House Republicans release Obamacare Repel and Replacement Bill Text

House Republicans release full text of Obamacare replacement bill

Original article: https://

House GOP site on the new bill, and a download-able PDF
Original site: https://

Haven't had a chance to look at it in depth yet, but we can take a look at it and see what to do about it and I also didn't see a thread on this already.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice post OP, quality stuff.

Some highlights so far:
States rights and decisions, looking good.
As promised, good move.
Cheaper services ahoy.
2 of the only things about obongo care that didn't suck nuts

I haven't read the text of the bill, but if their website is to be believed, they did exactly what was promised, and the media and senate were chimping over nothing as usual. Solid, I expected much less from the congress.

This is a good start, especially the pre-existing condition protection, 26 year old health plan parental coverage and individual mandate going into the trash can.

What happened to Trump opening up a federal insurance market though? I thought he was going to try and keep costs down by allowing insurance to compete federally so that you wouldn't be locked into Jew York State's crooked insurance plans.

Thanks user, and I hope it stays intact as it is, currently, it seems to be fairly well rounded, and I personally like the idea of just giving money to the states and having them decide what is best within their borders, especially this bit;

They could achieve that in a separate bill I would imagine, since that way it doesn't come out as a 2,000 page monstrosity, like the ACA. And it would be much easier to draft a bill that allows nationwide competition of health insurances companies across state borders than to roll it into this one.

I still think this is a shit thing I mean if you make a health insurance that covers cancer, you'll pay X if you don't have cancer.
Now if you already have cancer it is not fair that when you come to make health insurance you pay the same X.
The only thing this is going to accomplish is that insurance companies will just make the prices higher so they are able to cover for people who have no pre existing conditions.

i'm not sure what i was expecting. someone with more free time than me is gonna have to comb through this thing.

So what happens if you don't have a condition, get sick on one plan, and because of your sickness lose your job and coverage temporarily while finding a new job? Before once you lost your insurance that was your ass in a sling. Now you can actually get coverage inbetween bouts of coverage, and they can't gouge the shit out of you for it since you're already sick and in a bind.

It's always a massive pain in the ass to figure out what exactly legislation does when it's amending existing legislation, have to go look up a bunch of other shit now. It's also 123 pages long.

In an ideal world, but this is not an ideal world. Legislation like this which is bound to pass tends to have a lot of shit tacked onto it from lobbyists and other shills who hope it goes unnoticed and it often does since congressmen don't always read the text themselves ,they may have a secretary or someone else do it for them and explain it to them (or some get their explanations from lobbyists).

I think what usually gets lost in translation for this type of thing, is that companies wouldn't sell you insurance at all or at regular prices if you got fired (while having insurance) or wanted to change plans, or to simply change jobs.

But I think if you're to stupid to not buy even a cheap plan, while you can afford it, then you should be forced to pay more.

Oh so what you're saying is that all this is prohibiting is if you already have an insurance plan and you get sick on that plan the insurance company can't cancel your already pre existing insurance plant.

Because to be honest all the impression I got is if you had no insurance and suddenly came up with a disease then you'd rush to get an insurance and they couldn't deny it.

lewd image user-kun wheres it from?

From doing a cursory look over it, it basically guts the ACA, though as said, you'd have to compare what it is saying to the actual bill of the ACA.

In other words, a huge amount of time to actually parse it out and get a very good feel exactly what it'll do.

ultimately, those someones will be attorneys litigating the cases that are brought under this after it passes.

This alone will keep costs high. As long as this requirement stays in place, you won't see premiums go down much, or even at all in some cases.

More or less what you said user, and the leftists lawyers who will be kvetching all over this.

No it prohibits any discrimination based on a pre-existing conditions. A lot of these kiked up insurance companies have things like "pregnancy" and "ingrown toenails" as pre-existing conditions. Anything that bends the monolithic insurance kike-powerhouses to help the people is a victory worth celebrating.

Yeah because subsidizing the treatment of AIDS riddled faggots and Type 2 Diabetes fatties is the proper way to run health insurance.

Please tell me they are at least going to be able to discriminate on pricing due to patient age.

Remember too Trump at one point stated Can't remember which speech it was They're going to put in place groupings that individuals can opt into that allows them to pool buying power and negotiate prices.

High risk pools. There isn't single payer or a mandate, meaning you won't have to subsidize their coverage, the pool that they buy into will have to do so.

Isn't that the same thing as denying house insurances the ability to discriminate based on the fact that a house is already burnt down/ is made of wood rather than a house made of stone?

Sorry for double posting.
If it really was gonna damage the kikes and their monolithic insurance companies that would be fine but you just know these sort of things are just gonna be payed by taxpayers.

Most of the AIDSniggers and whatnots receive medicaid, not private insurance. If you wanna watch the niggers start to die en masse from their horrible diets you'd have to let Ryan gut medicare and medicaid to the poor. Social Security too (even though SS is going to fail soon anyways, assuming the USA doesn't just fucking collapse within a decade, which it will)

I didn't recall that pooling of groups of similar buyers user, I will have to look more into this.

