USA is a sick country

USA is a sick country.

They mistreated irish, italians, germans, russians, japanese, french, and now mexicans and middle-eastern migrants. When italians migrated to USA, many of them were killed because of xenophobia. When japanese migrated, they were put on concentration camps.

Trump german ancestors themselves used to lie saying they were swedish, because if they confessed they were germans they would be target of hatred. Really makes you think.

USA is a sick atlanticist country of very sick people.

Best thing to do is learn to live among your own kind. Don't come here.

ur mum
If you want actual discussion try to not be a retard.

You're also sick.

You can't counter my arguments, can you?

You are a sick people.

At least our country isn't such a hellhole that spics risk their lives trying to escape it.

Yet people move to it.

Sounds like you are making a challenge there user. Sounds like fun. But one upping the cartels- that's a high bar to attain.

Why are there so many shills all of a sudden sliding or is it just this one reddit idiot roleplaying.


Kek. Stupid americunts. Stupid fucking liberals.

Hey, how's about you counter MY argument, faggot? If America's so bad, why are hordes of spics coming here in the first place?

USA is not bad, its population is. A sick population.

So? A native population has every right to harass and remove invaders.

Yeah, the USA is terrible. That's why all non-whites should stay the fuck out and stick with their own streetshitting compatriots.

If nothing else, you at least made me realize I don't have any Molyneux memes on this drive. Thanks!

No. A native population has the duty to receive migrants with respect. That is, if you are a sane person and especially if you are a christian.

But USA is ruled by satanists losers.

Lol. What a loser.

Stop posting your autistic bait nigger.

Jesus kicked the Pharisees out of the Temple when they set up shop inside it. Foreign parasites should be removed.


White-power liberal loser.

Fuck you, fedora retard.

Ridicule interpretation. Truly satanic tier.

I'm certain that you haven't accepted any immigrants in your home

Already tipped your fedora today, loser?

I have.

Weak bait from weak faggot OP.

You're wrong, there is no such duty. Only a cuck would think that invaders who want to change your entire society to their version have any reason to be received by the natives. Diverse cultures rarely assimilate, they fight each other until one reigns supreme, and the other is forgotten.

Anti-christian faggot.


post proof cuck

The Pope disagrees with you. And Jesus too.


Paco, you have to go back to Tel-Aviv

I don't believe you.


Moses had the Pharisees slaughtered by the thousands. Jesus said he was right, and that he still hates their guts in Heaven.
Come back after you actually read the Bible, retard.

where do you think you are nigger? go be a faggot somewhere else

KYS Paco Gonzalezberg

Good, we have no need for your satanic kike gods here

You darn xenophobic zickos. Why don't you be more multicultural like Sweden? What's to lose? You must look past your own greasy eyelids to see that you hate everyone and must pay the price by putting yourself in a compromising position. Spread those cheeks to the world, you filthy Ameriqqans. Please. We really want to have what you have. Please let us in.

OP, get raped by the sand nigger gangs

Here's how you deal with them. Holla Forums will get the rope soon enough.

Sexual emergencies for all the muds in your town OP.

Spread em wide faggot

So, you serve Satan.


Its the youngfags trying to reason with leftyfags

The oldfags know better. We already know theyre only worthy of rope, ovens, and plain good ole fashioned bludgeoning

I don't think it's b8, this guy isn't a (1) shill and he actually bothering to respond to everyone. I think he's just a bluepill that stumbled into our midst

KYS faggot

Paco Gonzalezberg is not welcome here, or anywhere with breathable air

Why aren't Christcucks calling for helping CHRISTIAN refugees? Why is it muslim rapefugees whom you want to help so much?

Hes a faggot deserving of the bog

It's just an Holla Forums goonpost, you can tell by the forced retardation in the OP

We're glad you think so. Now stay away.

That's not a Christian, user, it's just some Holla Forums LARPer. A Christian wouldn't call actual New Testament verses "Satan-tier".


Get banned. However, for the saking of reasoning: Note that the Bible speaks of having proper judgement with respect to whom you let into your house, lest your house become a den of wickedness.

True or we are being raided.

OP is a faggot.

You are right OP. Americans are terrible.

We should round up the coloreds and send them as far away from this horrible place as possible.

Dump them in Mexico, where they belong

Or Sweden

my ancestors killed the injuns and built a beautiful country that shitskins clamor to get into and riot when we say they're not welcome here. if anything, we've been too kind and you should stay out of my homeland

He seems actually interested in arguing, unlike 99% of the other bad-faith shill posts. I'm not going to bump the thread, but turning away someone so clueless is a real missed opportunity. plus it's fun and really isn't done here

So if the people living there don't want people to come in they should respect it. Would you like if we came into your house uninvited oh wait that's right under communism you don't get to own a house so we can move in as we please without a care in the world what you think. Why not have some homeless people come and live with you OP if you want to be a generous person?

I prefer public burnings and forced labor. Libshits like OP need to learn the value of hard work before they die.

This is now a redpill/lefty humiliation thread

It is only for their own good. Poor quadroons, mulattos, spics, shitskins and whatnot are so stupid and inbred they can't see the danger they are really in. Sad really.

Fucking brilliant idea they wouldn't notice anyway