As we all know...

As we all know, the Iran-Saudi Arabia proxy war is being fought on multiple fronts with boots of both sides being present at one of them. The Iranian Revolutionary has been in Syria since 2014 and is doing battle against Western-backed Wahhabi extremists while the Saudi-led coalition has been trying to eradicate the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

The ancient divide between Sunnis and Shia permeates to this day, but it's in the West's (western society, not for the piece of shit politicians) best interest that Shia Iran win the proxy war and gains more influence in the Middle East for a myriad of reasons. Saudi Arabia has successfully made the most violent and literal interpretation of Sunni Islam (Wahabism) into mainstream Islam in a generation and actively seeks to radicalize people wherever they can. Saudi Arabia uses charity and government funds to spread Wahhabi beliefs throughout the world, including in mosques and schools they've built not only domestically but internationally as well.

The technique of spreading Wahhabi-Salafi beliefs by funding mosques and, crucially, those who preach in them, has occurred in places such as Pakistan, Senegal, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and etc (In the event of a war involving a Muslim population, they attempt to radicalize said population. I.e. Chechens, who were formerly Sufist Muslims prior to the Chechen wars and subsequent Mujahadin presence in the region).

Their perverted, extremist interpretation of the Islamic doctrine is rooted in the core belief system of groups such as ISIS (ISIL), Al-Shabab, the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, Boko Haram, and other extremist groups which are also supported financially by Saudi Arabia. Shias, from what I understand, do not believe in forced conversion, hence why they're the minority in the Muslim world (It never left the Middle East, while Sunni Islam is prevalent in all parts of the world, mostly b/c of forceful conversion.) As of late, the Saudis are losing the war in Yemen, despite receiving billions of dollars worth of armament support from the United States, whilst Pro-Assad forces are making massive gains in Syria. Soon those Wahabi fucks will have no major Arab allies in the region besides the tiny Gulf states. Ruining secular Muslim states, completely destabilizing them in the process, and turning them into real hotbeds of extremism and terrorism which then spills over into neighboring countries is their specialty.

So, Holla Forums what does this proxy war entail? Who will be the victor? Should we support Iran during this whole cluster Kebab clusterfuck? Thoughts?

Other urls found in this thread: html)–Saudi_Arabia_proxy_conflict

Persians are Indo-Europeans. They are also nationalists who only accepted Islam reluctantly.

found the persian

in all seriousness though iran seems to be the only country in the middle east that seems to have its shit together

We're already supporting the Saudis user and have been for 40+ years sadly.

Well for the most part, that's because Arabs are tribal and very shitty at management of large groups.

Iranians haven't been tribal since before the establishment of the Achaemenid Empire and since then have been quite effective at managing large groups of people. They don't have the nigger tribe mentality of the arabs.

It's more in the West's interests if the war drags on for a long time and weakens everyone in the region, much like the Iran-Iraq war.

Persians are closer genetically to the people of the Caucasus than anyone else. They do have a high frequency of the Eastern European haplogroup R1a in some parts of Iran, but they're closer to Georgians and Armenians genetically. Arabs are completely different. It's not rare to see an Arab from the south of Arabian peninsula with nappy hair for example. It's clear they mixed with Africans.

Of course, but purely for economic reasons. It's the instability in the Middle East that's causing problems throughout the world, primarily North Africa, Central Asia, and Europe. The Arab Spring is similar to "Operation Fast and Furious" in that it's an attempt to destabilize poorer countries with high birthrates so that there would be more of an influx of migrants from these places into more developed countries with birthrates below replacement level. The elite want cheap labor and votes at the expense of their country's homogeneity.


Saudi arabia is going to implode once they have to put their populace to work and there is infighting over who inherits the throne. They will have to withdraw their money from pushing their version of islam in other countries. Iran looks a lot more stable long term so id guess they will win overall.

I do agree with the general sentiment, but I must urge that we do not see Iran in a too positive light. While they are clearly the lesser evil, they are still religious fucknuts(apocalyptic prophecies, scientists who are flat earthers etc.) and therefore must be handled with caution.

They did have a thriving secular democracy under the Shah prior to the Islamic revolution, which turned the nation into a backwards Islamic shithole, but they're pretty much the last remaining strong man in the Middle East. Most of the Muslim majority nations are simply pawns of KSA. Iran is basically untouchable at this point. They violate the petrodollar all the time, a cardinal sin to the States, and they get away with it all the time b/c of their alliance with Russia and China.

But that's fucking stupid. Gold has no intrinsic value so it is no different than a petrodollar, only difference is that kikes who have been hoarding gold become kings.

Furthermore the USD is valued as it is, despite a massive trade deficit, because countries purchase US assets and debts, not because of oil. All Commodities are priced in USD because it is the current reserve currency. So the real value of the USD comes from the total demand of commodities + US assets and debts + US exports + reserve currency.

Iran is hated because they are the last impediment to kike hegemony in the ME.

t. layman who has done some research into it

So from one shithole right to another, free easy liberation sex to burqas and korans

It does have some practical value, but nowhere close to what it is priced at.

So Shias do the burka thingy as well? I thought that was a Sunni/Wahabi tradition.

Iran's population was white, yes, long time ago.
Saying this now, however, is ridiculous. The only place you'll find "true Aryans" there is in the high society and in the hyper-isolated communities.

Only read now
Yes, Iranians of today are like that.

Shi'a are Muslims just like any Muslim. The differentiation is a political difference over who got to be Muhammad's successor way back in the 600s. That's the only real difference.


Same thing in Syria and North India. The upper echelon of society have a noticeably lighter complexion than the majority of the population.

Sure, but as I understand it the whole hijab thing comes from local traditions in turkey and spread from there and the burka is actually a pretty recent addition to islamic culture mainly coming from wahabism, isn't it?

The only thing encouraging this is the lack of violent murder on the part of the Western populace. If you kill Muslims, if you kill the elite, if you kill the protestors and police who protect the elite, if you burn down their businesses, then none of this is possible and you win. You inherit the State. Migrants come to Europe because they are not killed. Were they to be killed, they would migrate somewhere else in the event of war.

Don't try to shift the issue anywhere than where it belongs. People will only take advantage of someone who allows themselves to be taken advantage of.

You're mostly right. Shias have some weird ritual of self-flagellation/self-harm, but at least they appease their god by hurting themselves instead of bombing themselves up in densely populated parts of Damascus, Baghdad, or Kabul. Shia Hezbollah protects Christians in Lebanon and Syria. Sunni Islam is a lot more cancerous, but both suck.

Nah. Hijab comes from Qur'an. All Muslims follow Qur'an. The difference between Sunni and Shi'a is like the difference between Roman and Orthodox Catholic. It's all political, but they still have Christ and the Bible.

Actually, Shia Iran has state sponsored terrorism. There are examples of both Sunni and Shi'a protection of Christians in various Islamic nations, but they're both equally vicious when it comes to non-Muslims.

It was the Shi'a leaders who issued the fatwah against Salman Rushdie. The Ayatollahs and Mullahs command their people to slaughter infidels - particularly Americans (the Great Satan) - and Shi'a tend to be much more harsh when it comes to the treatment of women and children.

As far as I'm concerned, a Muslim is a Muslim. It's all branches of the same tree.

not to mention the shias tend to be more hostile to none persian groups such as Semites, Kurds, Arabs and western turks but have a very favorable attitude towards groups such as assyrians (which are often christian), northern semites (Lebanese, Syrians), caucus peoples (armenians) and eastern turks (all turks not in turkey such as central asians) regardless of their shit religion I'd take the shia over the every time.

shia over sunni

Shia tend to be more ethnically motivated rather than religiously their hatred of arabs,semites, kurds and turks far surpasses their hatred of christians and westerners

that is obviously the spin they give on it to outsiders

however the crux of the matter is, islam is not a religion but a full socio-economic system designed to protect to priviliges of the arabic nobility as much as a bunch of desert barbarian raiders can be called such
in history around 600 due to byzantium and persia fighting eachother to exhaustion and the plague the desert raiders maanged to conquer an empire vastly superior than them, persia
sunni islam is then used as an arab supremacist doctrine to establish everlasting arab hegemony
the remaining persians being the descendants of civilized peoples knew the game and counterecting by inventing a form of persian supremecist islam called shia, as it this point to many of the peasentry had converted to islam and countering it directly would be improbable

so in short we are dealing we two supremecist religions here, a very dangerous ally to say the least and the persian are only good for the moment as they are the underdog in the fight against the sunnis
if the persian where to overtake the saudi arabs then they would become even more dangerous as they are more competent
the enemy of my enemy is not my friend

iranians are disgusting sand monkeys.
drop the "they are white" bullshit.
a lot of the terrorist attacks that take place in Iraq are done by the iranians.
they false flag the sunni retards all the time.
these fucks fund shia as well as sunni terrorist groups in the region.
they don't give a fuck what part of Islam their lemmings worship as long as it suits their needs.

kike detected. it really pisses you off that iranians will always be more aryan than you filthy disgusting semites doesn't it?