And also you're the first dubs of the thread user, congrats (checking for the groupings of Trump).

I really hope we see Trump gut gibs to niggers and spics.

Does it mention anything about allowing medication to be more easily bought from overseas / competing with pricing?

Im trying to think of a situation were you have something small and persistent but not a real issue. Imagine some sort of skin condition that doesn't do much and is relatively cheap to manage. and now you are denied an insurance. what to do when you get cancer? I know it's a hypotethical, but it seems like something that could happen.

I do not think it does user, though that is another huge issue, because of things like the World Trade Organization, which allows dirty third-worlders to use first world medicine and not compensate the businesses that make them since they just basically copy them and sell them as "generic" while having pretty much just stolen them.

One of the big reasons Americans pay so much for medicine, because we cover the rest of the world's cost to steal the medicine.

Republican leadership wants to keep several variations of ObamaCare:

1. Leadership wants to keep ObamaCare-like subsidies to buy insurance but rename them refundable tax credits (families will be given up to $14,000 dollars of other people's money)

2. leadership wants to keep the ObamaCare Cadillac tax but rename it a tax on the top 10% of people who have the best insurance.

3. Leadership wants to keep the individual mandate but instead of mandating a tax penalty to the government they mandate a penalty to the insurance company (can it possibly be Constitutional to mandate a penalty to a private insurance company?)

4. Leadership wants to keep $100 billion of the insurance company subsidies from ObamaCare but call them "reinsurance". (Why? Because insurance companies love guaranteed issue as long as the taxpayer finances it!)
will pass.

Yes, I'm aware of the reason behind the medication. This part really directly affects me along with preexisting conditions I hate to say. I pay a LOT of money every single month just to live.

Initial glance at this looks like this doesn't go far enough or does enough.

Out of curiosity what do you have user?

For anyone who may be interested in a bit more on American drug prices and why they are so expensive, though these are short to the point articles, they'll give you an overview:







They do that now under Obamacare, so I'm sure. I'm unhappy about all the money wasted on GRIDS cases and fat fucks too. I'd rather do something on the front end to stop them from coming into being than on the back end by letting them die. Not out of any compassion, but that I don't think it discourages anyone.

What I don't understand is why not go with the plans they had already hashed out? Why keep a gutted version of Obongo Care? They have the house senate and the presidency, they can pass what ever the hell they want, no reason to appeal to the demoRats on this at all. I also want to see the open state borders for the sale of insurance put through right away. Without that essentially in place, any plan like this will fail bigleague.

I think they meant 104% of an average, probably global.

I have numerous musculoskeletal issues along with some gastric issues. I'm still working but my medication is very fucking expensive. Obamacare has been initially good for me and then has become a creeping nightmare.
I've been extremely vocal on the chans for years about having healthy offspring and potentially having gattaca (extremely heavily controlled) health options for white families who can have kids but have genetic issues that could easily be bred out.

I laughed out loud. Thanks user, it relieved my rage-induced tension headache. Also, learn to read graphs.

Does the replacement bill allow insurance companies to compete in every state? Does it open up the marketplace?

What I have read, I see no mention of it at all.

Me either just from the boilerplate on the site. They pay lip service to free markets. But no specifics. That will be a problem for Trump. Guess I'll have to read the whole bill.

Its from all the shitposting.

Sorry to hear that user, but you're still able to work, which is a good thing. What problems have you run into now with the ACA, since you thought it was helpful in the beginning?

The power of will is a big deal. I have been laid up quite a bit in my life due to the issues and extreme pain, this is true. But I am trying my hardest to not be a burden.

In the beginning it was good because I could get covered again. I don't really know where to begin. I've seen and heard shit most people are lucky not to experience. I've been dropped by insurance more times than I could count before ACA. Before ACA I could pay cash and have it be more affordable than insurance due to obviously the insurance overhead (mexicans, etc.) But I would have been stupid to not have utilized it. My previous employer was literally harassed by their insurance company to drop me (I made liberal use of their insurance policy) well, one job gone later - so when ACA rolled out I got a plan - cash price since Medicaid expansion did NOT happen in my state. It was relatively low in cost compared to what I had in early 00's so I wasn't complaining!
I then needed surgery. One weird thing about ACA is it gave more freedom to insurance to force healthier lifestyles - I would normally agree, but suddenly a non-critical surgery I waited a year and a half for because the insurance company had fine print that they didn't have to make it happen. That is here in the USA, so your first image I can tell you right off the bat is no longer accurate. If its a critical surgery you will be in and out but anything else, get ready for a long ass wait.
So obviously after a few years my premiums have gone up a pretty insane amount, it covers nothing, I lost all my doctors, my hospitals, everything, it barely covers my medication, its pretty obvious that if this went on another year I would have to drop the plan and either move to a state with Medicaid expansion (some blue dem shithole) or try for disability. Which isn't good. In fact, Medicaid in general is an absolute shitfest. Good luck finding a fucking doctor on Medicaid!

The dead can do nothing.

I would imagine that this will not be the final version of this thing. Many changes will most likely happen.

