Pumpkin Gate

They're really getting desperate now boys.

They claim to have found the diary of Trump's Russian handle in a fucking pumpkin field. It's all over now.

http:// foreignpolicy.com/2017/03/06/diaries-of-trumps-russian-handler-i/

Other urls found in this thread:


Also on mobile and can't archive

They really are just mental children, aren't they? I mean, I'm still coming to grips with truly accepting that there are people who are not ever going to be locked up in a group home, with an IQ below 80, who are allowed to drive cars.

Someone already got you 20-some minutes ago, familymember.


Nice website website you'be got there, OP.


You mean niggers? Yeah, talking, driving apes are only funny on TV….

Fucking mobile posters are cancer, your thread is utter shit. Clearly fake news anyway, only meant for retarded useful idiots who don't know what is a Russian proxy.

Sounds legit. :^)


Dubs confirm phonefags are gay niggers who probably still post on cuck/pol/

There is an American historical incident where a spy was busted when his journal was found in a pumpkin field, is there not?
This story is tickling my brain the way recycled kike memes usually do. I tried searching for the original incident (think it was during the Cold War), but I couldn't find it.

Good thing paper can survive moist soil!

This is a joke right? This is just more Russian Trump parody-fanfiction right? Everything here is just way too hamfisted to even pretend to be real, even to a leftist.



And that's one VERY great website at that.


These will not be swept into the dustbin unchecked.

Yes you can, you lying faggot. Literally nothing about using a mobile prevents you from copy/pasting a URL into archive.is and copy/pasting that URL back. Tired of this low energy "too lazy to use brain" excuse shit.

I remember when Foreign Policy was a respectable magazine with conservative leanings. All mainstream journalism has been HuffPo'd.

Shut up. People are sick of your shit.

Nobody gives a fuck about your site that tracks the spread of articles across communities online. The link was broken that should be enough.

Wait a minute, wasn't a pumpkin field where Joe McCarthy met the guy who leaked the Venona Transcripts? Somebody is bullshitting here.