Israeli Lawmaker: Only Palestinians Who Serve in Army Would Be Able to Vote in One-state

Post >yfw Jews will become a minority in Israel during your lifetime.

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Forgot to add the video.

That's a reasonable demand in my opinion. I wish we had the same in my country. Only men who've served voting.

While I'll watch in glee as kikes are erased, I have to wonder if we are doomed to the same fate. Unless we wise up and fast I can see it be an inevitability given their birth rates and social programs supporting their encumbrance

How does that follow? All I see is jews jewing arabs and palestinians out of their lands. I'm sure there are plenty of ways they jew them out of their birthrates too.

Of course the Haredi filth will still vote and be exempt from service.


Voting from military service is alright, but there's nothing reasonable about the bullshit the Jew wants to pull here.

It sounds reasonable at first, but then you realize it's just a ploy to preserve a jewish majority in the voting booth. Reality will most likely be nowhere near as easy as just doing military service and then getting your right to vote. I fully expect (((them))) to attach a gazillion conditions that all have to be fulfilled to obtain it. Conditions that only bestest and goodest of the good goyim who would never dare to go against jewish interests have any hope of fulfilling.

And they will be put into cannon fodder uses.


There is a reason for growing anti-white sentiments in Israel, and that is because of their leading role in the Israeli multicultural movement. It is necessary and good for Israel to become more multicultural because without it, Israel will not survive :^)


It's difficult to determine exactly how many Arabs and Jews live in the West Bank (especially if you include East Jerusalem), but if all those people were to be added to Israel's population, the Jewish share of their population would probably decline from 75% to 55-65%. If Gaza were to be annexed as well, Jews would quickly find themselves to be a minority in their own country.




The people proposing this there clearly don't know that the "Slippery Slope" fallacy is NOT a fallacy AT ALL, and that they're bringing their own destruction in some decades.
I, for one, am kind sad for this, because I was betting on a huge Jewish repatriation in the future, where our nations would be ridden of them.
Many Anons don't seem to agree, but if you're not going to genocide every single Jew on the planet, outlaw the religion and burn its books and legacies, the only solution for the Jewish Question is to exile them somewhere, and that place is Israel right now.
What comes after they became concentrated there is up to you, though.
Now, it also seems that "Cuckservatism" is also germinating in Israel? Are they really becoming victims of their own subversion?


Greater Israel, you say?



That's still reasonable, the only thing to discuss is amazement at the lefts cognitive dissonance as they defend Israel to the death while Israel does literally everything they supposedly hate, like no refugees, no fags and no muddying the gene pool.


And your white demographics is not getting any better.
mfw your race is bred out by nigros,beaners and mudslims by 2050;)

madagascar would have been better as they cant take over the region like they plan to do with greater israel

Mad Kike™ alert.

Its a pity such sentiment as yours, where exposed, eliminates pity for the Jew in the White mind… For Jew.


Forcing the goyim to work for their masters seems reasonable.

Meanwhile, in America:

G-d, kikes are such fucking hypocrites. They're really gonna sit here and use declining demographics as a casus for why they need to act on their self-determination whilst they push immigrants down the throats of white countries. The Jew truly does cry out as he strikes you.

You're saying you're retarded?

You aren't larping as a kike hard enough to use that.

So just another kike slave state?

Actually, the demise of the most "European" Jew, genetically speaking, which are the Ashkenazim and Sephardic would do little. Judaism as a whole would continue to exist.

It's strange to think that there are many israeli jews alive who were basically colonists and saw the jewish population in Israel go from almost nothing to its current level. And of course, they criticize white colonialism in their spare time.


Between the two, thats more than 80% of World Jewry.

Everything has a beginning - and an end.

But why stop there? I would rather see the country of Israel cease to exist in my lifetime instead.

It was just some contextual irony. :^)

Not really jews in Israel have better demographics than arabs in West Bank and israel. And if you add those making aliyah their percentage is actually increasing

The end almost made me spill my cup. When all else fails their religious extremism about being the chosenites kicks in and they just start quoting scripture.
This is why I hate my kike infested country.

