Statistis, how to you prevent state corruption and cronyism?
Statistis, how to you prevent state corruption and cronyism?
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Frequent purges
tankies actually believe this
It seems they believe that officials will behave out of fear of losing their jobs.
Yes, they actually think this.
By abolishing class power and having an open government and open voting process
Direct democracy inn the legislature as well
Local councils
The only private enterprises being co-ops accountable to local councils also helps (until we fully abolish exchange value)
I want to snuggle Iris
what if
what if
we start with a republic then we make goverment positions a voluntary issue, like, I go to thelocal council, senate and so on out of pure selfishness and in a voluntary way
that means that If I am in need of sharing something, demand something or just participate I would do it in my leasure time
Now the only issue I see is lobbyism, people being paid to go there and have certain opinions about something, but the very essence that it is voluntary and that anyone can participate means lobbyism is counteracted by the sheer numbers of voluntary participants
You're a gentleman of fine tastes
Legalize mass shootings when government employees are the targets.
he actually made a good argument against lolberts
also xexizy did a video on it
this "questions libertarians have video" is going to be the next political punching bag video on youtube for the next few weeks
If you talk about a State, I assume you are considering the revolution period, not socialism (which is stateless).
Yo answer your question, I would say: with the international character of the proletarian State.
Direct democracy, and there's no money so what are they going to be corrupted by anyway
By giving powers to the workers while still having a state. Form a worker's council. Etc.
Define statist.
Put an AI in charge. Make sure it has benevolent, non-authoritarian views and enough firepower to stop anyone else from seizing power.
Sounds an awful lot like parliamentary democracy to me
goddamnit i fucking love goth girls