itt we post how capitalists look like
Itt we post how capitalists look like
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Porky oh ok I got it.
Are you seriously implying the migrants aren't causing problems? They aren't the root and should not be the main focus/target obviously, but many of them actually are scum and hated for legitimate reasons.
but here have a rare liberal capitalist.
go worship your cult leader elsewhere
Stalin is nothing, even his theory is secretly stolen from Trotsky Terrorism and Communism
mfw when Tankies get Triggered.
That's very wrong, are ethic europeans forming rape gangs in western europe? No.
Holla Forums pls
this thread
well time to leave communism forever i think c ya guys in hell
Roman rape gangs were a thing, you dress up in the army uniform and travel far away from Rome to start a rape feast you and your friends
Hey at least my porky collection was vastly increased.
It will never not amaze me how absolutely butthurt stalinists are about troskyists
on a board where we have like, zero troskyists
Every time.
The difference is that was 2000 years ago (or 1000 for the snow nigs) But you're implying rape gangs and corrupt politicians/police covering them up isn't a problem.
I am from Holla Forums, never said I wasn't. I'm just sick of the trump/election bullshit.
so are you saying the material conditions changed the way snoniggers and mediterranian niggers behave??
Not just material, but CULTURAL changes as well. Another issue is that many of these people only get slaps on the wrist by the liberal regime which leaves no deterant to continue these actions. If the west was taking arab immigrants from the 1950's middle east I doubt there would be any issue. My problem is that in our current situation, taking people in who have a culture and belief system that directly conflicts with our own is resulting very badly.
a culture that do not revolves around killing will undoubtibly change the way people see themselves as part of a society, that is still part of the material conditions
just accept it, marx was right
pretty much
put Krugman in there too
While cultures are "social constructs" they are deeply embedded in a people. it would take a couple generations to remove the harmful influences of said culture while many natives end up victims of their bullshit in the meantime. So yes, it can work, but it's not worth it right now. Also we have our own toxic cultures to deal with (thug gangster "culture" which many 2nd+ gen migrants adopt and bullshit consumer "culture"). Marx was a tendie eating neckbeard.
But you forgot your shitposting flag.
I bet you are, now that you realize Palmer Cuckey's been playing you useful idiots like the string section of an orchestra. Bonus points for the hand up your ass belonging to the guy you called a kike after he bamboozled you and Holla Forums out of 2.5 million dollarydoos by selling his waifu simulator to the one of other guys you constantly call a kike and his a cancerous NSA data-harvesting social media site.
I completly agree, plus it simply is not fair for the host culture to be the ones to deal with the troubl of leaving that toxic social relationship behind and move on onto a better society, but you need to understand that its not that people can't leave that behind, its just the material conditions
I fell you think the left supports immigration for the sake of immigration, the real issu is stopping the wars that fuel immigration
Do you mean Shrillery and the other center-right authoritarians, or us? Or are you one of the polyps still refusing to admit we hate her as much as you do?
bad meme fam
I am not a Holla Forumsyp
stay mad tankie
I'm not trying to shitpost, as I said I'm a refugee from Holla Forums which is now a neocon board.
I bought into the cult during the primaries, his foreign policy is what lured me in (not getting involved with the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, leaving Iran, Syria and Russia alone and destroying the useful idiot IS). Once he won the primary he backtracked on everything, that's what disillusioned me along with his israeli cocksucking. But Holla Forums has proven themselves to be nothing more than contrarians during this. Most of Holla Forums before were various turd position ideologies, but now with the rise of that fat bastard they now are all "paleocons, constitioniosts and lolbergs", yet before they were with me in doubting/criticizing "democracy". The claims that the media and establishment hate him are ridiculous, the media doesn't give airtime to people they see as a genuine threat.
so here I am, thirsting for an actual discussion.
I don't think all of the left supports immigration for the sole sake of it, but many of the mainstream leftists do especially college leftists. I'm a former leftist, but I grew frustrated with all of the "SJW's" hijacking it. I started reading various different political theory, and Giovanni Gentile's works appealed to me more than any other did. I do recommend that those who haven't read anything by him, to give it a shot. Even if you don't agree, it's good to understand your enemies.
go to >>>/turdpositionist/
while you still can because you need to hang asap.
