How clickbait is made

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So sad this thread will be ignored down..
Mods already expelled original Holla Forums userbase

Triple dubs of truth. Some oldfags are still here, we just don't post much.

Actually i got trips double dubs twice, kek is here lol

When you check yourself, you wreck yourself.

Keep up the good worth brother.



Yea, not much elsewhere worth wile to frequent. Sometimes I even troll/redpill on cuckchan for lack other pastures now-a-days.

The "Original" 8/pol/ userbase was pedos, tripfags, lolbertarians, shitskins, kikes and cucks
Nothing of value was lost.

National Socialists own 8/pol/ now.
Heil Hitler.

Cause nothing says "great original Holla Forums userbase" like shitters like Rei and CR McMahon. You fucking concern shills need to just lie down and die. Your time is past, kikes. Your CIA niggers are going to pony post and cry quietly when they get their pink slips (and I'm not talking about their crossdressing costumes).
Faggots. You disgust me.

You in charge of breaking links. You in charge of anything.



just newfags, well, being newfags.

I "work" in this kike-ridden industry, and this is broadly correct. You can still get paid per view, however, rather than per click, and a lot of smaller blogs choose this model while they're getting established. Google has recently caught on to the clickbait application of their analytics, though, so now it's a lot harder to research good keywords and search silos.

Sage for shit thread though.

Oh no, I formation I already knew a decade ago, how could us oldfags possibly ignore this SHOCKING REVELATION, to think I would be more interested in the fresh Wikileaks information instead! Board quality is shit now, purge the mods and let /kikeypol/ take over!

This content is to some degree already generated automatically. Colleague of mine went to some IT fair and saw some exhibitors that have systems that can create content that is close to undistinguishable from human created content.


Out of curiosity, what did you do in the industry?

But user, you're implying that Google doesn't want clickbait companies to make clickbait, which I find hard to believe.

Google doesn't like huge blogs like clickbait websites because it fucks with their search engine. They generally favour smaller blogs over larger websites with this type of stuff. Its a system that is ripe for abuse, the web rings of yesterday have become the outbrain type systems we see today.

Google doesn't want their search engine gamed by people, the brand would lose value quickly if searching oranges would turn up mortgage adds.
ancient link I found, in 2006 this was already an issue

that guy is not a newfag user, he wouldn't complain about tripfags that long fucked off if he was.

I remember the tripfags like Lucerna and Constantine_Maximus. I just wish we had some of the old boards back, like /32/.

Surely it would be beneficial to them to restrict SEO gaming to a (((select few))) hand-picked sites?

They do, its called google ad words.

Checked back.

Still working in it, I'm afraid. Various types of "10 Reasons Sonic the Hedgehog Was Badass" -tier garbage. It pays around 10 cents a word and sometimes reaches a couple million people, many of whom then seek me out on Twitter to call me an idiot for some shit my editor did.

Is the clickbait industry closer to marketing where people write copy, or actual journalism? Or is it like neither?

fagioli fagioli, where is my ravioli

Much closer to journalism, but with even lower standard, if you can imagine that. It's a kind of cargo cult journalism; all of the forms of journalism are there – the pitch, the "fact-checking," the editing – but the only thing that really matters is getting you to click through and be exposed to the ads.

Believe it or not, the copywriting I do is held to a higher standard of evidence, if only because of the danger of fraud for unverified product claims.

The reality is that if you say anything interesting you're soon b& by imkampfy. There are smarter posts on 4chan now. But this isn't a particularly interesting thread in my opinion.

Would you mind emailing me fam? I would love to ask you some questions.

I guess the FCC should start cracking down then. Here's the top six reasons why..


What? No it wasn't. Fuck off.

I thought pajeets all write clickbait for five pence a paragraph now. There's a ton of them offering on those SEO websites for dirt cheap.

There are. Reminds me when GG battled clickbait and the corrupt media. It just took until Trump when it all took effect and hard.

Point is, discussing the media apparatus itself is always interesting or at least of vital importance.

The pajeets are only competitive at the lowest level. They offer 1,000 words of bing-bing/bok-bok for $10, which is nuts. I've had a lot of clients come to me after their Bangladeshi contractor made off with their $50 to live like a king.

Careful with the email stuff here. I tried it one time with a burner gmail account, and Holla Forums's innate autism kicked in when some faget tried to crack the account before my exchange with the other user could get going.

Anti-slide mechanism activate

It is, that's why.

literally wut?
subconscious reinforcing that even had to be put on the screen because this shit is that pants on head retarded

thanks fuck we're done losing to these mentally defective parasites.

I use which will under no circumstances help you recover an account. Thwarts most tactics that are social engineering related.

yea anyways fullmoon[ a t ] is my email. Shoot me a message when you get the chance.

How the fuck does that even make sense though. How is it a "design" element.

it is a (((design))) element. how else would you break into the (((media))) industry?


Dude ten cents a word holy shit

I currently get paid 2c per word writing health niche shit for an affiliate marketer

Any tips on how to break into higher per word rates? Have tried the content mills but they're all full of pajeet and pay fuck all. Currently writing like 40,000 words weekly about dick pills and diet supplements to stay afloat

How about you become the affiliate marketer and cut off the leech making dough on you?