Daily reminder that you will not get right-wingers to embrace socialism until you start advocating population planning...

Daily reminder that you will not get right-wingers to embrace socialism until you start advocating population planning to allay their fears of being flooded in shitskins and poor people.



Beter question, how to break bastardized Darwinism arguments?

By denying Darwin.


daily reminder you cannot be a right winger and support natalism in "white" countries, because the very essence of you spporting it implies the race you are trying to breed is inferior

I don't get this meme. Its people leaving their farms and towns into cities that made it overpopulated. A symptom of capitalism.


Natalist policies fail because they don't attack the real roots of declining birth-rates (i.e. urbanism, materialism, and atomisation)

Plus most of the time you're just throwing money at irresponsible chav single mums


Not if you yourself are a member of that race, because then you are trying to assert the dominance of your own people. Nice try though.

I dont get it really. If you are so obsessed with having offspring why not pruposefully interject yourself into a "race" that "breeds a lot" by marrying into them? If you don't choose any african ethnic group, its almost unnoticeable after 2 generations and you will have plenty of offspring.

Because Holla Forums don't have the slightest clue about actual genetics and are far more concerned with the idea of having children who don't share the same color skin.

Because hapas inevitably have a shitload of personal issues

Ah yes, the good old "racial identity" meme.

In fact, it's kind of funny that Holla Forums have chosen to base their entire ideology around a single level of the hierarchy of organism groupings at which evolution no longer really applies.

There is still competition and natural selection between individual humans within the population. There is still natural selection at the species scale - the main threat being self-annihilation. There isn't any natural selection at the scale of "races" because there is no geographical isolation.

It's just a really weird place for them to build their ideological fortress.

I think I would get along with socialists if they abandoned their foolish internationalist fantasies. but they'd be reading Gentile at that point

Maybe they try to forcibly seperate the world into tribalistic distinctions to force competition that way because they don't think themselves capable of competing on an individual level, thus setteling to promoting the prosperity of the next best thing, their "fellow tribespeople"?

What silly internationalist fantasies? Whats wrong with pushing your ideology on the world and working together and unifying with your allies?

Whoops, sorry m8, looks like you live on the other side of The Border. Guess we can't be allies, too bad.

history has shown that conflict is in our nature, even if you managed to achieve your goal you won't stay United for long

This is the vaguest, emptiest platitude I think I've ever seen.

We dont believe you can determine human nature if you can only study humans within the context of their societies.

yeah I'm staying off Holla Forums until the US election is over. sick of Trump's shit posting cult. at least you guys are willing to have a discussion rather than cry shill at everything you disagree with

then refute it.

not saying your wrong, but draws you to that conclusion?

Sure thing, shill.

how much do trumps Jewish advisors pay you per post?

The scientific method, the opinion of Marx and most anthropologists currently at work. You can only determine properties of something once you have a controlled test environment, which is simply not possible for humans due to it not being allowed by society to do the forbidden experiments.

That's cute.

It's more the clash of cultures involved (and the resulting identity issues) than muh huwhyte race because they usually can't fully associate with/assimilate into either parents' culture completely, and so they feel the need to overcompensate - see: any famous half-black celebrity with a white mother

I dont really think this is a big issue if you marry into a society that doesnt have segregated cultures and the one moving there embraces the culture there, or at least doesn't autistically cling on to a sense of identity by pushing it on the kid.

For all Holla Forums likes to blame leftypol about muh diversity, Ill have you know I dont particularly like multiculturalism, because it creates fractures in society. My ideal world would be one massive monoculture, instead of many small ones. American white-black devide is kind of an extreme though because of the racial tension between the two groups.

Maybe its just not as bad here in europe.

it was decent for the election. there were regular threads on political theory, now it's just stupid trump posting and pepe kek trash. I have to hope, those old posters had to have gone somewhere. otherwise I'll have to deal with ironmarches faggotry

that's reasonable. do you agree though with the idea that most people pushing internationalism today are capitalists seeking cheap labour?

Porkie IS pushing multiculturalism and immigration for profit. Internationalism is a different thing.


There is a giant difference between internationalism in socialism and "internationalism" in capitalism. Its like comparing open borders between Germany and Austria to open borders between Syria and Switzerland.

Your ideal world is shit

hmm in my mind internationalism always equaled globalism. what did you have mind? I do agree though.


Why? I quite like my increasingly unified European culture over fractured cultures that caused endless wars for all of history.

The interests of the ruling class caused those wars.

Differences in cultures doesn't cause wars, the ruling classes do.

Sure but it made those war bloody easy to justify and shit. Its easier to get someone to shoot their neighbour when they dont speak the same language or have a shared sense of identity.

well that seems pretty agreeable. but I've seen many on the left use such as an excuse for this immigration insanity. I think we could actually work together at least just until we execute all if the bankers, corrupt politicians and corporate leeches.

I also see the "left" advocate for capitalism with welfare because "communism doesnt work". Theres plenty of fucking retards on this side too.

Congrats, you've just discovered identity politics.

Whether it be your language, your nationality, race, sex, culture, religion, you name it, it's just an excuse. A justification the ruling class gives you to do their dirty work for them.

Those things aren't any different than you having different hobbies, different opinions, but you've been led to believe that those minor individualistic differences are actually irreconcilable. Only when they profit from it, of course. The Irish can't adjust to our culture until of course, they do. The Japanese can't adjust, until they do. And so on.

Well, monoculture will develop naturally anyway with interconnectedness, and I dont see much wrong with it tbh.

Tell me, where does the idea of "monoculture" manifest for you to draw this conclusion from?

What you're describing is understanding of a larger picture, the unification of a species. This doesn't require all other cultures be lost in the process. Those on the east coast of the US have a very different culture of those on the west, for example.

A culture still has subcultures. Monoculture is just that all the worlds cultures unify to such an extend that the broad strokes are the same everywhere.

the simple idea that you need to protect the host people from an outsider force, put those people in a category where they need to be helped and therefore, inferior

we are not talking about you defending yourself, we are talking about you defending other people's children

we are talking about the idea where a group of people need to be helped, because that group of people cannoy help itself

you are literally and unironically cucking yourself

nice try, though

I dont neccecarily agree with your logic even though I am not that guy. By organising people to protect themselves they prove they can protect themselves. You help them help themselves.

alright, but if they are not helping themselves?
I mean it would basically boil down to understand why are both ethnic groups attacking themselves in the first place, and I am sure we both know that the answer is not related to anything else but an economic one

Wrong. Your behavioral model will only be valid under the conditions under which it has been tested. You can only ever learn bits and pieces of human nature, unless you simulate every single conceivable society (which is impossible for deeper philosophical reasons). Each bit of information you get - even outside of a controlled environment - is information about human nature. It's just a small part of the puzzle.

Ultimately the correct way to state the problem is that you can't extrapolate from known conditions to unknown conditions.

Third-world immigration is a wealth transfer from first-world workers to first-world capitalists, with a small amount going to third-world workers. I'm not sure how inviting third-worlders to come to the first world for higher wages and more benefits will make them interested in left-wing politics.