Jury Secrecy Doesn’t Apply if Bias Taints Deliberations, Justices Rule
So, if you say things the court doesn't like, they get to expose you to everyone?
I believe so. Is this on the Civil War II checklist?
Black dindu nuffin lies will increase because of this.
Also who got the get?
This is just another incremental step to them suspending trial by jury. Mark my words. Y'all ready for Canadian SocJus tribunals here in America?
Nevermind. The more I think of it this ruling I realize it already does this (>>9433384). If anyone here knows how peremptory challenges work you'll understand what I'm talking about.
Checked. It is now.
Yeah, pretty much.
Well with peremptory challenges this process actually takes place BEFORE the trial, not after.
All I can say is that niggers are not my peers and it would be unfair to be judged by niggers.
Little do they know this is a two way street. Remember our an heroes? You know, the one in Oregon and the one in Minnesota who brought guns to a BLM meeting and went to jail? I know the MN one is going to get an appeal. There is an article floating around where a juror brags about how she had feelings on zim-zam and put him away because "we aren't florida".
It's going to be fun watching them blow themselves the fuck out.
Let's hope Trump appoints 2 or more judges.
So if you are the lone holdout, the other jurors can decide to fuck you over and say that you called everybody niggers. Wonderful.
Holla Forumsacks need to learn about Jury Nullification. If you end up on a jury and its a white guy, and he isnt a race traitor.. just let him off. You dont have to convict if you disagree with the law, and theres nothing they can do to you. If you know what Jury Nullification is, and they find out, they wont let you be on a jury.. so its like a court system loophole they cant or wont close, that if you know about, you can exploit to your races advantage.
Pic related shows a nigger lawyer telling niggers to let actual black rapists and murderers who raped or murdered white people off, just to fuck with white people. Every Holla Forumsack should know about this, we might end up on the jury for one of our own, and be able to save his life, for example.
In theory, a group of whites could go around executing jews, end up in court and be let off because 1 man decides to nullify the law with jury nullification. Imagine the chimpout?
can we please find this and send it to him
I'm well aware of what jury nullification is, it's exactly how those two got convicted. They went on "muh feels" and bullshitted the rest.
Oh, and here's the one on Lance "No Chance" Scarsella
Jury Nullification can be used to acquit, not convict.
Forward this to their lawyers. DO IT NOW.
Its not so simple. Faggot judges set up the jury for perjury so if you try to nullify you will become a target and they will go after you.
This entire trial disagrees with you. The difference is a conviction can be overturned by a judge that isn't a literal commie.
How? Gangstalking? Sending the mob to rough you up? Are you just a fear-mongering shill?
If two jurors say guilty and the rest say innocent, the outcome is innocent. Do you not understand this? To get a guilty verdict they all need to say guilty, that's why jury nullification works.
They will go after you for perjury… because during juror selection they will ask you under oath questions designed to make you commit perjury if you know what jury nullification is.
That's why if you're planning on doing it you should never utter the words. Not during selection, not during deliberations, and not afterwards. Never.
This site is 18+. If you can't handle discussion then go back to 4chan. Judges preemptively set people up before every single trial. I have gone to trials myself and seen it. google it.
>Caligiuri received a bachelor's degree in Soviet studies from University of Wisconsin–Madison and a J.D. from the University of Minnesota School of Law. Prior to her judicial appointment, Caligiuri was a senior assistant Hennepin County attorney. She was previously a deputy attorney general, overseeing the Civil Litigation, Torts and Employment Law, Medicaid Fraud and Tax Litigation divisions of the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office.
The one in MN was a pure shitshow
So we have a bunch of shitlibs virtue signaling and voting to convict, and do so. They do this in spite if the evidence being overwhelmingly in favor of the defense and - legally and truthfully speaking - should result in a "not guilty" for the defendant. It's a two way street.
They don't actually ask you if you know what jury nullification is, though. One could explain that they didn't believe that understanding the law was grounds for perjury. You could argue some BS like you heard someone mention in the audience or somewhere else entirely. Whatever, you said in that jury nullification works, anwyay.
Yeah, but that's not what jury nullification is.
Not by name, no. But they'll ask you questions that allude to it and won't select you for the jury if you don't give the right answer. And those questions are such that if you ever say the words "jury nullification" after doing it, they can nail you for perjury. So if you decide to do it, never say those words. Just say "I think he's innocent."
Then lets back up a bit. Define jury nullification, in simplest terms.
Is your knowledge of jury nullification based on that youtube guy that's reddit incarnate? CPGgreg or something?
So are they going to have a recorder/transcriber or at least a recording device in all jury rooms now? That's the only way I can imagine that this will be upheld. If that is indeed the case, then you will have to be silent regarding your bias, that's all. Of course even this will be challenged given the studies by M.I.T. and Stanford regarding implicit association testing. Though even then it's as accurate as a polygraph or phrenology.
Read a book.
Until you get more specific as to what exactly they ask and how that makes you perjure yourself if you mention one of your legal rights as a juror by name, this sounds like you're talking out of your ass.
