News like this doesn't happen often enough.
Antifa Stabbed at Exploited Concert
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Yep, russia is not america. Talk shit - get real injuries. Antifa activists have life easier in other countries.
You mean to say people stab each other in Russia???
kill all kikes
To any newfags: Russians don't fuck around. They know what communism is about and they don't want it back.
never heard that word before
Another victory.
It translates into
I gotta be honest this guy has to have just moved there from some rural area or is god damn retarded.
Everyone, including non-russians, know you don't go to and try to fuck with russians all cheeki breeki like.
It means "sieg hailing", as in terms of doing the roman/natsoc salute.
oh yeah, they've been dealing with this shit for awhile now.
Wattie is kinda fat and old now, so he can't handle'em like he used to.
Shoulda stayed /fit/ like Nick.
would you believe this fag is almost as old as Trump?
also, a real estate salesman, kek.
There's some whiny fucktards bawling about how 'cowardly' it was on a forum I used to frequent. (like 300 on 6 ain't lol)
Literally, it's okay when we do it to "nazis".
Bravery to these people means sitting on a stool while antifas take turns on your sister face.
Would like to know more about how the scuffle ensued.
gotta take turns on someone's face. blame your sister mate.
Oh really? You mean like when a dozen antifa jump one man and beat him with pipes until unconscious?
These antifags are irony impaired.
Cuck Rock. I used to be involved in the punk scene a bit and I stopped going to shows because the scene went from drunk blokes having a good time to preachy vegans on some moral conquest. Some friends I know went to an Anti-Flag show recently and all of their merch is "Goodnight Alt-Right" type patches and flags. Wouldn't be surprised if some proceeds get funneled to Antifa groups.
Reemergence of right wing punk rock bands WHEN?
Antifa female gets a tastes equality.
I may have jumped the gun. Is that a woman?
The Exploited aren't part of that gay vegan antifa scene.
No, but they are advocates for socialism.
Listen to some of their lyrics sometime.
They're left wing as fuck.
Antifa and other leftist scum gets BTFO in Russia/former Commie satellite countries because many people either still remember or are told of living under GLORIOUS MARXIST rule. The faces may have changed but they recognize the language and spirit behind modern-day liberalism and understand what tolerating them will lead to.
Nah check the hands
start it up fam, just let ol' nickyboy lead the way.
I can't stop laughing.
He's basically the only one from back then still in good health, everyone became old and fat for some reason.
Discharge look like they're clones of that Russian ambassador now
And Cocksparrer's flashin' a lotta beer gut.
Sucks no one took care of themselves from those days. Gotta get new blood up in there. Lolberg, fash, ancap, all end result is the same, Bannon-tier unhealthiness
Based Ruskies!
They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
If he were a naive swede or german I could understand how he didn't imagine the consequences, but a ruskie should know better. How can someone be so freaking stupid? I know he's an antifa, but come the fuck on have some common sense.
which is interesting since Soros has no financial muscle there.
I wish. I really do. I have an idea for the first album cover and everything.
when I was 15 I was such an impressionable little fag and I thought Anti-Flag were cool, so I thought nationalism was a bad thing even though I knew jackshit about it. I'm sure I wasn't the only one. Thankfully I saw the light, but fuck that band and all bands like them.
Kek wants you to do it, it seems.
I joked around with this idea before, getting a friend or two with some music ability, going to an open mic night, and making punk songs about Trump. "When you're rich, you can grab a pussy!" and really obnoxious shout-along songs. But I think if this were to kick off, more serious right wing musicians would join in a new movement.
You should do it. That's counter mainstream culture and that's what punk was about, punks all safe and full of faggot commie try-hards now. Like this but with Obama or Hillary.
remember back when american punk used to be this dangerous
you never hear about anyone getting there shit pushed in at shows these days.
now its just a bunch of edgy kids and homeless looking faggots acting stupid
Very nice digits.
You only have to pump so much money into a golem before it starts acting and expanding on it's own.
Think of the monkeys with a ladder leading to a banana experiment, eventually no one knows why they are doing it but they keep doing it.
GG allin.
Superior version.
I'm on board. Right wing punk could be a great way to combat leftism at its lower level. I'm a former punker from socal so I have a lot of awful tattoos and leftover behavioural issues from school so this would be great to bring low tier people into the fold to smash up antifa and divert enemy attention from the high tier individuals. We would also be attacking their momentum in the edgy teenager crowd since they like to preach to crowds with underdeveloped brains. Sort of like the right wing takeover of "iFunny"
1.21 zigawatts
Ruskies have a fairly #YOLO approach to life.
Can confirm.
t. rusfag
I have no idea about this, but it sounds entertaining. I can't stand watermark sites though.
Discharge came back recently, new vocalist but everyone else is the same (lol Rainy looks like he can barely move now)
If anyone does start up a band there's still a few golden oldies to jump on with traveling around.
Punk isn't dead, but it should be
I hate punk culture
Did you not see the Holla Forums thread? R-selection naivety at its finest.
there used to be a website called conservative punk back in the Bush days. Some dude from the Misfits (I forget which one) ran it. There was an album called "Crush Kerry".
I still listen to Allin.
Same. Except where I live people turned into faggy metalcore emo/hipster faggots with straightened hair and girl jeans. Punk is pretty generally shit though filled with virtue signalling and whining/autistic screeching. Also an immense amount of hypocrisy in general like most lefty shit with people trying to pretend everyone's equal and to treat everyone fairly but will attack you for not sharing their exact beliefs. Needs more bands like RaHoWa tbh.
Ain't that right. I was at a show a few weeks back and the owner removed me from the pit because it was filled with low energy dyel-tier skinny dudes who got mad because they had to shove someone once in a while instead of swaying like grass in the wind. But they didn't dare say a word to the fat lesbian with a permafrown throwing her fists around like a sperg at face-height. Heaven forbid you get shoved by one group of manlets into another who shoves you into the lesbian.
If you don't want to get pushed around, stand the fuck away from the pit. Fucks sake, sorry I knocked your girlfriend down but why the fuck aren't you 10 feet back where everyone else is standing you dumb fuck?
Holy fuck this country is uncivilized.
Here in Poland when we still had active antifa we kicked shit out of them like regular people.
a hundred years until those pesky bears got enough of communism
I'm Russian, it means "to sieg" basically
The act of sieging
I don't follow…
What does that even mean?
Exploited fuck yes.
Good memories of this band
Finally. I was literally waiting for this to happen.
antifa, not even once
I wish it were true.
The liberals are barely associated with Marxism or Communism in Russia.
In Soviet Russia you punch nazi, nazi will punch you. (with a knife)
Can confirm, many of liberals here are the "classic liberal" ones, i.e. pro-gun, pro-free speech n shiet.
torposting because 8ch is banned by RKN and my browser fucks up the referer
Your a shit smearing commie rapist junky ?
A lot of people are no longer standing around waiting to get punched, stab first
Good song but Rahowa sold there souls to mtv, there sell outs probably suck obamas cock nowadays