If it gets to the senate, those kikey fucks will make their own changes and try to add a bunch of pork barrel fuckery to it.

I'm diggin' it, especially the expansion of HSA's. I think public spending would be made greatly efficient by reducing it to citizen-directed accounts (school vouchers, HSAs in particular). Sanders' idea to use post offices as minimal banks would help though now grocery stores are getting in on it anyway (sorry commies, too slow) so accessibility is less and less of an issue. It just comes down to nigger-proofing the system (food stamps went down the shitter because they failed to do so).

How about we just remove all government intervention in healthcare altogether other than legitimate government roles like fighting discrimination in pre-existing conditions and busting monopolies by allowing competition across all 50 states.

This is incredible news. Mostly because it seems like the Republicans found a great compromise and we can rid the world of that bullshit narcissistic name "Obama" care finally


Hopefully Trump BTFO's this pathetic partial repeal.

Because they understand transition is essential to a smooth process.

Obamacare made a clean sweap all at once and we're still paying for it. You have to roll these things out gradually or it'll fuck everything up.

Any leftist twitter salt yet?

#Trumpcare seems to be the operating tag nothing unusual so far just average retardation

You realize it was called Obamacare by detractors originally to bash it, right?

But the left embraced the name and ran with it.

oh… it even has a hashtag

are you talking about politicians or are you retarded?

Hitler went up against the Jew and look what happened. The power base of the Kikes is mind boggling.

Jews don't have any power. Their power is to manipulate those with power into doing their bidding. Hitler lost because America spent (What would now be adjusted for inflation) 4 trillion dollars.

12 Years Not A Slave. Hitler had a damn good run. This time there won't be any Allies to stop us.

Any bill that is that long is nonsense. I hope Trump rejects it, the ultimately Jewish soft despotism will just continue under this.

Shit needs to be 50pages max, excessively long bills just provide lawyerstein with language to manipulate and jew in court with.

Unfortunately I think Pence has been working closely with Paul Ryan on this

Guys, I think you got troled, because reeks of a markov chain bot.

That's what I was thinking. Maybe it's the first step to change while avoiding colkapse. It may not even pass or it could get vetoed

How little do they pay you these days?

Why do the Republicans keep getting taken in by leftist memes? The left just kept repeating that ACA had to be replaced as if it were fact, and the GOP seems to have absorbed that stupidity. Just repeal it and replace it with nothing. Get government out of healthcare altogether. It's only been a few years of ACA, it's not like nobody remembers a time before it. Jesus christ.

Dear God user, that's all terrible. I'm glad to hear you're dping as well as you can for now. Hopefully with these changes and more to come things can be set to right in the USA.

I get why this is good for the consumer, I like that it's something we want to be possible. But I'm legit wondering how we think we can pay for it without inevitable increase in rates across the board for everybody? Insurance companies only stay afloat because they take in more money than they pay out. If they can't charge you more for preexisting conditions, you run into the VERY REAL fact of individuals who are going to be a constant net drain on the insurance provider. Like, not a likely drain, but a 100% guaranteed drain every single month until the end of their life. If you have enough of those, the company goes belly up.

So far look at the cost gains they are making (even under obamacare), regardless of preexisting. Aetna is a notorious liar. They're doing great. It is all for show so they can get even more cash flow.
Even with cars you always will have some retard who always totals their car every three years. I knew one. Real piece of work. They still get insurance, but pay more…but the truth is, everyone ends up paying for their repairs in the long run. The insurance company is supposed to really negotiate with the hospitals and more to keep down prices. And don't think the hospitals are innocent either. $250 for one pair of nitrile gloves. Problem was more people not getting any insurance and then getting cancer and going whoops, I need it now. No good. It sounds like there is going to be some sort of penalty for that however now if you try pulling that.
Overall however, the law doesn't look like it goes far enough. It looks really barebones.

You're referring to Section 2711, I assume?
Short answer: No.

Long answer: The Supreme Cucks greenlit Obamacare, which this is but it gives insurance companies even more money, so of course they'll rule it as Constitutional even though it plainly isn't.

Bonus answer: If you are referring to Section 2711, the really cool part is that in addition to the end-user effect of mandating penalties from the insured to the insurer, it does this by mandating that companies penalize their customers based on behavior from before they became customers. Can you begin to see the ramifications of this for the average Holla Forums user?

First thread that I have made that has gotten pinned, and most successful one at that too.

You did alright, OP.

In the 2nd image there are only white people. No mixed race mulattos, where is the diversity that we hold so dear?

Thanks user

by being fucking jews. If you look at the actual cost of drugs and services hospitals provide, its SOOOOO much less than what people think. If health "insurance" didn't exist in the first place, costs would be way lower.

Consider: health insurance companies want to make money for doing nothing. They offer to be a middle man, "pay us a little bit each month goy and when you get sick, we'll cover the costs then (minus your deductible of course! and naturally only up to a certain amount, anything beyond that is on you, stupid goy)." So hospitals and doctors charge more because HI companies bring in shit loads of money and can afford to pay it to the jew doctors/hospitals. And they're willing to do this because it creates the mindset that people NEED health insurance because otherwise they'll go bankrupt if they get sick. And of course then the pharma-jew and tech-jew also get in on the action by upping the prices of shit they sell to docs/hospitals as well because why should the jew docs get all the profit?