Hello there Shlomo. How's life?

Iranians(I-rahen, Aryan) aren't exactly white, but they definitely still have whites even after the Arab conquest of Persia. They'll always be our friends against the eternal Jew though, and that's something we should keep in mind.

Fuck off Pershit.

This guy who's streaming won't stop sucking Islamist cock


Fuck off Chaim, everyone here knows that you guys hate Iran and would love for us to hate them too. Unfortunately for you, we are way past that. I've personally made friends with several Iranians who all think Hitler was a good person. Even the ones that believe the holohoax is real.
You know, after a certain point the whole world realizes what kind of parasites you people are.

Assuming you're genuine, those types of people probably make up less then 1% of overall Persians. Cherrypicking them to say Persia is white is dishonest. No doubt at one point in time that percentage was much much higher, but not today.

With that said, take a look at a picture of Saddam Husseins once upon a time right-hand man, Al Douri, a ginger. They grew up in the same tribe together. White people used to be much more common in the middle east, but with every passing year their numbers become smaller.

It's ridiculous how nig nogs end up in Arthurian media like its normal, and yet so few realize the whites lost in the middle-east.

Did you come over with the rest of the HWNDindUs?
I haven't seen anyone try this hard in a while. You're not white. You never were white. You'll never be white.

Or are you just muh diking? Kind of strange you only posted pics of cherry picked prepubescent girls. That's definitely something mudshits love.

Here comes the two Pershit autists again. Hey kike, your kike war will never catch on.

I saw you post those exact images on another thread, kikel. That whole thread was (1) central, all probably (((you))) IP-switching.

So does China, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, ect. They're not white.

A really fucking long time ago.

A really fucking long time ago. More recently, they decided to form a government based on the koran and placed a fucking ayatollah as their supreme leader.

Did you not read the post I responded to? Persians are not white, but they are the top layer of that Arab-soup that's called Middle East.
My main concern however, is that Chaim here wants us all to hate Iran when there are much bigger enemies at hand. We could start by bombing KSA back to the stone-age since they're the ones that support ISIS/Israel and are the main exporters of terrorism world-wide.

Faggot, I googled White Iranians and picked enough to make a point. Iranians are the top tier of shitskins. Why do you think our civilizations were so similar prior to the (((Islamic revolution)))?

The whites in China came there recently. In the other nations you mentioned, they were there first. Where the fuck do you think the term 'Indo-European' comes from? It was mostly Aryans two thousand years ago.

Still not saying that most Iranians are white, I'm saying they have white in them and that's one reason we like them(the other being that they usually hate kikes) and thus can use them. Only kikes would have a problem with that.

Post-Ottoman western influence at the top echelons of society notably a British supported coup and an Anglo-American supported coup. Much of Iran was ruled by tribal khans read backwards ass muslims even during their pro-western phases.

That's what kikes would have you believe. In reality they were the cradle of the Greek civilization. This is why Shlomo and his friends slander them so much.

Like hell they were. While the Greeks were developing their city-states, they were busy with the Mesopotamians. After they arrived in modern Iran, they were raped by the Mesopotamians and subsequently raped them, got raped by the Greeks, got raped by the Arabs, and finally got slaughtered then raped by the Mongols. They may have started out similar to the ancient Greeks, but there is quite a bit of divergence in the history.

Iran was a thing until the end of the Sassanid Era.
Zoroastrianism​ was good? Well, worse than Buddhism (aldo Aryan) and better than Christianity. It was a Religion that wasn't that great, and you and I can create a better one now, specially based on the "Virtue vs Vice" demigods that are common in the Hellenistic and Roman pagan religions.
They were also the "cradle" (what a shitty word) of the Greek legacy because the Christians of the Byzantine Empire expelled all the Greek Scholars and Philosophers from there and they fled to Persia.
After that, the many still-white people there basically worked under Islam like cucks, and although good ones such as Avicenna existed, the majority was subverted - Iran's Aryan legacy was diluted and the general population Semiticized.

And all of that for what? For trying, again and again, to destroy your Western brothers. For centuries the Aryan Persians created a flourishing civilisation, but they also waged war, almost always in the aggressor side, against Greek and Rome.

The last war against Byzantium was the last drop of water - they not only managed to self-destruct but bring down the other Aryan superpower that existed (although culturally whitewashed).
After that, Civil War broke out in Persia, as if it couldn't get any better for the ones who would rise after
And they were the fucking followers of Mohammed
Congratulations, Persia is the indirect responsible for the rise of Islam, and for delivering, on a fucking silver plate Egypt, Anatolia, North Africa, the Mesopotamian Lands, and their own Iranian soil to the most stupid and always presenting threat of the history of the Middle East: SEMITES.
You, Iranians, are the indirect responsibles for making the Middle Eastern/North African populations more brown, more semitic, more stupid, more uncivilised than they ever were before, and that contaminated them so deeply that we still can see this cancer to this day and age.

You dumb pedo mudshit.
Top of the turd pile indeed.

I keep seeing this posted all around. India used to be all white, Iran used to be all white, Mesopotamia used to be all white, Egypt used to be all white. This is 'kangz' tier at this point. Caucasoid is not synonymous with white. Recent common ancestors does not equate to direct equivalence at your convenience. So they magically are white at one point, but then their entire genetic line is replaced, making you the rightful heir to the original empire? Unless you can source your claims. All the charts in attached link ( html) don't come to the same conclusion: they show Indians, Iranians, and the rest of the Asians as clustering in their own space.

You know this study you posted is exactly the one that comproves that ancient Middle Easterners, North Africans and Indians were White, right? Have you even read it?
You see, they posted a massive genetic table in their annex, this is how it reads:

‌>American Indian
Yellow-Green is Amazonian
Light Pink is Western-Central-Northern
Brownish-Orange is East Coast Indians
Orange is Mediterranean
Strong Blue is Nordic
Dark Green is Plains/Steppe/Caucasus
Salmon Pink is East African
Light Blue is West African
Green is South West African
Bright Light Blue is West Sub-Saharan
Strong Pink is East Sub-Saharan
Aqua Green is South Sub-Saharan
Purple is Bedouin a.k.a. "Arabs" or "Semitic"
‌>Northeast Asian
Yellow is Sino Asiatic
Red is Siberian a.k.a. Altaic
Yellow-Brown is Eskimo
‌>South Asia and Oceania
Bright Green is Dravidian a.k.a. "Those Dark Indians"
Pale Yellow is Asian Black
Strong Purple is Australoid a.k.a. Aboriginal

Yamnaya is the Original Aryan Population, from the Kurgan basis.

If you actually bothered to read history, it's not only a historical fact but a genetic one that they were white. Also, by reading history, you can see every single moment they acquired non-White Genes.
Seriously, what's up with all the Holla Forums shilling?

hopefully as many as possible die on both sides

What are you talking about? You're just making unverifiable claims and drawing false equivalences. Modern populations do not have the deep blue that is being claimed. If you say that the modern descendants are not genetically related to their ancestors, then there should be massive of Northeastern Asian and Semitic colourings. You are presupposing the truth and working backwards. That's intellectually dishonest, as you have yet to prove your original assertion: how is it expected to take at face value the unverifiable?. Even the populations you say that they were mixed with do not share the associated colourings. So India used to be Aryan white, until they were just replaced? Again, you have to prove that they were white as you describe. Caucasoid and the colloquial "white" are not synonymous. The groups in question are Caucasoid, but they do not magically become white at your leisure unless you can prove it.
And all of this is founded upon the false equivalence that the populations exist statically; that is to say, that divergent evolution brought about human migration is non-existent. That the modern Indians, Iranians, Europeans, etc. aren't a result of that same divergent evolution branching off of the early Indo-Europeans (i.e. the populations do not change over time; or, gradualism).

The Saudis have Nukes and the missiles to deliver them. How can we get them to go full retard?

