A new diagnosis: Post-election stress disorder
Kek. Every fucking time.
Lefties get PTSD from the election
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't wait to see his reelection.
They'll probably mass suizide if they haven't already at that point
Good. Stop breeding anytime.
This is why they're weaker and will always be losers. Even at our worst all we had to do is stop ourselves from browsing Holla Forums for a few days to get a break from negativity, but this is a whole new level of low.
This is what nation-wide cognitive dissonance looks like. They've been brainwashed for so long that confronting reality physically sickens them. We should take advantage of this and sneak some red pills into their baby-food
You're always in misery if you're dying from something like auto-immune disease. Liberals hate themselves.
Can't they just call it what it is?
DGMW: Didn't get my way syndrome.
Fucking loooooooosers.
Well It is about fucking time they came up with this diagnosis.
I wonder if the same medicine for hall of cost stress disorder will work?
Toppest of Keks
Yep Trump derangement syndrome, guarantee any of them anally ravaged by Trump put their blinders on full the moment he won.
Because of that it's great to post as obnoxiously as possible to reach any that haven't completely retreated into a bubble.
They're all so hilariously unstable and as the muh russian conspiracy continues to fall apart and go nowhere they'll flip their shit some more.
I fucking called this before the election. Their loss sent such a shock to their fragile amygdalas that it's broken their brains. That's why I went onto the worst segments of leftist websites like Reddit and spreading the most horrible (to an SRSer/Goon, at least) visions of a Trump presidency, saying that Trump is gonna round them up and put them in camps, etc.
It's Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Can we please talk about the Harry Potter obsession of the left?
I just don't get it. Is it because Rowling is a diehard commie(albeit her new book was insensitive to Native Americans I've heard)?
Is it because of the escapist nature of the books?
Is it the badly hidden nods to ww2, the natsocs and racialist thinking?
Enlighten me, Holla Forums.
The mudblood shit and comparing non-racemixed people to snakes.
They see themselves as a rag-tag group of young underdogs fighting a primordial evil whose very name makes them ill. Also it's probably the only books any of them have read.
When they refuse to grow up and face the real world, they have to relate everything to their children's fantasy stories and "we're good, they're evil"
All of the above. It's ideal fiction for enlightened and tolerant leftists. Probably why they make you read it in schools.
They do? Source?
and Hucks best buddy was fellow by the name nigger Jim
now that's oversocialization
This was in primary school, back when it had just come out.
Same, we read Golden Compass in 4th grade and then Harry Potter in 5th grade, this was like 1998 or so.
Because it's all very easy for them to digest and like another user said, it's all white vs black, good vs evil with no grey in between. Snape I suppose is a slight exception but he was still ultimately a good guy through. On the other hand the big bad was LITERALLY HITLER since Rowling made no attempt to add any complexity to his character to make him appealing.
Basically it all comes down to libshits lack of desire to think things through, they don't want to think about the fact that both opposing sides have very good motivations for their actions and who is in the right is a matter of perspective and personal values rather than some objective truth like MUDBLOODS DINDU NUFFIN. Star wars also falls in this category since the movies never portray the order and stability a unified empire brought to the galaxy compared to the bureaucratic swamp of the Republic senate.
Harry Potter is the story of a secret class of elites who are divided between patronizing indifference to the masses or a desire to exterminate them. It's how leftists and jews want to perceive themselves.
I would say the first step to a cure is admitting you have a problem, but I'm betting she doesn't even know what she is saying most of the time.
Should be "entry level"
It's actually much less complicated than that.
Harry Potter books are for children and leftists are children.
This election just keeps on giving. So much so I'll need to amass my own collection of smug faces.
What holy fuck. I read these books for fun when I was in 4th and fifth grade. In school we were reading shit like Night by Eli the Weasel.
Poor Wally Pfingsten had to shut down his Facebook page? First Hillary loses and now this. Will the tragedies that stalk these people never cease?
he needs to repeal the twenty second amendment
As someone who had to read em for some college work. Tom Riddle aka Voldemort had some sobbing backstory about being an orphan who desired power and being recognized as someone far more powerful or unreachable. In so he presented himself in a unnatural charisma to make those near him serve as he pleased giving mixed rewards and punishments and teaching them arts deemed dark or unlawful to the rest. Bah to me the backstory was unneeded but even as whomever wrote this failed to portray him as literally hitler and more of an actually ok guy who had to be killed in a super gay way to please milennials who dream of escaping reality. Because why not a bunch of kids can defeat powerful wizards and giants and werewolves with just the "paah of frenship :D" disgusting
No need to thank me.
You poor westerners, at slavshit schools they make you read classical books by Russian authors, I didn't know they made kids read contemporary left wing garbage at such a tender young age.
This is repulsive.
When the books were first coming out I was assigned to read it in 9th grade. I love reading about imaginative worlds but Harry Potter was so fucking retarded with gibberish substitutions that I lost all interest and never went back.
That backstory doesn't really do much to make the reader conflicted about who's really in the right here so it's still complete shit, evil for ebil's sake from an unfortunate background.
If Rowling wrote something like average magical power of the wizard society dropping due to the influx of mudbloods driving Riddle to become Voldemort in order to save magic itself, that'd at least make the reader morally conflicted. Of course she went with MAGICAL BACKGROUND IS ONLY SKIN DEEP and Voldemort is just a sadistic racist on a power trip. Sad!
It gets worse. Much worse. Everyone here is a leftard who needs "cuddle breaks" to " reinfoce your stimuli" i shit you not. Prime poz zone. Good thing I dropped out and now work with a relative in his pharmacy.
It's not all so bad. I just finished reading Huck Finn and I'm a high school senior. My kike english teacher whines about Trump on a regular basis, but at least he's having us read classic literature.
I've noticed this too. Its fucking weird. Anyone I've met who really likes this shit has always been the most basic thoughtless cunt I have ever seen.
I'm also going to start doing some research to find behavioral patterns between HP and its fans via their social media accounts and make a paper on it.
That is the single most arrogant laptop I've seen.
Am I the world's biggest faggot for recognizing that tattoo as a First Order of the Emperor mark?
