Hungary, Poland and Macedonia introduces legislation to attack Soros

The Hungarian government is set to submit a law this week restricting the way NGOs are able to operate in the country, in what is seen as an attempt to curb the influence of radical leftist billionaire George Soros.

In December 2016, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban declared that 2017 would be the year of “the extrusion of George Soros and the forces symbolized by him.” It looks as if Orban intends to fulfill that prophecy.

Every nation “will want to displace Soros,” said Orban at the time. “This can already be seen in Europe. They investigate where the money comes from, what kind of intelligence connections there are, which NGOs represent what interests,” he said.

On Monday, Hungarian government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs described certain NGOs as “foreign agents financed by foreign money.” In January, the vice-chairman of the ruling Fidesz Party, Szilard Nemeth, said that Soros’ Open Society Foundations and its network of activist groups should be “swept out” of Hungary.

“These organizations must be pushed back with all available tools, and I think they must be swept out, and now I believe the international conditions are right for this with the election of [Donald Trump],” said Nemeth.

Hungary isn’t the only European country in which efforts to combat Soros’ influence are underway. In January, “Stop Operation Soros” (SOS) was launched in Macedonia. During the official press conference, SOS co-founder Nikola Srbov explained the group’s motivation.

“We’ve witnessed the takeover of the entire civil sector and its abuse and instrumentalization to meet the goals of one political party. That is unacceptable and goes beyond the principles of civic organizing,” Srbov said.

“The Open Society Foundation[s], operating under the Soros umbrella, used its funding and personnel to support violent processes in Macedonia. It has monopolized the civil society sector, pushing outside any organization which disagrees with the Soros ideology,” he continued.

“We believe that, in these murky times, it is really important to take away the mask of the so-called civic organizations and to clearly reveal their political goals and actions, as well as their financing,” said Nenad Mirchevski, another OSO co-founder.

The movement was launched following former Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski’s call in December for the “de-Soros-ization” of the country. “His foundation, in finances and human resources, is the most powerful foundation in the world that has political goals,” said Gruevski.

“Soros decided to use his fortune to exercise influence in two directions – ideological to the creation of so-called ‘open societies’ and financial, through speculation and previously known political outcomes in certain countries to capitalize on the stock market,” he said.

“After a while, entire institutions, ministries, perhaps governments and their intelligence services are infected with his views, his ideology … and goals.”

In June 2016, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of Poland’s ruling Law and Justice Party, criticized international “pressure” applied to force Poland to create a “multicultural society.” Kacyznski name Soros specifically, accusing him of wishing to create “societies without identity” that can be “manipulated by billionaires.”

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Godfuckingdamn, I will never get tired of waking up to good news.

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said this morning that “representatives of global capital” need to be made accountable and transparent – believed to be a reference to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) critical of how the government has been handling the refugee crisis, according to reports.

“International organizations that operate in Hungary and call themselves civilian, but are really trying to influence Hungarian public life, representing the interests of global capital and being financed from abroad, need to be made accountable and transparent,” official government website said, citing the prime minister’s weekly interview with state-owned Kossuth radio this morning.

According to the current leader of Hungary, in the past more than 20 years “we have put up with” the existence of such organizations, but “their behavior related to migration has been too much”, reported. The government has received many criticisms from human rights organizations operating in the country for how it has been handling the refugee crisis.

Orbán said that Hungary “cannot afford” a situation where “organizations that stay in the blurriness of being unknown” — which he explained meaning that they do not admit who finances them and why — can “continuously exhort migrants into violating Hungarian law in order to somehow get into Hungary”.

Archives are here, sorry about that.

I honestly wonder why none of these nations that hate Soros (as they should ofc) just do what's totally in their power, y'know? If Shillary can barbell people from the basement of Comet Ping Pong, then surely Putin or these leaders could barbell a turbokike?



I guess he's connected, friends in high places and shit

Is he finally going to take away their money? I need it a little bit better, call them White Genocide Reparations. And make those financial penalties stick. The anti-whites should remain penniless.

That's how White Genocide is done away with and leaves a real mark so that it doesn't creep back. White Genocide Reparations are something that every white person should be for implementing–do away with White Genocide before it does away with you!

They'd do well to have any friends of his barbell'd too.

His paid protestors during the U.S. presidential election might get brought up. Trump might become involved at some point later on when other shit has gotten sorted out.

his boss owns Hungarys bank and is probably the richest man on earth. and even if he were gone his operations would be taken over by new people

I'm sure a lot of that is fear of retaliation. They don't want to invite a proportionate response. Plus, this way is more likely to expose other individuals and organizations to public scrutiny.

"Open society" is a term that goes back to the 30s, though Karl Popper probably made it more famous.

Because it's suicide. If you are too much of a bad goy, you might get economic sanctions placed upon you. That might not be a big deal when you are Russia, China, or USA, but for a small country with export-focused economy (which is practically everyone in EU), such a thing is a death sentence. Already, (((western Europe))) talks about how bad Poland and Hungary are, how they aren't (((democratic))) enough. If Orbán rushed this and started arresting Soros' puppets, it'd immediatelly get spun as him getting rid of political opposition and creating a totalitarian state.


This. I will never get sick of winning.

If a (((democracy))) does it, it's called "protecting the country from extremists and terrorists"

How long until they are liberated?

Makes me want to learn polish

by who? king nigger is out remember.