Ignore piratefag, we taught him socialism wrong as a joke.
Do you have an argument? you're acting just like neo/pol/. Explain why the turd position is so bad. Have you even read any fascist theory? or are you just another cultist?
The only good fascists I know are dead.
So just another cultist. No argument as expected, so I'm filtering your shitposting
Funny, the best fascists I know are proper communists now.
Maybe someday we will shoot the bankers together. I bet some rich lolberg is rubbing his hands whenever fascists and leftists fight each other rather than them.
But ilu user.
Haha you cant say that with a straight face.
even tho I hate Lenin I agree with him on this (Fascism is Capitalism in decay.)
any way Fascists, Nationalists, Nazis and turd positionist need to die.
I am a great magician. Your flag is RED!
Libertarians arnt a threat, Fascists are.
Make no mistake, I have no love for fascism. What I do care for, are those who are able to think and converse rationally, and not those who needlessly engage in petty reductionism. We may disagree, but we are still able to talk to each other amicably as people first, our ideologies second. Demanding ordinary people who pose no danger to you do die for the sins of wrongthink? Despicable.
A fascist in times of peace is just a comrade I haven't convinced yet. Your impotent threats are just annoying shitposts here, piratefag.
Lenin didn't know shit about fascism, just like you. If you did, you'd understand it is heavily influenced by socialism. But what can I expect from someone so blinded he won't even try to understand his enemy.
nationalism and socialism are not incompatable, in fact your beloved globalism has caused far more suffering of your beloved POC than nationalism could dream of. Remember all those Chinese are kept as sweat shop slaves because of globalism
How is fascism influenced by socialism?
I would suggest not trying to include government control, because that's not part of the core concept.
Not globalism, specifically capitalism. Socialist internationalism is destinctly different from the global exploitation of the working class. Also we don't give a shit about "POC" here, we aren't liberals, and the SJW clouts you're probably used to dealing with aren't socialists, as much as some of them will pretend to be.
Not that user, but much of at least the fascist movement in Germany takes explicitly from the labour movement. It manifest differently in the end, but the roots are definitely there. Zizek talks a good deal about it in the Perverts Guide to Ideology. I thought I had a webm of it here somewhere, but I can't seem to find it.
I should clarify by what I mean by Fascism. I mean the ideology outlined in Giovanni Gentiles work, many ideas which Mussolini did not implement. If by Fascism you mean the mess that was implemented by Mussolini/Hitler then I agree that it was mostly just authoritarian capitalism but Gentiles ideas had much more in common with syndicalism, more government involvement in the economy, more equality in pay etc. What I want is for people to not have to work multiple jobs just to scrape by, while corrupt rich bastards live like kings. But I also don't want to punish those who genuinely work hard and remove any incentive to work hard. I want people to have more to live for than just money, to actually have a purpose beyond random hedonism. I support Fascism, because it seems to be a genuine middle ground that helps the working class and punishes those with ill gotten wealth.
the material changes cause cultural changes numbnuts
forgot pic
Pretty much exactly what people here want, verbatim. Glad to have you, newfriend.
I've not read Gentiles, but I'm curious now to look into him, if only to see what sort of interpretations can be made based on the same premises as communism, but taken down a different route.
Then explain the issues in europe? These "refugees" live quite well thanks to the government yet they still practice their awful "culture".
Scratch an Ayncrap/Libertarian find a Fascist.
They are as much of a threat as any fascist out there.
I recommend "the theory of Mind as a Pure act", I've gotten though half of it so far but it's been an excellent read, the doctrine of Fascism is alright, but Mussolini had a bit too much input into it.
Then you're a fool. Actual fascists are quite rare, No Trump isn't a fascist he just an authoritarian conservative aka a capitalist. I guess you're right as lolbergs are pretty much just fedoras but I mean rich capitalists (and their dumb minions). You may not like us but we hate these fucks just as much as you do.
that's not how material or cultural changes work. the individuals have already been developed and those that would have been violent or criminals in their previous countries are going to do the same wherever they go. but make a poor country rich, then they become civilized.
