Alex Jones Becomes Press Secretary

Spicer won't last as press secretary. He's softening up and he's not firey enough to handle the increasing scrutiny from the MSM. This is day 40 of Trump's presidency and it's been nothing but a nuclear media meltdown. They aren't going to let up anytime soon.

We memed Trump into the presidency. We achieved the greatest possible timeline, and it's time to make it better. There is only one man I know of that can match and outpace the autistic rage being thrown at Trump everyday. That man is Alex Jones.

I don't know if he operates off of food or U-235, but this man is the best weapon we have in fighting the corrupt media. I'll admit, a lot of what he says is pretty insane, but that's exactly what we need. Keep the media distracted while Trump quietly pushes policies we need.

I wish nothing more upon this Earth than having watched an Alex Jones press conference.

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Trump isn't going to appoint CIA nigger Jones to anything.

This would just infuriate the left even more and viciously attack anything he says - even more. Not a good image. also sage

You shut your whore mouth tbqh. He's building relationships, manipulating the pressluts and out-jewing the jew. You want to replace him with Jonestein?

Why does cuckchan think they can just come here and shit up the catalog?

Wanted an excuse to post this.

Infowars is literally abandoning all their old views in favor of their new Neo-Cohen angle, yet their retarded followers still pretend they haven't changed and were right all along.

Yeah, fucking brilliant idea, kike. Put someone whose entire existence is focused around being ridiculous, exaggerated, unbelievable and wackjobbish to give our side a bad name, into one of the most visible public positions in the country, speaking on behalf of an administration already being mercilessly attacked for so much as a pin drop.

I refuse to believe anyone on Holla Forums is so fucking stupid as to unironically want this, so I'm calling this bait.

Wrong as always


Fine, then you're a shill

whether you realize it or not

who would prefer controlled opposition in a seat of power.

p.s. you have to go back.

Sheeple never learn.

slide thread

kys OP

It's OK spicer we still love you

Agreed, Spencer is on point, Alex Jones is a known Jew-lover. Not to mention he'd be terrible with the MSM.

You don't realize that this is a game, do you? We superiors can play 4D chess with ease while you peasants struggle with 2D

You're a retard superior to no one. Take your low effort garbage thread back to cuckchan.

As much as it would be a hilarious display of utter contempt towards the press, Appointing Alex Jones as Press Secretary would be retarded and counterproductive.

Money talks. Everybody has their price.

Delete your account.

Wow this is a terrible thread and idea. I mean shit, I like listening to the idiot now and again because it's funny as hell knowing what he is but, fucking PR sec? Go toss this idea out and bake a new one but this time don't use bleach on your brain while marinating okay?

And Bernie can still win too, right faggot?

How? People trust Trump more than the MSM now. Spicer just needs to ignore them and brush off the MSM as the fake news they are. Don't even attempt to legitimise them.

yea you're right. maybe we can settled for a "secret meeting" between Alex and the White House where literally nothing is discussed but the media goes apeshit over the idea of it.





Spicer is great you piece of shit. Literally an /ourguy/


CIA hates Trump
Alex Jones is CIA
Alex Jones constantly shills for Trump

How the fuck does that make sense

Yeah, of course. Such a genious 4D chess move. Putting the water filter merchant as a press secretary is a move of unmatched strategic brilliance. Alex "The Nazis are coming" Jones is indeed a very good choice. 10$ say that at the end of every anouncement he would shill for super male vitality and water filters.
Suicide would be suitable for even considering this you braindead cuckchanner, LURK MOAR



Easy Alex is more known for being a tinfoil hat nutjob than anything else so having him endorse trump looks bad to normies.



Alex Jones would be the best and worst person to pick.

We need to stop being cordial with the left, which Jones would do, however he would start yelling about reptilians, which is fine by me, but I can see how normies are not ready for that yet.

In the Gavin pic wtf?


i wil find and kill you

That's Cumia's studio, not Jonestein's.


This perfectly demonstrates the fire that's needed to distract the Media and keep them busy with some bread and circus show.


It's normie reverse psychology. The guy takes legitimate conspiracies and mixes them in with crazy bullshit. When a normie hears what he says, they immediately discredit whatever it is. This includes what he says about Donald Trump. Even if he isn't CIA, he's not /ourguy/

Trump needs Daniel Pena

Can confirm, just yesterday a bunch of friends of mine were laughing at his "12 dimensions" spiel on Joe Rogan's podcast.

You should see that comment about how holocaust revisionists are actually hurting whites and are anti-right wing etc. Controlled opposition is quite a dangerous thing.

Fuck off Jonestein


I wish all you kike loving cuckchan and TRS refugees would die.

Pic related and OPs mother is a whore

All the proof you'll ever need about Alex Jonestein is in this embed