Has reading these fucking books impacted your life in a positive way at all? I'm being completely sincere, I want to know. Do you actually feel better about your life/intellect now that you've got all these books under your belt?
I long considered reading philosophy or "theory" to be a huge fucking cope, and thought that if somebody was high-IQ they could figure things out by themselves.
Basically are books legit or are they a cope for low-IQ, small-skulled, subhumans to make themselves feel like they are getting smarter?
Imagine being so god damn arrogant you think you are capable of personally producing all of the thoughts that every great human before you had ever had.
Jesus fucking Christ.
We build on the shoulders of forbears.
You retarded faggots are completely fucking brainless.
Oh an Hitler read a fuckimg TONNE of books.
Hunter Murphy
Yup! Believing that intelligence can be quantified, asking if books are 'legit'… yeah. You're more in need of reading theory than most people on this board. Hit the books friend, you won't regret it.
Bentley Reyes
While political books are all tl;dr to an extent, they are usually more more thorough than infographs and arguments on the internet. They can make you feels smarter if they tackle some subjects in a way you've never considered before. Also justifying not reading by saying you're too smart for them is middle school fedoralord tier.
Adrian Wilson
Hudson Moore
Bentley Nelson
You are a huge fucking retard. One person cannot amass all the knowledge that every other outstanding mind before them have toiled and collaborated to come up with. You give Nazism a bad name you degenerate.
Jason Wood
nothing new under the glorious white sun
Austin Lewis
no way this cunt is serious
I absolutely refuse to belive anyone can be this fucking retarded
John White
anime reaction pics are a BIG sign of a coper in general
This thread has pissed me off, you guys have VERY few options for right-wing flags so I pick the closest one (not a republican or libertarian), get called a stormfag. I just asked if reading books would actually improve any part of my life in any way, I'm met with scorn and cope.
I never claimed to have a high-IQ by the way, mine is in the 90s to low 100s. I don't cope and realize that if it was higher I would have a better understanding of the world and life in general, unlike you guys who think a chimp could read books and become an intellectual. I just don't see much point in doing anything with my average IQ, I will never have anything interesting to say or add to any conversation, why should I bother? There's people all around me who are genetically gifted and will have a HUGE advantage over me in any argument, so I just wanted to know why anybody with a sub-120 IQ even bothers to do anything mental but the bare minimum to survive.
Luis Wright
take a guess
Dylan Martin
I'll guess no, genetics = all. If yours are better than mine good for you.
Landon Lopez
Nolan Reed
Oliver Ramirez
Evan Roberts
John Hall
this is how unironically retarded you are being right now
Jack Walker
reading books can change your worldview which may or may not improve your life
Jason Butler
I'll bet your favorite thinkers didn't spend their days rotting in their room reading hundreds of shitty books that they won't remember 10% of in a year like you do. They were able to figure a lot of things out by simply THINKING about them. They were BORN smart. Reading with less than 120 IQ = practicing your jumps to get on the school basketball team when you're only 5'6.
Isaiah Reed
This is true. Hegel's can be seen to fall into the latter mode.
Julian Gomez
hegel's whole theory can easily be summarized in how reading books and history can let you understand the present
They did. They were basing on people before them. Marx was influenced by Hegel, Hegel by Kant, Kant by Hume and so on, going all the way down to the fucking ancient Greeks. Do you actually believe all those people got their theories out of nowhere? Protip: Go to Wikipedia, open any article about a philosopher and look at the template about that person. You will notice there is a fancy little category called influences. Now try to count how many modern thinkers who have less than five people they got influenced by.
William Gray
Unironically yes, but only in combination with other conditions which enabled critical thought to develop.
There's no point in picking up Marx if you're socially spasticated.
Parker Watson
You do know that IQ isn't inherent right? You can improve your IQ. Also, IQ doesn't determine what one is capable of. Having a high IQ is just a sign that you'll have an easier time picking up on things, and not even a strong sign afaik. Also