"If Black People Left America"

Just saw this video being spread on Zuckerbook.

Other urls found in this thread:



That was a quick /thread

Now THAT is how you fucking wreck some anus!

Hopefully someone commented on how 50% or so of the crime would disappear at least if they left.

Checks out.
Also that nigger looks like a mongrel, he's barely even a nigger.

Now that's what I call cultural enrichment.

True or not imagine being part of a people that actually valued having "invented" peanut butter so highly that you never shut up about it. They aren’t directly to blame however, I don’t think they would care that they hadn’t invented anything unless a certain sneaky someone told them to.

I never cease to wonder if this is some strange way the left expect to help their situation.

If you want to persuade and influence those who disagree with you there are better ways than poking a stick in their face and insulting their beliefs.

Even my most left leaning friends agree this shit helps nothing and only fuels a fire.

So they don't even attempt to argue that it would be bad if the actual black people left? They're arguing that you surely wouldn't like to live without all this nice stuff.

Imagine being apart of a people that didn't invent ANYTHING

Not even the fucking wheel. And supposedly Humans come from Africa. I fucking doubt it.

looks like a typical nigger home invasion robbery.

I think it's part niggers being niggers, liberals virtue signaling too much, and Holla Forums egging them on.

Needs more

We wuz completely worthless an sheeeeit

Sounds about right. The only thing it's missing is the Jewish lawyer when a white hispanic shoots them.

>didn't even do basic fact checking :^)

Into the trash it goes. Sad!

I'm tired of edgy kids appropriating MY culture with their fatness and atheism.

Too bad he wasn't on an imageboard and could've attached the "You will always be a nigger" pepe (of course, he'd have to talk about how they're promoting the stereotype of blacks stealing shit, how, their leaving, would reduce crime, etc. All in a nice and truthful yet sarcastic manner).



Watched the retarded film and then was waiting on this and voila next post is not
2nd post every fucking time
simbly amazing

CCTV Atlanta woman opens fire & kills Antonio Leeks on home invaders


If whites took all the shit back from them they'd be living in mud huts smacking on mosquito cakes with their lip plates.

Anthony Walsh (January 2004). Race and crime: a biosocial analysis. Nova Publishers. pp. 23–24. ISBN 978-1-59033-970-1. Retrieved 1 October 2011.

I'm just wondering how much nigger dick you're taking to volunteer in something so ridiculous. Apparently it wasn't enough so she had to virtue signal on a shitty 1980's level Smokey the Bear level infomercial.


That's amazing that kikepedia admits that.

Niggers are almost as good at swindling by nature as kikes. It's no coincidence they go hand-in-hand. My computer is doing a maintenance run and my phone just corrected hand-in-hand to hangings. Top Kek.

Here's a list of other things the kangs "invented":

Kek. That operator sounds like a nigger too, I would not be filled with confidence if I called 911 and a nigger answered.

If you let reality kill you, you win.

Dindu nuffin (and its pack mate, kebab) is the root embodiment of evil. Without Mohammed and Jamkuansheequa, the Jew wouldn't have half his narratives and his attempts to browbeat whites would never have taken off.


So, nothing changes ?


Ok, how many Jews were involved in making this video?

Here she explains what it was like shooting them to CCTV

No they're not, are you stupid ?

If this really is being spread on FB, due to the nature of the title ("if x left y") it does give the feeling of a meme as the user above said. This could be a great chance to swamp normal people in facts and showing how absurd the blacks are and the way things have been going to make anyone even think this. Although infographs are nice, I believe the presentation of points just as Sean did in the first post works best. You have to have the type of "like, what the fuck are you even talking about?" attitude that he had. For our sake, we might want to list references at the end of the posts. The only issue might be is that, although showing sources can seem like a plus, they can also act like a minus because it inserts the following variable into the mind of the reader: "do I trust/know the source or not?". This can lead to the reader disregarding the information a priori because they think the source is full of B.S. or is skewed. If we just use a bunch of us to say it, then it defaults to using the majority rule which will bring in the women. Using the "wtf are you even talking about attititude" will convince guys to agree as well.

Post a link to the youtube vid so I can leave nasty comments and drop redpills you dumb fuck.


I didn't have the middle two, danke.

If White People Left Earth…

B-but what about muh pyramids and shakespeare?


ya i could do without everything in that video

Fucking niggers man.

Someone post the 5th image to these cunts.

You don't get out enough if you haven't seen huxter niggers in the wild or traveled many places predominantly filled with niggers. They're not as cunning about it but it's certainly the same inclination.

I for one support this video. Them strong, independent kangs ought to leave America and teach whitey a lesson. In fact, anyone not white should go back to their country of origin. Remember that brown people are all doctors and engineers and hold up society while whitey leeches off their accomplishments.

Niggers BTFO yet again

it had to be really funny to be in on making this shit. research for five minutes and you can see niggers attributed to five inventions, look five minutes more and you can find out why those niggers in no way shape or form deserve credit for those inventions.
and still with the peanut butter, too. peanuts which are thousands of years old somehow avoid being crushed into a pulp like every other fruit/grain/substance in all of human history until a negro gets his hands on them. give me a fucking break.

No surprise fuckerberg's spreading this.

You basically have that in Africa.

Can we meme this into existence?

That has to be satire.

Probably not, the more they go without anyone calling them out on their crap the stupider they become.

It has 17 million views on Facebook, so yeah it's being spread

Here's the FB link: facebook.com/missjaymusic/videos/1102797079784931/
From what I can tell, this used to be on YouTube but doesn't exist anymore. I searched for "if Blacks left America" on YT and saw two reuploads with only a few thousand views. Then I saw a response video that linked to the original video, which doesn't exist. Wonder why they had to shut it down?