The net result is that costs go through the roof for shit that costs practically nothing in the first place, and who gets screwed by it? The people without insurance. The little jew scheme only works if as many people are paying in as possible, so this is good for them anyway because it, again, forces people to accept the idea they need health insurance and must be paying for it at all times, even when the average person rarely gets sick enough to even warrant a hospital or doctor visit in the first place

But it also creates a fucked up over crowding situation for doctors/hospitals as well, because people have this insurance in the first place, they're paying for it, why not use it even for minor shit that doesnt need a fucking doctor to get over and that could be dealt with either by home treatment or simply waiting it out and letting their bodies handle it naturally? But hey, this is good for the jew doctors and pharma jews and tech jews, so of course they encourage you to go to the doctor for fucking nothing.

But this ALSO leads to the whole god damn problem of antibiotic resistant infections showing up. Because people don't wanna go to the doctor and be told "go home, drink fruit juices, eat protein, put a cold/warm wash cloth on the area that aches, and wait for it to pass." No, they want a pill thatll make it all go away, I mean after all "its like, 2017 man!" So doctors end up writing scripts for shit loads of antibiotics and other drugs constantly, when they arent even remotely needed. But the pharma-jew is cool with this, because all these fucks are so short sighted and only care about their day to day shekel counting.

And all of this.. FUCKING ALL OF IT.. stems back to health insurance. We don't, fucking, need it. If people wouldn't buy it, and only went to the doctor/hospital for REAL problems, only took meds for actual illness they couldn't fight off on their own? Then none of this would be a problem, and costs would be damn low as well as demand would plummet for meds and hospitals, so prices would have to drop, and without HI artifically inflating the shit to begin with… well, enjoy the return to the days of a doctors visit costing you in total $25, you go see a nurse see takes all your important information about whats wrong, the doc sees you for 10-15 minutes and gives you an answer, advice, and tells you how to self-cure or if its bad enough he writes you a script that you go get filled for $10 and you take a day off.

The health insurance jew needs to fucking die

You can't lose your insurance while in the middle of receiving care as it is.

no, there definitely needs to be a lot of regulations involved with healthcare to protect people. Like gov out of healthcare means no licensing for doctors or nurses for one thing.

the idea there is that 99% of people don't need to go to the doctor regular because they aren't that ill. but the only people who'd buy healthinsurance under those new laws are people who were denied for pre-existing conditions.

That's why everyone had to be forced to buy an insurance plan to offset the costs of those sick people. The idea is that after so many years the influx of new healthy workers will drop the costs.

Pic related user.

Lately I've been thinking that insurance for healthcare was a mistake in the first place. As in the entire thing was either a fuckup or a con. I don't feel like I've read enough natsoc economic and political philosophy to be authoritative, but the nature of health insurance seems entirely counterintuitive when you're trying to structure society and government for the good of the people. If anything it looks to me like the most kiked way to ensure your society is healthy at a basic level, while extracting the most wealth from every side for the insurance company. Obamacare was the apex of that kikery, where even the good parts of capitalism were unable to save it.

I need to sit down and formulate my thoughts on this better before trying to make an argument about how healthcare should optimally work, because the reasons it's failing in the U.S. are numerous and interwoven with a lot of other issues, like immigration. I've spent an hour trying to write this post but I keep deleting it because it gets too complicated.

At its core, the healthcare system is just as kiked as the banking and finance industry, and for a lot of the same reasons. I see a sort of repeating pattern that goes on, and it goes like this: immigration causes a burden on education due to massively increased demand, so the cost of becoming a doctor goes up because the cost of running a university goes up in general. Student loans get taken out from the banking industry, educational institutions take out loans to build larger facilities, and those loans get paid off by the proceeds of student loans, so the banks make interest on both sides of the deal and the students ultimately get fucked over. Once they become doctors, or pharmaceutical researchers, or any advanced career, they have to make enough money to justify their time and expense acquiring their education, and that means healthcare prices go way up. At least the quality of care is pretty good. But that ends up attracting more immigrants, because the quality of care is so much better, and it turns out they don't have to pay for any of it because the citizens get taxed to hell and back to subsidize on all the defaulted payments to hospitals. Immigrants also introduce more illnesses to the existing population, and vastly increase demand on the system because for them, everything is free. This means more personnel are required in the healthcare industry, and so it loops back again to education, except now there's even more students because there are more immigrants.

I'm sure in reality fixing these things is not so simple as just REMOVE IMMIGRANT but after some thought it really might be that easy. I'd be completely fine if I was compelled to pay the government for healthcare and so was everyone else, so long as the government did it's fucking job and kept everybody else out in the first place. And naturally if you take that concept to it's logical conclusion, you end up with the removal of all non-whites and the beginnings of natsoc, or at least that's how it looks to me.

If the incidence is so high in Australia and yet the Mortality is low then do that mean they are practising the eugenic to reduce the cancer heritability?