No, it's you that can't understand a single bit of information:
Look at the Iranians: they were like Chechens genetically, with many Caucasoid genes, and a bit of Mediterranean and Nordic.
Look at North Indians: They have much of Dravidian, but you can see the Nordic and Caucasoid.
Central Asia Turkics: All have Nordic and Caucasoid, some have Mediterranean.
Middle East? Caucasoid and Mediterranean, with later Semitic.

You see, people's genetic change when populations clash with one another. Semitic reproduced far more than those populations of the Middle East, for instance, then a surplus of their blood was absorbed into them via migrations, slate trade, conquering, etc which led to racemixing.

In the very study's Abstract they made clear that the Yamnaya are the Aryans because Indians had the same pattern, and an almost complete absence of Mediterranean genes in K20.

And in Latin American countries too.

PS: These genetic mutations to represent a sufficient "change in colour" (let's pit easily for you) tends to require thousands of years of living in isolation.
The three European major clusters, for example, are the same since Cro Magnon times and this even led to hypothesis about Neanderthals living in 3 different enclaves as well, suggesting a continuity.

Deep Blue = Nordic
It's the blue, 0 R 0 G 255 B, very strong, hard to miss.

Really, to properly understand that table, you have to have a very good knowledge of history.
I recommend
The books from Susan Wise Bauer. No, she's not Holla Forums approved, she's just some random woman who decided to write history books chronologically, so it's really easy to follow and specially for first-timers.

Thanks for the flattery.
You see the dark blue colourings for Chechens compared to Iranians, Turks, Greeks, etc.? That isn't equivalent. But they are more similar than other groups, thought. If that's your point, then I agree.
Is this in reference to my graph? I'm not seeing this. Nordic Indians? Yeah, it's going to be in the ballpark of the strong blue colourings for Iranians, too. I guess that means they used to be Nordic because we have been able to map out what the ancients looked like in Iran. Now is the part where I ask you to provide that information.
Yes, that's divergent evolution and human migration. People branch off and still retain remnants of their genetic past. You realize it can just as easily be said the same thing about the steppe colourings, or the Mediterranean colourings? They all used to be Mediterranean, until they were genetically displaced by the Nordics. How do we know this? Well, they've got that colouring right there, and we all know human genetics is static.
Yes. By the way, Semitic is a language family. Isn't exactly interchangeable with racial groups. There are definitive racial groups within the language families, but the phrase doesn't denote the ethnic groupings themselves.
That's true, just like how the Russians used to be Mediterranean until the Nordics clashed with them.
I guess that would mean massive colourings for purple. Where is it?
You are making my point. Human migration is not static, differences arise precisely because of divergence. But if you are arguing for this very same dynamic human genetic lineage, how can you also assume that modern populations are identical to the ones prior to said migrations (in that Indians were "white" as we know today). Caucasoid, yes. But if that is the definition for what white is, then Indians are white. There was no massive replacement of their genetic history to displace the entire groupings entirely. But Indians are perceived as Caucasoid, not white. That is precisely my point. You can't hold them to be white, but then jump ship and assume conquest=absolute genetic replacement. I guess the Chinese are Mongolians entirely? They got the rough end of the invasion, by far. Yet we do not assume their genetic history is majority Mongolian. Perhaps because it isn't convenient to your claims?

Iranians used to be like Chechens, the Islamic Revolution led many Bedouin-blooded people there and through race-mixing, certain expressions were replaced, such as the Nordic.

Your graph is not the full version, that's why you're not seeing the NORTH (not Nordic) Indians.
I don't think you would even know their names or how to recognise/find them in the graph.

Read history of Central Asia. That was a region primarily inhabitated by Whites, but since Gengis Khan, it was invaded by people genetically similar to fully fledged Siberian-types or with a more Japanese profile.

Semitic is a family language. I laid out that way for it to be easy to understand. But now I'll call them Bedouins if terms matter more to you than content.

Russians were never Mediterranean. They were primarily Nordics that racemixed with Southwestern populations that were already racemixed Nordic+Mediterranean. Russians also have Red Siberian genes, acquired from the time of the Golden Horde.
You see, in the full graph there are Ancient DNAs. Nordics used to live from the British Isles to Germany to Russia and all the way northwards, while Mediterraneans lived south of them.
Then, they started to invade/migrate/clash and ended up mixing. If you see European profiles, they're all Nordic+Mediterranean with bits of Caucasoid that came from the Indo-European expansions.

The massive colouring of purple can be seen in every Middle Eastern population, who before the Islamic Revolution had little to none - they were only Mediterranean+Caucasoid.

I'm not making your point. Aryans migrated to India, Nordic+Caucasoid - then on the course of Millennia, Dravidians outbred them and racemixed, DILUTING their DNA to what we have now. But you wouldn't know, you haven't seen the full table, neither the Indians.
Also, I'm not advocating for static anything - I already said above, specific changes of Colour would take dozens of thousands of years to occur.
An example of that is that the Nordic genes, TODAY, are finally differentiating, little by little, into West Nordic and East Nordic.

Don't call the Arab conquest of Iran the Islamic Revolution. Two very different events occurring about 1500 years apart.

fyi china buys more saudi arabian oil than the U.S does. and china sells ballistic missiles to them as well. china is slowly courting both iran and saudi arabia.

Well, I would say "whatever", but you have a point.
So, instead of "Islamic Revolution", read it as "the Rise of Islam", or the "Islamic Conquests", or the "Islamic Expansions" that occurred around the 7th century and modified the Middle East/North Africa forever.

By what metric? Again, presupposing the truth and working backwards isn't a coherent claim to make. What does the data say and is the conclusion reached logical? How do we know they used to be 'x'? By the mere virtue that a colouring exists, this means that they used to be entirely of that value? Allow me to extend your logic: we look into the genetic lineage of many Americans living in the USA and see that they have a certain amount of Amerindian admixture. This means that they used to be pure Amerindians before they were raped and bred out. Now, if we were discussing a white American who had admixture many generations back, does this stance still hold true? Once-removed from his white lineage, yet we don't call him white, but a native? My main point is that it is intellectual dishonesty to invent excuses that overwrite entire genetic codes at your leisure when it comes to classifying people as "white".
So source it, you're the one who mentioned it (I quote: "Look at North Indians: They have much of Dravidian, but you can see the Nordic and Caucasoid.").
Well, I'm not making the assertion, so I don't have to show you the proof. But if you are always afraid of your opposition in a conversation to be so stupid that they couldn't possibly comprehend your evidence, then that might suggest a reluctance to provide said evidence.
This is literally "read a book" tier. Since Genghis Khan? You mean after the death of Christ? You know that Caucasoid and Mongoloid groups diverged far before anything close to Christ, let alone over 1000 years after his death? But they used to be white, then (again, at your leisure), they became nippon'd?
No, the context you were using it in made it seem as if it was an ethnic group. I'll quote your sentence and you tell me: "Middle East? Caucasoid and Mediterranean, with later Semitic."
Caucasoid is not within the same scope of categorization as Semitic. It is precisely the content that is the point of contention, not whatever you think I'm fixated on.

That was the litmus test for the whole human divergence not being static point that I'm trying to make. Of course they aren't Mediterranean, perhaps I didn't convey it properly but that is an extension of your logic. We perceive that there is Mediterranean admixture, so that means they used to be "specific group I want ancient humans to be" and not anything else.
True, nobody is debating this.
Again, true. Not being contended over, this is fact.
Source? So it would logically follow that they would have much more after the conquest, which is now synonymous with genetic replacement.
Source? Both on the migration and the comparison before and after the replacement.

Yeah, I wouldn't know. You aren't providing evidence for the claims, you just called me dumb and said I can't comprehend the info, so you might as well just not provide it.
Yet you are claiming direct ancestry to the Aryans in question, not realizing that this same divergence lead to the groups you see today. The steppe peoples referred to as Aryans migrated to the parts various parts of the world from central Asia along thousands of years. Divergent evolution occurring all along the way, which you already ceded. So it cannot logically follow that there are people who are identical to these Aryans, as the descendants are vastly different due to these same patterns of migration and evolution. Yet you are claiming that Indians, Iranians, and other Asiatic peoples were previously "white Nordics" in the sense of modern Nords. How can that possibly be if the Nordics were just another off-shoot from the divergent chain? X cannot predate Y if X is dependent upon Y existing prior to it in order to arise. Caucasoids, yes. But unless you can source the blonde-hair/blue eyes of the Indians, Asians, and Iranians prior to this great racemixing, then you can't make that claim. Whites, yes, but not "Northern European" whites. It would be similar to a "white" definition which includes Mediterraneans, too.

