Saw this game on steam and it looked like it could be good.
How was the original?
Savage ressurection
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Some random gameplay
I thought it was an RTS and got so excited because it looked better than warhammer. It's another fucking shooter. It looks really good for a shooter but i'm too burnt out on the genre.
looks bretty gud but the video seems to mix actual gameplay and some rendered scenarios. what is it exactly? i want a virginit ysimulator to replace the good days of firefall
Its the exact same game as Savage 1 but with better graphics.
Before you buy into it, play Savage 1 its free.
Right now its not as feature complete as the fan version Savage XR.
It has many of the issues that savage 1 had such as the shooter mechanics beeing pretty basic and it all not beeing that beginner friendly.
The Melee is also the kind thats hard because its simple.
Personally i wanted this to be more like savage 2 which heavily favored melee over shooting but its fun enaugh.
Id also like to point out that while this game is essentialy a feature complete clone of Savage 1 with better graphics it also has quite a few issues that Savage 1 did not have due to beeing a glorified beta.
Quite a few random lagspikes and bugs.
Tho its probably far more active than Savage 1 is and it IS pretty good looking.
Supposedly they fixed a bunch of the performance issues with a patch yesterday but i didnt get to play that much since then.
Its both.
You played Natural Selection? Its like that. Each team has an RTS commander and the players play the units.
Its a shooter but it also has Melee elements, altough not as strong as savage 2.
In general for new players wanting to play Savage:
Humans can block, beasts can leap. This is the most important thing in Melee.
If you block someone, they are stunned.
Beasts generally try to jump behind you and hit you from behind where you cant block them, anticipate this.
If you cannot into Melee the easiest weapons to use are Flux gun for the humans and surge for the beasts as these are pretty short range weapons with high damage.
Alternativeley Coil Rifle / Tempest are long range weapons that can 2 shot the basic unit.
For the Units: note that while Savage/Stalker are very simmilar to the basic unit (Nomad/Scavanger) the legionaire and predator class swing quite a bit slower than the basic units and doing melee well with them can be tricky.
Remember to use a lot of leap and block while doing melee.
It looks like in the video but to explain:
Each team has a commander, the goal of the game is to destroy the enemy main building the Stronghold/Lair respectiveley.
The teams are fixed one team plays as the Humans who have the ability to block and start out with the Hunting bow, a basic ranged weapon.
The beasts have the ability to leap and do not start with any ranged weapons at all.
By building buildings and researching the Commander of each team unlocks weapons, items and classes for the "Unit" players. There are three types of playable units.
The "fighter" units, there are three of those who are for the most part upgrades of one another, there are Siege units who are pretty self explanatory, Beast siege units are generally not as vulnerable to Infantry as human siege units are. The third kind of unit is the support unit, the Chaplain/Shaman class which can both heal and revive teammates.
Reviving can be quite important as all unit types and weapons need to be bought.
You can equip yourself with one type of weapon (either a ranged weapon or an upgrade to your melee weapon if you are on the beast team, such as draining stamina or health) and several items. This can be anything from Life packs to granades and land mines for humans.
beasts tend to unlock more utility related abilities such as going invisible and going alahu ackbar on their enemies.
Additionally to researching weapons and upgrades, the Commander also builds Garrisons/Sublairs which act as spawn points and resource drop of points and protects them with a variety of turrets and shield generators that are usually very hard to bring down without siege units.
He can also give direct commands to players (such as to mine resources or build structures) or apply buffs to them.
For the players, gold is earned by killing enemy players, destroying buildings or killing NPCs in the world.
I would also like to note that ammo for ranged weapons is, espceialy without ammo pack items very ´scarce.
I think this should cover the basics of gameplay.
I am kind of hyped for it but it is in early access so not buying until release.
In all seriousness the old game can support 36 vs 36. The new one is 12vs12.
One more thing
tend to be an imperfect mirror of one another.
For example the high range weapon for both humans and beasts is very simmilar dealing identical damage. However the human Coil Rifle has the ability to zoom, but as a result costs more resources and appears later in the teach tree.
The Beast shotgun shoots far slower than the human one but deals more damage and is ofthen used to damage buildings.
Also the Humans have no upgrades for melee weapons but instead gain the ability to stock up on ammo while the beasts only gain the ability to slowly regenerate theirs.
Since you have played it tell me this: is the combat as shallow as the original ?
Sure timing of blocking is nice and all but playing as a beast I just jump at a guy and slash.
Its the same, but i wouldnt call it shallow.
Im a Sav 2 player so im biased against savage 2 but imo combat is far more fun if you are a beast.
With the beasts the combat might look simplistic but you can do quite a bit such as faking swings, jumping around the enemy and baiting him into wasting his blocks (Since you can only block for about a second)
Its the same, but i wouldnt call it shallow.
Im a Sav 2 player so im biased against savage 2 but imo combat is far more fun if you are a beast.
With the beasts the combat might look simplistic but you can do quite a bit such as faking swings, jumping around the enemy and baiting him into wasting his blocks (Since you can only block for about a second)
What are the substantial differences between 1 and 2 ?
I wanted to try 2 but posts told me it was dead community wise.
In 1 I am extremely annoyed at how long I have to do some mechanical action to get stamina boost as beast.
Doing a jump for 20 stamina instead of 30 is a huge boost.
Oh, and which one is 3 the most similar to ?
Why is new never better?
Well basically savage 1 and 2 have very little in common if you play one of the units.
