Why does this board exist when 95% of its posters would have been gulaged in the USSR?

Why does this board exist when 95% of its posters would have been gulaged in the USSR?

Stalin hated niggers, feminists, sjws, racial egalitarians, filthy trotskyists and he disliked Jews. He was quite conservative and supported the white nuclear family.

Other urls found in this thread:



trotsky was utter scum

Stalin was a huge faggot???

stalin a shit

There are a lot of anarchists here

I don't support the red fascism you're talking about or any sort of fascism.

Only retards fall in love with dictators.


is zizek a dictator?

And who gave you this silly idea that Stalin is supposed to set the standard on what left-wing thought is?

Slavoj the Zizek, infamous Cultural Marxist/Terrorist and dictator of Communist Yugoslavia between 1990-2005.

Death toll: 20 billion.

Because Stalin's dead and we don't live in the USSR.

rip headphone users

stalin really was the GOAT leader

absolute shame how the left is filled with numale sjw faggotry nowadays

I'm voting for Trump because Stalin would have loved him


kek, sauce?


Never 4get the trillions of kulaks who were killed under comrade marx.
please donate money to victimsofcommunism to atone for the crimes commited by gommunism

Anarkiddies falling for right-wing propaganda, not surprising

[Citation needed]

Stalinism isn't socialism

idk, honestly the anarchists should go to /anarcho/ would be alot more balanced then

they already have a board so its not gonna do damage its a win-win eh?

anarcho is a dead bort

yeah i know it wont be dead with ppl

Because we're not in the USSR, because Stalin's dead, because not all of us are Tankies, because none of us are le SJW boogeyman, because this thread is low-energy b8 and because OP is a faggot.

Thank god you faggots don't exist in the real world.

Stalin ruined everything

We would have full communism by now if he hadn't tarnished the name

but sjws didn't exist in the 1930s

This tbh.

Do you see the problem here?



You're right, but Akari is cuter.

like 2 of us here are unironic stalinists

This board is largely leftcom and Orthodox

so that's how we attack ML now?
pretending to be a Holla Forumsack and talk the same stupid liberal slanderous shit as always?
read stalin

Off yourself

To You Beloved Comrade
by Paul Robeson
"in the Soviet Union, Yakuts, Nenetses, Kirgiz, Tadzhiks - had respect and were helped to advance with unbelievable rapidity in this socialist land. No empty promises, such as colored folk continuously hear in the United States, but deeds. For example, the transforming of the desert in Uzbekistan into blooming acres of cotton. And an old friend of mine, Mr. Golden, trained under Carver at Tuskegee, played a prominent role in cotton production. In 1949, I saw his daughter, now grown and in the university - a proud Soviet citizen."

coming from an imageboard shitposter following an ideology that never achieved anything, ever


Its what we do user

it's sure acheived a lot of tankie butthurt

yeah, throwing the leftist union and democracy under the bus for their autistic wannabe "revolution", no big deal
i wouldn't mind if these faggots wouldn't take innocent people with them
it's why they need to be killed before they cause harm to the population
damage control

Are you yelling at the tankies or the anarchist because this post is really incoherent

if anarchists have proven one thing over and over again it's that they are the reactionaries fifth column hidden behind ultra leftist phraseology

Thats a odd way to spell Stalinist's
