I'm worried for Don. I don't think he's going to jail or anything, but I get the distinct feeling that one day in the future, Mike Pence will be president.
Do you guys think Pence will be our guy? It seems like he was a pretty good governor for Indiana, in that he did his best to throw all the identity politics idiots in the trash (most evident when you see his artful treatment of the queers). One thing's for sure: Mike Pence seems more calculating than Don, and relies an awful lot less on his personality to get ahead in life. Is this a good assessment, or is there more to Mike?
Mike Pence appreciation/critique thread - go!
Levi Campbell
Carson Williams
Mike Pence is a run-of-the-mill neocohen. He would be the LBJ to Trump's Kennedy.
Joseph Robinson
Mike "Use sodomites as Christmas lights" Pence's best quality is his stance on gays.
Carter Carter
Agreed. He's completely bought into the bullshit christian-jewish unity crap. Whether he's a traitor or an idiot, I don't know.
Michael Brown
Pence is probably a true jew lover but then again Trump was in commercials for Netanyahu. I don't know if Pence has better presidential leadership qualities than Trump but so far the 3 letter agencies have been putting a lot of heat on the administration as a whole. Proof of Obama failed wiretap couldn't come sooner
Austin Bennett
about 1 year ago I had a dream he was in a limo in some city and I thought in the dream 'why the ever loving fuck is he in that limo' and then a gun shot etc etc and I thought 'why the fuck did they have him in a goddamn limo???' the dream had a weird waking premonition feel to it, I've been worried ever since.
Ryan Cook
I just want a Holla Forums minded Mike Pence scholar to give me the straight story on our VP. I feel like I know everything about Don, but next to nothing about Pence except for pic related.
Oliver Moore
Jordan Myers
Speaking as an user from the state Mikey boy previously governed, he's just your standard neo-con with a little more backbone. He implemented a religious freedom law here that basically allowed people to discriminate against gays. He's friends with some republican leadership and obviously loves jew dick in the butt judging by how fast he cleaned up that stupid kike graveyard.
All the memes about electro-shock therapy are for normies. It's to make them think that Pence is even more extreme than Trump. Basically it's manufactured assassination insurance. You don't want Pence as POTUS. He's a good guard dog right now, as in he follows Trump's orders well enough, but don't give that man any real power.
Aaron Hughes
he can run in 2024
Gabriel Kelly
still better than hillary
Julian Jenkins
Samuel Edwards
mike 'tesla coil will right your morals' pence is wojak to trumps pepe so naturally he'd be cleaning up the cemetary the jews/commies smashed themselves
Ryan Rogers
I think Trump truly loves this country and believes in a truly American first foreign policy. If was going to cuck out he would've done it already. He's fighting every day, against politicians, the media, and the kikes. What concerns me is that he'll remove the symptoms (mass immigration, job outsourcing, etc.) without removing the cause (a broken and corrupt monetary system controlled by the kikes).
There won't be elections once the Empire is established.
Jose Cox
Trump will have a new VP during his second term
Eli Perez
Redpill me on x isn't any better.
Juan Richardson
maybe the manlet randlet?
Aaron Fisher
He should get Dan "kill everybody" Pena on to piss people off.
He better push for a Fed audit if he does.
Dominic Flores
Pence seems like the only non-family member who hasn't pissed off Don yet. I can't see him getting dropped.
Interesting as hell. I can see Trump thinking in this way.
Josiah Moore
Shit like this flies but self betterment threads get anchored
Blake Taylor
Daniel Anderson
Why not start a self-improvement thread on >>>/polblog/ ?
Justin James
OP is a bundle of sticks, not even an Italian bundle of sticks.
Eli Diaz
why the hell is that bimbo using a selfie stick when the phone's so close to her hand in the first place what a fucking lazy bitch
Mason Ortiz
It looks like Pence has some influence, with all the homo tranny ass kids being forced to use the correct bathroom now. That move surprised me
Connor White
Liam Richardson
She's filming herself and that madman like an interview, plus it has a microphone (you can see it plugged into the phone on the bottom). Phone mics are terrible so you'd need a real one in such a large crowd.
Charles Gray
Pence is a fully-kiked, true believing Israel-firster. He takes it much further than just lip service to the kikes, his Evangelicuck background created the golemiest shabbos goy ever seen. He's a threat to Trump, to the admin to the US. He is bad news. If anyone has the webm with his interview where he goes in depth on his views about Israel it's insightful.
Henry Price
Trump is too into staging, appearances, visuals etc. Trump, a towering imposing presence, next to randlet on a stage just looks ridiculous.