Notice that the only civil strife in rich middle eastern countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia is from outside groups or lone wolfs, just like in the west.
Pinoshit was not a fascist neither Franco, learn what fascism actually is before posting about it,.
Pinoshit was just a neoliberal dictator, no corperativism or government programs at all.
You seem to be confused Internationalism isnt Globalism.
Your place is in the grave.
Mussolini? If you want I can still change it.
Much of Holla Forums only has experience with fascism in the form of Holla Forumsyps and people like them.
It sounds really quite silly, but before this thread I was rather under the assumption that the epitome of fascist theory was Mein Kampf. You know? Nationalism, race "realists", and the like. I can already tell I have some major critics with Gentiles, as a personal supporter of individualism and materialism, but it's still one of my favorite things; an actual thought-out contradiction to what I assumed to be mostly uncontested.
I'm not arguing against that, what I was saying is that it would take a few generations to change the culture into a better one. Most of the problems would fix themselves if we just let them do their own thing (and destroy Israel). But We shouldn't let them in until these problems are fixed or there will be many innocent victims just so you can try out a social experiment.
Explain why nationalism is bad and what you mean by nationalism. I see nothing wrong with groups of similar people working together to make better lives for eachother, Imperialism is not something I support.
Lolbergs hate Mussolini, but even then most of the policies implemented were due to the kings bullshit. You really are ignorant, even worse willingly ignorant. Why not read fascist literature and make your own fucking opinion rather than what the media tells you.
That picture has nothing to do with my post, neither pinochet nor franco's policies line up with fascist theory. The same thing could be said about the left in regards to Mao/Stalin/bunkerman, but it would just be ignorant of Marxist theory.
Understandable, I'm trying to get people tp understand we actually do have a lot in common, of course we disagree on many things too but it would be beneficial to at least temporarily work together to destroy the current capitalist regimes.
Because is paves the road towards fascism.
I wont, the only thing I need to know about fascists, is that the only good fascists are dead.
End of discussion.
My personal grievances with nationalism is that it lumps people together based on proximity rather than similarity. Socialists suscribe to this idea of an international group, based on the object similarity that is "working class." This transcends the borders of nations. The importance of this is in the imperialist empire of capitalism, which cannot be fully contended against within a single country. You'll often see posters here laugh at the occasional attempt at arguing for "socialism in a single country" because such a thing would not exist in a vaccuum, and still be cowed by the rest of the world. Communism must be achieved globally.
Having read Gentiles' wiki page now, I can see why you reccommended what you did. In particular, I'm really liking his critique of Marx's externalization of the dialectic.
lmao you're such a fucking retard
Liberals want the social experiment. If you had listened to Zizek the military would have controlled the immigration and most of them would have gone to Saudi Arabia.
But regardless. Le Pen is probably a bigger threat to Europe than ISIS.
Nationalism is far older than fascism. But thanks for giving us the advantage over you though! I've read some of Marx's work (and some others) so I understand you better than you understand me.
I get what you mean, but generally when a group of people have lived around eachother for many generations they will generally have similar intrestes and the like. I really can't think of anyone who identifies as working class, in fact I see more infighting within the working class due to different different ethnicities and cultures. I don't really think we will all be able to unite for long, perhaps long enough to destroy the rich. although cuckitalists seem to be doing a good job "uniting" everyone under consumer culture, but even within that it seems racial tensions are higher than ever.
I think it's a shame more people haven't heard of him, but after the war his works ended up being memory holed. But thanks to the internet knowledge of him is coming back.
That would be a near ideal situation, although I suspect the controlled Saudi Government would never allow it. An ideal situation would be to remove all the western puppet leaders from the middle east and allow them to form genuine governments that the people actually want.
For me, it's always been the exact opposite. There's never been anyone around me with similar interest or values. However, I work(ed) in a place with people from all over the world. Different countries, races, religions, you name it. We could all get along just fine, despite how different we were, because we were all low income workers unified by our circumstances.
