How is it?

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in what way? DLC? over priced?

It hasn't released yet.

I have no friends so I won't be getting this, but it seems like it could be a fun night of co-op.
However, it looks as shitty a cash grab as that Transformers game was.
The Platinum brand doesn't really hold the same weight as it used too.

Actually i heard the transformer game was pretty fun.
These are smaller budget games that PG is hired to do, that end up being vastly superior to the games where companies lend their IPs to western devs that make the same copy pasted clunky shit we're all familiar with.

The footage from GDC looks nice, and Transformers was probably my GOTY last year, but Transformers was half off on sale as early as spring this year.

I'm assuming the same is gonna happen with Turtles, so I'll probably pick it up during a winter sale.

Is it even out yet?


the game does not release in 30 minutes, however I will sum it up for all of you;

- It will be on par with the transformers game, thus akin to turtles in time
- Despite this, people will forget that turtles in time selling at full price, was also a short game that uses a pre-existing engine.
- This also means that Platinum are sells outs, are dead, on the way out on being dead, and the game is terrible, and we will pretend turtles in time is somewhat better.

I am going to call it now; anons will find flimsy reasons to complain about this game, despite all the complaints they make will akin to turtles in time, be it price, length, game play or style.

Talk shit, get hit. Nerdling.

I loved the momentum based game play this game had. Being able to beat an enemy from one end of the room to the other was really satisfying.

Also, head shot dodging was fun too

All the shittalking autobots did on a successful dodge was great.

I do hope they actually followup with a hinted sequel at some point. Maybe after this turtles game they can implement co-op and actually have playable deceptions.

Heres hoping the VAs stay alive long enough to reprise their roles again. Its always great to hear Frank Welker.

I REALLY Hope the music in this game is as good as the transformers ost. the trailer makes me think its going to be quite wubby, but we will see.

I already like Krangs voice in the trailer, despite it being Steve Blum

It seems you forget that 14 years ago there was a very different game market with far less market saturation.


Ah fuck I need to play some more… Time to go for a full playthrough of just Sideswipe I think


While you can say that, you will also have to realize that people will complain about it, despite this game selling less then turtles in time, and will most likely have more replay value.

I just find it bizare people complain about platinum being sellouts with working on many projects when essentially Platinum is basically doing what every smart japanese company did in the 90's; make games based off of popular cartoons.

The Korra, Transformers and the TMNT Game are no different then Konamis Simpsons Arcade Game, Turtles in Time and Xmen beat em ups. Right down to the fact they just reuse pre-existing engines to cut costs

When we get good games at the end of the day, I can never see what the issue is.

True, the korra game is the best avatar game I've played yet.

I wish there was a really outstanding avatar game.

I would actually say that's their weakest game in platinum library, which is the reason people have doubts about platinum.


I think the reason for that is the people working on it did not care about Korra. However, Transformers is huge in Japan, and I wouldn't be surprised if they are also a fan of the TMNT series. I know for a fact that transformers game had some love put into it, since the game has a LOT of mini references pulled in for the inspiration for movesets in the game

The Most Extreme Example being Shockwaves Moveset, the Duplication Mode, which is lifted right from the transformers production bible, with the duplicated Shockwaves being different toy color models for Soundwave.

They put their time and research into this, and I no doubt they will do the same for TMNT.

So good

I'm seeing a lot of shit that indicates the new TMNT game as being garbage. 30 fps lock, for a start. Campaign seems shorter than even the average Platinum game. Boss battles seem more like an RPG than a platinum game. Barely any parrying or swift dodging, just lots of ability spam. What a shame!

Just fucking make Vanquish 2 god dammit

You obviously didn't play the Transformers game if you think that. Oh how typical!, someone acting all cocky and talking shit about a game that they haven't played.

don't tell me that's on PC as well..

I wouldn't know about the PC version, but consoles are locked at 30, although no word on any bad drops or anything. Didn't Transformers run at 60 on consoles? What the fuck happened?

In fact, wasn't TMNT said to not have couch co-op because it would've ruined the 60 fps gameplay? What the fuck is Platinum smoking lately?

Please stop saying these stupid things. We all know these are licensed games outsourced to Platinum.

