White women less likely to support open borders than White men


And their goes the reddit /r9k/ MGTOWcuck virgin shill narrative about White women wanting to get raped by brown refugees. We must always be careful not to fall for D&C kikes who want to shift blame to White women instead of jews.

Other urls found in this thread:




We already know user. White women have "betrayed the sisterhood" as per most SJW turd authors out there. They finally had the chance to vote for a MAN since 2008.

I am not so sure I see a lot of the faggot meninist reddit /r9k/ narrative creeping in on this board trying to divide White man and women.

My mom got herself a gun license and now walks around with a glock in her purse because she's afraid of rapefugees, and we're in eastern Europe. I can only imagine women westwards, where there are even more migrants, are even more afraid (only they can't get a gun there since shit laws)

and the margin of error is?

That one thread with a couple autists spamming their yellow fever fetish yesterday isn't really proof of that, but anyways it's a good stat to save for future redpilling.


Well (((pollsters))) have an interest to show great support for open borders so the percentage against immigration is probably even higher

White women were never the problem. The real problem has always been leftists who propagated kike mind viruses that exploited the altruism of women.

Better to carry on person as a bag can be grabbed and pinned away from reach.


Lurk 2 years before posting.

Fuck off with this shit. I don't think so little of the European ethnicities that I believe our women are not capable of thinking for themselves. They trusted the Jews, and now they're paying for it. At least they finally see it now, better late than never.

I'm sure I won't learn mgtow terms by just browsing on Holla Forums

White women are excellent, tbh. And they make the cutest babies.

Open carry is only legal for the police and similar.

It's another /r9k/ term for Stacey.

Men get their wives to adapt their opinion, I'm shocked.

Women switch beliefs on the fly, how many would die for their "belief" if hypothetically all white men were to disappear and they'd be left to fight the shitskins like we will have to? Its another tactic to get dick as obviously the dominant male stock swings far right.

being against open borders doesn't automatically mean pro-white

With the /r9k/-tier wizards that are on here you're guaranteed to learn about it soon.

Yeah… If you're in Africa.



Don't let real life mess with the crafted narrative fed to you by the e-celeb MGTOW redditor shills.

Shitskins blown the fuck out.

there's a lot of mainstream republicans and conservatives against open borders as well
you think they're Holla Forums?

True married White women are much more likely to be more right wing than single women.

What real life mess? I'm not some faggot /r9k/ that got my heart broken by some 3D, nor do I watch crap like commonfilth.
The fact remains women are by and large absolutely fucking shit and I rather die taking a bullet for my country than sticking my dick in it. Better use of my time to die for my folk.

If women want to impress, let them give up on voting rights and agree to reestablish traditional roles. I'd also appreciate they stop voting for gay and tranny rights in vast majorities, and generally also voting for increase of centralized socialist governments.

Alternatively I'd appreciate*


Being against immigration is a good proxy though.

This post is cuckchan tier. You sound like a mongrel lolbertarian. Putting your race and kin first is the number one priority for real national socialists.

She doesn't give a damn about what the host culture wanted, she just wanted to change it to her liking. That's it, and nothing else.

She doesn't give a damn what the host population wanted, she just wants to change the demographics to her liking. To be non-white.

Why the fuck is she here? (To change us to her liking.)

In any case, gullible white women piss me off to no fucking end. I trusted their wisdom, and got royally burned for it.
Fuck them, that's all they're good for.

I'm not American, nor do I mean I wish to join the military when I said I want to die for my folk. Also notice I said folk, not country. This country and government do not represent my people, like most western states.

But please, keep trying to strawman your way to some sort of argument because you get triggered when people say women started this shit. Women voted for the mess we are in, that is a fact. Blame the Jews if you want, blame their social engineering, blame their politics granting them the vote.

But at the end of the day, nobody noted down the vote but the individual women.

Again, please remain mad at the truth.

Jews aren't white.

Bullshit. Proof where it counts, at the voting booth, if only White males voted Trump would have won all but two states. The question is what are the jews up to with this angle.

The funniest part about these maps to me is that blacks and latinos that are actually capable of human speech and expressing political opinions tend to be more conservative than whites and think progressive agendas are retarded. The dem's main base doesn't even agree with their policies, they just bloc vote for gibs because they can.

The entire left wing only consists of noisy academics and people that are literally paid off.

you know something is fucked up when the majority of germans are requesting assylum from the assylum seekers

White women flipped the Austrian election for the communist though. And they only voted 53% Trump to men's 64% Trump. It's wonderful if they're starting to turn around, but I think that women turning to the right is going to happen as nationalism rises rather than it being the cause of nationalism rising. Women submit to what they perceive to be the strongest power in society. When a nigger was the most powerful man in the world and the media was pumping out anti-white vitriol 24/7, they weren't exaclty leaning towards us. But perhaps now that Trump is in charge and making the left and non-whites look like a bunch of powerless faggot crybabies, and the media is autistically screeching about Trump instead of making a concerted effort to demonize white males and whitewash shitskins, our women may be very well coming home. This may not be the case in every country though, like Germany and Sweden where most of the men are so bad begging to be conquered I don't think most of the women are going to be proudly standing beside them yet.

And there still is a massive problem with women not wanting to settle down and have families, they just want to have casual sex until they are old and gross and infertile. Maybe you guys live in a red state, maybe you don't mind marrying a woman that's had sex with 5 guys before you, but the state of modern women is pretty bad and needs to be fixed. As I said, great if it's starting to turn around but don't deny the problem.

And lastly all of these white male cucks that want immigration need to have their balls clipped. Fucking hell. Finnish/Spanish civil war WHEN???

The difference between open carry and concealed carry is literally whether your shirt is tucked behind the holster or hanging over it. Both are fine for self-defence.

Japan should be nuked again and anime should be regulated the same as CP.

jewesses are so fucking ugly

Common Filth is anti-White, he is a retarded Christcuck, not pro-White

Millenial women have fewer sexual partners than their mothers and grandmothers. They are more likely to be virgins at the time they turn 19

Great, so he's shit. Why does Holla Forums care about him again? Why is he in any way whatsoever associated with the argument "women are fucking shit right now"

Here's the thing. I want a return to traditionalism. But you're not going to get anywhere if you don't correct the fucking flaws. Violently if necessary. Traitors deserve no quarter, vagina or dick between their legs. You give quarter to traitors, you're facilitating the next collapse.

Even the people that treat women as children (which you really shouldn't, don't underestimate a traitor because he hides under the guiles of the feminine) why the ever loving fuck would you NOT admonish them for fucking up. That's like letting your kids fuck up and never punishment them for it. That's how we got to this mess in the first fucking place.

Now one could argue having shitskins rape and molest you while the suppose lefty protectors act either cuckish or outright call you part of the problem to be punishment enough, but then again after over a hundred years of causing shit, I say they still need a metaphorical spank (or literal if you're into that I dunno).

is what that should say

Betacuck woman haters take the propaganda too easily and assume every white girl wants to fuck Mehmet and has her arms wide open to all. While it's true girls are less vocal about things, especially around peers, it doesn't mean they are all as fucked as the few thousand leftist drones you see paraded in the media. You betafaggots got astroturfed into thinking all women are completely lost which is a fine excuse for you to be a complete loser in life who faps at various shit on a daily basis, sapping your mettle to go out there and help shape a girl so that she blossoms correctly, but that's too fucking hard isn't it?

We are the architects and the soldiers user, even fewer are out leaders. Our intelligence is a cruel joke by God, as we see past the folly of society; we are not swayed by the opinion of the populace, or harmed by their insults, we exist as humans to shift the norm, to die for some normalfaggots "right" to breed. This society is designed as to exchange our God given right of power to the masses, to abbreviate each and every event and policy into an easily swallowed down blue-pill that fuels their charade and eats away our will. Social evolution is incapable of catching up to human progress, meaning where normally we'd exercise our philosophy by force or by recognition of success, we are now kept in check by other "big guys" who are "just following orders" from the kikes at the top. Its not that they don't see the damage of their ways, they simply don't care; and with the advent of democracy they feel compelled to latch onto whatever anyone else around them is thinking without second thought - their "vote" matters as much as mine or your does. Insanity.

Be merciless, always stay true to yourself, those faggots on here who "hide their power level" are yet another lemming slave waiting for their savior.

Know your place faggot, if that is what you choose to do (using choose loosely) then make sure you do one hell of a job at it.

Just shoot the paki, afghan and arab rapists at first sight. This is the only language these savages are able to comprehend.

Good freaking lord at that kike nose!

I don't hate nor do I somehow hold it against the normalfags that find it in them to actually marry and have kids, and have that last a lifetime.

I have little interest in it. I've never felt that way for any 3D, so as far as I'm concerned, all I can hope for is for this entire political revolution to turn violent so I can die defending my peoples or other European folk from Jew armies and kebab invaders.
I have no desire for a family. All I want a this point is a good death.

But even were I not in this mindset, I'd still demand heavy changes to the behavior of the feminine gender before they are ever allowed any sort of clemency over the bullshit that's been spawned.

tl;dr: Women are starting to regret it, but they have to have it rubbed it it's their fault or they wont fucking learn

Yep it's a sexually frustrated cuckchanner

Sounds good, but how do you actually get to them?

Where this sudden reversal from degeneracy? People of my age (26) are the degen central, but the younger ones seemingly turn away from this crap.
Is the leftist lie really this shoddy and see-through?

Being cannon fodder isn't an honourable way to go and you're just being a petty loser who would rather commit suicide than put some effort into shaping the world around him, that's why you'd freely die in a war that won't save your race. The "golden age" returns first within and all I see in people like you is more lemming attitude. Make no mistake, the future doesn't belong to you, it belongs to better men than you or worse men than you, but not you, at least as you are today. That can change quite easily, some of you are just drowning in fear over it.

Most likely, women feel that the public opinion is shifting, and follow the herd.

That is normal user. Many men were to die, others were to continue life, fewer to lead. Like I said, we must all seek our role in society so it functions as efficiently as possible. Of course, this is impossible with shitskins and kikes who's personalities vary from "leeches" and "destroyers" so unless we all compete with Abdula and Shequeila and pop out a dozen kids each shit won't change; and even then, our children will have to fight. "Better them than us".

Reddit spacing is a non existent asinine argument created by idiots that feel the need strawman every argument that goes against their view as "muh reddit". I have literally always typed this way and I remember a time when cuckchan didn't have captchas, or /jp/ didn't exist. So really just shut up.

Tell that to the 250 thousand Germans that died and Kursk.

Better us than them** that is a major fuck up.


Good post.
Getting real sick of all this "woe is me we're all doomed" shit.

As a man you have to figure this out yourself taking advice from your peers and family. Relationship advice on the internet is garbage

Nobody in this thread has said anything approaching that. There's just fags arguing about how much guilty the female gender shares in the mess we currently find ourselves in.

Sexually frustrated losers who masturbate to degenerate parodies of girls yet try to act as if they are noble of character make me sick. It's absolute hypocrisy and they are just more disease themselves but behave as if their shit doesn't stink, just like the people the hate. They are too afraid to sacrifice, too.

German soldiers fought for their women, their families, and their homeland you dumb faggot. How dare you call them cannon fodder.

Self-pity is all too easy a trap to fall into.

White women account the the vast majority of politically and socially active people out there fighting for open borders, and all this other assorted Cultural Marxist shit. Have you taken a look at a protest recently? Whether it's the women's march, a BLM rally, and anti-Trump protest, the majority of the people are always white women. I trust my eyes.


I doubt this is true but if you say so

The rest are faggot cuck orbiters trying to get laid.

Friendly reminder to all anons that a left-leaning feminist woman wrote this

Well they're also the fattest generation of women, and the most rabidly feminist. Not really a surprise…

Pretty much, or some LARPing "comrade" faggots trying to live out their revolutionary dreams, from within the cities where the local government protects them and 84% of the population voted Clinton.