My sources are history books.
My sources are Genetic studies.
Again you don't know shit about history, specially ancient, and NO, mongoloid people were a fringe only found in the east and north Asia until Gengis pushed their boundaries Westward into historical White territory.
Loads of race mixing then happened and the Central Asian people became one of the most diverse people genetically.

Are you that retard? You didn't get a single point of what has been said. Look at their very genetic composition, look at the fucking full table - IT IS A FACT THAT THEY HAVE NORDIC DNA. Aryans from the Kurgan base were 50% Nordic and 50% Steppe/Plains.
Here, the link for the full table, as you can't even find that on the very page you posted. It really seems you haven't read shit about the study, just the abstract maybe:
Click on ExtendedDataFigure1

Also, are you that retard to understand that genes take dozens of thousands of years to diverge? I already said, the three major European genes were the same since 40000 years ago, and only now a little distinction between West Nordic and East Nordic is arising.
Populations until some couple thousand years ago were exceedingly small, and the less amount of people, the less variation there is and the "evolutionary" process is slowed down - that's why there's no meaningful divergency - Isolation is also needed to synthesize a cluster of "different-colour" genes into single "new-coloured" ones, because this is made by Crossing Over, and it is a very slow and almost insignificant process.
Just for you to understand, the Indo-European migrations happened between 5000bc and 2000bc, with the Aryan Indians being the last.
If you ask for this again, it just shows how illiterate you are in the matter. Read a fucking book. The Horse, The Wheel and Language is a good start for a small minded person like you.

There's no using debating you because you have zero prior knowledge on the subject, and is only using rhetoric and assumptions on this matter you don't domain to make your point. Guess what? Your many questions were already answered, you just need to read books.
There are 2 books and 1 study already in this discussion, and you read none, and you still think you can argument.
Your main point is Divergency, which doesn't happen like you think it does, so, I have to assume that right now you just don't want to lose an internet argument, which is a very childish and retarded attitude. And why do I have to assume this? Because you refuse yourself to read books - doesn't even need to be the ones I said, go on and select your sources yourself - and you never read the fucking study you yourself posted, which is a very famous one that every user here knows and read and that proves the genetically composition of the Middle East and North African to being White in the past, changed by waves of immigrants, conquerors, slave traders, genocides, etc which all led to racemixing and the alteration of the original populations - THOSE facts you can get on history books, and the genetic table is a testament to them.

You must be the newest of fags, right? Clearly unknowledgeable.
See video related.

Also pic related.
These stuff is very well known, and there tons of stuff about this out there.

Just ignore TRS and they'll get find someone else to annoy.
Bonus clip of Mike Cernovich filmed at alt right meeting:

You mean mossad infested den of of vice? Iran was right to get rid of the shah.

The difference is that Iran does not support the holocaust claim, opposes istael, opposes globalism and has yet to show any interest in conquering europe. Actually the persians have been probably the most peacefull people in that region (last war they started was 17th century or so). Generally iranians are great and kind people, ive been there and its nothing like saudi arabians. They are as dangerous to us as tibet is.

Just watch this video. Brit goy rides through asia with his c90 motorbike and makes one video per country. This is his iran one but also check out the india one, the poo memes are real!

Using "white" outside of america or other countries of the anglosphere will always end in confusion as the term does not suffice to describe the many ancestral lines of the old world.

All of those girls (save maybe for the last one) have visible non-white features. Blue eyes =/= white.

The first one yes. The others could pass for various european sub-ethnicities. The second one looks like my half sis who is half basque half german

Yes, okay - They were from either one/two/three of the European Genetic Clusters.
Many Siberian/Mongolian populations have lots of Nordic or Nordic/Steppe genes. Gengis Khan himself was not 100% Asian.

Okay nigger, so POST THEM. You can't just declare that you have sources and facts yet post nothing at all to substantiate your arguments. All you're capable of doing is shouting "edoocate urself" like a mentally defective tumblrtard.

The third girl looks obviously Middle Eastern. Her facial structure, eye shape and nose shape do not look European


That didn't take long to get to the "I have lots of sources" to "you are so stupid these ad-homs make my point".
Mongoloid people existed prior to Genghis Khan. They were not a "fringe minority" among blonde-hair/blue-eye whites. Again, if the same blonde-hair/blue-eyed whites are a result of divergent evolution from the migrations we are talking about, they cannot be the parent and the child (one cannot predate the other). The "Aryans" that are being referenced aren't Nordic, just having Nordic features does not make you Nordic by default.
Yeah, you're thinking of Turkic people. Those are mixed between Caucasoid and Mongoloid.
Are you that retard? You didn't get a single point of what has been said. Look at their very genetic composition, look at the fucking full table - IT IS A FACT THAT THEY HAVE STEPPE DNA. Aryans from the Kurgan base were 50% Nordic and 50% Steppe/Plains.
See how easy it is to rewrite your claims? And? They do not become Nordic by default at your leisure. That isn't an argument, you're just calling me dum.
No, I'm reading what you post. But the mere virtue of the existence of Nordic DNA does not make them Nordic by default, just as it doesn't make them Steppe people by default, just as the existence of Mediterranean DNA in any metric does not equate to Nordics being pure Meds prior to some great replacement.
Yes. Mongoloid and Caucasoid had already done that, far beyond Genghis Khan after the death of Christ.
Also consider the timeline in question. Our lifespan is but a blink in comparison. This is millions of years we are talking about.
Ah yes, the blonde-hair/blue-eyed Indians… even though those traits arose in populations far into the future from different migrations.
Hey, remember when I said you were converging towards the "read a book"-tier argument? Yeah, we're there. If this amount of prodding into your hypotheses causes you to sperg out and attack my character and tell me to read more, you don't really have a coherent stance to make claims.

You can't be more obvious, yid.

The meme comes to fruition.
You are dumb, you don't know things, I don't have to source my claims because you are simultaneously too dumb to understand AND must also read a book, but only the ones I tell you to, otherwise you are dumb.
Burden of proof is on the accuser. You are claiming that they are originally Nordic, Indians were Aryan, Mongoloids arose to dominance in Asia because of Genghis Khan (usurping the blonde-haired whites who had the upper hand), etc. I can't be asked to provide your own evidence. But your evidence is literally "ugh, read a book"-tier.
This is the definition I'm going off of:

So we are literally cherry-picking images? It's like Schrödinger's cat, they're both white and non-white; only when it is convenient to you to they become white.
Are you familiar with the average population in those places and what they look like? Or how eye colour works, specifically recessive and dominant traits:

It has been posted.

All right, I've read what you said, but I'll not reply this time. Why? Because you're intellectually dishonest.
Look at this phrase you said, for instance:
I never claimed that. I claimed they were Aryans, and ARYANS were Half Nordic and Half Caucasoid/Plains. Again, you haven't read the Genetic study, or saw the Genetic Table.

For some millennia, Whites have been pushing the boundaries of their Central Asian territories into Asiatic Siberian/Mongoloid one - this can be seen in the Genetic Tables and is History books, both of which you don't know.

I provided evidence with 2 books, 1 study, 1 mini-documentary, photos, and a quote.

Really, you're not worthy wasting time, as you're literally retarded and can't understand what people are saying and doesn't bother reading.
And no, telling you to read is not a bad argument, because you lack knowledge to discuss - I even provided the names, but that's still too hard for you.

God bless Iran and Hezbollah in fighting against the jew World Order!

Gingers can have non white parents.

Some russians look like that. And some romanians and polish too. There is tons of diversity in th european community. Im not saying she has some middle east in her but she could pass as european and it seems to be very little arab in her

You don't hide your face unless you use makeup and tattoos etc or you have very sexy face.

Slavs are probably more european than anglos though.

Do you have the second part?


You fuckkng wankers need to stop sperging about 'muh racial purity'

Anyone who has said Iran supports terrorists or that there even are any real shia terrorists need to back up there claims

As far as I know the general consensus is that most all the terrorism is Wahhabism / Salafi / takfiri extremists (loosely based on hanbali sub-sect of Sunni) however there is the taliban whos ideology is deobandi (strict interpretation of hanafi sub-sect of Sunni) though all of these are still often funded by the Saudi (Wahhabi) monarchies governing of the Arab states

good point, where do you know so much about sectarianism tough, just asking because interested

Everything I know is pretty much because of the internet. Not sure if u wanted a particular source or wanted to know my background, most Muslims are ignorant asfuck even about their own religion .

