Based Sargon btfos Lolbertarians

finally SoA is watchable again

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-Lolberts when they see this

Any criticism of Lord Market kills 100 gorgillion you fucking commie.

Xexizy did it better:

anti-statism is pure ideology

what is this fucking opposite day ?

to be fair he can make good videos once in awhile when he is not attacking low-hanging tumblr fruit
like, srsly he kept milking dat feminist hate for a long time now it's really boring

Not really, the video is addressed more to anarchists in general more than anything else.
Libertarians are statists.

FUCK you sargon

i thought you were for freedom but instead you support BIG GUBBERMAND TYRANNY

yeah but these people like to label themselves as libertarian even tho they're ancaps basically

kek, nice shitpost

What's based about a fat anti-intellectual nativist fuck who doesn't even understand the most basics of economics, social theory, political science etc?

Anti-state liberals are not anarchists.

I read that as pic related and was going to ask how that could ever be watchable.

He said something we agree with once so now he's our boy btfo'ing the outgroup that we hate XD

This. Fuck that giant faggot.

Also this. If we treated ideologues the same way across the board we'd be saying Maher is based for making fun of conservatives.

Kill yourselves, both OP and anyone who agreed with his post's message.

Posting Sargon should be a bannable offense. He's a traditionalist at heart pretending to be a "classical liberal" while ignoring class. For fuck's sake, there was one video where he argued monarchy is better than a republic because it lasts longer.

Those people are the bulk of the social justice movement. You can imply cherry picking all you like, it's not an honest argument when the actions of his target vary wildly from their exclaimed ideals, which is the case.

OP, your pic makes me want to punch you in the face.

Stop finding things that were cancerous in 2010 and dragging them in here like a cat obsessed with hunting turds.

He's not implying cherry picking, the social justice movement is retarded in its entirety and completely unchallenging intellectually.

I suggest you read the post I replied to again.

Well, now I've wasted twice as much time doing so. What's your point?

You have terrible reading comprehension.

What is the Roman Republic? Jesus, it's almost like YouTube personalities spend more time pontificating their opinions instead of actually knowing what they're talking about….


Worst thing about this is retarded libertarians in comment section calling him a communist unironically.

You're literally fucking blind.

Answers for Libertarians
lol simple answers for simple minds


i had to check to make sure I wasn't accidentally on Holla Forums

fuck soa and the cucks who watch take his shit seriously

Who? Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quin? Yeah, they're true communist revolutionaries.

tbh Holla Forums hates sargon much more than Holla Forums does

Actually statism is

Tell me, what will you do without a governing body? Some form of it will recreate itself unless everyone unilaterally agrees to be an anarchist.

Sargon is my favourite scholar



Sargon doesn't actually know shit.
He learns *just* enough to trick illiterate teenagers on youtube into thinking he's a well read intellectual.
I admit he's a little more intellectually honest than his peers but hes spewed enough shit that he's a complete turd in my eyes.

Tell me, what will you do without capitalism? Some form of it will recreate itself unless everyone unilaterally agrees to be a communist.

yeah but this is argument used to think that state is ALWAYS needed to have capitalism which is not true.
also you can have a state aparatus and achive socialism.