You racists :^) are forgetting about the one undisputed black invention. Without this one invention, we would truly be in the dark and living in mud huts like them homos in Greece and Rome.
Without the SuperSoaker, our lives would be infinitely worse.

Can this be like "a day without immigrants" but niggers instead?

That fucking guy.

What would we do without their cultcha?

I just wish all you white people AND blacks AND Asians would get the fuck off my continent and go back to your respective points of origins like the shithead cucks you all are. There's only one group of people with any claim to the Americas, and unless you've got tribe you can all go fuck yourselves.

I told a Black guy to stop wearing cotton clothing because "the cotton history is racist". Seemed to shut him up.

Seriously, they don't wanna play this game. Someone should make the white version of this video.


lf whites hadn't come back to the Americas, lnjuns would still be scalping each other over beads and rocks and pelts while sitting in teepees. They wouldn't have their casinos and tax exemptions, either. Fuck them.

It's, one of many reasons, why there needs to be immigration reform, being that it's almost impossible for someone white to immigrate at this point. Just look at everyone who entirely wants out of South Africa at this point but cannot. Even if it goes full genocide MSM will bury it and (((humanitarian))) organizations won't give a damn.


A sweeping panorama of any city/town/village that was never colonized in sub-saharan africa.


I try to help black people of with informative public service announcement memes

We wuz literally king george n sheeit. I fucking love the black israelites, they're hilarious


Can you imagine what the state of overpopulation would look like in North America if the white man had not intervened.

he was only about 2,000 years late. not bad compared to most other niggers.

wtf i love niggers now

I think we should meme Jews demanding reparations from blacks for enslaving them in ancient Egypt. Turn the pets against their owners.

They can't even pay child support. The kikes already know that idea is a dead end.

This is now a niggers eternally BTFO thread



This video makes a good job introducing the idea of blacks leaving America.

you only say that because you're drunk ;_;

Fucking jews wrecking everything. This We Wuz nonsense is going to backfire so badly.

Deport the niggers



If shitskins didn't smell so bad
they wouldnt be shitskins
we would put them in the back of the ovens.

If Im not mistaken, didnt the injuns lose a big part of their population to a massive plague just before "ebil yt" arrived? Its something no one ever likes to discuss.

factz iz raysiss

The only way that could backfire is by niggers "we dindu" and pinning it on whites.
Sure it would get them to bin the retarded "we wuz" but then kikes would be trying to get more shit from us.

Fuck ancient egypt try cotton picking equipment times.,


Holla Forums's based nigger

I would play this song when it happens.

Yeah, they were actually killed by sea lions or something bringing disease to them, kek.


Wow at that tumblr post. Just wow. Just what kind of crack are they smoking in those afrocentrist lectures?

Jews destroy people the way their master Satan does. By appealing to one's ego.

That shit would honestly be hilarious.

So what, even pretending they invented those, when they leave are they going to stop using electricity and the wheel in exchange?

you still mad my ancestors killed injuns and built something worthwhile where there was untamed land before?

Can niggers do anything right?



I thought he was an indian, not irish.

Settle down, Chief "Dies of TB".

I remember my mom telling me how when she was a kid going to Catholic school how the nuns tried getting the kids into giving to a charity they were trying to do, where they would raise money to give to the black families across town.

Some of the nuns ended up going over there and went to a local grocery store, where they found the black mothers were buying ready made meals rather than just ingredients for meals they could cook at home, basically just spending several times more on luxury food items that not even the children at the Catholic school would expect their families to afford.

Soon after nuns stopped trying to do the charity.

it doesn't matter. niggers left to their own devices will always end up at their baseline of existence, which is the stone age.

pic related

The great part of that is TB is still a huge problem is Mexico-tier asian countries.


It's not even something you would want to claim as an invention, because it's not an invention. It is just something you can do to any seed or nut by grinding them together.

and they didn't even achieve that



And nothing has changed at all. I see niggers at the grocery store buying all kinds of shit with food stamps, in designer clothes, with brand new iphones and getting in new cars. None of which I have or can afford.


They may have the same inclination but your original comment is still stupid and I'm sure you'd agree: they're not nearly as good.


Any asspained replies to that?

You take for granted how normalfags fall in to their swindling. Kikes just have the media to do the busking for them instead of doing it on the street themselves.

In my shit-skin country she barely passes as mulatto.


When 30 million come streaming over the border into the USA, and it aint the rich ones border hopping, then it is not so great.
That in fact is my #1 reason for building la grande wall.
Antibiotic resistant TB and a multitude of disease is common place south of the US.

Honestly even if all of this shit were true I would gladly give it all away if it means we were freed from the nigger plague.
I can't really think of anything that makes having niggers around me worth it.


I want to send Sean a box of ammo and a pizza that is actually already paid for.

a nigger could cure aids and cancer on the same day and people would still look down on em. That worthless race is tainted and has been all throughout history. I blame Whites for more than quadrupling their population. Let nature take its course.

This guy's gotta be one of us.


That's a very good point. Bring out the CDC. Or are they as fagged up as every other scientific institution and will just explain it away, like CY2 environmentalists?


I have this too.

This, I would happily give all my peanut butter and hair curlers to niggers and even let them think they invented it, if they would fucking leave my country forever.

enough time to invent things you fucking nigger

Well. That was a pleasant surprise. Who is this guy?

Niggers exist to drive whites to invent things like vaccines for viruses, the car alarm, etc

France has to change it themselves. You're obviously a kike. Posting gore is a good way to curse yourselves.

fuckin KEK


If white people didn't exist I'd say the Chinese or Arabs would control everything.
You'd have to get rid of most other non-black races for blacks to have control of anything.
There's a common misconception that other non-white races hate whites, but they don't. It's mostly Mexican'ts, nogs and Jews.

