seeks to misattribute expenses and profits, and we disagreed, and erroneously attempted to drop back down to the basics and cite factual universe. as if that would work. as if fact has ever worked with people unable to see fact, and who run around again and again citing all manner of confabulated fact to keep doing the same thing they've always done: stuffing their faces with everyone else's shit, shitting their shit all over everyone else, cloning this process and it's agents, and then crying more confabulated 'fact'… and iterative repeat and iterative repeat and telescopic repeat and etc.

so restated and applied: if a jew personifies emotions - by definition a thing that is not a human - and then you de-personify that emotion, you have done nothing but correctly committed 'you have to go back' to all this purposeful thieving schizo. restated and applied: if an animal LARPs / imitates human, and then you interact with it like the animal that it is, then you have effortlessly destroyed the frame-lie used to steal to eat.

the franekstein crying 'oh noes inhuman', when it itself is source:not-human, is not relevant. nor has it ever been. we reference it, but it is not, has not, nor ever will be, the focus. if it were that easy, i dare say the last 25 thousand years wouldn't have been spent still suck cleaning the mud off ourselves. treating all like it is human when it is not, is the focus, because it is our laziness expecting facts to work, and their theft exploiting humans' wings.


What should I show leftie faggots to prove the FISA requests occurred?

Jesus user, who do you know that doesn't even believe the FISA requests happened? NYT articles have already substantiated the fact that wiretaps were happening.


so what you're saying is, obama let fat black female mama hen/gorillas run around and run the show during his residence at the white house, and this is still the case now, with the same sheboon land whales using his whipped boy carcass as a proxy food stuff.

which, in retrospect, is rather stupidly obvious. he was always whipped, wasn't he. i don't know why anyone expected anything else all these years.

still, while it may have become more apparent to him as he exited, he was gleefully advancing on what agency was his.

fug. Well, some people are just going to believe what Clapper said because of their innate deference to authority. They have no experience understanding the psyops that are run in the background of all of these happenings, so they can't imagine that Clapper would be trotted out to the media to lie through his teeth. It wouldn't even be the first time.

You could always try to make them feel bad for not being more open minded about this, since the left is always requesting that of everybody that doesn't want to cut off their genitals and get AIDS.

I've shown them the timeline and they legitimately think it's all a series of coincidences.

I'm pretty sure I won't be believed until Obama is behind bars.


I think this is proof that they were covering up their criminal syndicate.


I sometimes wonder, does new journalism matter that much? We could focus only on information from 2001 and before and have enough to rightfully hate everything.


This. I've found that lefties struggle with the cognitive dissonance that occurs when you turn their own memes (le racist, sexist, ist/ism) on them. Sometimes they'll even take a step back, aghast that you are tactful enough to understand and aptly apply their memes in context. I've even had a few response "By golly, I think you're right!"


And we still haven't started shooting commies yet.

>Lurk more.

That's what the police is for :^)


good job mate, capped.

Well there's already new jewish center and ADL bomb threats to deflect from the fact a nog did the others, so why not? False flags for everybody!

Same, don't post often though the road to redpills brought me here eventually from halfchan/b/ to reddit to T_D to halfchan Holla Forums to here finally.

Once you start seeing the world for what it is it never stops. Now all I want to do is wake everyone else up as well.


Commits sedition
Commits treason

Face the bloodshed implies that the bloodshed is already going on.
Face to bloodshed implies that we should start shedding blood out of nowhere, ignoring that our blood is already being shed and nobody gives a fuck.

Just my thoughts.

Afaik he didn't really deal drugs, do you have any good sauce?
I know he's a crack-addicted faggot, several people have come out to claim that. But dealing drugs?

You aren't. user is.

Correction, Obama signed off on all of them by way of his surrogate, Loretta Lynch. There is only one person in the executive branch, and that's the President, they're responsible for everything that the branch does.

10/10 user, have this rare Big Guy as a token of appreciation.

Fuck you didn't even get dubs

what's T_D?

nevermind figured it out one second after posting

There needs to be a skeleton for information to stick to.