No, my point was that Judaism is Semitic by origin, so, all those Arabs wouldn't hurt them at all, it would be actually a return to their original biology.
Also, 60% of Israel is of Arab-Jews, so they're already fucked in the long term, wanting or not.

I wonder what the other two things were.

In any case, the whole reason why non-Jews (meaning both Arabs and Christians/Muslims) aren't required to serve in the IDF right now while every Jew is drafted is to build community between Jews and alienate non-Jews. If they start letting non-Jews into the IDF, it will erode the propaganda they've been pushing onto their people ("The entire world is out to get you, all goyim are evil Nazis, muh Hawlacawst") from birth.

They brainwash kids with Holocaust propaganda even worse in Israel than what is present in white countries, then stick them in an IDF uniform and put them in front of angry Palestinian rioters, who throw rocks at them - not to mention sometimes bringing actual weapons. This is done specifically to reinforce the anti-goyim brainwashing and make them think it's just Jews against the world. It's pretty surprising that a Likudnik would propose this.

ITT: Muds still mad after spectacularly getting their combined asses kicked by one country and cucked into working for them.

Shoah them with kindness

Your point was flawed.
81% of world Jewry exists in two nations - wipe them out, and you're off to a good start.
And just as everything has a beginning, it likewise has an end.

Source for these?

Explain your post.


Yeah it's really hard for them to push the button launching all their nukes.


Why would they Jews ever lie about their strength?

Nigger, please.

I support the recognition of a nation’s ability to claim and defend territory within its means.

Regarding Israel specifically, it does not have the means to take on the entire Muslim world at once, nor does it have the ability to administer even the entirety of its claims outside its current borders (namely “Greater Israel” in any of its incarnations). I don’t support international assistance to Israel because of its status as a rogue nuclear state, because of its history of war crimes and false flag attacks, and because of the behavior of its people around the world in subverting the economies, politics, and rights of peoples in other nations.

If Israel can claim a piece of land, gain it militarily, and hold it, then that’s what is designated as Israel.Similarly, if Britain claims, say, the entirety of Patagonia, if they can take and hold it militarily, then Patagonia would be British. “Historic” claims are of little consequence to anyone. The American southwest used to be Mexico, for example, but we beat the snot out of Mexico and took it. Now it is American. Mexico no longer has a valid claim on that land, as their claim was ended when the US beat them. They also could not make a new claim on the land today, as they could not take it or hold it. Aquitaine and Normandy were once English. They are no more. Thus, Britain has no claim on them unless they were able to, in wartime, beat France and restore control. For the most modern example, Russia willingly gave up its claim to Crimea when it transferred it to Ukraine in… what was it, the 1960s? Crimea was Ukrainian. However, Russia successfully reclaimed Crimea last year, and thus Crimea is Russian again.

I understand that Israel came into being based on an unfounded claim, but the ability of the Jews to form a country and, through war, justify that claim, means that Israel does exist. If someone wants to end Israel, they’d have to go to war and win. As I said before, claims can be won, lost, and also be utterly unfounded. Zanzibar could claim New Jersey, but if it couldn’t hold the land, the claim would be meaningless.

I also mentioned that I don’t like the idea of supporting Israel, and I listed reasons why. As Israel has often stated they’re willing to “go it alone”, I say let them. Personally, I want the US to go isolationist. Not reduce its military might, but also not get into proxy wars for them or any wars in which the US does not treat its conquered enemies as conquered enemies. Allies in war aren’t antithetical to this idea, but they’re also not something to be, as Bibi would say, “above the law”, as that’s insanity.

Anons, you're all jumping to conclusions so damn fast…aren't you the least bit surprised?
Have any of you ever heard/read of israelis/international jews even ever considering beginning to discuss the one state solution; sharing territory?
Regardless of everything, this is surprising to say the least.

One state is the kike's worst nightmare.