I have a family and a homeland thank you very much. Also you're the one calling them cannon fodder not me.
Or is the implication here that my desire to find a good death, and my definition of such as a death for my land and my blood, is somehow different from theirs?

You are never going to cause actual change for the better in the female sex if you continue to excuse their actions. Blaming the environment under which they performed the actions only allows for so much correction of the behavior, and to begin with.

Women are, under a proper healthy society, to be entrusted with the raising of children and the maintaining of the home. And as a gender, that entire ability has been lost, forgotten and outright gutted by women themselves. Either we realize this and perform self correction, not just by removing the source of the perversion (ie kikes and globalist traitors) but also clear what is already there, you'll still have a messed up situation.

Again, once women start en mass advocating for repealing their rights to vote and other similar things, I'll hold my peace. Until they, they are still benefiting from the same system that put us in this fucking mess to begin. Their vote ruined the west.

And by the way, I'm not telling you to give up on fixing this situation. Merely that you realize that excusing women of all guilt because "they're adult children" or "men need to take responsibility" is basically the same as saying you shouldn't spank a child that fucks up big time, or you shouldn't threaten to disavow a son/daughter that tries to racemix.

Bitches love nazis.

Yes, because women really are going to be divided from us if we express our beliefs on an imageboard. We need soldiers you retard, user might be bitter but he isn't wrong on anything but wanting to die, but then again "you are more willing to find someone to die for their belief than live for it". It demonstrated ultimate dedication unto the cause.

If you want to raise your kids in this hell-hole world then don't let me stop you, and if you haven't already then you're a mouth-loud retard hypocrite.

I can not access the article from OP and his quot speak of women and men. Has anyone real facts?

Is this true or not? OP please give us a quotation that confirms your statement.

Look at the dude behind the guy that got flowers. They were loving it. They weren't marching off to die , they were marching for their women and race

I don't understand why anything I said comes off as bitter. I'm not telling anons to not go out and get themselves a wife if that's what they want, nor am I saying we should give up on women and go full artificial wombs. There are some things, deep, moral truths of tradition that you need women for. The matriarch of a home, the venerable grandmother, the old crone source of folk songs and stories. Shit like that can't be replaced with robots and wombs.

And even on the idealism side of it. You can't replace the thoughts of a pale raven beauty dancing in the summer breeze on a green hill, that picture perfect ideal of a Celtic beauty.
We make songs to Erikas and Kayushas for a reason. That can't be replaced.

But you will cannot and will not fix the matter right now by simply putting all blame on the Jews and their media/political empire.

We must avoid death user, you can't die only knowing such squalid conditions. We must secure power.

There's only one reason white women would be less likely to support open borders than white men, who openly despise it, and who are the only group who openly despise it, and that would be because they see a threat to their position and benefits. By position I mean their use as a wedge issue amongst politicians, which allows them to garner personal benefit and privilege by means of trading their vote. If the brown hordes come in, white women lose that position and the mud becomes the voting block politicians pander to and promise benefit to. That's all white women see. What benefits their financial stability. If it was a bunch of rich niggers and beaners coming into the country, they'd all be for open borders and they'd open their doors to them and welcome them in. No loyalty. No devotion, pride, or honor. All they want is security (financial being the most prominent). As the largest single voting block for the Left, for the last century, they've gotten nearly all of the feigned promises of security and financial benefit, but in recent years that's been changing. The whore fears for her free ride.


I have been fortunate to live in a country that hasn't gone full retard yet.
A bit retard, but not full retard.

If I can die for this land, I will be content.

That's perfect though. You can't expect normalfags, much less women, to not vote in their self interest.

If the state can no longer provide safety, they flock to those who can. In this case, white men.

We would not have to speculate if OP simply would prove his statement. By the way, I'm against MGTOW.

OP posted the graphs.

He said white women, the graph does not distinguish between races.


Leftism, the cuckold of political ideology.

It's Germany though. Majority's gonna be German still.

Conduit for the Holocaust. Broken household appliance, National Socialist!

Most non-white migrants are men and they want more refugees.

I assure you, ever leftist wants to be dominated by an evil sexy fascist and made to tell all the secret revolutionary secrets and such and such.
The numales by fashy women.
The women by fashy men.
Etc, etc

My liberal gf (I'm slowly converting her) literally 180'd her views on refugees in Europe due to Gex's amazing video.

Someone with more talent than me needs to make an American version jam-packed with feels for us burgers.

I'm against MGTOW too, I just acknowledge that women are inherently disloyal, dishonorable filth who can't truly be trusted. The only person a white man can truly trust in a dire situation is a white man, because the only person who's everyone going to fight beside and possibly die for you is a white man. White women will harm us so long as it benefits them, just like they've done for the last century with their vote. They need to lose that right one of these days. Somehow. The coming conflict in Europe is going to fall squarely on white men to fix. White women will do not one single thing to fix the problem they spearheaded the creation of. Then when the problem is fixed, in a generation or two white women will be back to their self-interest driven decision making, no matter how much it harms us or our nations. Rinse and repeat.

Anyone who touches a Leftist rat is lowbrow filth. Leftists are sub-humans. Centrists are potential allies, and Right-wingers are allies. Leftists deserve death. All of them. No second chances.

I wouldn't call them the spearhead.
That was the Jews, Jacobins and Enlightenment cunts.

Nothing new. I'am forever alone because the girls interested in me are crazy tumblerinas, 2 confessed to wanting to be dominated by strong right-wing men. Then in public they act the exact opposite and work as hard as they can to undermine traditional men. Feminists are just sexualy repressed women, and as usual, they project this notion on conservative women because of how insecure they are about the ideology-sexual desire paradox.

I know you are reading this Holla Forums, and you know i'am right.

Keep crying faggot

Many here were leftist before. Some are beyond saving, some are not. It's a mentality thing

It were the women, you stupid LARPing teenager, just read a fucking history book, and educate yourself

Holla Forums is full of cucks who are too lazy and scared to make the decisions in a relationship


When you commit treason against your country you're either killed or locked up for life. When you commit treason against your people, in my opinion, you deserve the same. Being a Leftist is treason against our people. Centrists are the largest group. They're the group you appeal to. Not the Leftist rats.

Just educate yourself, I can smell the 89IQ through my computer

I'll just phrase it how I usually do. White women are the sword wielded by propagandists that threatens to slit our throat. Without white women, none of this would be happening. Without the vote, white women are powerless.

Well sis, you won't find a lot of fish if you just look at the sahara.

My IQ is 137, Shlomo. Go fuck yourself, you, your "le educate lerself" and your typical shill tactics. Women do what men tell them to do .

Not true. Not when government is daddy. The security promised by government undermines a man's position in society and relegates him to being nothing more than a tool for women to use.

Gee, and who let the government to do this?
And guess why men did this…

It's always the jews and only them. If you disagree, you're probably JIDF

(Wasn't talking to.you in particular)


Thank you. I've been on Holla Forums for 3 years and had no idea what he was talking about.

Sure, kiddo, that's why you are on Holla Forums rambling about da jews.

Just turn your pc off and read a fucking history book.

A real one. You faggot.

Anarcho-communists certainly are a special breed of leftist retardation.

Sounds familiar…

Holy shit the jewry here
Fuck off kike, reported

Cause women told them to?!

They were cucks?!


It has to be da Jews


Blaming women instead of Jews is very jewry by itself

Is this your first day?

I don't blame any single group for everything. I'm not a be-all, end-all kind of guy. I place specific blames on specific groups.

The ideals of feminism and giving women the vote were born out of the Enlightenment and Jacobin ideals of the late 18th and early 19th century, which in of themselves were Jewish creations at the core, made to subvert the traditions of Europe and replace higher morality with materialist ideology

Tell that to the kids you plan to have. Women raise the next generation. This idea that women had no power without the vote is retardation. It's arguable their role was more important than the men's, at least as far as the family is concerned.

Yeah, you proved you are 89 IQ

lol look at this goon who's mad on the internet
filtered tbh

Does this looks like "jewish" or "feminist" to you?

When I say powerless I mean politically powerless.


Why do you think we still trust msm outlet's polling?

You fuckers had better be fucking ripped enough to save our fucking women.
If you're not /for get off pol.

He's a stupid teenager being edgy on Holla Forums, he never read a history book, so he doesn't know shit.

Just a normal day on Holla Forums


Shut up cunt.


Yes, it does look pretty Jewish now that you mention it.

All Jacobins and liberals are filth, exception given to Napoleon who fixed his shit up and crowned himself Emperor.

You. Can't.


Family is an outmoded social organization structure.
Women are hypergamous and want to be fucked by Genghis Khan. Men are expendable.
If you want to be the alpha and deal with their horseshit, go ahead and knock up 50 women. That's what the Mormons did.

Just give the rest of the males their VR waifus so they don't have to suffer a hateful and pointless marriage with a dry pussy shrew who is dreaming about Chad all the time.

At this point I'm left to assume you're either retarded or a shill.

Fixing women does not imply rejecting women.

You. Can't.

Women don't walk backwards, they do not listen. They will not listen.

LARPing faggot. Cardio and stamina benefit you tenfold more in a war scenario. In the twenty-first century knowing how to use a gun properly, and owning one, help you a hundredfold more. To be honest, The Golden One is going to be one of the first ones dead when shit goes south. His body needs too many calories. He's too big. He's an easy target, and without a proper diet to feed his massive body he'll be slow and his judgement will be clouded.


You. Can't.

There will be no VR waifus. There will be no shiny toys. You can't have it.

Female freedom was a thing only in nobles, which were weak and effeminate. Read "Il giorno" by Parini.
The frech revolutionaries were basically fascists/natsoc


We can and will. "You can't" stop it.
People will make it and sell it and it will exist, just like drugs.
Preventing it is impossible.


Only ones approved by you, right?

The leftists say the same about saving our people.
I see no reason to find your claims anymore accurate than theirs, seeing as you can't even properly italicize text. We decide. Try and stop us - we will try to stop you.
And we'll succeed.

No. You won't have it. Watch what happens.

It's a necissary structure, but a dead one. And you can't bring it back. Women don't walk backwards. They never will and this is just how things are now. Once the rats are damaged by the level of crowding and degeneracy, they are irreparably damaged for every generation thereafter.

Nothing can be done.


You're being too optimistic. Women are ruined. Men are ruined. The damage cannot be undone. Watch what happens.


Which is why Napoleon emancipated the Jews right?
And even Robespierre

The French revolution was ultimately a materialistic, morally evil, it ushered in the wars of ideology and it was largely supported by the kikes because it allowed them a freedom to kike they hadn't seen since a very long time.

Fascism was in fact a reaction to both the Jacobins, and the Socialists.

what did he mean by this

Women are submissive. Don't be a faggot, be like a fucking viking chieftain or an SS official and they will do as you please. Is really thar easy


You wish, Shekelstein.
It's too late for you. We win.

Sure it can. Just introduce a few muzzies and the women will gladly vote for their own removal from the voting block to save themselves the goat disease infested dicks.
Once they can't vote, we can get about fixing this crap.


Why no one posted this yet?
Also, there's an user here saying that Women do what Men tells them to do, and you should act dominant, etc.
This is true to a certain extent, while Women do have a submissive and even masochistic nature, they also have their own agency - so both perspectives are kinda true and there are lots of variations regarding this and its degrees.

I've had multiple liberal girls tell me that the one "conservative" issue they agree with is not letting people in illegally. It's too logical even for a woman.

You're the only thing ruined lad. Stop masturbating.

The catch there is, they want to reform our immigration laws so we can let them all in legally so they don't have to come in illegally.

No, it isn't. Their friends outnumber you. Her mother out ranks you. And they are all infected. If you try to isolate her, she will call you abusive and so will her social group.

You. Can't.

It's not demoralizing to point out that we're damaged, user.