This is the caliber of our opponents
Newfags can't triforce
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here lemme fix it for you user
keep the font for the words, entry level, as it puts emphasis on it
M8tey, imagine if you were to release a book appealing to leftists right now, not only you'd get vast amount of dosh, you would also take out these lefties out of commission for awhile, you could even drop a few subtle red pills at the moment they are the most comfortable and welcoming of new information, this is an opportunity.
Because Christian moms tried to ban it from school libraries for encouraging occultism. The left only functions when it mocks insanity from the right. They won't win again until faith becomes more normal and their strawmen become golems.
Maybe we could infiltrate leftist circles and spread the idea to get them to watch Legend of Galactic Heroes, by telling them that it's "like Star Wars meets Game of Thrones". They'll come away from it much more politically rounded.
Voldemort turned evil because Dumbledor raped him in the ass when he entered Hoggwarts, luckily for Harry, his dick was getting too limp because of age and he choose to get killed by Snapes because he was dying of wizard aids anyway.
Fucking jew filth, pushing their disgusting indoctrination on children.
There's no sex or gore in the first episode so they won't be able to feel mature while watching it so it wouldn't work.
Contrary to popular belief, most lefties are not hispters so sadly you cannot appeal to its novelty, what leftists ultimately love is to talk and be validated, they can talk about Star Wars and Games of Thrones, they cannot talk about LotGH. Not saying it's impossible, just laying out the possible obstacles.
nonono wait i can do better than that
though really I think it should make him look like a hypocrite in some way, as thats what those sorts of pictures usually do
but thanks I guess
It stretched on for so long that many of them started the series in actual childhood and kept up with it until adulthood under the delusion that what they were reading wasn't just disposable children's tripe, thereby setting up their expectations of real life around it and constantly using it as a measuring stick for their real experiences.
Have you ever seen a parody of the Lord of the Rings fan in the 70s pining over the fact that he'll never have a pure Elven waifu? That is literally what is happening here. Except instead of a knife-eared fuckpuppet, it's their entire standards expectation from reality. We are taking away their comfortable delusions and it feels like death.
you stupid fucking faggot of course Voldemort had complexity to his character, the sixth fucking book is all about it
if you autistic meme lords are going to sit in your basements harping on about leftist Harry Potter propaganda you had better do your research first
From this moment forward, I will tell kikes to go eat a pancake
it's because they have the mentality of children
you stupid faggot of course Voldemort had complexity to his character, the sixth fucking book is all about it
if you autistic meme lords are going to sit in your basements harping on about leftist Harry Potter propaganda you had better do your research first
I bet all that stuff isn't even half the reason they're losing it. The real reason is because white liberals get embarrassed and ashamed when white people do something for white people. Their raped brains can't handle the fact that other whites with other opinions exist or care about their posterity.
is that the complexity where his mom basically roofed his dad with a love potion and since he was conceived under the effects of it he's incapable of love. If that were the case, there should've been many more voldemorts running around because i doubt he's the only one ever conceived that way
fucking autocorrect
I have reached a perpetual state of smugness that will never fade.
At least we got to read classic dystopian fiction like 1984, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, etc. in my HS lit classes which is essential to recognizing typical tricks, Schlomo. We also got to do analytic essays with a presentation on books of your choice and I completely assblasted my Jew teacher by presenting Camp of the Saints, it was bretty gud.
Yeah sure, but it's a book. You don't have unlimited space to write about every special snowflake. You have to include what's germane to the plot. Rowling wrote every HP character the same way (limited) so arguably Harry Potter and all his retard friends have no depth.
Fahrenheit 451 is excellent.
Imagine you are an adult child. Imagine you never swallowed the red pill - imagine you were never driven to even consider looking at it, ever. Imagine a series of books comes out in your teenage to early-20's years, and its all fantasy and innocence and eventually gets up to teenager angst and 'darker' undertones. A guy you thought was a total piece of shit - for killing a guy you thought was a really good guy, but who also turned out to be kind of a piece of shit (not that you notice) - turns out to be a hero and a really (cuckily) nice guy… But he also dies. The real bad guy is a racist, and he tries to use his racist magic to kill the children-turned-super-dramatic-young-adults you've read about for years - the span of these books was like 10+ years, after all, spanning the youths of many of these adult-children. The books become a huge trend, as does obsessing over them… And then movies are made, and obsessing over those becomes a trend as well. All the while, the Western world is slowly degrading, being invaded, engaging in brutal wars at the behest of obviously unseen powers… And its all just, depressing. So you do what you always have done when something depresses you - you try not to think about it. You obsess over pop culture trends, you waste away the hours watching other people play video games, or give their opinion about something thoroughly unimportant, you do, basically, what children and teenagers do.
And pretty soon, you're a 34-year-old overweight Nintendo enthusiastic with a domineering wife teaching your daughters feminist rhetoric (while you nod blankly in agreement wearing a Mario Bros. t-shirt that used to fit you); or a 28-year-old Doctor Who fan-girl with 3 cats, a live-in boyfriend that shifts every 6-10 months, a prescription for birth control and a total inability to establish functional relationships; or a childless 39-year-old Star Wars fan so desperate to hold onto the nostalgia of days past (the only thing keeping you from killing yourself) that you'll accept absolutely any perversion of the universe you grew up with, so long as it features a cameo from Chewbacca; or, for that matter, a 29-year-old childless women with blue hair that fights off the cloying death of her fertility by suffusing herself in hours upon hours of Harry Potter films and books, effectively providing a window into a false-reality wherein you are still young and surrounded with all the promise and prospect of youth, even as your actual promise and prospects die in the cradle (in the ovary, more like) by your own heavily-tattooed hand.
The left is largely composed of adult-children with self-confidence issues, a stunted sense of morality and a deep-seeded hatred for anyone or anything that activates a response from those two traits.
Never forget that.
