TRS Proving They Deserved It All

Newest episode of the Daily Shoah, Mike (((Peinovich))) declares Jews and race-mixers are a-okay so long as they fight antifa, and you should give the Jewish race-mixing ancap known as 'Stickman' because he hit antifa with a stick and got arrested.

Thanks Kek that someone exposed these faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody here gives half a dick about those cucked faggots. Now get out.


Its really pathetic at this point tbh fam.

They're going full Sinead, "What have you done?!" mode.
(((Peinovich))) literally says "I'll take your counter-signaling seriously when you get out there and do what he did!", while defending a Jewish ancap with an Asian wife. Not a surprise given (((Peinovich))) is a Jew himself who tries to justify his presence via "what i've done".

We never cared about them, we still don't now.

is he still married to the jew?

No proof otherwise that I've seen.

Their endgame is turning the far-right into a John Birch Society rehash where jews aren't a problem and we're only at war with the "commies".

Yes, and the divorce was a lie.

Nice slide thread, antifa


Pic related.

Nice sage post TRSodomite.

Wasn't that already the case with these faggots? They had race mixers and hapas hosting their podcasts ffs.


Anybody who still believe those faggots are nothing else than lolbergs and ancaps roleplaying as fascists, because they realize that small government is incompatible with niggers, is extremely retarded at this point. They also do it for the shekels so they can fund their alcoholism.

They appear to be fully shedding an semblance of whatever past legitimacy they could once claim.


Nice slide thread, antifa>>9440324

This also.

Sure thing lad. Muh based Jews.

Nigger we just got proof of CIA shilling and bugging our electronics AND using fake fingerprints to put the blame on Russia, and you pull this bullshit out?
>>>Holla Forums

here's an idea, fuck off

They spent like 20 minutes playing hacked up moly drops on the JQ, JIDFanon.

Just leave. It doesn't work.


Pure cohencidence.
This thread is still shit though.


Wew lad.

Seems legit TRSodomite.

Well its a TRS thread, of course its shit.


I checked their website stats: 1.2m visitors (not unique) in Jan, 770k in feb kek

Only way is down from here - hard to recruit for your super-cool White Nationalism club founded by a gay Jew when its exposed as such and you start shilling for race-mixing Jewish ancaps who are "doing something for the movement" by hitting antifa with a stick, getting arrested and begging for shekels for bail.

TRS are all ancap faggots trying to divert the movement to lolbertarianism. It's only a matter of time before they go back to their roots.

On the one hand, I kind of 'support' stickman in that I don't think a dude should go to jail for being a patriot and bashing a gommie. On the other hand, bashing one jew ideology because he supports another….. I tossed him a tennner for legal defense, but I'm not going to pretend he's "our guy". I doubt he would consider himself ourguy, why should we ?

If hes true that he's a Jew with an Asian wife, and being an obvious ancap, I genuinely do not care what happens to him. There are no good Jews, after all.

Based Jim

Just this mans appearance should be enough for anyone to stop listening to his faggot bullshit.

They are spaghetti armed demons user.

Let them keep drifting Left, at least they will not pretend to be one of us anymore and newfags will start to reject them.
Things like this are good from time to time, it cleanses our pool.

Wow you gave a jew money.
Kyles momma is a big fat bitch.

Checked for truth, and 1 digit off.

A cleansing fire is sometimes required.

They're never going to stop pretending. Sooner or later they'll have to be taken down completely.

No no, you see, it already happened before with that whole Alt-Lite stuff. Maybe they'll join them.

Its amazing how quickly the TRSodomites just accepted his claims of separation. These are the sort of men who get cheated on, take the bitch back, and then nod approvingly when she says shes "doing a Girl's Trip to Vegas for a weekend".

I don't like these people at all.

Then raise her black son as their own

They'll never stop LARPing as fascists. I hear they're even tainting the phrase "hail victory" with their autism now.


Care to post the actual quote/audio with context?

inb4 TRSodomite, I want to hear for myself without going through the whole thing


1488 faggot.


Yeah, fuck "stickman." He put his dick in a gook so we have to ensure that he's brutally murdered in prison by a pack of niggers. If we can get his fucking subhuman happa kids killed to it will be a bonus. Anyone have his dox?

Yea fuck off. Stickman is a great piece on the grand chess board of memes for us, race mixer or not, doesnt matter

Six minutes in, not linking here.

I'll do it for you you lazy fuck.

Fuck off.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, user.


How about instead of shitting on patriotic white people who have the guts to get their hands dirty and take a stand against this monster because their ideology isn't 100% perfect, embracing them and doing your best to redpill them. I'll go to battle with that dude any day of the week, more than happy to say he's "my guy."

