New Immigration Order Signed LaterToday
Trump to reportedly sign revised travel ban order

My Body Is Ready


Make sure to spam the shit from here to remind people why the ban is needed.


> removing Iraq
> adding Yemen
> still no Saudi Arabia
> still no Israel

What the fuck is he doing…

Daily Reminder

He can't ban Israel unfortunately but he should ban more countries than this. Great that Somalia is on it, Pakistan would be the best to ban though (other than ZOG HQ)

Yes, he can.

Israel has a large Palestinian population, which are Muslim and openly hostile to the US (if only because we aid Israel).
There is absolutely no reason he cannot ban travel from Israel.

I think it might be time for us to put together an infographic demonstrating all the Israeli links to terrorist, espionage and other illegal activity within the US, then spam it at Trump's twitter for a week straight.

They'd never stop kvetching about it if he did ban travel from Israel.

I obviously mean for political reasons he can't ban Israel, at least a quarter of the Republican party are ziophillic christcucks and the Jews themselves control everything

There is absolutely no reason why he can't ban travel from the whole world (except other white countries), but he isn't doing that

Start putting Israeli citizens already in the US on watchlists too.

Same for the Saudis, by the way.

I am quite frankly very disappointed in Trump on this front. Saudi Arabia is the #1 source of degenerate fuckery in our lands on behalf of mudslime invaders.
They take no refugees.
They turn our women into whores.
They finance terrorism.
They finance the spread of Islam.
They hold the oil over our heads.

Its time to end this nonsense.

Let them kvetch.
They are meaningless, weak kikes, who rely upon us entirely whilst proclaiming that they own us.

Its time to show them otherwise, and this is a prime opportunity.
(Not to mention it would be wise of Trump to do whatever he can to inhibit Mossad activity in the US… For his own sake, if no other.)

Which says nothing.
Likewise says nothing.
And that must end, now.

If the US cannot throw off the bridle of the Israeli kikes, then the US cannot reverse our demographic issues - the first issue is much, much easier to handle than the second, in all contexts imaginable.
If Trump cannot put Israel in their place, he cannot fix the greater problems we face, which will be more difficult to overcome than putting Israel in their place, especially'' if you don't put Israel in their place before attempting to fix those problems we face, namely the demographic issue.

Give me a break, user.

I seriously hope none of you believe the parts of this story making it sound like Trump is cucking on the ban.

you are meant to post a downside when attempting to justify why not do something :^)

That's a good idea tbh fam.


THIS. But isn't trump eternally cucked by his daughter the juden? Or the kike jared?

I'm fucking ready for more kvetching.


Patience user. It hasn't even been two months since Trump's been in office. We have eight years still to go.

A vast majority of Democrats in congress have dual citizenship. Imagine people like (((Al Franken))) or (((Chuck Schumer))) crying anti-semitism because they can't get back to Israel.

semi OT question;
any word of a spicey press briefing later today?


Israel and Saudi Arabia consider themselves brother and sister countries.

While Israel and USA are "friends."


He can do that once Palestine is annexed. There is your 4D move.


Fuck that's top tier chess right there, it opens up a lot of possibilities

America is a shithole that should stop existing though.

We haven't had one in a week AFAIK, I wonder what's going on

lol @ the shills implying the revision won't make the Order even better.

Looks like a few interesting things so far. Removal of Iraq for special clarification, and the he's withdrawing the previous executive order. That surprised me, I thought he'd fight that in court. However I like the biometric and new 180 day report. I'm excited to read the first one, it starts on 9/11/01 and should completely blow the fuck out of the narrative the last administration tried to shove down our throats. It reads like the Opposite of Sweden.