The fire rises :^)

UK Jews Warned Islamic State Sees Jewish Communities as ‘Legitimate Targets’
Now they get a taste of their own medicine.

Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-4755215,00.html

How is anti-semitism different from any other form of ethnic hatred? Anyways this is just another way to enact pro-kike policy, as usual.

Hating the white devil is fine, goy, you're just hating your opressor.

lemme get this right
first these durkas went after random pedestrians
then they tried degenerate hotspots
now they go for jews?

It's different because it's deplorable. If we repeat carefully selected program words you will not notice that Jews run everything.

Deplorable has become a beloved term thanks to Trump. We're breaking the conditioning.


So deplorable we're plorable.

The guys that have attacked everyone except jews?
Somehow, that doesn't seem very likely.

Are you retarded?


That's not true though; Elas Cayat and Georges Wolinski


Updated version. (Inb4 triggered by Spencer)

Should have used Zyklon Ben tbqh.

World Trade Center, part 2.

It's from the normalfag's perspective. This is how they see "nazis" today (haircut, Pepe).

It didn't quite look enough like him, so I added some detailing. Tell me what you think.

Fuck off Ahmed.

normies dont buy into that, the baldcut yeh

You are retarded if you deny Mossad help retard. How about any major attacks in Israel? Nobody denied sandnigger being members, but they get major help from CIAniggers and Mossad.

If I remember correctly they even attacked the gaza strip at one point didn't they?

ISIS are cucks because they believe pagans and heretics are worse than Jews. This is why they are losing.

Because it's hard Israel has protected it self really well since the 2nd intifada. I watch ISIS propaganda (for the gore) and they mention Israel all the time

Sure thing bro ISIS are mossad and CIA agents. Real mudslimes are peaceful and would never carry out those barbaric acts!!!

So you are just relying on strawmans now? When did I deny they weren't?

Are you dumb? It's propaganda. Basically marketing to project an image. It says nothing of the group itself. Meanwhile they attack all the enemies of Israel.

Because you are acting like a jihadi apologist by blaming someone else other than mudslimes for their depraved backwards barbaric death cult religion

Also the attacks don't occur because they openly admit to working with rebels in Syria, even giving the medical aid, supplies, and ammo. The exact rebels ones that are trying to overthrow Assad which just happens to once again align with certain global interests. I'm not sure why you are defending kikes while accusing me of defending sandniggers which is a misrepresentation of what I said (out in this case never said), but that's a tactic employed by a certain type of individual.

Sure thing kike.


They attacked Amurica which is like the number 1 zog protectorate in history. The anti ISIS coalition (headed by America) has killed more than 6000 ISIS fighters over the past few years and has given billions in aid to Iraqi and Syrian Kurds

I once did courier work in a Jewish area near London, and man, was it unpleasant.
Not like anything big happened, but there was this thick aura of "Get outta heres, goy.", complete with weird stares and all that.

Can't imagine what would happen if muslims decided to intrude there.

And said America has fucking supplied rebels with fucking weapons and supplies. Where the fuck have you been during the whole regime change attempt under Obama. The CIA operates in opposition to our bombing campaign. Syrian military even captured operatives, one named literally Schlomo.

No they didn't.

IDF Embraces Syrian Islamist Extremists

UN Reveals Israeli Links with Syrian Rebels

UN Reports Israeli Support for Syria Rebels

Why Did Israel Decide to Support Syrian Rebels?

IDF Lies about its Increasing Syria Intervention

IDF Medics seen Treating Syrian Rebels in New Video

Syrian Rebels thank Netanyahu for Israel's Compassion

Exclusive: Israel is Tending to Wounded Syrian Rebels

Moderate Syrian Rebels say they Protect Israeli Border

Netanyahu Says Israel Acts in Syria 'From Time to Time'

Al Qaeda a Lesser Evil? Syria War Pulls U.S., Israel Apart

Syrian Rebels call on Israel to Bomb Hezbollah-Iran-Syria Positions

Report: Israel treating Al-Qaida Fighters Wounded in Syria Civil War

You should be careful how you express yourself so you don't whitewash mudslime depravity and jihadism. ISIS has benefited from ZOG trying to remove Assad as an unintended consequence but there is no evidence that ISIS is a foreign agent army.