Before you bring up mudslimes, they hate anybody who doesn't follow Allah. That's a lot of people, not just whites.

The Chinks and Turbans would have done nothing without engineering.

To me it seems like Asians and Whites have some sort of mutual respect but we're still at war over resources.

They wouldn't be as advanced as we are now, no. They would still control everything because Africans were that far behind.
Europeans were about 12,000 years ahead of Africa. The Chinese were around 8,000 and the Arabs around 6,000.

you can in fact do that online

Honorary user

They think ideas are tangible goods that you can take and never get back.

The End

I doubt he has any legitimate personal info anywhere easy to find if he is willing to tear nigger ass like this.

Pedigree and craftmanships will be what stands, as usual.

MTV actually tried to say that niggers invented the computer and the internet. Thought I was going to die of laughter.

nah, they get glassed too

I'm going to have to see that video, user.

Yep, mutual respect while they buy up our cities wholesale, user.

Has any group other than Europeans had such rapid philosophical, scientific, technological, and sociocultural as we have in the last 300 years?

Close proximity=conflict.
The Asians don't really hate whites, but they see whites as "others" and will not shy away from trying to overtake us on the world stage.
Niggers and mexicans and jews hate whites because they have, for various reasons, come to live with whites and are actively trying to take over white civilization. So, there is animosity.
Jews are the worst, and the only people on Earth who probably actually hate the white race. They hate us to the point where they actively infiltrate white nations and do anything in their power to destroy us without any provocation.
But, they are a parasitical race. Each race on the planet seems comfortable with the kind of society they create. Tribal niggers are probably happy among their own, same for the arabs, chinks, indians, whatever. Jews are a bronze age race of people who have the minds adept to manipulating white society but they are incapable of building it themselves. They are a permanent parasite class.

That's what I said, it's a war of resources and we're losing bigly.

was wrong, was just the computer but still.

Except it's everyone against us and they're fucking stealing our resources, our inventions, and profiting from it. They are just as scummy as the rest of these fucking leeches.

Mutual respect for the accomplishments of our respective races.

I said we're at war over resources and we're losing because we're weak. They've bought so much of the West coast of Canada if we were to kick them out China would send an aircraft carrier to protect their state.

The respect of two predators only user. A wolf and a tiger cannot share the same range.

What accomplishments? They haven't accomplished fucking anything. I get it, you have a little yellow fever, but they are a fucking worthless ant race that has created nothing.

If black people left America, the TSA would be too short staffed to touch your balls.

I have to agree with this user, what accomplishments? If they're so accomplished why are they scrambling to come to White nations like every. single. other. race?

This isn't a very good way of thinking. You shouldn't be upset that your enemies are working against you. You should try and find ways to win.
This is just how the world works.
You'd have to be clueless to think that if their main competition (us) had a big glaring weakness (liberalism) they wouldn't seize the opportunity to better themselves at our expense.
Only whites have the decency and respect not to operate on such depravity.

The chinks don't hate us, they probably think we're incredibly stupid and are coming in for easy pickings. The only race in the world that actually hates whites unprovoked are jews. No other race of people seems to have a problem with whites so long as they aren't actively in their lives.
Jews seek us out all on their own.

The only asiatic tribes left are because whites intervened. If they didn't have white devil's medicine they'd all be tits up.

Going full WE WUZ on inventions is stupid, but laughably - like they're making a joke that they're not aware of.

Kill a nigger or brit today. They think they fought for anything but sat on a boat.

oh please, this shit is so harmless
by the end you can tell it's just a joke. you guys are children

Blacks did NOT Invent Peanut Butter

Brits did not invent America.

I know some anons are lustful for blood but I'm happy to let the various peoples live in their homelands, even and especially the less civilized native tribes. I think we can learn things from them, like what flower in the jungle to apply to our medicines, how to connect to the truth through an intimate relationship with nature. Not that we need them for those things, but that, in my opinion, is true diversity which is actually beautiful.

Pic related. Notice I included Japan in the White line because I'm so fucking progressive, user :^)

There is no disagreement there. The better we stay away and let them run it themselves.

The issue with that is that ancient Europeans never went as far as the ancient Mongoloids. Those Asian bastards fucked their way all throughout the continent, which is why they had the numbers to push back the Nords.

The Nords were constantly making trips to the Americas prior to Columbus and are thought to have brought diseases that helped wipe out like half of them prior to 1492.

If Europeans didn't exist, Islam and the Chinese would rule the world.



The issue is shut your cunt and pick your battles.

Muh Reparations

What a lot of bullshit.

I'd like to come do a rescue OP in South Africa.


Kill yourself. The children will need repose during the coming war.

I like the idea here, but someone needs to take some hedge clippers to the wording.

I hate fish but I love fishing.