There's a lot worth talking about but we gotta be specific and start somewhere (can't start talking about race, usually that comes last after understanding the contexts)
I think it's important to consider how the ottoman empire split up exactly100 years ago, for example there was no Saudi Arabia until the British instigated civil war and then helped the Saudis take control of the area. Considering the theories of them being crpyokikes (along with the donmeh who apparently secretly control other middle Eastern countries ), these people should be treated as the same as the kikes and as part of the zionist establishment that is against trump

I mean I do have a vested interest to let people know that the sectarian violence is less Sunni vs shia and more Salafis vs everyone else, that Isis + saudi Arabia + etc is the problem. Also taliban. But the discussion of whether islam is violent is detrimental to the cause of fighting back against the zogs. At least right now it is when Sunni Syrian forces cooperating with Shiite Hezbollah against Salafi Isis.
It would be more conducive to have Muslims learn the ideology behind 'radical Islamic terrorism' and what makes it so (why people of the same ideology, salafism, kill each other. Answer being their interpretation of takfir and how it differs from all other Islamic ideologies)

“Intrinsic” is the philosopher’s favorite buzzword. According to them, nothing is of “intrinsic” value. Not even your own life. That’s why you shouldn’t waste your time with navel gazing philosophers. Especially when it comes to your money.

In the real world, gold gets its value the same way everything else in the real world gets its value. From supply and demand. Gold is so valuable because the supply is so small. Federal Reserve bankers can push a button on a computer and create a trillion dollars of Federal Reserve Notes out of thin air. But they cannot create an atom of gold. That is where the value of gold comes from.

You blue pilled yourself.

Fine if you want to shill for a multi-ethnic, snowy shitpit filled with commies and kikes, I'm all for it. Hey, I guess Sweden and Russia aren't that different after all.

Where did that "t." faggotry come from? Twitter?

While those things may or may not be true, they are irrelevant to the topic at hand.

It doesn't matter what someone thinks about gold when they can already name the jew.

The whole thing about whiteness is stupid until you get more specific.

The argument that Iranians are ethnically Aryan and had Islam imposed on them was an arguably factual thing that happened but we are talking about the current millenium…

If I recall correctly this meme came from the same place the fugging ebbin spurdo meme came from, finland

Gold has no value. It's a piece of metal, a stone.
It's idiotic to constrict the value of a currency on a scarce superfluous commodity - this only creates poverty and is anti-commercial.
Learn about Money Theory, stop watching Libertarian videos also.
A normalfag-friendly book that will clear ALL your misconceptions and doubts about the matter is: "Web of Debt, by Ellen Brown".

Commodities are priced in whatever currency at hand. Only the oil bourse is dollar denominated. Without oil no other commodity can be delivered. That being said and the consequences of this state of energy-dollar continuum duly considered, I would ask if this arrangement in praxis has not been since its very modern conception a prime driver for the improvement of the material conditions of majority of the species, as regards the very bottom of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


Dude you are wrong. Scarcity is an attribute of commodities that make it valuable to be used as a currency. Anyways this economics shit is subjective (especially the topic of what has 'value' ) and talking about it is derailment for this thread.

What is relevant is how the USA cucked themselves into cooperating with the Saudis just so they can have access to cheap oil (which allowed them to let the US dollar be the reserve currency letting them directly control the global economy. Yet the Saudi control the USA by controlling price of oil.)

Actually you stupid fuck its a crucial material used in your PC, stop embarrassing yourself talking about shit you have no idea about.


What the fuck are you talking about. Gaddafi refused to use petrodpllar and facilitated Africa's economy to thrive but the zogs saw that as competition and killed him. It doesn't help society at all, it's a cancer. It's kikery

LOL nigga never even took chemistry in high school

How about that time mankind created elements?

You have no value. You are a bag of salt water spewing lies and propaganda.

Stop right there. You do not understand supply and demand. You are too stupid to debate this topic. It's extremely smart to base money on an element that is extremely stable and extremely rare. Which is exactly why ancient civilizations all over the world started using gold as money independently.

Bullshit. Under the gold standard, humans invented civilization and spread empires throughout the world. Under the gold standard, America colonized an entire continent and became the richest and most powerful country on Earth.

What has America achieved since Nixon destroyed the gold standard? (((Facebook))), Twitter and the twenty trillion dollar debt. Every single nation that switched to fiat money collapsed within a century.

And a gold dinar would have had more blacks working in mines, digging up a particular kind or rock and moving this rock to this or that place. I myself find obsidian to be more interesting as a metal but whatever.
This would have been to their detriment as much as mine.

And now that a particular class has accrued enough capital to corner this proposed elemental backing of a currency, by way of debt..

Watch out guys! Carbon is also an element!

To anyone here defending the gold standard, or a commodity-standard, I have two anecdotes two you in pic-related. They are available in the book I recommended.

Seriously, stop watching Libertarian videos. They are Jewish-led controlled opposition and solve nothing.

Because of good goys like you. You actually fell for their "intrinsic" philosophy bullshit. You are the dumbest retard on Earth. Now instead of admitting your abject failure, you are trying to blame everyone else.

You know who didn't fall for their lies. Me, libertarians, chinese, indians, etc. Yes, even street shitters are smarter than you. President Trump needs to audit Fort Knox and see how badly America was robbed. Get America's gold back. By force if necessary.

Gold has no value.


Water.. is it a human right?

Seriously, you losers are completely wrong about everything, all the time. Why should anyone believe your lies? Especially when you post such an absurd hypothetical situation tailored made to fit your propaganda. Deserted island, my ass. Thank you for proving my picture correct. The grandmother was right about you.

no u

Decapitating drivers/passengers was a common problem for airbags. The guy is just cucking with his country.

Actually, no. This is a problem occuring during every society trough millennia.
Even Aristotle discoursed about it.
Now, really, if you don't like here, leave. Libertarians are really annoying because they think themselves redpilled while still very bluepilled.

But actually, you sound like a shill, so fuck you.

Is that what you do when you completely lose a debate? Pretend that the winner is whining and tell him to leave?

Okay so what has value then?

This is the standard procedure as the recent election has exemplified.

Water has more utility than gold, but so does air. How much do you want to pay for air?

You should be shamed for getting trips while shit posting

Rhetoric escapes you. Shameful.

You "won" nothing, though? Either be open to knowledge or you have nothing to do here.
You are empirically wrong regarding the Gold Standard, so very wrong that the Founding Fathers are against you in this matter.

Goods and production. Currency must be have no value, as they only are notes of Credit exchange. The moment you turn a commodity into money you are subjected to crashes due to overavailability or underavailabity compared to the goods and services they ought to represent.

The problems with today's model are as follow:

Quick fixes would be ending Private Banks altogether, Nationalise the Federal Reserve, and create a Public National Bank and end the Stock Market, of course.
These would fix 95% of every economic problems so far, rid the USA of all its Debt, end Inflation/Deflation and ruin every single power vein of Jews.
The end.

So what is your point? Should we go back to barter system ? Should we be communist? Are currencies like fiat and commodities okay to use and you are only pointing out that we shouldn't say there is no intrinsic value?

Like what is the point of all this arguing ? What are you trying to achieve here

Get out mudshit. shias and sunnis are cryptokikes and all the kikes need to be gassed

get out shill

Birds of a feather flock together

Read the book, it is truly valuable, one of the most out there actually.
If I am to lay out everything, it would take too long, but there are solutions, they don't involve either barter or communism.

What the fuck does this have to do with Iran and Saudi Arabia

Go open another thread about this or something.

Or whatever. This thread and this topic only seems to attract morons and shills , at least this can count as an intellectual conversation

But not really what u say makes no sense needs more specifics and context. Remember the subjective nature of words ams concepts so articulate with better semantics. Or u know, refer to an ideology or school of thought if u can
What the fuck am I reading

I'm a great believer in keeping it simple.

Sounds like nonsense I'll read it later when I have time i am on mobile

I find the topic of this thread highly pertinent to what is happening these days so let's talk about that or anything with geopolitics. What country is doing money properly or what country is closest or on its way to potentially be proper according to u.

Is there any Islamic consensus on Heidegger, Nietzshe, Hume?


No country is doing it properly as of now.
Countries that did at some time, but aren't anymore:

You see, this system was devised by Benjamin Franklin, and it is called the "American System" of economics, as laid out by the German economist Friedrich List - he would also divulge it in Germany, and Gottfried Feder would spread it in the NatSoc sphere.

Now, do read the book, I'm not overrating it when saying it's most valuable.
Or also, if you want to watch a documentary that talks of almost similar topic, search for "The Money Masters" on YouTube.