But the downside of any one state solution is that eventually mudslimes will inherit Israel's nuclear arsenal. Kikes having nukes is bad, but at least kikes are predictable. Muds having nukes is always a thousand times worse because they are not rational.


The only people who actualy believe you can't have allies outside the white race are literal shills or completely stupid ad self-absorved CIA-brand white nationalists. The third reich found friends and allies all across the world because it was noble and it was right, not because hitler was le supremacist lets take over the whole world for white babies. This mythologie is entirely manufactured by american intellligence agencies who infiltrated National socialist movements in the USA and turned them into easily controlled white nationalist movements headed by traitors and crazy drug addicts.

The third reich respected other's right to exist and live, as long as it was in a sane manner and within the geographical and cultural constraints of their OWN countries. No, we dont have to tolerate savage niggers, chink spies or israeli subversives in our countries, not even a single one. And no, we ALSO are not a genocidal cult of maniacs who will go deus bult in the middle-east for the kike puppet masters who control the hristian churches.

Video very much related. Take your CIA garbage ideology somewhere else, this is Holla Forums, we are national socialists. If you think national socialists are genocidal mindless white supremacists, Holla Forums is not for you.

What are the other options?


Fuck off nigger. We're going to kill all of you when we get the chance.

Reverse the immigration crisis. Pay african and asian nationalist leaders to take in blacks and asians in america into their own countries. Incentive non-whites to move peacefully and with economic compensation. Bombard minorities with OUR race councious propaganda and make them realize its a good idea to move out. Those who refuse and cause trouble, dispatch in the dead of night, along with their supporters. Reinstate esterilization and eugenics programs rebranded as positive science to prevent intra-racial diseases. Stop being a retarded "White Nationalist race war nao" from the fucking CIA playbook.Be an actual geopolitical and councious white nationalist, be a national socialist.

I'am sure you would love too, schlomo, but that won't happen ever. The european man will prevail over your lies and brainwashing.

Oh and to rein terate, iam by no means a pacifist. I DO however stress the absolute necessities of analyising our situation with a logical and feasible strategy, and most important of all, to strike and destroy the RIGHT enemy first and foremost. The jews.


That's not what he's saying, watch the video.

I'd rather send them to Israel. Why waste blood and resources destroying an enemy, when we could simply send them away to cause trouble to an even bigger enemy? You have a small mind user, and you are a small man.

Israel doesn't have a right to exist. Any Israel apologists ITT deserve immediate death.

pity that girl is cute

I meant the other options for the Muds to be able to vote.

They should have no rights to vote in white countries, or at least, very restrictive property-based voting rights. They can vote for whoever they want in their own countries.

I meant the requirements the muds in the (((One-State-))) would have to fulfill in order to vote, which the kike from the video proposed. It´s cut off before he can go on with point two and three. Kek, seems like my wording wasn´t to specific.

Oh sorry, didint realize you were talking about that. I dont have any info on the subject, but as far as i care niggers and mudshits should be given full voting rights, in israel.


Maybe in a jew-free world. Imagine if we adopted that policy here in the US and only the retards dumb enough to put their lives on the line for Israel got to vote…

yeah no

This seems like suicide to me and kills any kind of containment of Jews. Once there is anything close to a muslim voting majority there will be Jew flight. There will be endless real and false flag terrorist attacks on Jews, and right on cue it will be "anuda shoah, REMEMBER THE HOLOHOAX GOYIM!!!, you can't turn us away again like in WWII!!!!!" and the west will be guilt tripped into taking more of these heebs into OUR countries when we need to be shipping them off TO Israel or just gas them.

Sorry, isreal isn't going to be the once monolithic Jewish state it once was, it will be wiped of the map. The growing minorities in the US will label them as racists for opposing it. Once they no longer have nuclear weapons they get gassed.
The left is now aware of the Jewish stranglehold on both parties now. This is Bernie Sanders exploding on a liberal girl for questioning racism in Isreal