If there's nothing for it to stick to, it just passes through the mind.

fucking lurk maor faggot

"Face to bloodshed" means orient yourself toward bloodshed, where bloodshed is violence in the abstract. "Face the bloodshed" means that there is specific extant violence that you are not facing and you should face it – accept it, come to terms with it. "Orient yourself to committing violence" versus "accept the violence that has been done." Fuck off, basically.


well done


What are some more? I've been trying to keep a list of them to start writing down on bathroom walls, petitions people ask you to sign, etc. If we can get a large list of them going, would be cool to get some fortune cookies produced or something

And can't forget Make America Great Again. Need some for global warming, moonlanding hoax, israel, JWO, nigger crime (maybe something like 12% of the population, x% violent crime, x% rape, x% STD), arkancide, military-industrial complex, etc. If we don't condense the redpills into pure, fundamental phrasing, they get forgotten in time and forced to be continously re-developed/researched.

i tried

You knew it was unpopular and said it anyway. You're a man of conviction; I like that. Unfortunately your conviction is wrong and you have to go back.

Kek those are garbage user. Don't try to make your own, just try to recall what exists in your subconcious. Realized "Install gentoo" is another one, more of a /g/ redpill but a redpill nonetheless since GNU license is an infection. "Information wants to be free" is a top notch one too.

Don't post at all, you should be lurking you fucking cancer. Where do you get the conceit that you're above the 2 year rule? You're no better than wetbacks. If you can't respect our rules, why the fuck do you think you'd be welcome here?

Give back those dubs you newshit. Checking trips in the middle of a post number is unforgivable.

How much does it suck for you that no one cares about your long winded diatribe?

Respond with Clappers testimony to congress where he says that the NSA is not listening to "tens or hundreds of millions of Americans" and then show them the video where he goes on 20/20 and he says he had to say "the least untrue thing possible". that should, hopefully, destroy his credibility

Huh, I guess there was a wiretap after all. I just assumed it was another decoy to get more important things moving out of the eye of the msm.

I know the fuck who made the dilbert video with dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.

He purposely made it that way to spark interest and thought, more specifically to make it sound eerie and robotic, due to the fact it's a dos prompt doing that dumb waterfall shit. You don't hold an unpopular opinion, you hold an incorrect opinion and thus are retarded.

I'm 100% sure and positive you have no idea where the fuck "Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed'' is from, sadly you share this with the majority of idiotic underage shit-skins that have been flooding Holla Forums lately.

There is no "message" with that term, as per the original video series and what it's about is fucking satire, that's it, SATIRE. When you start acting like an idiotic kike and trying to push this mornonic label of
>so much they we have to abandon the principles and dignity of white men and fight at their level (?) (There are so many grammatical errors right here, with so much they we have abandon and you have nerve to whine about a typo that was done PURPOSELY versus you trying to come off as one of us when it's clear you're not ethnically European and are clearly some underage beaner/shit-skinned child.
>Fight at their level

Again, do you even know where that phrase is from? What the original intention of the video is? No, you clearly don't and that alone shows that you're either a kike who's far too old to be on fucking imageboards, or more specifically to much of a normalfag from kikebook to understand the genius behind my buddy's initial work. Or as what I believe you are, just an underage shitskin mutant who has no idea what 'memes' are, has no idea what "dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed" is or where it's from, due to being underage and not knowing how old that shit is but then have the nerve to whine about it being 'juvenile' and more specifically about how it could become a sort of rallying cry for us.
>obvious typo takes away from this message

Stupid fucking shitskinned faggot I swear, there is no 'us' and there is no 'we' when it involves glarlingly obvious shitskins such as yourself desperately trying to garner attention and trying to take away our fucking culture because you are fearful of what this apparent message means and what it specifically says to you due to being a superstitious shitskin with no self-awareness thus incapable of understanding satire, sarcasm, or any form of wit/dry humor.

Kill yourself.

Hint: It's not Dilbert 3.

Daily reminder that Anthony Weiner has not yet been arrested by New York authorities despite his sexting a minor being public knowledge since September.