New UN Report reveals Collaboration between Israel and Syrian Rebels

Israeli Analyst confirms Link between Israel, 'Moderate' Syrian Rebels

UN Report: Israel in Regular Contact with Syrian Rebels including ISIS

Israeli DM: We're aiding Syrian Rebels to keep Al-Qaeda away from Border

Syrian Rebel Leader thanks Israeli Prime Minister for standing by Wounded

Revealed: How Syrian Rebels seek Medical help from an Unlikely Source in Israel

Video Footage shows Israeli Commandos rescuing wounded Islamic Militant Syrian Rebels

Israel is Cautiously Arming Syria's Rebels — and has a Fragile Unspoken Truce with an Al Qaeda Affiliate

There is confusion because USA has both helped and attacked ISIS. This is because there is a split and internal conflict on the issue.

Your a kike shill.

ISIS has Nothing to do with Israel

The Silence of the Israelis on ISIS

ISIS: Fighting 'Infidels' Takes Precedence

Israel and the Origins of the Islamic State

Here's why Israel loses no Sleep over Islamic State

Fighting 'Islamic State' is not the Israeli Priority

Why the Islamic State isn't in any Rush to attack Israel

Islamic State's Propaganda Videos on the Jews and Israel

Israeli Intelligence Chief: We do not want ISIS Defeat in Syria

West making Big Mistake in fighting ISIS, says Senior Israeli Officer

UN Report: Israel in Regular Contact with Syrian Rebels including ISIS

Israeli Defense Minister: I would prefer Islamic State to Iran in Syria

Israeli Defense Minister: In choice between Iran and ISIS, I prefer ISIS,7340,L-4755215,00.html

Israeli Prime Minister tries to shift Focus from Islamic State to Iran at UN

Syrian General accuses Israel of Collaborating with ISIS, Al Qaeda-Linked Rebels

Why Does ISIS only Fight Israel's Enemies? And why do they have so much in Common?

Israeli Defense Minister: If I had to choose between Iran and ISIS, I'd choose ISIS

Head of Syrian Army after alleged Airstrikes: Israel working with ISIS and Al-Qaida

Senior IDF Source: Western Rush to Work with Shi'ites to Fight Islamic State a 'Mistake'

America and the Gulf States have never given weapons to ISIS or Jabat Al Nusra but to "moderate mudslime" rebel groups. Of course this is stupid policy and many of those weapons ended up getting captured or sold to ISIS but there is no evidence that ISIS has gotten support by a foreign state. Anyone saying otherwise is falling victim to shia mudslime war propaganda.


But hey they aren't sponsored at all even though you know the head of them was in our custody and even had McCain meet the guy. And you are retarded to think it's just a coincidence they get major help in key areas. Kerry me guess Arab Spring was completely organic to you? Of course you will say I'm denying that they are terrorists and don't do terrorist things like slaughter people our do attacks like in Paris because you can't call out the multiple players on the table and for some reason don't want to get rid if kikes AND mudshits, but whatever.

Israel Co-Operating with ISIS and Al-Qaeda in Golan Heights says Syrian Chief Negotiator


Can't handle anything that counters your view? I forgot you like Israeli because they are so strong and based, ISIS can't touch them.

Anyways hope the links help anybody else since I thought this information was a given here.

He doesn't give a shit he'll call you MIDF.

Those moderates are branches of known terrorists groups shill.

Al-Nusra tried to position itself as part of the anti ISIS coalition for a while

More jihadi radical mudslime apologism. You are too dense (or a mudslime shill) to understand the difference between direct support for a group and a group benefiting from large scale events outside its control. Keep whitewashing mudslime crimes. You sound like a leftist blaming islamic terrorism on global warming and Western colonialism.

The moderate groups that turned out not to actually exist?

Amerizog and the Gulf states were looking for any sunni militia group to support in order to overthrow Assad. Many people had objections to arming "moderate" rebels and it is a terrible policy but unfortunately we can't talk about it thanks to the autistic screeching of shills calling anyone who doesn't want to have a presstv Alex Jonestein tier discussion about the Syrian civil war a kike

This must be your first day at JIDF.

Yes, they did.
It wasn't an inside job.
It was a outsourced job that everyone knew about.