That's what they do when they have no arguments.

if no whites, the antecedent civilization that the chinese were found raping each other in wouldn't have even been. similarly, if no whites, the trade 'deal' to bring china out of mao-dom (likewise the trade globalism of the late 1800s), wouldn't have been. similarly, the andalusian 'paradise' after islam sacked spain, the 'paradises' after rome fell, after babylon fell, and even the name 'algebra' itself, wouldn't have been.

while the chinks are content to follow some variant of kikes+spic model of parasitism, and the sandniggers are content to follow some not-necessarily-lower-engergy model of always-acting-drama migrant invasion parasitism (akin to a leaf bag falling over), both are still what they are.

the perpetually dependent have, are, and will always 'hate' whites. this has, is, and will always surface more when paradise runs out. and that paradise has, and is provided protected and provisioned by not-exactly-them-yet-they-want-not-theirs-for-theirs. history provides no trend line to suggest this will not continue to be the case.

there are different models. in all models, parasites cite no-memory / dindunothin / can't-recall in order to lie, in order to steal, in order to eat. and eat, with discriminant recognition, selectively eating not theirs, recognizing theirs can't feed them, which is 'racist'.

there is a common misconception of 'get rid of'. this is not what is asked for firstly. what is asked for, what has been asked for, and firstly - every single time - is that (1) you agree to be agreeable, and (2) you will have gratitude. that is, allegiance cannot be to nature, if paradise follows from men. otherwise, you have to go back. the specific 'have to get rid of' arises moreso from larpers, and at that, only after failure/dependism-races go all muh-centrism and insist that they who lean be first. a lean is not possible to be first, by mathematical definition.

before you bring up anyone who thinks they are chosen, understand firstly: the chosen hate anybody who chooses. which is exacerbated when anybody chooses the natsoc / fathers and sons model. etc.


What the fuck, is this some weird shitposting prototype bot?

Bum Tickley would be proud

And why the hell is it replying to me?

Y'all racist cracka's need to watch yo priviledge, now gimme yo property or ill shank y'all motherfucka's

Even if this were true, we would all still want it to happen. We really have no problem at all living in mud huts for a little while if every black person left this country.

Actually peanut butter was invented by Mesoamerican injuns.

Homicide rates go down immensely?

Antecedent? Why do you think people all across the western contintent had the same impression of kikes and chinks prior baud rate?

I'm hoping they go up myself.


The CDC does not control the borders that is the job of the president.
The CDC fights the black plague once it breaks out here. It seems as if they kind of want plague to happen it gives them a reason for existing and expands their power base.
Remember when they brought the ebola plague niggers from africa to the US? Why the fuck not go and study them where they are contracting the disease at?
Makes no fucking sense to me user.

the claim of relies on a prior. i'm pointing out that that prior was not self reliant, despite chances to be so, despite multiple iterations. restated: that prior, was not, in fact, the same prior race. restated: that 'antecedent' was not the same that followed, because it was not of the same that followed, and relying on a credit given to what followed, is thus a bad plan.

>"Excuse me, but I can't help but notice you fucking invasive, rude jigs are WEARING CLOTHING and SPEAKING ENGLISH."

This isn't even "If Black People Left America." This is "If Black People Chose To Yet Again Walk Into A White Person's House And Steal Their Shit, Only This Time They Got Some Jew To Write Them A Script."

You're a weak psyop. That language is weak.

Dubs confirm.

your math is weak.

if you prefer the condensed version: chinks and arabs cannot be first. they will get back in line, to the back of the line, and sort their shit out. if no whites, implies could be a thing, and likewise islam, when neither could be, would be, can be, nor have been.

Math? How about me and mine the ones involved. You're not even talking about munitions.

Seems it wants kill instead of schnitzel.

Elizabeth Warren plz leave

bullets come later. save them for then.
based stick man soon, but too soon is too soon.
see based stick man.

there's a classic cia accounting recon psyop going on in the other thread, if you are interested in outing yourself.

How do we not have a claim, we beat you fair and square.

Don't take the bait, user.


We know. It's us palefaces. We put the work in while you buggers were still trying to figure out why Mother Tree and Father Rock never bothered mentioning that Grandnephew Technology might have been a good idea.

Out of morbid curiosity, do you guys have any records of the smarter members of your race running around and trying to tell everyone not to trust the foreign invaders? I want to know if there were native Holla Forumsacks back in the day.

Now you've got the reverse. in Zimbabwe and, soon apparently, South Africa : whites are evicted from Africa, and surprise surprise, everything goes to shit there.

Apache were pretty based as far as I know. When they were inevitably conquered, some of them were so goddamn stubborn they just walked out into the desert to die alone rather then join with the invaders.

Who are these queers?

nice song.


(((They))) still send food aid, though, artificially inflating the continent's capacity.

That Raven Brown person barely seems to be able to properly use the English language. If you're going to be "woke", at least don't sound like a retard just before you get rekt.


Lazy toon but the work is here.



This is about Dixie.

Somebody should take the audio of that and lay it over videos of chimpouts and flash mobs and stuff.


What are you attemp[ting, britbong?

No time for teaniggers.

If you want to play with a true German, it's right here.

Did they fall away?

Even if they did invent all the things they claimed, I'd gladly give them up to rid America of niggers.


Im not even going to argue if blacks actually invented stuff or not. It would be a small price to pay and would be worth it at double the cost.

And that it where he is fucking wrong. Only whites have actually tried to stop slavery and actually succeeded to any great degree.

The argument is that whoever touched American soil first automatically lays claim to it for amerindianiggers. Well sucks for them because proto-Euros were there first AND got killed off by amerindianiggers to boot. So we were completely justified in coming back and pushing them out from land that they took from us. And even then, they never had permanent settlements nor did they reside across the entire United States at the time. Get fucked shitskins.

It's a shame that no one else appreciated the way that you put that. That's pretty solid shit right there.

Niggers did not even invent rap or rock and roll. Rap comes from white poetry and rock and roll ultimately comes from white folk music

You wouldn't if you were around them preaching in Harlem, they constantly shout how all white people are the devil and must be struck down to the last man, woman and child.

You can practiacally taste the salt through the screen

You fucking tree huggers didn't find this land first either. Vikings and Germanic tribes known as "Mound Builders" were the first to truly find America, and the mongol tribes killed them all without mercy once they arrived from the bering strait


Every newfag should have these saved.