No u. If you bothered to read nigger you might have found stuff like this
First. Fucking. Paragraph. Idiot.
Anyone remember back during ZimZam Holla Forums found out a juror was a piece of shit because of what they posted on their kikegook and then Holla Forums emailed it to ZimZam's lawyers and got the juror ousted? Fun times.
Jury nullifies the law (makes it null) and give a verdict opposed to how they were instructed to form one, knowingly ruling in opposition to the law. All sources say its for acquittals, but I imagine if they all just ruled guilty when they know hes not, that he would be charged anyways. Sentencing would be a different story too I imagine, in some way. People are allowed to appeal convictions, but as far as I know, acquittals are final.
I like you. Please stay.
I wanted to be a lot of important things when I was younger, a firefighter, a scientist, a lawyer. Cultural Marxism beat all those lofty goals out of my little white head.
Jews don't chimpout, they kvetch. And then someone gasses them for it. And then it's fucking FINALLY quiet.
That is a hung jury. You need to convince the other jurors to vote not guilty to execute jury nullification. Won't happen without a true populist supppot.
Niggers only care when it's another nigger. Niggers are retarded and think Jews are white, also. (Excepting those who think that they are Jews, of course.)
Not true. Niggers wanted to see those white militamen executed by a swat team at the wildlife preserve, and cheered when their spokesman was shot dead outside the SUV. They only wished the girls inside got killed too. Niggers are heartless, for all the wrong reasons.
Yeah, niggers want to see whites die. Which is why niggers wouldn't listen to kikes (white in their minds) saying they should bitch because a kike (white in their minds) died. You're a fucking retard, just stop.
Doesn't this just result in a retrial? In Slager there was one holdout for non-guilty and after much deliberation and court jewry it resulted in a mistrial.
You think Jews go door to door telling blacks in person to hate white people, but Im the retard. Obviously Don Lemon on CNN will lead the charge.
Also, notice the jewbook hands meme. Just stop.
The best.
as a person sitting on a jury you must make a decision… nowhere, and I do mean nowhere does it say you must explain why you came to that decision. I do not believe even the judge can make you explain your decision.
except jury nullification is legal
defense attorneys used to get jury instructions that included jury nullification
Cases don't go to court with half assed evidence, the argument is already made for you if you decide to convict, or dont.
The important part would to be to not say it on social media, or anything tied to you personally, so that if you ever did use it - it couldnt be shown beforehand that you knew what it was.
No, that gets you a hung jury and a mistrial.
Jury nullification is legal, lying about whether you know about it under oath isn't (so don't say what you did was jury nullification if you said you didn't know what it was during selection).
Kek, nice job m8.
We need a lawfag to draft up guidelines that could be used to ensure that if one were on a jury one could ensure 'bad whites' aren't found guilty in the jewdicial system, and that protect them from incriminating/perjuring themselves when doing so.
AFAICT, best case scenario would be jury nullification, that is:
Depending on the makeup of the jury, the crime and the nature of the evidence this may be difficult/impossible to achieve. A more likely scenario would be a juror forcing a mistrial by refusing to assent to any verdict of guilt based upon the evidence presented. In this case, under present conditions, it would be vital to not mention any explicit racial, social or cultural reason for doing so, or implying any such reasoning as being motivating factors. This ensures at the very least a mistrial is (in all likelihood?) pronounced and the bad white is not found immediately guilty.
This is war, our enemies are using every means available to them to destroy us and we must do the same.
A white man in prison is a white man who wont be reproducing.
Good evening White American.
You are officially fucked.
Allow me to explain.
Hence forth, all manner of speech will be decreed 'bias', of one sort or another. This will further ensure leftist cultural control over the United States.
America getting screwed by the kikes, as usual.
Sotomayor is likely a cryptokike.
Being a 62-year-old single, overweight, childless (and bitter about it) spic twat is sufficient to explain her worthlessness.
Kennedy is a disgusting old cuck who I wager someone has something on, because he's been flipping like a bitch for quite some time now, having written the fag marriage decision.
Jesus Fucking Christ people, no wonder things have been getting "progressively" shittier and shittier over time - three of eight fucking SCOTUS justices are fucking kikes!
What are the chances a reasonable white man would end up in court anyway?
Many Marrano spawn in PR. Lajas in particular.
Literally not days ago a white man was sentenced for 20 years for saying nigger whilst allegedly 'threatening' the local wildlife.
Slager trial. Zim trial (not huWhite but still dindu nuffin). Many such cases.
What are the chances of a reasonable white man being randomly murdered by a non-racist, virtuous, 350lb, 7ft, good lil' boy?
Low, but that's the wrong question. The right question is "Given that a white man is in court, what are the chances he is reasonable?" That is going to be much higher.
This is why jews have been kicked out of every country for centuries.
California was the test-bed for "terrorist threats" charges. It happened a long time ago. The plain and simple fact is you shouldn't make threats. You should take action instead of posturing like a fucking low-iq peacock.
A lion doesn't threaten it prey, it consumes it.