I was in elementary school when that shit was brand new. We could read it for points, but I never did. Didn't get into the series for some reason. Feels like I ended up dodging a huge bullet lately
eh, it probably wouldn't have done that much damage. I read the damn things twice and I'm not a shitlib.
them socks piss me off i didn't know that i could get mad at socks
the goal of the (((powers that be))) is to brainwash as many people as possible to consume the new installment of every series as soon as it is released and buy as much merchandise for them as possible. they also brainwash people to vote for policies that will screw over the middle class and give (((them))) more power.
many of the people who fell for one of these brainwashings fell for both. thus you have hundreds of thousands of adult children who vote against their best interests and think fiction designed for middle school students is the deepest shit ever.
The initial books followed the "Hero's journey" pretty well, and the topic particularly covered inclusiveness and belonging. Cozy family feels etc. Most leftists are incredibly insecure and that's why they crave group belonging and sublimation of their individuality. They seek the acceptance and status seeking, as well as the privileges inherent in the group, because alone they cannot provide these things for themselves.
The biggest mark of the leftist is that they cannot bear to be by themselves for extended periods of time.
Holla Forums is full of people who are more or less natural loners who enjoy operating in packs to accomplish specific goals but otherwise highly value their independence. The ultimate source of that is personal strength, not necessarily physical, but the type of strength that allows for the individual spark and soul to flourish. It's a fundamental psychological and emotional difference, and it's the same issue that plays out biologically, physically, emotionally, psychologically and socially. One way or another, Holla Forumsacks are strong and the left is weak, on an individual basis.
The strong group preference for leftists is what makes them stronger in many group conflicts because they form groups more quickly, and attract larger numbers more readily. This is in contrast to smaller groups of individually strong Holla Forumsacks who work together usually very late in the game and not nearly in the same numbers. It is very much the pack of wolves versus the herd of buffalo. That's why even /int*/ refer to themselves as buffalo or "herd" because they recognize that deep down they're nothing but prey animals.
Ultimately, what we're fighting is the prey animal remnant genes of humanity which are attempting to take down the individual/pack predator genes, and it is a fight for survival since no species can stably be both predator and prey. This is a battle not just for ideas, but for the speciation of humanity itself.
I'll add that predator humans very much enjoy their pack but they have very different requirements from what prey humans require of their herd.
One thing to remember is that humans are not only trying to speciate out into predator/prey, but parasite specialists also exist (arabs, jews). There are humans who look for very different kinds of ecological niches within human society, some are behavioural but quite a few are genetic as well. The importance of the balance between nature/nurture cannot be stressed enough. The plasticity of humans means that even the best genes can be almost completely subverted. Most of the prey types can be cowed easily, but the parasites have "infected" the predator geno/phenotypes to the point where we almost were extinguished completely.
r vs K selection, ecologically, among other venues.
you also don't have to create scenarios where it's too easy for all the snowflakes to pop up
Praise Kek.
Wtf, they made you read Night in 4th grade? That shit ain't for children. Although by the time you are old enough for it you'll just find it boring as hell.
Liberals are actually uneducated imbeciles who read 3 books a year, all of which are genre lit, and think they're intellectuals. I witness them trying to read books, and they spend 10 minutes reading and 40 on their phone. HP is probably the only thing they've read to completion.
Also Slytherin best house. Rowling is a hack and everything after the third book was ghostwritten.
I've read the series. Twice. Voldie is flat as a pancake. "uuhg mjh orphan bawww rape baby". It's a cheap hack from a cheap hack. Read actually decent books. Inserting three lines of generic backstory and then disregarding potential consequences of it does not make a character "deep." It's a bandaid on an open heart surgery.
God damn it, don't tempt me to evil. I don't want to write YA trash.
I had to read it in highschool.
HP vs HPL (HP Lovecraft)
At least HPL knew how disgusting mud people were and their ultimate influence upon a healthy white society. All the extra dimensional entities were, on the surface, foreign influences on a healthy society.
Of course I also think he was subconsciously tapping into some arcane shit, not too different than the meme magic stuff going on here
God, these people are so unbelievably pathetic.
tbh too wordy, reads like a leftymeme
We already had a number of suicides this election with Trump winning. Oh man him getting a second term would be glorious. All the faggots will fuck off or just off themselves.
Its amazing how weak these leftyfags really are, and how obvious it is to notice this for even the most politically apathetic normalfag out there. I just spent 8 years of Onigger, and it sucked. DId I need to spend tons of shekels with a kike psychiatrist? Fuck no. I learned to deal with it and learn HOW this country managed to get to the point where the majority voted for a mulatto bastard son of a coal burning whore. In other words, I learned about the left. I entertained their retarded ideas and beliefs, and began to really understand who and what they are.
Once I did this, I knew it was only a matter of time before their plastic empire would melt down.
I was just surprised it came so soon
Reminder that Fantastic Beasts & Where To Find Them proves this post correct.
Anyone ever post this in one of them SJW HP circle jerk threads on any of their normalfag sites?
How is our use of fictional relation and escapism different? That's not a troll or rhetorical question. I really want to know. I feel a difference, but I'm not aritculate enough to explain it.
Voldemort is more of a force of nature than a person. When Harry visits a memory of him as a child, he learns right away that he was evil from day 1.
People keep forgetting that Rowling is a woman. Women naturally look at people as inscrutable external forces instead of personalities, which is why they're so good at being manipulative. To her, the only human element in Tom Riddle was his birth. He was conceived as a consequence of a witch using a love potion on a muggle man, thereby making Voldemort's birth somehow unnatural.
The only respectable theme in her books is the theme of love, and being born through a deceitful, loveless union is seen by Rowling – and, historically, by a lot of traditionalists, go figure – to mark the child of it in some way.
fug 2014 was one hell of a dark age
2012 and 2013 were also bad
What are you referring to? If it's here, this place isn't escapist in the slightest.
How are we escapist? This place is about facing the reality in it's ugliest forms and finding solutions to fight it.
Write YA trash and then finance tendies off the money
I think he is talking about anime, Hitler.
I'm not escapist in the slightest. Are you implying that watching animus every now and then is escapism? I just watch it to let my mind rest, just like vidya, lifting or shooting.
Are those escapism activities too?
He's talking about his obsession with Asian cartoons.
Faggot detected.