Sean "Based Taste" Brinson, president 2024

why do you doubt that? civilization didnt really take off before humans left africa
the people that stayed there stayed on the previous lower level basically


I find multi-origin theory much more plausible. Whites being this evolved over ancestors that we only branched off of 50k years ago just doesn't make sense to me, even with the vigorous interbreeding between Human and Neanderthal.

It makes more sense that there were various peoples on earth that had a common ancestor and interbred, creating modern Homo Sapiens, but most didn't originate in Africa.


Speak for yourself.
Otherwise 9/10 posts. He's one of us.

The concept of America originated in the Roman Republic.

Influences came heavily from the three great nations of Europe at the time, Britain, France, and Prussia.

All of them. Jews propped up the black man after we abolished slavery, at first it was out of spite cause we threatened their shekels. Now it's for more shekels.

No, they also think they produce all the wealth in the US. Whites are just stealing the fruits of their labour somehow, apparently this is done through giving them wellfare checks, them doing drugs and playing video games


We should have finished the job killing off you Squanto niggers

This solutrean bullshit fails to acknowledge a few important factors that expose it as white wewuzzery used for stale political arguments sorry man.
1. While the first to settle there came from eurasia the place was more mixed back then between proto mongoloid and caucasian populations and others inbetween (finno ugrics once inhabitated wide swathes of land.)
The Toolmakers who settled in north america and shared their ways of producing with others that dwelled in europe might have either split off from some earlier ubiquous group or if being the same might not have necessarily been what you would understand of as a modern european.
The indoeuropean settlement of europe was not completed 4000bc and you had many smaller and weird groups rumaging around there to be absorbed later on who shared their genes with the neolithic near east or asia.

But did that dutch tranny ever figure out how to crank dat soulja boi and supersoak dat eoh?

didn't fucking think so. check mate nazis.

das rite; niggaz invented cotton n shiet.

I feel as if they wanted this video to be funny if anything else, which it kinda is to some degree. Though I don't know how anyone can actually take it seriously though because of the whole we wuz inventors in shiet while combining it humor.

On one hand, it's so laughably absurd that anyone with intelligence will be triggered in 1488 mode and those who aren't, well, they don't count. But the left is trying to agitate them into state where, they finally makes themselves useful and become cannon fodder for some sort of mass disruption.


Nigger cunt's email is, alyviahutley at yahoo.com everyone send her some spicy memes full of your best coon imagery.

that's right black people, you should leave and take all your inventions with you to your new homelands, let us cracka's be, you've been too kind to us anyway*

*it's worth a shot

No, don't even play those games with the monkeys. Just put them in their fucking place. Overload their dumb faces with facts until they rage quit with, 'j00z raycist'. You see the one retort they have now is, 'you googled that' haha as if Google invalidates facts… It's just chimp shit. If anything, tell them leave, or we will bury them where they stand.

You know right that you guys lost the land in a war
So unless if you can muster up the force to take it back then shut up

I just realized niggers think they're tuffles and we're saiyans.

you can't argue with retarded people

Colonial house, wearing a type of clothing invented by whites, plastic, pots, electricity, tarps
All whitey

We just took back rightful Solutrean clay.


the fuck is this nigger propaganda

jesus christ that was disgusting to watch

What does it say about blacks if it is true that everyone else in the world left africa to get away from them?
And that everywhere else in the world is better than africa as a result?
Must really suck being a nigger
Must suck even more to be a nigger that is intelligent enough to realise that he is a nigger

4/8 bait since you got a reply





What kind of threat is that?

Just proving how little blacks have ever accomplished or contributed to society. They did pretty much nothing in that video. This meme comes from nogs taking inventions and making a small change and getting a patent for it. So, making a different version of something that already exists. So, basically fucking nothing.

was this video made by blacks of their own accord or by jews telling blacks what to do?

Reminder of the Mugabe Zimbabwe saga. Niggers can't into agriculture, science, societal, technological, or etc. development and progression.

The last time black people came to MY apartment all they took was my cash and jewelry. It was Arabs who invented paper currency, and jewelry has been worn by people in Europe since paleolithic time.

Someone needs to make a similar video, but the other way around. Go to a black families house, take all their electronic devices (Tesla, Edison, etc), don't for get their car, they can keep all their peanut butter.

And you can fuck off right back to asia and belch up the ancestral remains of the builders that came to the americas before your ilk showed up and fucking ate them. How much of that native tribe shit you claim is yours throughout history even yours when the original builders were being eradicated left and right off the entire continent by you faggots?

So pretty much the video demonstrated what South Africans did when their travel was no longer restricted with internal passport systems. Invaded the cities, occupied the buildings, shit in the elevator shaft and pretty much shut the whole system down, before engaging in mass scale violent genocide of whites.

I think when we talk about blacks leaving America, we dont mean killing us and taking all our stuff, but then blacks never see things how normal people do.

It's funny that the only thing they can do when it comes to science and culture is stealing things from others.

Nordic folks didn't bring diseases to America, decimating the population in the 13th-14th Centuries. That was seals, s e a l s, who brought tuberculosis to North America. By the time the English landed and started building towns, North America was almost empty of people with only 1-2 million spread across the entire continent.

The Nordic folks did maintain populations in North America for longer than has been popularly acknowledged. The final group of them was genocided in Nevada in the mid-17th Century by local rival Indians.

There is some thought that Northern Plains and North-Eastern Indians were a racial mixture of Indians and Europeans, (many thousands of years post-Solutrean) which might help to explain not only how they developed higher degrees of civilization, but also how they integrated so easily into the newcoming European societies that developed in North America. According to this line of thinking, Indians of the South and South-West were more hostile, and more primitive, because they had less European blood in them. At this point such thought is still back-room academic speculation, of course. And certainly you won't see these ideas discussed in the Smithsonian, which covers-up the true history of America at every turn.

