Bannon says that Obama might be going to Federal Prison

I can't verify that it's his account but it looks completely legit based on what's being posted.

Other urls found in this thread:

You missed the other, more important statement. Have a screencap.

It's a fake. Bannon doesn't have any social media accounts outside Breitbart

All talk, as per usual from this administration.

Fake new CTR/CREW shill shit. Bannon in not kikebook.

I suspected as much


(((why hello there)))


You're not even a kike, just some assravage shitskin.


Not saying it isn't a fake account, but die in a fire faggot

I'm certainly still looking for real action against the decay of white demographics, that's for sure.

thats the joke


Seriously though. Nixon was convicted of wire tapping; whether he did or didnt actually do it aside; he didnt end up going to prison, he just was impeached and resigned because of it. Obama ofcourse wouldnt resign because isnt president any more. So what would realistically be the worse to happen as a consequence?


das racis.gif

(nice trips)
ADL Spotted Keep it up m80

Likely nothing. I feel like once you become president and successfully do everything you're told, then you are kind of like a "made man" so to speak. People can only fuck with you with permission.

But what if Obama really was successfully proven to have wired tapped Trump and he was actually convicted of it? what then? nothing?

Why was this stickied? Mods do your god damn jobs you shill fucks.

Yeah I even said that I couldn't verify it.

It just reinforces my theory that the mods are just kinda retarded rather than malicious.

Didn't Bush Sr. rape some kids or something? It's hard to make these people really pay as we citizens would.

Perhaps we can get him exiled.

it would be a politcal earthquake if it was proved that the wiretapping happened. But i doubt legal action would be taken on that alone. there is so much precedence for spying on us citizens that Obama could bring up quite a few legal protections. That doesnt mean it wouldnt be devastating for liberals, the media, democrats in washington, and basically anyone not on trumps dick right now.

that being said if this wiretapping being uncovered can somehow be linked the massive Clinton foundation/pizzagate/international cabal, then yes major arrests. what that would look like i have no idea in terms of trump actually being able to carry out the arrests of so many "made men" so to speak.

Given that Trump has spoken in nearly three days about this, i think there is a good chance that he is gearing up to go balls deep. He needs to plan out arrests, make sure he has his people by him, make sure theres no leaks and make sure that it all happens instantly. it would basically be a coup of a government he is already, supposedly, in control of; trump has one shot at this if he is going to do this now.

Legal user in the other wiretapping threads estimated that Sessions would need about 4 months to get all of his ducks in a row to be ready to prosecute. If trump waited till then hed probably have a better shot at taking the whole thing down, but he could just be giving them more time to take him down and/or dig in. That being said he ABSOLUTELY needs to keep opsec if he waits. if he tips his hand hes fucked.

just my two cents
t. someone whose read everything he can get his hands on for the past few days.

This must be the work of an enemy stand!


This. I thought it was well-known and accepted that they not only can tap everyone, but that they do. With smartphones I feel like you are also constantly hooked up to a surveillance grid or something. It's fucked to the core, but shouldn't surprise anyone. I bet Jews spy on Obama himself too.

the NSA has already records phones calls and i think texts, from every single US verizon customer. I dont know about other services. All obama has to do is say, git me the conversation between Trump and X on Y date, and hell have it in about ten minutes.
sauce from other thread

Pretty much this. It's old news to most, though it may still be precedent setting legally and still have waves in that respect.

you have to go back