Is it worth me, a nobody, reading the whole thing? It would take like twenty minutes, but reading continuously on a monitor is so tiring on my eyes… Should I just be lazy and wait on Styx to do the digging for me?

Stellar post, especially this point:
The Jew Rachel Maddow (the real one, not our one) shilled for this on her show. There were some failing public hospitals in rural areas shut down because people couldn't afford to pay for treatment, and in her butthurt response she says "Gubmint could've just bought the poor people insurance!" Not "They could've just paid for treatment for the poor," but pushing again the idea that the do-nothing middleman is somehow essential for healthcare to even exist.

I remember when Hurricane Katrina hit. People usually had either flood insurance or wind insurance, but sometimes both. Either way, the flood insurance companies would be claiming that a house filled with water only got that way because wind knocked out the windows and doors or ripped off the roof, so the wind insurance companies should pay, while the wind companies claimed that water damage had caused the windows, doors, and roof to fail so the flood companies should have to pay. Endless deflection to avoid having to pay out a single penny even when the damage is widespread and undeniable.

Trump said he wants to put H&R Block out of business. I hope he smashes the tax industry scam and moves on to crush insurance companies. If we'll ever have a chance to remove gefiltefish, it's now.

Well the point of insurance is to share the cost, isn't it? So if 10,000 people only need a checkup here and there, a physical, and maybe a scan, but one guy needs surgery, depending on the plan, at the end of the day they're all paying roughly the same. So the hope is that if you wind up being the guy who needs the surgery, there's that pooled money to help you get it, even though you may just be a lowly construction worker making 25k a year. That seems good to me. It's abused and monopolized, but the concept is good. I don't mind insurance. It's people helping helping out, when you get down to it. It's society working together. We just need to crack down on the monopolization and corruption.

Serves them fucking right.

Good to hear that they chose a straightforward name with no newspeak included.

The Japs never stood a chance

Protect people from what, consequences? Stop reducing selection pressure and then going on to malign the fact that our race has turned to shit.


thanks user i needed that

>Women will have equal access to the same affordable, quality health care options as men do under our proposal.

The forced buy-in that Obama imposed on all citizens was an attempt at balancing the inevitable price increases of insurance companies that have to take on patients with pre-existing conditions. In this new plan, what's to stop the insurance companies from:



being allowed to argue over the cost of goods and services (from doctors)

That can only be so downward flexible, though. The minimum cost of insuring a bunch of people who need and use their insurance with very few people paying in more than they take out is still going to be outrageously high.

Why is it high?

Considering the cost of services and goods in the medical industry is inflated to astronomical levels, it will go a long way.

Oh so they're going the old "we will let you read it before we pass it" approach eh? Don't they know it's CY+2?

Who is to say that downward flexibility isn't enough?
Pharmaceuticals can afford to lower their prices quite a bit, maybe that will offset enough of the cost placed on Insurance agencies.

meant for

Have you seen how much hospitals charge for a bag of saline? Putting an end to that sort of shit would go a long way.

A person who pays more in insurance than they take out do not want insurance.
A person who takes more in insurance than they pay do want insurance.
The only way to make money in insurance is to rely on uncertainty and risk aversion.
Insurance companies once refused service to certain money-drains because it would hurt their profit margins.
The government told the insurance companies that they had to take everyone, regardless of health.
The government also told healthy people they had to have insurance to keep insurance companies lucrative.
The cost of sick people under the new policy vastly outweighed the revenue from healthy people.
To offset the imbalance, health insurance costs sky-rocketed.
The government now says that healthy people do not have to pay insurance.
The government still wants insurance companies to take everyone who wants insurance.

The only way we'd see input costs go down in healthcare is if the government went on a huge monopoly/trust busting rampage. Instead, they are focusing on the insurance issues, not the input cost issues. The ability of customers to shop around between doctors and insurance is not going to change the cost of medicine and medical equipment that is being charged by large pharmaceutical companies.

Health insurance companies operate on a 2-4% profit margin. Removing all of their profits, maintaining all regulations, and keeping health insurance in existence would reduce costs by about the same.

Eliminating health insurance entirely means paying the hospital bill yourself.

Stop posting here Spicer and get ready for the damn press conference

PS. Lose weight, you look like a fucking dumpling

The whole idea of using insurance for anything other than unpredictable, catastrophic health problems is ridiculous. Using insurance to cover costs you know you're going to incur defeats the whole idea of insuring against something. It'd be like using auto insurance to buy gas or do routine maintenance.

Address my concerns. I may not be a professional, but I do have a degree in Economics, and I really don't see how this new plan is going to be any better. The stuff Trump was saying while he was campaigning was great. This plan is not what he outlined. I don't want his administration to make a huge freaking blunder right out of the gate that will be used to beat them down relentlessly. Obamacare was the biggest reason for normies to hate Obama. I don't want "Trumpcare" to turn into the Obamacare for Democrats.

No its probably due to very high sun exposure.

