Are we one step away from communism?

Are we one step away from communism?

Nobody owns anything anymore and work doesn't pay anymore for most people. The only thing you can afford now is useless trinkets.

Some say this is neofeudalism, others say we're on the road to communism.

What do you think Holla Forums ?

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I think you need to get out of your dad's house more often, user. Just yesterday we had a thread where one concrete house cost way less than a new car.

Where do you live, exactly?

Are you yuropean? Then yes, you might be near communism, depending on the country.

If you're in USA, no. Commiefornia is the closest you can get to it, but different to other commie states, it produces wealth because it (still) has production of wares and services.

I'd say gun laws are the best indicative. If you have lax gun laws, you as an individual hold a large amount power compared to other citizens.

Back to 4cuck, faggot.
Sage, hide, report.

An insufferable minority.



Most non boomer people in my part of Germany are poor for life.

Welp, you're in bad shape then. There's only one solution for you: take the high road and move to a less developed country which is more red-pilled. Hungary and Austria come to mind.

Remember: you are the "builder" generation. The boomers are the "leech" generation. This means you need to make sure your children do not repeat the cycle and become the "leech" for your grandchildren. Godspeed, Germanobro.

Good post, OP. I would say that the term "neofuedalism" is quite fitting. And the brainwashing component through MSM is just a control tactic, and to test the waters as to how accepting we are of new ideas.

We should be so lucky…

People own less stuff because they do dumb things that completely fuck up their finances, like going to college when they can't afford it. Problem is, they're really pushing people to do more dumb things with their money, and your average normalfag will believe everything he hears, because he thinks money is magic or something like that, and doesn't understand money or the concept of saving very well. So the (((economists))) tell him to borrow more so he can keep the economy alive by (((circulating))) money, and that this will still allow him to have cool stuff like Xboxes, big TVs, a pretty Mercedes, and so on.

Only later does the normalfag realize then that his credit rating is shit, so the one thing he should have borrowed for: a house, he can't. And all these toys he has aren't even really his.

Bro we've been under a global communist regime for the last few decades

Communism is Jewish in nature. It's basically the reflection of th Jewish psyche. Where Europeans find themselves ruling vast colonial empires, Jews are only concerned with the material. They have ruled banking dynasties for centuries enslaving men to their notes.

It would be more apt to call it Judaism. Communism and Capitalism are two peas in a pod. In neither system do you own anything, and everything is consolidated into Jewish hands. Communism is overt get your ass in the field slavery. Capitalism is moral and fiscal slavery. Jews live to play both sides. Once you peer up from the circus act they are both essentially the same.

So to get back to home base, OP we already live in a Huxlian nightmare.

Well fuck that explains it. I feel bad for your country right now.

Tell me, is there any sign of things turning around for the better, or do you think you'll remain in the same spiral?

Personally I think it's a mixture of Orwell and Huxley.

Weird, because before the jews took over the entire capitalistic system, it worked perfectly.

Communism, on the other hand, never worked. With and without jewish influence, it led to the demise of the people.

I'm not saying capitalism is perfect, but there was a time where it was the closest thing we had to perfection, and that was when it could flourish without the rampant cronyism inherent to jewish nature.

Germany will maybe turn for the better when it crashes and burns and German normies will pay dearly for it just like WW2 when the civil war against mudslimes happens in a few years.

Don't forget to throw some Camp of the Saints in there as well.


Yes. Capitalism is fine as long as it's based on real trade. It's the corruption of currency– fiat currency, debt-based currency, Jew money– a fundamental misrepresentation of what money is supposed to BE– that creates Jewish-Capitalism, false capitalism.

All we need are bread lines frankly.

Well they're pushing hard for carbon credits and Basic income..


So - cash, bitcoin, precious metals, and prepaid cards over $150 are all instruments of the "terrorists" and are now open to confiscation if you are a suspicious person… which, by their rhetoric, you are if you actually hold any of these assets.
Because apparently terrorists use these things to fund their operations rather than the thousands of euros they get in the form of welfare each month.




South Korea


All want to go cashless.

The elite also want to implement carbon credits.

Canada is starting to do so.

everyone on earth will be given the same number of 'carbon credits' so a person living in a village in India, who doesn't even own a car, will suddenly has a 1000 carbon credits. If a family in America wants to have two cars and heat their home in winter they will have to buy credits from poorer countries.

Every citizen would be issued with a carbon "credit card" - to be swiped every time they bought petrol, paid an energy utility bill or booked an airline ticket - under a nationwide carbon rationing scheme that could come into operation within five years, according to a feasibility study commissioned by the environment secretary, David Miliband, and published today.

The idea was floated in a speech in the summer, but the detailed proposals show Mr Miliband is serious about trying to press ahead with the radical idea as a central part of his climate change strategy. Under the scheme, everybody would be given an annual allowance of the carbon they could expend on a range of products, probably food, energy and travel. If they wanted to use more carbon, they would be able to buy it from somebody else. The report admits huge questions would have to be resolved, including the risk of fraud, the relationship to ID cards, and costs. However Mr Miliband said "bold thinking is required because the world is in a dangerous place".

In a few years from now you will have another plastic card in your wallet - your carbon card. You will start the year with 1,000 points on it and each time you fill up your car, you put the card in a slot on the pump and it will deduct a few points. Each time you buy an airline ticket, it will cost you a minimum of 100 points. If you fly regularly, you may have to buy more points through the carbon market - but since it is all in the cause of reducing greenhouse gas emissions you do not mind so much.


fuck off back to cuckchan

We need to abolish property rights and seize the means of production, camrade!