You're misreading me. We can destroy the Jew. But you will never rid women of their natures and feminism. Watch what happens.

And how do you suggest we get the vote away from them? Too many generations of women have had it for them to ever be convinced to remove it. Women don't walk backwards.


Doesn't matter if you fap or not. Women are ruined. Men are ruined. Down to the base limbic system that governs your impulses. Attraction cannot be negotiated, social disease cannot be cured. Women once enfranchised will never let go of power.

Watch what happens.

Fucking BS, they were the original leftists! The French Revolution was the first open manifestation of what would follow later, until today. You're right regarding the decadent aristocracy, though. Still better than the jewified one across the channel.

The material is nothing if it is not equally tempered by the moral.

And while we're at it, it is perfect reasonable to assume objective moral truths, such as the holding of the religions of your folk, worship of ancestors and the complete ignorance of the Declaration of the Rights of Man as globalist horseshit.

There is no Man.
There are Frenchmen, there are Germans, and Englishmen and Russians, and Americans.
There is no Man.

Tell them it's either that or the burkha.

Ahhhh, I see where you're coming from now, you just don't understand that Calhoun's experiments did not include all variables.

We. Have.
You're just a little slow to realize.

You'd be suprised what you may learn on Holla Forums in times passing

You can't defeat human nature: that's why nationalism works. No amount of jewish/feminist brainwashing will change human nature for more than a few decades.

Buck up faggot. Johnny never let a cat in the pit.

Wow there - they are the first anti-Traditionalist Lefties, mate.
It's is true that they were Nationalistic at the time, as everybody literally was, but its was a more Stalinist Nationalism, which focused on the Country, the geographic dominion of land.


You're right, that's why, by pushing race-mixing and all the other filth, they want to change the very matrix of our people's existence. Much, much deeper than brainwashing.

You can't fix the current generation but you can make a better one in the future.

The domain where men rule and women are helpless is technology, and technology is the force that can defeat women.

We have general purpose computers and can program them. It's already too late for the roasties. Trying to stop VR waifus will be as unsuccessful as the RIAA stopping piracy. They're in checkmate and it doesn't matter how much they whine and refuse to accept it.

Men rule technology and we will get what we desire here. The roasties will be left in the cold.

You misunderstand.
He's pushing the Calhoun experiments, thinks hes a beautiful one and its all gonna come tumbling down.

But we are the Anons of Kek, and like the Rats of NIMH, we can open new vistas and escape 'the inevitable'.
Johnny never let a cat into the pit.

Ya know, this is where the optimistic part of me wants to look at myself, go "its time to finish losing this weight and get in shape (used to weigh 320lbs about 6 years ago, down to 250 now, 20 of that has been since Trump took office, want to hit 200 by the end of the year), find a good wife, and finally start a family of my own."

The pessimistic side of me says "that 52%? Yeah they're all married already and have kids and husbands of their own. You're fucked."

Whatever, at least if I can finish slimming down and get in shape, maybe I can join up with the RWDS when DotR comes, or at least sign up to help build the wall or something. I dunno.

makes sense

we're not the ones being raped

You cannot change your fate, user 6cdf1a, but you can rise to meet it if you choose.

Lol you think women actually like niggers?

Well dubs confirm. Society must collapse and be rebuilt obviously, which is something I agree with Varg on.

I like Calhouns Rat experiment as an analogy but I've never seen it replicated so I find it dubious in nature.

I have confidence we will win it. This is our universe for it. There have been crazier things that have succeeded.

member the 20's?

Do not direct your hatred towards Feminism, Feminists and Feminist Policies on every Women.

Yes, Women have been complacent, accepting and supportive of those issues, but that's because they've been brainwashed into thinking Feminism is good for them.
And they have been brainwashed mainly because they are highly emotional beings. Add to that the constant Blackmail, Guilt, Shame they are subjected to and you'll understand a situation similar to a Stockholm Syndrome, or a Abusive Relationship, or a Pimp and a Whore.

Also, don't think Men are immune to this, nuMales/beta Males/Leftists are all around for you to see.

You still don't understand.
Johnny. Never. Let. A. Cat. Into. The. Pit.
This is key.
I have no doubt in Calhoun's experiment for what it was… But let a cat, a snake, a hawk, a scorpion, into the pit.

Two roads diverged in a wood and I?
I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.

They'll just screech until they get beheaded by the muslims because that's how things are. Doesn't matter what ultimatum you use.

What other variables are there? Do you think they'll actually be effective?

No you haven't. Prove it.

This is human nature. Brainwashing leads to genetic damage, leads to permanent damage. This IS human nature. To be terrible.


Maybe he should have just dropped Cyanide in instead? You're still deluded.

Pretty much. Feminism causes mental damage to make racemixing to cause genetic damage. Pretty spot on. But how to stop it when women refuse to comply.

No you can't. The damage is permanent, and I'd love to see you try. Watch what happens.

And the cats eat all the mice and there is nothing left but bones. Do you get it yet?

You're so deluded. I don't get why you think the way you do. There are no "new vistas". It's gears in a gearbox. There is no choice. There is only Fate. The cat eats the rats and there is nothing left but bones.

I know I'm ugly. There are no beautiful ones. There is nothing left but bones.

Liar Liar

You are fucked. That's the idea. The point then, is to make damn sure that the Jews are fucked.

I bet you have. I've seen crazier things completely fail. Most of what I've seen in my entire life has been abject failure. So I find it hard to believe in anything successful. With the latest round of winning, I've been brought away from complete nihilism, but I'm still a long way off from being in any way "worth a damn."

I just don't have any trust or faith in women to not be feminist cunts. Too many of their friends and mothers have been infected and they all have social precedence over you so why would you think that they would listen?

Dear white guys. We are ready to start roping niggers and ovening Jews. Get your shit together. You can join us when you are done fapping to your 2D waifus.

Liar Liar.

You don't even have tits. No women have ever said that, Go away Sinead.

I've already bet my eternal soul that it will. And so, it will.

You don't understand John's experiment at all lad.

trips confirms vagina

Oh, and I recognize your autism now.
You're already dead.

You're full of yourself. I do understand the experiment. Why do you think there would be anything else? Rats don't fight back in an organized fashion, and people even if they do wouldn't solve the inheirent problem.

20% of men are all that are ever going to have genetic continuance.

They have less sexual partners because men don't pursue them thanks to internet porn.

Miyazaki should have quit at Mononoke.
Fucking masterpiece of animation.

tits or gtfo

Sup. Didn't think you gave a damn. But, it's neat that I've gone from total nihilism to fighting back. I'm just doubtful that letting a cat into the pit would change anything.

Women are how they are. They have always been that way. They will always be that way. They will always be disloyal, and now that they have the political franchise, society will have to completely collapse before they'll give it up.

Now what fucking argument did you actually have?

I don't think you're one of us if you think there are no Women in the movement.
Look for Lana's Radio 3Fourteen, there are if not a hundred there.
Also, vid related is an example.

They don't have to lad, its a stimulus effect, a catalyst.
Again, you just don't understand the experiment you're trying to work off of. I study animal behavior, and the fact that Johnny never let a cat - a predator - into the pit is a key component of the experiment's outcome.

Must you guys keep sperging out and trying to push women away?

You're already dead inside.
The light has gone out, but you still work.

reminder that red ice is controlled op

Yes. Holla Forums is a male space. They can make their own board.


If they are, they true are a very convincing one, you know, naming the Jews, making Conferences, Interviewing nationalists, publishing news, linking to studies, etc

Sorry, she's still got the thousand cock stare. Completely broken. No recovery possible.

Neat that you do. So what would that change? Make your argument.

Meh, women push themselves away because they always want to be whores and take charge of things. They're useless to this.

Get out.

Why did you respond to him? And the light was never there to begin with. The self is empty, only aggregates. Of course I still work. I haven't achieved enlightenment yet.

But you're retarded if you think I'm the same I as I was. Impermanence is the only thing.

You're not the one to decide any of that, though.

You act like that's a bad thing.

Lana is a strong independent woman who tells young girls to be whores for a while before they finally shit out a niglet at 35 and blonde is a former whore who realized that she ain't getting any younger.

Ok, you're a shill, reporting.

this is bait and you guys fell for it,well played.

their high production value, continued presence depite operating in sweden while saying what would get normal people shut down, interviewing muh based nationalist kike, etc just screams controlled op to me.

Red Ice can fuck off, so can that "muh sixteen years in the movement" fucker. Go ride on Grindr Greggy and Fuck off.

Whatever. I'm right and you know it.


It's a bad thing if you want to try and convince beta men to contribute to your society. Or do you think that you can get away from regression to the mean?

Watch what happens.

Why do you think I'm saging a shit thread and dumping all over it?

This. They are controlled op. Just as much as TRS. Destroy all namefaggots.


They operate in the USA. Their money is from subscriptions and donations.
Hahaha, ok ok… this thread is being damaged controlled hard

t. Goldberg surname

All women do it submit.
All they do is open their legs.

That is why we live in a patriarchy, not a matriarchy.

They died in vain.

That has nothing to do with with why I won't touch western women, this does

Not that they want the BBC. Racemixing isn't that prevalent outside of the usual demographic.

The problem is that all women of all races are whores and once they get a certain level of freedom in their society, they will spread that idea to other women, and that women by nature will always side with one another over a man, if that man is outside the top 20%.

So without enforced monogamy and women being property of their fathers until marriage, you cannot stop women from ruining everything. End of story.

Why would I argue with a corpse? It is folly, but I shall acquiesce all the same… A threat response was lacking from Calhoun's experiment, as was an 'external' selective factor. Introduction of such a factor changes behavioral parameters, very-likely offsetting the end-stages of Calhoun's outcome - the rats don't have to fight back, per se, merely the introduction will suffice to trigger a shift. Calhouns experimental outcome relied upon the absence of a threat, relied upon the context. A change to the context opens up new vistas, new options.
Changing the parameters changes the potential outcomes.
This is all that you must comprehend that you can accept Calhoun's outcome is not an inevitability.

I've stated my view, think for yourself, maybe reawaken the fire which once dwelt within… Or don't. Not everyone can or will reproduce.

Nihilism is not the path to enlightenment. Walk the path less traveled by. it will make all the difference.

Well, wade into the modern dating market for us and watch what happens.

BUT i fear feminists see the immigrants as a threat to their control over society.

Men need to say "make a choice - either you allow us to lead or we'll join the arabs and beat you like they do."

No they didn't.

The battle in of itself, removed of all ideology and strategic value, has worth. To fight and to die for the noble goal has value. To a morally just man (or at least German), there would be no other option but to die there in those fields, or well fight at the very least. Even if defeat is guarantied you may not be allowed to surrender.

You must fight the long defeat.

that much money from subs and donations? pretty hard to believe. Not to mention they also travel to and from europe regularly on top of all the other costs their business runs.

I don't think you understand or are willingly playing retarded, kikes are never an ally to anyone but themselves. they play both sides of the field to steer things in a more kosher direction. giving one of them a platform to do that is a such a huge blunder it's hard to think that it wasn't intentional

You haven't stated shit. I'm not practicing nihilism, but I'm not going to believe you that women are going to walk backwards because of Muslims.

If you don't secure genetic continuance for the bottom tiers of men, they will drop out of society because of the way women act. How are you going to do that to keep your society afloat? How are you going to give meaning to those who don't reproduce? What possible reason for anything do they have?

There is no path less traveled by. There is only one path to enlightenment. The Eightfold Path.

Do you get it yet?

Go. Back. To. TRS.

user, I'm a virgin at 20. Do you how many fools send me dick pics? Do you know how much of a turn off that is? The freedom to mess around is exactly why I don't.

Beta males don't want to breed and we don't want them to breed. Just sterilize some Asian slaves and let them be play things for the betas. If we promise them 8-10/10 Asian females the betas will happily die to expel the nonwhites.

