To all the Aussies (URGENT)

Ok boys, as you all know. Blair cottrell aka leader of the United Patriots Front had his caught hearing today. He is secretly a Nazi so don't try push this kosher bullshit sentiment onto him. I know the dude personally. Now the stupid kiked media was interviewing so called patriots in support of him but they weren't actually supporters at all. They are a group called " Million Flag Patriots" who take the piss out of the United Patriots Front but do it very discreetly. They managed to gather lots of media attention today. We have to shut down the faggots Facebook page. You Americans can help if you want to.

Footage of the "Million Flag Patriots" on live national tv.

And this is their main Facebook page. Start reporting fags. These cunts need to be shut down. I can't do it alone.

Also check out our main page. Don't report this ffs!

Other urls found in this thread:

Court I mean

Million Flag Patriots
United Patriots Front

why would the media interview someone with zero online presence?

Because they take on the identity of legit patriots.

Until i get my vpn proxies working I'm going to hold off

when I re-enable my normie book account I'll lend a hand reporting that shit.
any particular kind of report message or just go the generic 'muh harassment' route?

Just general abuse.

they looks like complete mongs

dude wtf is this shit? it looks low key retarded, if this is the best ASIO can do as a counter intelligence operation, jesus fucking christ.

Literallly havent heard of either of these parties or whatever they are. Whats the go here m8

False flag. Hello Buzzfeed.

ASIO are retarded. AUSTRAC turns up more terrorist activity than they do lel

You've never heard of blair cotrell ?
Ffs. Google him faggot



this has to be false flag

and that flag is fucking horrendous

I don't know if reporting them is the best idea; if they do actually get banned they'll just whine and get more attention from the media, particularly Vice and Buzzfeed. They're a small page with almost no likes, it would be smarter to ignore them; they don't actually have anything interesting to say so their popularity will drop in time.

Getting their [age banned could just have a Streisand effect and actually make them more popular with leftist cucks. Current events are proving us right; uncontrolled immigration is a terrible idea, best to keep up the fight and ignore these faggots.


I feel like they're raping me through my flag
How is this not illegal?

The media are such fucking kikes. They focused on them way too much. You would think they would have a bit more brains to see they were taking the piss out of the UPF.

why are all the whites covered in tattoos?

why don't you have your own platform, instead of relying on the media to represent you?

talk about your country's situation, the problems, the solutions, and talk to your voter base directly

Bumping for common wealth.

Is it the same guy who was on this show?
He hold his own well against a studio full of the worst stereotypes the left has to offer (feminist convert to islam, cuck, disgusting abbo tranny thing, a fat lisping muslim woman etc) The show is pretty bizarre tbh is this the usual fare for aussie telly btw lads? but worth a watch. Kudos that he kept his cool with them all ganging up on him like that and a host that looks like the bastard child of chris morris and an 1980s wardrobe.

*herp derp forgot vid

cant embed because it seems its already posted

What the fuck did they do to the flag and what is it supposed to represent?

I don't understand the OP

Why would we take down the page of a Nazi?

Ffs! I'm just saying so you don't report the wrong page.


Hol' up. I don't recall Aussie flag being this retarded

Because they are deliberately taking the piss out of it you fucking faggot

I think it's meant to be four flags mashed together. Why I don't know. I think you have to be invited to get in their little club.


These people need to be hung

I don't have a goybook account, good luck to Blair over the court stuff though. Have a bump.

Why are they doing a sudoku puzzle on your flag?

Because they're suicidal.

if he's secretly national socialist why the fuck would you out him, like a faggot?


Australia does not have the same robust network of alternative news sources like the US. While some work is being made, the majority of normies still get their news either from the 6'oclock news, cancerous mourning shows like Sunrise or talk back radio. all of which are squarely in the hands of the establishment status quo.

Even online resistance to the establishment manufactured consensus is weak compared to the rest of the english speaking world with a couple of meme pages maybe being somewhat alternative but largely too afraid to present anything substantial due to the 18C section of the Racial Defamation Act which has been used to silence even just a uni kid asking why there was an abo only computer room at QUT.

the reactionary element here in oz is piggy backing off the momentum of Europe and America but has not made sufficient moves to sustain itself memetically. It should be noted that the meme wars success in the US was due to the combination of us here on Holla Forums loading the ammunition, wikileaks, Guccifer and FBIanon providing world class ammo and the various alternative news sources shooting the gun at the mainstream media discrediting them entirely. Australia simply lacks this network and co-operation, indirect or otherwise, among the various right inclined dissidents like the US.

tbh it wasn't exactly a secret. OP is a faggot but it was something of an open secret that Cottrell posted on Holla Forums.

if i remember correctly it was either him or some other UPF member who advocated placing portraits of Hitler in school classrooms kek. Which makes no sense from a nationalist point of view, Australian state schools idolising a German politician is just cuckery of a different sort