Theres a reason abos are nigger dark despite not being closely related to nigs.

meaning no one could afford it, and hospitals could not make any money unless they lowered their prices

Not strictly true, this stems from the healthcare patent system, where medical supplies and drugs are all monopolized by the patent holder for at least a decade before any generic version is released and they can charge as much as they can get out of people, and they can get much more out of consumers because of insurance allows those consumers to pay more to begin with through actuarial scheming. Last time I was in the hospital there was literally a trademark and patent symbol on a FUCKING PISS JUG that they use for patients that can't get up to use the bathroom. There is literally some kike at Baxter who patented a fucking plastic jug to piss in and is charging hundreds per unit and that alone makes me want to go postal. Not only do healthcare patent troll vultures leave you with nothing but a pot to piss in, they will fucking patent that too. There will be no meaningful healthcare reform without ending patent monopolization and the cartelization of the industry via AMA, every reform that doesn't target the exorbitant monopoly pricing of healthcare products and services directly is a bandaid on cancer, period.

Not just paying the bill yourself, but also literally paying it yourself, as in, you don't collectively chip in with everyone else in case one of you gets hurt.

That's the real kick in the teeth, instead of a small "just in case" fee paid regularly, you get hit with a lifetime savings worth of expenses if something like a spinal injury or cancer happens.

Trump said that he would open insurance competition between states and try to negotiate with pharma companies, if he doesn't follow up on that then everything else is a band aid on cancer since it doesn't involve reducing prices directly. This all depends on Trump intervening to unfuck Ryan's faggotry but he is tied up dealing with an impending coup from the deep state right now so don't expect any action on his behalf for a good while until all of the snakes are purged. Also, this should not be branded Trumpcare, Ryan and his GOP fuckbuddies are fully responsible for developing this legislation, and they kept it completely secret among themselves until now, Trump had fuck all to do with it and they deliberately circumvented him when he was dealing with Obamagate and other concerns and knew he wasn't paying attention. "Trumpcare" is really "GOPcare" so the misbranding forced meme should be countered or else the kikes and shitlibs win.


Hospitals have very little flexibility as far as prices are concerned, administrative costs are a result of laws requiring meticulous documentation and such which cannot be legally circumvented, they source their drugs and supplies from corporations which usually have a patent-monopoly on their products, and doctors and staff who are not paid competitive salaries will leave for other hospitals and clinics. Maybe the drug companies will lower prices since lower profit is better than none but that is a big maybe and shit is still fucked. Nothing will fix healthcare in this country without dismantling the monopolization and cartelization processes which kill competition and restrict supply of healthcare.

I was driving about an hour ago and turned on am radio.

can someone kill that faggot already?

Hello, Glenn .. you have cheetos on your face

The reform is all well and good but they need to do something about the cost of having babies. One of my biggest red pills to older normies is the $14k two kids and a miscarriage cost me on top of premiums. The cost is due to the high deductible plans. They all agree it's warfare on the middle class. I follow this up with how the welfare class is allowed to pop kids out for free. They then hopefully figure out middle class=white and welfare equals=nigger by and large.

So should we be fighting it or not? Follow Trump's lead? But as you said, he's tied up right now. And it would be congressional suicide if he came out against "his own party's" healthcare plan. They won't be cooperative at all if he BTFO's this. Personally, I think this reform is a disaster. The Congress just wants to make it look like "hey, we're doing stuff, too, just like Trump!" but they really suck at trying to make the country a better place.

Tipping noises

I'm honestly concerned. This is literally Obamacare lite. In fact Rand Paul said that the bill keeps several, really bad provisions of Obamacare:

1) Leadership wants to keep Obamacare-like subsidies to buy insurance but rename them refundable tax credits (families will be given up to $14,000 dollars of other people’s money)
2) Leadership wants to keep the Obamacare Cadillac tax but rename it a tax on the top 10% of people who have the best insurance.
3) Leadership wants to keep the individual mandate but instead of mandating a tax penalty to the government they mandate a penalty to the insurance company (can it possibly be Constitutional to mandate a penalty to a private insurance company?)
4) Leadership wants to keep $100 billion of the insurance company subsidies from Obamacare but call them “reinsurance.” (Why? Because insurance companies love guaranteed issue as long as the taxpayer finances it!)

Trump better have something planned, because if this passes its gonna piss off a lot of people.

I don't want to believe that, but its possible that's the case. Ryan is also vehemently against trying to lower drug prices because he's in bed with the pharmaceutical companies. Trump has got to veto this. Passing this bill would really make me lose some faith in Trump.


Trump just tweeted that "Phase 2+3" of the plan involve negotiating lower drug prices, so I honestly think we should wait for him to put Ryan back in the cuckshed and unfuck the legislation. Until then I would try to countermeme any attempts to label this Trumpcare since Trump was literally not involved in any capacity with this legislation and it was GOP cuckservatives circumventing him and developing it in secret.

You think it's better that insurance companies now are going to skyrocket premiums because people don't have to buy insurance? And when they all go bankrupt and you can't get coverage you'll rant and demand single-payer government run health care.