Interesting, I haven't come across such a thing yet, well usually the division I've seen have been cultural. Most of those from islamic countries only talked to eachother while europeans and westernized asians would talk to eachother and of course 1st gen chinese/other asian immigrants only talked to eachother. Religion didn't matter much though.
Yeah, it was quite the experience. One of my close friends while I was there was a refugee from Turkey, of all things.
heh, nothin' personnel kid. might as well start agreeing with me now…
you dont want me 2…
my …
More shitposting from the retard! Keep giving fascists the advantage over you though.
hardcore liberals are the weirdest fucking people on earth
Fuck, can we never have a fun thread without arguing over petty shit
Barbars & Crazy-Mountain Germans don't rape themselves, they raped the Christcuck semitics, who were Anglo-Cheese German.
Arabs & Crazy-Bush Persians don't rape themselves, they rape Christcuck semitics who are Anglo-Cheese German.
It's all in the racial differences, the sexualisation of exotics, and man's great quest to stick his penis in many things.
Fuck off we're full :^)
don't be a pussy, this guy seems legit.
No 'my god has a hammer yours is nailed to le cross lolol' image?
but the current capitalist regimes are only a few steps away from fascism?
Look fulla, my job here as a True Blue professional bloke is to piss off as many drongoes as possible.
Fuck off we're full
We don't have gods here, only absolute legends
Rape and pillage has been a stable of tribal warfare practiced by everyone everywhere for all time.
socialist/communist/labourer is just another identity politics
why? they are not an inmediate threat to usa
baby trade will solve problem of orphanges and poor families with many children and families which can not have children but want to
i agree as well
if not for globalism they would be jobless, would it be better?
what does poc mean?
bleeding heart libertarians want this as well, more or less
this is why all communists must be killed
isolate then u pussy
corporatism is not capitalism
Are you actually autistic?
Once again Holla Forums abandons the topic of the thread in order to chat to one of their fascist buddies. Christ this place is nauseating sometimes.
he said, while not himself posting Porkies
because being proud of an arbitrary piece of land that you were born on by chance is dumb. Nationalists enjoy taking pride in the achievements of others who they had no part in helping. Nations are built upon people by people, and as society changes so does the culture and the entire concept of the nation itself. People have no reason to be proud of the nation because it wasn't the nation who made them, it was society. Nationalism is a tool by the elite used to distract and control the masses, just as the natural order was 800 years ago under feudalism.
I should also add that nationalism causes divisions among people who exist outside the nation itself. People have more in common with a member belonging to their social caste than they do with the people above them. Who do you think it was that flooded your once proud nations with these immigrants, or why they did it? The elite have no care, nor cause to care about the masses because it's their exploitation and division among them that gives them social power, and wealth over you. It's only through the unity among people of the lower castes of society that bourgeoisie concepts like nationalism can fall; and with that borders too.
Board owners should be able to split off threads, this is getting ridiculous
Palmer who?
Isn't his flag all the evidence you need?
No it isn't that's class struggle you fucking Turboautist.
so you are a fascist then?
sasuga Holla Forums
they have genes of their ancestors. better historical achievements of nation -> better genes
do not be labourocentric
class is an identity
no, im ancap, i reject interference of the state into market
You could have just said yes.
Still not idpol, fascist.
York Region Transit? :^)
HEY DUMBASS! Capitalism isnt about "hurr durr the marketz haz to be free!", thats what propaganda made you belive. Capitalism is about state-santioned private property of collective work a.k.a. means of production.
Your whole ideology is self contradictory, capitalism is impossible witouth a state interfering in the market.
facists enjoy fighting, ancaps do not
if you define capitalism this way then let me call myself market anarchist
You can't be a market anarchist, that breaks the NAP.
glad you finally got rid of the private property spook
oh come on…effort people…
(also even israeli jews hate orthodox jews…no one likes them)
So glad I live in the North tbh. All the lefties here are either militant natives or unionized mine workers.