The idea and game structure is the same, the RTS/Melee hybrid. But the game plays differently.
In sav 2 both beasts and humans can block and both humans nad beasts can "charge" which is simmilar to the leap, additionally, there are three free classes rather than one.
One focused on support and building, one "warrior" one and a scout one.
There is also more difference between humans nad beasts in terms of the classes. For example one of the beast classes has no ranged attacks at all.
The beasts have a class that can shapeshift into a human like the spy in TF.
I dont know how to explain the difference in melee combat but basically its just way more fleshed out with proper combat animations, defined swing arcs and different attacks such as jump attacks that can knock back enemies and abilities that can be activated.
the system is less modular so the classes feel more like classes and less like loadouts.
if the community wouldnt be dead id say get 2 over 1, i think both should be free.
Savage Resurrection right now is identical to savage 1 in every way other than graphics.
They plan on adding new features during and after early access but right now they mostly work on getting people to play it and fixing the performance.
Also ranged attacks are far weaker than they are in Savage 2.
Abilities are far more important. Instead of it beeing one shot items, you can place down energy fields that block all ranged attacks, ammo deposits for your teammates or some melee related stuff.
Also blocking works very differently. BEcoming blocked doesnt stun you, however there is a block bar, if you block too much you will get stunned.
Attack chains work in such a way that the last attack in the chain is slower but deals more damage so occasionally its smart to not finish the attack chain to do more quick damage or to use the finishing attack to break someones block.
Also there is an unintneded feature called wallriding in which you can charge up a wall to maneuver around quickly and evade multiple enemies.
Personally i think 1vX is far easier in Savage 2 while in Savage 1 it mostly works if you play the beasts who can regain their stamina by doing damage.
2 sounds good then. It is free too, but I heard servers are absolutely empty.
In 1 things happen so fast I can barely tell when the enemy is blocking or not so the combat changes sound good.
Is the 12vs12 limit for 3 final though ? Kind of lame to the player count that low.
How bad is the early access atm? I don't want to spend cash on a game that is going to be in another year in early access.
Dunno. Haven't played 3, check what the other user is saying.
Ive heard that 12v12 wont be the final number, thats probably just what they are advertising for stability.
Tho rigth now the servers seem to be capped at 26 players or something.
I wont shill for the game, if 24 players is the max they want for good then thats lame.
As for the early access, there are some jarring bugs, id say if Savage XR is active enaugh: Play that.
If not, 15 dollars isnt THAT much.
I honestly dont know what will be going down during early access.
They said they want to take in community feedback, but the EA period has just started so who knows.
If you dislike Savage 1 then hold off till they actually change it. Because right now its Savage 1.
I'm playing savage 1 and it isn't bad, but combat is somewhat off-putting at times.
You pay 7500 gold to become a giant beast who only has 1 attack. Not too great. I get that the damage is incredible but it's a one trick pony.
I've backed another game in EA before and it ended up in early access for years. It was great, I loved every moment of it ,but this slow development caused it to die as a community really fast.
I will eventually get this one, but I will give it some more time.
Also why is the catapult a monkey ?
The Behemoth is not supposed to be a combat unit for the most part.
Its the Beasts siege unit and its quite vulnerable because its huge and slow. The point is to use it as a meatshield and a battering ram to destroy enemy towers that otherwise kill all your little infantry dudes.
The catapult is a monkey because the Kongor is the Mascot of S2 games.
It was supposed to be a Boss NPC in Savage 1 but it was broken and way too big for the game so they scrapped it but kept it as a Mascot.
I wanna play this. We need a thread for it or something, if you don't wanna take over this one
The original Savage was one of the best FPS games ever created. The game had extremely solid gun play, team based gameplay, melee combat and tactical and strategical gameplay. The RTS portion was good, the guns were a bit lacking in some regards but the balance was surprisingly good. Skill mattered, team play mattered, good commanders mattered, good officers mattered, good team composition mattered. Hell, even snipers were good if utilized properly.
I never played Savage 2, so I can't comment on that. The 12v12 limit in this remake, however, is completely game breaking. You need 18v18 for good matches at the very least, 24v24 being fairly ideal from what I remember. 36v36 is usually a clusterfuck and only works on large maps, but I never played a well designed large map.
user the game is fun but you have some really rose tinted glasses.
The gunplay ain't really very satisfying.
The gun play merged perfectly well with melee, the racial abilities, the utility slots on your loadout and the tech tree. If you were to compare Savage's gun play in a vacuum to the gun play of other top FPS games also in a vacuum, Savage would always lose. But if you look at the whole package, then Savage puts up a hell of a fight.
They're going to ruin this to appeal to the ASSFAGGOTS crowd arent they.
I don't think it's possible for S2 to appeal to the ASSFAGGOTS crowd after how badly they mismanaged HoN.
The gunplay is bad.
Its bad in a vacuum and its bad in the game.
It does not combine with melee very well at all because weapon swapping isnt instant.
Now i liked the original Savage but to say the gunplay is good is ridiculous, its not, its functional at best and half the weapons are obsolete because three weapons per team are so powerfull that you dont need the others.
No point hyping a game up to something that its not.
Savage is a damn good game, but it needs work in terms of melee combat and gunplay.
Its more than the sum of its parts, but its parts could be one hell of a lot better
If you boys really want to start playing Savage XR I'm on bored. I hated Nuclear Dawn and Natural Selection for screwing up so badly and I love this type of games.