Learning this stuff, our true history, has an effect on White Americans, as if seeing reality for the first time and finding you have no reason to be ashamed of your history after decades of (((poisonous indoctrination))).

Can I have the transcript please?

He still has to go back.

Imagine being closer related to people who forget how to make fire till people who actually invented shit came along and told them how to.

those nails man.
that amount of desilusión its pathetic. its like they try to justify against that their race its useless and should die

I wonder what is the race of the painter?


You know. That's completely fair.

Now where's the follow up where she goes to their house and takes back everything whites invented?

Native Central American injuns made peanut paste before a single nigger ever arrived in the Americas.

Even the native americans built huge empires and a somewhat descent civilization without horses or advanced metalworking. What is the africans excuse again?


He fucked up with the "it's sad that white people are evil" bullshit. Slavery is not the reason blacks aren't inventors and he's doing a disservice to them by using it as an excuse.

Two lies in the first 20 seconds, turned it off.

What a load of bullshit.

They will make anything up. The stupidity is the problem but they are too stupid to realise this anyway.


False, there are tons references from history and even some of today's mongoloid south americans say that they "inherited" their civilization from the.. well, "bearded giant gods", "quetzalcoatl" etc. too much stuff to go into here.


No, they built nothing. Whites built their civilization. Even they admit that the pale skin, sun-haired (blonde) gods who came across the ocean gave them their technology. That's why they thought the conquistadors were the gods returning. BECAUSE THEY WERE.

This was actually written without a shred of irony.

Pretty sure Gym shoes or sneakers, were invented by two german brothers named Adi and Rudolf Dassler.

Hell, here goes a few images, go from there to literature.


Never heard about that, will look more into it. Still my point stands, africans had contact with both muslims and europeans from much longer and they never developed huge empires and rich civilizations.

Exactly; niggers and abbos (both different species from caucasians) are just hopeless. We've known this for millennia.

Absolutely savage

Where else on Earth do you have people so un-evolved that they actually RESEMBLE apes?

I want all blacks to die.



Worst part is they didn't really invent it

Why can't all black people be like Ben Carson or Morgan Freeman?

9/10 pasta

Isn't he a turboleftist?


i just can't get emough of it- you can harness the power of atoms yet livs and their pet nigs will come back with ground up legume paste.

God damnit, mobile

what about abortion

my year 2070 predictions are that when the last white german dies, they will rewrite history to say kraftwerk was black.
they already claimed beethoven.

You have to go back.




There's something especially infuriating about the idea that worthless niggers who never accomplished anything believing that they are allowed to claim ownership of things other black people invented. It's also especially insulting that the only way they could validate the importance of their presence is under the assumption that they should be allowed to steal things on their way out due to this ill-defined idea that they own concepts and hairstyles and music genres and mass produced goods.

It's not simply intellectually dishonest, but it's heinously stupid in a way that makes me think even less of the dumb niggers and self-loathing whites who made this. Just because we deported Paco and his "dreamer" family doesn't mean we have to close all the Taco Bells, for fuck's sake.

youtube. com/watch?v=VVV4xeWBIxE
Its like they don't remember

Go back to Stormfront

They can have all this shit, if they fuck off to africa afterwards.


Correct. In fact, the other races are constantly trying to bring slavery back.

Sex slavery, wage slavery, sweatshops, actual slavery in Africa and Islamabadland… They work hard to enjoy the profit that comes of slavery, despite the moral cost. Inhuman mongrels.

The big joke in all of this is, if white people were to vanish, blacks would become slaves once again, as is tradition with the Arabs, Chinese, Persians and Semites.

We are the one thing, keeping them pampered and safe. Reminder, Jews monopolized slave trade in America, and were the force behind the propaganda that justified it.

Nigger, we're further than Stormfront at this point. You go back to Stormfront, so they can tell you to go back to reddit, where you belong.


If whites didn't exist there would have been a global Japanese Empire in place of the British Empire, and their proximity to the pacific would likely have led to them being the colonial occupants of the New World from the pacific coast.

You should just give up. Niggers, normies, leftists and all the other dumbasses will never join you. Your ideology is pure economic autism. It doesn't matter if it is right, what matters is that it is impossible due to the humans you wish to apply it to.

You are ideologically bound to the communists in two ways: Your major foundational literature is written by jews, and your ideology is pure autism that ignores human nature and history.

An atheist who routinely steals white men's roles from movies and is fucking his granddaughter?

Doubtful seeing as it was whites that stopped their isolationism.


Yeah, the Roman Empire, that's a myth. gas yourself, moishe

Hail Titus.

We literally wuz, DNA evidence and artifacts that are similar across the world prove it

You didn't get quads because you're a cuck.


Why pay them any mind? Just laugh at them and go about your day.

I daresay that he wouldn't have a t-shirt either in a world without Whites.

one day I'm going to sit down and do an analysis of America's place in the world rankings (IQ, test scores, crime, disease, homelessness, poverty, median household income) if we omit blacks. And then if we discount all non-whites to really drill it in. We don't deserve the shit world rep we've gotten.

e.g.: America is tied with Finland for 77th least obese country in the world, better than UK, Spain, Russia, Canada, Australia if we ignore blacks alone.

sounds about right. If the best you can point to is hair irons and peanut butter and a plethora of trash pop songs, maybe it's best if you didn't make videos highlighting that.>>9436542

Australia. Abos are somehow even less evolved than niggers, which shouldn't be possible.

And he fucks his granddaughter.

good luck.

your propaganda clip gave me cancer.

