Okay, Holla Forums explain me why this fucking symbol becoming something popular among slavs. I see russians using it, polish citizen using it, serbian people using it too. What's up with this round swastika and why i never seen this kind of symbol existing before 21 century? There's seem to be no real sources from where the fuck this symbol became a thing, russians try to prove me its ancient slavic symbol used in old times of novgorod, but i don't quite believe them, there were researches that shown that swastika wasn't a thing in slavic lands, it was merely pattern for clothing, neither this symbol was.
Is it just some sort of a way to replace swastika, through slavic lies?
kolo means wheel, "vrat" or "v rat" is something like "motion". It means war in serbian. It's basically a swastika, panslavic/larpagan edition, depending on the age of the person that wears it.
Also, you don't post redpill me on x threads and get away with no sage. This shit is on wikipedia and doesn't deserve a separate thread.
It's Gothic or Hunnic. Slavs hadn't even arrived in Europe yet. Though because of the USSR trying to break culture and local affinities many who say they are Slav, aren't really genetically Slav. All of Novgorod's early leadership were Varangians anyway.
Enjoy your thread.
Carson Foster
It's Jarilo's symbol. Jarilo is a Slavic god of agriculture.
Bentley Gutierrez
Bentley Smith
Brayden Cruz
Really makes you drink.
Christopher Ramirez
Mongols also ruled over it once. It's funny when I see people go "Never invaded" except by poles
Gabriel King
This is an ancient slavic symbol which the black sun was most probably based on.
Which is exactly what it was everywhere else, schlomo.
Hey rabbi, whatcha doin'?
ebin larping friend
>>>/fringe/ >>>/x/
Aiden Lewis
Hey, as long as it removes kebab.
Jonathan Jenkins
Slavs have been in Europe as long as any other Aryans, in the Pripet Marshes
They did rule themselves a bit in the later stages of Communism, shit as they were, the leadership was at least mostly actual Slavs, before they got kiked after the end of the USSR. Putin is probably the best they've had, although he obviously is still in bed with Jews.
Mason Morgan
It is not a Swastika. The Swastika is an ancient symbol of how Ursa Major (the Big Dipper) rotates around Polaris (the North Star) in the heavens, and the location of the the constellation at the solstices and equinoxes. It is probably the origin of the Northern European "wheel of the year" which originally had 4 spokes which also represented the solstices and equinoxes of the year.
Later, more spokes were added to indicate festival times between the original 4 spokes, and the 8 spoked wheel of the year was born.
Your symbol seems to be an 8 spoked wheel of the year, with scythe terminations, symbology of those terminations unknown, but probably representative of Ursa Major, as well, seeing as the constellation would be at these locations during the cycle of the year.
Angel Long
It just doesn't function without jews, doesn't it?
Aaron Powell
It doesn't function period, but without jews artificially keeping it alive it can't even exist.
Christian Morris
Correct. The parasite dies when the body purges it. Communism died when the country purged it, when the Slavs decided not to be hosts to filthy vermin any longer.
Connor Gomez
You are uniquely retarded, back up your claim autistic. Goths were like gypsies you nigger, in a sense that they were ever mobile and spread all around. Which LARPer are you, Scholmo?
Christian Smith
Wtf do you care if Holla Forums redpills people?
Mason Collins
Where the hell do all these (1)'s keep coming from?