ITT: economic idiots that use the same talking points as leftists for any corporation with no proof and will demand universal healthcare when the whole industry crashes because every health insurance company goes out of business

No. It's not intelligent or morally right to charge the 55 year old fatass with diabetes and 3 heart surgeries the same as a young, healthy and fit man.

Congrats guys you got kiked by Democrats playing checkers you fucking baboons

None of this shit matters unless costs go down, and costs are not going to go down. In fact they will continue to go up. So it's a complete fucking con job.

They probably fucked it up on purpose just so they could blame it all on Trump. Well, they didn't want to fix any of it anyway, but now they have the bonus of blaming it on Trump when it completely wrecks the budget over the next 4 years. And they know it will.

You're still missing the point by a huge margin

Think about this logically. Lets say, HI goes away, it just vanishes over night. Now, people cant afford doctor bills right? Well, if the doctors dont lower their prices, people will not be able to afford their services. Which means the doctors make no money. So they are forced to lower prices to stay in business. They won't simply all relocate to only affluent areas and clinics, there simply arent enough of those to go around. The only solution is to lower their prices.**

Of course then we have the pharmajew right? Well again, if THEY dont also lower THEIR prices, doctors wont be prescribing their drugs or keeping them in stock, they'll use the far cheaper more generic brands and only keep a very limited supply of the more exotic stuff on hand that they'll be very hesitant to dish out (as it should be, the over use of antibiotics and other drugs is far beyond bad enough as it stands now). SO, if the pharmajew wants to keep making money on those other drugs he has a patent on, he has to lower the price dramatically if he expects to move his product. Or give up the patent and allow competitors and competition to create generic brands of it which he can also produce and sell for a far cheaper price.

**This, as you said, would need to include cutting admin costs as well, and how do you do that? Again, its very simple. You roll back as much of the red tape as possible, eliminating the need for 800 middle management twats who sit around scratching their cunts all day. And you incentivize smaller clinics to open up by offering them and their staff tax breaks for servicing areas while NOT working inside a hospital (ie: your "doc in the box" type places). With those types of clinics springing up, and doctors able to charge damn near cut throat rates for seeing patients, lines at hospitals would be dispersed across multiple new clinics to begin with, but lines in general would get shorter at hospitals due to the fact people wouldnt wait until they're deathly ill because they're afraid of how much it would cost just to see a local doc for a few minutes to get a quick checkup. People in general would be able to better maintain their health, which would result in far less demand at hospitals

Trump still needs to do more.

The plan focuses on coverage instead of price. Complete mistake. Rand Paul and the Freedom Caucus have been pointing out the problems with this bill for a month but they were shut out of the process. Ryan insisted on doing it his way. So now we have this steaming turd and the party is publicly divided.

There is no talk of lowering prices, fostering a revolution of choice, competition, portability, cost-consciousness, or breaking down the barriers between consumers and providers. Had deregulation of airlines been left up to the GOP, we would never have had the revolution of Southwest Airlines. We would never have had Uber, Amazon, Netflix, Apple, or Walmart either.

The entire premise and framework of GOP negotiations is working within the confines of the failed intellectual ghetto of the status quo, which is the retention of the entire market-crippling regulatory regime. Rather than breaking down the regulatory and subsidy state — which is solely responsible for making health care miss the 21st century and operate like a hotel room mini bar rather than Walmart — Republicans are working with lobbyists to double down on it.

As such, Republicans have played follow-the-leader with Democrats in focusing exclusively — and in a vacuum — on coverage numbers of comatose insurance in a zombie 19th century health care system (actually it worked better back then relative to technology). It’s all about salvaging the status quo with some tweaks under the guise of helping the poor and the chronically ill rather than tearing down the entire leviathan in order to spawn an across-the-board revolution to bring down prices. The enduring lesson of Obamacare is that by pursuing universal coverage at the expense of lower costs and creating competition, we achieve neither goal. Conversely, by creating a full free market (or as close to one as practicably possible), we will benefit 90 percent of the country, while isolating and minimizing the problems of the chronically ill so that it is cheaper and more manageable to get them adequate coverage in a revitalized insurance market.

What is now taking place behind closed doors with Big Pharma lobbyists and the parasites at the American Medical Association is the equivalent of politicians getting into a room with the Postal Service lobbyists and plotting a regulatory climate to box out FedEx, keeping American consumers reliant on a failed system.

Single most retarded thing you can do.

Shit son, the first medical plans were workingman's societies set up to manage the lives of it's members. For a day's pay a year, you could use the in-lodge doctor that also made house calls. Everyone paid in, and the doc had a steady income. Win-win. Other things you could pay into were grave funds for burials, and bank accounts. Why don't we do this now? Because Dr.Shekelberg complained it was driving down his prices and what the Jew wants he gets.

Remember kiddos: the forcing of pre-existing conditions is enough sugar right now for the /scuse the pun/ medicine to go down.

Now imagine in 2018/2020, when a lot of these grandfathering provisions begin to expire. Suddenly, insurers will be able to tell fatass unhealthy gits they have to pay more.


It's that time again!

There are no good solutions to health care whilst niggers, spics and kikes exist in your country. None.