It's actually much more accurate than some may realize. Not 100% accurate, but it gets close
It entirely fits their behavior.

totally worth losing all of that if we get rid of niggers.

user, please. They're dirty, filthy, thieving and lying niggers. They aren't CLINTONS.

How about you shut up, enjoy the free gibs and tribal casino scholarships, belly drumer.
-t. Sac & Fox

tfw even if niggers actually invented any of this (which they didn't) I could easily and comfortable live without it

the top 5 things they could lay claim to and I wouldn't even blink if 4 were gone (I do love me some peanut butter) lololololol

niggers pls go

Almond butter is better. Fuck niggers. Send them back with a peanut each and cut aid.


I'll have to find the source but i'm pretty sure that abortions are a white people problem.

i don't think they genuinely consider peanut butter to be one of the most pivotal inventions by a black person of all time, nor do they actually think that they invented cotton.
yeah i think the idea cultural appropriation is stupid. but the truth is that none of these inventions as we know them today (especially music) were not adopted in a perfect vacuum devoid of white people. you'd have to go pretty damn far back to find a piece of black culture that wasn't in anyway influenced or even touched by white people.
you're literally offended by a black person saying that white people can't eat peanut butter without committing cultural appropriation because it was 'invented' by black people. tell me that doesn't sound completely fucking retarded


Boynkin did not invent the pacemaker, he invented a CPU for the pacemaker. An easily replaceable part.

That being said if we could give up peanut butter, stupid braids and "hot combs" in exchange for all the niggers leaving, thats a great trade that I am willing to make.

also just want to add that Boynkin died of heart failure, lol



Reminder that Mudslimes have been trying to do the same in recent years.





Naturally. The current staff are the fucks who gave us the charming tranny issue not so long ago.

Black people didn't invent peanut butter - it predates George Washington Carver by millennia.


the red text on that is lazy shit
there are plenty of examples of inventions that pre-date those "patent" posts
the lute pre-date the guitar
a comb pre-date the hairbrush
vax seals pre-date the stamp
ice cream scoop? a fucking spoon
and what the hell is a insect-destroyer gun??? a 22lr???

nigga they couldn't make beads themselves

Mein sides

Americans are probably some of the highest IQ and hardest working people on the planet if you discount all non-whites. Including those "backwards" southerners people like to shit on. I'd love to see what a fully white America would look like physically statistically.


Yes there was an indian tecumseh or something like that that knew, look up his quotes

posting because it hasn't been posted yet.

what the hell did that smelly monkey have in his hand?

Savage as fuck.

I was pretty taken aback, because it wasn't like I was a friend of theirs. I have to get out of this shithole as soon as possible.

So…they literally contributed nothing to society?

That is almost a textbook example of projection, that is if it is not satire as previously suggested.

this picture gets me. for if we lose to jews, it means that the jew is smarter. We cant whine about jews playing their dirty tricks on us, nor can we whine that what we created is ours. we need to suck it up or fight back.

9/10 Bretty gud

1st and 5th image need to be fixed. 1st has "indsputable" instead of indisputable, 5th should say something like "Dear white haters, white people invented:" instead of just "Dear white haters"

why would anyone goo back to a site that has been irreverent for 15 years?

It's not that they're smarter, but they have the institutional power within our media to dictate what public perception is. Not to mention they control our interest rates via banks. I'm not going to give up, we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors, their love for us knows no bounds

I'm Native American but i'm fighting the good fight. Do I go into the gas chamber or can I be an honorary Aryan?

kill yourself kikeblue

While you are on the right side of history, you can't stay in the ethnostate injunfagfriend

You're one of the less annoying minorities, if not essentially nonexistent. I don't see a problem or care. Most tend not to about you guys.

Holy shit wtf, I leave for some months and this fucking site becomes a refuge for neo-nazis GTFO

(user was gassed for this post)

how the fuck did you not get banned, do the mods think you're doing this ironically or some shit?

This is getting old.

the lolbergs faded from here in late 2014-2015. That kind of thinking can only work in a white society. and if you cant enforce popluation control (which is fundementally opposed by libertarianism) then it will be quickly destroyed. many of those (refugees are those who have changed there minds over time. you are a relic. and once your patron paul has gone, the idea will be even less likely to be entertained.


This. Does anyone really believe that the ancient central and south American indigenous peoples, who never invented metal tools, never once thought to smash up peanuts with a fucking rock or something?

That's like half of all American aboriginal food. Smashed up Acorns. Smashed up Corn. Smashed up buckwheat. Smashed up meat mixed with smashed up berries. Smashed up avacados. Smashed up spices.

When all you have is a rock, everything looks like shit that needs to be smashed with a rock.


I hate peanut butter. Is there anything else we can blame on them? Maybe pineapple pizza?

Judging from that picture, that bitch is always hungry

I just have to say. Even if those niggers actually invented it, I would personally switch to almond butter if it meant no more niggers.

Probably too many redpills getting handed out so (((they))) had Shut it Down.

Let's not forget that this was invented by a white man, so if they want their shit they can come and take it.


Clearly, the ancient Celtic and Nordic peoples stole the idea of hair braiding from the Egyptian kangz.

I remember leftists trying this shit to counter Trump's travel restrictions. They basically went like

Its also easier to lie about Arabs, as they took over and enslaved the native white populations and then took credit for everything the Greeks, Romans, Spanish, Persians, Phoenicians, Aramaic's, etc.. did


Kike reaction image

Beat me to it.

I hope they go to meme-war over this. It would be a great opportunity to redpill some normies on neutral ground.

Lincoln had the right idea, too bad radfems of the day forced the 13th on him.