Poor guy has been reduced to medicinal herbs

It seems this all is just about public banking which is an obvious first step economically.

I imagine iran has public banking? It is entirely government owned.

It's related to Neoplatonism. If there is a specific concept u had in mind that'd be better to mention

Pot calling the kettle black. You just responded, by the way.
I never claimed that. I claimed they were Aryans, and ARYANS were Half Nordic and Half Caucasoid/Plains. Again, you haven't read the Genetic study, or saw the Genetic Table.
Yet you are able to draw from this the fact that they were originally Nordic, or that Nordic and Aryan are interchangeable, even though one split to form the other (sub-category)?
I have read the information, the point of contention is not the evidence. We both agree there is Nordic colouring indicating something. It is the conclusion which is the point of contention.
Great. Source your claim. Just pointing out there is admixture means nothing, as you are making an assertion on behalf of the evidence. You need to follow-up and test your specific hypothesis. I can just as easily claim the opposite for any other group that has admixture.
None of which corroborates your assertion. I can make the same claims with the same charts, but it means nothing if I am making a hypothesis outside of the boundary of evidence.

Allow me to draw an analogy. You say that there is evidence that smoking a pack of cigarettes a day has adverse health effects, even leading to lung cancer. We both agree because the evidence is there, but when you claim a specific brand of cigarette doesn't actually lead to lung cancer, we have to test your hypothesis. The burden of proof and all that.

Alright, then if you wish to be intellectually consistent, let's extend the same line of reasoning to you.
Ugh, read a book. Here, read this all ( Even though it does not corroborate my specific hypothesis and following the line of reasoning behind my assertion leads to the same logic used against Nordic Europeans, only my specific unverifiable hypothesis counts. Oh, if you ask me to test it, I get to call you ad-homs which now count as arguments because ???

If you are claiming that Mongoloids arose to populate the Asian regions during the reign of Genghis Khan, I will extend the same "read a boo"-tier logic:
Link above is looking into the Australian Aboriginals who broke off and migrated (divergent evolution as a result of, but not exclusively, varying geographic locations). If this Mongoloid dominance arose after "whites" were killed off by Genghis Khan, then these Aboriginals were also white. But that is daft to even imagine, yet we are to believe blonde-hair/blue-eyed people, even though those traits arose in Europe after the migrations, were also the original common ancestor? You just need to cite what these alleged ancestors looked like. The only images you've provided are cherry-picked fallacies about how eye-colour is now equivalent with European phenotypes. Yet I am intellectually dishonest, yet you are unaware of the concept of recessive traits with respect to eye colours.

Not only about public banking, but "what is money" and why it is not commodities.
Now, the then Economy Minister of Iceland some years ago made a document about they would implement the American System in their country, but since then, no news.

I don't know the situation there, unfortunately.

Kurds are Iranians though. Kurd literally means Iranian/Persian nomad in Arabic, which was adopted from the Middle Persian term "kwrt", which meant the same thing. I know the two are radically different from each other in today's world (i.e. Kurds speak broken Persian and are predominately Sunni Muslims), but they're of the same kin.

I do not, unfortunately. I forgot to save it.

A being a subset of B is not to be considered here, operating by basic nation state categories. Ergo, Kurds being Iranians then wherever there are Kurds, so being, subjects to Iran and a repudiation of the Sykes-Picot arrangement and all polities thus arranged.

Consider doing a Google search for 'ellen brown iran' and read

I already know these concepts; In islamic banking there no usury nor is there any kind of interest of any kind (riba in Islam)

Seems like you are contradicting here you're gonna have to clarify. I'm not gonna read an entire book just to figure out your perspective especially when itay be full of stuff I know of already
It seems the things ur making a big deal out of are more like semantic issues

Usury then being a function of a particular method of exchange of goods and services?

Usury is loans. Loans are bad. No exception

The Ottoman Empire had no loans or interest and thrived for centuries

This is Austrian school of economics with its laissez faire like passive free market

Everything today is (neo) Keynesian school of thought where slight inflation though loans based on selling bonds to (((instigate))) economy

I didn't contradicted myself. When you use commodities, their availability dictates tue value of money, when it shouldn't.
What dictates money value is the goods and services it serves as credit for - not a single unit of value, like gold or silver.
For instance, what would dictate the money value would be the agricultural production, industrial production and physical labour. The value would follow the quantity of said things available, so there would never be inflation or deflation, only the quantity of currency circulating would change.

Maybe but the Iranians don't consider them "kin" it's similar to the rivalry between Greeks and turks disclaimer: burn the fucking turkroach golden dawn forever, I am just speaking pragmatically though the two are closely related genetically you won't find two peoples more at odds with each other and as a result view each other as less than human due to aggressions made by one against the other and again
wanna make that perfectly clear

This is categorically false. Should the Ottoman empire not have engaged in loans as you say then this polity would have been one of three things; a system of banking so sound no other could compete (false, for there is no ottoman empire anymore), a system predatory enough on its neighbours it had no need for loans or a system so predatory on its subjects it had no need for loans.

Nota bene, a loan does not imply perpetual interest.


The problem is not loans by themselves, but loaning scarce commodities and having interest on them.
If the government has monopoly on money creation and no commodity-based currency, loans can be made when they are backed by some productive asset, such as land, and as long as the government invests the interests back at the economy.

Now, I forgot to add that since the late 1800, Imperial Russia was also using the American System and would become a superpower by the 1930, but then came the Bolsheviks, backed by Jewish Bankers, and changed history.

Arguing oer whether Persians are white or not is a waste of tie at this point. What matters is that Iran, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Turkey (to a certain degree) are the major players in the middle east, and it is in our best interest to have Iran counter the other three.

Would Iran be as big a piece of shit as Sauds are? Maybe, although I find it doubtful, as they'd have their hands full with sunnis. Even if they were, however, they aren't now and come off as the lesser evil when compared to all the others. As such, it is in our best interest for Iran to gain influence at the expense of Sauds and Israel.

How do you assign value? The true value is determined by supply and demand.

The argeuemt that scarcity of commodities is stupid because you can just use less of the commodity. As an example you used mentioned, an option is to reduce price to be able to sell more. Not enough demand at price so price goes down. Commodities like Gold and Bitcoin are valuable as currencies because they can be infinitely broken Into smaller denominations and they cannot be manipulated. Because there is no authoroty manipulating the currency any inflation or deflation is completely determined by natural economy. This is how a free market works.

You have to have inflation and deflation, it's how the price is determined. It really doesn't sound like you understand the ideology you purport…

When has this ever been true?

Well I don't want to call them perfect, but the reason it's not here anymore has nothing to do with economocs. They were on the losing side of the war for one thing and more importantly they lost and fell apart due to civil war instigated by British helping domestic ottoman opposition, as I have already mentioned when talking about the creation of Saudi Arabia

Non sequitur

It has happened with gold and it's happening right now with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like I said in the same paragraph

Learn to fuckkng read before replying to posts

I don't subscribe to the Dindu Nuffin's school of economics.

I find an understanding of the differences in ideologies between Iran and Saudis is required to really understand the situation and I begin to delve into that with my first few posts I made in this thread, they may be worth reading

You didn't understand.
You just got yourself in the Island problem. If you economy is thriving, it will need more gold. What people don't understand about the 1800 in the USA is that it grew accordingly to the gold mined - it could have grew even more if not restricted by that - and if there weren't gold being mined? You wouldn't have growth, because growth would generate deflation.

That's why I said to read the book and/or watch the documentary. The specifics are too much and writing it here would be exhaustive, specially because new doubts arise all the time - but both book and documentary are made to have a step-by-step approach that clears all doubts.

This is not the function of books.

Actually, gold is too unstable a commodity to be used to back a currency today. The most stable thing to base currency upon, in today's economics, is another currency, which should give you an idea of how fucked up shit is. The reason why all commodities keep keep alternating in price has little to do with supply and demand, but with speculators. Speculators (meaning billionaires and kikes) can follow the supply and demand and invest based on it (it's the investment that actually determines the price, as it simulates demand even if the kike in question only wants to sell it later at a better price and doesn't care what he actually bought or what it's used for), or they ignore supply and demand, as they have enough money to simulate whatever the fuck they want. That's how bubbles are created. One of the pioneers of this was Soros, who almost managed to destroy the british pound with his kikery back in 1992.

You don't need more gold, you reduce the price.