I think I'd be dead.
It's pretty much purely because of Rowling. If Rowling was apolitical they wouldn't care much. If Rowling endorsed Brexit or something they'd call Harry Potter an evil right-wing series.
Some of us did die and ended up here in a different timeline
To the anons doomed to worse timelines, may they find the strength to struggle and win, even in the worst of situations.
Is that the book where the ebil nadzees made the white jew-loving nadzee pretend to kill his jew friend by shooting his ear? Cancer.
It's fine, once we win we'll be in a position to find the buried occult research of the 3rd Reich and find a way to save our less fortunate comrades. For now all we can do is learn astral projection and temporarily visit our sad friends.
I only have a translated version of that abortion of a book, and I cannot confirm that pic.
I reserve judgement until user has an original english copy that would prove it.
Wiki says the movie is set in 1920, way before HP so he's wrong.
Movie/book/story same thing.
It's third grade level literature that's been popularized for the past decade because two of the actors involved are heart-throbs and because bright, pretty lights are all it takes to capture the attention of a normie. Along with all of this, everyone, especially Americans, love a story about underdogs coming out on top. So we have an easy to read and understand book with film adaptations that are even more linear and easy to follow which shows a group of kids taking on the very incarnate of evil. Being that the normie is not versed in classic literature, and because modern films refuse to touch upon deep subjects, this is the only connection they can make which makes them feel good for being active, but can also be used to signal to other normies that they are #woke.
tl;dr it's pop culture run amok.
Holy shit, I love everything about this year.
We really need to expose Stalin for the bastard he was. It's unacceptable that you can fly a USSR flag in public and not receive immediate scorn.
the american school system has such poor outcomes because they put all the kids together instead of grouping based on ability. If they did that it would be "racist" because all the niggers would be in basic courses and all the whites and asians would be doing great. Instead, as with every marxist approach, they don't try to lift up those who underperform but try to be content with dragging everyone down to the lowest common denominator. Also jews fuck shit up
I still don't understand how anyone above like 10 could stand to read HP. I remember thinking I was too old for harry potter in like 3rd grade, and the only reason I read the later books was for the feeling of nostalgia and knowing past-me would've wanted me to read them
also doctor who has to have the most cancerous fan base of any show or book out there. I don't understand the appeal of the show in the first place, like if you want quirky brit scifi watch red dwarf or something. It's on the same level as steampunk in terms of cringe
When I was younger I associated races with animals. Whites and wolves, Asians and insects, Blacks with monkeys, Hispanics with rabbits, and Semites with vermin. Like whites and asians both have strict hierarchy but operate in different ways. I wonder if this is just a coincidence or a byproduct of co-evolution. Whites domesticated wolves, maybe in doing so some of their behaviour was adopted by us. Blacks live around monkeys in Africa, and they act similarly. idk could just be stupid falling-asleep-thoughts
that was a weird day, I mention that to my mum afterschool and she tried desperately to avoid talking about their race
iktf, things were super dark a year or two ago. If it weren't for trump and the hope of fighting the jews I might've offed myself. nihilism is a hell of a drug, especially with all the other shit going on causing pain. I seriously wonder how many NEETs are alive today simply because it's fun to watch the president shitpost and cause kike butthurt
Memes of strength vs memes of weakness
We don't compare real life to anime and use it as an argument.
At least I SHYGDDT
Maybe something to that. I firmly believe part of the way the cultural Marxists have gotten their asses beat so thoroughly is their victimhood mentality. It worked right up until we stopped giving a fuck about their feelings because they were using them for emotional manipulation at our expense. Now we don't care at all what they think or how they feel, but because they're victims, they can't psychologically arm themselves for better operations than public temper tantrums.
Fun fact, noggers believe whites interbred with wolves. Don't believe me? Google White people are wolves
They literally think we're werewolves? You know, now that I think about it, I'm not really seeing the downside. Papa Doc played on nigger superstition to rule Haiti until a natural death; if we convince these idiot kangz that we really are half-monster, it'll be all the easier to get them on the boats back to Africa.
You can't just say Hitler did nothing wrong, gas the kikes race war now and expect people to agree with you right away. I think it's best approached by introducing the fallacy that is our monetary system and how blatantly corrupt the Fed is. Then propose a value-backed currency and explain why the international banks would be so opposed to one. Everyone hates the banks, and they'll agree with you if they aren't stupid. Then bring up how NSDAP issued a value-backed currency and why that was the crucial cause of WWII. The Churchill quote about forcing the war on Hitler is a good thing to use.
Top kek.
It's pretty fucking cool though.
keksimus maximus
This is what passes for nigger science. He's one fucking step removed from believing the ancient sky spirit must have cursed white people's ancestors when they insulted the sky spirit.
Can we meme it lads?
What I mean is that their memes, their culture are based on being weak and being rescued.
See superheroes, shitlib literature, (((hollywood)))
I'm not sure, I think the vampire vs werewolf comparison is p accurate if you think of the vampires as jews
throw in some melanin-magic and white people living in caves and it'll fit right in with the rest of black intellectual discourse
we wuz druids?
They claim Ireland was originally full of Africans, so yes.
The operation to wage guerilla warfare against the Allies after WW2 was called Operation Werewolf.
it's more that activities like hiking, camping, etc are pretty much exclusively white. Try going to a state park or something and try to find an asian or a black, it's damn near impossible. not to mention the prechristian religions were heavily nature based. plus europe is full of beautiful nature, while the middle east and africa are fucking shit tier in comparison
that's pretty cool
Don't know what state parks you've been to buddy, but the famous ones are filled with asian tourists.
Considering the way whites invented agriculture and taught themselves how to build towns and cities that could co-exist with and benefit from nature, while Africans are still getting eaten by lions daily, even in our futuristic age of CY+2… yes. Whites are more in-tune with nature.
none of the famous ones, just the ones in NC
I agree. I live in Utah and we're known for having something like the most the national parks in the nation and the tourist industry is yuge.
We do get a lot of Europeans like Germans but I'd say a massive chunk are a Asians who don't speak a lick of English.