Your post is anarcho-capitalist malarkey. Get out.

What gave it away, was it the shilling for Masonkikes or the based niggers and immigrants?

People taking care of their own shit is fine by me

Look at the video. The user's icon uses the Ancap colors.

So does this give leverage to Trump to negotiate with pharma companies? If Ryan's cuckcare policy is going to nuke the budget and make millions unable to afford healthcare it will threaten a lot of hospitals and pharma companies survival, at that point there is plenty of leverage for the art of the deal to come into play. Its starting to make sense now.

Not an argument, refute the vid/infograph or take your autistic screeching elsewhere faggot.

I don't have to argue with an idiot such as yourself. Go homestead New Guinea or something of you want to create your garbage Ancap utopia.

House Freedom Caucus Press Conference w/ Sens. Paul & Lee
I feel sure that my friend @RandPaul will come along with the new and great health care program because he knows Obamacare is a disaster!

What did he mean by this? Is he saying that he doesn't like the bill and wants Rand to put forth an alternative?

I noticed subtle shilling against using older cars, people here kept conflating old beat up cars as a status of being poorfags or associating them with illegals.

Its effective shilling, the people working on drive kill methods will want us to "randomly die" when we become a threat to them. And new make and models with built in self driving cars are an assasins dream. There wont be guilt or the human element when it comes to removal.

And that is very degenerate in itself.

I think you may have the wrong thread user?

This. I'm on it and needed an oral surgeon. Went to a dentist who gave me a referral. But the place he referred me to stopped offering oral surgery. They referred me to a local school, but they dont answer phone calls or reply to voice mail. And aparently this is normal according to the current oral surgeon I went to. I went on the dentaquest website and there are only 2 places in all of Chicago which do oral surgery and accept Medicaid, and one of them is the local county hospital which is ghetto ask fuck as you'd imagine.

I think Trump realizes no one likes the bill and Rand has been pushing an alternative. Hopefully he'll learn not to put his presidency in the hands of Paul Ryan.

I'm very OK with this.
Also remember:
Shitlibs will get smug if the first version doesn't go through but I don't really give a fuck about "looking good". Yes, GOP has been using the Obamacare situation cinically and not caring too much about the actual damage it was causing and how to solve it. I want a repeal/replacement that actually makes sense and this shit that if you drop coverage for a while and buy it again you pay 30% more to the insurance company is fucking ridiculous. The good news is that I don't expect this to pass but he should know by now that Ryan is a snake.

After re-reading Trump's tweet I think I'm wrong.
He wants the lead skeptic Rand Paul to come along with THE new plan - get on board with it - not come along with A new plan.

Sounds like terrible shit that changes nothing except give more money directly to insurance companies.

I thought pre existing conditions and the covered till 26 aspect was the only thing Trump wanted to keep?
The confusing aspect of the left defending the ACA and saying the right is too stupid to replace it, is that the ACA was made by the right, it's essentially Romneycare.
If anyone can replace a bill that they claim they like, it's the people who fucking authored it.
Mental gymnastics all around.

Rand Paul needs to go fug himself. He wanted to read the damn bill know him and 4 other losers oppose it and want the (((2015 health care bill))) passed. Geee I wonder fucking why.

So you want him to pass the bill without knowing what's in the bill? That sounds a bit too reckless.

Go away Senator Paul

weak bait unless you really are this stupid

Wew this is trash, but if you buy insurance you deserve to be screwed by the kikes anyways

What eroge is the pic from?

Sure you can.

So wait, is this better or worse than Obamacare?

Anything is better than Obongocare.

All I see on twitter is that it will help the rich more than it helps the poor, but that was from lefties and celebs.

You have to pass the bill so you can find out what's inside.

He isn't omniperfect Ron, but usually has a pretty good judgment of these things.

Bravo, that's how CEOs work. You can be egoistical bastard, but you still have customers to serve which keeps you grounded. Mr. mid-level manager comes with a better idea? Let's see him walk the walk.

Libshits are too busy being stuck on some shit about MUH IPHONES VS HEALTH CARE COSTS, jumping between "lol that's stupid right wingers are dumb lol" and "REEEEEEEEEEEEE SMART PHONES ARE LIFELINES AND NECESSITIES REQUIRED FOR LIVING THEY'RE A RIGHT n-no I wouldn't go for a cheap sub-$100 android phone, t-that's not flashy enough". It will take them some time to figure out the shilling lines to give when talking about this.

nvm, found it:

That's what catastrophic coverage is for

Breitbart: 70 GOP reps oppose Ryan's bill

"Leadership knows this too, they say, as all the “hard no” votes have told the Speaker’s office or the whip teams they cannot vote for this bill. But Ryan is plowing forward, stating at a number of press conferences this week he is confident he will receive the 218 votes he needs to pass the bill—even though he clearly does not have them right now.

Here are the 2 choices GOP gave Trump:

A) Sign RyanCare shitty bill
B) Repeal the whole thing kicking people out of their healthcare

Trump needs to get a deal here, it has to be a reconciliation bill but all the taxes and entitlements have to go.

heres a summary vid