The island example makes no sense. Why not reduce price and accept half gold and then quarter gold coin . What the hell are tallies, some arbitrary checking thing? Why use interest and if everyone gets the tallies equally from interest on loan it does absolutely nothing to economy other than creating arbitrary inflation (unless it excludes the loaned person which just makes the loan he gets worth less, so why not just loan less in the first place)… None of it makes sense. I'm assuming that I'm missing some context from other chapters and so are you, but maybe the book is just stupid lol.

Sorry to say but you certainly don't seem to understand the basics of money . I've pointed out already many times how it doesn't make sense in different ways but you don't directly acknowledge them instead deferring to saying it's too complicated to explain here and that I should read the book. No thank you

Citation needed
The world was fine before the gold standard was abandoned a few decades ago. It was fine for hundreds and thousands of years. Not going to be easy to refute all that history.

Does this look stable to you? Gold standard was fine before the globalization of all markets and the mass arrival of speculators. If you got rid of those, it could work again, but not while they're here.

it's a graph, not a heart monitor. Would you prefer a flat line?

lad, its the dollar that isn't stable

The book the web of debt is misinformstion

shia do do forced conversions look up safavid

Alright, let's use a different currency then. Let's use a Czech koruna, for example (first pic). Or let's use the Russian Rubl (second pic). Or hell, try investing in gold and tell me in five years whether its value is the same as when you bought it

That only only proves the instability of the dollar and the feasibility of investing in gold

Notice the general upward trend in both graphs that the is chart doesn't have?

Anyways, gold isn't good because it's a good investment it's good because it's a useful material to be used as money. This is basic economics and to refute it you have to understand it first


wow. now do population graphs and carbon dioxide and frogs per square mile.

What would you compare it with then?

you need a lot of water to dig up that gold

Other commodities or natural resources.

Comparing it to something that is created at the push of a button is useless.

There is a reason they give us paper and keep all the gold brother.

That's called Deflation, that was what happened in the 1929 Crisis, that was why the Government made illegal for people to hold gold years before and confiscated it all, etc
Because California's gold dried, but growth continued - then, disaster.

It's not, ((( is the one misinforming.


Tell me more about how the (((banks))) need to print money in order to keep the farmers famring and the doctors doctoring.

No, you got it reversed.
Also, by the Gold Standard logic, the farmers wouldn't farm if there weren't new gold being mined, or their products would value less than if not sold or even planted.

Deflation is the boogey man of (((bankers))). Name one country in history that was destroyed by your deflation phantom menace.

You are new aren't you? Jesus christ.

The free market will determine money and MONIES. There need be no standard whatsoever.

It's only truly a money if it arises spontaneously. If people are FORCED to use it, then it's just slave coupons.

Both Inflation and Deflation are bad for everybody, that's a given.
Literally the biggest example of them all: the Roman Empire.

I'm not a newfag, I've been here for years and the Gold Standard is a debunked one. There's no need of Gold for people to produce, attaching your currency to it only hinders the economy and make it a hostage.

I meant new to the world.

I think you might be slow though. THE MARKET WILL DETERMINE WHAT MONEY IS.

Any standard is wrong. It ceases to be true money if people are forced to use it.

This video explains why gold and Bitcoin is great.

Did you even read it? Judge info on its merits not based on the source, otherwise you are committing the fallacy of ad hominem>>9444170

No, the market knows shit, it is controlled by Jews.
What determines money value is production of goods, services and labour - because these are also what generates growth, riches, call them what you want.

People being free and acting voluntarily creates monies of all kinds, usually a commodity. At times butter and seashells were money. They will always change.

Yes, I've read it.
Have you read the book? All the sources are there: original source documents, official documents, governmental documents, Benjamin Franklin quotes, etc
It's all there, don't believe everything you see on the internet, you know?

Also, Bitcoin will crash one day, but until it's performing its duty as an speculative casino, it will keep growing. Be aware.

I didn't ask you about inflation. You weren't talking about inflation. You were talking about deflation. You must be jewish. You are a natural bullshit artist. I almost didn't catch you trying to add inflation in there.

Wrong. The Romans debased their coins. I ask again. Name one country in history that was destroyed by your deflation phantom menace.

That's called deflation.

Actually that's inflation. They created MORE coins with same amount of gold. Amount of COINS in circulation went up, not amount of gold. Idiot.

Care to explain this mechanism? You look like you have no idea what you're talking about so far
So there is "production of goods, services, labour"
How exactly will this "determine" the "money value"

Okay if you read it then refute it's logic. I've done that to you all thread but your response to my refutation is (too long for me to explain you have to read it for yourself!), Here is someone who read it and reviewed it. His review is logical to me and in Fact is similar to the the things in my refutations that I've done to you in this thread already.

Completely wrong. That's inflation. You are replacing gold with alloys. Coins are worth less, therefore prices rise.

This fuckkng Jew is attempting to and by now has successfully detailed thread

Nice brother. We keep pounding this guy for the peanut gallery.

Yes, a very detailed thread.

I'll just post the video here, you guys clearly don't know anything about the history of money.

Currency is issued accordingly to their quantity - if there's growth, more currency, if there's no growth, then no new currency, if there's recession, currency is recalled.
In this system there would be no Inflation or Deflation.
There wouldn't be Taxes as well.
It was already done in the past, it works flawlessly.

Who controls this currency you fucking idiot? You are describing the exact system we have now.

How dull are you? You are describing the Fed and the banks that are currently robbing us and acting like its something new and will save us.

Also this one here.

No, what happened was that they kept growing without influx of new gold, they had to reduce the gold percentage on coins to make more and that's Deflation - devaluation of currency.

the FED, a private entity controlled by private banks.

What would change? It wouldn't be private anymore. Try harder.

Dude. When there is deflation, you can buy MORE with your same dollar.

When there is inflation, you can buy LESS.

You have got to be trolling right?

Hey I contributed some details about the Saudi problem and radical Islamic terrorism

Yes, then production halts, because it's not worth to sell anymore.

Lol, I didn't even realize that's what this thread was about. Just read some economic idiocy and got sidetracked.

Why would I do this? You are fucking retarded.

Shias are the only reasonable people in the middle east.

Actually, let me explain better:
When deflation occurs, the quantity of Money became scarcer than Goods, which means it is better to hold Money than to produce.

What happened in Rome was that, as the quantity of Gold in currency collapsed, it became better to hoard them than to use it, because the values of goods wouldn't follow.

Get the fuck out of here you fucking shill.

No that's literally the opposite of deflation, called inflation

I suggest you stop posting

Follow up for dubs!

Fuck yea.




Because you would be losing money working, yes.

That doesn't make sense to you? That's what the Gold Standard does.

You quite didn't got the point. Watch the documentaries as I'm really leaving here, you people are illiterate.



Wew lad

Or maybe you are dumb. Feel free to explain your logic instead of referring to lengthy debunked sources

If he doesn't get it after ur pic related he's either a democrat or a shill.


Sooooooooo anyone wants a talk about the damn sand niggers or what

Hey, my follow up pointed to a a cheeky jew comment.Gimme a break.

We've got a guy trying to tell us gold is bad and paper money is good. Sorry, we couldn't help ourselves.

Jewish finance BTFO

Fucking waste. Kill yourself

Cringey as fuck.

I wouldn't have gone for dubs if I didn't have something good to point to.

I burned the jews in the post I pointed to man, come on! I think you just jelly though, I nailed it.


I am also guilty. Hopefully no one fell for any Jewish lies, and it will not have been for naught



Persons attempting to nullify your get are shilling for Jewish fiat currencies. Pay them no mind.

I do it for the peanut gallery. My people.

Thank you, your digits confirm. This thread is strong with digits.

Let me finish your debate. Are non-whites white? No. Are Persians not Persians? No. Persians are Persian. Persians are more fuckable than ugly arabs. The end.




I'll take mediocre. People have done worse right?

I can remember at least 1.

While we are still on the topic, 'islamic banking' operates without loans or interest

Gaddafi of Libya was thriving with Africa but the xog machine didn't like that. Iran seems to be the same way>>9444582

What if I worked by planting a garden or building a house?

Yes, they were on Gen. Wesley Clarks list of countries for us to invade way back.

It was a list of 7 middle eastern countries with no private central bank.

I think it's a bit dishonest to ignore the introduction of the Microprocessor in 1971, which has been steadily making workers irrelevant and less important, while simultaneously increasing productivity.
The reason getting off the gold standard really matters is because those two imaginary lines that "stagnated", when converted to actualized value, are actually down like this.