Fuck off, faggot.

How about you actually help the white race instead of worshipping someone who lost the war?

this is why trs is a problem lol

Why are you ceding ground to placate jewish myths?

we have more important shit to discuss, CIA

I honestly just don't care to take the time to download and webm it. By all means, feel free to do it yourself.
Here's the transcript though:
Alex McNab: Are we really supporting him [Stickman]? I heard he was a Jew and he's got an Asian wife.
AM: I don't know if I can do this.
(((Peinovich))): Nah, nah, nah, we're not doing that. Look, look, look… It, I… I never had a question that we're gonna support this guy. I, ya know, I don't even want to bring this shit up, but you did it, so whatever. It don't matta. Alright, look, the guy went out there with body armor and a Captain America shield and…
(((Peinovich))): If anyone… If you're counter-signaling him, then I will take your counter-signalling seriously when you go out and do what he did.
AM: Eh….
(((Peinovich))): WE'RE NOT DOING THAT.

TRS confirmed

Learn to multitask faggot, I'm in 5 threads right now.

Honestly it disgusts me remember that TRS still exists.

"Patriot". You should look into the origin of that word as it has nothing to do with just soil/nation but with blood/ancestors itself. Fuck all race-mixers. Hitting a 100 pound faggot with a stick from 5 feet away isn't brave or heroic either. Fuck him and the piece of shit ZOG flag he flies.

The 14 Words are based on an 88 word passage from Mein Kampf, and unlike you faggots, David Lane knew how to deal with jewish radio hosts.

And this is why you're a fucking kike. For example: Objectively speaking,Trump is a civic nationalist zionist cuck, but that doesn't really matter right now, what matters is what he represents. Same thing with Stickman.

Oh, right, forgot my pics.

Race mixers have to fucking die and anyone disputing that need to die with them. Go the fuck back.

This is where making compromises regarding your ideology leads you. Disgusting.

Checked for truth.

Hey goys, it's me Mike Enoch. Here's the thing: if you question where the 85k in d'nations TRS collected ended up, you're just a purity spiraling 1488 skinhead nazi larper who lives in his mom's basement and has never felt the pleasure of having your based Jew wife pozz your neghole. I mean, having some Jewish blood in you, Jewish in-laws, and getting pegged by your Jewess is the last stand of implicit white identity. You goys need to either get with the program, I mean it's 2017 and you're still here pretending to be Nazis on /POL instead of doing the pragmatic™ thing and embracing Based Nationalist Jews in the fight against Islamic Terror and the Globalist Kikes! Here's the thing: The best way to make sure humans get to space is to give me and my buddies lots of bitcoin and listen to all our podcasts so that you know the right way to be White Nationalists like us. Don't forget to turn off that pesky AdBlock! Shalom!

The mods need to ban anyone posting pro Stickman memes. If they don't they're just as bad as the TRS kikes.

Also don't forget to not punch right! :-D

Mods once again proving to be kikes

Eh. Its one thing to laugh at some memes, its another to give a Jewish race-mixing ancap shekels to pay for bail after hitting an antifa with a stick at a public march in California.

Holy shit the mods here are fucking kikes. They bump locked the thread. Welp. This board is controlled by race mixing traitors.

Yeah, we can't have videos of Antifa getting their skulls bashed in go viral.

He's a gook fucking traitor you fucking kike. He has to die.

I agree. Anyone that even touches Antifa needs to die.

Mike Enoch here, listen, you have to stop that.We're brothers and you're ruining everything, why are you punching to the right? Why are you against based jews? They will help redpill people.I bet none of you even lift or accomplishes anything in real life unlike me. No D&C brothers and remember if anyone asks, I'm Serbian or Croatian.Stop punching to the right.

Eh, to be fair, it IS a TRS thread. We don't want it getting too much attention, especially at present.

There will always be more chances to expose TRS for what they are, just putting it out there so its in the psyches of those who see it here is good enough.

We should, of course, make clear that Stickman is not ourguy, nor is he and ally really - he's an ancap. He's just fighting with antifa because they wouldn't let him use his stockpiled bioweapons to suicide-bomb the local methamphetamine depository with his heroin-addicted kindergarten prostitutes.

Its basically two servants of the Jew fighting each other, and that's how it should be addressed and presented.

Anyone who is Jewish and has an Asian wife and ascribes to ancapism should die, yes. Whether or not they like antifa is kind of irrelevant tbh.

Any instance of "TRS" should be instantly banned until the final celebratory "TRS is kill" thread.