Well as far as local outdoor stuff goes, you are right that whites are the main participants.
Really you just need to stay away from the tourist traps, America is fucking huge, there's plenty of space to explore.
Oh shit you're right.
The roles are reversed, I visit Holla Forums to improve my fucking mood now.
They do. At least in Illinois they do. My school district, full of cultural enrichment, had honors and AP classes since middle school, where basically the same 60-80 kids would take the same classes together till the end of high school. All the teachers would treat us differently because they knew we were the good kids. It was soft segregation. Not a single nigger in honors except for a girl who was literally slightly in the autism spectrum. It was like we had our own little school because we were so isolated from the plebs.
my gf loves harry potter. I took her ass to see the newest one. when they start calling people who aren't wizards "no-mags" I startedla ughing so hard and asked her ok so everyone whos not a wizard in this world is an N word? fucking I still kek from that. harry potter is rrrrayyyyccccciiisssss
Best part of this is getting niggers to attack those retarded dog faggots and making them another enemy among their many. Meme dog play as ritual magic to summon wolf spirits and gain their strength. Vid is of an anti-trump faggot marine.
This guy is both brave and retarded. I've seen guys get fucked over for far less.
To be fair, he's calling for people to shut up, tune out, calm down and get on with their lives. He voted for Hill-Dog, but isn't losing his mind and taking it rather admirably for a dog-person
this thread went in all the right directions.
Kek says Yes!
I understand what you mean completely.
I understand you completely there as well.
There is definitely something to all of this. I'm not a fool by any means, but I think we're just waiting for the right user to word what you and I both feel in a correct way.
, hit the nail on the head.
The irony is that Hogwarts already has a fucking Muggle Studies class where they do no magic.
I remember doing one of those multiple choice book tests in elementary school and I remember failing it because I forgot half of it. Cerebus and Harry getting picked on by his in-laws were only a few of the things I remembered. It was pretty boring in retrospect.
They had an SJW in the books that persecuted folks for learning defense magic I recall, ugly toad of a cat lady feminist gungrabber.
The sad thing about Lovecraft is that almost everyone writing normie scholarship on him is a flaming liberal. To sanitise him for his modern audience they either ignore or explain away the racialist principles that were a bedrock feature of his thought and his art.
The most important Lovecraft scholar, S.T. Joshi (basically the world expert) is a bindi with a huge chip on his shoulder.
Fortunately, Lovecraft appreciation has found a natural home on Counter-Currents and at Arktos. There is some good stuff by JJ O'Meara, Greg Johnson and Alex Kurtagic
HPL would have loved kek
Because it's easy to digest pop culture that still somehow captures a sort of basic European mythos which attracts the majority of western manchildren.
It's like lefty wing Tolkien.
Because we're right. They're wrong. It's that simple.
We find comfort in fiction because the real world has become ugly and disgusting. We search for things like higher morality, characters to aspire to, societies we wish to see built.
Can you tell me there is no difference between seeking escapism in a Tolkien book or seeking different in a HP book?
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
it's because they're mentally children and have no personality so they substitute being part of a fandom for it
You're headed for civil war before the next election. Maybe before the end of the year.
Those years did have dark times, but for me 2010-2011 was particularly bad.
Majority of the moonbat left is gonna have a mental breakdown long before that
It could be expected to have played something of a (relatively mild) formative role in a lot of their childhoods/extended childhoods, for those of them in the right age group.
The main villains only crime was wanting to keep his race pure. That should explain most of the series right there. Voldemort did nothing wrong
Did they teach left-wing propaganda to impressionable kids in the Soviet Union? They're likely doing this in Venezuela at this very moment while people starve to death on the streets
I was born soon after it fell apart but yes, of course. Not only was reading communist literature mandatory in school, in order to get any uni degree people had to pass their political science classes by doing reports on some commie's writings which incidentally happened to be my parents' only subject they didn't ace, even though they thoroughly believed in that garbage.
They did, and they also taught kids to betray their own parents as well, there's a particular hero that commies used as a martyr, en.wikipedia.org
The books aren't that good propaganda, I read the series. the 3-4 were good because of the we world building. Even when I was 10 the analogies struck me as hamfisted. It's fairly strange that people feel strong attachment to them, most of fiction is quite hamfisted in terms of the morality it preaches. If you get your perspectives from movies or novel for teenagers, there is something wrong with you.
We don't believe the fiction describes the real world or let them dominate our view of the world. We let them influence, but some fiction does bring up good insights (Brave New World)
We understand that the real world is not like our anime
I am not surprised. That shit came out when I was in middle school and we called anyone that brought it up a faggot. One of my teachers pushed to have it banned because it was "filth that was rotting the kids minds".
Pretty much the heart of the matter right here. They don't read. Period. And it's not about "these books" or "those books", but books generally, or anything else for that matter. They treat reading like it's something you did for a summer or two, and they might force-feed themselves a 250 page book over 4 months, but they are not in the exercise or habit of reading, because they don't enjoy it, and that's because reading is a waste of time when you already know everything.
Look at me.
I am the druid now.
Put them out of their misery
Not just Russian authors, where I'm from we had to fucking read Shakespeare in 5th grade in primary school
Stalin didn't have any "personal gain" to be honest, he was completely honest in what he did. He was rarely leaving his office and always wore standard issue military jackets. All he left his children after his death was his smoking pipe. And by the way being Stalin's kid was a shit ticket, he sent his son to the front lines as a private, and when he got captured Stalin refused to exchange him for a German general, because "he's not worth a general".
Stalin was one of these rulers, who are so powerful there is no point in petty desires, and eventually they substitute their own interests with the state interests.
Stalin's desires were pure cult of personality. He wanted to be remembered, venerated as a near folk hero of the communist world that was to come. In that sense I suppose it's more noble than mere Jewish lust for the material, but considering he still had the horrors happen, it remains inexcusable.
Russians wanted the horrors to happen. The only way to rule Russia is like Stalin did. Do you know who's the most respected and revered Russian tzar? Not Alexander the Peacekeeper, who made Russia prosper, he's considered a weak-willed cuck, but Ivan the Terrible, who used practice exotic mass exectutions and questionable conquests.