Yeah, I don't believe that shit at all. The races have so little in common. It just shows you how dumb many "people" are. The "authorities" have lied to us about virtually everything, this information is available to the general public, and still these retards listen and believe. Fuck.



There is no such thing as a "nazi" you stupid nigger. Fuck you and your cuck terms. This is not your place. You can go literally anywhere else, you gigantic faggot.

Everyone normal with a brain left egalitarian globalist pro-integration shit behind.

I'm just baffled how anyone could make that original list and think shit like locks, curtain rods, and stoves weren't around in this world until the 1800's.

I hope it was a joke.

She should have gone into their apartment and removed… well, nearly everything.

As someone who as lived along side monkeys his whole life, there is nothing truer than the self hate within bathe black communities. They do nothing but cannibalize themselves. It's astonishing.


you've obviously never heard the noble story of tyronious who in 1557 invented hanging around street corners with his pants around his ankles. the credit for his invention was stolen a hundred years later when white harlots, well versed in negrology stole his inventions and took all the credit.

Am I this /new/ or???

you're very new, faggot.



I'd pay for that!

Are liberals so stupid that they don't see what this type of video means?
That is the EXACT conversation that we want the normies to be having. And now they have brought it up, on there own terms. They are the ones who brought out the re-segregation boogieman, and now we can btfo them with hatefacts.

is a perfect example. These type of figures need to spread on every medium of normie social media that this video is posted.

Holy sheeeeit negros invented teleportation, how she do that?

Of course

…and always mention peanut butter. Even though it was know of for centuries.

Where is this from? I've seen the video but can't find it anymore.


The Jews wouldn't replace us, though.
Jews are a parasite. They can't survive on their own like whites can. Just like other parasites, if they kill too many of their hosts they end up in a worse situation.

It's not bloodlust, it's prudence, and the fact that you misidentified it reveals your naïvety. You're still in love with liberal principles like "diversity" instead of taking the rational position of preempting threats to you and your people.

How the fuck is peanut butter even considered an invention?
Crushing something into a butter is not an invention, that's like me saying that cutting up my shirt means I made cloth.

What is modern Africa?

Literally all inventions are derived from other inventions. It's pretty easy to claim white people have never invented anything if you say they stole it from their inspiration. The important part is the ability to display creativity, artistic ability and engineering which niggers have plenty of

I came into this thread to point out inconsistencies in the niggers but this, this is a masterstroke.

It's actually surprising that with the wealth of knowledge humanity has, Africa is still a fucking shithole. Maybe they drop some "For Dummies" how-to manuals in whatever clickity-clack ooga-booga language they speak in with all the fucking food aid

What a surprise.

Enjoy your mud ba dub bix nood platinum hits album. I really don't think you'll find any higher artform in terms of creative talent.


bait or mentally retarded?
oh never mind, rhetorical question


What the fuck are you talking about?
n ews24.com/SouthAfrica/News/refugees-turn-on-their-host-20151217

regardless of how stupid that premise is, id still give up all of that shit to live in a world without niggers

As I put it when I debunked this on Facebook

So the Zuck is spreading this around. Let's begin refuting this one claim at a time.
George Washington Carver didn't invent peanut butter: biography.com/…/george-washington-carver-facts-n…
Madam Walker didn't invent the hot comb, just used it in business: freemaninstitute.com/poro.htm (probably invented by whites)
Potato chips were invented by whites: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potato_chip
Braids were invented by Vikings and Norse culture before they were used in Africa.
Pace makers were invented by Wilson Greatbatch, not a black man.
Music creators mentioned are known for having their songs written by white people. Sorry try again.
Whites invented all those forms of music as they come from the old country. It's like Zuck isn't even trying with this one.
Cotton was not invented by blacks. The Cotton Gin which refines cotton was invented by Eli Whitney a white man.
De waz Kangs and probably should have paid attention in history class. Also stealing things purchased legitimately makes this video by default also racist by portraying blacks as criminal.


what sort of nice stuff are we talking about ? nigger music? the drugs? gangs and their violence? the ghettos? the slang that harshly trashes it's own birth language.
So far i counted NO LOSES WHAT SO EVER and i came to a conclusion that all niggers and kikes should be gassed and/or deported to appropriate countries and continents.
as for the left leaning parasites they should receive capital punishment for treason.

a jew, you retard

Did someone really remix the whole song of Alabama Nigger?

Too bad the mutation for white skin happened around 10k years ago.
These europeans were black skinned with (possibly) modern caucasic face features.

Also blue eyes mutation predates white skin mutation so in the past there were blue eyed shitskins.

trips say yes.

Are you retarded?

Man even if they invented that… I would gladly give it back to get rid of them.
I'm absolutely comfortable with none of that in my life if niggers are out of the picture too.


Take the "white people are Gods" pill, newfag.

We appeared on this planet trough external creation or natural evolution around 25.000 years ago.
We conquered the world, but SHTF and we are only now learning our forgotten past.
And the jews are fighting like hell to suppress it.

It's National Socialist, tool.

Black felons in America should be exiled back to Africa

They're American as any white. They'd be out of place and killed because they wouldnt know how to live in such extreme conditions.

That was a pretty funny joke, user. You're such a card.

At least Morgan Freeman is against Black History Month. Why haven't liberals pushed for Jewish/Muslim history month if they love them so much? Or is it better to not ask so it doesn't accidentally get memed into existance?

You mean October?

You mean May?

Can you guess what month this month is?

Fucking pussies

Look at this cuck, not realizing kikes have made the whole year kike remembrance month.

Here you fags go. I took a new screenshot so the image looks clearer and even added sources.

brennus definitely stole saying "where da white wimmin at?"

they stole that in 1982