Merkel is still in charge of Europe.

laugh out loud

Macedonia too? Cool, I thought it was a fake ZOG "country"

We'll sooner or later continuing to let these people operate will also be suicide for the entire continent. We need a hero Hungary.


Hungary's political leadership is a hell of a lot more cunning and experienced than most people give it credit.

They very quickly and easily sidestepped an attempt at a color revolution during the october of 2014.

They are legally air-tight and cannot be touched by any EU laws, which is why the EU never does anything against them. Compare this with Poland who have been threatened with legal action already. Even the hint of such has yet to be issued to Hungary.

The hungarians spend months deliberating on actions and when they do they are impossible to kick over.

Basically there's a reason it was the "austro-hungarian" empire. The hungarians are an old machiavellian force in the area that has been there for 1000 years now.

Hungary's a lovely country, I had the great privilege to visit there once.


Nice face but time will not treat those tits well.

eh, there's always divorcing i guess. Women will get fat first long before their tits get ugly anyay.

How do people not realize he's just a fucking patsy at this point? If fox news is calling you out then clearly there's more to it than "le Zoros pulling all the strings of NWO"

Orbán. FIDESZ is jewish to the core, with Orbán being the usual non-jew fall guy. I don't know for sure what their endgame is by seemingly going against the globalist jewry, but with jews you lose. BASED NATIONALIST JEWS are no different. That's a given.

But this doesn't matter. I could post the massive list of confirmed kikes who govern Hungary and I'd just be called a "Jobbik shill" or something.

Orbán is definitely is*

I don't think they have an endgame, their only goal is just to keep Jobbik from coming to power. Fidesz acts as the steam vent for Hungarians by adopting a few Jobbik ideas. They don't want the real nationalists coming to power. If Orban hadn't done the things he has in the past few years, he wouldn't be in power anymore.

I thought that the leader of Jobbik was a jew and that Jobbik thinks they are turks.

An user posted that in reply to me in an earlier Hungary thread. Well turns out he was right. I'm not sure if Vona is a jew. Something feels off about him and he did indeed endorse this turanist cuckoldry bullshit. Never liked him. Regardless, I'd still say that if there's any real redpilled people to be found in hungarian politics, they are probably in Jobbik.

Surely that's good. If the government needs to make good changes to stay in power, it means the population still has the power to control their government. Obviously we want 0% Jewish involvement in the government but it's good to know they have not gained total control.

National Bump

>muh dicking on Holla Forums


Yes, it's definitely better then the alternative. At least Orban is adjusting to what Hungarians want, but it really reveals he's more of a fluid opportunist then a solid idealist. Still, at least the will of Hungarians is being carried out, and their culture and people being shielded.

I don't know about their leader, but the people in Jobbik are very aware of the JQ and race.

Poland attacking him is important since unlike Hungary and Macedonia Poland is a large country with an economy around the size of Spain.

Poland attacking Soros is big, Eastern Europeans are starting to fight back.

He's most likely a tool by high up kikes like the Rothschilds and he hasn't outlived his usefulness yet, so they can't let him get shoah'd just yet.

How old is he anyway and how comptetent is his son? Dont get me wrong but even if they take him down today I dont think it will do much. Passing this law and actively going after kikes like him will though

*Central Europeans
Don't put us into one basket with the Russians. We like to support each other unlike Russia.

SEIZURE OF FUNDS AND DEATH, Hitler held what was at the time the biggest ransom of a Rothschild banker, we need to fund our army using their money like that too. MEME IT!


It seems Merkel/the EU wants its own Nukes now that Trump is in power

Does this chart include babies born to foreigners? If not then it only gives us a basic idea.

Remove kikes. Remove Communists. Remove corporatists. Remove cucks. Make Europe great again!

Merkel/Germany/the EU want nukes
Thank you Greece.

Didn't Russia ban Soros and Soros Organizations?

All of you Slavs are in this together tovarish

You forgot to remove non-Europeans. Unless by MEGA (oh shit that actually sounds cooler then MAGA) you mean non-euros are removed.

Can't forget our best bros Hungary are on it too, coincidentally two of the hardest languages in Europe too, sorry user.

Hungary is just as important.

Bet the Ukrainians really loved the whole "love and peace" idea of dismantling theirs, look how it turned out for them. Not that I'm defending their retarded antics, but it only goes to prove that the "allies" peace-talk posturing was nothing more than ensuring they're the only untouchable ones.

Yes they did and we still hate them. They and the germans were the cause of Communism.
We are different people. We are western slavs and stand with our Hungarian brothers.

You know the "allies". They are always ready to make promises… But never delivering.

The kikes are gearing their globalist puppets up for one last 'Fuck you, you can't have it either!'. Isn't that adorable. Fucking. worthless. hooknoses.

Poland and Hungary don't even need to remove kebab, at least in their own countries. To make Europe great again, they just need to unleash the Serbs of removal.

they have the world government structure behind them

that is why they act untouchable, because they are

until trump, the USA is the main power base for these things, so if Trump does not send the CIA after someone, then other countries can operate

Defending Europe from filthy kebab horde is our speciality, user. Also

Mein Hussar

I love the aesthetic of Hussar armor. Reminds me a bit of Roman legionary armor

No doubt amazingly beautiful armor


They had no choice for they couldn't maintain or sell them otherwise they would've done it.

Remember when we used to make comics that made fun of poland ? And now they're putting us to shame.

Cas't forget my favorite feline skin variant (a replica by a Polish-American), as seen on Jan Matejkos "May Constitution" upon close inspection.

Kek, this ones my favorite including Germoney.