Actually I believe the most respected one was Peter the Great.
So Solshenitzyns tale about the jews running the soviet union and commiting all the atrocities isn't true?
Oh it is, but that was pre-Stalin mostly.
There were a lot of Jews on lower levels of government, but during Stalin's era he ran a tight ship for the most part. Even gassed some heebs himself.
My knowledge of the SU really sucks. I'm planning to go through 200 years together first(which I believe features somes soviet history), any other good books on the SU?
It is true, but it was before Stalin. The real horrors happened under Trotsky.
Google "Stalin's purges", then the exact people executed, and you will see where all these Jews went. There wasn't a single goy purged.
Nah, he's respected for building St. Petersburg and the fleet, but hated for forced europeization on the Russians.
The whole thing short: Russia had a literal cuckold of an emperor (Rasputin was fucking the empress), who dragged Russia into WW1, because of the massive debts.
The nobility got sick of his bullshit and dethroned him, but his brother declined the throne, so Russia ended up with a temporary parliamentary government, until the things with the monarchy are settled and a chaos in the politics and on the streets.
That's when Trotsky and Lenin with their bolshevik Jews roll in, kill the temporary government and and start a revolution.
3 years of civil war, mass executions, starvation and genocide happen, he Jews win in the end.
Lenin dies, and since Trotsky was never popular with the goyim, Stalin forces his way into leadership, supported by a large chunk or Red Army.
Trotsky starts kvetching, but is forced to flee to West, where he keeps kvetching and being anti-Stalinist, until an assassin places an ice pick into his skull.
Meanwhile in USSR a large conspiracy is uncovered and the Jews start being put before the shooting squads. Ends up with Jews being banned from occupying government or financial positions, most en masse of them rounded up and exiled to Jewish Autonomous Oblast, created in Siberia for that exact purpose.
Stalin dies, Jew sympathizers get into power, Stalin portrayed as monster, USSR slowly slides into shit.
Oh, and by the way there was another anti-Stalin Jewish conspiracy in the early 50s, the Jewish doctors started killing and sterilizing bad goyim by using wrong treatments, botched flu shots and outright murdering them during operations.
what the fuck
/furry/ always finds a way to get into Holla Forums
reminder that Germany is dogfucker central
There's about a 90% overlap
I'm a 29 year old kissless virgin and I'm more of an adult than these people.
Just imagine the Leftie tears if we started memeing Voldi as a symbol of our movement. They would go into full panic mode.
And next year you'll accomplish what these sad cunts can only dream of: You'll actually become a wizard.
Lol Goddamn leftypol cucks are so emasculated. Removing them would be an act of pity.
devil shit
they need Jesus
It might be the best feel.
Proof? It's been a long time since I've read those books.
I actually liked Harry Potter when I was younger, and I never cared about racism and bullshit like that. I think the reason it's so appealing is that the story implies a vast esoteric world but never fleshes it out in any meaningful way. This tricks your brain into projecting your own ideas onto what the world is like, making it subconsciously much more attractive to you.
This also applies to Star Wars as well.
fuck yeah I got sex dubs! A good metaphor for the fucking Holla Forums's gonna give you!
It's why I don't like it, I liked Redwall more and that's furfag shit.
dubs in your id too. aa is pretty rare.
You want to go full evil?
Run a quest on some roleplaying site, infiltrate the community, use their autism to help you get ideas from their autism, and then publish it as a book. Get mad dosh, all the while dropping subtle redpills.
10/10 capped
With a little work this could be the basis for a sweet fictional world where secret natsoc werewolves are trying to save the human race from getting turned into werecattle by jew vampires.
Top Kek, I went to a Lutheran school and the staff highly recommended us kids that we don't read the books; they didn't like the idea of stories of children getting into the occult. Instead, we had the Narnia books read to us and LotR pushed in our direction. I enjoyed HP when I was young but my teachers definitely helped me out in the long run.
Actually, the book is just a manual of monsters.
luther was p cool, he wrote von den juden und ihren luegen. I'm not even a lutheran or a christian for that matter but when I talk to lutherans and try to bring that book up 90% of them hadn't heard of it. I always figured Lutheranism was the best christianity since my Opa had been a lutheran and he was bar none the smartest man I have ever met. The other branch of christianity that might be uncucked is Old Catholic (what my Oma follows), but that's basically nonexistant in the states.
Either way, I wish more schools would push traditional fantasy instead of new age kikeshit. I think that's part of why jews are so afraid of DeVos, if parents can send their kids to any school they want and have a say in their education then their children might not get brainwashed as effectively if at all. I went to a public school that had a ton of niggers and even into high school some of them had trouble reading. Even without jewish intervention, a student like that can't reasonably be assigned a book with actual content, and that's fine, but putting those students in with whites and asians just drags down the quality of the potential book choices simply so niggers can be included
And we are only at the beginning too.
Same here.
There's already something similar to that: laraj.ca
White vs black
Light vs dark
Right vs left
Nazi vs commie
Strong vs weak
Pack vs herd
Predator vs prey
Master vs slave
Man vs woman
Yang vs yin
They are all representative of the duality inherent at every level in nature, as above, so below.
If one side becomes more powerful, at some point a reversal occurs, and nature balances the equation.
Take predator/ prey populations as an example.
If the predators become too numerous, too successful, the prey soon become too few.
When the prey becomes too few, the predator's population dies back over time as less food means less young are able to survive.
As the predators population decreases, the prey population starts to increase once again.
Eternal balance is the rule of nature.
It is the motor at all levels of nature that makes the universe turn eternal.
This what is described by the yin-yang symbol, two opposite forces (each containing a small fragment of the other) in a balanced constant flowing motion for all eternity.
What most do not notice in the yin-yang symbol is the circle that encapsulates both.
The circle is what holds it all together, "The Force" that underlies all existence, "God" or the "Holy Spirit" if you will.
Still using the yin-yang symbol as an analogy, unless we transcend our "side" and rise above or become the circle that encapsulates both sides, we will be forever expending all our energy simply pushing against an equally powerful opposite and literally going around in circles for all eternity.
