by being fucking jews. If you look at the actual cost of drugs and services hospitals provide, its SOOOOO much less than what people think. If health "insurance" didn't exist in the first place, costs would be way lower.
Consider: health insurance companies want to make money for doing nothing. They offer to be a middle man, "pay us a little bit each month goy and when you get sick, we'll cover the costs then (minus your deductible of course! and naturally only up to a certain amount, anything beyond that is on you, stupid goy)." So hospitals and doctors charge more because HI companies bring in shit loads of money and can afford to pay it to the jew doctors/hospitals. And they're willing to do this because it creates the mindset that people NEED health insurance because otherwise they'll go bankrupt if they get sick. And of course then the pharma-jew and tech-jew also get in on the action by upping the prices of shit they sell to docs/hospitals as well because why should the jew docs get all the profit?
The net result is that costs go through the roof for shit that costs practically nothing in the first place, and who gets screwed by it? The people without insurance. The little jew scheme only works if as many people are paying in as possible, so this is good for them anyway because it, again, forces people to accept the idea they need health insurance and must be paying for it at all times, even when the average person rarely gets sick enough to even warrant a hospital or doctor visit in the first place
But it also creates a fucked up over crowding situation for doctors/hospitals as well, because people have this insurance in the first place, they're paying for it, why not use it even for minor shit that doesnt need a fucking doctor to get over and that could be dealt with either by home treatment or simply waiting it out and letting their bodies handle it naturally? But hey, this is good for the jew doctors and pharma jews and tech jews, so of course they encourage you to go to the doctor for fucking nothing.
But this ALSO leads to the whole god damn problem of antibiotic resistant infections showing up. Because people don't wanna go to the doctor and be told "go home, drink fruit juices, eat protein, put a cold/warm wash cloth on the area that aches, and wait for it to pass." No, they want a pill thatll make it all go away, I mean after all "its like, 2017 man!" So doctors end up writing scripts for shit loads of antibiotics and other drugs constantly, when they arent even remotely needed. But the pharma-jew is cool with this, because all these fucks are so short sighted and only care about their day to day shekel counting.
And all of this.. FUCKING ALL OF IT.. stems back to health insurance. We don't, fucking, need it. If people wouldn't buy it, and only went to the doctor/hospital for REAL problems, only took meds for actual illness they couldn't fight off on their own? Then none of this would be a problem, and costs would be damn low as well as demand would plummet for meds and hospitals, so prices would have to drop, and without HI artifically inflating the shit to begin with… well, enjoy the return to the days of a doctors visit costing you in total $25, you go see a nurse see takes all your important information about whats wrong, the doc sees you for 10-15 minutes and gives you an answer, advice, and tells you how to self-cure or if its bad enough he writes you a script that you go get filled for $10 and you take a day off.
The health insurance jew needs to fucking die