These are mutually exclusive. No father is going to hand his daughter over to a genetic defect even if his daughter is a genetic defect.

If you want arranged marriage, you are going have to accept polygyny as the norm.

kellhus pls

Blood and soil.
You introduce a threat. The cat is the muslim. The Jews fucked up and pushed too many muzzies (and Spics for the Americans) too soon.

We were the beautiful ones until they introduced the feline called Islam. Now shit's out of the parameters. That experiment no longer codifies western and central European society.

They really wont. That displays a gross misunderstand of human behavior.

I always see beta males with ugly Asian women.

Well they have to shills I guess.

No it doesn't. What worth is there and how is it determined?

You're lying. Tits or GTFO.

So you don't understand regression to the mean. Neat. You have no idea of how things will work. Watch what happens.

No, poly-anything is fucking degenerate and you're probably a mormon or a muslim. Fuck off. You will never have your harem fantasy.

That's because he doesn't understand regression to the mean. You can create the ubermensch and he will produce mediocre offspring eventually because numbers hate you.

And that's how you know they're controlled op.

ridf pls leave

And I always see whipped cucks with white women.

White women start to realize that they are out-victimed by (sand)nigger females.

So what's the problem with redice, muh PR?


Fighting for the morally good side. That is worth in of itself.
Just like the Greeks who lost at Thermopylae or the Greeks at the fall of Constantinople in 1453.

You still don't get it, and your spewing of venom like a toothless viper impresses and convinces no one.
Johnny never introduced a cat, thus the experiment is flawed. You assume a given context is static, despite pretending to acknowledge change as the only constant, and this belies the truth of your 'argument' - dressed up nihilism, with a side order of narcissism. You are, effectively, a leftist - low self-esteem, hatred for that which triggers your awareness of yourself, and a willing acceptance of the context you misguidedly (and perhaps unconsciously) accept as static.

No. It's the Muh Based Nationalist Jewish Allies bullshit and the namefaggotry.

Now leave.

How does it have worth in itself? Define it. How is it morally good? Where is the reward? REMEMEBER! You're talking about supposed 'beta' men who aren't good enough to reproduce. So how can they be satisfied with "morally good" when they weren't good enough genetically for you to think that they're going to do what you want?

None of that made any sense or was coherent. Explain yourself.

How does introducing a cat change things? How does that make women walk backwards? You are still spouting bullshit. Explain.

Simple, they've lost control of the narrative. The evil white boogieman is hard to push to muds when your rallies for shitskins, abortions and trannies are half white girls. The political strife isn't moving fast enough for (((them)), and now that Trump is in office, their time ticks away. So they're just going to lump all white people together now, not just make a monster out of the white males.

Wew lad. You're not as clever as you think you are. Go read some Darwin.

Perfect, the thread got derailed by MGTOW kikes yet again.
Keep fighting him, lads. I have trust in you.

If they want to have children with Asians, they can't live in a white nation.

We want to encourage more breeding at the high end of the spectrum. Having the lower half out breed the upper half is a terrible idea.

AH I've only actually seen a few of them.

That's after she's been bred and dumped by Chad. Poke holes in your rubbers, replace her pills with tictacs, skip the wedding, take a lesson from the niggers on this one and get out there and FUCK. There's always some cuck to happily raise your child as his own.

I would direct you to the entirety of your argument in this thread, if that is the 'argument' you wish to make.

Not so much as you. And I already did.


And don't give me that bullshit about changing variables. What variables are being changed. How does that change the result? And given my statements about women and social proof, how is that going to make them walk backwards?

You never answered anything and all you did was try to piss down on me because of what you knew about me when we talked last. Buddhism is valid, Gautama had blue eyes.

Motherfucker. WE. WUZ.

this whole thread is just damage control from the previous tinder threads

They fought and died for a regime that lost the war. Surrendering in 1944 oculd have saved 2 million German women from the Soviet rapetrain.


If you keep expelling whites that have the yellow fever, how long will it take them to produce enough self-hating """whites""" to infiltrate white countries and destroy them from the inside?

MGTOW will continue to be right until women walk backwards. How are you going to make them do it?

Yes. The mean is pretty static because of how numbers play out. By all means, establish what you're going to establish. Do it, enact it and demonstrate it to everyone. I dare you.

Watch what happens.

So how do you beat regression to the mean? Because the lower half will always exist. And how do you redirect the lower half when you run out of sterilized asian whores because you sterilized them all?

You're still not thinking through this.

No you didn't. You didn't explain a damn thing. You're not explaining how the introduction of a threat will make women change culturally.

Why? All his other works have been masterpieces as well.

Myriad, depending on circumstance.
If you even need to ask how changing parameters changes outcome, I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to help you understand that concept - too costly in time on too simple a notion.

A change in parameters changes potential outcomes. Until you understand that, you are hopelessly lost. Forget about enlightenment lad, you're still working on chimp-tier concepts.

Wew lad.

Despite some of the sway of the cartoons being accurate, the content and depiction reminds me of when I was about 5 and would draw poo on someone or flies when I didn't like them.

In short, fucking faggoted shit.

To be fair it was one single kike they interviewed and they got shit on in their own comment section.
In their case I can tolerate the namefaggotry, or else it would be a robotic voice reading a script and that would be boring as hell.

Got to love how the main argument tactic in this thread is just bolding phrases like it has some kind of net gain effect.

at it's core, hypocrisy.
not to mention they went from a small bunch of /x/philes to a professional group with high quality production, not to mention affiliation with TRS, David Duke, and Dick Lover Spencer


Kek they never were.

Because of Tinder and the way women date and behave, they are now ruined. And men can sense it. And they reject it. Thus goes the empire.

Watch what happens.


No, it wouldn't have. Soviets would have not honored the surrender. They were commies. Commies always lie and are evil.

I was asking for a detailed example when I asked how does that change the result. I get that the variable change will change how things operate. But I'm not convinced that women can be saved from feminism and the sexual revolution.

That is where you need to press your case.

That's all I'm asking. And the eye color comment was to deter any of your arguments that I'm a leftist because of following a "shitskin" religious idea. And I wouldn't exactly claim to completely follow it, but it makes the strongest argument for the solution I desire. (non-existence)

==Do you get it yet?=

Are you offended by the truth, user?

FYI the guy you replied to is a known shill on deutsch/pol/, he often changes IDs to avoid filtering as well but due to his stupidly limited vocabulary can be easily filtered with the wordfilter.
And yes, he actually can't argue for shit, he not even accepted at krautchan which says a lot.

(Waste of dubs)

Whatever. Try to have your way with a woman in a relationship and carry it to white children and beyond. Watch what happens.

Looks like someone has never studied how textbooks are formatted.

No. Go back to TRS. They're fucking retarded controlled op and Lana is a dumpsterfire.

Zionism started in the late 1800s in Russia by some very rich kikes with a plan for world domination.

Suddenly, number of hook noses massively escalates in America and England.

World war 1 and 2 follow.

That's excellent guide on how to indenture yourself to the state

Their breeding should not be subsidized. We need to encourage the elites to breed and stop subsidizing the bottom.

If you think Asians are superior to whites, why would you want to live in a white nation?

Let him talk to himself here. This thread made its point.
Everyone lurking, everyone commenting here already know the D&C that's done regarding our Women.

Let the retard thinking he's convincing anyone, when he's actually proving how wrong he is.

He's saying to sterilize all the asians he gives to betas to try and keep them engaged in the scheme.

There is no real solution here. Women are ruined. Until you can make conditions to where they are isolated from greater society and all media, they will always be ruined.

What if I only think the women are superior.

Nice fucking literacy handicap there retard.

Have your handler explain it for you.

Don't impregnate her.

It's not D&C at this point. You can try and do the family thing if you want, watch what happens. Divorce and cuckoldry inbound.

You would still get the same result. Regression. To. The. Mean. The elites are always going to be stuck up fops. They will always POZ out in three generations.

You cannot stop Entropy.

Understand that, and you'll find your quest for the ubermensch society is pointless and impossible. You cannot get away from it. You cannot redirect it. You will eventually run out of sterilized cocksleeves for your betas. Your elites will always become petty and fall to infighting and you cannot become one.

So then how do you get more to supply to your betas, because they will always exist even if your elites birth them. Wherever there is stratification, there will always exist the bell curve.

Numbers motherfucker, can your crunch them?

What's wrong with Duke???

Kicking the shit out of noisy little animals does look fun though.

Where do you think you are? Top me off with your lips around my cock.
Kek, although I'd prefer if you oven me a wholesome meal.

Repetition only reminds us of who you are - a nihilist now trying to push fancied up nihilism mixed with narcissism in an Asiatic-themed wrapper.

You havent even mastered simple mathematical concepts - how can you possibly hope to achieve enlightenment?

Regression to the mean transpires, but that mean is a derivation of the context, and is anything but static - if it were static, this would imply much as regards evolution, namely, that it doesn't exist.

Because thats not what I am suggesting, slowbro.
You are making an assumption as to the static and inevitable nature of an outcome, and you based this in the context of a flawed experiment that you clearly did not, do not, realize was flawed, and now you misconstrue my point to suit your own twisted context.
I am not saying 'a threat' will 'make women change culturally', I am saying that significant change in the parameters in this context can permit, does almost-inevitably permit, a change in outcome.

Had Calhoun dropped a cat in the pit, what would happen? Likely not a continuation of what had transpired - this significant stimulus could have, would have, major ramifications in the context of the experiment. We don't know what they might be, Johnny didnt try it, but it leaves open the notion that this outcome was an inevitability.

Likewise, whilst you spew venomous claims that the outcome you have accepted as static is and must be inevitable, I note that a significant stimuli can and historically has, acted as a major catalyst on such contexts, and we cannot know what might come about as a result - merely, that the static outcome you prophesize is not, by any means, genuinely static, for the parameters can change.

You say women will not walk backwards? I say, throw a cat in the pit, and see what happens. And if not the cat, try the hawk. try the snake, try the scorpion - any of which, in theory, represent a change to the paramenters, and open up new vistas of potentiality/probability.
You say nothing can, or will, happen as a result, and I wager thats not the case. I bet my soul on it, in fact.

You want specifics, bit we are talking in non-specific theoretical terms, which makes your request seem all the more obviously borne in venom and in vain.

Stop projecting your anxieties or past pains on others?
Well, you're already ruined to the point of no rehabilitation.

Well its a static if you're American.

Then you still don't understand the experiment, nor my argument, if you can even call this back-and-forth such.

Its not that Buddhims is a shitskin idea that makes it insufficient, though I wager that does not help matters.

You are truly broken.

Maybe white Chads and betas can work bull/cuck teams for the good of the race?

The white Chad can arouse the female and inseminate her; the white cuck will then move in and allow the receptive woman to financially dominate him and pay for the child.

Anyone on pol for more than a day knows what you are.

Their women are just as feminist as any other women. In fact a lot of the time they're even more domineering and demanding.

Nothing, this thread is being shilled and damage controlled.
One of the most fearsome things for our opposition is that we gain female support, our women's support, and this is happening.
They're trying to push us against one another, simple as that.
This thread is a 101 Shill-Recognizing Guide.

Really made me think.

Plus, the beta can kill itself or become tranny and work as a fluffer afterwards.
The beta money can go into the pocket of the alpha.

Utopia revealed.

Gambling debts, been in federal custody, does alot of other shady shit.

Then sorry for that, damn. I didn't figure you'd get this wordy over a request to explain how you thought there was a hopeful outcome.

And you can fuck right off with your superiority complex. You're just as bad and you know it. Unless I saw into your entire life and could comb over it better than the NS-fucking-A, I'd not believe any claim YOU had to any master of concepts or forms.

So, you can bitch about my repetition all you want. At least I'm consistent.

So what context is there?

Really? Projecting?