I'm not sure what your point is. Does Platinum working under a publisher on a licensed game automatically excuse them from criticism? TMNT is shaping up to be a shitty game, which should not be the case given how good Transformers: Devastation was.

Are you implying that I said Platinum didn't develop these games?

My dreamgame is a game that plays like vanquish on the ground and like Dark Void in the air.


Who's got the crack?

It is, it's even alreay cracked.

So, anyone playing it? Is it seriously worthless shit? If so, guess I'll just stick to Turtles in Times.

Judging by Steam forums, it's 30 fps on PC as well.


fucks sake, hopefully it's just some ini editing to change 30 to 60


Only review I've really seen so far doesn't even count as a review from Digital Foundry but I have a feeling more mainstream outlets will get on the "Platinum dindu nuffin" train and conveniently ignore the shit gameplay and missions.

Kinda, yeah. Since the publisher decides exactly what the game needs to be, how much the developer gets to spend on development and how long the developer gets in development time.

Publisher and license owner has direct control over every aspect of the game. Platinum just gets paid to do what they say.

Now that's just platinum dicksucking user. They've made it good with Devestation did I get the spelling right this time?, why shouldn't they do so with this one? Also publisher fuckery only cockblocked great games from being godlike, as far as I know they don't cockblock a good game into becoming a shit one besides a few exceptions like MGSV or Overstrike.

Probably going to pass up on this one, maybe wait for a sale. I'll check Seraphim17's walkthrough of this game as he's a competent player who covers games pretty fast. I just hope Nier Automata doesn't suffer from the same issue.

So you're saying Activision, who also published Transformers: Devastation, is at fault for the product that Platinum developed, even though we have a good example of a good game coming from the partnership. Legend of Korra wasn't great, sure, but it was serviceable. At this point, you're sounding more like a shill.

Do you excuse a good chef making a shitty dish simply because they work at a restaurant that is known for rushing orders?

Looks like the game was rushed to be out in time for the movie.

I'm still going to give it a shot. If I like it I'll buy it, but signs are pointing to another mediocre, Korra experience. Locking it at 30 fps on the pc is almost unforgivable at this point.

Strange, normally platnum tries to have their games run at 60 fps, what happened here?

The game just released, and there's really been no talk about it from the devs, but I'm banking on the online play forcing a compromise. Like I said earlier, an early interview indicated that splitscreen was shelved to enforce 60 fps, but they still wanted multiplayer.

What makes me wonder is the fact that they could've just kept singleplayer 60 fps while giving some indicator that online play would lower the framerate. The graphics aren't anything special, and the action can get crowded, but no moreso than the usual Platinum fare. I can't even count the larger than usual maps, since Transformers sort of handled big maps. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the team says.

Its Devastation.

I don't know, honestly. Considering every Activision game they've made has had very similar things in them that seems to be popular at the time I am personally assuming that Activision gives them too many objectives with too little time and money to do more with them than we get. Transformers: Devastation is actually a prime example of seeing that lack of time and money with the fact that in the ending Nova Prime is revealed and such, meaning the game is obviously and blatantly left unfinished.

From Software only got 6 months to port Dark Souls to PC as well as it being their first PC port. Which is why it looked so incredibly crappy.

Call me a shill all you like, I don't know what I would be shilling though. Fact is that these kind of licensed games are developed by the publisher in all but name due to the restrictions put on the developer. I am actually surprised I found someone on Holla Forums as stupid as you. Since you clearly have no idea what goes into these games.
When the Chef's livelihood is at stake, yes. You'd rush things too if you knew it meant losing everything you own otherwise.

Imageboards circa 2016, everybody

Fair enough, I'll just sit back and wait.

We're getting a bit of summer. You should see Holla Forums at the moment, all of a sudden there are anons defending Marvel and that black chicks cringe worthy comic where she criticizes anime for not having any black main characters.

I enjoyed Transformers, it had major problems such as it being too short little combo variety but it was fun

I hope this game is good, I really do.
I just keep thinking it's going to be rushed.
Platinum Games' reputation is waning for me.
You got stuff like MGR, Bayo 1 & 2 and Wonderful 101 but then we got Star Fox Zero which could have been a lot better.

This better be damn good

It looks like shit. Don't ever buy licensed games handled by 3rd party devs.

how bad is it? don't be gentle

This isn't normalfag tier observations. There's no fucking surprise why you're faggot ass is friendless.

