Hasbro said they will reboot the G.I. Joes for an Millennial for the new Hasbro cinematic universe. How much will it sucks? Will be as bad as IDW Anti-American pro fat acceptance g.i. Joe comics?
Future reboots predictions
Let’s be honest. Would be shocked if cobra commander gets rebooted as trump lookalike? Cobra probably be rebooted as white supremacists and Duke or snakeyes will be black.
I doubt even SJW marvel would fuck up G.I. Joe this badly. Even marvel would’ve shutdown injections of anti-military and and anti-American themes.
I hate to think what IDW would do to He-man if Hasbro brought Mattel. I don’t even trust them with Care Bears.
More sheboons with White male's names?
wait, what happened? last time i checked it they were mocking a SJW pony town with forced equality
it was in one of the comics from IDW
>tells spike he is a race traitor for siding with ponies even though he IS a pony in the inside and hates all the evil dragons he meet in all the show
some people btfo the writer for inserting politics in a comic for little girls, he got salty and didnt do it again i think. its a shame, i really liked his sombra "just wanted to go to the crystaling fair" comic
This is horrible
But I thought the Commander barely takes off his helmet?
Was it the kill all men guy?
The dragons just wanted to buy some skittles and iced tea.
nah, thats ted "betafag" anderson
There another faggot?
Is it me or is "Andersen" the surname of all shit artists?
So a bunch of 90lbs non-binary, neon-haired college kids start up an anarchist ANTIFA bloc and call it "GI Joe" ironically and spend every issue crying in the re-purposed flophouse they turned into a safe-space crying about how loud noises upset their PTSD? Then Harambe the gorilla throws pokeballs at them while dabbing?
I'm surprised they don't go with Cobra and become some pseudo revolutionary force since they tend to hate the military industrial complex that and Cobra has presented itself as a revolutionary force to overthrow the old order on occasion.
He also follows their ideology more closely than the joes.
They realise you have to be fit to be a soldier right?
Also that may be one of the most horrifically awkward arms I've ever seen in that thumbnail. I'd love to find the photo they traced to see how they managed to fuck that arm up so badly.
You also suppose to not have a history of self mutilations. But liberals keep trying to get trannies in the military
Cobra is too similar to the nazis for SJWs to get behind. Sure, the similarity is superficial at best, but anything even remotely nazi-like will make a college liberal break out in hives.
But communism? That's 1000% A-okay.
Hey guys. Guess what just got cancelled before it was even released.
It's a Thanksgiving Day miracle!
Current year commie flag waving SJW dyed haired "healthy at any size" tumblerites of Cobra Vs G.I. Joe.
I don't think it gonna be much of a contest. Though it would be funny to watch.
>G.I. Joe finally attacks with their amazing toys battle vehicles and action figures healthy soldiers from all parts of Rhode Island America.
>Fatty Cobra platoon literally rolls out first and end up serving as human shields for the incoming red laser fire.
Joe has the benefit of an older, very dedicated and vocal majority in its fanbase and a comic book company desperate to keep the license.