There is good left in man.

Yes, he is obviously not our guy, he's like /r/the_donald tier I would guess, I don't really know tbh, but the meme value is great and we should capitalize on it as much as we can.


Agreed, and another 1 off from greatness.

It should be made clear that he is not our guy, but hey, someone who isn't our guy beating up antifa? Give it a golf clap and some memes - not shekels for bail.


Sean Spicer press briefing is about to start now, fuck this garbage thread


Have mine. In case anyone doesn't get it, it is in reference to their definition of fash.

Here's the webm, your quote is at the beginning.

Noooice. At leas you did something useful.

Is Stickman confirmed Jewish too?

My quote was entirely accurate - but thank you for making the webm, more for the records.

That appears to be the case, but I cannot confirm.

thanks user.


It is interesting the angle that user tried to take, which was basically

Tbh, most of that audio was totally irrelevant to the issue at hand.

It does happen lad.

So now with TDS being pozed and Fash the nation bailed from the internet where does Holla Forums get it's podcast on?

Should've accompanied that with these images
(4) always seemed weird, but in light of the Jew-wife revelations, it turned out to have been on-point all along.
Why, Kike Enoch would know all about it; he's been LARPing as a WN activist himself to manage the "how did I manage that" cognitive dissonance thing brought on by his having married some Jewess!

Now instead of him sounding like a kike from Manhattan. He's now going for the Italian from Brooklyn. What a lost fucking person with no identity.

I've kinda moved away from podcasts. Most of the right-wing podcasters I've encountered were just shitty attention whores trying to get famous off this sudden uptick in right-wing ideology.
Like Gavin and his ilk, they don't hold the ideology to heart, its just the newest fad - McInness even said as much in one interview I heard him give not long ago, think it was on Rogan maybe? In any case, he basically said outright that he doesn't think 'antifa' or the right-wing upswell amongst the youth means anything, he thinks its just the equivalent of greasers vs preps and its all a trendy fad.

Most of the 'altright' falls into similar categorical status.

Oh sheit mein neger (checked)
nobody checking this is criminal tbh

It's interesting to me the angle you are taking.

My opinions as yuropoor on topic is mixed. If something like that was happening here, I'd like to let everyone that fights antifa know that others will take care of them (as Trump offered on his rallies). If the guy is a kike then it's a bit conflicting but I have not seen anything conclusive on that. Either case, it's not about getting the guy. Kike or not.

Perfect get.
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, Chapter 8, exactly 88 words:

"What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility."


Well, if you made the clip - I don't care enough to check the IDs to see if it was you - then you were clearly presenting an angle, even your associated statement when you posted the clip implies as much.

Point being: If he is a kike, that's a major issue, and unquestionably justifies - demands, even - an absence of support in this context.
There. Are. No. Good. Jews. PERIOD.
If you're a Trump supporting Jew? I don't care.
If you're a 'based nationalist Jew'? I don't care.
If you're any sort of fucking kike? I don't care about you. You are my enemy. Period.
And anyone who suggests an alternative to this is just begging to be subverted, if they aren't already subverted/controlled-op.

That's just the way it is. You're right, however, its not about 'getting the guy' - its about exposing the absence of ideological strength on behalf of these people who are trying to shoulder their way into the situation. (((Peinovich))) is clearly rustled by the notion of even having to address the issue, he would prefer it weren't mentioned that this guy is a Jew (probably how he feels about himself as well, btw), and so he wants us to just blindly support anyone who opposes our enemies - but the enemy of your enemy is not always, not even most of the time, your friend.

A Jew could give his life for this cause - and I still wouldn't give a shit about him, because he's a fucking kike. There is nothing a Jew can say, nothing a Jew can do, nothing a Jew can give, that will make him anything other than a Jew. And there are no good Jews. Same goes for race-mixers.
This is what (((Peinovich))) and his crew just cannot accept, cannot internalize… Likely because it would exclude people like (((Mike))). In fact, I'm pretty sure he outright said as much during the whole doxing incident, something along the lines of "Well, partially-Jewish people shouldn't be allowed to lead, and shouldn't really have a place… But if they do enough for the cause, they should be. Ya know, like me.", was basically the gist, IIRC.

I hope someone pushes Kike Eunuch onto the subway tracks.

Would have been 6 gorillion times better if I found clips of Enoch talking that fit the dialog, but it's still an accurate representation of what happened back in January.

My sides have been Jimpacted.

Whoever supports anything Jew-related puts his ignorance out on embarrassing display. He hasn't even read Pierce's stuff.