Can you faggots wait at least 12-24 hours before even complaining

As soon as the Download is able to start, people are already saying the campaign is short.

Look on twitch or something. That's better than me telling.

I'm reluctant because twitch is fucking twitch. But alright

Normalfags are known to be impatient, illiterate, and quick to jump to conclusions

Wait, this TMNT game has no offline co-op? What the fuck were they thinking?
Last one was the same and that game was shit.

it has dodging, some sort of witch time but the bosses look like they take ages to kill

It's weird. Dodges are tied to a meter that depletes after 3-ish dodges, but the button can be held too keep the turtles in their shells where the bar slowly depletes, keeping them invincible until the dodge bar depletes.
Doing a dodge that would trigger witch time if it were bayo performs a back attack that wrecks bosses, and releasing the held dodge button parries attacks.

It's definitely the most complicated dodging's been in a Platinum game, I just wish the combat had more depth.



Guaranteed low-effort QTE-filled trash. Not even worth a pirate.

yeah, I found out their's no combo's or the like. It's all cooldowns. Quite dissapointed

Take that fucking Kamiya dick out of your goddamned mouth

Listen here you fucking over reacting faggot; you are free to complain about whatever game you want, but you will all sound like whiny retard who simply just want the game to fail when you start complaining about it


Maybe you should learn the context of the post next time you bewildered cunt.

But it is shit


it is released.

When I made that post user, it just released.

Its okay when FromSoft Does it.

huh, weird because I watched a couple of streams of it earlier.
timezones probably

Name the last game fromsoft released on 30 fps though.

Dark Souls 1, Possibly 2.

Now name the time Platinum released a Locked 30 FPS game.

Its as if this argument is mostly irrelevant when we start getting to the 30-60 FPS region

man, I'm a huge fan of the TMNT comics and love Platinum games. This game is definitely as bad as everyone says. It's not even mediocre like the Korra game, it's just bad. A few of these things are forgivable, that's why it's "okay" when FromSoft does it. In the end they are able to deliver on enough parts of the game that the whole game isn't awful.

The problem with this one is… well, just about everything but the guard/dodge mechanic. The combat is constantly interrupted by your teammates. The world is small and ugly. The way events happen is jarring and doesn't make much sense. The graphics are bad so there is no reason it should be running at 30 fps.

I want to believe Activision made them rush it out because the only game I can think of that is as bad as this is Aliens Colonial Marines.

Bayo 2?

this feels like the 3rd rushed game in a row.
I hope a Bayo sequel isn't announced anytime soon because I'd dread that being rushed

So your only major complaint is that the game is hampered by the AI Partner is a Co-Op orientated game. Isn't that like saying Resident Evil 5 is Terrible as a game as a whole, despite the fact most consider the Co-Op aspect of the game good (While the single player aspect is bad). I am pretty sure the emphasis on this game is suppose to be in the co-op.

Bayonetta 2 was not Locked at 30 FPS. It dropped frames in some instances, but did maintain a 45-60 fps, with most dips going to 45. That's pretty forgivable for a WiiU Action Game.

he didn't specify AI or human.

and his other points are valid and falsifiable proven too

I mean, download it and give it a try if you want to see for yourself. It's just rough, and the way the bossfight was handled was terrible. They took a bulletsponge and made it more of a bulletwall. Then there's also the team gimmicks where your goal is to defuse something or lift up something which just has you and all available players or npcs holding down a button for a certain period of time.

this guy sums it all up perfectly and after about 40 or so minutes of playing I just uninstalled the thing. The worst moment was when a bank robber randomly broke out of some building and I had to chase him around simply because he wouldn't despawn. In the mean time I had these robots casting some slow ray on me that stuck with me way longer than it should have making the whole thing extra tedious.

Reading comprehension is not a part of the contract, eh? Or is deliberately misrepresenting an argument just so fun? Their other complaints are the 30 fps lock on all platforms that is in no way tied to the graphical fidelity of the game, given how terrible it looks. The 'open world' resembles what would happen if Ubisoft did a half-finished first draft of Watch_Dogs 2 on the Nintendo 3DS, and the missions feel more like Fallout 4 settlement shit than anything else with how similar they are.

it's weird how well you summed that up.