Press conference on Trump's new revised travel ban
Brace for liberal salt
Press conference on Trump's new revised travel ban
Brace for liberal salt
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Prepare for shitskin and libcuck chimpouts
Cuckservative obstructionism is a far greater threat.
Why in the fuck haven't these treasonous cocksuckers been hanged yet?
i have no idea, Trump cannot expect to govern properly while Obongo spies still in his cabinet and working beneath him, he should isolate or outright purge the scum. I hope he has some master plan to purge (((the swamp))) that is leaking shit and undermining him at every turn, also i hope his attack on Obongo was planned and not just some outburst of anger.
I have a strong feeling that he's known this for a while.
What just happened? Did he just leave?
Yup. They announced it and walked out. They took no questions from reporters.
LOL at the stupid "will Christians still be given priority by this order?" question thrown out by one of the reporters as they walked out.
Does it say so in the order, you dumb cunt?
This time ban all non whites. This includes Jews
The first one was 'So are you admitting with this order that the first one was flawed?' or some shit. It's no wonder they didn't even bother to respond.
Yeah. The only reasonable response would have been "no, this one just has more armor on it against your libtard cuck courts."
This is fantastic, god bless Trump. He is not only submitting a new executive order, but using DHS to enforce the order if another lib judge decides to shoot it down.
Praise Kek, praise Trump.
So they cleared up the issues that were the primary issues with the original issues, good.
Vid for late-comers.
Revised executive order bans travelers from six Muslim-majority countries from getting new visas
Kek bless.
I gotta say, this seems rather blatantly toothless when they're talking about these places housing or funding terrorism, whilst they continue to allow Saudis and Israeli-Arabs access to the country.
A step in the right direction, perhaps, but not large enough of a step.
I can't wait for them to be BTFO once and for all
They better be white South Africans or Europeans and not mudslimes
Who not zero? Why are we taking any of them?
I am very disappointed.
They are truly verminous fucks.
So we have a 120 day break from import of refugees. He needs to turn up the heat during this time.
Like that was going to happen.
I suspect that is his plan.
Why not? I'm tired of half-measures, and I'm tired of seeing people accept half-measures without criticism.
There is absolutely zero validity in excluding Israeli-Arabs and Saudis whilst excluding these other states, and it makes us look like servants of the Zionist, legitimately liable to spark further hostility against us - and rightly so!
If you're some mudkip in fucking Yemen or Iran, and you see, "Oh, well, regardless of whether or not I'd want to enter the US, they are purposefully excluding me, us, on grounds that are more-applicable to groups they are NOT excluding", how the fuck are you even supposed to take that? Its not like I'm not happy to see a reduction, its not like I'm not happy to see these mudfucks excluded… But its insufficient, and there is no real justification for such limitations on exclusion, which makes us look like hypocritical servants of Zion, which fucking pisses me off.
Can we dox this faggot?
Why? They're totally irrelevant, a fucking joke at this point really.
Fucking shills in this thread, here's the real version.
I think it's because Saudi Arabia and Israel aren't unstable the way some of the others are and haven't been officially identified as a threat. Presumably they can't do it based on "everyone knows," they'd have to actually demonstrate why those countries are a problem, and I don't think that's something Trump is positioned to do right now. We know there are still segments of the intelligence community working to subvert Trump, probably on behalf of those countries.
I always expected the early days of his presidency to appear to cuck on certain things as he worked to get his people in place, purge the traitors, and make sure he has a firm grasp on the levers of power. That's not to say he should be given a free pass on this stuff, but just remember he's also fighting not to be toppled from the inside.
I suspect you're right. This time the frog boils the water with the vermin scum in the pot
You could argue over what countries should or shouldn't be on that list.. but it's not the best part of this EO.
The rapefugee program is now over. That part alone makes this order great. The media is totally ignoring that part because they know most Americans don't want anymore rapefugees dropped in to their towns.
I miss Sean tbh.
The next GOP primaries will be bloody as hell. Make sure to register as Republican already since some states only allow cross-party or independent voters strictly for presidential (but not senator or legislator primaries).
Also, if you live in a small city, run for local government, with the coming Trumpist sentiment, even a basement-dweller with no political contacts could win.
So even though Iraq is off the list, the suspension on the other six countries is untouchable, plus the surprise suspension of the refugee program. Am I getting that right? This sounds even better than the original plan.
And now the media is to busy being triggered over MUH RUSSIA and fucking tweets to pay any attention to this EO or all the other shit he is getting done that actually matters.
I don't know why he removed Iraq and I think he shouldn't have done that, but why do you want 83 million Iranian shitskins to come to America?
get in the oven matzonigger
Iraqis are far worse than Iranians… The Iranians that come to America are, for the most part, educated and mostly white. Iraqis, on the other hand, are your standard sandniggers.
poor troll
we're still involved with iraq because of obongo/bush, they still have iraqis fighting for "our" causes, but more to the point, ISIS
it's demoralization for iraqis fighting ISIS basically, this is why mattis didn't support it
Stop shilling Ali
As someone that has met a lot of Iranian refugees, you couldn't be more wrong.
Hello (((Moshe)))
They aren't the ones that come here you faggot.
those pics are too new, post some Persian paintings, surely those reflect what's really there now
just because there is a ruling class of almost pure spanairds in mexico does that mean mexcio is white?
fuck you sandnigger, nobody wants your shitty subhumans in their country
Iraqis are not any better, ((((((Kushner))) shill)))
But we do want Iraqis? All I am saying is Iraqis are no better than Iranians and Iraq should not have been taken off that list. Trump cucked by removing a country instead of adding another.
There are or were a large number of Christians seeking refuge from Iraq. I bet that's why Iraq was probably left off the list.
I'm not a Christcuck and I don't want them here, but in many rallies, he stated that Christians were getting their heads chopped off in the Middle East.
These are probably the ones he's referring to. I don't want them here, but if one was serious about the so-called Christian foundations of our nation and giving refuge to the right people in the Middle East, I would have to assume they were talking about the Christian Iraqis.
Regular Iraqis still cannot get a visa and travel freely Ali. Excluding Iraq from the travel ban can be useful to the anti ISIS coalition currently fighting in Mosul which is why Mattis insisted on that.
Purpose of Government, dummy. It's literally right in the Declaration of Independence.
Of course someone was going to be a nigger and argue a point which has no consequence of the rest of the matter.
Okay, America has Christian foundations. Nobody cares. You're still a nigger.
no you stupid shit you were trying to make it seem like Iran was secretly white. Iran is not white, it is a muslim shit hole filled with room temperature IQ dune coons. It wasnt always that way but that the reality you need to realize
You're expecting the president to walk out 6 weeks into his presidency and say "New world order, fuck all previous diplomatic agreements?"
Give the man some time.
Lol. Stay mad, loser.
Still a nigger and you're derailing. I wonder why? America has foundations in Christianity. That wasn't at all the point of the post. But here you are, derailing like a nigger.
i'm going to need sauce on that
This is something most of us have not seen in our lifetimes. And it's fucking amazing.
Now why the fuck couldn't he keep some sort of article of clause in the new one giving priority to christians, zoroastrians, or yazidis? (the only indo-europeans left in the middle east- currently being forcefully exterminated by The Islamic State)
And 50,000 refugees instead of zero? WHY? This does nothing to help whatsoever.
50,000 is the max and the way it had been for decades. Before Obama, the total rarely even got close to that.