First you were too lazy to make the webm, then you didn't care to check the ID before making the post. Not too lazy to make a thread with 29 posts and write me an essay though? Cut the crap.

Yes, I was presenting an angle and the angle is against your shit. I took your quote, started with it and roughly included related discussion that explains the reasoning. Is it good or bad? Or is it just making you butthurt that we're not strictly discussing a single quote you provided devoid of anything else? The latter is the case and I suppose what I provided didn't get enough "ooh kike enoch" or "muh TRSodomites" or "seventh spic's ugly wife" for your taste.

I meant that as in "getting the guy help" or "helping the guy", sorry for not making that clear and agreeing with interpretation I didn't intend. I'm multitasking, as one would say.

This isn't about whether there are good or bad Jews. This isn't about whether the guy himself is a Jew or not. This isn't even about the guy himself.
From my standpoint, what this is about: It is about him as a unit and morale. If a unit defending the crowd gets in trouble and is not defended that affects much more than a life of one jew/non-jew. It is for the recognition of others that if they defend themselves from antifa that people will jump to their personal and legal defense. If you will ever address anything, address that. If you do not like this reasoning, then write to Pierce's grave why did he have Turner Diaries printed at Jewish publisher.

You mean stuff published by a kike?


This is still the best.

Man, Julia Roberts really let herself go.

He sounds the same as he always did.

You faggots were never relevant.


To all the kikes ITT kvetching and a-wailing about their co-opted jewish infiltration of pretty much most of these so called jew-wise movements being made more commonly known.

My favourite quote goes to the following CIA-kike

Er you mean we just NOW finally have proof of CIA shilling and bugging electronics etc?
Because it wasn't known that the CIA did this shit since it first was created?

You mean all the non-stop shilling for neo-con zionist kike kosher nationalism and endless calls for killing every enemy of isreal on this board wasn't an organic natural progression for the awakened jew-wise goy to fall completely in-line and under the spell of CIA directed jewish scams?

Besides all this kikery-foolery going on, I wonder if anyone has taken a peek at the following thread posted up today that covers another infiltrating freak in 'the movement' namely Sven Longshanks, CIA-kike Anglin's personal catamite is a convicted pedo, or so the claim goes.
In B4 oy vey, break your links goyimz.
No need to break links for an 8ch Holla Forums link, surely

It's not just a coincidence every time there is a major story (there is nothing NOTHING as important as #Vault7) that these d&c bait threads appear. Fuck TRS, they are finished, nobody cares about them except cucked race traitors and we have much more important shit to worry about.
No, all of these faggots deserve to hang but this is taking attention away from what's important

Hello Kike

Anything interesting so far, how about a quick summary, if it's so important.

Only so far since Wikileaks came on the scene, all that's ever came out in the releases is that American diplomats really really think we should raze all of the Middle East for greater isreal and most recently helped trump with his election campaign.

However now he's woin, and all the jewish neo-con zionists are firmly installed in place in America's government, need we allow all this shilling for isreal still?

The CIA are the folk that want all the newly awakened goys to stop doing anything productive, get consumed by "hopey change" and involved in kosher politics and cheer on their embedded agents in various nations governments, like a good dumb gullible goy should.
See Le Pen/Wilders, Breivik is a hero type shilling and every oy vey kill for isreal goyims threads that flood Holla Forums these days.

Personally I think the expose of Sven Longshanks is of some import wprthy of our attention.

The evidence of CIA astroturfing the movements worldwide, now all of them cheering on zog politics is self-evident of their role and efforts played online even here and the CIA spying on folks was long known, before Holla Forums or even the internet came into existence.

I havent looked at the CIA thread yet, but can;t see how anyone here could have the front to claim they never realised that the CIA was entirely responsible for all Western nationalist movements becoming more kosherised pro-zionist deactivated steam vents in the past couple of years.

Anyone 'member when Holla Forums used to expose jewish scams and lies as opposed to championing and cheerleading for them?

lmao, you copied my shitpost from a while back, but you forgot to add a space between each phrase.

Rigid adherence to an ideology that lost the war and wasn't actually as perfect as we believe it was is more important than actually securing the existence of our people.

If it came down to allying with a mixed race person against Marxists or choosing to let the White race die, you know we'd rather see our people wiped out, civilization perish, and hand power over to the Jews.


You realize the JBS was purged by philosemite and haughty CIA cockpuppet Bill Buckley because they were opposed to aggression against Viet Nam yes? Whatever their drawbacks were get your facts straight.

Yes Justin Trudeau. And choosing to die is also winning.

And? Different kosher factions have always attacked and destroyed one another.

kill these kikes