You have no idea about me.

Just do it and watch what happens. What's stopping you from being the alpha and proving me wrong?

(waste of dubs)

You can call me truly broken. I'd not disagree with you.

So what now?

No we're not. Prove it.

horse smiles are my fetish tho

The fuck are you adding to this conversation you ugly retarded bitch, tits or gtfo Holla Forums is and shall forever be a male space.

No. All of that is fucking degeneracy and you know it. All cuck shit is degeneracy. All poly shit is degeneracy. All tranny shit or gay shit is degeneracy. It's fucking immoral. Stop being a hedonist!


Absolute. Degeneracy.

You can quit larping. If you have job you'll be paying child support you think just one source of money is good enough. Most single women get state funds, child support from the father, in addition to voluntary income from another man. They call it the hat trick.

And a little bonus:

Super long fragmented reddit-spaced multi-coloured attention seeking pile of shit with nothing actually said.



We are the variable. The pit is the status quo of Jewish dominance. We are destined to overthrow it. Entropy, you mentioned it in your post. Simply the cycle of order to disorder. Chaos. Yet order does rise out of this disorder. History isn't static, neither is the universe or nature.

Our greatest strength as humans are our flaws. We are imperfect, and so our are enemies. We show an ability to defy causality, and once again we will.

That article needs to be taken with a grain of salt because Gen Z is the first UK generation under 90% white.

He thinks there's anyone here taking here seriously, when actually people are seeing how retarded he is.

The whores are a reward for the ones that help us retake civilization. The betas of the future won't be breeding much because they won't be able to afford to provide for a family or they won't want to spend their resources to breed. Without the state providing for the existence of their children, I doubt they will want to have children.

40% of first marriages end in divorce. For whites that stat is obviously lower so for most of us it's not an issue.

Been a while autism and ashes-kun. How ya been?

Same study in America, same results:



I don't know why but these threads always creep me the fuck out.

Americas white percentage is every worse….

The study separates Races. Whites, and specially White Women are becoming immensely conservative.

And? Those women are all too young for any of us who aren't underageb&. You try to go for one, you're a fucking pedophile. Rightly so.

Still doesn't fix the problem.

Whatever. I'm right and you know it.

Nice post, but I'm still doubtful of that. Get back to me when it happens and you can show me something I can touch. Until then, there is a gulf that cannot be crossed.

And that's what he doesn't get about it.

Thanks for that bit of context. I'm sure he'll ignore it.

Whatever. I'm right and you know it. Account for the number of shitskins in the UK in your "Le genZ going to be redpilled waifus" Theory.

So you're going to go back to Monarchy? How are you going to maintain that? And after the first marriage, all other marriages are tainted. You really don't know how this works, do you? Where are you getting your concepts from?

Meh. Things have been how they have been. I'm not completely blackpilled anymore, but I'm not going to get on the side of muh based whyte womyn just because they think that the election and recent winnings is going to get them laid.

Account for the shitskin percentage.

Because it's a demoralization and slide tactic. These threads are always pointless shit and they should bumplock them and ban the OP every time.

Forgive us, user. Our youth are like 50% nonwhite.


I never claimed any such titles. I merely suggested I'm better off than you, and as you're a self-admitted nihilist bandying the mask of buddhism to preach the cause of hopelessness, that's basically a certainty.

Being a piece of shit consistently is not a positive trait.

No surprise there.

You argue that conditions are static and outcomes inevitable. I argue change is constant and outcomes depend on parameters, which can be altered, thus ensuring the inevitable is always evitable.
You spew venom without impact, like a toothless viper… But I sense it in you. I looked at the abyss too, user.
Fate whispers to the warrior, You cannot weather the storm. You would fall to your knees in fear when the weight is upon you, curl up in a ball and accept this as the inevitable outcome whilst pacifying your fears with hopes of escape through cognitive spirituality; whereas I, knowing there is no inevitability which cannot be overcome via a change in parameters, would roar that I am the storm and rise to meet fate head on.
It is time for work now, but I leave you with that thought, and urge you to your feet. Do not acquiesce to fate's demands, bend her to your will, and I assure you, even knowing you will take my assurances with little solace - you can make that bitch walk backwards. You can.


They're all too young for you. They're all not going to choose you. So what good does it do anyone right now? And will they give up the vote?

Second card reads: - and the Jewish agenda is the dissolution of all other nationalities, to be ruled by the chosen and to be kept as beasts of burden after we've wiped out 99% of them.

It always brings out the shills in full force. DnC is their favorite game.

It only accounts White British.

Do you guys even read? Of course not, you're shills, you're here just to D&C, not to make sense.

Hahaha, you're such an insecure manlet. Go on, keep convincing yourself of that.

Put some more green in so it is more multicoloured, like Christmas time.

Red for the holly berries, green for the leaves, and black for the soot that father Christmas has in his footprints from the chimney!

Oh my, autism-kun. I just had a hilarious thought. Are you rach?

If a girl asks you to fuck the first time you've seen her and not even talking all that much is she toxic?
Dumb question but I need to hear it.

I still don't believe you.

How can you alter those parameters without fucking yourself over?

==Bull. Fucking. Shit.== Rise to meet fate all you want, watch what happens. Samsara isn't something to celebrate, you're lying to yourself there.

You cannot bend fate to your will, it exists outside of you as these parameters you say you can change. Demonstrate it. Prove it and I might believe you.

There's no solace because you're assuming I find your value set to be desirable. I don't. And I don't think you can make a good enough case to convince me because all you can do is kick down on me.

How do you know? How do you know you can bend fate to your will? What happens if you fail? What then?

So what? That still means they're too young for you, pedo.

Fucking hell are you saying?


Nope. I'm not. I thought it was common knowledge that kampfy was rach? I don't have any of those pics on my machine and I NEVER avatarfag.

I skim read through one and he didn't say anything at all.
If he was able to write a normal paragraph hwith a point to it, it might be worth reading.
We'll never find out.

18 hours a day on Reddit for a year has left its mark.

It separates Races in the study. Whites are the one driving this new wave against liberal non-whites.


Any woman who talks about sex in your presence without being in an intimate situation already is a slut. If they talk about it with multiple people around, megaslut.

You're still a degenerate.

Nope, we're going back to little or no government.

Without subsidies women are much less likely to get a divorce.

How nice. They're still too young for you, so society will still end up collapsing in the gap between them and us. Our entire generation is fucked.

That's called a red flag. She's a whore and no relationship should be considered with her.
"toxic" is a modern faggot word used by dykes and sjws. Stop using it.

So you're an anclap?

Get the fuck out.

We'll she didn't quite say it but it was implied.
It was only me she was saying it to.

(Checked. Trips of Truth.)


Oh, now you know how old I am? Also, you're so full of logical fallacies that's funny to watch you throwing a tantrum.
Have an aneurysm to you, old idiot.

Run. Fast.

Right about the 18 hour a day reddit habit though.

Studies into female infidelity prove that women will lie by around a factor of 3 about their sexual partner count.
Even if these results are true and really representative of contemporary women, that still proves nothing because women as a group have started to become aware (through e-celeb like Evalion ) that pretending to be traditional and "red pulled" gets them praise, attention and resources.
In private it is a different story.
No, you idiot, it shows (if it is true), that women are increasingly REJECTING THE LABEL because identifying publicly as feminist reduces they amount of attention and money they get from men. They are feminists who don't take up the label, because they don't have to, other feminists have already ensured their superior status and privileges in law.
Get back to us when women en masse start campaigning for the abolition of affirmative action, no fault divorce and alimony, talk is cheap and women lie.
The fact that you feel what a woman claims to believe has any relevance to what she actually believes tells me all I need to know.

Socialism doesn't work.

just go for it.

(Waste of dubs)

Whatever. I'm right and you know it. Are you underage B&? If so, great; they're datable for you.

No you're not. I've always posted this way.

Neither does anclap!

I refuse to stop aggressing. I refuse to stop colluding against you. I refuse to negotiate. How does the little to no government fix it?

You're retarded, anclap user. You cannot have it. You will not have it. Watch what happens.

Thanks niggers.

Are you trying to trick me mister?

You're spot on. I wish they could see that. Watch what women DO, because everything they SAY is a fucking LIE.

Prove why, you deceptful cunt. Empty words. As long as we exercise power women will fall in line, who gives a fuck what they think.

Tell me why retarded cunts shouldn't be permabanned on sight. Another strawman inbound..

No problem. I don't know why you didn't freak out and run earlier, but I guess that's just me.

Use your own, good quality condom.
Check outside visually and inside by feel for traces of highly contagious venereal diseases.
Warts, redness, oozing, pustules, and so on.

Do not develop feelings, do not repeat, do not give her your address, phone number or surname.

You're wasting your time, the simp is already making excuses,
It's like he doesn't understand plausible deniability tactic.

So sacrifice means JUST getting your SHIT FUCKED UP. Top alimony, m8, but I prefer not to be fucked in my virgin ass by family courts and divorce lawyers, in a world were women are given right no matter what and where marriage is as expendable as men are, all it takes for your pure Christian Aryan waifu to financially castrate you and cuck you out of your children is to find a younger man with a bigger salary so she can get rid of you, get fucked by someone younger and better in bed than you AND STILL GET ALL YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY.
Women are opportunistic animals, if there are societal repercussions to divorce or adultery they will not fuck your shit up, but today these rules aren't there anymore, so prepare for the allmighty and huge
You can do with your life what you want and throw yourself into the meatgrinder, but I'm not committing financial suicide followed by actual suicide.

You mean, even before your 18 hour a day reddit habit started.

Go back to Pooland, Pajeet.
don't worry m'lady. i shall defend your honor

Go away degenerate.

ONS is always degenerate.

You can't expect them to understand it. They refuse to think that it could happen to them. One dude is all about changing his parameters and muh warrior code and all that shit, thinking that you can secure dominance that way. You can't.

Women have friends. They have mothers, sisters, coworkers and other things. They talk to these people. They conspire against you with these people.

You can kafkatrap all you want, you're still wrong.

Whatever. Women are ruined. You know it.

I told her to fuck off yes.
Couldn't really run because she was part of the group we where going out weith.

I'm not gonna fuck her.
Fuck off, I just needed it said to me since my friends are degenerates.

revoke statehood when?

Socialist democracies will always have open borders because the rabbits will always want more benefits and bringing in more rabbits takes the power out of the hands of the wolves.

Also, not an ancap.

Translation: I am seriously disappointed with my life. I saw this place a week ago and thought to myself "I will conquer it!".
A week later and look at me, I have the attention of a whole thread, and I didn't eve have to post my tits.
I just posted in red, green and black like Christmas time. Endlessly, and never really said anything.
P.S. I am almost vibrating in my chair from the amount of attention I am receiving - and there is ni way i am going to calm down.

I'm having the feeling that this is Electre or something.

So why are you friends with them?

Then you're not making any sense at all. If you're not an ancap, what are you?

You're retarded. I've been here for a while.

You sure you don't recognize my posting style?

How can you tell through all that pro-Hillary voter fraud?

I'm an American.

They don't need voter fraud in Massachusetts or Vermont kek

Virginia? Nevada? Colorado? Hell yeah. Not those two, voter fraud costs shekels

He's just attention whoring, no different from the Women he describes, highly emotional, highly insane.

lol I only signed up to this web-board on Friday when I saw a link on force9jokes.com, so no I don't recognise ur post styles.

How do I search for images on this site? i want to find some desktops.

Looks that way.

And? You're still being full of shit and not making any sense. How are you going to achieve what you're saying? What happens when you run out of sterilized asians? How do you keep your beta men engaged and not attempting to destroy your society? What happens when the alpha pool starts to dwindle due to war or inbreeding?

Sparta fell for exactly this reason.

Now I know you're a goon.

I'm wrecking a shit thread because it's a shit thread.

Shut the fuck up goon.