I'm fine with this, I have chosen my side, and I am playing my part.
But what if someone is struggling with all this and does not know what to do.
I have been there, been low in the depths of depression, almost despairing, so much darkness, the future looking so bleak.
If any anons know this feel, here is my advice to you as someone who has come out the other side a stronger man in every way.
First, accept that there will always be opposites fighting forever, that this is the natural order, there is no need to be upset.
The war is eternal.
And that is good.
Most here already love war, most want the gloves to come off so we can get started for real.
Even those anons that say "I just wanted to play vidya!"
And what vidya were you playing?
So acceptance of the situation we are in is the first step.
We are at war, that is natural and right, there is no reason to become depressed on account of this eternal war.
The next step is to be content to "take action without taking action", Wu-Wei, trust the mechanisms of balance within the natural order, have faith in God.
Taking action without taking action means you just do what you do, do not force anything, just let "it" happen.
It's just like how you can't force a meme, it has to "just happen" organically.
This may sound almost like cuckoldry to some, but it is not, if it is time to fight, you will fight.
As an example, consider the swedes.
A laughing stock here because they have been abused so much by jewish subversion and just seem to take it or even welcome it.
But, the more they are abused and do not respond, the more they bite their tongues when wronged, the more they are lied to by their own leaders, the greater the explosion of fury on the day when it finally comes.
Beserker fury will be the result of this constant pressure of pushing down their natural survival instinct, and instinct for justice in the name of social acceptance.
We do not have to DO anything, it will do itself.
It's like everyone just wants to spit in the face of actual PTSD sufferers by making up new shit.
Someone who's upset that something didn't go their way is in no way even remotely comparable to having auditory hallucinations of bones snapping and screaming at random times, having flashbacks that hijack your vision so all you can see is your worst memory, having your nervous system on defcon 1 every waking second, and craving suicide to stop all of the symptoms that are collectively destroying who you are.
Fuck this shit.
Do you want to talk about it, user?
sorry to hear that user, I can't imagine how painful it must be to hear bones cracking. I have ptsd too but intrusive hallucinations aren't something I have too often. for me it's more time loss, dissociation, trancing out, and feeling irrepairably shattered and fractured and broken that I have every day. the hyperarousal part is fucking awful too, feeling too hyped up to calm down or relax but at the same time being exhausted from being in fight or flight mode all the time. the only solace I have when hearing these cunts whining is the knowledge that when civil war arrives they will learn the real meaning of being traumatized by what we will do to them. I used to think I couldn't wish how I feel on my worst enemy, until I saw how much hatred (((these))) people have for whites, how perverted and pedophillic they are, and how utterly inhuman they are. Now I know better
If I say too much I'll reveal who I am if someone I know is lurking (I have a lot of Holla Forumsfriends) since what happened to me is rather unique in its horror.
What I'm bothered by is not the trauma I've come to terms with, it's the fact that after suffering for 4 straight years with no help, there are still people who would doubt that I was really traumatized. But some faggot can claim trauma over knocking down a glass of water and have the whole nation cry for him. It disgusts me. There are civilians and veterans suffering right now from a mental illness that anyone could get, and it's just a big smokescreen that normies can use to get attention.
I don't really have PTSD anymore, it abrubtly stopped after something like 4 and a half years. The auditory hallucinations were the worst part for me. Yes it's painful to repeat the sounds of blood hitting the floor or the tearing of flesh, but what's worse IMO is hearing normal sounds and having them warp in your head into the worst shit imaginable. I would sit in my yard and hear kids playing at the local playground and think that they were screaming for mercy, or hear a dog growl and think there's a mauling in progress.
I'm all too familiar with these. Especially dissociating. Even hurting myself doesn't convince me that any of this is real, I just accept this as objective reality because it's all I can see.
Absolutely. The only way to stop violence is to kill. This is hard lesson to learn because first you have to fail to do so and watch helplessly as the consequences make themselves crystal clear. Then you never hesitate again.
Sage for doubleposting so soon after my last post.
my mouth muscles are going to break from smiling too much
Tell me everything.
Sign of the times really.
People crave validation and attention from society like never before.
yeah, totally worth it.
Long story short is that I witnessed a dog mauling that resulted in decapitation when I was still an underageb& teen and didn't recover even a tiny bit until I was 17. Then I just had severe residual depression.
Just a little note for anyone lurking or anything: If you think that gore pics can prepare you for something like that, you're an edgy fool. Gore cannot communicate the sounds, smells, and feelings that arise in such a situation. Not even a video can do it justice.
Is there anything that helps with the hyperarousal besides booze or pharmaceuticals? Also, is there any way to get a good night's sleep when the bouts of intense nightmares come around?
I see.
I don't know. I abused weed the entire time because it made me feel better and calmed me enough to associate with other humans. It also has the added benefit of stopping almost all dreams, which is a side effect of THC consumption.
A lot of people on here talk a lot of shit about weed because of all the leftyfags who use it but it genuinely got me through that time and I think it's really foolish to utterly discount it as a medicine because you combust it instead of popping it out of an orange bottle.
If you're averse to weed or just don't want to risk depending on a substance, try to find a therapist and refuse meds.
if I knew I'd tell you. I've been working on the hyperarousal by mindfulness and spending time in nature. also, and this is just me, I carry my gun and the weight of it is reassuring. Outside of that focusing on feeling safe is a top priority. If you aren't in a safe environment then you'll be more on edge. Reducing self harming behaviour like cutting or drinking is a big step too, it's hard at first but it gets easier. I would recommend dialectical behaviour therapy for a lot of things, and hyperarousal is one of them. It's centered on mindfulness and finding a balance between two extremes. Plus the creator is the daughter of Roman Catholic priests, and while I'm not a christian, it is refreshing to see some form of psychology not infested with kikes.
