Why haven't you taken the real red pill yet?
Or are you so self absorbed in your own "muh capitalism", "Corporations dindu niffin", and "the free market will fix everything, even oligarchies" to see past the blinds that the rich and powerful have put on you?
inb4 banned for "shitposting"(>not the jews)
Why haven't you taken the real red pill yet?
it's jews
Wew, Holla Forums, wew.
43% of the 1% is kikes. We are serious about solutions here.
I didn't read anything else. Get out
try harder
I'll just say that the recession caused a huge spike in suicides.
The ones responsible for the economic crisis should be tried for their crimes of mass murder and be put to death, or imprisoned for life, I don't really care
It's thanks to these corpo's and capitalist system why you just killed a worthy thread with your shitposting. Thanks fag although you're right non-regulated CRONY capitalism is a cancer killing society but then again a very large part of the oligarchs are kosher so you're still a faggot
They're jews, so let's make the Holocaust actually happen this time.
I feel ashamed, there's your (((You))), OP.
we had a more final solution in mind for these "people"
any system that stands in the way of a true free market, including kosher oligarchies, is nothing but communism, but with CEOs as your owner instead of the government.
What did Holla Forums mean by this?
"sage" goes in the email field
What is fascism? What is National Socialism? Holla Forums is too retarded to even recognize its tactical error.
It means go back to cuckchan you nigger.
Why do we have to have mass nonwhite immigration? Why are you so obsessed with it? Why can't we close the borders? Why can't white countries be white?
pick one
I can only blame myself
This is a NatSoc board. Holla Forums stopped being lolbergs in 2012 if not before, so try to keep up.
Pick one.
I don't give a fuck about if someone is white or not
I only care about if their culture hasn't changed in the past 1,000 years, like fundamentalist Muslims
I've met plenty of civilized and respectable non-whites to fall for this tribalism
Thank you for Correcting the Record!
0.02 shekels have been deposited to your account.
Thanks for the insightful response. You definitely don't sound like a trained monkey just regurgitating memes.
ITT Holla Forums defends (((crony capitalism)))
Your black-and-white thinking clouds your intelligence, Holla Forums. There are multiple shades of grey in this situation.
get out
Fuck off back to the salt mines retard
Then you don't mind if we close off borders and only let the whites in?
You just know OP thinks he'd be a card-carrying Partei member instead of first against the wall when Jamal rats him out for having Bourgeois literature.
Do you think we are capitalists? Do you think we are Libertarians? Do you think we value more corporations than our people?
This is why
The Left will never win against us, they don't know shit about a single thing we advocate for or against. They also have this kind of irrational fear to listen to us, or to read our stuff, our to watch our videos, like those are some kind of monster, or as if they would cry and vomit and die if they tried to see it.
Then you shouldn't care about going back to
Reported. Blow your brains out.
You mean the Jews.
Like pic related
lol just the thing I was thinking of.
no memes, no citations, low effort, wastes dubs, thinks Holla Forums are captitalists and not natsoc
get out
Who got it?
He's right, you know.
why would they bump lock the mendella effect thread? it is very relevant to politics
Disregard this LARPing Naziboo
I've seen these numbers thrown around before, do you have anything with citations to disprove it? I'm not even calling you a shill yet, I would like to see give some sources as well.
Regardless, you definitely smell like a shill
lol butthurt.