Its not about grammar you hysterical reddit sperg, but nice strawman. Its PROOF of a fucking dumb cunt doing nothing but echoing those who support her. That's how birches act, that's how we said their act, their writing style and non arguments are so easily spotted, try to connect the dots autismo.

Damn. Are you sure you're not a pajeet?

But yeah, women are ruined. They have always been that way, and any attempt to use their hypergamous natures against them will only end in degeneracy and ruin.

What's a 'goon', attention whore.

You are. Filtered.

So, can we get to sagebombing this shit off the board now?

I am. Victorious.

Here's a question.
Do women vote against shitskin invasion because they know shitskins are a net drain on the economy and genetic stock or do they vote against the invaders because they don't want to give up their degenerate lifestyle and faggot friends?

In other words, are they doing the right thing for the right reason?

If they just want to be able to go out and get drunk and act like a whore without being raped they aren't our allies.



That'd be the goons, as usual. The fact that you spotted them right out of the gate means it isn't working.

They vote it because of social pressure and degeneracy. That and because they vote with emotions and the people who want to bring in shitskins do so with emotional arguments. The core of that though, is making women enter the workforce and the voting franchise.

The washer, the dryer, the dishwasher, the ironing board. The electric stove, these things are the liberators and damnation of women.

Idle hands and all that. If they are put into a position to acquire power, they will. Voting is power.

In Vermont? Vermont was a swing state, nigger. Trump had a real chance there.

Eh, not all MGTOW arguments are "meninist" arguments. But, you've got to account for those men in society and find a way to stop them from destabilizing it. How?

They act retarded on purpose, take screenshots of people calling them retards, then post them in an irc and high five.
Checked btw

I think for most of the women, it's because they see that Trump is stronk while their husband is watching the news, and want to follow the strong horse. If you read comments on jewtube, kikebook, or news sites they give their reasons for supporting immigration. Whether they're telling the truth or not is up in the air, but I like to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Deport nonwhites.
They are spoils of war for the betas. They don't get replaced.
Anyone who violates the law ends up in prison and betas will do what they always do. Drink, masturbate, and play video games.
Ideally, they are breeding well above replacement rate and I doubt we will have another world war.
Not really concerned about inbreeding when we have millions of white Americans and presumably we will European immigrants.

You sure you're not confusing it with New Hampshire? New Hampshire is a swing state. Vermont is not, it's the state that's 95%+ white yet always votes Democrat. It's the Bernie Sanders state, the first to legalize fag marriage.

You would still have inbreeding. The ultimate conclusion of what you're saying is Sparta and how it fell. You don't allow the beta men to rise, thus you end up never replacing who you lose. Your pool of "alphas" are going to dwindle because each generation of children will stratify, regress to the mean and you'll end up cutting off a whole two thirds of your population AGAIN, just to achieve more alphaness.

At least, that's what it sounds like.

And again: Do you expect the deportation of non-whties to be a peaceful thing? If they fight back, how many of your alphas do you lose? How many others?

And you're still a degenerate because poly-anything is degenerate. You will never have your harem fantasy. Ever.


Because they're my friends.
They're broken by the system.
At least I've got them where they'll sing the white man marches on with me in public.

It was only a matter of time

I guess I was mistaken.

I never said diversity. Ever. This fucker thinks he can Gregor Mendel the Ubermensch by making America into some kind of Sparta replacement and deporting all non-whites and making polygyny legal because he's a degenerate.

He's only wanting to let the "alphas" breed. That's not the number scale he's operating on.

So two thirds of them are Beta, you cull them.
Then the Alpha's offspring as two thirds that are Beta, so you cull them.
It's not that hard to understand.

Addendum: I should have said 400+LB vidya gaemrs and Holla Forums cucks, but 's point is still fucking stupid.

Until what?

This means that only 20% of white men get to breed and everyone else has to go without because muh alpha males.

That shit doesn't work.

And there ya go folks. This beta-male faggot can't keep control of a single woman in his miserable life. Any woman he's ever been around has treated him like the cuckold nu-male that he is.

You just said YOU can't control a woman better than her "friends". That means YOU are a faggot. My wife doesn't have any friends anymore. I scared them away. Her mother doesn't dare fuck with us. She is scared to death of me.

Maybe you should try living a life where people around you respect/fear you before making such absurd claims.

How is it stupid? My point is valid. You cannot restrict breeding to your top percentile and expect society to sustain itself. It didn't work for Sparta, it didn't work for Rajput India, it won't work for anyone else.

Entropy. Regression to the mean. It's how it fucking is.

Whatever. Go do it and watch what happens. Report back here daily. You don't have a wife. Pics or it didn't fucking happen. Nothing you type can be trusted.

If her mom was that scared of you, you'd be in jail or harassed by the cops daily.


Liar Liar. Set yourself on fire.

If this was the case, you'd have an arrest record. Upload it and prove your claims of alphaness.

So why exactly shouldn't the fat of society be culled? Still waiting on a proper rebuttal that isn't saturated with muh feelz.

LOLOL. Only a faggot thinks you have to commit a crime for someone to be scared of you.

Because if you try to do it your society will collapse because of regression to the mean.

Go ahead. Try it.

Well? How are you scaring people and menacing them into cutting off all contact with your wife without having the cops called on you by a relative?

I think it's more like the top 10% of men will have access to the top 20% of women.

So how are you going to deal with the 2/3 of your population being disgruntled? Mass shootings?
That's not going to end in revolts and an untimely end to your utopia.
Take away a man's choice and he will start acting erratically as he becomes a disciple of chaos.

That's even worse. That creates an even faster collapse of genes into a central line and death due to inbreeding.

This. We are a prime example of this fact. I think he's just a fantasist who wants a harem of his own. Too much sexuality.

It's degenerate.

Fuck me, shoulda quoted the OP



There ain't enough alphas, because eventually you start culling them because they're not the pinnacle in comparison to the others.

This whole thread should have been >>>/bog/'d. Muh Womyn threads are always demoralization and are never good for anything else.

This only proves that women are sheep. As soon as the tide turned, they switched their stances. Women have no agency.

There's no law against slowly brainwashing your wife to cut off contact with her mother if her mother isn't a good person. You seem prety young and stupid (or incredibly beta-ish) if you can't even fathom a way a grown man can manipulate the weaker sex.

No. It's a good thread, since the OP actually posted more than once. No need to destroy it.

Yeah there is. You're still full of shit. I'm 28, and you can say beta'ish all you want. You cannot control women if they don't want to be under your control. They will always branch swing. If you do what you're saying to do, you go to jail.

Do it. Watch what happens.

No. It's a shit thread. All women threads/relationship threads are cancer.

They get culled because they can't produce enough resources to breed.


Prove it. Post your story. How did you do that? How did they respond? What techniques did you use? How is that not abuse? How did her friends not consider it abuse? Can you even prove that you did any of what you said at all?

Liar Liar. Set yourself on fire.

And thus your society dies out like Sparta. Research that. Watch what happens. I dare you to try it.

called the cope

Exactly. SAGE.

MGTOW faggots literally can't stop themselves from sperging
Go back to reddit you homos

Well, I for one disagree. Threads can't always be about sensationalist drivel intended to fume the mind.

Yes, niggers and mexicans hate gays and trannies and retards and are probably more socially conservative. But the democrats offer them the most gibs so they tolerate rich democrat jews that advocate degeneracy. This should show you how ideologically pure the average shitskin in.
They have no principles, all they want are gibs.


Jesus Christ you giant turboautist kill yourself


Whatever. >>(1)

Why not? It'd be nice to have lit threads and things, but they always get bumplocked.

Why are you such a cuck? You can post all the stats you want about women voting for trump or becoming more conservative all you want.

Who do they fuck and do they stay monogamous?

That's the question. If they act in any way contrary to that, you've been BTFO.

Great job

You are like that ugly autistic smelly kid that everybody makes fun of and always interrupts the lecturer saying dumb shit. Literally Chris chan tier lolcow.


He's lying.

Whatever. I'm right and you know it.

Who do women fuck, who do they stay with, who do they date and are they monogamous?

Can you answer that question? Doesn't matter who they voted for.

Now that is one fallacious point. Fellate a phallus you faggot.

Ugly cringy permavirgin sperg.

MGTOW redditor omega males out in full force. You insane manchildren will be the first to go during The Day Of The Rope.

Irish immigrants faced harsh conditions when they came to America and they are smarter and less inbred than the ones that stayed in Ireland.

Doubtful, the age of consent in Mexico is 12 and niggers will fuck anything.

(Waste of Dubs)

I'm not a virgin, I've been with women before. I've been screwed over before. I've been engaged twice.

I'm right and you know it. Answer the quesiton, it doesn't matter who they fucking voted for!

Who do they fuck. Who do they stay with? Who do they date, and are they monogamous?

Buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzwords out in full force. You will be the first to go during the DOTR.

I can do that too.

Yes. Did they artificially keep their alpha males the only breeding people and cut their betas out of the society?

You're still not thinking.


A majority of all those respondents lied. You know it. Those stats are false and you know it.

Who do they fuck? Who do they date? Who do they stay with? Are they monogamous?


Oral Sex = sex

Regarding image #2, only like 20-35% of females are truly ripe for you not 50%

Take your meds reddit

Kill yourself already you ugly deranged sperg. You ruined a good thread I started with the intent to defend traditional values and White families. Go see a therapist to work on your mommy issues

Your autistic screeching says otherwise reddit

Whatever. I'm right and you know it.

(Waste of dubs)

Your fucking thread is a shit.

Who do they fuck? Who do they date? Who do they stay with? Are they monogamous? Why can you not answer those questions?

Whatever. I'm right and you know it.

Schizo tier take your meds. Hideous deformed sperg kill yourself


Your thread is a shit. You didn't defend white families. You didn't defend traditional values. You're just trying to argue for Muh Whyte Womyn.

Millitary women are all whores. The newest FB leaks of soldierwhore nudes proves it.

All therapits are Jews or marxists or Marxist Jews. You'd know that if you weren't a fucking shill or an idiot.

So nobody ever lies?

There are no meds to take. Those are all made by kikes. I'm right and you know it.

Who do they fuck? Who do they date? Who do they stay with? Are they monogamous?

Nice digits

Take your meds


Those are old stats from 2008, nigger.

Who do they fuck? Who do they date? Who do they stay with? Are they monogamous?

There are no meds. All meds are made by kikes.

Who do they fuck? Who do they date? Who do they stay with? Are they monogamous?

There is not point arguing with that sperg nutjob. Hidden and reported. I hope mods ban you so this thread can go back on track. Kill yourself genetic failure.

1) Who do they fuck: Clearly not you
2) Do they stay monogamous: Only if they're being fucked by an actual man.

Is this the birth of a new lolcow?

Whatever. This thread was always shit. I'm right and you know it.

Who do they fuck? Who do they date? Who do they stay with? Are they monogamous?


They don't. They never have and never will.

Nigger do you not recognize my posting style?

And I can't be a lolcow. There are no pictures of me online. I have no social media accounts. I don't have any links other than a posting style really.


Who do they fuck? Who do they date? Who do they stay with? Are they monogamous?

Chris chan is sane and well adjusted compared to him



Then why did anyone who's rich, famous or otherwise alpha ever get divorced or cheated on? Because it HAS happened.

I'm right and you know it.

Whatever. I'm right and you know it.

Are you ever going to answer the questions?

You're scaring me user
Take your meds

There are no meds. All meds are made by kikes. All shrinks/therapists are Jews, Marxists or Marxist Jews. They're all filth. They don't help.




Who do they fuck? Who do they date? Who do they stay with? Are they monogamous?

It doesn't fucking matter who they voted for. Answer the questions.

What did you expect? The Universe doesn't create Eternal Suffering out of just anything, you know.