As for nightmares, the thing that has helped me has been a very small dose of quetiapine fumarate to help me fall asleep, stay asleep, and dull the nightmares. Meds are a risky route, and it varies wildly from individual to individual. I worked with my therapist a bit on nightmare restructuring where you write out the nightmare, and change it into something safe. then before bed, running through the modified dream in your head so that when you fall asleep the dream takes the alternative path. Didn't work too much but again a lot of this stuff is hit or miss
Thanks for the replies famalam.
Of course. Personally, since I'm still kind of sliding into madness I would follow the other user's advice before trying my dude weed lmao method. Think of pot as a last ditch effort to quell the dreams, not the first thing you should try.
I think I turned out okay though, all things considered. There are worse things to have as vices than habitually smoking a blunt with my buddies.
Yep, it's a faggot.
I had a thought on how to use the leftists' comfort blanket against them, without resorting to shitty forced memes.
In Harry Potter, people are afraid to say the name Voldemort, and resort to using replacement names: "he who must not be named", "you know who", and other terms. The media does the same thing with National Socialism: "nazism", "white supremacy", "alt-right". If we can make an effective meme that saying National Socialism is like saying Voldemort, we shift the Overton Window a step in our direction. This can be played in both directions. If leftists can't call a spade a spade, then they are too cowardly and weak to fight their ideological enemy. If they do, then they are forced to be honest, and take the ideology from unspeakable to sensational.
fuck dude, that's heavy. My issue is less outright violence, but I still sometimes hear people talking and the words they say change into something else. I was kiddydiddled by an extended family member I only saw on holidays, so it's especially bad during thanksgiving time to the point where I just shut down communications for a few days Not to mention I never feel truly safe or that I can trust anyone. I want the happening soon, especially because of the sex offender database. when shtf it's going to be open season on child rapists and I can't fucking wait
In my experience weed just exacerbates things
at least I have an excuse outside of my parents coddling me my entire life, like his probably did
so like naming the jew but in reverse?
some leftists already refer to trump by simply typing 45
That's fucked up, man.
It's gonna be glorious.
As in 1945 or what's the idea behind it?
aside from kidfuckers the people who piss me off the most are those who complain about "rape culture" and then rave over how progressive hollywood is and how cool the actors are for calling out trump completely ignoring that hollywood is just as bad if not worse than DC when it comes to child trafficking and rape. oh and also they will defend islam and niggers while bitching at white men and women for microagressions.
here's a nice pic to settle jimmies
We Finns did no such things to Russkis.
45th president
wtf I love Stalin now.
What is up with that shit? I was out on a trail recently and the ratio of asians to everyone else was easily four to one. Is NC really heavily advertised over there as a tourist trap?
It's because they fill their EVERY medium with propaganda, so when it fails, the whole system feels it and they can't go anywhere to escape
I live in NC and I rarely see nonwhites on the trails or anything. western NC probably has more tourists bc of the great smokies but over around the triangle parks and trails are mostly white. I've been to Occoneechee, Uwharrie, Eno, Harris Lake, Haw River all within the last year and saw only a few asians, like one black family, and some hispanics. Jordan Lake probably has more niggers, but I try to avoid going anywhere near durham or raleigh if I can help it. idk if I'm just lucky or what, but even when I go to like rei or cabelas or dicks there's basically only white people there
Here I am, a natural loner, forced to play with prey to get by. Even family. Fuuck, I want to eat them all alive for wanting a part of my person most days.
Fuck, I genuinely know a guy like this.
It's like watching a slow-motion car wreck. The kicker though is that his brother ended up the exact same way (exchange movies for video games), just with a higher-profile job… and his sister married a kike.
he's probably just autistic
Autistic or not, he's one reliable Democrat.
That's so scummy and underhanded I'm downright appalled at such an idea even being considered.
That's why I'm doing it right now, praise Kek.
Hey, if this cuck is doing it…
Yeah, I hear you, user. It's the smell of burning flesh that sticks with me. Fortunately, it was a long time ago and I was lucky to find a very good therapist. That shit really does work.
Things mostly are ok now. Sometimes, I don't like to be around others. When stuff feels funky and I need to bail out, the dog seems to understand. God did good when he made dog. If it wasn't for the dog, sleep would be worse.
Try therapy. Look for a therapist who knows how to treat PTSD. Not the bullshit 'trauma' claimed by SJWs, but PTSD as in veterans, paramedics, state troopers and cops, and anons who were badly hurt in car accidents.
Therapy definitely helps. It did for me. I hope it does the same for you. From what friends tell me, prazosin helps a lot with the nightmares. It's some sort of blood pressure medicine. Seems strange, but they swear it works.
You like porkchops?
It's different. The mind does weird stuff when there is a nasty smell combined with a fucked up situation. The outcome is extra crispy people aren't finger-lickin' good.
Sucks. I'm glad things are looking up for you, user.
I want to send them back through my 2006-2013
It's like telling a kid all day you'll get them ice cream, you joke about, laugh about it, make little chant's about it, you go get ice cream and then lock the kid outside while laughing and enjoying it. Only hundreds of times larger.
Oh shit your friends with Movie Bob.
What a massive fucking insult to war vets who have PTSD. Every last one of these trannies needs gassed.
Checked for kek
As a professional-grade warrior, I have to say that is an excellent analysis. It sounds like you know me better than I ever did, user.
Reality must obey the whims of the chosen, goy. Gravity is gravityist if we say so, goddamnit.
Yeah, that is one of the more-shameful lesser-known things that SJWs have done. Most don't even realize it because they're too busy dealing with the direct fallout of their actual insane policies and trying to stop the raging wildfire that is their cancerous influence. It's pretty hard to get rid of PTSD once you have it. Fortunately, I was acquainted with violence from a young age, so I was just fine from the sandbox. The only thing I can really suggest is what they actually do for treatment usually: recreate one small piece of something that happened and build up until you can deal with seeing and experiencing the things that cause you to trip out. A good friend of mine needed to unwind after the fact, and just some repeat wargames lined him out. Good luck with that, though. If you have it hardcore, it's hard to deal with, that's for sure. At least lock down your sleeping area and do thorough checks, so you can at least rest. That also helps you unwind. I usually have barricades and some level of fortification anyway. Proper sleep is a great thing to have.
this time with both posts
fukken saved