You fail to acknowledge that Gold must have "no value", as it functions as a unique non-commodity with persistent and unending demand. The difference is that it has limited supply, and you must retain proportion with the Gold to establish real "value".
In isolation, overavailability or underavailability become issues. In trade and in carefully applied practice, it does not.

operated solely by the benefaction of the Gold Standard and was firmly rooted in Gold Standard policy. Coincidentally, Germany's depravity and largest period of squalor was after they were forced off of it following WW1 and they recovered by re-adopting the Gold Standard. They would have stuck with it, too, if the war drive had not made losing it again for imaginary currency the best way to mobilize the people.
The engines of war break all economic rules, but I think Germany and the American School are perhaps the best examples of the Gold Standard in action.
Time for some corrections!
Henry Clay and noted Federalists. The American System, no matter how functional, was also pro-Bank. It is only through careful whipping and curtailing that it worked as it did, and it did sort of cause the Civil War in the process, anyway.
is the implementation of the American School
among others, but it is important to note that he was influenced by the community he lived in as he devised it, the United States, had a major part in his conclusions.
anyone who wants to watch this should be careful to find "The Money Masters" and not "Masters of Money".


This is the same basic chart I show people often. We leave the gold standard and living standard goes to shit.

I'm actually for no standard. But gold standard is highly acceptable.

Look up which countries have not accepted a Central Bank (owned by Rothschilds, et. al.); US are at war with them.
In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned Central Bank:

North Korea

It is not a coincidence that these country, which are listed above were and are still being under attack by the western media, since one of the main reasons these countries have been under attack in the first place is because they do not have a Rothschild owned Central Bank yet. The first step in having a Central Bank establish in a country is to get them to accept an outrageous loans, which puts the country in debt of the Central Bank and under the control of the Rothschilds. If the country does not accept the loan, the leader of this particular country will be assassinated and a Rothschild aligned leader will be put into the position, and if the assassination does not work, the country will be invaded and have a Central Bank established with force all under the name of terrorism.
Hint: Just 1 left - NK.

Please note that most of the related countries are degenerate hellholes hostile to America.
Wake me up when we invade Monaco/Palau instead of countries with a shitload of oil and muslims shitting down the geysers

I have heard this many times but never found specifics or direct proof

This is now a doubles thread

If you follow the sequence, the dubs are pointing at how stupid 9444425 is about the relationship between production and money.

Your digits confirm. That shill was btfo.


That's the best webm i've seen in awhile.

Persian diaspora, they're proxies. Turkey's special brew of assmad towards them is for being suspected Persian 5th column. see and
It's useful to point out Iran is a shortening of Aryan Empire, etymologically close to Ireland in their Gaelish.

There are Japanese legends of Christ going east during his lost years, and either him post-resurrection (or a brother/apostle) actually living out his last days over there.

Statements from their kang claiming kinship with the chosen merchants; their financial ties to the last 3 administrations prior to November; the anchor baby cum-HRC seducing-Mata Hari that is the Muslim World League co-founder's daughter, Huma Abedin; – taken together with the recent hostility toward Russia in Syria, I'd say a working partnership going North-South, and a preference for Greater Iran influence in the area, as against Greater Merchantdom could only be to the West's benefit – provided they don't go nuclear, in which case the Nosemen may just go feral.

The guy says Rumi was white, like a Nordic with blonde hair and blue eyes. Caucasoid and white are not mutually exclusive. He isn't actually Persian, he is a mixed breed. I'm sorry, but this is nigger-tier bullshit of assuming everybody was white, but now magically isn't. Confucious and the Mongoloids, all Indians, all ME, etc. I am against racemixing as I believe divergent evolution has created unique peoples, and that that boundary ought to be respected. If you support those kinds of people, you are for racemixing, or at least in this specific context regarding whiteness.

Iran doesn't have anyone of their guys in Yemen even if they want to, on the contrary The Yemenis themselves told the Iranians not to poke their noses where it doesn't belong (even if said problems involved getting their countrymen blockaded and bombed to annihilation).
The 'this is a iranian/saudi proxy war' is an MSM meme designed to make it LOOK like a civil war/proxy war between Iran and saudi wahhabistan when it's in fact a Saudi-led genocidal campaign against the Yemeni People because they refuse to bend the knee to the gulf monarchs with a little help primarily from the ((((MI6)))), along with ((((Mossad)))) and the ((((CIA)))) and pro-jew/neocon PMCs

They are heavily mixed with Arabs and Turks, and they live in a "Islamic Republic".

Still, they do have their shit together.

There is a genetic distance between people. Just because they look similar doesn't mean they are identical, as phenotype doesn't mean genotype. This mixing should be evident, yet there is still a degree of genetic distance. Are Frenchman and Brits "the same"? There has been mixing, there were decades of wars fought between each other. But we don't call one the other.
All I keep hearing is that India, Iran, or other central Asian nations used to be pure white, then they all just died and were out-bred. I have yet to see analysis of what the referenced common ancestor actually looks like.

Can you explain how this would be done without contradicting the first point (money not being debt)? And how would new money be released into the system without central planning?

Only Yazidis are White. Everything that reverted to islam has heavy arabic and/or turkic admisture.

Nice try at relativism, Schlomo.

There's a basic difference in their messianic dogma that makes Shiites much less likely to commit suicide bombings and bloodbath conquest than Sunnis/Wahhabis. Sunnis think they have to conquer the world by any mean necessary while Shiites wait for the return of some 13th faggot before they start world conquest.




Anyone know what wikipedia page the Belligerents proxy war is from?

Anyone know what wikipedia page the Belligerents proxy war is from?–Saudi_Arabia_proxy_conflict


Love. We should be able to pay with hugs, smiles and wishing each other well.

The level of shilling here…

Underrated dubs.

I love those goys. It's funny feeling, knowing they would literally fight for me. They fight and die in battles in Syria to protect Christian towns like Mallulah.

burqa is an arabized persian word. iran's been doing that way before islam, especially the higher classes.

refer to


All of them created, financed and the injured mercenaries treated by CIA/Mossad.

They are at best jewhadists.
The only nation not at threat from these groups is isreal, the only class or caste of people immune from attack from these groups are isrealis, jews and neo-con uber elite zionist kikes.

Just low class goys (Christian or muslim) going about their business on their way to work are at threat from these jewish created mercenaries.

So essentially it's Talmudic judaism responsible for every one of those named organisations.

Even a long long time ago they were brown. They are multiple poems going back to the earliest dynasties talking about their "beautifuul brown skin." It's even recorded by an early Chinese emperor when he took a Persian concubine that he called "little pig" and noted her "beautiful brown skin." Our people diverged from them well before white and brown were established within indo-european lines, they were never white at any point of their civilization.

pretty weird then that "regular" Muslims praise these groups then, refuse to denounce them and cheer in the streets when news breaks of successful attacks on western cities

they dont. the people that go rooting for them are usually the poor and desparate that find themselves in an situation where theyre led to beleive that only extremism is enough to solve that problem.
kinda like how americans and other dumbasses created the mujiadeen. or alqueda. or al-shibab. or ISIS. or HAMAS. or UCK. or bosnian jihadists. etc.
meanwhile the majority (over a billion) people dont go rooting for those groups, but you wont see that in your kosher media because its not "in the program". not to mention that over 98% of people killed by these retards were local muslims. the CIA is probably responsible for more deaths here than them.

That would be weird for them to celebrate proxy zionist mercenaries killing every nationalist leader from the Middle East in direct opposition to greater isreal and only serving isreal's interests.

Most muslims hate zionists and neo-con jews.

Where'd you get your information bub, Pam Geller's GatesOfVienna, or Timmy Robinson's or Gavin McIInnes fact finding mission from isreal?

Hezbollah soldier confronts Nusra militants: 'You are working for Israel'


yeah, these poor, destitute and confused people. I'm not sure what your goal is here, are you pointing out that the CIA and Israel are behind the lion's share insurgency and violence in the middle east? or am I supposed to feel more sympathy for average Muslims now? I can agree with the first statement and still dislike and disagree with Islam

muslims hate jews, good, they're still misguided by a primitive and deliberately extreme religion

Not sure what your point is.

ISIS = Isreali Mossad and US CIA
If you want it to stop you better ask your G_d Emperor to stop sending them their checks.

oh okay i get it, trump is a zionist shill, haha thank you anons

Are you trying to say he isn't?

alright, what's the plan. where are we going with all this



Most already left or were culturally enriched and bred out 1000+ years in the making.
Daily reminder that turks and other arabs need a healthy dose of Raid®
Return of Zoroastrianism is the only way™.