Lajas is also where the aliens hang around in PR so she's probably an ayy.
That summer was magical, some times I wish I could go back to a time when moot wasn't a cuckold sellout but it'll never be so
Getting better every day
Was Scalia white?
Stop and think for a moment about this. This isn't some small thing, this is a complete fucking overturning of one of the basic foundations of our judicial system. I cannot fucking believe what I'm reading. This is effectively saying "if the jury doesn't arrive at a conclusion the judge agrees with, the judge can call it racist and expose what the deliberations were."
Which begs the question, how the FUCK do you expose previous verbal deliberations unless you record them as they're happening? There is no way to "de classify" deliberations, so to speak, without recording everything everyone says ahead of time, just in case their verdict is "racist." What the actual fuck.
italian white. so, white enough.
No/yes/depends who you ask. he was of the original Fascist descent.
Lets not forget that Obama's replacement for Scalia was also a Jew which would have made 4.
Why is there no blood over this. What is Trump gonna do ? What is Sessions gonna do ? What is anyone that has a say over this gonna do ?
Your dubs are on my checklist.
What are the chances of Jewish judges hating reasonable white men?
Cheer up, user. By my reckoning, two of the Jews and the green triangle guy are the least likely to make it past the Trump Era.
Post yfw Trump's fourth SCOTUS nominee sails through confirmation in 2019.
Does anyone have that shoop where all of the justices are Ted Cruz?
Pray we have 2 or more Trump-appointed judges by the time the Supreme Court gets to rule on whether niggers can be racist.
He needs to quit dicking around with the media over this 'muh Russia' bullshit and get a fucking Justice in there ASAP. With Roberts being such a cuck as of late, there needs to be a rebalancing ASAP.
I wouldn't be surprised if merely coming to a conclusion the court doesn't like was enough to "expose" juror, whether or not they actually said anything biased.
(Checked off)
It mostly fulfills item 4, and relates to item 9.
If you're dumb enough to sig heil and go full 1488 in a jury deliberation room with a bunch of jews and niggers WATCHING YOU….
… the movement will survive losing you.
I'm just glad I live in a state like Indiana
Indiana Constitution
Article 1
Section 19
They won't suspend it. They'll just remove jury nullification and slowly force juries to be a rubber stamp for judges.
I hate the modern world so much. Can we please go back to superstition and burning suspected witches, At least back then you could chase off hostile invaders.
000.00 days without Jewish TRICKS jpg..can't find MUH pic
This is the end of an English-inspired legal system and judicial institution and its supplantation with an alien jewish system.
I think they just use a sworn affidavit by other jurors as evidence.
Inb4 jurors are intimidated after the fact to coerce them to sign an affidavit.
What do you suggest we do about it, Satan?
see Sparf v. United States, 156 U.S. 51 (1895)
for the beginning of that removal
Its only march. Patience lad. This is the Fire Cock, all our dreams come true this year.
Not even 2 months in and people are freaking out. More time is needed lads. No need to freak out just yet.
Yes but it's vital jury tampering, you wouldn't want systemic racism to continue would you? You're not a racist are you user? :^)
Remember Anons, this will probably never apply to niggers. If you are white, don't make your racism known. If you get on a jury, learn the rules. Don't give a racist reason for your decisions. You don't have to even give a reason for your decisions.
Fuck that.
Be racist as fuck, and when the case gets thrown out and they fuck with you, sue the state for intimidating you.
Working within the system is what has destroyed America. When something is wrong, fight it.
Kikes were bitching about this in '92, but voting for it in 2017.
Just refuse to vote guilty and keep saying you believe the prosecution did not establish proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
Autistically screeching about jury nullification will get a mistrial if it comes out. Do not give any reasons but just keep saying you have doubts that the defendant is guilty.
Eventually, if the jury cannot agree it is a hung jury and the defendant walks and prosecution has to either redo the trial or give up. When being interviewed don't give the prosecution anything to make the case stronger if they do decide to retry.
also number 24. Punished for some politically incorrect utterence indeed.
GOOD ADVICE. Remember, the prosecution failed to convince you. That's all there is to it.
That doesn't even mean anything.
so… what's the reason for this?
And thus began the string of chimpouts. All in a day's work for user.
You can always find reasons to poke holes in evidence unless it's really overwhelming.
>implying that the quiet revolution of voting didn't just give us President Trump
Remind me. Why aren't the jurors allowed to ask questions to clarify things?
That vid never gets old
It means that they have "feelings"
America is a joke since the civil war. Its contradictions are just coming to the forefront and becoming more visible.
I will always remember Jaffa calling
Jews do chimp. Anarchists in the early 20th century, for example. Or Bolshevik revolution. They just cover it up afterwards and if anyone talks about it they call them antisemitic.
Yes, goyim, let's not have biased jurors while we stack the court system with chosen. You are the ones with the prejudices and if you can't stop being raycis, we'll probably have to solve every case for you, goyim. Tyrone and Carlos have a right to a fair trial when they rape and murder nazis like you….