;_; i thought the first one was nice, and they live is a redpilling movie

You just dropped a fundamental truth in this thread. A chan axiom. Let everyone who reads these two simple sentences allow it to sink in.

While it doesn't work on everyone, emotional manipulation does wonders on that front. I would talk a few redpills asking if 'hey you heard what was happening w X' or 'what do you think about the X situation going on', pushing the questions off on them and making it sound like it was common knowledge. This works especially well on current events Holla Forums pulls out its ass before the media even smells something (which is all the fucking time), so they start associating me with knowing what is going on in the world.

I never talk down to them(personally) about something or comment about their not knowing something. Always reference others whom 'ignore shit' before they ever comment about ignorance about the issue if you are just dropping a comment rather than question about the issue, and laughing at the losers whom don't know about it and then drop it. Few sentences is all it takes most of the time. I consider doing this plowing the field and making it to where I am the authority on knowledge and they fear speaking up about ignorance for fear of being labeled one of 'those people'. They know you mock such people and do so openly with others, this especially helps when you are able to be funny about stuff, even rather dark shit, and come off as everything is ok and fine even as they are rather disturbed about an issue. Never push on that emotional pullback or worry on their part, just act like they are like you, someone in the know whom laughs at it and gets the jokes.

When you push out ideas always do it in piecemeal and never in full. Always speak calmly and in a laid back manor like everything is normal and what you speak of is nothing. Make fun of 'talking heads' for stupid shit they say or ignore, or those whom believe some TV joker whom cannot get his facts straight. When they profess ignorance about an issue, laugh it off a bit and say no big deal, world is a busy place, you miss some stuff too, then go on to something else. Never push it off on them or get frustrated about them not being very interested, but don't make any qualms about how you do make fun of such people other times. People are smart enough to make those connects and will fear being part of the out group.

You need to focus on being funny as well. This is very important. Laugh at yourself, comment about your own failings and poke fun at others and laugh hard as hell when they poke back, but switch back to being dead serious as well and take the time to ignore / look as if you are brooding and thinking deep thoughts other times. When people ask whats up, just comment about thinking about things in the wider world or such while giving no examples and laugh it off. This will put you into the center of any social group very quickly and most people crave being right there. If they discount what you say they will naturally fear you openly mocking them, which could push them away from the group easily so they will shut up and listen. This allows some deeper redpills to be dropped slowly into convo's. Never go into real depth unless an individual approaches later asking deeper questions, never deep logic in group. NEVER DEEP LOGIC IN GROUP! Never actually make it apparent you are directly judging anyone, you are always talking about some vauge other.

Once you become the defacto in the know guy about shit. Your word becomes law, even when it goes against what the media speaks. Individual relationships, especially NOW in our society is more important to other people since they have so few, and always supersede mass media and culture. But only if you claim leadership / authority in groups. Never claim to know it all, or even acknowledge you know more than them directly, you just speak as if its 'known'.

While it sounds somewhat complicated. It really isn't. Don't judge, laugh, relax, lightly mock 'others', be confident, welcome the others into convo's and let them speak even if dead wrong, just accept it, not every fight is worth fighting. Save the 'argument' for something important when you have claimed informational dominance.

Is that Runescape music in the background?

Consider that Israel did not come into existence purely through tectonic plate movement creating the land.

It came into existence when the Brits took a shit in the desert.

Telemundo or Univision is trying to push that Trump did take bribes from Russia.

feels good.

Excellent post user.

I don't get it. if it's on record like OP's saying then why the fuck does every talking head right now say Trump is full of it? Is it just repetition until people think it's "Truth"? Also I'm noticing they're trying to sneak the red scare back into things. Again.

does dilbert 1 exist?

You answered your own question. The talking heads in your talmudvision want you to remain a dumb, ignorant nigger cattle. They are communicating to the few nigger cattle that still continue to tune in, making sure they finish their trough of slop in the hope that like a virus the nigger cattle will go and infect others with their fake news.

Gas yourself kike.

We need to get all the jews in the gas chambers again

The gas chambers are a hoax, stop shit posting please.

Yea this is getting capped this is social dominance 101 for autists.




not with that attitude