Because they married gold digging whores? And thus, according to Spergie McLolcow, all women are gold digging whores, because rich actors mary gold digging whores. God, the psychological problems you have would fill an entire Enclyopedia.

You reeeeeeee about people not answering your questions or offering proof, but you're demanding that we somehow tell who "they" are dating. Once again, clearly not you faggot. kys.

The meds don't work unless you take them.

Since these threads usually end up the same with two groups of autists arguing I may as well ask. Do amputees or burn victims revert to the original helplessness that they have in their earlier ages?

It's depressing when you think of it like that

The questions are valid. You know that.

Who do women fuck? Who do women stay with? Who do women date? Are women monogamous?

I'm right and you know it. All women ARE gold digging whores. Prove me wrong. Even if they're not ALL that way, enough of them are that it's meaningless to differentiate.

There are no meds. All meds are made by kikes. All shrinks/therapists are Jews, Marxists, or Marxist Jews.

I'm right and you know it.


It's the truth.

What else is there? Did you expect anything else? No, there are no meds that can take that away.

We should have a thread about how white men are trash numale faggots that would never make good husbands and don't even lift.

I just want to watch the MGTOW buttbois scream about how their pure Aryan phenotype boyfriend is totally 1488.

No, you'd be spot on. But you have to talk about women being degenerate whores who cannot into monogamy.

Because that's how it is. Men are ruined. Women are ruined.

Everyone is ruined.

tbh you're not wrong. But we can't get society back without fixing both.

Calm your autism, you make up a fifth of this thread.

"Muh ashes and echo" fag still hasn't broken his reddit conditioning yet.
He might feel better if he took the meds though

See how he uses sage like he thinks it's a downvote
Fucking retarded MGTOW sperg

sounds like you're an eternal faggot, stop blogging about it.

He is still going, its impressive.

You can't fix both. That's what I'm saying. You can't fix either really. Not without it all collapsing and then maybe the damage can be undone.

Because it's a shit thread.

You're retarded. All meds are made by kikes. I have no meds. All therapists/shrinks are Jews or Marxists, or Marxist Jews. I'm right and you know it.

I'm sagebombing a shit thread because it's a shit thread. It's not a downvote, it's a post without bumping.

Whatever. Women are ruined. They're all gullible. Every last one. Social proof is stronger than you. End of story.


MGTOW will continue to be right until women cannot vote, own property or leave the home without a male relative or husband. Only after four or five generations of that would culture go back to women being submissive.

I'm right and you know it.

Again: Who do women fuck? Who do they date? Who do they stay with? Are they monogamous? And how do you enforce this?

Reddit plz
Your meds are waiting. Just take them.

If you hate it so much then why not just dump a story time until it hits 750?

Filter him and stop replying.

⚠️ Warning ⚠️
Memetic hazard

You don't get a legitimate autistic like this often, its quality entertainment.

There are no meds. All meds are made by kikes. All shrinks are Jews, Marxists or Marxist Jews.

Do you get it yet? You have to find another knife. That one isn't sharp enough. You cannot shame me into backing down.

What do you think I'm doing? But I've already told all my storytimes for the most part. Nothing really else to add.

Whatever. I'm right and you know it.

Who do they fuck? Who do they date? Who do they stay with? Are they monogamous? How do you enforce it?

Whatever. This whole thread is retarded. Every Women thread is retarded. This should never be on Holla Forums. It's nothing but a demoralization tactic used by shills to try and distract from leaks or digging.

Liar Liar. Set yourself on Fire.

I'm not an autist. I'm a misogynist. But, women hated me first so I'm justified.

I agree with you on that point.



Why even make a thread like this? The generally understood demographic of Holla Forums has no use for threads like this. Women are not "with us". They're simply rebranding into a different package to attract the chads they've always wanted to attract.

==I think you're probably seeing several of the alt-kike "chad nationalists" degens here ITT.

Which particular point?

This. You can tell he's Alt-Kike. That's how they talk and act. Probably chimpire too, because they ended up being one of the winning factions in that whole debacle.

Whatever. MGTOW will continue to be right until women cannot own property, vote or leave the house without a male relative or husband.

If a woman can talk to anyone outside of your earshot or sight via text, she can and will conspire against you. End of story.


The one you replied to me with. The last one.

This shit is gold though
This reddit sperg is a potential lolcow

It means a comic dump.


And all nonwhites
Except muh honorary aryan nips


Whatever. There are no pictures of me online. There are no social media accounts. Nothing you can grab a hold of to make a lolcow.

So what are you going to do?

Meh. I'd rather not dig through images that I never organized to find a dump. Posting works just as well.

How am I a white traitor? Define it. Just because I won't white knight for whores who will always be whores even in an ethnostate?

Who do they fuck? Who do they date? Who do they stay with? Are they monogamous? And how do you enforce it?

Same here, always in threads about rapefugees. Some (((twat))) claiming it's the native women who are too soft etc. Because of the pictures in the (((media))) of a few women with "refugees welcome" signs.

Well? Women are divided from men on default. White women aren't any more virtuous than any other women, and in an ethnostate that allowed no immigrants or miscegenation would still see women acting like whores and the men they shun getting bitter over it.

Reminder that shills are paid in (You)'s, filter and don't reply. The pendulum is swinging right and shills' masters are scared.

Lolcow confirmed
Best thread so far today

No it hasn't. The pendulum is shit and should be cut. I'm sagebombing a shit thread because women threads are distractions and demoralizations from digging.

Confirmed how? What's my name?

Wew Mohammed. You should probably just kill yourself if that's how you view life. Try not to take anyone out with you though, there's no 72 virgins waiting.

You really think someone could get paid to sperg?


Roasties are used up whores, so called because their labia resemble mangled roast beef.


There are no meds. All meds are made by Kikes. All Therapists/Shrinks are Jews, Marxists or Marxist Jews.

I'm right and you know it.

Why? Just because I don't white knight for muh huwyte women?

I view life this way because it's true. What else is there? How can you be sure it's there?

Not me. I'm just doing what I've always done. There isn't anything else. You cannot be anything other than what you are.

Still right. Still know it. Women are still whores. You still know it. They will never be loyal. You still know it.

It's not demoralizing to see the truth unless you're overly attached to sex and shit.

And All Women Are Like That.


Are you digging? That's the real purpose of this board. Running cyberwarfare against the Jews.

Anything else is a distraction and unnecessary.

This is not a question, it is a fact.

You'll never find The One with an attitude like that Mo. Even the most desperate and chaste white women don't want a bitter cunt of a man for a husband. "men" like that tend to treat all women like shit, no matter how well women treat them. fortunately, you're in the tiny minority

wew this is great
Plz never change MGTOW sperg. I like you just the way you are

There's no solution though. None. You can't unbrainwash someone. The damage is permanent.

You're a huge fag, but I agree with you.

There is no One. All women are whores. They cannot be shamed, women won't comply with that. Even in an ethnostate.

I'm not a tiny minority here, man. You know that. There is no change of attitude possible, this is how things are. The damage done by modernism is permanent.

Watch what happens. There is no One. Never has been, Never will be. I treated the women I was with very nicely, but I didn't take any shit so they all skipped town when they found out I didn't have the potential earnings they wanted.

Women hate men. End of story.

Liar Liar

Set yourself on Fire.

Ding ding ding, code violet shaming.
Tits or gtfo.

Don't lie.


I'm so proud of you reddit sperg

Beats the "walking iPhone meme"

Liar Liar

Set yourself on fire

Who do they fuck? Who do they stay with? Who do they date? Are they monogamous? And how do you enforce it?


I don't get it…Is it because chinese girls work themselves to suicide building cheap iphones for western sluts?


Whoa shit. This MGTOW shill is seriously going all out.,

I'm not a shill, >>(1). I'm right. MGTOW is a retarded "non-movement" to be sure, but they're right about how women are and how things have to work before they'll walk backwards.

Women are not going to cooperate until society falls and everything turns to shit.


Why are you sperging out so much though?
You are either a shill pushing an agenda or severely autistic.

Degenerate. Dumpsterfire

Call it autism if you want, I just REALLY REALLY fucking hate women threads fucking up the board. They distract from the digging and they always start just as soon as we get on a good lead. That whole thread about the WaPo shill caught impersonating ICE is probably what started it since the Vault7 thing was a known variable.

That and I hate women. Women hated me first, I'm justified.(>>>/v9k/)

There's something in common with them and people like vegans, porn/hentai addicted manchildren, etc.: they all have extreme autism towards defending their vices. They could have channelled it towards something healthy but we live sick societies filled with sick people who are bitter, hateful, weak, cowardly, and lazy. I used to be like that myself to some degree but when you move away from it you really start to see how utterly pathetic it all is, especially your previous state of being.

How am I defending any vices? I call nearly everything degenerate, you fucking moron.

There is nothing healthy to channel towards. If you're broken, you're broken. The damage is permanent.

I'm bitter because life is bitter. I'm not lazy, I work seventy hours a week. I'm hateful because the world hated me first, so what else is there? I'm not as cowardly anymore, but fuck trying to deal with a woman when they're not going to ever make it worth my while or provide genetic continuance and loyalty. Besides, my priorities have somewhat shifted.

I'm just saying that just because women voted for Trump this time around doesn't mean that they're going to be monogamous. That doesn't mean they're going to not cheat. They're still going to only want chad. They're still going to divorce at whim until the law says they can't. They're still going to chameleon to extract resources. They're still going to lie about paternity, they're still going to cheat.

Masturbation is degenerate. Veganism is retarded.

So what other point did you have?

Doesn't matter if they want to fuck turkroaches at all. They're still whores. They still cheat. They still lie. They still divorce.

You cannot shape a girl. She has more friends than you have influence.


Wade into the dating market and see what happens. Post about it for us. Provide proofs and progress reports. I dare you.

Then you should know that honor is for the dead.

There is nothing else but fear.

You're retarded and you're probably LARPing. You cannot return the golden age within. The damage is permanent.

Anything? Anything at all to defend your >(6) posts had to say about this shit?



Wish I had that chart that showed what issues women and men found most important politically. Almost all the shit issues like gender equality and abortion were at the top for women while men it was immigration and the economy.

The question has never been whether white women agree with immigration or even disagree with us on a bunch of issues. The issue has been the importance of those issues compared to their shit-tier ones they put at the top. This is why you can have crazy high statistics where they agree with us but nothing ever fucking happens.

If abortion is your #1 issue politically and immigration is #7 then you are a fucking idiot. You can disagree with immigration all day long but if you're not putting it first politically then hang yourself.

i like the dedication of this guy

whatever faggot, enjoy dying with no progeny to carry on your legacy because you're too lazy to seduce an honest white woman. If you mistake jews for white I could see your frustration, but surely you can tell the difference?? There are traditionalist women out there, especially in rural communities.
Not to mention, saying you're ready to die for your folk means jack shit. How is another white corpse helping us?

No shit, who do you think gets raped more often?




Go eat a snickers dude, and in no way is damage permanent. Stop freaking out before you get an aneurysm, stop replying to everyone in the thread and for the love of god stop fucking red texting.
I know it's hard to believe for you but women are people too.
Also how about for one second instead of repeating yourself and saying everything is shit, suggest a solution or action to take? Don't give me a 'it's hopeless' response because that's once again useless and provides nothing. There are always actions to take, even if they don't immediately help the situation.
If you truly are so hopeless you cannot think of any action to take, even one that does not involve your relation to women and your probable mommy problems then by all means feel welcome to kill yourself.

Eat a snickers and stop being a nigger.

spot on, really

Means nothing if it's not broken down by age.

I want to bash her teeth out with a hammer then the rest of her face.

Grade A post right there.

I agree with the Trump shilling. But not the anime and Imkamphy part. The mod who always bans me for posting anti-Trump stuff is therealmoonman. And most Holla Forums Holla Forums users like anime (mostly shoenens). Only Jews are the ones who spam moe crap and stupid smug images of girl anime faces. Other wise pretty good infograph

==Huge redpill on "the patriarchy":

I think we got a lot better examples on the effectiveness of patriarchy than a TV show, namely the Roman empire.

