5 bucks she comes back crawling in two months

5 bucks she comes back crawling in two months.
10 bucks muh 'family & friends'
20 bucks muh 'temporary residence in bev hills
50 bucks 'I-I didn't really mean that'.

What's it gonna be?

i hope not-miley never comes back
the real miley is non-figuratively dead

What the fuck are you sliding?

she's not even the real miley cyrus, real one dead

President Trump truly is Making America Great Again

Enjoy your pozz, brit-fags. Revenge for giving us Current Year Man.

I"m merely informing britcucks about their new upstanding citizen!

Everything, apparently. half the threads right now are reddit tier faggotry being bump and dumped by (1)'s.

Here's me hoping that she ends up in one of those London's sharia zones. But she'll probably stay in an expensive mansion just like that old hag from Harry Potter.

I'm here, babe. I'm not dumping you. You can come to me whenever you like and tell me all about your day. faggot

Where's the option where she goes full Lohan and joins religion of peace before she completely fades out of mainstream relevance?

Been a full on blitz since trump got elected. They want us destabilized as much as possible so we don't start up the stuff we did during the elections again. Thankfully though even normies are noticing the shit going down so it's all kinda pointless on their part. Harder they shill the more obvious things are!

Only reason I won't sage is because god fucking damn I never expected them to actually up and fucking do it. Hope she enjoys her cultural enrichment when she leaves the airport!

only appropriate answer. i wish i had the coordinates picture still.

You guys are dumb as hell, that meme was a publicity stunt.

Her face and body are completely identical to the "original" Miley. The most skilled plastic surgeons in the would couldn't accomplish something like that.

Shes going to live in a gated community, completely sheltered from the vibrancy.

I wonder how it must feel to sell your daughter to the kikes


It is rumored she is being investigated for pedophilia and is doing this to avoid the investigation.

Has any celebrity actually moved out after Trump's inauguration?

good, one less degenerate in the US

I think I heard of a mexican comedian or actor who actually moved, can't remember his name though

If dubs she has a, ahem, "medical emergency" and due to complications in the British health care system she has to seek treatment in America and then dies in transit.

long shot but here goes


unnamed sources I've spoken with do confirm this

it's good for USA but bad for European countries, please, go to Mexico or Africa and never go back to Europe or USA and we never want to know about your existence again, we don't want to see your in the media, if trash like you and pic related die and are never viewed again, it's a good thing.




Not surprising if true.


Her face changed after wisdom teeth extractions and poor orthodontic work. Is this what you are referring to?

your get is all the proof you need

(dubs of sickness)
This is supposed to be entertainment for teenage girls.

As is yours, checked.

i was referencing this image


2017, lad

Meh, I think my explanation is much better. Its surprising how much a face can change over time especially when orthodontic work is involved.

For fucks sake spoiler that shit! I mean fuck I've got to go through my fucking gore folder just to feel human again. FUCK

The jews demoted her.



Here user, I have some nice Gore for you. Let the blood wash away this degeneracy.

You gotta admit, regardless of who you are Trump's ability to motivate both his followers and his opposition into action so strongly is pretty impressive.

Ahhh better. Thanks

did you really have to put that bestality at the end?..come on bro

l2p faggit

Miley after she gets raped by Muslims

These are from that castration thread.

fucking sliding piece of shit. Exact same thread on halfchan.

The Jews literally did this.

Dude come on man what is that shit.

Maybe these CTR dox?

Why the UK? You would think Brexit would scare her away. Why not Canada?

Britains voting the most right-wing party come the next election, I would think. Dumb slut.

And are we being raided?


Maybe she wants to fuck J.K. Rowling every day.

This is what demigender actually means.

achy and breaky

plenty of nigger dick for her to choose from at least. She'll be in heaven.

that I am sure.

we need to troll her into giving up US citizenship. then she can stay out for good.

isn't the royal family jew infested?

what a waste

american culture is grits, country music, guns, and hospitality. that is kike culture straight out of the weimar republic

stomach churning

Get out faggot.

You're all faggots and I hope you die

What in the fuck is that, a giant?

johnny depp pulled the same shit during the bush years and came back shortly after because taxes.

get out schlomo

using f.lux, didn't realize it was a white guy through all the orange and thought you were just drooling over dick

no worries friendo, nice digits


I haven't looked too much into that but I think they aren't, they are just anglos. The thing is, the royal family doesn't make many decisions in the UK these days, they are just figureheads. The real kikes running the show are prime ministers and heads of the government.

good. stay the fuck out.

100 bucks its to live with some satanic cult members and have daily spirit cooking rituals until she gets promoted to the next level.

they haven't even been largely british in nearly 400 years

Source is some dumb screen. She isn't getting British Citizen. Just no. Now post some tits.

They've probably been intermarrying with Shlomos for centuries.