You are the kike for trying to whitewash the crimes against innocent White people committed by radical islamic terrorists


Jesus Christ you are dumb. It must be all that Paki inbreeding and first cousin marriage.

That's what got me confused. They're still mudslime fucks, but clearing out the kikes would be doing the entire world a favor.
Which is more or less the exact opposite of their current policy.

"Most of the incidents involved verbal abuse, hate mail and graffiti. There were also 81 cases of vandalism and damage to Jewish property."
"the government is making a £13.4 million contribution to protect threatened Jewish sites."
I wonder who could be behind this verbal abuse, hate mail and graffit? This is just a shake down for money by a Jewish charity.

Refugee invaders are under orders to target Christian churches and Christians and leave synagogues alone.
A Jewish charity in England mentions Germany's attack on a Christmas market as an attack on the Jews doorstep and the jews get millions for muh verbal abuse.

this schlomo is proof that they can repeat our language but they can never truly impersonate one of us. Sad!

t.kike defending his semitic brothers

Here's a better fucking question; why are the millions of men not defending their homeland if they're so fucking proud of it instead of running away?

Oh…because the ones that did stayed behind and the thieves, rapists, terrorists and murderers flooded AWAY from getting removed by their own blood brothers.

People with white guilt need to hang first.

Maybe these kikes shouldn't have supported diversity. Hope Israel chokes on it and finally dies.

Anyone noticed how my posts here with supportive evidence exposing the jewish shills lying in this thread, explaining how pretty much all mainland Europe ISIS terrorist attacks have isreali/Mossad involvement have been deleted.

Yet every blatant jewish shills post insisting ISIS isn't isreal is still here untouched.

The mods are unberable faggots, sadly that isn't anything new inb4 this post gets deleted

No ISIS have never attacked jews, nor have Boko Harem/Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood or any one of the dozens of jewish created mercenary groups that run around the Middle East attacking isreals enemies.

The kikes attacked the USS Liberty, what stops them from doing it again, but through ISIS?

History They Don't Teach - Zionist Terrorism

but also


Nothing is actually happening to jews in England.
It's a charity kvetching about verbal abuse, hate mail and graffiti.

Click on the archive link and read the actual Breitbart article.

You can almost guarantee that this is an attempt by jews to generate more power for themselves. They do this periodically in Britain and France when the threat is actually to the non-jews. They are just reinforcing their claim to 'special status' as the fire rises….

Don't see how they could possibly have more power in Bong, they run literally everything unopposed. 90% of bongs are oblivious to them, they are much more crypto than US Jews.

So after 17 years [some like Al Qaeda even longer] of newly created jihadist terrorist groups like Boko Haram/Al Qaeda/DAESH/ISIL/Muslim Brotherhood/ISIS etc running around the Middle East sghooting up everyone and everything absolutely none have threatened jews, jewish power or a single elite neo-con zionist although they are numerous and spread throughout the West.

Instead we have Hollywood style terror attacks on mainland Europe, every attack involves killing worker class goys as pedestrians on their way to work, where all it creates is utter disgust and little sympathy for their cause (A cause - which appears to be creating greater isreal), where every event has a parallel drill being run within 2 miles of the attack on the same day, with isreali Mossad linked security forces and embedded jewish isreali reporters, with all footage owned and controlled by Rita Katz and other Mossad teams.

Yeah, jewish ISIS looks legit


They were doing this when people started complaining a little bit about the media last year too (yes, apparently complaining about the media is "anti-semitic"). And when immigrants started reporting being told "you have to go back". It's like they have to muscle in on everyone else's experiences - real or not - and make it all about them. They had a point in France with Charlie Hebdo, but there was even talk about it after the Bataclan massacre if I remember correctly. How self-absorbed do you have to be to "what about the Jewz" after a terrorist incident that killed all sorts of people indiscriminately?

That’s 13.4 million more pounds than it has spent on protecting native children from Islamic and Judaic abusers.

People will be surprised when European man finally flips his shit and massacres 50% of the world’s population. People are idiots.

Both jewish false flags

Le non-stop jewish hasbara shilling continues on Holla Forums unabated

I want all jews to die right fucking now.

t. warhungry gorehoarder