No. Just go for it, you will be able to figure out what kind of a woman she is once you get to know her better. I wouldn't turn down free puss from a QT, what do you have to lose?

makes sense. women must instinctively know this better because they are the ones in the most danger

Goddamn, I do love me a good white-pilling in the morning.

I have seen this sentiment more than once, as a lover of Statisitcs, I cannot let us continue this narrative even if it makes our dicks hard. What are we, niggers?
Conservative women are more likely to get married and stay married. So, this is realistically a correlation of statistics, not that the married women only become conservative after marriage aka what you're implying, aka causation.
Just a friendly PSA from the neighborhood realist/ statistician. It makes us look stupid to think with our feels rather than the reals.

Remove their right to vote.

This. So many anons seem to think that the mere existence of feminist whores precludes their ability to get a decent white woman. It doesn't. go to fucking church guys. Even if you're a volkist LARPer like me, that's where all the women worth a damn are, there and your local Republican party.

About time.

You literally have nothing to lose, if she's shit she's shit just go for it you faggot.

pretty accurate, but he needs to wear a MAGA hat

that shitskin aint lying, look up beastillity porn 90% its whites with a few japs or brazilians(whom are part white)

lol isnt he brave

2/10, avoid

CF and his cult following have really been annoying me over these past few weeks. I'm astounded that people are still falling for this religious d&c shit, and I can't help but wonder if that was his goal the entire time
polite sage for off-topic

Great. Another thread hijacked by MGTOW autists. You can have a discussion without being a screeching faggot. If all you have to offer in this thread is "woe is me, we lost, everything i ruined" gtfo. We have no room for defeatists.

"Asses and eggos" ruins every thread he enters. He literally can't help himself

Is that you in the pic, OP?

You're pretty hot

well I would hope so considering it's their own orfaces and the orfaces of their children on the line.

They should have memed responsibly.

Let me guess, the people who are so concerned about proving women aren't trash are the ones who support the idea of going clubbing, having premarital sex with whatever race and then marrying some woman who did the same but lying to each other about what fucking degenerates you are?

Consumerists who eat up the hollywood shit, try to fit in with their friends and what's considered cool, scrape by in school with shit grades and their idea of fun is doing drugs and drinking, just hoping to score with some whore. Then you'll pay lip service to whatever religion you pretend to believe in this year, due to nothing more than identity politics.

All good people died in WWII

You're all fucking degenerates.



Jesus Christ OP are you a Jew? Do you pay to read this shit? Ain't nobody gonna sign in or subscribe just to read a blog.

Good to see that mgtow autists are just an incredibly loud minority here

Daily reminder the majority of white women are alright, and shills are actively trying to discourage white men from reproducing with white women.

Certain groups of people are constantly spamming stories and images of the lowest pieces of shit who make up 5% of the female population and implying that they represent all white women.

remember, no white babies :^) - your greatest life adviser :^)

This is exactly what I was talking about. This "white women are shit" narrative is being pushed by a very loud collective of shills.

I'm hopeful this is true, but how come there are so few non-immigrant, National Socialist women? Are they just keeping their opinions to themselves?

a MGTOW thread wouldn't be complete without this little reminder

Pretty much this. Tbh just act like a man, exude confidence, strength, and skill and the females don't give af about your politics. They will follow you to hell and back because you are primordially sexy in a way that runs deep in their blood as it does ours, and it rules their subconscious mind, it rules their emotions. It is the nature of female to be dominated and guided by male as we protect the garden that is womankind from the harsh chaos of the world.

They are a reflection of us. At the moment most of the truley masculine figures they see are Chad Thundercock's at best. Demonstrate the power of what it means to be embodied as a male, and show them what it means to have ideals beyond where your next lay is coming from and you will win them over; easier than you mean realize too.

MGTOW seems really fucking jewish, but individual MGTOWs seem to be atleast somewhat redpilled about race or atleast Islam.
https: //www.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/5y3y3h/this_is_the_end_product_of_a_feminist_voting/

But then there's this, https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esther_Vilar

The Manipulated Man, is pretty heavily anti-white "tradcon" female, it does, rightly, point out that men did all the work in the 1950s society it was criticizing, but undervalued the value that a white SAHM provided, not just to her husband and children, but society in general. Not surprising a jewish woman wouldn't see value in that however,

MGTOW consider her to be one of the first "founders" of MGTOW despite being a woman.


Women are especially vulnerable to social pressures/shaming. And the anti-white groups specialize in character destruction.

If a white women dares to speak out she will be harassed to no end. I don't know how many of them are consciously aware of the dangers, but deep down they have some survival instinct (they elected Trump)

Very good attempt at blackpilled shilling

Now if this were true as the jews say it is, than why are they so obsessed with shilling and defeating white nationalism? Why are they shitting their pants in fear of guys like pewdipie who might be trying to redpill the young Generation Z about the Jewish Question?

and the irony is that defeatism is degenerate



MGTOWs and their pals like that turk Roosh V are so kikey even feminists ended up complaining about them

http: //jezebel.com/5910953/the-sneaky-plan-to-breed-white-ladies-out-of-existence

I had one perceptive African friend who lived in Czech Republic for many years. He put the problem very succinctly: He said, "white women are too strong for the men." He said this when referring to Russian, Eastern European, Canadian, and American Women. What he left out was that not only are they too strong for the men, they have the government behind them, thus making them stronger, and they have no morals.

My point is this: I maintain the best wife for a white man is someone darker skinned then he is. I maintain that the best culture for the white man and his wife is a man-friendly culture. For example, a white man and Mexican woman living in Mexico; a white man and Thai Woman living in Thailand; a white man and a Morracan Woman, living in Morraco; a white man and Turkish Woman, living in Turkey. This strategy neutralizes the light-skinned genes, and at the same time neutralizes the cultural influences

We as men can speed the extinction of Western White Women by encouraging them to pursue the single life or to pursue another woman as a spouse (lesbianism). We can do this actively and passively. Actively by outright encouragement, and passively by never giving a Western Woman access to our sperm, money, or time.

Is that audio from the giga cuck screaming when God Emperor Trump became the official ruler of the American Empire?

He works for the CIA, obviously.

Come on, lad.

Sadly, that and blacked is a big thing because that's what niggers, jews and muds get off to. Dirtying something higher than them and dragging it in the mud.

Now I know why I was born a manlet. I'll make you all proud in the race war.

How DARE you use the Führer as an avatar for your defeatist shitposting.
Get the fuck out of here and stop trying to ingroup signal.

No, you fucking newfag, that's an old webm. Lurk moar.

The posts by women in this thread have made me hate the ones that know of my purpose, and the autism by the others have denied me the ability to at least find myself in one side or the other.

Congrats you fucking tools, you've demoralized me.

Not surprised by this. Talk to any woman outside of pozzed metropolitan areas and you'll pretty much hear the same thing. The "white women only want nigger dick" narrative comes from fedoras whose only interaction with women outside their own families consists solely of PornHub and Tumblr blogs.

Blogpost I go out (not to bars or degenerate places) once, if not several times a week and meet lots of folk, many of them young and female, and most of them also more far most interested in intuitive feats, magic/consciousness, etc than really politics. Only the shriveled up shrewd bitter females fall into the feminism trap and tbh I've met several that literally rejected feminism on it's own "merits" before I even ment 'em. The appearance and actuality is far different, projections people! Pic related is actually a lot closer to reality than many of the manginas think.

That and Jews trying to normalize racemixing via "internet conditioning".
Besides, who do you think runs all those porn sites anyway (and acts in the porn as the "white" women?)

Wew definitely this, I live in poz central and it's not even as bad here as the faggots online claim how it is everywhere.

The mudshark narrative or the conservative attitude toward open borders?

I guess both but I was referring specifically to the mudshark conditioning narrative

has anyone read the actual article? it's behind a paywall

Women still vote for this shit more than men, they can say it hurts and still do it

D&C thread

normally you cunts don't show up until thursdays, show us your tits


anyone with an iota of experience with women knows women predominantly say one thing and do the opposite, they are in the pro league when it comes to double talk. This is a well known, well studied trait of the female of our species.

They say they are against something yet are the main pushers for it. This is why women should never have been given the vote.

This thread is a shitty D&C thread, no one cares about women, we are busy dealing with kikes coons chinks and curries.




c'mon guys, there's no need to spend all those replies attacking each other or even trying to debate the shills rationally

seems kinda strange it just suddenly flipped to Blue in 1992

Hmm, she may be good…
Into the oven it goes.

I fucking told you all white women know they'd get raped by shitskin hoards.

White men already racemix way more than white women don't start blaming white women for shit.

It's the pozzed whites, the shitskins, and their kike masters that are the problem.

keep proving the point that torposters are cancer, you're doing a stellar job

Roastie is what non virgin (slut) pussy looked like. Roast beef. It is not desirable tbh. Virgin pussy best. MAOC 14 again.

7/10 disinfo

when will this meme die

Maybe after you post tits?

im not female, just a medfag sick of this propaganda

I would give everything for the USA to return and stay like it once was, while simply advancing our technology.

Have a cheaply done OC.

Women side with the most sexually preferable partner. Brown dick is an invention of the media, so they're bound to change their mind eventually.


whoa I need mroe coffee I completely misread whta TORfag wrote

Beta virgin cuckchanner detected.


This is an astounding level of autism. Word of advice, you aren't using redtext correctly. I don't know where you came from but lurk more or go back

MGTOW is legit though, all women are whores, yes even that sweet humble girl you know that you think its perfect.


Women robbed Hofer of the election in Austria.

what are you, a democrat? women shouldn't be voting no one should

Daily reminder that MGTOW is gay as fuck

Tyler is amazing really, this goofy guy taught me to fully let go of my autism with women and actually become pretty good with them. Even having a gf for multiple years I was kind of autistic with women until I started watching Tyler. That said, he is obviously operating off of anecdotes (In a self aware way, I'm sure) and exaggerating in order to drive a point home to the autists. If you live in the core of a major city, yes, maybe every girl you know is a whore. If you find a religious one in the country who was raised right and you catch them just at the tail end of high school, you can potentially do well for yourself. Tyler is talking about 25 year olds who he finds in the club in big cities, so if you're surprised by anything he says, you have autism, and I'd recommend watching some more of his videos honestly. PUA is degenerate, obviously, but there's a lot of lessons to be learned from an actual, literal diagnosed aspie who managed to become one.

Anyway my response to you is to use your imagination and grow up, you sound like an angsty teen from a cringe compilation video ffs.

she's a jewess to boot


What did you learn from Tyler, dude?

nice try, femanon. Ain't gonna fool anyone here, aside from virgin cucks. Back into the kitchen, slut.


Why'd this get anchored? MGTOW faggots shit the thread up?

Perhaps someone on the Daily Stormer forum posted a link to this thread. Anglin is now promoting some kind of Elon Musk type of fantasy where hi-tech robots are going to replace humans everywhere and do all the work for free and having children isn't going to matter. Something like that. I'll try to find the link and post it here.

Why, for pointing out the truth?

You're going to have to do better than that? Investing in whores is worse than investing in a n expensive car. One depreciates faster than the other.

it deserved it much earlier

Nothing wrong with white women. People who don't get married to them and have kids are beta losers, period.

Top fucking kek!

It's not a reversal, the problem is that men are such beta cucks now and don't pursue women because of porn and video games. Increasingly immersive games are a way to distract men from the real joys and meaning in life.

Then if everything is hopeless get off of Holla Forums and go hang yourself. Some of us aren't willing to lay down and give up.

Because women are shit

Like the guy said above you its almost impossible to find a good one i.e. a non-promiscuous one